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01x12 - The Finger of Light

Posted: 10/03/23 08:04
by bunniefuu
You wonder what I'm doing,
don't you, Sprocket?

You've seen that inventor's gleam
in my eye before.

This time I'm onto something
that will make life fuller
and richer for the whole neighborhood.

Here, hang onto that
for a minute, Sprocket.

I'm sorry, Sprocket.

We're gonna improve
on nature.

That's what we're gonna do.

Great ideas always seem
so simple.

It's a well-known fact
that plants grow bigger and better

if they're listening to music.

Now, what do you think this is?

It's a quadraphonic growth inducer.

Hand me some music
for radishes and roses.

With the help of this rig
I'm going to be broadcasting

wall-to-wall music
for all the vegetables in our garden.

Yes, indeed.

Come on, Sprocket,
make up your mind.

This is gonna be like the garden of Eden.

Radishes the size of pumpkins.

That is beautiful.

It's Gobo Fraggle,
world champion pickle balancer


No, wait folks.

It's Red Fraggle doing her
talented double pickle balance.

For his first time
Wembley Fraggle

I'm just no good at this game.

Practice makes perfect, Wembley.
You keep trying.

If you want my advice, Wembley,
you'll wear one of these germ-proof masks.

You don't know where
that pickle has been.

Hey, guys. come on.
They're calling for
the world's oldest Fraggle.

That means there's
an official games.

Hey, guys!

I almost did it.

-I saw, Wembley.
-You did?

Now come on,
it's the world's oldest Fraggle.

All Fraggles stand by
for a momentous announcement.

Here he is.
The one, the only,

the world's oldest Fraggle!

I'm hungry.

Let's stop for a bite.

OK, stop right here.

Stop, I said.

Hold it!

Is everybody happy?

I call on yesters here
for a very special reason.

I've got a feeling in my bones
that today is gonna be

"ruler of the rock" day.

Allow me to refresh your memories
about the ground rules.

First you must accompany me
on a perilous journey

which will take us
over the echo hole

and onward to
the finger of light

which is gonna choose
one of you

to be the ruler
of the rock.

A supreme ruler
for a limited time only

with 3 commands

which each of you's got to obey
for the betterment of all.

Don't stop me now,
I'm on a roll.

Only 5 Fraggles may play
this dangerous yet exhilarating game.

Who's it gonna be?

Are any of you
going to apply ruler of the rock?

And hear my own voice
in the echo hole?

Do you know what that
can do to your brain?

Are you afraid of
the echo hole, Wembley?

Me? I wouldn't touch the echo hole
with a 10-foot Doozer stick.

You bet you wouldn't.

The echo hole is
about 10,000 feet deep.

Do I have any takers?

Hey, Mr. world's oldest Fraggle,
I can assure you that
we're on the same wavelength.

I have some ideas
for the betterment of all.

It sure looks like Marlon
wants to go.

You know Marlon.
He's been trying to start that cult for years.

And nobody wants to join.

I figure I'm going.

It might as well be me as Marlon
who gets to be ruler of the rock.

How about you, Red?

You expect me to take orders
from this guy?

He can't even balance 2 pickles
on his nose.

Don't look at me.

Even if I wanted
I wouldn't know what to do
for the betterment of all.

Don't worry, Wembley.
I will bring back a full report.

-You're going?
-I must.

I don't have any interest
in being ruler

but it would make such a wonderful chapter
for my Fraggle book of games.

No more takers?

We'll go afar.


-Where are we going?
-The echo hole.

-How far is it?
-Long way to go.

-What's gonna happen?
-Finger of light.

-When it hits the ruler
-That will be assigned

You know, this is
such a fascinating game.

I'd play too if I weren't
official observer.

It's well worth playing alright.

Especially if you have ideas
for the betterment of all.

Would you care to elaborate,
Mr. Gobo?

For example we could build a monument
to my uncle, Traveling Matt.

Mockey, I have
a couple of concepts too.

Behavioral modification,
that type of thing.

Would you spell that for me?

No, I couldn't.

It's much too secret.


Kind of give you goosebumps, huh?

By the way, Red,
have you got anything
for the betterment of all?

Oh, sure.

For starters I'll have everyone
wear their hair like me.


It's the door to outer space.
I'll catch up with you later.

Will you stop it?

Don't overdo the hype.

And now fellow Fraggles,
the moment of truth.

Take a look.

Does the soul of the wind
in that abyss frighten you, young lady?

Oh, sure,
I'm scared to death.

I mean...
Nice echo, isn't it?

Nothing like it
in all of Fraggle Rock.

And nothing will hold you
safe from oblivion

except that flimsy bridge.

And on the opposite shore

the finger of light.

Is everybody ready?

There's nothing to be afraid of
as long as we're quiet.

It's time to go but

I think we'd better hold hands
across the bridge.

There's nothing to fear.

There isn't any danger.
Holding hands seems to help.

Don't look down.

All downhill from here.

That was exhilarating.
Too bad the rest of you were scared.

Isn't this a scenic cave?

I'm tired of waiting.

Choose your places carefully,
young Fraggles.

The finger of light
is about to make one of you

the ruler of the rock.

I'll just stand over here
out of the way.

Good luck and break it down.

Oh, that power!
I crave it. I deserve it.

No, please.

There it is!
The ruler of the rock!


But I wasn't playing the game.

And you played it beautifully.

Your reign is to last as long
as the sand in this hourglass.

Do you read me?


Remember you only have 3 commands
for the betterment of all.

Let's talk about the monument
for my uncle.

Will you everybody please
be quiet!

You heard it,
ladies and gentlemen.

1 command down,
2 commands to go.

Well, I didn't mean that
as a command.

But it worked.

Alright, everybody,
let's load 'em up and move 'em out!

I didn't want to be
ruler of the rock anyway.

Who are you trying to kid, Red?

What a rotten day
this is turning into.

Every time you think you know
the way that things are gonna go

someone comes along
and makes it yucky

Try and have a little fun
they come along and say you're dumb

Then they wonder why
you're feeling yucky

Tell me stories
Tell me tales

Tell me why it never fails

Tell me why
it always turns to yucky

Let's catch up with Mockey.

I wanna see what she does
with her last 2 commands.

Madam ruler,

are your ready to proceed with
your final 2 commands?

But I don't know what
to tell them.

Time grows short.

I guess it's
now or never.


Thank you, Marlon.

Madam ruler,

do you remember me,
your highness?

That's a silly question.

Why wouldn't I remember you, Boober?

I thought with...
you're being supreme commander and all

But that's just a game.

That's the game of power.
That's what I came to see you about.

I thought that
everybody in the rock here

could wear one of these
germ-proof masks and...

What's wrong?

You're standing on my tail, Boober.

Could you move, please?

That's it, young ones.
You heard it first right here.

Command number 2
is number 2.

Get away from me.

2 down and 1 to go.

And the sands of time
runneth out!

I thought this was supposed to be fun.

Ruling is rarely fun,
young lady.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

-Don't swear.


Honolulu honeymoon.

Same to you.

Oh, Mr. Shimmelfinney.

A petition.
Isn't that lovely?

Sprocket, believe it or not
there are actually certain individuals

in this neighborhood
who don't think

I should play
any kind of music.

They don't understand.

I'm not playing this music
for Shimmelfinney,

I'm playing it for my plants!

Our plants!

He's got a garden,
for heaven's sake.

How can people be
so selfish?

Let's put this one on
for the cabbages and petunias.

It's saxophone music.
They love saxophone music.

That's the world's greatest

Any sign of Mockey yet?

No. She must have gone to exile.

I guess she's really upset
about blowing those first 2 commands.

Does anyone want to hear this postcard
before I pin it on the wall?

-Sure. Great idea.
-Why not?


Dear nephew Gobo,

today I made contact
with a tribe of mysterious beings

I call the string creatures.

Hello, string creature.

It's curious but right away
I was drawn to them.

It was almost as if I saw
a family resemblance.

It is still not entirely clear to me

why these creatures
used to spend their lives attached

to each other with strings.

There surely must be
some mutual benefit.

Their leader was
such a charismatic person

that I inadvertently fell
under his spell.

This lifestyle may prove to be
a little strange.

Somehow I don't feel
quite in control anymore.

I'll probably go off
on my own again

as soon as I find a pair of scissors.

Love, uncle Traveling Matt.

That uncle Matt knows no fear.

Snore pie
with yawn sauce.

And so I have taken up
the yoke of all this

and wound up
with egg on my face.

Only one command left

and so far I have done nothing
for the betterment of all.

What am I gonna do?

I better go see the Trash Heap.

Oh, they've made you the Queen then.
Isn't that nice?

It would be. Except...

I want to be a good ruler
and I only have one command left

that I'm supposed to use
for the betterment of all.

To rule well all you have to do
is listen to that little voice inside.

What does that little voice
say in Marjorie?

Who you've got in there, anyway?

In this case,
for the betterment of all

I would recommend that
my little friends here

get 8-hour sleep.

Forget sleep. Exercise.


What are you talking about?
Who needs exercise?

Eat well.

Marjorie, that's betterment.
The basic food group.

Like cherry cheesecake.

Give me some of that
double dip chocolate fudge.

Are you nuts?

If you're talking quality food,
you take a big bowl of spaghetti
and splatter it with...

Too much starch!

Starch is a spice of life.

Spicy food gives me gas.

I'm glad you aren't in charge
for the menu around here.

And who do you think
is bringing home the coffee grounds?

Junior Gorg, maybe?

Thanks for your help.

Anyway somebody's got to be in charge.
Otherwise what have you got?


-I'm ready for that.
-Me too.

Maybe there is no one command
for the betterment of all.

Every place I go
No one seems to know

Everything is always the same

Still I need to trust
In the best of us

Can't we change
the rules of the game?

Here she is, everyone.

Mockey, don't forget
about the pigtails.

Listen up,

the ruler of the rock
is about to issue her last command.

Fellow Fraggles,

All of those things could happen.
Or none of them.

You see, I've been thinking.

Every place I go
No one seems to know

Everything is always the same

Still I need to trust
In the best of us

Can't we change
the rules of the game?

It's time for everyone

Time to live as one

Watching here and there
No one seems to care

We could tear the whole thing apart

Can't we pay the price?
Make a sacrifice?

Know we're different
right from the start?

It's time for everyone
Time to live as one

It's time for everyone
Time to live as one

Needle fights the thread
baker works the bread

Wind and wave make w*r on the sea

Nature knows the way
Shows it everyday

To join us though
we still disagree

It's time for everyone
Time to live as one

It's time for everyone
Time to live as one

It's time for everyone

Time to live as one

Please, excuse me,
madam ruler, but

how about that final command
you promised us?

I thought you'd never ask.

The way I see it is

there is no one command
that would make life better for all.

That's very interesting but
please tell us what to do.

You already know what's best
for each other.

Don't you have a little voice
inside you?

A command already!
Give us a command!

I explained.
You don't need a command.

You are right, of course.

The Fraggles don't need a command
but they want one.

It's for the game.

There's still time.

The game?

The game!
Of course!

Well, in that case...

I hereby command

Wembley Fraggle to entertain us
by balancing a pickle on his nose.

What a terrific command!

And I can do it too, I know.

I gotta hand it to
the little lady.

She sure knows how to
wield power.

When a man is wrong
he should promptly admit it.

That's my model, Sprocket.

Never again will I try
and force my wishes

on someone like Shimmelfinney.

Right, Sprocket.

And as for the plants,
they could take care of themselves.

Who needs giant plants, anyway?

One thing is for sure, Sprocket.

You can't improve on nature.