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02x11 - The Wizard of Fraggle Rock

Posted: 10/03/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Down at Fraggle Rock

Down at Fraggle Rock.

Wake up, Sprockie, old boy.

Look what I found in the attic.

It's an old trunk that belonged
to a great-great-uncle of mine.

He was a Vaudeville magician.

Why, the Great Doc used to travel
around the country with his loyal dog.

The Great Pooch.

Who knows what secrets of magic
lie within this trunk?


Oh, Sprocket, look. [chuckles]

Handsome devil, isn't he?

-[woofs in agreement]


Now, look at this here.

Oh. See what I mean?

This is a magic escape rope trick.

Oh, I can feel the performing blood
running through my veins.

Hey, Sprocket, do you want to see
a feat of prestidigitation?

Well, that's a magic trick.

Okay then, tie me up.

Come on. I'll escape from these ropes
like my ancestor used to.

That's it, Sprocket. Don't be nice to me.

Put some muscle into it.


Oho! Nice job, Sprocket.

Now watch the old master escape.

Voila! [chuckles]

Hey, Sprocket, why don't I teach you
how to do this magic trick?

Well, we could be magicians.

You could be the Great Sprocket.


Oh, come on, Sprocket.

Let's prove that you really can teach
an old dog new tricks.

Here we are.

[Fraggles chattering]

Okay, Fraggles, it's Trophy Day.

Um, okay. Okay, okay, okay.

Everybody line up over... over here,

and pick out your trophies.

Oh, I love Trophy Day.

I wonder which trophy
I'm gonna pick for myself this time.

-Oh, watch it.

[shudders] That was close.

Yeah, one more step
and you could have gotten a trophy

-for getting stuck in the Doozer glue.

Apply test glue to tower.

If successful, formula will stick forever.

Boy, that Doozer glue
sure gets in the way.

Gobo? Gobo, Gobo.

What trophy do you want this time?

Uh, I'l take a trophy for seeing
a Poison Cackler without it seeing me.

[all gasp]

Oh, no, not the Poison Cackler.

[Fraggles shudder]

Boy, you're lucky.

If the Poison Cackler had seen you,
you wouldn't be here to get a trophy.

Hmm. Well, here I am and here's my trophy.

[all] Yay, Gobo!

-[Boober grunting]

Oh, Boober,
I never know which trophy to choose.

I'm not good at anything.

[all cheering]

-Thank you. Thank you.

It's your turn, Wembley.

-Come on, Wembley.

-So, Wembley...

which trophy do you want, hmm?

[stuttering] Well, I want a trophy for...

-Yeah, yeah?


['l... I'l take a trophy for...

-Uh, I don't know, I guess I could...

How about one, uh...

No, I couldn't do that.

I guess I'l take a trophy for, uh...

I guess I'l take the same trophy
I always take.


One trophy for Best Shirt
With Banana Trees On It, please.

Wow, yes, Wembley, and here you are.

-[all cheering]
-Yay, Wembley!


Why so glum?

You do have
the best shirt with banana trees on it.

So what?

I'm the only one who wears one.

And you're the only one
who has a trophy for it.

But I didn't do anything, Gobo.

[sighing] As usual.

Oh, yes, you did.

You just put your trophy down
in the Doozer glue.


You see? I can't do anything right.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't even me.

-[horn blowing]

~The Fraggle horn.
~The Wizard is coming.

The Wizard's coming.

-The Wizard.
~The Wizard is coming.

The Wizard? Oh, boy, I love the Wizard.

The shiftiest Fraggle in the Rock.

-Hmm, yeah.

I wouldn't trust him at all.

But I love his tricks.

[Fraggle hom blowing]

[indistinct chatter]

[Fraggle] The Wizard is coming.

[humming fanfare]

[Fraggles whooping]

[softly] We can't stay here long,
50 let's get this thing over with.

Oh, greetings, fellow Fraggles.


Yes, I'm here once again
to bring magic into your lives.

It's true. The Wizard can make
the flowers bloom.

-[Fraggles] Ooh...
-He can make the stars shine.

Why, the Wizard can even tackle
the Poison Cackler.

-[Fraggles gasp]

[softly] Lay off the Cackler, will you?

Don't push my luck.

[both guffawing]

I There's a story going around
And it started long ago

I And everyone keeps telling it
In places high and low ©

I And because my heart is weary
I really want to know ♪

Ils it true what they say? Is it true? }

I Is it true there is magic
That we have never known?

I Is it true there are powers
That we can call our own?

I Is it true there is someone
Whose wonders stand alone? §

Ils it true what they say? Is it true? }

♪ Isittrue? 8
-♪ Not because they told me so?

SIs ittrue? 8
-♪ Not because the story's ofd I

Ms ittrue? §
-♪ Not until you really know ♪

Is ittue? I
-♪ Not until you feel it grow

IIs ittrue? §
-0 Now I see it with my eyes

-0 Is ittrue?
-♪ Now I've seen the glory rise

Pls ittrue? ♪
-0 Now I know the reason why


Is it true that the doubters
Say that they believe??

Ils it true that the skeptics
Finally receive? I

I For a heart that is weary
It matters through and through ♪

Ils it true what they say? Is it true? }

I But I know when I wander
With an achin' in my heart }

I We've been waiting around and hoping
For the magic time to start }

I And now there's no more waitin'
Good news for me and you?

I ‘Cause it's true, yes, it's true
Yes, if's true ♪

♪ Isittrue? 8
-♪ Not because they told me so?

SIs ittrue? 8
-♪ Not because the story's ofd I

Ms ittrue? §
-♪ Not until you really know ♪

Is ittue? I
-♪ Not until you feel it grow

IIs ittrue? §
-0 Now I see it with my eyes

-0 Is ittrue?
-♪ Now I've seen the glory rise

Pls ittrue? ♪
-0 Now I know the reason why



[all laughing and cheering]

Yes, it's true. [chuckles]

I have come once again to amaze you
with my feats of prestidigitation.

That's a magic trick. [chuckles]

Uh, watch this please.

-[smoke hissing]

[all cheering and clapping]

For my next trick,

I require the assistance
of someone from the audience.

Oh, oh, I'l help you, Wizard.

No, I want that good-looking Fraggle
to help me.

You, young Fraggle.
You're the perfect volunteer.


[softly] What colossal luck.

I don't believe my eyes.


Uh, you, young Fraggle.

[whispers] Go, Wembley.
What's your name?

Uh, it's Wembley, Your Wizardness.


And would you like to help me
with my next trick, Wembley?

[stuttering] Well, sure I would.

Thats, if I can.

I probably won't be
very good at it, though.

Oh, don't be silly.

You'll be fantastic.

-Now, just watch carefully.

Nothing up my sleeves?

Uh... Well, your arms.

-Oh, stop it.
-[Fraggles laughing]

Now, horse enchiladas, ho-ho!

Now, open your mouth.

[Fraggles gasp and cheer]

How did Wembley do that?

I didn't know he had it in him.

Good thing he got it out.

[all laugh]

Yay, Wembley!

[all] Yay, Wizard!


It was nothing, really. [chuckles]

It was wonderful, O Wizard, O Great One.

-No. [laughing]

You know, they really love you.

I wish I could do what you do.

-Uh, maybe you can, young Fraggle.

[softly] This is too good to be true.

-[stutters] Just meet me after the show.
Oh, okay.

[Wizard laughs]
Wow! [chuckles]



Wizard, sir.

-Hello, my friend.

[chuckles] We'll have to talk quietly.

Something... I... I mean,
someone might hear us.

Oh, but... but there's no one around.

You never know.

I mean, you never know about my followers.


Oh, they praise me and follow me
wherever I go.

-I need a rest.

Gee, nobody ever praises me. [chuckles]

-But they would if you were the Wizard.

But I don't suppose
you'd like to be the Wizard?

Wait a minute. What do you mean?
I... I'd love to be the Wizard.

Oh, excellent. Excellent.

[stammering] You wanna be the Wizard, eh?

Well, sure.

Eh, I don't know. I don't know.

What's your life like, young Fraggle?

Well, nobody ever notices me.

I just eat and play and sleep
[chuckling] and wear a shirt.


Well, yes, the best shirt
with banana trees on it. [chuckles]

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
I've just got an idea.


No. No, no. It probably won't work.

What? Tell me. Please. Please.

Well, you said you wanted praise
and I wanted peace and quiet, right?

-Yeah, Yeah.
Well, how about if we switch?

You could be the Wizard
and I could be Wembley.

What do you say?

[stutters] Well, it sounds great.

But... but how could we do that?

I mean, you look like you
and look like me.

Yes. Well, listen. Here.
Come over here, my friend.

I'll show you something that'll knock
the banana trees off your shirt.

Oh, no, no. Please don't do that.
They're all I've got.

-['l be right back.



No one will ever notice the difference.

-That's funny. It worked before.

But don't worry, Sprocket,
just let me slip into this rope

and I'll show you the secret.

Now, watch how I escape.

Turn the right hand to the left,
the left hand to the right,

and lo and behold...

I'm still tied up.


Well, I've taught you
all the easiest tricks.

Boy, I hope you can see
‘cause I sure can't.

-So all you need now is my beard.

Here. I'l stick it on with a little glue
from my makeup kit.

Transporting test glue.

Proceed to test site, immediately.

Don't worry. The glue is not strong.

The beard will come off if you tug on it.

So, don'ttug on it.


Nobody's ever gonna know the difference
between you and the real Wizard.

Now, can you do my voice?

[clears throaf]

[deep voice] How's this?

Well, good enough.

Boy, I could get a trophy
for being the Wizard, couldn't 1?

-Wait tll I tell Gobo--
-No, you mustn't tell anyone.

Everybody has to believe
that I'm you and you're me.

-Then I can get some rest

and you can get the attention you deserve.

Right. I can get attention.

[chuckles] Oh, thanks.

You're gonna get attention, all right.

But not the kind you think.

[Poison Cackler growling]

-Hi, Wembley.
-Hi, Boober.

-Did you say something?

Uh, he said, "Hi, Boober."

[chuckles nervously]
Friendly kind of wizard, isn't he?

Wembley, you look awful.

Uh... Oh, I feel awful.

Maybe I better go to bed. [chuckles]

[softly] Which way is it?

-[whispers] That way.
Oh, yeah. [chuckles]

-Bye. Bye. [chuckles]


[both sigh]

Poor, Wembley, he looks terrible.

He's probably still upset
about his trophy.

You know, you look...
you look, kind of, strangely familiar.

Well... [clears throat]

[deep voice] Do you want to see a trick?

Well, not right now.
I really should go see if Wembley's okay.


We fooled Boober.
Now, the hard part will be fooling Gobo.

Fooling Gobo about what?


[deep voice] I was just saying
that the hardest part of my act today

-was fooling you, Gobo.

I better get out of sight
before the Poison Cackler finds me.

Now which way did you say
my bed was, again?

-Oh, there you are, Wembley.

Do you have the card from my Uncle Matt?

I thought it might cheer you up.


Card? [chuckles] I don't have any card.

Oh, yes you do. It's in your shirt.

Hey, how'd you know that?

Uh, well, it's nothing
when you're a wizard.

Well, I guess so.

Well, anyway,
you wanna read that card, Wembley?

Oh, sure. I mean, read it, Wembley.

Uh... [chuckles]

"Dear Nephew Gobo..." [chuckles]

[Matt] / know that Fraggles
sometimes wear strange hats.

But you ought to see what
the silty creatures put on their heads.

The other day, I discovered a spot
where silly creatures gathered

to wear very large, very bizarre hats.

This hat-wearing seemed fo be
a most pleasurable activity.

There was much merriment and mirth
in this hat spot.

So, thought I'd try on
one of these hats myself.

I always knew

-that a hat could change one's appearance.

This hat changed my appearance
more than I thought possible.

But, never fear, I'm still your lovable...

"...Uncle Traveling Max." Uh, Matt.

-Oh, great card, huh, Wembley?

Come on. Let's go find Mokey.

Who's... I mean, uh...

Oh, no, you go ahead, Gobo. [chuckles]

I'l catch up later. [sighs]

You know, you really look familiar.

[Fraggle] Wizard. Wizard.

Oh, I'm so glad I found you.

The Poison Cackler--

Is one of the most terrible creatures
in Fraggle Rock.


The thought of him
makes your hair turn white.

[stuttering] Makes your hair turn white?

Go away. The Wizard will be
with you in a minute.



-Quick, where's you cave?

-I need to get out of sight.

-Yeah, uh...
-I mean, I need some rest tonight.

Uh, yeah. It's down that tunnel,
third arch on the left.

Okay. Now, now remember.

The blooming flower trick
is in that pocket.


And if you're ever in trouble,
throw a smoke pellet.

-They always fall for smoke pellets.

From now on, we must not be seen together.

-And good luck. [softly] You'll need it.

[Poison Cackler laughing]


[smacking lips]

Ah, this is the life.

I just have to take it easy,

and draw no unnecessary attention
to myself,

-Hey, Wembley, I've come to cheer you up.


Maybe if I just pretend I'm sick
she'll go away.

-Hey, Wembley.


You... you don't look very well.

In fact, you look terrible.

Well, I feel terrible, too. [chuckles]

Now, please leave me alone
and don't tell anyone where I am.

-Gobo, Mokey.

Here's Wembley.

He looks really terrible
and he doesn't sound very good either.

Oh, Wembley. Wembley, speak to me.

Oh, please, Wembley. Please.

[stuttering] It's nothing.
Just a little cold. [chuckles]

So, how about leaving me alone?

Oh, come on, Wembley.
The best thing for a cold is a nice walk.

-Yeah, the cave air will do you good.

No, no, no, no, no.
I need to stay in bed where nothing...

I mean, no one can find me.
I could get caught.

[stuttering] I mean, it could be catching.

Oh, gee, an epidemic.
We've never had one of those before.

-Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Wembley, you're just upset
about your dumb trophy.

A nice walk might cheer you up.

-[Gobo] Yeah, come on.
[Wizard] No, no, no.

I... I can't go out there.

Please, I need a rest.
[Gobo] Come on, Wembley.

-Come on.
-[Red] Come.

No. But-
[Gobo] Come on, Wembley.

-You'll like it.
-Yeah, you'll love it.

Oh, Wizard, aren't you scared?

Aren't you worried? Aren't you terrified?

Me? Uh...

[deep voice] Me?
Oh, no, I know all the tricks. Watch this.


Whoa, Wizard. You are truly amazing.

Imagine doing tricks at a time like this.

Well, no time like the present.

-Oh! [laughing]

Mighty Wizard, show us another feat
of prestidi... [stammering]

-A magic trick.

-You know,

like your double twisted-over backflip
while escaping from ropes

and waiting to be eaten
while you're all tied up.

Uh, would you settle
for another smoke pellet?

-He's gonna do it. Come on.
Wait. Wait.

-Let's tie him up. Tie him up.
-Oh, wait. Hey. Hey.

Listen, I just remembered,

I have an appointment with the Trash Heap
for lunch and... [screams]

Glue still holding.

Test successful at present time.


Oh, no, there he is.

What's that, Wembley?

I said, "Oh, look, there's the Wizard."

[softly] And he's botching
my famous rope escape.

Oh, yeah, that Wizard
would do anything to fool someone.


But how's he gonna get out
of those ropes, huh?

Oh, well, [chuckles]
he could twist his right arm back,

and, uh, tum his body
so that he can slip his hand back,

and then break out. [chuckles]

Uh, but that's just a guess.




Wow. You sure learned a lot
helping the Wizard today, Wembley.

Hello, everyone.

Boy, that was some great escape, Wizard.

Yeah. See you later. Much later.

-Come on, Wembley.
But, Wembley...

Boy, Wonderful One,

we knew you'd escape.
Nothing is too tough for you.

Well, almost nothing. [chuckles]

Well, we can hardly wait to see

how you're gonna handle
the Poison Cackler.

-Poison Cackler?
Most Fraggles would die

just thinking about being chased
by a Poison Cackler.

But not the Wizard.

Poison Cackler chasing the Wizard?

Look, he's so cool. He's pretending
he doesn't even remember. [chuckles]

A Poison Cackler is chasing the Wizard.

Oh, boy, I wouldn't wanna be
in his shoes. [chuckles]

Wait a minute. I am in his shoes.

I gotta get out of this costume
or the Poison Cackler will get me.

I'l just get this beard off and...

Wait a minute. It's stuck.

Oh, no, the beard won't come off.

[stuttering] I'm the Wizard
and the Poison Cackler is after me.


Well, I must have made
alittle mistake somewhere.

But don't worry, Sprocket, I'l solve it.

[telephone ringing]

-Oh, no.

It's gotta be Ned Shimmelfinney.

Now, keep calm, Sprocket.

We can't let him know what happened
or we'll never live it down.


[tutting] Oh, poor Wembley.
He still looks bad.

‘We're gonna have to take care of him.

You... You said it.

Why doesn't somebody bring me
a Doozer stick?

I'm too weak.

Oh, sure, Wembley,
if itll make you feel better.

And I wouldn't mind an extra pillow.

Oh, okay.

And... and a nice moss pack
and some hot garlic soup.

Hey, guys, hey, guys.
Wait, you're making a big mistake.

I'm Wembley and he's the Wizard.


[all coughing]

Nice try, Wizard, but I'm afraid
we're a little too smart for you.

-Yeah, but...
“Why don't you try to fool somebody else?

No, no, you see, he's the Wizard.

He only wants to be Wembley because
there's a Poison Cackler chasing him.

-You expect us to believe that?

But it's true. Come on, tell ‘em.

Uh, I don't... I don't know
what you're talking about, Wizard.

I don't feel well.

You better get away from me
or you'll catch it. [chuckles]

[stuttering] Wait a minute.
-Come on, Wizard.

-No, Gobo--
-Can't you see Wembley doesn't feel well?

He needs rest. No more tricks today.

But, Gobo, please.

I'm Wembley.

Hmm. Sure.

And I'm the Poison Cackler.


Allis well in this sector.
Glue still holding.

Oh, no, this is terrible.
It couldn't be worse.

Wizard, Wizard,
the Poison Cackler is getting closer.

Oh, no, it just got worse.

Oh, I wonder if these smoke pellets
will make me disappear.


Oh, it didn't work. I better try again.

This trophy we made for Wembley
is a work of art.

-Yeah, especially the inscription.

-"To Wembley..."
[all] "...for being our friend."

[Wembley grunts]
[all gasp]


Oh, hi, Wizard. You still here?

Oh, listen, you guys--

Oh, sorry, no time for tricks.

We gotta take this trophy to Wembley.

You mean, that trophy is for me?

-No, it's for Wembley.
-Yeah, but--

And don't try to trick us
into giving it to you.

-It won't work.

[grunts angrily] That does it.

Wait right here, I'll be right back.



[Wizard snoring]

Wake up!

-Get up. You're coming with me.

What the...

Wait, I can explain every...

Whoa. Everything.

[Wizard chuckles]

-Get in here.

Wembley, what are you doing out of bed?

-Ask him. [chuckles]

Now, come on, Wizard.
You've taken this too far.

Can't you see
Wembley is not a well Fraggle?

Can't you see Wembley is not Wembley
and I am not

Wizard, Wizard,
the Poison Cackler is here.

Run for your lives!

[all] The Poison Cackler?


[grunts, stammers]

-That way.

[both whimper, scream]

[screaming continues]



[chuckles] Uh, hello.

Uh, wait, wait.
You're making a terrible mistake,

you see, because he's really the Wizard.

No, I know, I look like the Wizard.
Well, I even have his beard, but...



Glue experiment a failure.

Back to the drawing board.



[both] You want him. [whimpering]


-[both scream)

Quick, do something. Throw a smoke pellet.


Here goes nothing.

Horse enchiladas, ho-ho!


-Did you see that?

Well, that's it.

He wasn't after me.
He was after my smoke pellets.

-Quick. Give him another one.

Uh, here you go, boy. Whoo!

That's a good, little Cackler.

Nice boy. Now, follow me.


Come on. Come on. That's good.

Now, here. Here you go.

Whoo! There you go.

Smoke pellets are good
and they're good for you, too.

Yeah. Come on.
That's a good, little Cackler. Yes.


Hey, Cackler, take the whole thing.





Boy, he sure likes those smoke pellets.


[Boober panting, gasping]

-[both] Wizard, you did it.

Yeah, except, like I've been saying,
I'm not the Wizard.

-You're right. You're not.

-[stammers] You are Wembley.

You saved us from the Poison Cackler.

You're a hero.

[all] Yay, Wembley!

[whooping, cheering]

You know, Wizard, that was a dirty,
lowdown thing you did to Wembley.

-Yeah, but--
-Yeah, not to mention mean and nasty.

-Flattery will get you nowhere.

You ought to change.

Aren't you tired of being
a no-good wizard?

-It's not good for your health.


You know, you're right.

Yes. I've decided
I want a job with appeal.

Banana peel, that is. [chuckles]

I'm now into the banana tree
shirt business.

Wanna buy one?

Well, sure I'l take two. [chuckles]

Hey, take three, I'l give you a discount.

[all laughing]

Funny, huh? Funny. [laughing]

It was nice of Ned Shimmelfinney
to come over and untie us.

-If only he hadn't laughed so hard.

Well, I guess we weren't cut out
to be magicians.

Yep. You and I are just a dog and his man.

But that's good enough for me.

-Is it good enough for you, Sprocket?


1 guess our dreams of being
the Great Doc and the Great Sprocket

have gone up in smoke.


Literally. [chuckles]

[music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Down at Fraggle Rock

I Down at Fraggle Rock