01x06 - Dirty Laundry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x06 - Dirty Laundry

Post by bunniefuu »

Ok, great.


$ worth of unpaid
parking violations?

I don't even own that car.

No, you listen to me.

I gave that car to
a friend as a gift.

Her name is Sharon Benson.

I signed the pink
slip over to her.

No, these tickets are
not my responsibility.

These tickets are
her responsibility.

Have you seen this guy?

Yeah, he's in here all the time.

Was he in here Saturday night?

He's in here every night,
goes with one of the girls.

You know, I'm always
looking for girls, Rita.

Why don't you turn in your
badge and come dance for me?

Not a chance, Joey.

Having horny guys stuff
money in my panties

is not my idea of a good time.

Well, gotta go.

Talk to you later.



You're hired!

Come back at o'clock.
- No, no.

Thank you very much.

You've been a huge help.

You know, according the
department of motor vehicles,

I still own that ' Cadillac
that I gave to Sharon Benson.

She's been parking it all over
town next to fire hydrants.

Maybe she was a
dog in a past life.

Here, be a sport, even
though you missed the show.

You know, and hutch
called there may be a...


Chris, my god, it's
been three years.

You look great.

So do you.

You, uh... how are you?

Great, actually.
I just got the job.

I'm going to be a
dancer here now.


That's terrific.
- Are you still a cop?

I am still a police officer.

What about you?

Are you still painting?

I used to love your paintings.

You're still one
of the few who does.

Unfortunately, that's one of
the reasons why I need this job.

You know, give me
a call sometime.

I'd really like to
do some catching up.


It's my stage name.

Oh, yeah, Billy.



I gotta go.

- Ok.
- Bye.

A stabbing in palm
beach can mean anything

from a nanny who sliced a
finger with a paring knife

to an heiress who nicked
her leg while shaving.

This was none of the above.

The victim, Tracy Murphy,
was a debutante, beautiful,

and rich, but definitely dead.

So just forget
about her dancing.

I mean, do you want
to see her or not?

I mean, I like rikki a lot.

You know, we had a
relationship based on equality.

Fool, so call her.

You think?

Hi, Roger.

- Well, hey, beautiful.
- Oh, thanks rog.

She put up a struggle.


Be sure and check
underneath her fingernails.

Driver's license in her purse
said she was years old.

What a shame.

She's just a kid.

I remember seeing her picture in
the newspaper a couple of weeks


She had a debutante
ball announcing

her formal entry into society.

Here's her unannounced exit.

The whole idea of a
crime scene photograph

is to capture an image of
the body as it was found.

Who chalked this?

The chalk fairy.

Well, we'll look real
stupid if there's chalk

around the body in the picture.

You are so cute
when you're angry.

What do you want from me?

The first officers on the
scene deny chalking it.

Well, if you see that
chalk fairy, you tell him

I'm looking for him.

What time did she check out?

:, maybe :


You think the perp
is a secreter?

I did an ultraviolet test
before you guys got here.

He left his Mark.

I want a serology work-up
done on all this clothing.


Dust every inch of
this house, all right?

Anything you find, run
it through the index.


Let's go Ben sloppy Joe's.

Now all the doors in
the house are dead bolted.


What about the windows?

Nope, they're all locked,
and there's no broken glass.

You think it was
someone she knew?

Yeah, or somebody who had a key.


Look at this, Sam.

It's an appointment card
from Melissa Cassidy.

You remember her?

Yeah, the radio shrink.


You know what?

She was writing checks
to Carter Davis.

He's a private investigator.

I wonder who he's investigating.

I'll take this one.

He was one of my favorite
running backs for the saints.

Sergeant Lance, homicide.

Secretary said
I'd find you here.

- You got a badge?
- Yeah.

Get in.

Sorry about the garbage.

You know how stakeouts are.

Yeah, not these kind.

What brings you here?

Tracy Murphy, we
found her dead this morning.

Ah, geez.

Why was she writing
you personal checks?

She hired me to follow
the guy in the picture.

His name is Ben taft.

He's a defense lawyer.

She was dating him?

I asked, but she wouldn't say.

My guess?

She fell in love,
became suspicious,

and wanted to know if
she was the only one.

Instincts never lie.

You know taft?

Yeah, I met him when I
was working vice, made a name

for himself throwing back
all the street dealers

that we reeled in.

You know, he does
the same thing today.

The only difference is is he
gets paid in yachts and cash.

So what do you got on
him in the last hours?

Dinner with this
woman last night.


Staff to Susan,
the assistant da.

That's a strange match.

Man, this guy gets around.

You telling me?

My knee hasn't hurt this
much since the playoffs

against the vikings.

And this guy scores
once, twice a day.

And I don't understand why.

He sure ain't no Tom Cruise.

Mix money with
power, and you get

a turbo-charged aphrodisiac.


So where'd taft go after dinner?

I don't know.

I took the picture by : pm.

Where can I find him?

Well, he should be home now.

That'll be
briarcliff circle north.

Ok, great.

Listen, thanks a lot.

The law is pretty good, taft.

Does it all come
from drug dealers?

Absolutely not, Lance.

Come, join the party.

I'm here on business.


Well, if you change
your mind, I've got

an extra bathing suit inside.

I think it'll fit you just fine.

You can have one of the girls
help you slip your clothes off.

I'd love to see that.

Would you save it?

Hey, I know what I like.

Look, I'll make this quick.

I've got two photographs
in here of you

taken with different
women at different times.

Another woman not pictured
hired a private investigator

to follow you and take them.

That woman is dead.

Guess who?

Got me.

Tracy Murphy.

She was found stabbed
to death in her bedroom

earlier this morning.

I'm sorry to hear that.

This one was taken
at : pm last night.

You know, taft?

I didn't know you had
such a deep affection

for the da's office.

As you can see, I don't.

They have an affection for me.

So don't even ask.

Hey, no, this is
just a rehearsal.

I mean, it's totally
off the record.

I just need to know if i'm
going to arrest you, that's all.

You won't get an
answer until you do.

I'll be back with the
warrant and handcuffs.

Don't forget the whips
and shaving cream, baby.

Read between the lines, baby.

Bloody skull fractures
caused by a knife pummel.

Start in the right posterior,
continue across the frontal,

ending in the left posterior.

Is that the cause of death?

No, multiple wounds
to the heart k*lled her.

Notice the linear
abdominal incisions

in a right to left pattern.

The perp was a southpaw.

Take a look at her hands.

I found traces of chromium
alloy in our fingertips.

That's the same stuff they
use to chrome pliers with.

Yanked her fingernails off.

You got this cataloged?

No, because we didn't
find it at the scene.

I've seen some weird things
with this job, but this...

This is a first.

I mean, why would he want them?

I don't know.

Maybe he wanted a souvenir.

The press is
beating down my door.

Do you have a suspect in
the Tracy Murphy case?

Yeah, somebody the victim
was seeing, a boyfriend.

That's why we can't be
sure whether the presence

of his fingerprints means he was
present at the time of death.

Who is it?

These photographs were
taken by a private investigator

hired by the victim.

Oh, no.

I'm sorry, Susan.

Oh, I can't believe this.

No, actually, I can.

I felt he was running around,
but I looked the other way.

I gotta admit, I
got a little rush

out of sleeping with the enemy.

There's something
else you should know.

Six months ago, Ben was
arrested for sexual battery.

He and his secretary got
cranked up on something,

and he crossed the line.

I feel so stupid.

Was he convicted, at least?

No, they must have
been wheeling and dealing

behind closed doors.

The charge was dropped.

Did he spent the night
with you last night, Susan?

He left around : am.

He said he had to be in court
early and wanted to go home.

There's only one way we can
find out for sure if he was

with Tracy Murphy,
and that's to match

his semen with the trace
evidence found at the scene.

I'll issue the warrant.

Police officers.

Everyone decent?

Of course not.

You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Tracy Murphy.

I know.

I called Susan.

She said you needed
a semen sample.

Just getting warmed
up for you, Rita.

It's going to be a tiny affair.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say
can and will be used

against you in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you.

Can't afford one, one
will be appointed to you.

No thanks.

But I do have one question?

What's that?

Can you drive with one hand?

I might need the other.

- Would you cuff...
- Cuff him.

No, you cuff him.

I'm not...

Yeah, I'd love to
meet you at the beach.

All right, I'll meet
you at the pier.


Morning, night owl.

Good morning.

Was that rikki?

Yeah, Billie.

I like "rikki" much more
than I like "Billie."

Would you like to
talk about rikki?


Look, I think I've found
something incredible.

Now look, this print was found
in Tracy's bedroom, right?

I ran it through the
single print index.

And I matched it to a suspect
in an unsolved homicide case,


Now neither one of
these are Ben taft.

So the suspect's unidentified.

He's a John Doe.

And the victim?

She's a -year-old
single white female.

She's a schoolteacher
named Lisa lang.

Now she was found in her
bedroom stabbed to death

in the early morning hours.

The same way Tracy was found.

It says here that investigators

found no signs of forced entry.

Yeah, left the same mo. Her
fingernails are missing, too.

So whoever k*lled the
schoolteacher k*lled Tracy?

We've got more than a
silk stocking here, Sammy.

We're dealing with
a serial k*ller.

Dancing's been a fantasy of
mine since I was a little girl.

My dad owned a nightclub.

And sometimes.

He'd take me down there.

I'd wander backstage
to be with the dancers.

And sometimes they'd
sit me on their laps

and let me powder their faces.

I don't know, it'd make
me feel like I was helping

them look pretty or something.

And when my dad
wasn't looking, I

would peek through the
curtain and watch them dance.

And I've always
wanted to be a dancer.

Yeah, but this doesn't
seem like dancing to me.

What is dancing
to Chris Lorenzo?

I don't know.

I... I don't know.

I love my body.

Should I be denied
the right to show it?

I mean, come on.

Is that what it is to you?


Maybe it is.

So what?

Look, so what, rikki... the
so what is that I know you.

And if you didn't know
me, then it would be ok?

This is your problem, not mine.

I accept that.

Ok, I accept that.

I want to try this
relationship again.

So do I. My dancing
doesn't change

the way I feel about you.

But I'm not going
to stop dancing.

Call me.

Call me.

I'll be out dancing,
but call me.

What kind of name is "Billie?"


You still remember my
favorite spot by the sea.

Our spot.

It's mine now.

Nice suit.


I wear it for all the
psychotics at the clinic.

They tell me everything.

So would I.

You did.

Melissa, I found this at
Tracy Murphy's apartment.

She was one of my
favorite patients.

Just a kid searching
for an identity.

What's happening with
the investigation?

We found a connection
between Tracy's case

and another unsolved
homicide with a similar mo.

I was hoping you'd be able
give me a better understanding

of who might have k*lled her.

You think it's a serial k*ller?

You tell me.

Well, most serial
K*llers were emotionally,

physically, or sexually
abused by one or both parents.

As a child, he was helpless.

He didn't fight
back, and he didn't

have the strength to leave.

He grows physically,
but emotionally he's

still the abused two-year-old.

Only now, he's an enraged
adult. What fuels the rage?

Fear, anxiety.

See, the only way that he can
overcome the fear and anxiety

trapped inside of him is to
exercise some kind of power

and control over a weak figure.

See, in his mind,
when he meets a woman,

she's a symbol of weakness,
or that she's just simply

physically inferior to him.

Look, the k*ller is
ripping the victim's

fingernails from the bodies.

He's taken them from the scene.

Why would he do that?

Hands were probably
a source of abuse

to the k*ller as a child.

They symbolize pain.

They rekindle the
fear and anxiety.

Ironically, his hands are the
source of abuse to his victims.

What are you talking about?

Ben taft's semen matched the
semen found on Tracy's clothing

the morning of her m*rder.

He was at the scene
the night before.

He had the perfect opportunity
to commit this crime.

All evidence points to Ben.

Yeah, except
for the fact the lab

on the print in Tracy's
bedroom that matches a print

to an unsolved homicide.

Right now, this print
belongs to a John Doe.

His victim was a -year-old
single white female

stabbed to death.

Now that's two murders, same mo.

The lacerations
found on Tracy's body

were caused by a
left-handed assailant.

Ben taft is right handed.

Here's what we believe happened.

All right, Ben left your
apartment at : am.

From there, he went over
to Tracy's apartment.

He left at :,
:, enter John

Doe, who arrived
just before :

am the time of Tracy's death.

Now he k*lled her, but he didn't
have intercourse with her.

Ben was in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

It's a great theory, but this

is a sexually motivated m*rder.

The presence of semen is
taking legal precedents.

But if you make John Doe,
then Ben's off the hook.

All right.

All right, I'll hold taft
under discretionary for as long

as I can.

But if you don't find
your m*rder suspect,

I'll file the m*rder charge, and
he'll have to convince a jury.

Don't you think you're
crossing the line, Susan?

I mean, this is
just another case.

You're making this personal.

This is my final offer.

Have a good day.

Musical chairs
approach to justice.

Yeah, and she's
playing the record.

You know what?

Let's go back to
both crime scenes

and find something that
connects the victims.

That's where we're
going to find John Doe.

All right.

Hey, Chris!

What do you got, Sam?

Take a look at this.

Let's see what
we can find at the scene

of the first m*rder.

Maybe something will
connect the victims.

Ok, first victim, Lisa lang.




Where you at, Sammy?

Lisa lang's closet.

It was at the marquee, palm

beach play pen.


The o'clock bell
rang; The schoolteacher

took a bite out of the apple.

No kidding.

How come my teachers
never dressed like this?

You took the wrong classes.

All right.

Tracy was looking for love.

Lisa lang was obviously
looking for sex.

Yeah, not much in common.

Except for this.

What is it?

It's the same magazine
I found in Tracy's house?

A singles magazine
filled with personal ads.

Hey, look, Tracy circled
ads and so did Lisa.

All right.

Let's say that John Doe
places an ad in that magazine.

Lisa reads it.

She likes it, responds to it.

They set up a meeting, he
finds out where she lives.

She ends up dead.

Then, a month,
later Tracy Murphy

responds to an ad in
the same magazine.

She winds up dead.

Two birds, one stone cast
by the same serial k*ller.

So this is my place, Chris.

What do you think?

What are you thinking?

I gotta see you dance.

I gotta see that
other side of you.

It's that important to you?


Well, why don't you come
down to the club Friday night?

I'd love for you
to see me dance.

I'll be there.

Who are you?

Oh, god.

I'm bleeding so bad.

No, you're going to be fine.

Everything's going
to be all right.

Just hold on.
Come on, you guys.

Move it!
- I'm afraid.

Look, don't worry.

I will be right beside
you the whole time.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Chris Lorenzo.

I don't think I've ever
worked with you before.

No, you haven't.

This is my first homicide.

I was the only tech
available at this hour.

Wait, stop!

In your tracks.

All right, see, look, there's
obviously been a struggle here.

There could be
evidence on the floor.

You destroy the
evidence, we'll never

be able to get it back, right?

Now, crime scenes
are like people.

They're not perfect, and
they're never getting younger.

I'm really sorry.

It's ok.

I've done worse.

Just walk beside the
baseboards whenever you can.

- Ok.
- Ok?


I got the w*apon.

Now why don't you dust
the phone for fingerprints.

I think it might have been
ripped out of the wall.


Sergeant, the assailant's glove?

Now find me traces of the
hand that was in the glove.

How's Barbara?

Eh, she's fine.

She's in a lot of pain, though.

Did... did you
say over easy, Sam?

Yeah, I did...

Three times from my car
phone at $. a minute.

They're scrambled.


You know what?

You seem preoccupied.

How is rikki?

Well, she likes to take her
clothes off in front of men.

Besides that, she's fine.

You know, i'm
trying to understand

why she likes to do this.

I can't.

It's not about sex.

It's about control.

When she dances, she
has got the audience

in the palm of her hands.

How do you know?

You are making a big
deal out of this, Chris.

I mean, if it bothers you so
much, don't go out with her.

So the woman likes
to dance, big deal.

You gonna waste your life
waiting for Mrs. Perfect.

Well, I'm going to go and
see her dance on Friday.

That's good.

Let's get back to business.

You know, I checked all
the ers in the vicinity.

And so far, nothing.

I guess he wasn't hurt that bad.

Well, John Doe was at the scene.

His prints matched the others.

And I also found magazines.

I checked her favorite ads
against Tracy and Lisa's.


All three of them had
different taste in men.

So we've got one
perp, three victims,

and no common denominators.

And the only pattern
so far is these woman

responding to these ads.

So far, no two ads are alike.

You know what?

Maybe placing more than one ad.

There is only one way we're
going to catch this guy.

I want to respond to the
really hot ads, the ones

the victims have circled.


And then, when the
guys respond back,

I'll set up dates in a
controlled environment

and, hopefully, we'll get
a set of fingerprints.

No, this guy's a k*ller, Sam.

We've got to do something
before he strikes again.

I'll be careful.

They had to spend some
money on this apartment.

It's pretty nice.

Right, enjoy it while you can.

We're only renting
it for a week.

That tickles.

Would you stop?

Hold on, Sam,
you're almost finished.

All right.

Now, I'm going to
be in here taking

photographs of our candidates
as they enter and exit.

Remember, this is your
lifeline to the outside world.

So don't unhook it.

Sounds like a plan.

All right.
There you go.


What are you going
to do with these?

I'm going to read
them in between dates.

I may have a few no-shows,
and I don't want to get bored.

All right, I got you, Sam.


Could you have worn something
a little less provocative?

Well, I at least want to
hold their interest long

enough to get a set of prints.

Ok, number one should be on
his way in a little while.

All right, what's the code?

Help me with my garter.

Help me with my garter?

How about, it's
getting hot in here?

I like that much, much better.


Men seeking women.

It's a game of anonymity.

You show your face, but you
keep your name a secret.

Because the minute you remove
your mask, the thrill is gone.

The game is over.

So what do you do, George?

I'm a photographer.

Oh, what do you photograph?


I'm in fashion advertising.

God, that must be
exciting photographing

gorgeous women all the time.

Yeah, it is.

I feel lucky sometimes.

I think I would love
wearing beautiful jewelry

and clothing every day.

You know, could I get
a glass of water instead?

Oh, sure, sure.

I'll be right back.

Here you go.

- Look what I did.
- No, no, no.

It's no big deal.

I'll just get something
to clean it up.

- I have to go.
- Well, look, it's just water.

It's not even gonna stain.
- I'm sorry.

This isn't gonna work.

Is, uh, is something
bothering you, Jerry?


Would you like a nice
glass of cold water?


It's getting real hot in here.

Come here, bitch!

I'll show you
what's bothering me!

That feels good.

Harder, harder!

You're a sick puppy, Jerry.


It's made out of rubber.

You're a cop?

Yeah, very good Jerry.

You're under arrest.


Yeah, I still got
five more dates to go.

There's only nine
sets of prints here.

Who didn't leave prints?


His parents taught him
not to touch unless he

could afford to buy, huh?

Consider the merchandise.

You looked into his eyes.
What'd you see?

Very nervous kid who
bolted like a spooked horse.

You're right.

I overdressed.

You get a tag number on the car?

No, he took the bus.

Right before he left, he
pulled out a set of keys

like he was going to drive away.

I mean, if he has a car,
why would he drive it?

Could be in the shop.

Or maybe he's trying to hide it.

Maybe it's been ID'd.

You mean at the scene
in one of the murders?

Yeah, a parking
violation would ID it.

Stranger things have happened.

Here's the plan.

We'll check out the magazine.

We know George picks
up his mail there.

If he drives his car,
we'll run his tags.

If he takes the bus,
we'll follow him home.

Either way, we got him ID'd.

I'll order the dmv check on
the crime scene neighborhoods,

and then we'll check
the restricted parking

zones for violators.

The owner of the car
who got the ticket

lives at / exposition.

Now this is exposition.

They print the magazine
strictly singles.

Isn't this kind of
weird that he would

live right by the warehouse?

Not if he works
up front it's not.

Let's start at we'll
work our way to one half.

Yeah, now, a Gabriel
Evans received a parking

violation near the
scene of a m*rder

that we're investigating.

Now we have him addressed as
and / exposition boulevard.

Yeah, it's a trailer out
back of the main building.

Gabriel lives there
and works here.

He works here in this room?

Well, he sorts the incoming
mail into the mailboxes

back in the mail room.

Do you know this person?

Yeah, it's Gabriel Evans.

Could you show
us to his trailer?

Follow me.

Let's say that I placed
an ad in the magazine.

You like me so
you wrote me back.

Now Gabriel, is he the one
that puts it in my mailbox?

Well, that's what
he's supposed to do.

Or he doesn't.

He steals it.

He never placed an ad.

Ok, this is and /.

Can you unlock this?


You know, I'm going to have
to tell him I did this.

Don't bother.

We'll tell him.

I'm going to arrange this
guy's going-away party.

He's going to be
gone for a long time.

Yeah, and there's no
women where he's going.

Take a look at this.

A k*ller scrapbook.

Yeah, it's Lorenzo.

Send me a unit to / expo.

It's a warehouse.

Sign out front reads
"nightcap publishing."

Yeah, park the officers
at the block.

Send them on foot
to / expo.

It's a trailer behind
the main building.

They'll be waiting for
the tenant to return.

His name is Gabriel Evans.

I got a photograph of him.

I'll be here.

Hey, do me a favor.

Put an apb out on him
for all the bus routes.

He's '", pound,
Caucasian, years of age.

All right, thanks.

This is the master key.

Looks like he's
been cutting keys.

Ugh, the victim's fingernails.

This is a creepy
little den of death.

I want to get out of here.

You take a unit to
the day department,

and you stay in
touch with me, Sam.

All right.

Hey, Sam, you got anything?

You could hear
a pin drop in here.

What about you?

No, nothing.

You know what?

It's late.

Why don't you go ahead
on home, get some sleep.

Keep your backup there.

I'll talk to you in the morning.

No, I'm ok staying up.

Come on.

You haven't slept in
your bed in a week.

Do yourself a favor.

You got a point.

I'm out of here.

Call me if you need me.

All right.

Good night.


Yeah, it's Lorenzo.

A bus driver on the palms route

called in a half a minute to
go on your all-points suspect.

The driver said he was on the
bus, but he got a little antsy

and bailed.

That's Rita's neighborhood.

Look, I want you to send
a backup unit to the

east block of palm drive.

I'm five minutes
away from there.

Nobody does anything
until they hear from me.

You got it?

Got it, sergeant.


Open up!

It's Chris!
Come on!

Open the door!


Sammy, open the door!


Come on, open up!

Shut up, and tell him to leave.



You ok, Sam?

Yeah, I'm ok.

Surprise, surprise, Sammy.

Best seat in the house.

Two-drink minimum, both
drinks on the house.

What will it be?

Let me have a ginger ale.

You got it.

Do me a favor, will you?

Don't arrest anybody, kid.

I need the customers.

Next this evening, it's
the lovely miss Billie!

Let's hear it for Billie!
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