02x24 - Taken By Storm: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x24 - Taken By Storm: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Jaden: so this is where yugi grew up.

What to do first.


That you, yugi?

You're yugi's grandpa!

Why don't you boys let me take you on a tour of the town?

Right behind you. Ohh.

Not again!

Syrus: you up here?

Hassleberry: grandpa?

Now what do we do?

We've got company, private.

Syrus: who are you?

You can call me frost.

Yeah, and I'm thunder.

You guys are coming with us!

If you don't, then you boys

Will be taking a one-way trip to the shadow realm!

There's no such thing!

Together: time to find out!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Sartorius sent me here to get you.

The name's chazz princeton.

But you can call me the chazz.

And I'm sarina.

Welcome to kaiba corp.


I take it you're sartorius.

Nice outfit.

Thank you for seeing me.

I know you're a busy man, mr. Kaiba.

It's an honor.

Let's cut to the chase.

Why are you here?

I understand you lead a powerful organization.

And I must say that intrigues me.

But what do you want from my company?

Everything I've heard about you is true.

Not only haven't you aged in years,

But you're as shrewd as the day you stepped in.

Now, then we're both men of business.

And so I have a proposal for you.

And trust me, mr. Kaiba,

I have the means to make it worth your while.

Heh heh.

All I ask is for the exclusive use

Of your kaiba land amusement park.

That can be arranged

For the right price, of course.

You won't be disappointed.

And thank you so much for your time.

Good day, sir.

Keep an eye on that guy and find out what he's up to.

We're waiting for your command, sir.

Shall we proceed?

Yes. Move forward as planned.

I'm ready to test jaden.

Mr. Muto?

[Muto groans]

Oh. There you are!

Mommy, I don't like brussels sprouts.

No more, please.

What happened to you mr. Muto?

Two young lads att*cked me and stole my bandana!

I'm having a bad hair day.

Jaden? Hmm?

Hey, bro. Grandpa, this is my good friend aster phoenix.

I know.

I follow professional dueling.

I'm a big fan.

Who knew I had such old fans?

Like who?

Uh, anyway, something weird is going down.

What do ya mean?

Either those are monsters or I'm goin' nuts!

There are four of 'em.

And it seems like they're standing guard or something.

And they're not holograms.

Somehow I can sense that they're real.

You're right. They are real!

But since when can you see monster spirits?


Wait a sec. Is that a duel up there?


Aster: there. On that building!

Isn't that black tyranno?

Hold on!

That means hassleberry's dueling!

Yeah, but who's he facing?

And more importantly why?

I don't know. But I'm gonna find out!

I'm confused.

But, hey, what else is new.

Muto: why are we always running?

Quit stealin' my thunder!

We're supposed to be on the same team!

Dude! You gotta learn to chill!

I'm just tryin' ta have me a good time, yo, so step off!

Besides I can put the freeze on these chumps without you!

Thunder: you wish, frosty!

I've always been the power

Behind this operation and you know it!


Let's see who beats their opponent first!

What do ya say, thunder kid?

You're on, snowball!

I'll tell ya what. Let us go and you guys can duel!

No joke! For real!

I'm sick of hearing you two!

Hey, get a load of this, bro!

The little squeaky one over here's got an attitude!

These prep school punks are all the same.

They think they're the hottest thing since jalapenos

Till someone cools 'em down.

Not quite!

Oh, yeah? Then why don't you put your cards

Where your mouth is, sergeant!

'Cause I gotta say, boys, so far I'm not impressed!


What's wrong? I hurt your feelings?

Just watch and learn!

I summon gyroid in defense mode.

Is that the best you can do, soldier?

What's your strategy?

I have no idea,

But I better think of something

And do it fast!

Hey, boys, is it me, or is there a chill in the air?

I'll toss this facedown.

Now, look out!

'Cause I switch mobius to attack mode!

Mobius represent

Take out his dino with ice lance!


Combat time! Ready!


I activate my card of reversal spell!

I don't mean to brag or nothing,

But this is one heck of a card, fellas!

Now, for each face up card on your side of the field,

I get to draw another new card!

And I count four!

Attention, troops,

This is your sergeant!

Element saurus, report for duty!

He's kind of weak.

Hey, at ease!

I'm an expert strategist, soldier. I know what I'm doing.

Mad props for the self-confidence,

But the little geek is right.

Dinos and ice just don't mix.

Sorry, tough guy.

But there's a reason those things became extinct!

My man mobius, activate your special effect!

Cut his lizard down to size!

Check this.

My mobius is so dope...

He even has his own trap card!

It's called mobius glacier. And as long as it's on the field,

Your prehistoric pipsqueaks are frozen in place!

Well, fine. I'll toss these down.

Are you done?

Don't tell me you're calling it a turn already!

Thunder: hey, twerp!

You should be worrying

About what's in front of ya,

Not what's goin' on behind ya!

'Cause the fact is,

Your machine deck is powerless against mine.

But enough talk. Just have a look.

I play system down!

It removes all machine monsters on the field

From the game!

So no more playing with your little toy airplanes!

It costs me a grand,

But believe me, it's well worth the price!

And now zaborg can attack you directly! Here goes!

Rolling thunder!


Truesdale, you all right?

Oh, yeah. I've never felt better.

Thunder: if you liked that,

You're gonna love this!

My rampage condenser!

Now, if there's a thunder-type monster

On my side of the field

And you're dumb enough

To attack me with a machine card,

Then you lose life points!

Looks like you're not doin' much better than me.

Gee, thanks!

Way to look on the bright side!

You two are pathetic.

But, hey, that's why you're just bait.

What do you mean by "bait?"

What do ya think?

The only reason we're dueling you posers

Is because we want your friend!

See, we're gonna take you with us.

Then we're gonna use you to lure jaden straight to sartorius!

Guess again!

You'll never get your hands on our pal!

Really? I disagree.

Just take a look around.

You punks are gettin' schooled left and right!

It's hopeless!

This means w*r.

Right on, sarge.

-. You and I are

Gonna have to put our differences aside.

To save jaden.

From here on in, I've got your back, bro.

Just promise me you've got mine, too.

You have my word.

So, soldier?

Are you ready for some serious combat?

Yes, sir! Let's do this!

Now commencing operation: protect jaden.

Good luck, private!

You ready, boys? My move!

I play stealthroid!

Then I'll activate the spell card--

Training field!

Wait. You're kidding, right?

You must be!

Are you actually planning to attack now?

That's right.

How unfortunate!

It's time to find out why they call me thunder!

Once you attack me, you lose.

Just like a thunderstorm,

I leave a path of destruction wherever I go.

I've got a surprise for you.

I never said the target of my attack would be you!

Surprise, thunder!

I'm attacking element saurus!

But why?

Thanks to my training field,

I have the ability to attack my opponent's monster.

And the best part is,

It doesn't get destroyed!

Stealthroid, attack!

Ha ha!

You really are pathetic!

Attacking your own teammate?

Hold on. I'm not done!

Stealthroid's got a special effect!

After it att*cks, I have the power

To destroy any card on the field,

Any card I want!

So, mobius glacier, you're out!

No way!

Syrus: so hassleberry's monster is free!

There's more!

Thanks to training field's other effect,

My stealthroid gains attack points!

Impressive maneuver!

Now chew in this, son!

It's called: counterattack!

Ya see, the first rule of combat is this!

When your troops are att*cked, always counterattack!

And that's exactly what this here trap card lets me do!

Get it?

Now my element saurus can strike back

By attacking stealthroid!

No way! No way!

Afraid so! Fire away, boy!

All right. You know what to do.

To start, stealthroid's ability activates!

So that means your condenser spell's out of here!

Good work!

Now element saurus' attack points go up!

Talk about a nice comeback!

That's nuts! They're attacking each other!

Yo, but somehow it's actually makin' them stronger!

But that's impossible to pull off.

Either these guys are the ultimate tag-team,

Or you and I are getting' played, bro.

Yo, check out our reflectors!

Oh, snap! These no-good punks

Can totally see each other's cards!

They're cheating!

[Nervous laughter]

Well, would ya look at that?

Syrus: uh, I'll lay two cards facedown!

And that's all she wrote.

It's payback time!

I'm gonna put you on ice, yo! Ready?

Take this!

Mobius, attack!

Ice lance!

Heh heh. Ice ice baby.

Hold that thought!

'Cause I activate dark computer virus,

Which sends my stealthroid to the graveyard!

And thanks to my sacrifice,

I can use one of your spells!

So I activate side attack,

Which means our team's opponents switch!

Oh, no!

Afraid so!

And now hassleberry gets his dinosaur back!

Sorry, ice man!

But this time, I flipped the script!

Take it away, element saurus!

Aw. Please.

I'll turn him into a prehistoric popsicle.

Go, ice lance!

I'm fortified with this!

My jurassic impact trap card!

All right, troops, listen up!

Since I have fewer attack points than the enemy,

Every monster on the field's destroyed!

And for each monster that gets dismissed,

The commander of that monster loses a thousand life points!

Oh, man! Oh, man!

Storm the b*ttlefield!


What's the deal, man?

How did you get all those extra life points?

It's a prep school trick.

When my friend over here used jurassic impact,

I decided to activate a little trap card of my own.

It's called ring of life!

And to use it, I had to destroy a monster on the field.

Remember element saurus?


I was the one who took him out, not you!

And thanks to this,

The destroyed monsters' defense points

Were automatically added to our life points!

Smooth. That's how we do it.

Hassleberry: and one more thing, gents.

Once my jurassic impact clears the field,

Each player has to go one full turn

Without so much as summoning a single monster!

All right, sy. This is our chance!

This is lame! Since we can't summon any monsters,

I'll throw these down.

I'm up now.



Well, I lay this facedown

And give you a shot.

Hassleberry: well, lookie here.

The field's back.

So that means I can get this battle going again

By summoning some troops!

Here we go!

I'll start with ultra evolution!

Phase one!

I remove dynabase,

And I also remove my black tyranno!

Phase two!

I play a new dino from my deck!

Now who will it be?

I know!

Super conductor tyranno!

Aw. Come on! , Points?

And you don't have any monsters, do ya?

You know what that means!

I can attack you directly!

Just what I needed. So I can play this...

My lightning talisman trap card!

And it negates your attack!

It does?

Yeah but that's just the calm before the storm, pal,

'Cause all three of you need to draw now

And then you each lose points

For every card in your hand!

Sam hill!

Aw, man! What?

[All scream]

There's more!

Thunder, thinking: it's the card sarina gave me!

If I played this bad-boy,

I'd win the duel in, like, two seconds!

The only problem is,

Using its effect would wipe out my life-points!

All right. I activate monster reincarnation!

So I toss a card into my graveyard

To bring back my thunder knight in defense mode!

But I'll save the real devastation for my next turn!

We'll see!

Syrus, thinking: just what I needed!

Ice face doesn't have any monsters in play,

So I can end this right now!

Syrus: ok.

I activate burial from a different dimension!

Now the two monsters you removed from the game

Come back to my graveyard!

But that's not all!

Next I summon expressroid in attack mode!

And now that I've got expressroid in play,

I can pick two cards from my grave.

And bring 'em back to my hand!

And I choose stealthroid and truckroid!

Then I'll play my vehicroid connection zone spell!

Now I can fuse my four vehicroids together

To form a new one!

Ready, boys?!

Expressroid, stealthroid, drilloid, and truckroid!

It's fusion time!

So merge to become

Super vehicroid stealth union!

That's a whole lot of points, yo!

I'm not done,

'Cause my new friend has an awesome special ability!

And it goes like this!

I can choose any other monster on the field

And fuse it together with my super vehicroid!

Hey, sarge!

Mind if I borrow your super conductor tyranno for a sec?

It's for a good cause.

Soldier, he's yours!

The ultimate dinosaur joins up

With the ultimate machine!

Syrus: that's right!

So check out super vehicroid rex union!

If you think he looks cool, wait till you see his moves,

'Cause this guy's got all the strength of a dinosaur and the brains of a machine!

Plus, he can attack more than once!

That ain't cool! That ain't cool!

All right, boys. You ready for this?


All right. If I don't act quickly, I'm gonna lose this duel!

I'll activate mirror of duality!

Easy! That's a pretty extreme card to throw down.

[Frost chuckles]

You know me, thunder!

"Extreme" is my middle name!

This is gonna cost me a thousand life points!

But then every monster on the field gets destroyed!

And the owner of that monster loses five hundred points!


What's the deal, man?


Ha ha! Sorry, thunder!

But I heard there was a cold front moving in!

And you all got caught in the crosswind!



Yeah. It seems like

That storm suddenly cleared up.

Frost: wrong. It's just getting started!

What up, boys?

Who are you?

Chill out. You can call me frost.

You guys look lost. Can I help?

Maybe. Our friends were here.

Have you seen 'em?

You don't think--

[Chuckles sinisterly]

I know exactly where they are!

And right now, you're getting colder.

Think higher altitude.

Tell us!


He's gone.

What are we dealing with here?

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get ♪ your game on
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