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02x21 - Wembley and the Great Race

Posted: 10/03/23 08:34
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.

Is that right, Ned Shimmelfinney?

So, what do you think is wrong
with the way Sprocket looks?


So, you think Sprocket looks
as if his fur coat came off the rack?

Well, I don't think that's very funny.

Well, it just shows you what you know,

Sprocket happens to come from a long line
of champion show dogs.

And the reason I don't enter him
in dog shows is

I want to give the other dogs a chance.

[Sprocket woofing]

Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah...

Well, he will, too. Good-bye.

-I told him.
[Sprocket growling]

Sprocket, you know that big
exhibition dog show coming up?

I told Shimmelfinney
you're going to win it.



[Red] Come on, Wembley. [panting]
You can do it. Ah.

Yeah, good. One more.


Red] Yeah.
Wembley panting]

Oh, great, Wembley.

[panting heavily]

Not only do you have talent,

but let's face it,
you have a fantastic coach. Me.

How could you lose?

Red, it's really great of you to coach me.

If you hadn't sprained your tail,
you'd be in the race yourself.

Well, itll be worth it to see Gobo's face
when you beat him.

Beat Gobo?

[chuckles] I can't beat Gobo.

Wembley, do you ever wonder
why I win so much?

Well, I--

Well, the secret to my success...

-is that before a big race...

I imagine myself winning.

But-- but I can't imagine myself winning
because I never won a big race.

Oh, come on. Cover your eyes.


Now, imagine yourself pushing the mossball
with your nose...

-Uh-huh. Okay.
-Like you were before.

[Wembley grunting]

Right, right, right.

Now, imagine yourself
crossing the finish line.

Okay. [grunting]

Yeah. Now, imagine Gobo
crossing the finish line after you.

[grunting stops]

I can't.

Oh. But, Wembley, you have to be able
to do that to beat Gobo.

Why is it so important to beat Gobo?
All I want to do is do my best.

Okay, Wembley.

Uh, why don't you get your things
and I'l meet you at the race.






Oh, hi, Gobo. Are you ready
for the big race?

Oh, you bet. [laughs]

What's so funny?

I'm just reading my latest postcard
from Uncle Traveling Matt.

Oh, [laughs]
-Hey, look at this.

"Dear Nephew Gobo--"


-That's not the funny part.

[Matt] Today I saw
a bunch of silly creatures

lining up for what looked to me
like an ordinary race.

But strangely, the silly creatures
have to be scared into running.

[crowd cheering]


1, of course, was unaffected.

And the winner was so scared,

he had to be comforted
and calmed down by his friends.

There, there.

tl be all right.


"Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

[both laugh]

Can you imagine anyone
being scared into winning?

I don't know. I think
it's more important just to do your best.

Yeah, but, how are you gonna know
what's your best

if you don't win?

I' mean, I don't know about you, Wembley,
but I hate to lose.

[Wembley grunting]

And don't you ever get mad
losing to me all the time?

Well, no. Because you're my best friend.

And I'm not really good enough to win.

Oh, sure you are, Wembley.

Why, you're as good as me.

And with Red coaching you,
and the way you've been training,

why, you're my competition in this race.

Not that there'd ever be
any real competition between us.


I Pick any song you please ♪

7 Click, we're in harmony?

7 Stick to me and you'll see

I What a kick it is to be

♪ Friends!

♪ Friends!

♪ Friends!

I Till the end

Ooh. Well...

1 You travel where you will?

I I'l tag along and wel I

7 See most of everywhere

I Everyone will know that we're }

♪ Friends!

♪ Friends!

I Till the end

7 Sometimes when we feel a little bored

I We play a little game,
But we don't keep score

I Friendship is its own reward

I Fun just to play the game §

I Win, lose, i's all the same }

Who cares who really comes in first?

Let's spell it out.


♪ Someone asks of me


♪ You and me a team?


7 Say we'll always be 7

1 Friends till the E-N-D 2

[both laugh]

♪ Friends!

♪ Friends!

I Till the end

I Till the end

[both laugh]

Attention, all the Fraggles in the world.

The World's Oldest Fraggle

will now welcome you all
to the big rock-beetle race.

Welcome, you all,
to the big rock-beetle race.

[crowd screaming and cheering]

Tosie rosie, tosie rosie ricka-racka-ra.

Pop-doodle, pop-doodle sis-boom-ba.

And now, the World's Oldest Fraggle

will explain the rules
of the big rock-beetle race.

Yeah, so listen up.

They are listening.

Don't sass me.
[crowd laughing]

As I was about to say,

the rules are simple.

You have to roll a mossball
with your nose,

and jump up and shout "rock-beetle"

all the way to the finish line.

That's why they call it
the rock-beetle race.

Of course that's why they call it
the rock-beetle race.


[crowd laughing]
Now, to introduce the starting Fraggles.

Yeah, yeah. All right.


Yay. Gobo.

Go, Gobo, go.


Yay, Wembley.

Wembley. Wembley.

Dimpley Fraggle.

Dimpley, yay.

And Noble.

Noble. Noble.

Wembley. Gobo.

Okay, everybody, let's put our tails
in the center for good luck.

Let's go.

Feevel, fivel, be the best.

Yeah. Itis gonna be a great race.

Who should I root for?

“Well, well...

Boober, since they're all your friends,

I guess, you should root for everyone.

Go Gobo, great race.

Gobo, that's the way to do it, Gobo!
[imitates car horn]

Rumple, what are you doing?
The race hasn't even started yet.

Oh, I know Gobo's going to win,
50 I'm practicing.

Great race. Go, Gobo. Yeah.

Rumple, one of the other Fraggles
could win.

Oh, yeah? You want to bet?

I'l tell you what, I'l give you
five radishes if someone else wins.

If Gobo wins, you give me just one, eh?

Boober, Boober, don't listen to him.
You know Rumple.

Put your radish where your mouth is, uh?

Yeah, come on.

Okay, all right. You're on. You're on.

Come on, everybody but Gobo.


Wembley, don't forget
to do the imagining stuff. Yeah.

The World's Oldest Fraggle
will now call the race.

All right, Fraggles.

Racers, on your mark.

[drum roll]

Racers, get set. Go.

What? Oh.


Wembley in an early lead.

Oh, what a race. Oh, what a race.


Rock-beetle. Rock-beetle.

Now as they approach the first flag,
it's Wembley still in the lead,

followed by Gobo, Noble, and yes, Dimpley.

[crowd cheering]


Come on, Wembley.

Coming into the last turn, it's Wembley.
No, it's Gobo.

Here comes Noble. Looks like Dimpley
coming from the rear.

Go, Wembley.

Then it's Gobo. And then Noble.

Come on.

Gimblo. Mobley.

Gobley's moving.

They are coming down to the finish line.

Here they come. It's a whole mess of them.

And the winner is... What's-his-name.

I did it!




Who won?



[Mokey] Yay, Wembley.

I'm rich.

We did it. We did it.

I knew we could do it.

I won. I can't believe I won.

Where's Gobo? Where is he?

-Oh, there he is.
-He will be so happy.

Hey, Gobo, I finally beat you.

-Isn'tit great?
-Oh, yeah. That's terrific.

-I'm just mad at myself for losing.

How could I have let myself
get bunched up with those other Fraggles?

Oh, don't blame yourself, Gobo.

Wembley would have won anyhow.

With my coaching,
he's practically unbeatable.

Wembley ran a good race.

Hear that?

But, as they say,
"Lucky once, but not lucky twice."

Oh, lucky, my tail.

You race again, and we'll beat you again.

-Oh, yeah?

You want to race again?

Well, that's fine. We'll race again.

-Just Wembley and me.
-I don't think that's such a good idea.

You keep out of this, Wembley.
We challenge you to a front-and-back race.

And this time, there'll be no excuses.

“What? No, no.
Okay, Red. You're on.

[Sprocket whining]

Oh, perfect.
Now let's see if I've got everything.

Shampoo, scrub brush, hairbrush, towel.

Yes, I've got it all.
Now, come on, jump in, Sprocket.

-Oh, come on, Sprocket.

I mean, you've got to take a bath
if you want to be a show dog.

Sprocket, don't look on this bath
as a bath.

Think of it as a gateway to victory.

Sprocket, if you're not in this bath
by the time I count to three,

ll call Ned Shimmelfinney
and tell him that the dog show is off.



[Sprocket whining]

Two and a quarter...

[exclaims] He's in there.



Well, of course, this is his room, too.

Uh, we'll have to be careful. We don't
want to give away any team secrets.

Just say hi like nothing's happening.


Hi, Gobo.

Did you see that?
Do you know what that means?


It means, we have Gobo
right where we want him.

‘We do?
-Sure. He's worried.

He's wondering how did you beat him.
Can you do it again?

Are you really worried, Gobo?

Me? Worried?

Oh, let's face it, Wembley.
You ran a good race, but you were lucky.

Weren't you?
Well... I guess so.

Oh, come on, Gobo.
You're just being a sore loser.

A sore loser? 'm no sore loser.

I'm a winner.
And a winner can't be a sore loser.

Uh. Gobo, wait.

Oh, let him go, Wembley.
You need your rest for the big race.

But, Red, I-

Trust me.



Oh, but what if Gobo
never forgives me for beating him?

[Gobo] Mokey, if you take my collection
of Uncle Matt's postcards,

I got my pack and my string gourd.

Then we'll just have to make
one more trip for everything else.

Gobo, you're not gonna move out?

Tell you-know-who that
ever since the big ra...


I can't say it.


That's what's wrong with competition.

Poor Gobo.

But he's still my friend.
I want you to be my friend.

It's hard to be friends with someone

when they beat you ina ra... ra...

I just can't say it.

But I didn't mean to beat you, Gobo.

I didn't mean to.

I didn't mean to, Gobo.

[Red] Wembley.

Wembley, come on.

You're gonna be late for the race.

I gotta talk to Gobo.

[crowd] Front and back.


The World's Oldest Fraggle
will now welcome you all

to another big race.

Welcome, you all, to another big race.

On your marks, get set--

But we can't start yet.

There's only one Fraggle
at the starting line.

And I--

Flunky, put your nose right down there.

We'll just have to wait, won't we?

[crowd laughing]

[Red grunting]

I think you're making
a big mistake, Wembley.

I'd rather make a big mistake
than lose my best friend.

What's all this about?

I've decided not to race.


You can't quit now.

-That's what I told him.
-Rockeorn, get your rockcorn.

This race is getting in the way
of our friendship.

Listen, if you're a real friend,
you'll give me a chance to get even.


Hey, Rumple, what happened to you?

Oh, nothing, Boober.

I almost got caught by a Gorg
trying to get you your radishes.

But don't worry,
I'l get them for you soon.

Mokey, this is awful.
I don't want to win radishes this way.

I have an idea, Rumple.

Why don't we bet double-or-nothing
on this race?

And this time you take Wembley.

You're on. [laughs]

Go, Wembley.


Are you betting again?

You see, this way, when Wembley
wins again, Rumple and I will be even.


And now, the World's Oldest Fraggle
will explain the rules

of the front-and-back race.

Well, the rules are simple.

When you hear the crowd yell,
"turn around now,"

if you're running frontwards,
you tum around and run backwards.

But if you're running backwards,
you tum around and run frontwards.

That's why they call it
the front-and-back race.

Are you quite finished now?

[crowd laughing]

Thank you.

On your mark.

Get set.


I Meaner than a rutterkin

I Blashy like a lubberwort }

♪ Snawky as a slibber-theow ♪



♪ Turn around now

I Lovely as a bellibone I

I Coarser than a pennystone

I Longer than a ribble's brow

Sing it.

♪ Turn around now

♪ Quicker than a slitterbrick I

I Sloomy as a figgletick

7 Worthless as a fribble cow ♪

[whistles] Do it, Fraggles.

♪ Turn around now

I Brighter than a winkapeep ©

I Whiter than a gawpsheet ;

I Hollow like a dingle I

Blow it.

♪ Turn around now

I Meaner than a rutterkin

I Blashy like a lubberwort }

I Snawky as a slipper-theow

You know what to do.

♪ Turn around now

I Lovely as a bellibone I

I Coarser than a pennystone
Longer than a ribble's brow

Turn around, turn around.

I Tum around now
Quicker than a slitterbrick...

Oh, the wrong way.

Oh, yes.

♪ Turn around now

I Brighter than a winkapeep
Whiter than a gawpsheet

I Hollow like a dingle
Turn around now ♪

[crowd cheering]


What happened? Who won?

Gobo. I won again.

Now I owe you ten radishes.

Ahh, back to the Gorgs' garden. Argh.

-Nice race, little fella.

Yeah, yeah. Congratulations, Gobo.

Way to go. Whoo.

[grunts and pants]

Good race, Gobo.

You, too, Wembley.

I'l'see you back in our room?

-Oh, yeah.




Hi, Red. I'm sorry I lost.

No, you're not.

You tried to quit before the race,
and I think you quit during the race.

I don't care that much about winning,
and Gobo does.

And I probably was lucky the first time.

And I'd rather lose a stupid race
than my best friend.


Well, coach,

I told you I could win, and I did.

So I can't be a sore loser, right?


The only reason you won the race
is because Wembley lost on purpose.

[laughs] Get out of here.

Nobody would lose a race
on purpose. [laughs]

Is it true?

I guess, I just didn't want anything
to hurt our friendship.

Hurt our friendship.

Wembley Fraggle, we're going to run
one more race.

And you better run it fair,
or you can forget about our friendship.

This is it, the big one,

the super-duper, snazzy, run, hop, swing,
and run race.

Okay, we'll go double-or-nothing
on this last race.

If Gobo wins, you win.

If Wembley wins, I lose. Okay?

-Yeah, okay.

But you have to promise
never to bet again.

You bet-- I mean, sure.

I thought you said you weren't
going to bet again.

Don't you see, if Gobo wins, Rumple wins.

If Wembley wins, I lose
and Rumple still wins.

Either way, we'll be even.


[Red] Wembley says he's not feeling well.

[Wembley moaning]

Hey, Wembley.

Where does it hurt?

Uh, sort of in my stomach. [moans]

-I thought you said you had a headache.
-Oh, I do, I do. I have both.

A headache and a stomach ache.

You know me, I can never make up my mind.
That's why I have two pains.




Are you really sick?

I think I'm sick of this race.

If 1 win, I lose.

And if I lose, I lose.

I can't win.

Wouldn't that make you feel
alittle sick, huh?

You see, this is your fault
for being a sore loser.

My fault?

Hey, you're the one that says
he lost on purpose.

Will you cut this out?

You're both making me sick.

You think I'm lucky.
You think I lost on purpose.

You wanna know what I think?

I don't know what I think.

But I know I don't like
being in the middle.

Whoa, whoa. I'm going to race, all right.
Oh, yeah, yeah.

But this time I'm gonna do it for me! Ah.


He's right.

We have been putting him in the middle.

Yeah. I guess we have.


I gotta apologize.

We got to get there before the race.

[Old Fraggle] Well,
here they come at last.

It's about time, Sonny.

The World's Oldest Fraggle
will now explain the rules

of the run, hop, swing, and run race.

The rules are simple.

First you run, then you hop,

then you swing on a vine,
and then you run to the finish line.

[crowd cheering]

Wembley, I got to talk to you.

-Leave me alone.
But, Wembley, listen.


They're off.

And it's the little one in the lead.


Wembley, you got to listen.

First lap, and it's the same one
still winning

and the other one's still not winning.

Oh, what a race.

-Go, Wembley. Whoo.
[Old Fraggle] Now, you won't believe it,

and I can barely see it myself
from up here.

The other one is getting to catch up
on the first one.

The first one is now the second one.

And the second one is now the first one.

Oh, boy, Fraggle fans,
this is a great race.

Now, one of them is in the lead,

and the other isn't.

And as they come for the swing part
of the race,

they're neck and neck,
tail to tail, toe to toe.

And the other one's still not winning.
Oh, what a race.



Icandoit. I can doit.



[crowd cheering]


[crowd] Yay.

Yay, Wembley.


I won?

I'won. I finally won.


[Red] Wembley. Wembley. Yay.

Wembley, Wembley.

I won.

Wembley, you did it.

Aren't I a fantastic coach?


And you were pretty fantastic, too,

And now, it is my great honor to present
the winner's ribbon to

It's Wembley Fraggle.

I know it's Wembley Fraggle.
To Wembley Fraggle!


Oh, thanks.

[Fraggle] Pin it on.


I just imagined myself winning, and I won.

I feel fantastic.

I just wish somebody didn't have to lose.

And now, I may lose something
more important than this race...

my best friend.

I wish I could just cover my eyes
and imagine us best friends again.


You don't have to imagine that, Wembley.

We are best friends.

That's what I was trying to tell you.

I'm sorry, I was such a sore loser,
but I'm glad you won.

You're the best.

Gosh. Now I really feel like a winner.

[both laugh]

[Doc] Two and ninety-nine


I should never have
bragged to Shimmelfinney

about that dumb dog show.

But I didn't want him making fun of you.

-[Shimmelfinney] Hello?
-Hello, Ned?

About that dog show,
I won't be entering Sprocket.


The reason I don't need to enter Sprocket
in any dog show

because I already know he's the best.

Bye, Ned.

It's true, Sprockie.

Who cares what Shimmelfinney thinks?

You are the best.

Now get out of there
before you catch a cold.

[music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪