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02x02 - Boober Rock

Posted: 10/03/23 08:18
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Work your cares away

I Dancing's for another day

I Let the Fraggles play

We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!


Ooh, a Fraggle!

[chuckles] Look, Ma. I got a Fraggle!



I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

Down in Fraggle Rock.

Oh, the washer did a wonderful job
on our laundry, Sprocket.

I've just got to get it dry and then--

The blueprints for my electronic sponge.

Oh, you've put marks all over them.

I don't want your bones or toys

in my part of the workshop anymore,


Oh, I'm sorry, Sprocket. I didn't mean--


Oh, yeah?

What about your old flea collar?




My prototype sponge.

That does it.

Aman has got to draw the line somewhere.

And from now on, this is gonna be the line
between you and me.

I need four more shipments
of Doozer sticks. On the double.

[all] Whoopee.

Oh, no, no, no, that's all wrong.

You gotta get some spirit into it.

You want to make these caverns ring.
Do it like this.


Now you try it.


Now, that's better. Again.

[all] Whoopee!

Between the Doozers doing
and the Fraggles frenzying,

you can't think or sleep around here.



Oh, no. Get this thing out of here.



Hooray! Now we get to rebuild it.

Double the work crew.
We've got a real opportunity here.


Oh, Boober, thank heavens I found you.

You have to hear my new poem.

-Not now, Mokey, I--
-You're my best critic.


"When Fraggle Rock's just noisiness,

-and all--"
Um, listen, Mokey,

I'm really not in a poem-listening mood.

I just want to do
some nice, quiet, soothing laundry.

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day


Will you listen to one more thing, Boober?
Please, just one more thing.

[clears throaf]

"When Fraggle Rock's just noisiness-—-"

Fraggle Rock is just noisiness.


But... Boober...

Mmm-hmm. Yeah.

Hey, Gobo, did you borrow my mossy?


You know, that stuff that makes
your laundry all soft and mosslike.

Oh, sorry, Boober, I haven't seen it.

Oh, what a rotten day.

Nothing's going the way it's supposed to.



What are you guys up to?

Oh, we found these maps
in an old trunk of Uncle Matt's.

Yeah, there's whole areas here
that I didn't even know existed.

Yeah, like this one. The Caves of Boredom.

I remember Matt and the Storyteller
mentioning that place,

but I can't remember what they said.

Something about it being dull and quiet.

-Quiet, huh?

Sounds beautiful.

And it's not far away.

I Dance your pants away ♪

I Worries will be here to stay §

7 If you spend your day ♪

I Down at Boober Rock }



You get it? Boober Rock.

-[Boober] Oh, Red.
-Boober Rock.


You got a rock moss smear
across my best scarf.

Laundry's supposed to be dirty.



Okay, go ahead, laugh.
Trample on my tenderest feelings.

Oh, I'm sorry, Boober.
I was just trying to kid you.

You know, Boober Rock, Fraggle Rock.


Well, well, here, let me try to get
the stain out with your bleach nut.

-No, you'll break it. Oh, you broke it.


Stench alert.

-[Boober] Look at this laundry.

I'm sorry, Boober. I'm sorry.
I was just trying to help.

That's no good.

Oh, well, at least
this stuff clears your brain.

Well, it certainly clears my brain
of any silly notions I had

about getting some peace
and quiet around here.

[all coughing]

Mokey, I'm even less in the mood
for poetry now than I was before.

But Boober, a poem is a gift.
Oh, please, just listen.

[clears throaf]

"When Fraggle Rock's just noisiness,
I long for perfect loneliness,

a calm and sleepy quiet world apart.

But once"
-Hey, that is beautiful.

Oh, thank you, Boober.

-"A quiet world apart."

I should have thought of this years ago.

But Boober...

You only heard half of it.


I want another 15 loads
of Doozer sticks up here right now.

My own quiet world apart.

I'l move to the Caves of Boredom.

[all] Whoopee. Whoopee. Whoopee.

One continuous noise.

-Hi, Boober.

Where you going?


Oh, sounds nice. You're gonna stay long?

-Oh, well, have a nice time.


Boober, where are you going?

I'm moving to the Caves of Boredom.

-All by yourself?
Why not?

Well, because Fraggles
don't live by themselves.

Fraggles live together and have fun
and make noise.

Well, I'm not like other Fraggles, then.
I want someplace quiet.

[fit means I have to go by myself...

I'l go along with you if you like.

Wembley, you are a Fraggle
who likes to be the siren

for the volunteer fire department

and run around yelling,
"Squeet-squeet, squat-squat.”

I am a Fraggle who likes the serenity
of dimly-lit caverns

and the gentle drip-drip, drop-drop
of stalactites.

We live in two different caves, Wembley.
I don't think it would work out.


Oh, gee, when you put it that way...


[steam hissing]

There itis.

Just like on Uncle Traveling Matt's map.

The Caves of Boredom.

Wow! It's beautiful.

Oh. Absolutely beautiful.

Look at those flowers.

And it's so quiet here.

Good-bye, Fraggle Rock,
and hello, Boober Rock.


I I'm never alone

1 never feel lonely ♪

I I'm always at home

I With me!

♪ Got nothin' to lose ♪

1 got good times only

II don't get the blues

I With me!

I Why should I be?

I Lookin' for company 7

7 That'll only make you cry?

I Everyone seems fo be
Lookin" for somebody

7 I've got myself?

I Myself has 17

Fantastic. I can just imagine it now.

♪ So don't be alone ♪

7 Don't ever feel lonely

I You're always at home I

I With you?

♪ Got nothin' to lose ♪

I You'll get?

I Good times only

I You won't get the blues I

I With you?

I Why should you be I

I Lookin' for company 7

I That'll only make you blue? ♪

I Everyone seems fo be I

♪ Lookin' for somebody

♪ You've got yourself §

7 Yourself has you?

I I'm never alone

1 never feel lonely ♪

I I'm happy and free

I Naturally?

I I'll be so at home ¢

I With me!


Yeah. Yeah.



Oh, no, you don't.

This half is mine and that half is yours

and that's the way
it's gonna be from now on.

-You should have thought of that earlier.

A boundary line is a boundary line.

Well, I'm sorry, Sprocket,

but I feel I have to take a firm stand.

Can't be casual
about these kind of agreements.

Oh, I'm almost finished.

Oh, my electronic sponge
is really gonna help

if a freighter has an oil spill.

Now, where did I put my other blueprint?

Ah, yeah.



Well, perhaps I was too hasty, Sprocket.

-Oh, Sprocket.

I'm only going to lean over
and get my blueprint.

-It's only a silly bit of old rope.


This is the line
where the old Fraggle Rock ends

and the new Boober Rock begins.

[chuckles] Now, anybody comes along,
like, uh...


Gee, that's funny.

I've forgotten their names.

My poem must have really moved him, huh?

-He's definitely moved, all right.

To the Caves of Boredom.

Gee, I guess my writing's
getting a lot stronger.

Oh, haven't read you my poem.
Have I, Gobo?

And I haven't read you
Uncle Matt's latest postcard, have I?

[clears throaf]

"Dear Nephew Gobo..."

[Matt] The silly creatures of this world

are more like Fraggles
than I first thought.

They like to travel fo and fro
through caves in the ground.


First you go down into the ground
along moving, Doozer-like belts,

until you find yourself in a strange cave

full of silly creatures
simply standing around.

But it's not like a Fraggle Cave.

There are no games, no singing,
or swimming.

In fact, it is really quite boring.


But then, something terrible happened.

Inside this cave
was another traveling cave

that screamed as it traveled.

[wheels screech]

Oh. Oh.

[woman] Oh, my goodness. What happened?

[Matt] Even for a brave Fraggle like me,
it was a rather terrifying experience.

From now on, I intend to avoid
the boring caves at all cost.


"Love, your Uncle Traveling Matt."

Halt! Who goes there?

Quit kidding around, Boober.
It's Mokey and I. We came to see you.

Oh, yeah. [chuckles] Just testing you.

Gee, Boober, aren't you lonesome here
all by yourself?

I mean, don't you just miss us already?

Well, to tell you the truth,
I kind of forgot about you.

[all] Forgot?

Boober, do you feel okay?

Yes, of course I do.

I mean, can't a Fraggle go off by himself
without being labeled "sick"?

Well, we just wanted to see if you...

if you needed anything.

No, thanks.

Oh, well... [clears throat]

I guess we'd better go, then.

Yeah, I guess you'd better go.

-Uh, Boober...

If you ever need anything...
I mean, you know, uh...

anything, anything at all,
why, you just, uh, just, uh...

So long, Boober.

Okay. Bye.


[Red] Whoopee! Now practice on your own.

[all] Whoopee! Whoopee!

Red, we are very worried about Boober.

Yeah, we got to go see him.

No, no. More energy.
You guys are Fraggles, not Gorgs.

[all] Whoopee! Whoopee!


I said we got to go see Boober.

I keep trying to remember
that story Matt told me.

I guess I'l have to go
to the Storyteller to get it.

~The Storyteller!
-Oh, boy, I'm coming, too.

Class dismissed.


I'm gonna go see Boober.


Uh, scrub board and, uh...

bleach nut.

Yes. Laundry always gives a place
that nice, homey feel.

[Wembley] Hello? Is anybody...




There you are.
I thought I'd never find you.

So these are the Caves of Boredom, huh?

Funny, they don't look boring, do they?

-Oh, that's just their name.

Who knows why anyone
names anything what they do?

Who knows why they named you, um...

whatever they named you?

Oh, you mean Wembley?

Well, they thought it meant
"easily makes up his mind."

-Do you like it?
- can't decide.

Did you come to live here, too?

Oh, no. Just visiting. I...

[sniffs] Whew!

Uh, Gobo and, uh, Mokey.


You know, I can't seem to remember names.

I... I remember I know you.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

I'm me and you're, uh...


-I believe you.

I just can't remember.

As the official Storyteller,
I remember every tale ever told.

Bella Fraggle and the Seven Doozers.


Now, what story do you need today, huh?

Oh, oh, oh. Tell her, tell her.

Yeah. Uh, The Caves of Boredom.


Oh, you're so much like
your Uncle Matt, Gobo.

Straight to the point.

He always set me thinking, too.

Oh, takes me back, I tell you.


He was such a romantic Fraggle
in his youth.

-Oh, [remember the time when we--
-Is this about caves?

Oh, of course.

Now, nowadays they're called
the Caves of Boredom,

but once upon a time,

those caves were called
the Caves of Forgetfulness,

except everybody forgot
that that's what they were called.

Because, of course, that's what they do.

They make you forget things.

Oh. Oh, but there should be signs there.

-And warnings.
-[Gobo] Yeah.

Well, there would be,
if Fraggles remembered.

Now, as I was saying--

Oh, it sounds like magic to me.

Which means--

It means that if you think
you're gonna forget something,

you make a list
of what you want to remember

and take it with you.

Now, do you guys
want to hear the story or not?

[Gobo] Oh, yeah.
[Red] We do. We do.

Okay. Now, the story goes
that two Fraggles, Tillie and Millie,

went there and disappeared.

[all gasp] Disappeared?

Yes. It seems the caves are filled
with these bizarre k*ller plants--

-Oh, no.
We got to go get Boober.

And then... And then to...

Oh, nobody wants to hear
the whole story anymore.

Oh, boulders!

I don't like this.
Everything feels wrong here.

That doesn't feel right.
Let's get out of here, okay?

Which way do we go?

I can't remember. This is terrible.

Oh, we've got to do something
to keep our spirits up.

We could always sing
that old Remembering song.

Come on, I'l start.

[clears throaf]

♪ remember faces ♪

I Like a waking dream ♪

I I remember walking ♪

I By the old mill stream §

I can still remember 2

I Things I can't forget §

I Memories are golden

I I remember yet?

Oh. Let me try one.


I I remember something ♪

I Washing up arag

Are you sure?

I Na, na, na, na, Bobo }

I think it was "Gobo."

I Sleeping in a bag

I can still remember 2

I Things I can't forget §

I Memories are na, na!

I I remember yet?

I'm not sure we remember this.

21, na, na, na, faces ♪

I Na, na, long ago }


I Na, na, na, na, something ♪

I Something told me so?

-I think it was Mokey.

I can still remember 2

I Something I forget;

-! Na, na, na, na, something ♪
-I Something

I can something yet?


I Something, something, something

I Na, na, na, na, nal

I La, la, Ia, la, left-wing?

I Left-wing


I Wishingonana?


I Something I remember ♪


I Something I forget;

I forget?

-♪ Something, something, something?
- Something ♪


Ia lala fal



I Something, something, something

Wembley, I don't think I remember this.

Me, too.

I just want to check that list again
and make sure I'm not forgetting anything.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

-"Go to the Caves of Boredom."

-"Get Boober and Wembley."

-"And don't forget to remember."

Uh, excuse me. Uh, pardon me. Yeah, you.

Could you help me out of this?
I seem to have forgotten how to stand up.

[l'try. [grunts] There.


I'l get the hang of it.

It's easy. You just put one thing
in front of another.

I seem to have lost the knack.

Oh, this is terrible.
We've got to do something.

Don't we?

I brought the poem so I could read
the rest of it to Boober.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, oh, oh. Sorry.

Maybe I can read it to you, Red, huh?

Okay. Um...


Gee, what funny-looking, uh...

Uh, what... what do you call these things?

What, those?
Oh, why, they're, uh... They're, uh...

[all] We're forgetting.

Quick. Read your list.

[all] Oh. Oh. Oh.

I... I can't remember how to read.

[Gobo] Well, try harder.

[Red] This isn't even my list.
I don't remember any of this.

[all moaning]

[steam hissing]

I got to do something, but what?

[steam hissing]

Oh, what's this?


"When Fraggle Rock's just noisiness,

I long for perfect loneliness,

a calm and sleepy quiet world apart.

But once alone, I miss my friends,

the meals we've shared, the songs

which sends me back to find
the Fraggles of my heart."


Friends. Meals.

That rings a bell. He's my friend.

And when you have a friend,

you make a big meal
and invite him over to share it.

Now, if I can only remember
what a meal is,

I can make one for the little fella.

It seems to me
you're supposed to mix things together.

There. Some of that. One of these.

And a floppy thing.

Another one. And a dash of this.


Boy, do those bleach nuts smell.

I better get back to making this supper.

What... what am I saying?

Dirty scarves, rock soap,
twigs, bleach nuts for supper?


Wembley, guess what I was just...

Wembley? I remember. I'm Boober.

Hey, Wembley, guess what?

Oh, no!


-Come on, Wembley.
“Who are you?

-You gotta smell my laundry.


Oh. [spits]

Oh, Boober, that is the worst smell--

We gotta get out of here.
Wait a minute. I remember.

I know. I know.
Let's get out of here. Come on.

Let's get out of here.

Wembley] What?

It's our friends. We've got to save them.

[Wembley] Get back. Get back.
Now, now inhale this laundry.

Here. Here. Here.

-There you go. Inhale.
-[Boober] Inhale.


[Gobo] Booher, what happened?

Never mind. Let's get out of here.

Yeah, come on. Hurry.

Are you okay, Boober?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to get back
to Fraggle Rock and Doozers

and whoopee.

I've had enough aloneness and quiet
to last me a lifetime.

Oh, me, too.

Or at least a week, anyway. Eh, Wembley?

[both laugh]

So it's mutually agreed, then,

that we're both merely
leaning over the borderline

in order to exchange objects
accidentally imprisoned

when the line was put in place.

-All right. Here's your dog biscuits.

And I'l take the blueprint.

Oh, Sprocket. [laughs]

Oh, this is no way to negotiate, boy,
but it is much nicer, isn't it?

Oh, Sprocket, let's forget about
this stupid old boundary line.

-'ve been silly, haven't I?

We both have.

Well, I'l just undo this rope
and then we can get back to...

After I get my laundry dry.

Oh, Sprocket,
the man who invented the clothesline,

he was a genius.

Elegance. Simplicity.

Yes, sir.

[music playing]


I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Dance your cares away ♪

I Worry's for another day

I Let the music play }

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪

I Down in Fraggle Rock ♪