02x02 - The Other Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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02x02 - The Other Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

After she m*rder*d these seven people Lindsay Dywer ran away, changed her name to Quinn Perkins, and started a new life.

Previously on "Scandal"...

The government has failed to prove its case.

What the hell?!


Your honor, on what grounds?

I said this case is over.
(Gavel bangs)

Olivia obviously knows something we don't.

The agency took stuff from me.

I was young. They made it sound fun.

(Man) If you meet this guy in a dark alley, you're done.

Are you moving on east Sudan?

I'm not discussing foreign policy with you.

What's the delay, Fitz?

Son of a...

There's only one leader of the armed forces, and his name is Fitzgerald Grant.

If you go to w*r, it's because you want to go to w*r.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Telephone rings)


23 people.

(Fitz) What?

When you stay late in the oval, there are 23 members of your staff that have to stay late, too.

I'm reading briefs on east Sudan.

They can't go home until you do.

How are you?

Richard, Jo, Marybeth, Ted, Hank, that guy with the briefcase handcuffed to his wrist, Jose the chef, Kayla, Susan...

Susan went to the state department and the briefcase guy is Rashid.

I'm saying that 23 hardworking Americans are staying late at night so you can call me.

You want me to hang up?

How are you?

I'm serving up my sentence in the crown jewel of the American prison system. except my married ex-boyfriend keeps calling me.

This is friendly. We're being friends.

We're not friends.

We're good friends.

How's your pregnant wife?

Whose fault is that? Who fixed that for me?

(Sighs deeply)

Tell me to stop calling.

Tell me you don't want to hear from me.

Okay, then.

I'll speak to you tomorrow night.

(Line disconnects)



(Telephone rings)


(Sighs) (Ring)

Stop calling. I don't want to hear from you.

Take a deep breath and say that one more time.

(Clasp clicks)

And then she just goes, "Jill, dad died six months ago."

I was so wasted, you know, I-I guess I forgot.

(All) Thanks, Jill.

(Man) Would anyone else like to share tonight?

What about you in... in the back?

(Cell phone buzzes)

Uh, no, thanks.

(Tv playing indistinctly)

Don't you ever sleep?

I have work. You're the one who...

I slept better in prison.

There are extra pillows...

It's not the pillows.

Quinn, your story isn't dying down yet. - So what?

You saved my life. I know that, but I still don't know how or why, and until you tell me, I might as well still be wearing that freaking orange jumpsuit.

You want answers? Fine. You'll get them.

But you have to trust me when I tell you it's in your own best interest that you don't have every piece of the puzzle right now.

If you change your mind about sleep, pillows are in the closet.

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Right reverend Marvin Drake...

68-year-old civil rights leader, gay marriage crusader, our nation's pastor.

Everyone knows who pastor Drake is.

Well, his wife doesn't know where he is. He's missing, and he's supposed to be at the National Prayer Breakfast with the President and the important half of congress in nine hours.

Since he officiated that mass gay marriage in the national mall last spring, he's had over a hundred death threats.

So much for turning the other cheek.

He's always home by 9:00.

He pours his sherry, reads a verse or two, asleep by 10:00, like clockwork.

I know that it hasn't been long enough to call the police, and I know what a news story it'll be if I do, but I'm telling you, Olivia, something has happened to him.

I can feel it.

No luck at the shelter.

Nothing on the police scanners.

No sign at his church or office.

(Cell phone ringing)

(Ringing stops)

Please be dying. Are you dying?

David, pastor Marvin Drake is missing.

I know I'm the last person you'd do a favor for right now, but...

A favor?

Oh, I'd love to, but the thing is, I just lost the highest-profile trial of my life, and with it, any and all juice I may have had in the professional favor department.

So even if I could help you, even if I wanted to help you, which I don't... that was sarcasm before...

The days of favors from me are very, very over.

At 8:14, he withdrew $500 from an A.T.M.

On the corner of Connecticut and "K" street.

What's nearby?

Something called Camelot.

Strip club.

What's the scorpion room?

Gay bar.

The Adams Morgan hotel is across the street.

Married dude pays for a hotel room in cash, nine times out of ten, he's getting it in with a hooker.

Let's get all the facts before we jump to conclusions, people. (Clatter)


Pastor Drake, are you in there?

(Muffled moaning)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Oh, God. Okay. We really shouldn't...

This is so wrong.

Wait. Huck?

Cold, no pulse, probably been dead a couple of hours.

Well, we found him.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(projector and camera shutter clicking)

Ethiopia's closing.

What? What?

We waited too long. Ethiopia's closing.

We can't get a baby from there now, unless you can pull some strings.

Can you pull some strings?


Frankly, I think we should go for a domestic adoption.

There are a lot of babies in our own backyard who need homes.

It's 5:00 A.M.

I quit my job, Cyrus.

I'm an award-winning journalist, and I...

Oh, you won one award in college.

It wasn't even Ivy league. For God sake...

I was on the short list for the Pulitzer in 2009.

That's like winning.

I quit my job to stay at home and take care of you and the fat, smushy baby that you said that we could have.

But there's no baby. Where's the baby, Cy?

You've been dragging your feet.

That ends now. I want a baby.

And Middlebury is just as good as the Ivy league, you elitist, highbrow, conservative snob.

I cannot believe I fell in love with a republican!

Being on the short list is not "like" winning.

Winning is like winning!


(Woman) I have to go.

I-I-I-I really have to...

I-I can't...

What's your name?


Listen to me, Anna.

You're in shock. You need to sit down, drink some water, and relax for a minute.

(Door opens)

We need to get him out of here.

Really? We shouldn't just maybe get rid of the lady of the night and then call the cops?

Marvin Drake is the most respected religious leader in our country.

He was naked and dead on top of a handcuffed hooker.

I think he just lost the title, Liv.

How do I tell the congregation?

What the hell am I supposed to say to our children?

Your children will never know, and the pastor's legacy will remain intact.

We'll make sure of it.

Harrison, Anna needs to stay quiet.

Pay her whatever it takes.

Help me find the nearest route to the freight elevator.

Huck, what are you gonna need to take care of this?

Uh, latex gloves, a 24-inch bone saw, a skull chisel, an industrial meat cleaver, three dozen heavy-duty trash bags, ten bath towels, a 30-foot roll of plastic wrap, and two black coffees, extra tall.

It's gonna be a long day.

I want you to move him, not dispose of him.


Well, in that case, I'll just need, uh, six king-size sheets and lots of ice.

Standard nondisclosure.

Sign, tell me whatever you're supposed to make for the night so I can add a few grand on top and we can forget this ever happened. Hmm?

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Look, they're not gonna hand over the...

I don't want to your money.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)



He's ready.

(Birds chirping)

Thank you.

Thank you so much for bringing him home.

I'm sorry, Nancy, but it's time.


I put my nightgown on.


Put your nightgown on, and you get into bed.

Toss around a little, then you get up, and call 9-1-1.

He was asleep when you came in and dead when you woke up.

That's all you know.

That's all I know, yes.

You'll do great. Talk to you soon.

(Cell phone rings and buzzes)

We just had to carry 300 pounds of pastor up a flight of stairs and put him to bed. Where are you?

(Harrison) Alexandria.

She wouldn't sign the nondisclosure agreement.

She wouldn't take the cash.

Liv, I don't think she's a hooker.

She's the pastor's mistress.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Morning, Mr. President.

Why didn't I know about that photo?

I found out this morning, sir, just like you.

And why don't I believe that?

(Indistinct conversations)

What am I looking at?

My God.

Who did this?

(Man) Government of east Sudan.

Confirmed by?

Our analysts at Langley, sir.

(Clears throat)

Mr. President, we were able to date the photo to three days ago.

Based on the environment, the location's in the southwestern region, near a village called Sinkala.

(Woman) Sinkala is an opposition stronghold, and the government is blaming the rebels.

All kids?

Without live assets on the ground, sir, it's hard to say.

We'll keep working on it, but it doesn't look good.

Gather the joint chiefs.

I want military options on my desk by noon.

(All murmuring)

You okay, son?

Yes, sir.

(Camera shutter clicks) Anna Gordon... 38, works as lawyer at the national tolerance foundation.

So she's a professional civil rights activist.

And a hate group educator and a regular churchgoer, and in her spare time, she runs a canned food drive at a women's shelter.

So she's a saint.

Well, a saint who was...

(Sniffs) Sleeping with a married man.

A saint who enjoys being handcuffed to a bed, just like mother Teresa.

Maybe she didn't know he was married.

She didn't know he was married?

The pastor's cell phone has calls to Anna going back 15 years.

E-mails, they met in hotel rooms, secret weekends.

15 years. - 15 years.
She probably thought he was gonna leave his wife. He wasn't gonna leave his wife.

They never leave their wives. What was she thinking?

We don't...

Not judging. Just saying...

Think she called "The Enquirer" for a payday?

15 years.

She could've had a payday a long time ago.

She loved him, and that means she cares how all this plays out.

Abby, you're on the funeral.

Make sure it goes off without a hitch.

You want me to cancel on justice Thornton?

We'll have our hands full with this one.

She's a supreme court justice. We can't cancel on her.

Plus she hates doing press. She needs me.

Harrison, you're on cleanup.

How squeaky clean we need to be?

Everyone in the city who knows about the affair...

Make sure they don't breathe a word about it. - Got it.

Will you check on Quinn for me?

See if she's okay? See if she needs anything?

She was going a little stir-crazy this morning.

Thank you, senator. All right.

You're busy these days, working late, up early.

I'm running a country.
(Hangs up receiver)

I can see that.


Can we just skip to the end?

Excuse me?

You come in...

(Hangs up receiver) I hear how I'm failing you, I yell, you yell, I feel guilty for yelling at the mother of my children, I apologize, you're cold, and then you leave.

Can we skip right to you leaving?

Reverend Drake died of a heart attack this morning.

I wanted you to hear it from me, because I know how much you admired him, how much his endorsement meant to you during the campaign, how kind he was to you, even when the liberals wanted your head on a platter.

I thought you'd want to know that a great man died today.

I thought maybe you'd want to pray for his family, but you're running a country.

I'll let you get back to it.

(Door opens)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)


(Keys jangle)

(Camera shutter clicks)

(Indistinct conversations)




(Camera shutter clicks)

You know, we had Christmas together every year, with presents and a tree.

Every year, on December 28th, when Nancy went to the cape to see her sister, it was Christmas, to us anyway.

I have a nondisclosure agreement.

I need you to sign it.

So what do you need from me to make that happen?

$6 million.

She has it.

She does have it, but despite 15 years of not-quite Christmas, you're still just a mistress with a pair of divorces under her belt.

You have circumstantial evidence of an affair.

That's worth a few hundred thousand dollars.

You have nowhere near $6 million worth of leverage.


(Footsteps approach)

Mommy, I can't find my magic cards.

Hey, baby, come on over here.

He is the spitting image of his father.

Isn't he?

I'm sorry. What were you saying?

(Camera shutter clicks)

(Glass shatters)

Damn it.

She wants money?

(Scoffs) Of course she wants his money.

Here's the alternative...

She writes the book, does the talk shows, and your family's at the center of a tabloid tornado, and your husband's legacy... all that great work... will be tarnished, and his opponents will be justified.

You're gonna have to pay one way or another, so it's time to negotiate.

$6 million.

I can't start there. Maybe if we came down to...

Up front, in my name.


She's a lawyer. She's smart.

She knows that the book deal alone could be worth that.

Let's say we pay.

What is to stop her from asking for more?

What's gonna stop her from... from leaking it?

Part of any settlement is gonna be an airtight nondisclosure agreement.

What you're asking for... a lump sum up front...

Gives the other side no assurance, no leverage, and it's not going to happen.

Now hold on...

We also have no idea who else knows about your relationship.

If any of this comes out, any credible leak at any time, the deal is off. Agreed?

(The O'Jays' "for the love of money" playing)


Now $1 million up front, $3 million in a trust only your son can access on his 30th birthday.

Does this woman think I'm an idiot? You have got to be...

Kidding me. Is that woman out of her damn mind?

♪ For the love of money ♪
♪ people will steal from their mother ♪
♪ for the love of money, people will rob... ♪

This is not an awards show. It's a funeral.

Tell the congressman I cannot get him on the list, and I certainly can't get him a plus-one, so please stop calling.

(Hangs up receiver)
♪ they never know ♪
♪ who in the world they're gonna beat ♪
♪ for that lean ♪

I understand that you marched with Dr. Kng, Mr. Speaker, and while I do agree that's beautiful, the reverend Drake's widow asked for one eulogy only, and that would be from the President of the United States.


I know you ran for President, but to be fair, you did lose.

So I'm thinking no speech, fifth row, center left?

Center right. Of course.

(Hangs up receiver)

♪ Give me, give me, give me ♪
♪ cash money ♪

$2 million up front, $2 million in a trust she controls until he's 25, and 2 more in a trust in his name, which will be released on his 30th birthday, given that he agrees not to go public.

And if he ever decides to go public, we come after you both.

For everything.


♪ Give me a nickel, brother...


♪ Can you spare a dime? ♪



♪ Out of their minds ♪

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

There he is!

Hollis, how'd you slip your leash?

Learn the boys' names and the girls' birthdays, you can have the run of this place.

The President make up his mind yet?

Photo's going around. Public's there.

You don't want your w*r based on Internet buzz.

We want to be sure.

Now you got a soul?

Funny, I thought you sold that to me a couple years ago.

Besides, you do the right thing for the wrong reasons, no one gives a crap.

Sooner we get in, the more lives get saved.

And better for your bottom line.

Oh, you know us business boys.

Money's just a way to keep score.

Hollis, your super P.A.C. has been very generous, but not everything this administration does is geared towards re-election.


Take my advice...

Ride that photo all the way to four more years.

Now she's doing both shows on Sunday?

Well, I have to move some stuff around, but tell justice Thornton I will still be there.

(Hangs up receiver)

Quinn's gone. She took a plane to Oakland.


I can take care of it.

You okay, Huck?

You sure? Because when we were figuring out what to do with the pastor, you thought...

You wanted me to cut him up.


Misunderstanding. I'm fine.

(Harrison) We have a problem.

The morgue's releasing pastor Drake's body.

The medical examiner wants to do an autopsy.

The family can say no to that. Not if the M.E. thinks the person died under suspicious circumstances.

Liv, if they find out he didn't die at home...

That we tampered with a crime scene. The story blows up.

We go to jail. The man's a joke.

Every anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-minority group in this country has a full round of fresh a*mo.

Not to mention jail.

That's great. Thank you.

So tell me about Janice. You said she's a nurse?

Yeah. Over at county.

That's great. And you're living together?

Yeah, I-I moved into her place last year.

Dad, if there's anything you want to ask me, any questions you have...

Can you please tell me you don't think I did those things?


Oh, my God. It doesn't matter.

How can you say that?

Because it doesn't.

If it was two years ago, and I was still sitting on the couch, watching the news, waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for my daughter to explain why in the hell a building blew up and why has she been named a suspect...

Maybe then, a phone call would've been nice.

I couldn't call you, dad. I couldn't call anyone.

And now...

You know, now after I finally got some peace back in my life...

You're mad.

I'm tired. Tired.

(Pen clicks)

I got a furnace to fix in Rohnert park, but...

Janice is fixing up a bed for you.

(Pen clicks)

And she's been a big sport about this.

Try to make her feel appreciated.

(Door opens)

(Door closes) Can I help you?

Can I help you, or do you two just like to watch?

Abby Wheeler and Harrison Wright.

We're with Olivia Pope and Associates, handling pastor Drake's arrangements.

You know, we're backlogged, but you can leave a number, and I'll call you as soon as we get to him.

Yes, well, the thing is, the family wants an open casket...

And unless the pastor is going topless in his coffin, the incision will be well-hidden.

I don't mean to brag, but I'm something of an artist.

I'm sure you are. Ma'am, listen, is there any way that I can convince you that cutting pastor Drake open is unnecessary? He was a man of God.

And I'm a woman of the government.

The autopsy order came from the U.S. attorney's office., so he gets the deluxe package. My hands are tied.


There's no justification for autopsy.

The good pastor died in his bed.

Which I found wonderfully odd, considering that the night before, you told me he was missing.

I promise, this wasn't foul play.

Pinkie swear and hope to die?

Because I know you have no proof or actual evidence you're willing to share with me to back up said promise.

You just expect me to bend the law for you once again out of blind faith and admiration.

You pour a good bourbon, Olivia, but like I've recently discovered, so does the dive bar down the street.

I'm telling you to let this one go.

It'll only make things worse for you.

Who the hell do you think you are?

A friend.

(Fitz) What's the order of targets for the first round of ground strike?

Their defense is on the northern border, accompanied by att*cks on southern command, followed by special forces to help target additional assets.

How many? - Oh, just enough to secure the military compounds.

Just enough? You remember "black hawk down," right?

Mr. President, I graduated from the naval academy, taught at the naval w*r...

And yet you're missing my point.

No special forces until I order them, and when I do, I want more than enough... - Mr. President?

I need a moment.

It's important, sir.

Everyone, can we have the room, please?


(Cyrus clears throat)

(Door closes)

What? You don't like my battle plan?

12 hours from now not soon enough to juice my approval ratings?

The photo. Mass graves?

Don't you find it a little convenient, popping up just when you're sitting on the fence?


But then I'd have to wonder who made it convenient, Cyrus, and I don't think either one of us wants that.

I don't trust the intel.

Approval ratings be damned.

What do you suggest we do?

Perimeter secured.

(Mouth full) Can I help you?

Let the kid eat.

Holy crap.

Hey, Matt. This a good time?

This is where it happened.

What are you...

This is where they took you.

Are you kidding me?

You followed me here? She had you follow me across the country?

She's worried about you.

That's the thing. She doesn't need to.

I just wanted a minute, okay?

One minute without all the freaking...

To be a normal...

I came to see my dad.

I thought he would want to.

My mom died when I was 7, and my dad and I were always...

It was just us.

He was always so proud of me.


But he looked at me like I was somebody else.

This is where they took you.


No, I mean, this is where they took you,
Lindsay Dwyer, they did something to you.

When they do something like that, you don't go back.

You can't.

They said seven people died in that expl*si*n, right?


They were wrong.

It was eight.

Let's go home.

Let's talk about the picture.

What's wrong with it?

You should talk to my boss.

I am your boss.

It's the millet, sir.

The millet?

The crops in the picture?

Millet's native to east Sudan, and if this were ten, even five years ago, I'd say yes, absolutely, this is east Sudan, and this could've happened yesterday.

And the difference between now and five years ago?

Global warming shortening the growing seasons.

And millet... there hasn't been millet in that part of the continent since July, August, at the latest.

Well before the conflict started.

And you shared these concerns with the director?

What the hell's going on?

Nice place you got here, Amos.

Get out of my way, Cy.

Actually, I need you to stay out here with me.

It's a clearance thing.

I'm the director of the CIA.

Not anymore you're not.

I won't be photoshopped into a w*r.

I want a resignation letter on my desk in the morning.

You've been wanting to spend more time with your family.

People still buy that one, right?

Yeah, well, I plan on using it someday.

It's just one kid's interpretation.

He loved to quote Mahatma Gandhi, saying, "we need to make our opponents"...

(Telephone rings) "See the injustice of their ways."

Pastor Drake lived what he preached, leading the famous voting rights march on Tallahassee.

At the age of 22, he...
(Turns off tv)

23 people.

I sent half of them home early, so it's, like, 12 people.

Besides, I'm working.

I'm working on my eulogy for pastor Drake, who I did not know you were handling.

I'm handling pastor Drake.

Very sad.


I shouldn't.

What? Tell me.

You cannot repeat this to anyone.

I mean it.

Are you in?

I'm in. Tell me.

He was...

Kinda kinky.


Pastor Drake.

He died on top of a woman who was handcuffed to a bed in a hotel.

Are you serious?

She couldn't call for help because the sounds of her screams were muffled by his...girth.

Pastor Drake?

The nation's pastor.



(Both laughing)

Stop laughing!

(Laughs) I'm sorry.

This is wrong. He was a leader, a civil rights icon.

(Fitz continues laughing)


It's like hearing about your father's sex life.

That image... is burned on my brain.


(Continues laughing)

She was his mistress.

The woman in the handcuffs.


He loved her.

What do you want me to do, Liv?

Tell me what to do, and I'll do it.


Let me go.

Anything but that.


I should go.



Mellie's going to see the pastor's wife tomorrow, to pay respects.

I just thought you should know.

Great. Thanks for the heads-up.

You know what I need?

I need you to shut down the autopsy on pastor Drake.

I need you to shut down the U.S. attorney for me.

Liv, I can't just...

That is what I want!

Consider it handled.

Thank you.

(Line disconnects)

(Hangs up receiver)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Okay, so the first lady is less than a minute out, there's gonna be one photographer allowed in to take some pictures, just one, and one pool reporter, big fan of your husband's.

The first lady will stay between two and five minutes, and then she'll go. Then we'll go to the church. Nancy?


What did you take?

A sedative.

Can someone bring me a cup of coffee for Mrs. Drake?

Nancy, listen to me.

Nancy, she says how sorry she is for your loss, and you say "thank you."
She says she hopes you'll get through this, and you say "thank you."

She says she and the President are praying for you, and you say "thank you."

That's all you have to do... Say "thank you."

No matter what she says, you say "thank you."

What do you say, Nancy?

What do you say?


Thank you.


Drink the coffee.

(Camera shutter clicking)

(Whispers) Excuse me.

Mrs. Drake, your husband was a great man and a great leader.

I am so, so sorry for your loss.

(Camera shutter continues clicking)

(Mouths words)

Nancy, I'm so sorry for your loss.

(Whispers) He had a mistress.

I'm sorry. I don't think I heard that.

What did she say?

Can we clear the room?

I think Mrs.Drake and I would like to have a private moment to pray together.

Everyone, if you don't mind.


We'll be fine.

(Door closes)

Thank you.

I'm supposed to say "thank you."

But he was a cheating bastard.

How did I not know?

Such an idiot.

(Chuckles) There's no way you could possibly know what it's like to have...

It's like... it's like... It's like...

It's like you didn't know him at all.


You thought the two of you were partners.

You thought the problems in your marriage were solvable.

You thought "for better or worse" meant something.

You thought no matter what, he'd be faithful.


Nancy, right now you are angry.

Right now you feel betrayed, but here's the thing...

You are his partner.

You are his wife.


Some mistress doesn't change that.

He made a mistake. You have to forgive him for it.

You weren't wrong about him.

You were just stronger than he was.

And he is not a monster.

(Continues crying)

He's the man you fell in love with.

You have to bury the man that you married.



Somewhere in all the cheating, Nancy, is the man that you married, and you are his wife.

Right to the end, be his wife.

(Continues sobbing)

(Projector and camera shutter click)

(Elevator bell dings)

Stupid, moneygrubbing, mistress whore!


She's not signing.

She says she wants more money.

Apparently, $6 million isn't enough for her.

Did she say how much?

No, just that if she doesn't get it, she's gonna blab to the press before the funeral.

Which is in three hours, so at this point, she knows we'll give her anything to shut her up.

Between this and the autopsy, pastor Drake's gonna be a punch line by the end of the day.

I took care of the autopsy.


It's handled.

How? How is it handled?

It's handled.

Where'd it come from?


How high does it go? Your boss? Your boss' boss?

Take a seat. David...

The government says no autopsy when the evidence says otherwise.

That kind of decision's gotta come from way up top.

Your boss' boss' boss.

I don't even know who that is.

You get that high, it's probably not even a person.

It's a supersecret brain being kept alive in a bowl of jelly.


I just want to know how she did it.

Olivia... how did she swing this one?

Nobody swung anything.

Of course she did.

Anyway, I'm not gonna argue with you. It's done. No autopsy.

I just want to know how she did it.

You lost a big trial.

First, what does that have to do with our autopsy, and second, the trial was lost. I didn't lose it. - David.

David. - Would you have argued that case any differently than I did?

Would you have?

You need to take a vacation.

Get away for a few days. Take some time for yourself.

I don't need "me" time, Pat. I need you to help...

It's not a suggestion.

The department has decided you need to take a leave of absence, and that decision comes from my boss' boss, my boss, and me.

You said $6 million, Nancy agreed, and now you have to sign.

It's not enough.

How much is enough?

I don't know.

I need a number, Anna.

I don't know.

$10 million? $20 million?

I don't know!

I know.

What you want is 15 Christmases on December 25th, 15 birthdays, 15 years of sleeping next to him and waking up with him.

You want Anniversary dinners and parent-teacher conferences and school plays.

You want fights over whose turn it is to wash the dishes and walk the dog.

What you want, what you've always wanted, is to be part of his life.

And now he's gone, and you want to be part of his legacy, but you aren't, and you never were, and I can get you $6 million to try to fix how much that hurts...

(Voice breaks) But that is all that I can do.

I just thought we'd have more time, that Vincent would really get to know him...

(Voice breaking) And when the time came, we'd have our chance to say good-bye.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Indistinct conversations)


She hasn't signed. There's no deal.

You tell me this ten minutes before I'm supposed to say good-bye to my husband for the last time, before my children say good-bye to their father?

It's also ten minutes before this funeral is carried live on three networks.

Anna could make it so your husband's legacy is the one thing people aren't talking about.

What does she want?

To be here, at the funeral, with her son.

That's out of the question.

Nancy, she's in a car outside.

This would be it... the last thing you would ever have to do.

That woman is not setting foot in this church.

In that case, all she has to do is walk up to a television camera, and everything we've done in the last few days, everything your husband's done in the last 50 years is for nothing.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

If you are just joining us, we are talking about the latest news regarding the east Sudanese mass grave photo.

We now have official confirmation that the photo is not authentic.

CIA director Amos Carver resigned amidst the growing controversy.

We'd like to remind you that tomorrow night, we have an exclusive primetime interview with supreme court justice Verna Thornton.

But now let's take you live to the national cathedral, where the President and First Lady have just arrived for pastor Marvin Drake's funeral.

(Organ playing hymn) I'm so sorry, Nancy.

He was a remarkable man.

Thank you, Mr. President.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

He was a great man.

(Man) Thank you, sir.

Yeah. Hi, sweetheart.

I'm so sorry.

(Amplified voice) Marvin Drake gave spiritual counsel to seven presidents.

In times of crisis, he was a tireless reminder to all Americans, to every citizen of the world, to heed those better angels of our nature.

With his departure, it's incumbent upon the rest of us, most especially those of us in public office...


We give great funeral.

...Temper our divides.


But while the world and nation mourn his passing, there is, of course...

A more personal anguish.

That's suffered by his family and by his friends.

We knew his greatest contribution wasn't simply in his inspiring words, but in his deeds, that hope was attended by generosity...

Tolerance by forgiveness...

Understanding by acceptance.

(Camera shutter clicking)

Do you remember when we first got married, that little apartment we had on Oregon street?

The one at was always freezing?

I would get in bed the minute we got home.

We had that electric blanket.

It was warmer in bed together than anywhere else in the house.

What do you want, Mellie?

I'd like you to forgive me.

I've forgiven you.

We can't do this.

Live in a perpetual w*r zone.

We were never...

But we were always partners...

And we were always friends.

I know you hate me.

I know you don't even want to be in the same room with me, but somewhere in here...

Is a girl you got under the blanket with on Oregon street.


I am still the girl who kept you warm, and you have to forgive me.

Tell me what to do, and I will do it.

But you have to forgive me.

Come here.

I forgive you.


You're forgiven.



My name is Huck, and I'm a... an alcoholic.

(All) Hi, Huck.

I like to drink, uh, let's see... whiskey.

I used to get paid a lot of money to drink whiskey because I'm really, really good at it.

But now it's all I think about...

The way the whiskey makes me feel...

And... I don't want to be that person, a person who does that, who drinks whiskey for a living, and I just hope that by coming here and t-talking about it, I can stop... drinking... whiskey.

(All) Thanks, Huck.

Secure line, please.

(Pressing buttons)


(Rings) (Fitz) ...Gave spiritual counsel to seven presidents.

In times of crisis, he was a tireless reminder...


to all Americans, to every citizen of the world, to heed those better angels within ourselves.


In his departure, it's incumbent upon the rest of us, most especially those of us...
(Turns off tv)



I did not say one word.

I can't have a baby with you because I already have a baby, and his name is President Fitzgerald Grant.

And my baby is troubled and angry and exhausting and brilliant, and he might actually change the world if I keep my eyes on him every minute and make sure that he eats his vegetables, and so I don't have the time or the energy or extra space in my soul for another baby, James.

I'm sorry.

I don't. I can't.

I don't have it in me to take care of someone else because I'm busy taking care of the United States of America.

(Sets down glasses)

For the record, this is not over.

But you know I find power, Cyrus, very sexy.

You want to fool around?



(Projector and camera shutter click)

Okay, justice Thornton, since it's so rare to get a supreme to make a tv appearance, they're definitely gonna go after your decision on Murray vs. Murray.

I voted with six of the others on that one.

Keep your answers short and sweet.

You're a supreme court justice.

You don't have anything to prove.

Most important, don't get defensive.

She's the only one I let talk to me like that.

Could I bother you? I think I may have left my cell phone on the table out there.

I'll check.

Thank you.

Where are we?

She tried to go home. We talked her out of it.

(Click) I won't lie, Liv.

There's a part of me that wishes we'd let her hang.

She's innocent, Verna.

She didn't ask for any of it.

That innocent little girl of ours could bring down this government.


I can't find it.

Would you look at that?

In my purse the whole time.


(Projector and camera shutter clicking)
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