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02x03 - The Trash Heap Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Posted: 10/03/23 08:20
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.

Phew. What a warm day.

Some iced tea is just what's called for.

Oh, I see you think more than
iced tea is called for.

But I just fed you.
What happened to all your dog food?


Oh, you can't tell me
your dog food just vanished.

I know what happened to it.

You've put on five pounds
in the last few weeks.

Besides, things don't just disappear
in the physical universe.

They change.

Yeah, well, look.
Take this ice cube, for instance.

What is it? Well, of course it's cold.

But it's more than that.
It's water in its solid state.

Now, if we put this ice cube in this dish

and watch it,
what do you think will happen?


Well, you'll fall asleep?

Well, it'll take some time,
but if we keep alert,

we will witness a fascinating event.

Now, watch this ice cube.

7 Today had been an awful day

Awful day.

I Until some Doozers came my way I

They, uh...

I They squeet squat boing bainged
Just like that }

I And now I'm sitting in my hat }

1 An awful day they came my way ♪


I A squeet squat thing
And a boing boing bing I

♪ Lots of fun §



I Squeet squat squay and an awful day I

I Today!

Uh, that's almost right, yeah.

[sighs] Writing songs sure isn't
as easy as it sounds.

Now, what about a second verse? Yeah.

Um... [clears throat]

I What a day for me and you!

[all] No. No. No.

I For Wembley and for...

Uh... For Wembley and for, uh...

Oh, rocks. I'l never think of a thyme.

[Boober] Oh, Wembley. There you are.

Listen, I just wanted to check with you
to find out where...

What is that thing on your head?

Oh, it's a hat.

But you never wear a hat.
You look ridiculous.

I know that. I'm writing a song.


Well, [ have to wear a hat
to make it thyme.

I'l show you what I mean. It goes...

I They squeet squat
Boing boinged just like that;

I And now I'm singing in my hat

You see, my hat's in the song.

But couldn't you just sing the song
without wearing the hat?

Boober. That would be dishonest.

[sighs] I don't think I'll ever
understand pop music.

[sighs] Listen, Wembley,
have you seen Gobo?

Oh, yeah, he's exploring
the ring cavems today.

-Oh, I'll check back later.

I And now I'm sit... I

-[gasps] Booher!

Boober. Boober. Boober.
Don't go. Don't go. You can help me.

I've written a new verse
for my song. Listen.

7 What a day for me and you?

I For Wembley and for Boober, too I

You see, you're in my song.
You have to stay here with me.

But, Wembley, I have plans.

But then the song won't be right.

Ah, Boober, come on. You'll love spending
the day here with me.

[sighs] What makes you think so?

Well, well, because...

7 Today has been an awful day ♪

Well, now that you're here...

I Today has been a pretty nice day

I A bunch of Gorgs, uh,
Doozers came my way

I They built a tower just like that I

I And now I'm singing in my hat

I A pretty nice day }

I They came my way!?

[Doozers] Oh, no, he's doing it again.



Pa? Pa? O husband and helpmate of mine.

Yes, oh, yes, joy of my life

and disturber of my naps.

Oh, good hus, all mom have I been reading
the books of ancient lore.


How [long for the elegance and charm

of those great days gone by
when Lord and Lady Gorgs lived in beauty.

Uh-huh? What did they have
that we don't have?

I'm glad you asked.

Out here in the garden,
couldn't we have a gazebo?

A gazebo? You want a gazebo?

Why shouldn't 1?

My dear, a gazebo's a big, smelly animal
with black and white stripes.

Sure, they run fast, but who needs them?

Methinks thou art confused, good hus.

Let me show you in the Book of Lore.

A gazebo is a summer house
built in the garden.

-Oh, that kind of gazebo.

Forsooth, good wife,
I shall build you one.

Oh. A blessing on you, good sir.


[both laugh]

Or to be exact,
I shall have Junior build one.

Junior! Come here, lad.

Yes, Dada.

Dada call Junior. Junior go to Dada.

-Dada needs Junior.
-Boy, you're talking in your sleep again.

Wake up.

Oh, hi, Pa.
I was walking in my sleep again.


Yeah. Listen, son.
Your mother wants a gazeho.

Oh, sure, mom wants a gazebo.

But I'l be the one who has to feed it
and clean up after it.

Oh, Junior, don't you know anything?

A gazebo's a summer house
built in a garden.

Oh, that kind of gazebo.

Okay, where should I build it?


Oh, how about right there in the clearing
on the other side of the wall?

But, Pa, that's where
we always throw all the junk.

Oh, you can throw junk anywhere.

Just shovel up that old trash heap
and throw it away.

[Junior] Okay.

Marjory. Did you hear?
Oh, no. Did you hear?

I heard. Of course I heard.
The Gorg is going to shovel me away.

Marjory. It's the end.

Nonsense, Gunge.
It's hard to k*ll a trash heap.

But being shoveled up...

Oh, it could change a person.
It could change me forever.

-Oh, no.
-But what can we do?

How can we stop the Gorgs?

Bring me some Fraggles.
Let them be the heroes.

-Bring you some Fraggles?
Fraggles as heroes?

Why not? Take the right Fraggle,
put him in the right place,

he might rise to greatness.

7 Today has been a perfect day

7 ‘Cause all my friends just came my way I

I My friends, they taught me
Just like that

I And now I'm singing in my hat

7 A perfect day they came my way ♪

I A dancing ring and a song fo sing

♪ Lots of fun we ate a bun ♪

I It's a perfect day

Thank you.

Boober! Up, Boober, up!

7 What a day for me and you?

I For Wembley and for Boober, too I

I Squeet squat boing and nothing's wrong ♪

I And so I sing it in this song

I've got fo hop}

just can't stop

I When you dance this way
If's a perfect day

I And Boober can in a big fat pan

I It's a squeet squat boing ♪

7 And a perfect day?


What a horrible song.

I tell you, it's going
to be a perfect day.

The Trash Heap is about
to be shoveled up and carried away.

-So much for your perfect day.

The Gorgs are going to throw away
our beloved Marjory.

Font of all wisdom.

Only you can save her.

Us? We can't save anybody.

Listen, Marjory said bring a Fraggle,
she didn't say which Fraggle.

We choose you.

You'll be a hero.

Oh, I hate crossing the Gorgs' garden.

[gasps] Run.


-Oh, we did it. We made it past the Gorgs.

We're too late.

The Trash Heap is gone!



There. The ice cube is gone,
but, no, Sprocket, it has not disappeared.

It has changed from being water
in its solid state

to water in its liquid state,

one of the primordial
transformations of the universe.


Oh, but we're not finished.

We can change this ice cube again
from water in its liquid state

into water in its gaseous state.

Everything changes, Sprocket.

One day you're going to be
very interested in this.

[Gunge sniffling]

7 Where is the trash of our youth? }

I Where are the peels of our prime?

I Where is the wisdom?
Where is the truth? I

I Where is the garbage of time? ♪

I Gone, gone, gone ♪

7 Gone?

It's gone.

I Bring back the litter we knew

I Please bring back
The guck and the gold ♪

I Bring back the wisdom
So rare and so true ♪

I Bring back the garbage of ofd ♪

I Gone, gone, gone ♪

7 Gone?

Oh, Gunge, it's gone.


Wait a minute. We can't just give up hope.

So what are you going to do?

I know what I can do.

Yeah? What will you do?

Well, I can ask Gobo what to do.

-Come on.
Check. Huh.

Didn't Marjory say they'd rise
fo the occasion?

I think they're sinking to it.


All ready to build the gazebo,
0 king and strong boss of mine.

-Oh, very good, Junior.


By the way, what did you do
about that old trash heap?

What did I do with the trash heap?

Oh, don't you worry about that.
I shoveled it all up and then I-

Yoo-hoo, O family of my heart
and love of my life,

lunch is ready.

-Oh, lunch.

Oh, and, Junior,
bring me my sewing basket, please.

Oh, you got it, O queen and seamstress.

[Boober] Whoa.


Thank you, son of a thousand joys.

You're welcome, O queen and fancy talker.

Are we ready now?

All thanks to the spirit
of the great Gorgs

and the generosity of the garden.

Hey, nonny, nonny, nonny.


Ha cha cha.

Now, to this delicious-looking
cold lettuce ragout.

Oh, not for me, good hus.

Insooth I am trying
to lose a little weight.

I shan't be eating lunch today.

Too bad, Ma. This ragout smells delicious.

No, I'l just sit here
and do a little sewing.


I'l just finish embroidering
that handkerchief.


[Pa Gorg] Junior, lad,
I started to ask you,

what did you do with that heap of trash
out where we're building the gazebo?

Oh, you don't have to worry about
that old trash heap ever again, sire sir.

I shoveled it all up and then I--

Has anyone seen a thimble?

Uh, must be in your
sewing basket, duckykins.

Oh. [chuckles]

Now then, Junior, what were you saying?

I was saying you don't have to worry
about the old trash heap.

I shoveled the trash heap up and I put it
over there by the toolshed.


No, no, Junior.
Who wants all that trash in the garden?

Put it in the wheelbarrow
and dump it in the river.



Oh, a Fraggle!

Get him. Get him.

Not me, dunderhead. The Fraggle.

Boober. Boober, get up. Get up. Look out!

-[Junior] Aah! I'l get you.

Junior. Junior, get over here
and help me calm down your mother.

I know where the Trash Heap is, Boober.

Farewell, O Fraggles.

We're going to search the universe
for our beloved Marjory.

But you don't have to.
I know where she is.

[all] Where?
-She's over by the toolshed.

-Come on.

[Wembley] There she is. See?

I think.

Is she all right?

Oh, Marjory said that you can't k*ll
a trash heap.

Yeah, but she said she could be changed.

Marjory. Marjory darling, are you okay?

See? Its her. [laughing]

Hello, boys. It's me, the Trash Heap.

But you know, I'm feeling a bit strange.

Oh, no. Marjory's turned into a fella.


There itis, Sprocket.

Our ice cube transformed first into liquid
and now into gas.

See the steam rising, Sprocket?

Think of how amazing that really is.

Furthermore, I'm taking that steam,
the water in its gaseous state,

and I'm cooling it
by passing it through this tubing

and changing it back into liquid water.

But we needn't stop there. Oh, no.

I can take this water,
put it back into the freezer

and change it back into an ice cube.

What a wonderful idea.


Excuse me, Madam Heap, but are you okay?

It's hard to say.

I told you I might change if I were moved.

Yeah, well, you were certainly right,
Marjory sir.

Why are you all standing around talking?

Didn't you hear?
When the Gorgs finish eating

they're gonna throw
the Trash Heap in the river.

We have to stop those monsters.

Ah, ah, ah. Don't be so hard on the Gorgs.

As far as they're concerned,
I'm just a pile of junk.

Yeah, they've never noticed
Marjory is alive.

But she is. Or he is.

What's more, the Trash Heap
is our wisdom, our comfort, our hope.

-If we lose that...

Yeah, I'm not worried.
You two Fraggles will save me.

I wish you'd stop saying that.

Oh, please, Madam Heap, sir,
I don't have an idea in my head.

Then, Fragglette,
go sit quietly under the tree

at the end of the garden and think of one.

Yes, ma'am-- sir.



[Boober] This is madness.

How can we, lowly Fraggles,
think of a way to save the Trash Heap?

It's nearly hopeless.

I keep thinking of this post card
from Traveling Matt.

It's hopeless.

It started something
like “Dear Nephew Gobo..."

I remember that one.

[Matt] You probably won't believe this,

but I discovered these odd, little rooms
that transform people.

[elevator dings]

I watched two of the male creatures
walk info this room.

The doors closed, and a moment later
when they opened again,

they had turned fo ladies.


When no one was around,
1 sneaked into the room myself.

I could hardly watt to see what changes
it would make in me.

At first I felt like I was changing.

Then the doors opened, and lo and behold,

the place had changed.

[car honks]


That's it. That's it! [laughs]

What's it?

We don't want the Trash Heap to change.

We want the place where she lives
to change. We have to move her.

Wembley, your brain is floating off
into the sunset.

Where can we move her to? And how?

Oh, where, where, where, where, where?

I've got it! We can move her
to the other side of Fraggle Rock.

The Gorgs never go there. Itll be safe.

Now try the how question.

How, how, how, how, how?

Come quick. The Gorgs are putting Marjory

in a wheelbarrow
s0 they can throw her in the river.

Oh, no.


All done, Daddy.

Now I'l wheel it down
and throw it in the river.

You do that, son... while I take a nap.


The afternoon is warm.
Methinks a nap 'twouldst be a fine idea.

Methinks you're on to something, sire.

Aw, Junior,
try not to walk in your sleep this time.

You know how annoying it is.

Yes, Dad.


He walks in his sleep. I think I've got
an idea to save the Trash Heap.

[fit's the idea I think it is,
it's really dumb.

I've got this really dumb idea.

Uh, Junior.

Junior Gorg. Go for a walk.

[incoherent muttering]


[Wembley] Yeah, walk and sleep.

Uh, walk.

Yeah. Whoa.

Oh, no, Wembley.

[Wembley] Okay, okay, uh...

Now, Junior Gorg, go, uh, right.


[Wembley] No, right.

-You know right.

-Oh, um, well...

Go to the, uh, wheelbarrow.


Hey, watch out for the table
No, no, no, keep going.

Look out for the table.
Now walk straight...

-Aah, Wembley!
[Wembley] Watch out for the pumpkin.

Look out for the wall. Okay. There...
Now there's the wheelbarrow.

Okay, pick up the wheelbarrow.

There you go. Now turn back. Turn back.

Okay, now walk back
the way you came. Sort of.

No, no. Back, now forward. Forward.

Walk straight ahead. Look out
for the table. Look out for the table.

Look out. Look out for Pa.


Okay, now tum. Tum.

Careful. Careful. Oh, be careful.

Okay, now straight... No, straight ahead.
Well, turn to your left.

There you go. Now walk. Look out
for the rocks. Look out for the racks.

Okay, now look out for the well.
Turn, turn.

Okay. Now dump the wheelbarrow.

[Junior] Dump the wheelbarrow.
‘Way to go, Wembley.

[Wembley] Okay, now back to your pa.
Oh, be careful.

Okay. Right. Left, I mean right.
I mean left... I mean...

I mean... Hey, wait, wait, hold- Stop!

Okay, now put down the wheelbarrow.

[Junior] Put the wheelbarrow down.
[Wembley] Whew.

Okay, now, uh, sleep.

[Junior] Nighty-night.

[Wembley] Whoa! [grunts]

Come on, Wembley. We gotta run. Come on.


-Pretty as a picture.

Is she all right?

Oh, the mighty Fraggle heroes...

Are in the presence of...

The all-knowing...

And the recently moved...

[both] Trash Heap.


It looks good, but there
still could be a problem,

the Trash Heap might still be changed.

We'll soon see.

She looks the same.


She sounds the same.

[in German accent]
Yeah by yumpin' yimminy,

I think 1 been feel the vay I alvays...


Clear your throat, Marjory.
Maybe it'l help.

[Marjory clears throaf]

Ya. Das ist much better.

No, nein, it is not.

Well, you've always said
it would change you.

[as southern debutante]
Well, sakes alive. It don't matter at all.

I just have this
little bitty voice problem.

I wouldn't be here at all

if it weren't for these
two very brave heroic Fraggles.

Aw, please, Madam Heap.
We don't care how you sound.

We care about what you are.

You are our wisdom and comfort and hope.

Yeah. Isn't it great?

Trash is back in town.

[rock music playing]

II been up and I been down

I I been dragged all over town

♪ Trying to find a place

I To lay my head?

I After all the pain and woe ♪

I Here's the only thing I know }

7 Couldn't last a day without my friends

♪ Trash is back
Trash is back in town ♪

I Oh, I'm home for good §

♪ Trash is back
Trash is back in town ♪

I Oh, yeah, let me tell you about it }

I Through the nights
And through the days?

I While wander in a haze I

7 Got no one to tell my troubles to

I Only when my friends are here

7 Lonely's not a word I fear

♪ ‘Cause now I know
My friends will pull me through

♪ Trash is back
Trash is back in town ♪

♪ Oh, and I'm here to stay

♪ Trash is back
Trash is back in town ♪

I say, once I headed down the road

I Trash is back in town }

I Trying to bear a heavy load }

I Trash is back in town }

I Tings looked bad at the very endy I

I Trash is back in town }

2 Till got rescued by my friends

I Trash is back in town }

♪ Trash is back
Trash is back in town ♪

7 Oh, tell ‘em about it, boys ♪

♪ Trash is back
Trash is back in town ♪

I Ah, yeah?

[in Irish accent] There we go, me hoyos.
I didn't go away, I just changed a little.

But only a little.

Our transformations
are complete, Sprocket.

We took an ice cube
which is water in its solid state,

changed it into its liquid state,
then into gas, back into liquid,

and here it is solid again.

Yes, it's one of the basic truths
of the physical universe, Sprocket.

Things don't disappear, they just change
and change and change again.

I just remembered...
I don't like iced tea.



[upbeat music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪