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02x09 - Sir Hubris and the Gorgs

Posted: 10/03/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.

[rain pattering]

[thunder cracking]

-[water dripping]

Oh, it's really coming down
out there, Sprocket.

I'm glad we're indoors.

Poor Mr. Hong forgot his umbrella,

50 I let him borrow mine.

Or otherwise, he'd get soaked
delivering the rest of the mail.

-Some days, Sprocket,

it doesn't pay to get mail.





Oh, no, the roof is leaking again.

I'd better get something
to catch that water.

That's it.

Oh, I'l just set that down there.

I must fix that tomorrow.

Well, the bills for the Payable file.

Oh, look. The latest Tinkerer's Quarterly.

For the Readable file.

-Oh, dear.

Oh, look. There's another postcard
for Gobo Fraggle.

For the Circular file.

Yup, Wembley.

Today I'm going
on a one-Fraggle exploration.

Oh, can go?


Well, can't I help?
Isn't there something I can do?

Please, Gobo, I wanna help.

Please, please, please, please.
Oh, please.

-Oh, please, Gobo. Please.
-Oh, okay, Wembley, you can help.

Oh, boy.

Should I go that way,


should I go that way?

[stutters] You want me to decide?

Well, sure.

It's good to learn to make choices.


Well, which direction
should I send my buddy Gobo?

Hmm. Either will do.

Well... Well...

Who knows what lies that way?

Well, it could be, uh,
a pit of Poison Cacklers.

Oh, but Gobo wouldn't be afraid of them.

-[laughs, sighs]

How about that way?

[stutters] Well,

maybe that way lies
untold riches and glory.

Sounds good to me.


Or maybe screaming ice-worms.

[Gobo shudders]


Would you make up your mind?

[stammers] Well... It's...

You... You could...


Wembley, why do I bother?

“Wembley, I'm going that way.

Good old Gobo.

There's one Fraggle
who can make up his mind.

Don't say it.

Forsooth, darling lord of the universe.

Huh? Oh.

Oh, yes, dear empress
of light and darkness?

Hast thou noticed how our sweet son
and heir to the throne doth grow?

[Pa Gorg] I'd have to be blind to miss it.


Methinks ‘tis time that he be instructed
in the ways of the Gorgs.

-S0 soon?

But surely you jest,
0 queen of all that is.

No. I've decided it is time.

He must lear.

Well, if you insist. [sighs]


Il leave you two alone.


[stutters] I thought
you wanted to tell him.


But thou art his father.

Well, yes, but I-

No, I've decided
it's time for you to speak to him

Gorg to Gorg.


Oh, babykins,

you grew up so fast.


Where are you pesky Fraggles?

I saw you out here.

Junior, I wanna talk to you.

Well, what ho, aged ancestor?

[groans] Hey.

Watch where you swing that thing, lad.

Sorry, sire.

It's just that those Fraggles
were in my garden again.

Well, never mind that.


now that you've come of age,

‘tis time you leamed...

-certain things.

Oh, is this that talk, Daddy?

Uh, yes.

Oh boy, oh boy.

Tis time you learned...

how to...

-rule the universe.

Oh, this is that talk.

After all, someday I'l be gone,

-and you--
-Oh, Pa.

Oh, don't leave.

Please don't leave.

-Oh, there, now... Ju...

-There, there...

Now, Junior,
that's what I'm talking about.

Lesson one.

Kings don't cry.

They don't?

[gasps] Fraggles.

-['l get you.

-Hey, watch it.

Another thing kings don't do
is go thumping Fraggles.

But they steal my radishes.

A king commands one of his subjects
to thump the Fraggles, then.


A king would never thump
a Fraggle himself.

Well, then, uh,

I got a question, Pa.

Well, that's good.

Good. Ask questions. Go ahead.

Do I have any subjects?


As a matter of fact, uh...


Uh, well, not yet, anyway.

Well, in that case,



-Oh, no, Pa.

-Oh, I didn't mean to.

[soft music playing]

What a great card from Uncle Matt.

It sure is great being an explorer.

I Headed down the road
I'm going round and round ♪

I Walkin' through the light
And through the free and easy land I

I All want to know
Is how the world goes round

I All {want to be is a travelin'
Be a wanderin' man §

I Well, you go one way ♪

7 See if it's some kind of fun way

7 Start explorin' the two way

I Wow, it's just like a thruway ♪

I When you get to the three way

♪ Can't be sure it's a freeway §

7 Got to find me the true way

I That's the only way home }

I Well, you go one way ♪

7 See if it's some kind of fun way

7 Start explorin' the two way

I Wow, it's just like a thruway ♪

I When you get to the three way

♪ Can't be sure it's a freeway §

7 Got to find me the true way

I That's the only way home }


Hey, there's light
down the end of this tunnel.


There's something out there,

and I'm gonna find out what it is.



A story.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

Oh, gadzooks, lad.

You'll bring down the ramparts.

Oh, sorry, daddy dear.

Oh, and I'm so sorry about your head.


It's that Fraggle's fault.

Now, Junior must be told
the history of his destiny.

Mmm, methinks the Legend of Sir Hubris.


Sir Hubris?

Oh, I'love that legend. Tell that one.

“love it, I love it, I love it.

You've never even heard it.



Just a little further now.

And the mystery shall be revealed.


The Legend of Sir Hubris.

“Twill be good
for Junior's kingly education.

Now, just sit still and listen.

Both of you.

"Once upon a time, before time began,

the world was ruled by a mystical creature
known as Sir Hubris."


"Now, Sir Hubris was not a Gorg.

In sooth, he was only
half the height of a Gorg

and not even a hand-width in girth."

What does that mean?

He was short and skinny.

Now, keep still.

"But Sir Hubris was unhappy,

for he longed to see his realm.

So one day,

he put on his brown traveling cloak

the one with the hood,

and set off to wander
through the universe."

What? But if he left,
who was ruling the world?


[Pa Gorg] Calm down, Junior.

The legend tells us.

"But before leaving,

Sir Hubris gave his crown
to the first of the Gorgs,

King Gorgus the Great."

[all] Hey, nonny, nonny, nonny.

"And since then,

-Gorgs have ruled the universe.”




Sit down, Junior.

-Sorry, Daddy.

"But when Sir Hubris returns,

the crown must be returned to him,

and the reign of the Gorgs will be over.

And the Gorgs shall pack their possessions

and wander the universe.

The end."

Hmm. That's how Gorgs became kings.

[stutters] But, Pa,

Sir Hubris might come back.

And then we'd have to go.

-[Pa Gorg] Oh, pish-tosh.

It's just an old legend, Junior.

Sir Hubris is probably long gone.

But, Daddy, a legend is a legend.


-A Fraggle!

I'l get him, Ma.



Get back here, you...

[shouting] Come on, you...


[all moaning]

So there they were, Wembley,

a roomful of Gorgs.


I had actually found another way
into their cave.

So that's when you ran.

I... Wembley, will you quit that.

I didn't run. I escaped.

But not before I heard

their weird stories about...

Yeah? Yeah? Yeah?

That's it, Wembley.

What? What?

Listen to what Uncle Matt said
in his card.

Uncle Matt? But what about the Gorgs?

Listen, Wembley. Listen.


"Dear Nephew Gobo,

as I told you,

silly creatures
are some of the ugliest things

in the universe."

As ugly as Gorgs?

[Matt] ...though not as ugly as Gorgs.

So, sometimes they disguise themselves.


The amazing thing
is that when they do this,

other silly creatures give them food.

I was mistaken
for a disguised silly creature myself.


It's amazing what can happen

when someone thinks
you are something that you're not.



"Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

Wembley, it's amazing what can happen

when someone thinks
you're something that you're not.

Yeah, that's nice, Gobo.

But what's that got to do with the Gorgs?


we're gonna get rid of those nasty Gorgs
once and for all.


[rain pouring]

[thunder cracking]

The rain hasn't let up all day, Sprockie.

We're gonna be washed away.

“What? Ooh.

Oh, I'd better put in another one.

[water dripping]

Now, you don't worry, Sprocket.

I'm going up on that roof
and I'm gonna fix that damn leak.

[thunder cracks]

My, that was close.


I better get up there.

Now, where's my hammer?

Ah, there itis.

Well, I'l be back in a flash.


What is it, Sprocket?

-Aww. Shh.

It isn't dangerous.


0 ye of little faith.

I know my way around my own roof.

Are you gonna let me go,

or do you wanna spend all night
in your basket with that pot?

There's a good boy.

I won't be long, Sprockie.

[thunder cracking]

[Fraggles grunting]

This will never work.

It has to.

When we pretend to be Sir Hubris,

the Gorgs will leave forever.

Now... now just hold steady, Boober.

What else can I do?

Get eaten by Gorgs when this doesn't work.

Oh, thanks
for the vote of confidence, Red.

Oh, steady.

[all] Whoa...

Okay, Mokey.

Step off that ledge
onto Wembley's shoulders.


What if I just watched, Gobo?

No, there has to be this many.

Otherwise it won't be tall enough.

And everyone else was busy.

Or smart.

Now... now go ahead, Mokey.

[Mokey] Okay.

-That... that's it.
[all screaming]

That's great. Now, hold still

I gotta put the cloak on and get up there.

Oh, why did I have to finish the laundry.

I could've gotten out of this.

So why'd you volunteer
to be on the bottom?

-I'm afraid of heights.
-[Red] Oh.

Hold on. I'm on my way.


-[Mokey] Hurry.

Hang in there.

[panting] Almost there.

Okay, ready. Here we...


What are you doing up there in the belfry?

-[Ma Gorg] Oh...
-It's time you were in bed, Junior.

[Junior] I'm keeping watch.

Those pesky Fraggles
might be planning something.

-[Ma Gorg gasps]

-[gasps] Maybe an invasion.
[Ma Gorg gasps]

-An invasion?
-Oh, how horrible.

[Junior] Don't worry, Ma.

I, your faithful son and mommy-guard,
will protect you.


Haven't had a good invasion since...

Oh, I can't remember when.

Hey, good idea, Junior.

You keep the first watch.


['l keep the second.

Be careful, Junior.

Rest easy, Ma.

Your favorite son is in control. [laughs]


[Mokey whispers] What's happening?

[Red] Shh! There's a Gorg out there.


Could it be?

Can't we just quit this
before we get squished?

[Gobo] Quiet.


We gotta give it the old Fraggle try.





You always dress like that?

[Gobo] Usually.

Oh, Sir Hubris, you've returned.

-[Gobo] I... I have?

Er, I mean...

[deep voice] Yes, at long last.

Wow, I never met a legend before.

Er, I am well pleased
by your show of respect, noble Gorg.

Oh, thank you, noble legend.

Er, now I want you to meet my parents.

Uh, wait. Wait.
Hey, Ma. Ma.

-[Junior] Look who's here. [laughs]
-Let's get out of here.

[Junior] You won't believe it.
Good idea.

Whoa, I'm slipping. [squealing]

[straining] I got you, Mokey.

Wait, it's working.

We can't go yet. It's working.

[Pa Gorg] Avast, ye varlets.

Prepare to meet thy doom.

Uh, where are they?

[whimpers] Be careful, my liege.

Hey, look who came to see us. [laughs]

Don't you recognize Sir Hubris?


Uh... Yes, tis I, Sir Hubris,

-returned at last.
[Ma Gorg gasps]

What is to be done? Look out.

I don't like the looks of this.


The lad is right.

In sooth, our reign is over here.


Oh, there, there, my dear.

Oh, was it something I said?

Don't be a dunderhead, dunderhead.

Now that Sir Hubris is back,

we'll have to leave the castle forever.

[gasps] My radishes.

[sobbing] Oh, no.
-Oh, come here, now.

[Pa Gorg] Now, there, there, my dear.

[Junior] Daddy.

I don't believe it. It worked.

Gobo, you're a hero.

No, we all did it.

Well, with the Gorgs gone,
life will never be the same.

Neither will my legs.


[Fraggles cheering] The Gorgs are going.

~The Gorgs are going.

The Gorgs are going. The Gorgs are going.


[Junior] Oh, I'm so sorry,
darling radishes.

I hate to wake you,

but we have to go away.


It's not my fault.

I just can't leave without you.

Now, hold still.

Plucked before your time.


Don't worry about Boober.

Mokey and Wembley are massaging his legs.


What's he doing out there?

Now, don't you worry.

I'm gonna bring all you fellas.

All my vegetables and all my seeds
are gonna come with me.

Yeah. [sniffles]

I didn't count on that.

[whimpers] The radishes.

The Gorgs are taking our radishes.

[Pa Gorg] Junior,

this is no time to think about food.

Get over here
and help me polish this beastly armor.


Don't worry. Il get the rest.


Truly 'tis a sad day for Gorgs.

Soon we will leave our beloved kingdom.


I'm gonna miss my garden.

Oh, another thing.

Before we go,

I want you to destroy that well.

Can't leave anything for, uh...

the enemy.

But how, Daddy?

Why, dump that heap of trash in it.

Then block it up with cement.

Oh, no, the Trash Heap...

Will end up in the Fraggle Pond.




[Doc] Sprocket, quit howling.

-[howling continues]
-You'll wake the neighbors.

I'm almost finished.

[Doc screaming]


It's all right. I'm okay, Sprocket.

-'m okay.

Do you hear? I'm okay.


Just stuck.


[thunder cracking]



How's that?


-[Mokey grunts]

{Wembley humming]
Now, don't worry, Boober.

You're gonna feel better in a second.

[Gobo] Hey!

[Red] Guys.

Quick. Where's the cloak?

[stutters] Why? What's wrong?

Gobo's brilliant plan backfired.

Yeah, the Gorgs are leaving.

That sounds good to me.

Well, yeah,
but they're taking the radishes

and throwing our Trash Heap into the pond.


Why, we can't live without wisdom.

Or radishes.

Sir Hubris has got to stop them.

-Oh, no. Not again.


[slow music playing]

I Time for gloom}

I Doom de doom ♪

7 Good-bye, stuff Il hate to wake up
Without whom ♪

I Time to cry?

♪ Say good-bye ♪

I Doom de doom ♪

I To the world
As it's fading from your eye }

I Doom de doom ♪

♪ Time for tears

♪ Time for fears

I Doom de doom ♪

7 Time for hoping we'll be back
In after years?

I Doom de doom ♪

I Time togo}

I Time to say I

I We were only meant to live here
Till today ♪

I Till today

-[tempo rising]
-0 But we will march alone I

I Through the sleet and snow ©

I Till we meet with our destiny

I We will march along

I Through the lonely throng 2

1 Till a new world comes to be I

[tempo rising]
-0 We will march alone I

I Through the sleet and snow ©

I Till we meet with our destiny

I We will march along

I Through the lonely throng 2

1 Till a new world comes to be I

[tempo slows down]
-0 Quick or stow ♪

♪ Quick or slow ♪

I Who can know!

I Where the bravest ones
Among us have to go??

I Havetogo?

I Byand by!

♪ Say good-bye ♪

I And we're marching
With a tear in our eye

[crying] Mommy, Daddy...

Oh, do I'have to do
all the packing around here?

[Ma Gorg and Junior bawling]

Oh, I'm sorry, duckykins.

I don't wanna leave
any more than you two do.

But a legend is a legend.

[Gobo] Gorgs.

Oh, Gorgs.

[stammers] Oh, uh...

We are honored by your presence
once again, Sir Hubris.

-[Pa Gorg] Hail, worthy knight.

[Gobo] And hail to you all.


Uh, forgive the lad, he--

Silence. Hear what I have to say.

You don't have to leave.

-[gasps] How come?

Yes, I... I just came to tell you that...


I'm just passing through, so...

$0 you can unpack and stay here.

And... and make sure
you put back the radishes, okay?

Well, I shall go and pack the dishes.

Get working on that well, Junior.

Okay, Daddy.


Didn't you hear?

I said you don't have to leave.

[sighs] Forsooth, Sir Hubris,

would that we could, uh, stay, that is.

But our fate is clear from the legend.

You gave your crown to good King Gorgus,

and now that you have returned,

it is yours once again.

We must leave our kingdom.

The future of our history
is stated in our legend.

And after all, a legend...

is a legend.

[Ma Gorg sobbing]

[Pa Gorg sighs]

[Junior crying]

[Red] Oh, no.

If they leave,
we Fraggles will become extinct.

Yeah, and we won't be around
anymore, either.

-[Boober moaning]

Hang in there, Boober.

Oh, uh, any more ideas, Gobo?

I'm thinking.

Oh, I'm thinking.

[Boober grunting]

Oh, okay, okay.

Then there's only one thing left to do.

Gorgs. I wish to speak with you, Gorgs.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

I found the cement, Daddy.

Well, you won't need it.


Before you leave, there is one thing
that I must show you.

Oh, goodie. I love surprises.

[all] Fooled you!


Let's get out of here.

Hey, Gobo, what's gonna happen
when the real Sir Hubris shows up?

Not now, Wembley. Not now.

-Come back here.

Come back here, you Fraggles.

[Doc] Looks like the rain's stopping.

[whines softly]

-[chuckles] Oh, Sprockie,

it was a good thing you were able
to wake Ned Shimmelfinney up last night.

What, so he could get me down
from the roof, eh?

I did a foolish thing, Sprockie.

I embarked on a crazy venture
without considering all the possibilities.

-I shouldn't have gone up on that roof

in the rain.

It was utterly foolish
and dangerous to boot.

You were right. [laughs]

But everything's all right now, isn't it?


Well, almost everything.


[music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪