01x10 - Blo-Dri

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x10 - Blo-Dri

Post by bunniefuu »


Oh, yeah.


I'm glad you like them.

Very hot.

You need something
sexy, something

dangerous for your new line.

The reynelle product
line should...

This feels kind of dangerous,
Trish, don't you think?

Come on, ray.

Ray, stop it.

You still like it rough, huh?

Ray, stop it.

Come here.

Come here.

Hey, hey.

We could have made
this happen, Trish, ok?

You just blew the best chance
at a career you'll ever have.

You used to like it.

Dumb broad, I've had
plenty of you before.

Come here.

Don't touch me.

It isn't worth what
it just cost you.


You see that?


Crazy broad pulled out
right in front of me.

Relax, relax.
I know her.

I'll write it down for you.

You can let your insurance
company goose her, right?

Aren't there any women in
palm beach you've missed?

Well, if there are she's not
one of them, that's for sure.

Come on in.

Let's go, len.

So the feds are coming
after your boss again, huh?

They just don't quit.

Donald dibelco is an honest
business man, you know that.

Yeah, right, like Don
corleone was in olive oil.

Well, you'll beat them
again, you always do.

That's what the man pays me for.

Why'd you come back, babe?

What, are you crazy?


Oh my god, please, no.

Have you ever noticed how

much cities are like people?

Each has its own personality.

New York is
Cosmopolitan, Chicago

brash, San Francisco untamed,
palm beach the word is style.

Down here when it comes to
doing the right thing who

and what are important,
but how is essential.

This isn't to say that
sins are taken lightly,

but done with a flourish.

Almost anything can be forgiven.

Sammy, your dress is shpfing.


And how was your
date that I pulled

you away from prematurely?

It was boring with a
capital b, thank you.


I thought you said this
guy was in show business.

Yeah, that's what
my girlfriend said.

Turns out he's a show
business accountant.


Damn it.

You know this guy?

Yeah, I had an appointment
with him tomorrow.

He's cut my hair for
the past years.

I mean, I knew ray before he
married Ellen, became reynelle.

Well, he was in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

This guy over here was
the primary target.

Leonard elmore,
mouthpiece to the mob.

He had a big court day
coming up next week.

The people versus
Donnie dogs dibelco.

The justice department was o
for three against Donnie dogs,

maybe one of the
rival gangsters wanted

to be sure he lost this time.

Don Donnie dogs dibelco,
say that five times real fast.

sh**t stands right about here,

caps them both with
a silenced piece.

Hire a professional, you
get a professional job.

What makes you think
elmore is our primary?

I mean, ray velano serviced more
than his clients hairstyling.

He broke hearts all
over palm beach.

I'm sure there's just
legions of jilted lovers

and jealous husbands who
could have done the deed.

Well, call me crazy, but
when a gangland figure buys it

in a barbershop sh**ting,
I jump to the conclusion

that it's the mob.

I mean, come on, Sam, they've
been icing each other this way

since the s.

What you got?

Pretty hot.

Anybody you know?


I'm sorry to say that it's not.

Would you bag this
for me, please?

Check this out.

It looks like he had a little
Fender bender pulling in here.

Could I see a
flashlight, please?

We got blue paint on the
front bumper, front panel.

He must have hit
somebody pulling in.

Yeah, there's glass on
the pavement underneath.

You see it?


Car was moving when it happened.

We could have ourselves
an eyewitness here.

I love your psychotic
optimism, Sam.

It's a fine thing.

Well, thank you.

Well, you're welcome.

That's a beautiful dress too.


And I've been listening
patiently, don't you think?

Well, I'm done listening
patiently and politely.


Get your cheeks in here.

Let me tell you
something, chump.

Well, at least
he's in a good mood.


As far as I'm concerned,
FBI stands for fumble,

bumble, and incompetent.

Let me tell you
another damn thing,

you stay the hell out of
my homicide investigation.

Love it when the local
and federal law enforcement

join hands for the common good.

Look, I want you to do
me a favor on this one.

I want you to slam dunk
it right up their noses.

Call me up talking about
how an investigation is

going to proceed.

I'll break them backs.

What you got?

It's still early
in the investigation,

but our preliminary
investigation suggests

organized crime involvement,
and the me has the time

of death around : pm.

The security doors were locked,

so our sh**t was either
let in by one of the victims

or he had a card key.

Now the only people
that had those car keys

were the salon
employees or vips that

had after hour appointments.

You ain't got squat, right?


Possibilities and hunches.

Those I know you got.

Got to be a mob hit.

So the hairdresser was
just an innocent bystander?

I wouldn't bet my farm on it.

Ray velano had a lot of
enemies, including his ex-wife

and still partner, Elle.

Now, I personally
would like to run

with ray velano as the primary.

- Elle what?
- Elle like Cher.

- Sting.
- Or Madonna.

Moe Larry.

You're trying to tick
me off, aren't you?


No, no, no.

You're trying to tick me off.

You work the velano
angle, Lorenzo.

Lance, you stay
on top of the mob.

That way neither one
of you are out to prove

that your pet little theory
is the one that works.

Now get out of here.

And by the way, if any FBI types
get under foot, step on them.

All right, club rule is invoked.

You take mine, I
will take yours.


Now my guy is Tony palladino.

He's a crime reporter who hit
it big with a book about palm

beach wise guys a year ago.

Did you read that?


And the fascination with
the mob is a guy thing.

I mean, in your fantasies,
you all want to be gangsters.

You talk about me being sexist.

I never wanted to be a gangster.

Eliot ness, maybe,
but a gangster, no.

Now come on, what do you got?

Well, here's a list of
some of the stylists that

worked at reynelle, plus
the last unlisted number I

had on Elle.

I'm gonna try for sit
down with Donnie dogs.

You get to sit down
with Donnie dogs dibelco,

I will buy you lunch for a week.



You're on.

You know, Rita, you're
asking the impossible.

Well, you wrote the
book on Donnie dogs,

and I figured you'd know more
than any FBI surveillance


You know, where he eats,
where he socializes,

moves of his everyday life.

I mean, you hung out with
him for almost a year.

There's a maybe,
emphasis on maybe.

But you can't go
in straight up cop,

and you've got to swear
to me it's only to talk.

Any busts are on your
own time and ticket.


You understand?


There's one other
condition attached.

What's that?

You let me buy you dinner after.

Done again.

Is there anything you
can tell me about Donnie?

Anything I should watch out for?

With Donnie dogs you better
watch out for everything.

Is this Chris's
idea, sending you in?



He owes me a couple of favors.

Maybe he just payed me back.


I was wondering if
you could help me out.

I bet I could.

You new here?

I'm looking...

No kidding.

For Elle.

I'm looking for Elle.

I knocked on her door,
but she's not around,

do you know where she is?

Her boyfriend's back in town.

She's probably at his place.

Number .

Right next to mine.

Thank you.

You might want to put
a little sunscreen on.

You're turning pink.

Maybe you'd like to help?

I'm a cop.

If I get grease on
my fingers, my g*n

might slip out of my hands.

It wouldn't slip out of mine.

I bet it wouldn't.



Damn it.

I'll get rid of them.


Are you Elle?

I'm sergeant Lorenzo.

I left messages for you at
the salon and on your machine.

I need to talk to you.

I promise you, I'll call.

Now isn't a good time.

This will only take one minute.

Who the hell is that?

Just go.

I promise I'll call.

I can't do that, ma'am.

This is a homicide invest...

Jt Austin.
You are amazing.

You're my favorite ball player.

You had three sacks
in one game last...


Who the hell are you?

Oh, I'm a cop.



You're new here, huh, doll?

Yes, sir, Mr. Dibelco.

That's a cute dog you got there.

The pretty lady
likes you, dutchy.

Maybe she'd like the pet you?

Go ahead, he don't bite.

His name's dutchy?

After Dutch Schultz.

She's nice, huh, dutchy?

We like her, huh?

So how long you
working here, doll?

Well, actually I
don't really work here.

I'm a cop.

That's funny.

That's real cute, you know?

She's a cop.

She's going to
arrest us, dutchy.

Put you in doggie jail.

Well, I'd show you
my badge, but it won't

really come out of my skirt.

You're a kick in the
tail, doll, you really are.

This is a gag, right?


Sergeant Lance,
palm beach homicide.

So you guys mind if I sit down?

I would really like
to talk to you.

What are you sitting
on your manners?

Let the lady sit out.

You're the best
looking cop I ever saw.


If they all looked like you,
maybe I don't run next time.

You want something?
A little pasta?

Some Espresso?


You should eat something.

You're a little too skinny.

Actually, I would just
like some conversation.

I want to talk to
you about len elmore.

You got two minutes.

See, my partner has this theory,

and I'd like to run it by you.

See, he thinks elmore was
k*lled because he's your lawyer.

He's good at keeping
you out of jail.

Now maybe somebody
wants to make sure you

don't beat the rap this time.

That's a lot of crap.

Everybody knows I loved
len like a brother.

There's nobody stupid
enough to k*ll him.

Nobody, no way.

Because they'd be
k*lled in retaliation?

I'm not a violent man,
but accidents do happen.

Everybody knows this to be true.

Did you have anything to
do with len elmore's death?

That's the two
minute warning, lady.

Your hand is bleeding.

This was fun, but
don't do it again.

A joke is only funny
the first time.

By the way, maybe if I
find the guy to whacked len

before you do, you
could stop looking.

That sounds like a threat.

Accidents do happen to big
guys, don't they, dutchy?

Horrible accidents with
lots of screaming and blood.

Sorry about popping you, pal.

I thought you were one
of them tabloid guys.

They've been buzzing
around here all day.

I think we can get the ice on it

in time to stop the swelling.

Do you feel any swelling?

I think it's under control.

So you and jt were
here alone last night?

Jt got in from
Dallas late yesterday.

We have our special celebration
when he gets home from away


It's our own little sack dance.

You see the Dallas game?

Hey, that wasn't a game,
man, that was a crime scene.

You guys k*lled them.

Just... I'd like a
list of everyone

that has a salon key card.

Sure, I'll put it
together for you.

Let me help you with that, babe.

Do you know if ray velano was
having problems with anyone?

I mean, something serious
enough that they'd

want to k*ll him over it?

Ray was a lover, not a fighter.


Well, maybe you could
give me a list of all

the women he was intimate with.

That'd be a big help.

I'd get writer's cramp.

Dozens, and that's
just this year.

So nobody special
sticks out in the field?

What about somebody he
might have mentioned?

There were so many.

There was one, a photographer.

She had a real thing for ray.

They were on again, off
again for a couple of months.

She wouldn't let it end, and
I guess it got kind of ugly.

But that was nearly a year ago.

Do you remember her name?

Trisha, or Trish, I think.

I don't remember her last
name, but I think she worked

for palm beach style magazine.

They did a story on us and
that's how she met ray.

I gotta split.

I'm due downtown.

Y'all about through here?


We can go together.



Elle, if you think of
anything else, give me a call.


Bye now.

You know what you're
doing to that poor guy?


Yeah, I hope you didn't get
the wrong idea in there, jt.

I mean, I was not looking
at your girlfriend.

Well, I mean, I was looking
at her, but not on purpose.

I mean, I'm only human.

I wasn't trying to look at...

Am I making any sense here?

Forget it.

Listen, Elle's a little bent.

She likes it when guys look.

I deal with it.

I'm going to peel off.

I'm parked over here.

Listen, I'm sorry about the eye.

Hey, it was worth it.

I ever catch you sniffing
around here when I'm gone,

I'm going to do the other one.

Give you a matching set.

Might be big and strong,
jt, but I bet you ain't

faster than a speeding b*llet.

You ever swing on me
again, we'll find out.

Have a nice day, and you take
care of, well, you take care.

Hey, Sam.

Hey, what happened to your eye?

Souvenir from jt Austin.

If he'd been wearing
his championship ring,

I'd be on a slab down at
Roger's chop shop right now.

Jt and Elle are lovers,
and I do mean lovers.

He's her alibi for last night.

Well, you can buy me lunch
and tell me all about it,

because you will be
buying me lunch every day

for the rest of the week.


Tony got you in to dannie dogs.


You know what, this godfather,
he's about a taco short

of a full combination plate, but
I don't think he had anything

to do with the murders.

So where you going
to take me for lunch?

How about the beach?

Elle gave me a lead we got to
check out down there anyway.

Not the roach coach, again, Sam,

I wanted to go someplace nice.

Hey, when you buy, you can pick.

Ok, I'm losing light.

Hand on your leg.

No smiles.

I want this real sexy.

Pop some light in there,
guys, we're losing it.

Ok, here we go.

Ready and jump.


I need another.

Excuse me, you're in my shot.

Palm beach homicide.

I'm sergeant Lorenzo.

This is my partner
sergeant Lance.

We like to talk to
you about ray velano.

Can this wait?

I'm on a deadline here.

So are we.

minutes, everyone.

I heard about it on the news.

What's it got to do with me?

When's the last time
you saw ray velano?

It's been ages.

I guess you know
we had an affair.

Well, it's been over
for a long time.

Did you take this
photograph, miss donner?

I leave the art
sh*ts to the artists.

T & a pays my bills.

I heard a mob lawyer
was k*lled too.

Don't you think he was
the guy they were after?

Well, this job's
full of surprises.

T & a?

Were you last
night, miss donner?

I was at the magazine in the
darkroom until after midnight.

Check it out, people saw me.

I'd really like to
get back to this.

What kind of car do you drive?

A Volvo.

What color?

It's red.

But it's in the shop right now.

I have a rental up there
in the parking lot.

You mind if I see a copy
of the rental agreement?

Not at all.

How long has your
car been in the shop?

Almost a week.


Yeah I don't mean to
be rude, but I'd really

like to get back to my work.


Thank you.

She's wobbly, Sam.


Rule number one in
the manual, everybody

lies, even if they
don't have to.

Maybe she has too.

That rental agreement was
dated for : this morning.

Miss donner signed
the insurance waiver

on the original rental,
so it was simply

a matter of her
returning the mustang

and exchanging it for the
le baron this morning.

Here we are.

All right, thank you.
We'll take it from here.

Ok, you're welcome.



Check this out, Sam.

Red paint smeared on the
bumper and broken headlights.

We get a lab match
to len elmore's car,

we've got Trish donner at
the scene of the m*rder.

You know what, Sam,
let's be good guys.

Let's give Trish donner one
more shot to tell the truth.


Miss donner, I got a couple of
questions I'd like to ask you.

Miss donner?

Let's cut her off
at the exit, Sam.


Hands up.

Lace your fingers
behind your head.

Drop to your knees.

I didn't do it.

I didn't k*ll ray.

In this state,
flight is an admission

of guilt, miss donner.

Look, miss donner, now
is not the time to lie.

If you want to lie, you
get a lawyer in here

to do it for you.

They're professional liars.

They're good at it.

Amateurs usually screw it up.

I'm not lying.

So your story is
that you went to see

ray velano the night of the
murders purely on business.

No, it's not my story.

It's the truth.

I broke off my affair
with ray a long time ago.

When he called,
he said he wanted

to offer me a job, period.

So you went after
the salon was closed.

Why not during regular
business hours?

He set the time.

I needed the job.

I've been waiting for a
break for a long time.

I thought this was it.

Reynelle was launching a major
new line of salon products.

The print ads will be
running all over the country.

It was a shot I couldn't
pass up, so I went.

I took my portfolio to show
him the work I was doing,

but he didn't give a
damn about my work.

So he made a pass at you
and you didn't respond.

No, I responded.

I smacked him, and then
he smacked me back.

It was just like old times.

So there'd been physical
v*olence between you before?


But that was what
we were all about.

I was in a weird place then,
into some kinky things.

But I got tired of
it, and ray didn't.

That's why we split up.

Look, he didn't want to hire me.

He just wanted to
get into my jeans.

I split, the guy in the
maroon car hit my car,

and I kept going.

Back to the magazine?

That's right.

I was in the darkroom until
after : in the morning.

Did anybody see you there?

Somebody must have,
at least earlier.

Everyone was gone
when I came out.

Look, I'm telling you the truth.

Check it out if you want.

Oh, you bet we
will, miss donner.

You bet we will.

So how long you
going to keep me here?

I spent the night in jail.

You think that was fun for me?

No, it probably wasn't fun.

You were a little
salty with her.

What, you think
she's our sh**t?

No way, but somebody tries
to run me over with a car,

I take it personally.

What the hell
happened to your eye?

Jt Austin happened to my eye.

Well, was this
business or pleasure?


But I think that he
really enjoyed it.

You wear it well.

Come on.

So what else you got?

Well, we were going
to brief Donovan,

but my money says he's not
going to charge unless we

get more than what we've got.

We think the sh**t's
still out there.

We're talking about
the mob here, people.

Donnie dog said
that nobody would

have the stones to whack len
elmore because of the payback.

You talked to him?

The mobster that no one can
get next to, you talk to?

And just we... wait,
no, no, wait a minute.

Just what did you do?

Just walk in there and bat
your eyes or flash the badge,

and said, hi, I'm a cop,
and then sat down with him?

Well, yeah.

So he tells you
the mobs' not in it,

and you bought it, right?


This dude is the
sultan of sleaze.

He probably whacked
elmore himself.

Caught him with his
hands in the cookie jar.

Have you thought about that?

We're pushing on this,
skipper, all right?

We'll get something to
crack within the next day.

Yeah, well, I hope so.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Does this guy really go around
with a little bitty dog?

He has a miniature
dobie named Dutch.


I petted it.

You petted it?

That's good.

That's good.

Now, tell you what,
put it in a report

that you petted
Donnie dog's dog.

I want the FBI clowns
to see that my officers

got closer to this
guy this morning

than they've ever gotten.

Ok, would you do that for me?

You really pet him?

Good morning.


Do you have an appointment?
- No.

I'm sergeant Lorenzo.

I think Elle is expecting me.

Oh, you're the policeman.

She's not here, but
she left this for you.

It's a list of all the
people with key cards.

There's a lot of
cards in circulation.

It's terrible what happened.


Were you working that night?

I was the last one out
and ray locked up after me.

What about Elle?

I'd imagine she worked late
most nights like ray did.

Not hardly.

This was really Ray's business.

It was his passion, his
vision that made reynelle.

Elle's not here much.

She just has a few clients.

But they were partners.

Ray and Elle just kept up
appearances for the business.

They were a public couple, and
they had to keep it that way.

I thought when they divorced
that he'd buy her out,

but I guess the reynelle
name was too established,

plus he was developing
the new product line.

Hm, wow, expensive stuff.

It was a big gamble for ray,
but it would have paid off.

He was a genius.

So is your next book
going to be a crime story?


I'm through with the
goombahs for a while.

I'm working with
a hotshot football

jock on his autobiography.

I get a nice little
advance, and dig this,

they call him the hangman.

Still sounds like
a crime story, huh?

That sauce smells fantastic.

You know, I make a
good living in writing,

but this is my real love.

You show me a man that can
make a good marinara sauce,

and I'll show you a happy man.

The secret.

First, you got to
brown the sausage,

but you don't want
the fire too hot.

You know, Donnie dogs,
he is a real piece of work.

I really appreciate you
getting me in to see him.

I wanted to hate the guy,
I mean, knowing what he is,

but there is this weird
kind of warmth about him.

He liked you too, Rita.

He said you were a stand up
broad, and coming from him,

that's a rave review.

Don't ask me how I know.

And what he said about
len elmore and nobody

in his business k*lling him,
you can put that in the bank.

Donnie's a stone k*ller.

Most of these guys are.

But he operates on his
own kind of moral code.

Don't take any
offense, but I think

that's a lot of romantic crap.

No offense, but you're wrong.

Don't be so quick to judge
what you don't understand.


If that's Chris,
tell him hello for me.

Can I use your phone?

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Hi, it's me.

Sam, where you been?

I called your place
a couple times.

I'm at Tony palladino's.

He says to tell you hi.

Is he making you
sausage and peppers?

How do you know?

He wants to make
a good impression.

Look, be a pal and bring a
baggie of leftovers, huh?

You got it.

Now, is there a point to this
call or are you just lonesome?

Yeah, Donovan is
going to cut Trish

donner loose in the morning.

Well, you might
as well release her.

We have no reason to hold her.

Yeah, well, he's got to sign
the papers before they let

her go, so she's going to get
free room and board on the city


What a thrill for her.

Look, Sam, Tony's a
bud, but so are you, ok?

I got to warn you.

You get involved with
this guy, you're looking

to gain in , maybe pounds.


I'll take my chances.

I'll see you later.


See you.

So how's my friend Chris?

He's great, and he says
that you are a dangerous man.

He's right.

Give me half a chance,
I'll steal your heart.

- Morning, Sam.
- Morning.

Oh, you're a lifesaver.

Where are the leftovers
from Tony's dinner?

There wasn't any.

Here, enjoy it.

After last night, I
shouldn't eat for a week.

So guess what, our prime suspect
was just released half an hour

ago and hutch is not happy.

Do you like Tony, Sam?

Yeah, I like him.

First the cooking,
then fine wine,

your know, a little Sinatra.

And then what?




Home to sleep alone.

I mean, what else do you
think after a meal like that?



We were just talking about you.

Hey, Tony.

So you think it's for real?


Great, thanks, Tony.

What is it?

One of Tony's guys that's
close to Donnie dog just

told him there's a contract
out on Trish donner.

Let's go.


Miss donner, this
is sergeant Lance.

Listen to me very carefully.

I have reason to believe
that your life is in danger.

This is crazy.
I didn't do anything.

Yeah, well, somebody
thinks that you did.

We need to get you in the car.

What, are you going
to arrest me again?

No, we're taking you into
protective custody, all right?

You'll be safe with us.

This is sergeant Lance,
officers under fire.

Apb on a blue Van,
two occupants,

armed and dangerous, traveling
south on bushway drive.

How did Donnie dogs know
that the girl was released?

Or for that matter, how she was
arrested in the first place?

They've got a lot
of people on payroll.

Word gets around.

Somebody picks it
up, word gets back.

The leak could be
in the department,

the da's office, the jail.

There's no way to find out.

Well, this Donnie dogs
clown just bought himself

a whole box of kick ass.

Nobody sh**t at my officers.

Now he's going down.

SWAT teams is going
to have themselves

a little field day, that's all.

We don't need any help.
He's ours.

We're the ones that he shot
at, we should get the collar.

I have no problem with that.

SWAT team is going to smoke him
out, you two can do the honors.

What the hell's wrong with you?

You know us better
than that, cap.

We're not bag and
cleaning up for anybody.


All right, you got the shot.

Just one.

That's all we'll need.

I want lots of backup on this.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

All those FBI fools would
want to see us blow this one.

Look, what is it with
you and the FBI, skipper?

Yeah, this is more than
a professional rivalry.

I mean, this is something
personal, isn't it?

Damn straight it's personal.

You know, when I was
young and stupid,

I wanted to be an FBI agent.

You believe that?


They rejected me.

It seems they had
a dossier on me

from back in my college days
when I was hanging with some

of my more militant brothers.

The FBI had a file on you?

And don't be so sure they
don't have a file on you.

Now you want dogs, you go
get him, but do me a favor,

don't get yourselves
k*lled in the interim.

That could really ruin my day.

- Thanks, cap.
- Get out of here.

You ready, partner?

Just waiting on you, Sam.

Let's do it.

Anybody you know?

Yeah, frick and frack
at the end of the bar.

Hi, guys.

Remember me?

Yeah, I remember you.

You remember her, Bobby.

Ain't she the one you said
you wanted to get naked with?

Yeah, maybe we could play
piggy back together, huh, babe?

I don't think so.

We're here to see Mr. Dibelco.

Mr. Dibelco don't
want to see you.

You listen up.

You know, what do they call you?

I bet they call you
fats, is that right?

You're famous, Bobby.

You looking for trouble, cop.

No, I ain't looking for trouble.

I am trouble.

Now you get your fat
butt up out of that stool

and you go get your boss,
and you get him in here,

or I'll start
looking for his ass.

Don't get excited.

You're nuts.

You're out of your
freaking mind.

Breaking a mirror is
seven years bad luck, Rita.

You're under arrest, Donnie.

For what?

You're the ones coming in
here tearing up my place.

I ought to call the cops.

Yeah, dutchy, we outta call
the cops on these cops.

What's this about?

You get your hands on the bar.

Too much caffeine?

You're tense?

We have the potential here
for dialogue or for v*olence.

Me, I'd rather talk.

What's your beef with me?

We know you put a hit
out on Trish donner.

The drive by sh**t almost
took us out trying to get her.

First you come in here
and you tear up my place,

and now you insult me?

Let me tell you something.

If I wanted her
dead, she'd be dead.

I speak hypothetically
only, of course.

Len elmore was like
a brother to me,

and it would be natural for me
to want to avenge his death.

But you think I'd do it with
some clown driving by in a car?

There's no satisfaction in
that kind of cowardly act.

Me, I'd want her brought
here so I could take

my revenge with my own hands.

You bought bum information.

Trish donner didn't
k*ll anybody.

If that's true, that's
good news for miss donner.

It is true, Donnie.

Why don't you just
call off your dogs?

Does dutchy look
dangerous, Rita?

So am I under arrest or what?

Not this time.

Send me a bill for
the mirror, Donnie.

It's on the house this time.

We're all clear.

Give base a -.

Well, he put the
contract out on her.

He as much as admitted that.

Yeah, but the
sh**t wasn't his.

Somebody sure as
hell shot at us.

Somebody who wanted us to
think that the mob k*lled Trish

donner and that
it was Donnie dogs

payback for her
k*lling his lawyer.

And that somebody had to
know the contract was out

and that we'd know about it.

Maybe we weren't the only
ones that Tony palladino shared

his inside information with.

Let's go find out.

All right already, I'm coming.

Rita, Chris, come on in.
- Tony.

How you been?

How are you, man?

What happened to your eye?

Why does everybody
keep asking me that?

I've been trying to
learn to eat with a fork.

Tony, we got to talk.

Absolutely, no problem.

You want some coffee?
- No.


Tony, did you tell anybody
else about the contract

that Donnie put out
on Trish donner?

Oh, no way.

That kind of stuff
you don't pass around.

How'd you find
out about the hit?

Come on, Chris,
don't ask me for names.

I can't tell you.

Somebody gave you a phone call.

Was there anybody here with
you when you received it?


The hangman arrived earlier
working on the book.

Jt Austin?


Elle's boyfriend.

What is this?

Is jt in some sort of jam?

How long you been
working with him, Tony?

Well, we've been working
on the book about four maybe

five months.

Did he ever talk to you
about his relationship

with ray velano's ex-wife Elle?

He's crazy about her.

They're going to get married.

Come on, what is this?

Don't ask me that, Tony,
you know I can't tell you.

Elle knows that len elmore
is coming into the salon

late that night for a haircut.

Now, she either takes both
ray and len out herself,

or she has jt do it,
but either way she

knows we'll think it's
a mob hit and that ray

was just an innocent bystander.

And she's got Trish
donner on the back burner

to offer up as prime suspect,
if we look past the obvious.

I mean, it's a no lose situation
for Elle with ray dead.

She gets reynelle salon.


And the new product line that
is going to be worth millions.


Hi, miss Lance, change
your mind about that haircut?


Is Elle here?
- She's in her office.

I'll let her know you're here.

We'll surprise her.

I didn't hear you knock.

I didn't.

Where's jt Austin.

I don't know.

I haven't seen him all day.

He said something
about going fishing.

Or hunting.

We'd like you to come
downtown with us.

We've got a couple more
questions we'd like to ask you.

Is this really necessary?

We've been all through this.

Rita, I have a business to run.

Can't this wait?

No, I'm afraid it can't.

I think I should call my lawyer.

That's a good idea.

Have him meet us at
the homicide division.

You have no right
to be doing this.

Hold it, jt.

Stop them.

Give me a break.


Oh, this could be painful.

Way to go, Sam.

You go to the car
and you get the camera.

I took down the hangman, Sam.

Give me a black eye.

Hey, Rita, I was
getting nervous.

I thought maybe you
were in trouble.

You didn't return
my calls for a week.

Where should we go for dinner?

There's not going to
be any dinner, Tony.

I don't understand.

It felt like we had some
good started for us.

I thought... I don't know, maybe
we had some kind of future

- Yeah, well, so did I.

So what's the problem?

Look, I knew nothing about
jt and his girlfriend

whacking those people.

You got gotta believe me.

Look, I am not
judging you, Tony,

but I live my life by certain
rules that define who I am.

I have lines I will not
cross, not for any reason,

because if I do, I stand a
real chance of losing myself.

You, you don't
understand those lines.

I mean, everything
that you do you

can rationalize to yourself.

You just keep bending the
lines a little more each time.

Rita, I don't
know what you mean.

You checked with Donnie dogs
before you put me next to him,

and he oked it.

Now that's what made it so easy.

You thought that you
could get close to me

so you'd find out information
maybe and feed it back to him

about our investigation.

Oh, come on, that's crazy.

Oh, that's how he knew
about Trish donner's

arrest and her release.

You turned her into
a moving target.

Hey, I called you, right?

I knew you'd get to her.

You could have
gotten her k*lled.

Don't you get that?

Don't you get it?

Don't justify yourself.

You have sold
yourself to a smiling

k*ller in a tailored suit.

You're in his pocket
just like his little dog.

He owns you.

Donnie let me get
close to do the book,

closer than anybody from
the outside ever gets.

I thought we were friends.

I liked hanging out with him,
feeling like one of them.

Look, I was so stupid.

Rita, just give me a chance
to make it right with you.

Once you sell your soul,
you can't get it back.

I am so sorry for you, Tony.

Rita, look, maybe I'll
give you a call sometime.

Maybe I could cook you dinner.

Just as friends,
what would that hurt?

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