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02x06 - Boober's Dream

Posted: 10/03/23 08:22
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.

You know, Sprocket,

I had the strangest dream last night.

Yes, I dreamed about
a little furry creature

about so high
with fuzzy hair and a long tail,

who chased me around the room.

And do you know what happened, Sprocket?

He handed me a pair
of red-and-white-striped socks.

Yes. Yes, and it was one of those
really clear dreams, too, in vivid color.


I wonder what it means.

[knock on door]

Oh, now who can that be at this hour?

Can't a man and his dog
eat a quiet breakfast

without people always...

Thanks, Ned.

They... they must have fallen
out of my laundry basket.

Sprocket, look.

-Look, look. My dream. Remember, Sprocket?
-[whines questioningly]

I dreamt about
alittle furry something-or-other

who handed me a pair
of red-and-white-striped socks.

“Well, here I have the socks.

My dream could be trying
to tell me something.

But what?

Now, I know what the red-and-white-striped
socks mean,

but what about the little furry creatures?

[Sprocket gasps, barks]
[Doc] You're right, Sprocket.


There's more to dreaming
than we might think.


-Oh, there's no doubt about it.

If we paid closer attention to our dreams,

you know, we'd know a lot more
about the world and about ourselves.

[papers shuffling]

-That's right, Sprocket.
-[whines frantically]

From now on,

we pay attention.


Phew, another day, another postcard
from my Uncle Traveling Matt.

Yup. Another day, another postcard
from Uncle Traveling Matt.

And there's still plenty of time for fun.

Yeah. Well, except that I promised Boober
I'd help him clean up his room first.

Oh, gee, that's too bad.
That doesn't sound like a lot of fun.

Well, yeah, but don't you think Boober's
maybe more fun than he looks?

I love Boober too, but you know,

I think he looks like
about as much fun as a potato.


Gee, I... I always thought
potatoes were a riot. [scoffs]


[Boober snoring]


[Wembley] Boober.
[snoring continues]

Ah, that joke is funnier than a fake nose.

“What'd you say?

Oh, I love to laugh.


[snoring, laughing]

Oh, oh...

[stuttering] Where am 1?



Oh, Wembley, I just had
that horrible nightmare again.

What horrible nightmare?

Oh, it was awful.

It's all about a disgusting, terrible,
horrible Fraggle named Sidebottom.

-Ooh, Sidebottom.

I've never heard of him.

“What does he look like?

-Tsk. I can't really remember.

But he's sort of like a...
a big green potato.

-You mean, he looks like you?


No, Wembley,
it doesn't matter what he looks like.

He's gruesome.

He's so much fun.

-He laughs and dances and sings.

-And he tells jokes to the Doozers.

-[admiringly] No.

Well, are they funny jokes?

-Yes, they're hysterical.

Oh, Wembley,

the minute I start dreaming, he's there.

-I haven't slept for days.

“What am I gonna do?
- don't know.

I know you don't know.

Wait, I know.

You say that Sidebottom tums your dreams
into one big party?

Yes. It's revolting.

Sounds great to me.

Me, too.

I have to admit that I could use
a good party now and then.

{Wembley laughs]
Wait a minute. What am I gonna do?

Yeah, Boober will never
be able to sleep again.

-[Boober shudders]
~The only thing you can do

is learn to live with Sidebottom.


Well then, you'll just have to stay awake.


Oh, that's a first-rate
set of alternatives, Marjory.

-[Gunge] Yeah.
Huh? As I always say,

there's small choice
between rotten radishes.

Oh, you said it.

I heard her.

Look, relax.

You can lean something
about yourself from your dream.

Remember, all dreams
are a little bit true.


But dreams are not easy to understand,

$0 get a second opinion.

Next time you're going to dream,

take your little furry friend here along.

He'll help.

You mean,
Wembley should meet Sidebottom, too?

Two heads are better than one, right?

[both] Right.

Oh, you Fraggles are so lucky.

You can share your dreams.

So share the dream
and find out what's going on.

Good advice, Marjory.

Dream a dream and see.

But, um...

[both] The Trash Heap has spoken.

-Come on, Boober. [chuckles]
-[Boober sighs]



I really appreciate
you sharing this dream with me.

Oh, don't mention it.

-But I already did.
-Okay, mention it.

[both sigh]

Are our heads touching?

I think so. Yeah.

Dream a dream and see...

Uh, what a dream can be.

[both yawning]

[male voice echoing] What a great party.

-Oh, no.
-I know a joke I think you'll really like.


What lies at the bottom of the sea
and shakes?

Oh, Wembley, that's him.
Come on, let's wake up.

Oh, come on, Boober.
Don't you wanna hear the end of the joke?



What lies at the bottom of the sea
and shakes?

A nervous wreck.

Oh, I love that joke.


[all laughing]

Hello, Boober, old pal, old buddy,
old pal, old buddy, old pal, old buddy.


Hey, what is this?

Have you actually brought a friend

to my happy comer
of the land behind the eyes?

Hello, I'm Wembley.

And I'm Sidebottom.

[Wembley laughs]
Wow me.

[Wembley and Sidebottom laugh]

You see, I'm the fun side of Boober,

but he always keeps me on the bottom,

s0 I call myself Sidebottom.


-Do you like it?
-I think it's great.

[upbeat folk music playing]

7 Can't step up, you can't sit down }

7 Can't step anywhere in this town ♪

I Every place you go
You know, it's startin" to seem

I Everybody's doin' it, Boober's dream

I You take a little step
And you set it down

I Shake it like if's takin' you
Round and round ♪

I Take another step
And you'll see what I mean §

7 ‘Cause everybody's doin' it
Boober's dream

I Everybody's doin' it, Boober's dream

I Step straight north
And your foot goes south

♪ Shake it all around
Till it's in your mouth

I Everybody's askin' you what it means I

I ‘Cause now you're doin' it
Boober's dream

I Everybody's doin' it, Boober's dream


Well, Wembley, old buddy, old pal.

-I can see you're a Fraggle with taste.
Oh, yeah.

A Fraggle who knows a whoopee cushion
when it hits him on the head.


Oh, that was a whoopee cushion, all right.

A nice little fella, too.

Yes. All right now, Wembley,
let's have us some fun.

-[both whooping]

Wembley, Wembley. Oh, let's wake up now.

Please. This is awful.


-Oh, come on, Boober.
[Wembley whooping, laughing]

Loosen up.

You never bring anybody in here to see me.

I get tired of telling all my best jokes
to dream Doozers.

No offense, boys.

[Doozers] Yay, Sidebottom.

-[drums playing]
“Wembley, what's that there?

[laughs] t's a Gorg with a drum.

Oh, yeah? Well, tell him to beat it.

[Wembley] Oh, I get it.
-[both laughing]

[distant voice] Wembley...

Oh, but I guess maybe I'd better go back
with Boober now.

Well, okay.
But will you visit me again, please?

I've got lots more jokes to tell you.

Well, sure.

Wembley, no...

Promise? And promise
you'll bring your friends?

Promise on the solemn oath
of the Fraggles?


Whoa... Well, you bet I promise.

Uh, weeba, weeba, waffa, waffa,
garpox, gumbage, whoopee.



Wembley. Wembley, what are you doing?

-Okay, come back real soon.

Iwill. Uh, squeet squeet.

Squat squat. [laughing]

-[Boober moaning]
Wembley] Yeah, I'l come back. Bye.

[both groaning]

Whew! [laughing]


Well, Wembley,

you shared my dream.

“What's your opinion?

Well, uh, my opinion is,
it was fun. [chuckles]

Yeah. Horrible, wasn't it?

Well, maybe a little horrible, Boober,

but except for the wonderful part.


What wonderful part?

Oh, the whole thing.

Sidebottom was great.

I haven't laughed that hard
since yesterday.

Wembley, don't you realize
that when you laugh,

germs can get right in your mouth.

Well, I...
-Fun is dangerous.

-Sidebottom is not great.

He's terrible. He's reckless.

He's you.

How can you say such a thing?

Well, you wanted a second opinion.

Not that second opinion.

Wembley, I am not reckless.

I am careful.

I pride myself on my inability to guffaw.

Sidebottom is not me.

Well, then maybe you're him.

Wembley, no.

If Sidebottom is really me,

then I'l never be able to get rid of him.


ll... Ill never be able to sleep again.


[Doc] It doesn't say in any of these
dream analysis books

what it means to dream
of furry little creatures that high,

with bug-out eyes and long tails.


It says little creatures that high,
who are green, and wear helmets

are symbols of work and creativity.

-Oh, but I didn't dream about them.

I keep remembering this dream
more and more, Sprocket.

The strange, furry little creature
lived in a big cave or...

No, no. It was a rock.

-And they... Yes.

They were...

swimming in a big pool.

[Sprocket woofs]

Now where did my subconscious mind
dig up an image like that?

-I can't get my mind

off that bizarre dream

with these happy little creatures
swimming and playing games.

[Red] I'm gonna get you, Mokey.

Oh, no, you're not.


Freeze, Mokey, I got you.

[panting] Gobo.
[Gobo laughs]

[Red grunting]

Freeze, Gobo. I got you.

You missed me by a Doozer tower.

I did not. Come back here.

Wembley, I just don't feel
like playing Fraggle Freeze.

Well, maybe it'l take your mind
off your dream and Sidebottom.

-[Boober gasps]
-I got you, Gobo.

You did not.

I did too.

-[Boober moaning]
-[Red] Oh...

I got him, didn't I, Mokey?


I don't know. I was frozen.


Wembley, Boober.

Oh, goodie. Now that you're here,
let's play something different.

-Good idea.

Fraggle Freeze is too much fun.

Let's do something safe and boring.


Okay. Hey, Gobo, read us a card
from your Uncle Matt.

-It so happens, I have one right here,

but I hate to disappoint you,
it's not boring at all.

[Boober laughs feebly] Uh-oh.

"Dear Nephew Gobo..."

[Matt] { just discovered

that the shiny creatures
who live in this world share dreams,

but not exactly as Fraggles do.

Last night, I watched these large,
shiny beasts settle down in their beds,

close their eyes, and go to sleep.

All standard procedure, I admit.

-Or almost standard procedure.
[movie projector starting]


Anyway, if was the strangest dream
I've ever seen,

-nothing at all like a Fraggle dream.
[movie soundtrack playing]

What kind of dream is that?


[music continues playing]

"Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

Boy, that was some weird postcard.

-[Gobo and Wembley] Yeah.
Well, uh, Matt is one weird uncle.

[all laughing]

But speaking of weird, what's with Boober?

[whimpers] You think shiny creatures
have weird dreams,

you should meet Sidebottom.

‘Who's Sidebottom?

Oh, he's a disgusting, horrible nightmare.

-[Boober sighs]
-He's a Fraggle in Boober's dream.

He's not disgusting at all.
He's really fun.

-Fun? Now wait a minute, Wembley.

Boober's a Fraggle
who thinks giggling is bad for you.

{Mokey laughs]
Well, itis.

Oh, I've made my point.

[stammers] But, Red,
Boober's dream was really fun.

Sidebottom is a riot. [scoffs]

And you should see
his whoopee cushion. [laughs]

No, you shouldn't.

Hey, Sidebottom sounds interesting.

Oh, I... I really like him myself,

but he seems kind of lonely.

I think he needs friends.

Aw, poor Sidebottom.

-Hey, Boober, maybe we could meet him.

-[Gobo and Wembley] Yeah.
-No, no, no, no.

I have to get rid of him,

or I'l never get
another peaceful night's sleep.

-[Mokey] Oh...
-My health will degenerate.

But, Boober,
I promised Sidebottom we'd come back.

I promised on the...

[sternly] solemn oath of the Fraggles.

-[Boober shudders]

Oh, no.

Well, then there's nothing I can do.

But now you promise me

that you're not gonna tell
poor old Sidebottom

that you're gonna come see him again.

This is it.

Relax, Boober. We promise.

[Wembley] Mmm.

Weeba, weeba, waffa, waffa,
garpox, gumbage, whoopee.

-Thank you.

And now to Boober's dream.

[all] Yeah.
-[Boober sighs]

[all sighing]

Okay. Everybody's heads together?

[all] Yeah.

[soft music playing]
-Go, Boober. It's your dream.

-You start.
-[Boober moans)

Dream a dream and see

what a dream can be.

7 What makes dreamers feel }

♪ Dreams are more than real? I

I Why does dreaming keep revealing

7 What our lives conceal? }

I Dream a dream and see }

I What a dream can be 0

I Dream a dream and see }

I Why sweet dreamers dream §

[all yawning]

Where are the others?

I When I wake, I see I

[Wembley grunts]

♪ One more mystery §

[Mokey] Ooh...

I While our lives run

I Is there someone I

I Dreaming you and me?

I Dream a dream and see }

-[Red laughing]
[Mokey] Och!

I What a dream can be 0

I Dream a dream and see }

I Why sweet dreamers dream §

I Dream a dream and see }

[Sidebottom] ♪ Laugh your cares away
Worry's for another day

{Wembley laughs]
-Oh, no, that's it, that's him.

That's Sidebottom.

Oh, you're gonna love him.
Come on. Let's go.

[laughs] Whee!

Wembley, you came hack.

[all laughing]
-You brought your friends.

I did promise.

-It's great to see you.

Welcome to Boober's dream.

♪ You can't step up, you can't step down ♪

I You can't step anywhere in this town

I Every place you go
You know, it's startin" to seem

I Everybody's doin' it, Boober's dream

[laughing and whooping]

Mokey. Mokey, you look ravishing.

Oh. Well, thank you.

-Oh, and Red.

Seeing you here
is beyond my wildest dreams.

Wow! [laughs]


Gobo, I'm particularly pleased
that you came.

I know how everyone admires you.

Oh, gee. Nice of you to say so.

So now we're gonna sing songs
and play games and have fun, fun, fun!

-[Red] Can you believe this, Gobo?

A Boober who's fun.

That's me, all right.


Tons of fun, piles of smiles,
carafes of laughs.

[all cheering]

Hey, do you want me to tell you
the one about the high rock wall?

[all] Yeah.

I better not.

You might not get over it.

[all laughing]


Hey, Boober, this is fantastic.

Come on, guys.

You've met him now. Let's wake up.

Oh, it's so nice to have friends.

I wish you could stay for ever and ever.

Well, tell us another joke.
-All right.

What goes, "Wheepoo, wheepoo, wheepoo"?

-A whoopee cushion in reverse.

[all laughing]
-Wheepoo, wheepoo!

Let's wake up now, please.

Why, Boober? This is fun.

You need another reason?

But you can't wake up now, Boober.

We're just getting into it.

-Then it's time to get out of it.

Red, Wembley, Mokey, Gobo,

please, let's just wake up.

Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay.

Now promise me you'll come back.

We'd love to,

but we already promised Boober
we'd only come here once.

And once is up. Good-bye.

But... But, Boober, you won't let me out.
You won't let them in.

What's a dream like me to do?

Try nothing.

Oh, but nothing just isn't my style.


Now, for your dreaming enjoyment,
we will play Fraggle Freeze.

-Oh, boy.
-Oh, love that game.

Who's gonna be it?

And when I tag you, you freeze.

-Tag. Tag.
-Oh, oh. I'm gonna get away.

“Wembley run.
-Tag. Tag.

[whimpers] Wembley, are you all right?

[Mokey] What an interesting sensation.

- don't think I can move at all.
-[Boaber whimpering]

[Gobo] Boy, this is some dream.

[Red] Gobo, I can't move.

Oh, that's all right.

I like you all so much,
I want you to stay here forever.

-[Sidebottom laughs]
-I told you fun was dangerous.

[Gobo] Hey, Sidebottom.

How about playing another game?

But this is my favorite game.

Only, nobody ever played it
with me before.

You wanna hear another joke?



[Mokey] But it's kind of hard to laugh
when you're frozen solid.

Oh, that's okay. Just do your best.

Oh, please let them go. Take me instead.

But, Boober, I always have you.

-And now I have them, too.

Oh, we're gonna have so much fun.

[all moaning]

-Oh. No.

[moaning continues)

How do you keep
a frozen Fraggle in suspense?

-[l tell you later.

-[laughing, jingling]
-That's so funny.

Boom-boom. [whooping]

-I told you fun was dangerous.

What should I do?

Hey, why don't you try nothing?

That's what you always do.

You're no fun.

But your friends are.

With them here,
Il never be lonely again.

[laughing maniacally]
-[whimpers] You can't do this.

Watch me.
[Mokey] But, Sidebottom, we're frozen.

It's sort of limiting.

Let us go.

How would you like to be Boober's dream?

It's sort of tough
being stuck inside a guy

who wouldn't know a whoopee cushion
if it hit him on the head.


That does it. I've had enough.

Hey, Sidebottom.


What's over there?

Over where?

[screams, pants]

Listen, if I let you up,
will you let my friends go?

Knock, knock.
Uh... Who's there?

-Lettuce who?

Let us up and you'll find out.

[laughs, grunts]

Notice I am not laughing.

Notice I am still sitting on top of you.

Notice you are no fun at all.

Will you let my friends go,
or do I sit here forever?

I could do it, you know.

It's my sort of activity.

Okay, okay. You win.
You always win in the end.


Okay, okay, okay.

We can move. Oh.

Hey, nice going, Boober.
I didn't know you had it in you.

Well, he does. He's got me in him.

Do I really win?

This isn't another one
of your sick jokes, is it?

No, no, Boober. You win. You always win.

What I don't understand is,
why are you fighting with me?

Well, we're fighting because you're fun,

and fun is dangerous.

-And it gets out of control, and...

Wait a minute.

We had a fight, and I won.

-[upbeat music playing]
-I'm the one who's in charge around here.

Did I ever say you weren't?

You see, Boober...

I'M like to party hard §

I'M like my own back yard 2

I I like to jive and bop

I like it when you stop?

7 So who knows ♪

I Who knows 2

I Who knows what you see

I Who knows what you see
Ina guy like me?


I You don't like to lose I

I You can't stand to win

I You won't sing the blues ♪

♪ You think fun's a sin?

7 So who knows ♪

I Who knows 2

I Who knows what you see

I Who knows what you see
Ina guy like me?

But, Boober...

♪ You say doom is nice §

I You say gloom's a vice I

I But you don't like to dance


I You're Mr. Fancy Pants}

7 So who knows ♪

I Who knows 2

I Who knows what you see

I Who knows what you see
Ina guy like me?

I Actually, I don't mind
The way you clown ♪

7 Well, I don't mind it when you frown ♪

I And I like your seedy style }

I like your weedy smile I

7 So we know!

I We know?

I We know what we see

I 1 know what I see, and it's fine by

I 1 know what I see, and it's fine by me ♪

Whoa, what are you doing?
We've only just met.

Don't kid yourself.

We've known each other a long time.

Well, if anybody's gonna be a part of me,
it might as well be you.

-Even if you do look like a potato.

Well, so do you.

Hey, let's make a deal.

I'l keep out of your dreams

if you just let me break loose
now and then, okay?

Well, okay,

but promise you'll never be too much fun
in front of my friends?

All right, I promise.

Weeba, weeba, waffa, waffa,
garpox, gumbage, whoopee.

[all] Boober. Boober.


Oh, Boober.

Oh... Are... are you okay?

Yeah, where's Sidebottom?

Well, I'm not exactly sure.

Let's just wake up, okay?

-Yeah. That's a good idea.


Is everybody all right?

-I have to hand it to you, Boober.

That dream was not boring.

[all grunting]

Well, but you have to say,
it certainly wasn't pure fun, either.

Yeah, maybe not,
but you sure know a lot of great jokes.


Wembley, I do not know great jokes.

I am distinctly unhilarious,

and I have a splitting headache.

Please leave me alone.

-Oh, sure.
-That's our old, boring Boober.

All one of him. [laughs]

Boy, but you know,

-I never knew he was so versatile.
-[Boober sighs]

[Wembley] Yeah.
“What a dream.


Psst. Sidebottom.

Are you still in there?



[Boober and Sidebottom laughing]

[Boober panting]

Oh, good. Just checking.

[sighs] Now, where is my whiskbroom?

Well, Sprocket.

[thuds, grunts]

I've been reading
these books on dreams all day,

and I haven't found any reference

to small, furry creatures with long tails.

[whines, barks]

Perhaps these creatures
represent part of myself.

Happy, carefree, fuzzy.

All know is,

dreams are at least a little bit true.

-Right, Sprocket?

Someday I'l figure out

why I dreamed about these silly creatures.

-Yep, Sprocket.

One day, I'l understand.


[Sprocket sighs]

[music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪