01x07 - Grant: For The People

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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01x07 - Grant: For The People

Post by bunniefuu »


Quinn: Okay, not only are you super cute and have a great address; but you have literally the nicest people working in your bagel shop that I have ever-- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, god. Ohh. I-I Ohh. Ohh. Oh, god. Ohh. Oh, g-- You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're--you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. I'm gonna get help. Hold on. Just hold on. Hold on. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be-


Morris: Morning again, Mr. Chambers. You've been a busy man. I signed you in two hours ago. Most people are just prying their eyelids open, And you've already been out causing trouble.

Billy: Right. Have a good one.


Aide: You have a 9:30 with the legislative affairs team to discuss the Gulf Coast Initiative. The advance briefing is on your desk, and then at 10:00, the Vice President would like you to join her For the prayer breakfast, and then--


Olivia: Quinn?

Quinn: Thank you. Thank you for coming. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry. I was gonna call 9-1-1, And then he-

Olivia: Quinn, who else have you called?

Quinn: You. Just you, because whoever k-k*lled Gideon, he's out there. We should call the police. We should. The police have to be called.

Olivia: Quinn, we can't call the police.

Quinn: Why, why, why, why, why? He's dead. When someone's dead, you call the police.

Olivia: You and I both know why we can't call the police.

Quinn: What? He's dead. Why can't we? We have to. Why?

Olivia: Because if we call the police, they'll find out who you really are.


Fitz: Cyrus.

Cyrus: James wants to adopt an Ethiopian baby.

Fitz: That's good.

Cyrus: It is. It is good, but I've been fighting him on it, been making all sorts of excuses about why it's not a good idea. I'm not a young man. I work crazy hours. Once you have a kid, your life's no longer your own. The usual suspects. The whole thing was off the table; at least until last night.

Fitz: Last night?

Cyrus: Yeah, last night, when I went looking for the President of the United States and found out that he was at his girlfriend's house.

Fitz: Here it comes. Cyrus the Holy.

Cyrus: You tell me to go to w*r with Olivia Pope, then you spend the night with her?! Are you out of your mind? What did you do, throw pebbles at her window? Hide under her bed while her mom and dad came by her room, said good night?

Fitz: All right. That's enough.

Cyrus: Why did you even run for this job, to get laid? You couldn't get laid as Governor?

Fitz: Get out of my office.

Cyrus: What you did last night was stupid and reckless! You want to know what I gave up to put you here in this office, what I've done for you, the ends that I've gone to? If you had any idea--

Fitz: I am so sick of you saying you PUT me in the White House. I got myself elected. I put myself in the White House.

Cyrus: You were a flyboy with a good head of hair and a pushy dad.

Fitz: I'm sorry if the girl that you hired; the girl you mentored; the girl you brought in to save the day; your girl; fell in love with me. That must really eat at you, Cy.

Cyrus: You don't deserve this job.

Fitz: And yet here I am!

Aide: Sorry to interrupt, Mr. President. It's the cult situation in Georgia. Three A*F agents were just shot near the compound.


Olivia: She's our client.

Harrison: We barely know her.

Stephen: No, she's an employee.

Harrison: Who we barely know.

Olivia: And now she's our client.

Abby: There is a dead reporter on the floor. Can we have this conversation someplace else?

Harrison: I don't know why we're not calling it in. I'll dial 9-1-1 right now.

Olivia: We can't do that.

Stephen: Why not?

Olivia: I'm gonna have to ask you to not move.

Quinn: Huh?

Huck: You're leaving footprints.

Olivia: If we call the police, there's gonna be a problem for Quinn.

Harrison: What?

Abby: What problem?

Olivia: She can't be photographed, booked, or fingerprinted in any official capacity. She cannot be connected to the crime scene in any way.

Stephen: Why not?

Olivia: Her name isn't actually Quinn Perkins.

Stephen: What?

Abby: Who the hell is she?

Olivia: She's our client. That's who she is. That's all I need to tell you. That's all you need to know. She's our client, and she needs our help.

Abby: What are we supposed to do? She's covered in blood. Her fingerprints are everywhere. How do you think we're getting her out of here?

Huck: I'm gonna want hands covered.

Stephen: No way! I am an Officer of the Court. So is Harrison. So is Abby. So is Liv.

Abby: Okay, if we're doing this we're destroying all the evidence. You realize what this means, Liv?

Harrison: I've been to prison, and I'm not going back.

Huck: You were in prison for three days.

Harrison: It was prison! Who are you?

Olivia: No! Do not. She's our client.

Abby: I don't--

Olivia: Hey! No moving. We can't leave her here.

Stephen: Okay, I'm gonna want you to say it, because once you say this, there's no going back. The police will never be able to find Gideon's k*ller. His m*rder never gets solved.

Olivia: We clean it.

Abby: Take 'em or leave 'em?

Huck: Did you touch them?

Quinn: What?

Huck: Did you touch the scissors?

Quinn: I pulled them out of his neck.

Huck: Take 'em.

Quinn: What's happening?

Harrison: I think they had sex.

Quinn: What's happening?

Olivia: Did you sleep with Gideon last night?

Quinn: What's happening?

Olivia: If you did, your DNA could be on the sheets. We'll need to take them. Did you?

Quinn: I don't understand.

Harrison: I found some clothes. I think they'll fit.

Olivia: I'm gonna need you to change the clothes that you're wearing.

Stephen: There's some research here about Amanda Tanner. A laptop computer. We should take it.

Quinn: What?

Olivia: You'll need to remove your clothes.

Abby: Judging by lividity, he's been dead less than two hours.

Huck: They had sex and ate grilled cheese. I bagged that, too.

Quinn: Can someone--

Harrison: Your clothes-- they're covered in blood. Your shoes, too. I'm gonna need you to take 'em off. Put on this t-shirt and sweatpants.

Quinn: Uh

Olivia: No moving! Right here.

Quinn: What?

Olivia: Quinn, I'm sorry, but--

Huck: Please do not spread your DNA any further. Just change right here.

Quinn: I don't--I don't understand.

Harrison: Look, you have to change, and it has to be now, okay? You're the client. No one's looking.

Quinn: These are--

Harrison: Gideon's clothes. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to put 'em on.

Olivia: We ready?

Huck: We're good.

Olivia: We sure?

Huck: We're good.

Quinn: What's happening?

Stephen: We're cleaning the scene. You were never here. Let's go.

Quinn: But we can't just leave him here like that on the floor by himself. We can't j--

Stephen: Do you know what we just did for you?! Do you know what's happening, what this could do to us?!

Quinn: He'll be all alone.

Operator: 9-1-1?

Olivia: Hello. I'm at 2950 prospect street. I'd like to report a m*rder.

Operator: What?

Olivia: A m*rder.

Huck: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Olivia: What?

Huck: Did anybody get his cell phone?

Olivia: What?

Olivia: His cell phone. Anybody find it?

Stephen: We don't need to--

Huck: We need it!

Olivia: I already called the police. We have maybe eight minutes before they arrive on the scene.

Huck: He's 202 Quinn?

Quinn: Uh, 555-0196.

Abby: Where is it?

Stephen: We're running out of time.

Harrison: I got it. It's there. It's in his pocket.

Abby: Get it.

Harrison: I'm not getting it!

Abby: Let's go.


Billy: For you, when you get the chance.

Sally: Mm. Well, aren't you going to join us for prayer breakfast?

Billy: No, I've got a full plate this morning. Mention me in your prayers, though. I'll take all I can get.

Sally: Everything okay today, Billy?

Billy: Well, why wouldn't it be? I've got the greatest job in the world! Giving a voice to people who don't have one, people who depend on us every day to make this country better for them. We're blessed to be doing what we're doing.

Sally: Someone give this man a raise and a pulpit.

Billy: Working for you has been reward enough, Madam President.


Olivia: All right. Gideon Wallace. What do we know?

Abby: The last couple of weeks, he's been working on a story About Amanda Tanner.

Harrison: Obviously he got too close to something, got a pair of scissors in the neck for his trouble.

Olivia: He figured out who sent her to sleep with the President.

Abby: Somebody sent Amanda in to sleep with the President? How do we know that part?

Stephen: We just do.

Olivia: But how do we just do?

Stephen: I don't think it's important. Let's move on.

Huck: Gideon made 28 phone calls last night, All D.C. and Virginia area codes. The last call was to the White House switchboard.

Harrison: So he was trying to call one of these people.

Stephen: "Boyfriend lives in Logan Circle?" Amanda had a boyfriend?

Abby: Who works at the White House.

Olivia: That's our guy. What about his laptop?

Huck: He was on it most of the night looking at video. It's gonna take me a few hours to go through it all.

Olivia: Abby and Stephen, call every number on that pad. Harrison, follow up on the addresses.

Quinn: I can help. I'd rather be doing something, anything. Let me help.

Olivia: You can help by sitting on that chair and not moving. You're the client, Quinn. Let us do our job.


Marvin: At 9:30 this morning, g*nf*re erupted outside the Heaven's Rapture compound in Hacklene, Georgia. Three A*F agents were wounded, though I can confirm that they're now in stable condition.

Crowd: Inaudible questions

Marvin: Come on. Come on. Come on. Folks, please. Please. One at a time. It's been a long morning. Yes.

Reporter: What course of action can we expect from the President?

Billy: It's a crazy world we live in, Ted.

Ted: What?

Billy: You're gonna want to get this next part loud and clear.

Marvin: ... which include Vice President Langston and Attorney General Sawyer, are determined not to use force.

Billy: Excuse me.

Marvin: That doesn't mean they're not going to, and as to further details ... I can't tell you anything new.

Billy: Excuse me. Excuse me.


Woman: We have a couple of options here. If we go in through the back of the compound, that will give us the easiest access To the schoolhouse building. Our satellite images confirm that the adjacent armory ws accessible through an unarmed rooftop doorway.

Sally: Holy crap.


Marvin: The President is determined not to use an--Billy?

Billy: Sorry about your morning, Marv. It's about to get longer. Good morning, everyone. My name is William David Chambers, And for the past 14 months, I've had the great honor To serve Vice President Sally Langston as her chief of staff, so it is with deep sadness and regret that I will resign my position officially, effective immediately. Now I've prayed long and hard for a solution to the painful situation I find myself in, but ... but I've come up short. Now the Bible tells us, "A false witness will not go unpunished. And he who pours out lies will perish." So I will take what little solace I can this morning by simply telling the truth. And the truth is

this: I had an affair with a White House Aide named Amanda Tanner.


Olivia: Gideon had it narrowed down to 57 male employees in the West Wing

Quinn: He's on tv right now.

Olivia: I want blood types on everyone. If we cross-match them to the coroner's report--

Harrison: Find Amanda's baby daddy, and Gideon's m*rder*r.

Quinn: He's on tv right now.

Harrison: (whistles) It's a twofer.



Bill: Amanda and I met on the campaign trail two years ago. Uh, we fell in love, and when I learned that she was carrying our child, I planned to propose. So you can imagine my shock and horror when I learned that the President of the United States was abusing his power and privilege to take sexual advantage of Ms. Tanner; when I learned that she k*lled herself only weeks after sleeping with the President; and when I ... when I found an explicit audiotape that Amanda had made of her sexual encounter in the Oval Office with the President of the United States. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to take them.

Reporter 1: Have you spoken to Ms. Tanner's family?

Billy: I haven't, but, uh, obviously, my thoughts and prayers are with them and have been all along.

Reporter 2: Where did you find the tape?

Reporter 3: What does it have on it exactly?

Billy: Please guys, one at a time.

Reporter 4: Did Amanda Tanner tell you she was seeing the President?

Billy: She did. She was very upset about it. She came-


Staffer: Red team will take the lead ...

Cyrus: (whispers indistinctly)

Staffer: ... they will secure all of the children in the compound first, prior to the arrival Of the blue team and intelligence--


Mellie: Now what's interesting is, Lincoln never actually ...

TV: Have you had a chance to talk with the president?

Mellie: ... slept in the Lincoln bedroom.

TV (Billy): No, I haven't. I-I don't think the President cares to speak with me right now but uh, if he ever should, the doors always open.

TV (Reporter): How did you find the President's sex tape?

TV (Billy): I discovered it among Amanda's personal effects.

TV (Reporter): So, Billy, you've heard the tape yourself?

TV (Billy): Unfortunately, yes.


Billy: Look When you hear the tape, and I-I can promise that you will, I think you will all agree that it is unmistakably President Grant.

Reporter: Do you feel the public has a right to hear what's on that tape?

Cyrus: You get him down. I don't care how you do it. Why is he still talking?

Marvin: All due respect, sir, we need to consider the optics here.

Cyrus: Oh, no. Go.

Marvin: Forcibly removing the Vice President's Chief of Staff from the press podium is just gonna legitimize ...

Cyrus: I want him down now.

Marvin: Whatever this--

Cyrus: Now! Now!

Billy: Everyone, it looks like That's all the time I have.

Marvin: It's been a morning ...

Cyrus: You're fired, Marvin.


TV: ... And it was just minutes ago, Former Vice President Chief of Staff Billy Chambers leveled some truly shocking charges against President Grant.

TV (Billy): The President of the United States was abusing his power to take sexual advantage of Ms. Tanner.


Mellie: You are letting Billy Chambers run roughshod over everything we've spent the past 15 years working for!

Fitz: I am not! I am trying to figure out what to do! The best thing, the best way to--

Mellie: Get out there and tell them you didn't do it! Right now. Walk outside. Tell the press you never touched her, you don't even know which girl they're talking about.

Fitz: That would be a lie.

Mellie: Then lie!

Fitz: I can't.

Mellie: Why the hell not?

Fitz: Because I'm not you, Mellie. The American people put their trust in me. I've already let them down. I'm not willing to lie to them on top of it.

Mellie: Ohh. You don't want to save yourself, fine. You're on your own!


Morris: It's about time they brought you in. They need the big g*ns on this one.

Olivia: But I can't make any promises.

Morris: Hey, in all my years here, he's the only President who's made a point to ask about my wife and kids. You do your best, Ms. Pope.


Reporter: All right, guys. Let's go.

Reporter: Okay, let's go back and take it from the top.

Reporter: All right, Henry. We're going live.

Reporter 1: Only deafening silence from the White House in response to the allegations.

Reporter 2: Details are starting to emerge about Amanda Tanner ...

Reporter 3: While the female voice on the tape can't be determined at this time, we can clearly hear the President saying the words

"take off your clothes."


Cyrus: You know, in Vegas you can bet on political candidates. Before I brought you on board, the odds on Grant for President were listed at 70 to 1.

Olivia: You should have put money down. You didn't.

Cyrus: Won enough for a nice vacation I'll never take. Think we could do it again, The impossible?

Olivia: Or we go down trying.

Olivia: You publish President Grant's political obituary, and you will eat those words for the rest of your days, Tom.

Cyrus: I'm just asking you to keep the damn caucuses at bay until I get you talking points.

Olivia: Well, that's why! You should wait for the whole story. Do you want to owe your readers an entire apology?

Fitz: Everyone.

Olivia: No, it happens.

Cyrus: Yeah. No. There are a lot of--

Fitz: Everyone!

Olivia: Hold on.

Fitz: I need the room. Cyrus, Olivia, stay.

Olivia: I'm gonna need to call you back, Tom. But you are to make no decisions without talking to me first. Clear? Got it? Thank you.

Cyrus: I have to call you back.

Fitz: Catch me up.

Oliva: Billy's making the rounds. Networks are wall-to-wall with this. Majors broke into daytime and trotted out the big g*ns. We need a statement from you, on camera, preferably with Mellie by your side.

Fitz: That ship's sailed. She's taking the kids to Santa Barbara for ... a while.

Cyrus: Fine. You alone from the Oval. A flat denial.

Fitz: I'm not lying about this, Cy. Anyway, a cover-up's always worse than the truth.

Olivia: Well, we don't have enough truth yet. There's more to this story. I'm sending you to Georgia. Milk the end of the cult standoff. It will buy us some time.

Cyrus: He'll look like he's running from this.

Olivia: He'll look Presidential. We need you business as usual, focused on what's important for the country. Wave as you walk out to Marine One. Remember, you're not dodging; you're working. We'll let that image speak for us until we figure out what Billy's up to.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Fitz: I never thought it would be one of our own trying to sink us.


Billy: Look, I can speculate all day long as to why the most powerful man in the world would want to throw it all away for some tawdry affair, but I think we should let President Grant speak for himself.

Reporter: Here it is, folks. Your President.

Tape (Fitz): Take off your clothes.


Reporter: Mr. President. Did you have sexual relations with Amanda Tanner?

Reporter: Was Mellie aware of the affair?

Reporter: Is Billy Chambers telling the truth?

Fitz: We've been focused on protecting the innocent children caught In the middle of this terrible ordeal. Thankfully, no lives were lost.


Olivia: No President has done more to put women at the forefront of his administration.

Cyrus: Oh, okay. Yeah. Like hell you will, Senator.

Olivia: Your organization endorsed him in the election ...

Cyrus: Okay, fine. We can switch from frenemies to enemies. I'm flexible ...

Olivia: ... and I need you to stand firm. Yes!

Cyrus: ... I'm easy, you stupid, ungrateful son of a bitch.


Cyrus: How bad?

Olivia: Internal flash poll has us down 25-28 approval with 67% answering "Yes" to the question of whether the President should resign.

Cyrus: We gotta rein this in.

Olivia: There's only one person that may be capable of that right now.


Sally: So you think Billy Chambers is the problem, and I'm somehow the solution?

Fitz: Let's not be coy with one another, Sally. Billy's your boy. Are you really saying you had--

Sally: No idea. Absolutely not. You saw me when I read that letter. I was as shocked as you were, Mr. President. Now whatever menage a trois you and Billy Chambers have got going on with that poor dead girl, I have nothing to do with and I want nothing to do with. Now I offer to keep you both in my prayers, and remain a humble servant to both God and my President. In that order.


Harrison: Finger Billy for Gideon's m*rder, his whole story unravels. It all goes away.

Stephen: You save the Presidency.

Huck: And get justice for Amanda Tanner.

Abby: There's no security camera in Gideon's building. I checked his neighbors, the local shops. Nobody places Billy Chambers at the scene.

Harrison: And all physical evidence of the crime is gone, thanks to us.

Abby: We should know what we're doing this for. Protecting no-name in there.

Harrison: Shh.

Abby: Come on. I know that she just lost her boyfriend, but the girl could be a serial k*ller, and we're breaking the law for her. We broke the law for her.

Huck: Olivia hired her. Olivia knows who she is. That makes her worth protecting.

David: Hi, guys. Whatcha doin'? You all look like you've got your thinking caps on. Wouldn't be about that crime scene you cleaned up, would it?

Stephen: You can't just barge in here without a warrant.

David: And you can't just steal evidence, so let's just call it even.

Abby: What are you talking about?

David: Where's Quinn Perkins? A neighbor saw her going into Gideon Wallace's place the night he was k*lled. Is that why you cleaned up the scene? His personal items were all gone. A little odd to find a journalist without a Blackberry glued to his hand, even a dead one. Okay, I just need to make a quick
(cell phone ringing) ... You need to turn off the ringer when you steal a phone. Detective Marsh, find that phone. Take it into evidence.

Detective: Okay.

David: This is fun. What's Quinn's number?

Quinn: I'm right here.

Stephen: Give Harrison a dollar.

Quinn: What?

Stephen: Just do it. He's now your lawyer. You don't have to tell them anything.

Harrison: We do this in your office, not downtown. No booking.

David: Fine with me. Let's go.

Quinn: No fingerprints, right?

Harrison: No fingerprints.


Billy: I'm surprised you made it through all the press out there. I've lost count of how many interviews I've given over the last few days. I know you didn't come in here to use the men's room. You might as well say it.

Olivia: You're a m*rder*r.

Billy: I am not proud of that. Hell, I-I didn't think I'd get away with it. I didn't hear from the police, so I asked around and heard that they didn't find a single fingerprint, not even the m*rder w*apon. Some angel cleaned up the crime scene.

Olivia: What the hell happened to you?

Billy: Look, I know what I did, okay? I made a mistake. A big one, and I'm gonna be judged for it. But he should be judged for what he's done, too. He took advantage of that girl, of you. He took advantage of the whole damn country. He betrayed the very people who elected him. Good, honest, God-fearing people elected that man to office, and he promised things to us! And he didn't deliver on any of it. I mean, come on, Liv, the whole country's going off the rails.

Olivia: I don't think that defense is gonna work in court, Billy.

Billy: By the time I'm in jail, Sally Langston will be President. And she is going to be the finest President this country has ever known, and that's all that matters. I got Chris Matthews waiting.


David: Why don't you start by telling me how you know Gideon Wallace?

Harrison: You don't have to answer that.

David: All right. Why were you at Gideon Wallace's apartment?

Harrison: You don't have to answer that.

David: Okay, fine. We'll start with the basics. Quinn, state your name for the record.

Harrison: You don't have to answer that.

David: Here I thought your boss was the biggest pain in the ass in D.C. Speak of the devil.

Olivia: David, new shirt? I like it.

David: What the hell's going on, Liv?

Harrison: You don't have to answer that.

Olivia: Yeah, I do.

David: So the Vice President's Chief of Staff convinced Amanda Tanner to seduce the President of the United States ...

Olivia: Yes.

David: And then he abducted her from your apartment and k*lled her when she wouldn't go through with the intense media scrutiny her accusations would bring, dumping her body in the river for my people to find?

Olivia: Well, he contracted out, but, yes, Billy had her k*lled.

David: He then went on to m*rder a reporter who was presumably quite close to figuring out what he was up to?

Olivia: Yes.

David: A reporter who was also sleeping with one of your employees, whose presence at the crime scene your associates erased all evidence of, thereby rendering the first-degree m*rder Of an innocent 29-year-old man all but unsolvable.

Olivia: Yes.

David: Well, I did say I wanted to know.

Olivia: David, I know this is crazy.

David: I believe you, oddly enough.

Olivia: Then help me. Put on your white hat and go after Billy Chambers with whatever you think you can make stick. He's a m*rder*r, so do some digging. Find some evidence. Make some evidence. Give him a parking ticket. Whatever it takes to get him down here. Get some justice for Amanda Tanner and Gideon Wallace, please.

David: No.

Olivia: No?

David: I am the law, the law is me, and I might bend it from time to time, but I don't break it for you or anyone else.

Olivia: But you said you believed me.

David: I do, and if you had left me any evidence to build a case against Billy Chambers, that's what I'd be doing. But you broke the law, so get out of my office before I have you arrested for tampering with a crime scene. Quinn Perkins is a material witness to a m*rder, and as such, she stays with me. The law, Olivia.


Fitz: What do we do? What's next?

Olivia: I get up there and say it's me on the tape.

Cyrus: That's ridiculous. What-- what does that even do for us?

Olivia: He's not tied to a girl's su1c1de. It's not perfect, but it takes care of the impeachment problem.

Cyrus: Oh, wonderful, so now we've got a slutty President problem? He slept with two women. I'm sorry. I just ... Maybe there's another option we're not seeing here.

Fitz: There is. I could resign. We all know how this goes. The prosecutor is appointed. Every single person in the west wing is deposed. This thing is a circus that's gonna go on For the next three years. I'll wear it around my neck Until the end of my term. My hands will be tied. I'll be lucky if I can get a parks and rec bill passed. Let's put the country out of its misery, end it now.

Cyrus: And then what?

Fitz: We go be regular people, Cy.

Cyrus: You can't be a regular person. We--we can't. We're not ... I ... I can't adopt a baby!

Olivia: I'm so sorry.

Fitz: I'm not. I'm not. A man who isn't President has options. A man who isn't President can divorce his wife.

Olivia: Fitz.

Fitz: A man who isn't President can have a life. The life he wants, the life he's always wanted with the woman he loves.

Olivia: The cameras.

Fitz: I don't care.


Cyrus: Of all the paintings in the White House this one is my favorite. Alexander Hamilton-- as brilliant a political thinker as any man or woman who has ever walked these halls, but he wasn't the President. Washington was the President. He was the winner, but Hamilton could pick a winner. He knew who the country needed when they needed it. I don't doubt that he could do it. Live the normal life he's always wanted-- walk the dog, mow the lawn-- a simple life, a happy life. For most people, that's fine. It's all they need. For him, it's a waste of talent, of potential. That man was born to be a leader. He was born to do this. Anything less would diminish him and deprive this country. He can talk all he wants about a regular life. Some men aren't meant to be happy. They're meant to be great.


Stephen: I got this.

Stephen: I've been screwing around on Georgia. I don't want to lie anymore. I'm gonna tell her the truth, and then she'll break off the engagement. I tried, Liv. I leapt. You said if I tried and failed, tt was not on me. You were wrong. I cheated. It is on me. And it's on you, too. It's always on you. You can't do this. You can't have him.

Olivia: Normal is overrated.

Olivia: Abby, Stephen, dust off my campaign file for Sally Langston. We need amm*nit*on-- big, small, anything you can find. Dig deep and dig fast. Huck, I need the First Lady's schedule for the next 12 hours. I'm gonna need to see her alone. Find me a window. Harrison, check back with Quinn. Make sure David's behaving himself.

Huck: Liv. Billy Chambers-- I can take care of that.

Olivia: Take care of?

Huck: If you want me to, it's no problem.

Olivia: Huck, I do not want you to k*ll Billy Chambers.

Huck: Okay, that's cool. Whatever.

Olivia: Promise me.

Huck: I promise.

Olivia: Say, "I promise not to k*ll Billy Chambers."

Huck: I promise not to k*ll Billy Chambers.


Mellie: I'm gonna need to talk to the nanny. She can fly the kids out once a month until school is out in D.C. I also need you to call ahead and make sure both the main house and the beach cottage are ready. I'll be spending at least some of the weekends at the cottage.

Tom: Ma'am, you have a visitor.

Mellie: Thank you.

Olivia: He's talking about resigning.

Mellie: You must love that.

Olivia: This isn't about me.

Mellie: Really? Seems like my whole marriage is about you.

Olivia: Mellie, he can't resign. I'm sure we can make some kind of deal.

Mellie: I try to be pleasant. I try to be ... I'm the First Lady. There are sacrifices. There's a price. And for a time, that was fine. You and I wanted the same thing-- Fitz in the Oval. We were on the same team, you and I, and everything was fine. I just don't understand what happened.

Olivia: What happened?

Mellie: You let that girl get into his pants! You left the team, Liv! You fell down on the job! You broke his heart, And you left him open and vulnerable and helpless! And that is how that snake Billy Chambers got that shiny red Amanda apple right into Fitz's hand. I do my job. I smile, and I push him, and I make sure he has what he needs. I do my job. Why couldn't you do yours? You want to deal? Fine. Let's deal. For starters, I'm gonna need to take my husband back, because clearly I have to do everything myself from now on.


Huck: Ahem.

Charlie: I'm going to New Mexico. I am, I promise. It's just my car's in the shop. It's getting a tune-up.

Huck: You can't go just yet.

Charlie: I gave you the girl. That was the deal.

Huck: That wasn't a deal. I tortured it out of you, but thank you. Very helpful.

Huck: The guy who hired you-- Billy Chambers-- He's talking an awful lot. Right now it's just about the White House, but at some point, he may talk about you.

Charlie: He can talk all he wants. He-- he didn't hire me for that job.

Huck: You see, Charlie, you're honorable. You would never give up Billy, but Billy may not be as honorable.

Charlie: Why don't you do it?

Huck: I can't. I gave my word. Oh, and we're gonna need a su1c1de note. Something sad, that says he's a liar.

Charlie: And then you'll leave me alone?

Huck: Yeah. on a personal note, I think it would be a big boost for your confidence. I can tell that's taken a bit of a hit since I last saw you.


Quinn: I'm not saying anything without my lawyer present.

David: You need his permission to eat? You must be hungry.

Quinn: Hot.

David: Turns out I don't even need to question you anymore. Olivia told me everything-- Amanda, Billy Chambers, the whole shebang.

Quinn: So, why am I still here?

David: Because there's one thing she didn't tell me. Why?

Quinn: Why?

David: Why you called Olivia and not the police? Why her people would clean up a crime scene they obviously want to be investigated? Why everyone, and I do mean everyone, seems to be so invested in making sure Quinn Perkins has nothing to do with any of this? I need to know what's really going on, so you can tell me what would happen if I sent you down to booking; or I can take the prints from this fork, and we can just go ahead and find out. It's your choice.


Fitz: I thought you left for Santa Barbara.

Mellie: I was on my way, but Olivia convinced me I was needed here. We've come up with what we feel is A solid plan of counterattack in the media. Oh, and we also figured out who the woman on the tape is.

Fitz: Oh?

Mellie: It was me. At least, that's what we'll tell "20/20" when they arrive to interview us in about ... What time did you set that up for again, Liv?

Olivia: 5:30. We have about an hour.

Mellie: Mm, and when I tell them it was you and me on the tape, I will also share my outrage about the replaying of our private moment in such a public, reckless, and irresponsible manner by the gossip-hungry, left-leaning, mainstream media. And how upsetting its been for our family, especially at such a fragile time, given that I'm newly pregnant. Liv suggested we remain vague on the exact timing. It's none of their business. Plus, that gives us a few weeks' buffer to actually get pregnant. We'll have to start trying right away, of course.

Fitz: Of course.

Mellie: Well, Olivia can fill you in on the details. Like I always say, if you've got a problem, get Olivia Pope on it. You could look a little happier, honey. We did just save your Presidency. Well I'm off to hair and makeup.

Fitz: This is insane. We are not doing this.

Olivia: It's the only way.

Fitz: What are you thinking? Who are you right now?

Olivia: The woman who got you elected. So go be the man I voted for.

Aide: You're all set, sir.

Fitz: Thanks. You can put this one at the top of your resume. Truly a masterpiece. The one interview that fixed it all.

Olivia: Not all of it is fixed. There's still Billy Chambers' credibility, but this should take care of that. It's Cyrusapproved.

Cyrus: We're ready for you, Mr. President.

Olivia: Lean forward during the denials of the affair. Keep your eyes on Mellie when she's talking.

Fitz: I know how to fake it with my wife. You taught me well.


TV (Mellie): I was outraged. How could someone do that?

Morris: Ms. Pope, you did it again.

Olivia: The President has a great team.

Morris: Nah. Don't give me that. Listen, I don't exactly know what you do or how you do it, but when you walk through these gates, things start happening. The press starts falling in line, the Secret Service gets extra secret, and the problems - they just kinda disappear. And when you go back out, everyone's breathing a little bit easier.

Olivia: Good night, Morris.

TV (Fitz): This has been very difficult for us; for the whole country. The best thing for everyone would be if we can move past this painful distraction and focus on the issues that really matter, don't you agree?


Sally: I saw the interview. I thought that you and the First Lady were very polished in the face of all that, very poised.

Fitz: Thanks for coming, Sally. Have a seat.

Sally: I thought she handled herself beautifully. Difficult situation for her, I'm sure, having to listen to ... Well I can't even imagine. May I speak candidly, sir?

Fitz: Why stop now?

Sally: I don't think it's gonna be enough. I think it's wonderful the First Lady is standing by you, but I don't think The American people are gonna be so quick to follow in Mellie's lead.

Fitz: And that's exactly why I need you to show them the way, Sally.

Sally: Sir?

Fitz: I want you to hold a press conference tomorrow. I want you to express your shock and dismay over the actions of Billy Chambers. I want you to condemn his allegations as baseless and false. And I want you to tell the nation that you support your President.

Sally: Well, now I'm just afraid that dog won't hunt.

Fitz: We need to think about what's best for the country. About the stability of our economy. We have a duty that goes beyond our ideological differences. Focusing on my sex life is bad for the nation. It's bad for the White House, and it's bad for you. Our first female President ought to be elected by the will of the people, not by some ugly back-door political agenda.

Sally: Mr. President, I have based my whole career, my whole public life, on my values. Strong, conservative, Christian values. And I know that might seem naive to you and your Ivy League crowd, I know what you say about me behind closed doors, but those are my beliefs. They are not accessories I put on to win votes. So if you think you can treat me like some religious lunatic sideshow act who will drop everything she believes for political expediency, you have gravely misjudged me.

Fitz: You know what? I think I have. Now how old was your Cassidy last spring? 14, 13? They grow up so fast. Anyway, we know she wasn't 18, because Georgia requires parental notification for a minor to obtain an abortion. That must have been awful, for you and Dan to get that call. It brings to mind the Gospel of John. Something about he who is without sin casting the first rock. Or stone. I don't know. You know it better than I do. Thanks, Sally. That will be all.


TV (Sally): It's sad, Matt. You work with someone for years, you think you know the kind of man they are. Billy Chambers is just a huge disappointment. If I had any inkling that the man that worked by my side for all these years ... Well God's honest truth, I would have done everything in my power to send him away, to send him away from my house ...


Billy: Where's all the press today, George? Are they sleeping in?

TV (Sally): ... From my precious family. I just think that the man is sick in the head, and I just pray that Billy gets the help that he needs. Because these malicious lies he's been spreading-- They're ridiculous. Well, I just thank God that we have a leader like President Grant to take us through this difficult and trying time. I believe that this country was founded on truth and justice and plain old fairness.

Charlie: Oh, oh! Hold the elevator. Oh. There you go.

Billy: What floor?

Charlie: Oh, you first.


James: Is there a w*r going on, Cy?

Cyrus: There's always a w*r in the world, James. You know that.

James: Fine, but you said the latest one, the bad one, the nuclear one? The one that's taken you away every single weekend for the past month, is over.

Cyrus: It is. It's finally over.

James: Then why is your work colleague at our front door on Sunday morning? I will send him back here.

Cyrus: I'll make it up to you. I promise.

James: I want a baby, a fat, drooling, smushy baby.

Cyrus: Let's start with dinner and a movie.

James: A baby, Cy. I mean it. A fat one!

Charlie: Sorry to bother you on a Sunday.

Cyrus: Now, Charlie, I thought I was clear. You know the rules.

Charlie: I do. I know. I'm, uh, you have been very clear, and normally I wouldn't come by the house like this. It's just, uh, I have to leave town, so you're gonna need to wire the rest of the money for the girl. Amanda.

Cyrus: Fine. You'll have it tomorrow.

Charlie: Thanks.


David: I ran her prints. Don't worry. I did it myself, which is a good thing, because otherwise there would be about half a dozen US Agencies looking for her. I'm breaking the law bringing her here. I don't break the law, Olivia.

Olivia: Do you want to tell them who you are, or should I?
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