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01x14 - The Challenge

Posted: 10/03/23 08:05
by bunniefuu
Hey, Sprocky!
Had a good run?

Have you been chasing Mr. Shimmelfinney's cat
chuffing around the block again?

3 times?

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

You good old dog.

Wait, don't lie down.

Look, I've finished it!

We now have a very own computer.

It's a wonderful system, Sprocket.

64 kBytes in RAM

and 6 peripheral slots
on the motherboard.

And we have a backup system.

Just in case.

And look at the software I have.

Sort and file,

Inventory wizard,


Boolean algebra,

Zombie att*ck.

Chase the alien enemy zombies
throughout the space

hurling flaming marshmallows.

I must say, Sprocket,
it sounds quite a challenge.

Why does this
always happen to me?

Every time I have something planned
he pulls his silly stuff.

And he doesn't even check with me first.
Well, I'm not gonna take it anymore.

What is this I heard
about a picnic today?

That's right,
we're all going down to yellow cavern.

Mockey made a lot of sandwiches
and I'm packing them.

Gobo decided.

My uncle Matt left some
really interesting maps of that area.

So I thought we could turn it
into a picnic.

But I have a swim-race today.

Too bad. We'll miss you.

But I love the yellow cavern.

Postpone your race.

Why couldn't you postpone the picnic?

It's all decided.

Be serious, Gobo.

How come you get to
decide all the time?

Oh, Red, you know Gobo
acts as our leader,

that's just the way it is.

Gobo, just why is that?

Oh, I don't know.
Just kind of happened.

I mean, I suppose anyone of us
could be leader.

Oh, good,
I'll take the job.

And use my first decision
as leader.

The picnic is tomorrow.

Hey, Red, let's be reasonable
about this.

The picnic is today.


Come back here!

Sounds like an argument.

Argument nothing,
it's an attempted coup!

Just a minute now.

Come on, I'm trying to tell you

Leadership does take
some special qualities.

What does that suppose to mean?

Well, a leader has to be
strong and brave

I'm strong and brave.

-And dedicated.
-I'm dedicated.

And calm and tactful.

Who says I'm not calm and tactful?

Bolder brain!

Who's a bolder brain?

Hold it!

You two shouldn't be fighting
about who's going to be leader.

Good grief! The very fabric of society
is breaking down.

It's only logical
for me to be leader.

Because my uncle Traveling Matt
taught me about so many things.

So many fairy tales.
That's what he's taught you.

That's untrue.

For instance, he taught me
that you have to think fast

and take decisive action
at times of crisis.

And how did he do that?

How about the time he met
the mouth-burners?

That was a story.

Yes, it's true.

These creatures use strange looking tubes
to light fires inside their mouths.

This must be an unpleasant
and dangerous practice.

But still these bizarre creatures
keep relighting their fires.

It is obviously very unhealthy.

Finally I saw one of them
light a fire
that got out of control.

I expected to be thanked profusely
but to tell you the truth,

mouth-burners are
an ungrateful lot!

Quick and decisive action,
that's my uncle Matt.

What a Fraggle, eh?

-It's a fairy tale.
-It is not!

Will you two
stop arguing?

Good heavens,
it would take the Trash Heap
to sort up this mess.

Good idea.
We'll let her decide.

I'll decide if
we let her decide.

I already decided that.

No, you didn't.

We're sorry, fellows.

We'll be back later
to eat up the mess.

OK, the coast is clear.

Come on, Red.
Come on, Boober.

You two go on ahead.
I'll just wait here.

No, you don't.

Boober, we have to sneak
through the Gorgs' garden.

You do too.

But I'm not good at sneaking.
I feel this cowardice and paranoia.

So far, so good.
Not a Gorg in sight.

Your idea to go to the Trash Heap
was an excellent one.

As a matter of fact, it was.

Thank you.

She'll know that
I'm the one who should be leader.


You the leader?

You couldn't lead your way out
of a doozer construction.


You couldn't lead water
down a waterfall!

Very funny.
You've got vision like a tunnel bug!

You've got mashed radishes
for brain.

A Gorg!

Why didn't you
warn us?

I'll give those to Junior.
He likes to play with Fraggles.

We are doomed.

Now what do we do, boss?

Darn, it was that last
flaming marshmallow that got me.

Still I've got 4300 points,
that's not bad for a first effort.

You want to try, Sprocket?

But don't expect too much
for the first game, of course.

You'll get better with practice.

That's a good start.

00:07:55,300 --> 00:07:56,900

8,000 points?

What a lot of nonsense.

107,000 points.

You are challenging me
to a match here.

It's all a waste of time.

You think I can't b*at you,
don't you?

You'll be sorry for this.
I'll mop the floor with you!


Here comes my beautiful wife
and my beautiful son.

That Gorg said
he was gonna give us to his son.

And here comes his son.

Why do you think his son
likes Fraggles?

Gobo, we don't taste good,
do we?

Don't be silly, Boober.

Still, I wonder what
he wants with Fraggles.

Probably bake potatoes
and mushroom gravy.

The young lad
rubbed the lamp

And suddenly a huge voice
was heard saying

"I am the genie
of the lamp".

What are you going on and on
about, wife of my own?

I'm telling Junior
one of the great Gorgic myths.

It's a super dooper one, daddy.

This young, handsome, brave,
godlike Gorg...

-Like you.
-Like me.

He finds this old lamp, see,
and when he rubs it a genie comes out!

and he grants him
whatever he wished.

What a nonsense!

Stuffin' his head with marshmallows,
I say.

Junior, pick me some pumpkins
and parsnips, I'm hungry.

Come, my Queen.

The duties of the monarchy await.

There was something
I meant to tell you.

He's remembered us.
I'm too young to be fricasée.

He's forgotten us.

Never mind,
I'll remember sooner or later.

And pick those vegetables, boy.

Pumpkins and parsnips.

Hoeing and watering...

Planting and harvesting...

It's tough work being a prince!

And to top it off
I think I'm coming down with a cold.

OK, we lift the basket
and then we make a run for it.

Gotta hand it to you, Gobo,
That's a simple and direct plan.

-Thank you.
-But I've got a better one.

You get up in the morning,

Try and have some fun,

And then your stupid Daddy
tells you that you're,

Dum de dum de dum de dum.

Dum de dum de dum de dum.

You try and eat your breakfast

Blowing bubble gum

And then your stupid Mommy
tells you that you're

Dum de dum de dum de dum

Dum de dum de dum de dum

You want to catch a Fraggle

Catch it for your mom,

And then your Daddy gives you
a job that's really

Dum de dum de dum de dum
Dum de dum de dum de dum

Oh, boy.
This pumpkin Kn*fe is really dull!

Oh, brudder.

Gee, I wish I was
that handsome young Gorg

that the magic genie
appeared to.

Then the genie would say to me,

"Oh handsome Gorg,

you have proved yourself ready
in every way.

You may have anything,
anything in the Universe".

And then I would gaze up at the genie
in amazement and I would say,

Why, thank you, Mr. Genie.
I'll have a new pumpkin Kn*fe.

I wish I had a genie
I wish I had a chum

I wish I had a song to sing
that wasn't only

Dum de dum de dum de dum


Dum cold.

I'm going to take a rest.

Your plan better work, Gobo.

On the count of 3
we all lift.

One, two...

I think it's maybe time
to reconsider Red's plan.

I feel so good.

This sun is so warm.

Junior Gorg,

can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

My bottom is talking to me.

I am the magic genie
of the bush old basket.

Magic genie!

Are you in there?

I am here, under the basket.

I'm gonna look.

You must never,
never look under the basket.

Not even a peek?

He who lifts this basket
will have his ears fall off.

His ears fall off?
I promise I won't lift the basket.


Do I get my wishes now?


Magic genies give wishes.
Where are mine?

What do you say
to that old leader of ours?

What are your wishes?

My wishes!
I get my wishes!

Let me see.

A new pumpkin Kn*fe.

What else?

A pony would be nice.

Peace in the Universe,

Travelling gum drops for my daddy...

Who are you talking to, son?

Oh, nothing.

You did say my brain is
still full of marchmallows.

Are you feeling all right, boy?

I'm fine.

What can I do for you, daddy?

Well, I just remembered
the big surprise I had for you.

Oh, that's nice.

Yeah, it's hidden right under that
bush old basket.

Then you know what's under
that bush old basket?

Of course.

I'll lift it up
and you can see for yourself.

Don't lift that basket.

But it'll be a big surprise.

It won't be a surprise.

I know what will happen.
Your ears will fall off.

I beg your pardon?

Honest, they will,
I know.

I, your father,
the king of the Universe,

am about to lift that basket.

Stand aside.


-Get off that basket.

To keep my daddy's ears from falling off
I will sit on this basket for ever.

You are a sick boy, son.
This is serious.

I'm gonna get your mother.

I will never, ever,
get off this basket.

Whooping piece of leadership.

There you go, Sprocket.

700,400 points.

Pretty unbeatable
I should think.

Don't wanna take
a cr*ck at it, eh?

As you please, Sprocket,
but you can't b*at me on this.

Hello, Ned.


Right now Sprocket
has challenged me

to a little game of skill.

Zombie att*ck.
You know the game?

I'm surprised.

You got 800,700 points on it?

I don't believe you,

Yes, of course.
I accept the challenge.

Any more ideas, boss?

I'm not getting off this basket
till I die.

How long do you suppose
Gorgs live?

Can I be the genie
for a while?

Be my guest.

Junior Gorg.

I'm back.

Is that you,
magic genie?

It is.

Your voice is changed.

You sound unwell,
young Gorg.

It's just a cold.

It sounds like

What? Gorglyosis?
What's Gorgly...?

A dreaded disease. But never fear.
Gorglyosis does not last long.

You will sneeze only once more.

Then I'll be cured?

Then you'll be dead.


I don't wanna sneeze.

I don't wanna die!
I have other plans!

Oh, no.

This is very interesting.

Being dead feels just
like being alive.

He believed it.
Now, that's leadership.

Well, hot sh*t leader,

we're gonna have to climb
over him to get home.

Here comes the other one.

He comes papa.
He'll probably be upset.

Junior, why are you lying there?

Wait. A moment ago you were sick
and now you're lying.

Oh, no!
Bad news!

Now there's no one to protect him
from falling ears.

This way.

So far so good.

Why don't we do about the Gorg?

I'd love to thump 'em
but of course I can't.

You can't move
when you're dead.

We've got to
get him moved.

Come quick!
It's terrible!

We've got to
get him moved fast.

I know.

That's the best laugh I've had
since I was dead.

This is getting us nowhere.

I think you two
are showing no respect.

Boober, he only thinks he's dead.

I know but I have great sympathy.
The grim reaper comes to us all.

When my time to go is here,

Call my friends
to gather near

Tell the doctor and the preacher
that I'm failing

Boober, where did you learn
a funeral dirge?

I composed it in honor
of my own departure.

Hey, pick up the tempo, will ya?

I like a funeral dirge
you can dance to.

-A funeral dirge?
-You can dance to?

I think we're homeward bound.

All we have to do is..

Pick up the tempo!

But forget about your black

Cause I'm planning to come back

Play some h*nky-tonkin' grief
and Dixie wailing

Pick me up and lay me down

And spread the news all over town

And tell 'em all to come
or they'll be sorry

Slow down.

Pick me up and shake me twice

I'm coming back from paradise

This poor boy is here
to live in glory

This should be
somber and dignified.

When it's time to say good-bye
All my friends will sit and cry

And they'll watch the coffin
rockin' round and squirmin'

Then they'll raise a mighty shout
When my bones come marching out

And I praise myself and
preach the final sermon

Wait a minute.

You're losing the sad,
maudlin quality.

Pick me up and lay me down
And spread the news all over town

And tell them all to come
or they'll be sorry

Pick me up and shake me twice
I'm coming back from paradise

Can it really be that our dear boy
has shuffled off this Gorgon coil?

I greatly fear so!

When the Earth begins to quake
From the shaking at my wake

I'll be here and making music
like a light wine

'Till the h*nky-tonkin' grief
Gives the Angels sweet relief

'Cause they know that Dixie wail
is still surviving

Pick me up and lay me down
And spread the news all over town

And tell them all to come
or they'll be sorry

Junior, you're alive!

It's a miracle!

This poor boy is here
to live in glory

Pick me up and lay me down
And spread the news all over town

And tell them all to come
or they'll be sorry

Pick me up and shake me twice
I'm coming back from paradise

This poor boy is here
to live in glory

Nice going, boss.

Now now now!

This poor boy is here
to live in glory

And never darken my door again!

How dare he come over here
and win 1,600,000 points

on our Zombie att*ck game?

You're right, Sprocket.

Ned stop trying to b*at each other
on these dumb computer games.

Let's try something
interesting instead.

Let's work on some
boolean algebra problem.

Or fix up a budget.

Or an inventory.

Or play Galaxy pilots.

You and your co-pilot
could try to outrun
the Venusian warthogs.

We can play this together, Sprocket!