02x12 - Camaraderie Contest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x12 - Camaraderie Contest

Post by bunniefuu »

Boy: dude, how can you be failing spell cards ?

Second boy: aw, man, liver and onions again?

Does anyone actually eat that stuff?

Doubt it. I can barf just lookin' at it!

Interested in grabbing some lunch?

They're serving your favorite. Liver and onions!

Think I'll pass.

Let me guess.

You're still down and out about jaden?

First he's here...

And then the next minute he's gone.

Hey, he's back!

Ah...not exactly.

Check it out, soldiers!

Now jaden's really got my back!

Wherever I go he goes!

After all he's my best friend.

Jaden's only got one best friend!

And that's me!

And I don't need an iron-on to prove it!

Don't go dissin' my jacket!

You're just jealous of us

'Cause we're a two-man army!

You've been demoted.

But if you want, you can carry our supplies, little man.

Listen, ya lug nut! You're just a third wheel!

Then I'll roll right over you!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you've got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take them on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation "x"

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah! Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Come on... I'm almost there...

If I just... Get to the top...

I'll be... At my dorm.

Then I should...

Be able to talk in... Full sentences.

Hello, duel academy! Jaden's back!

Huh? That's not duel academy!

I just wanna chill in my room!

I hope my friends are having more fun than me.

Syrus: ow!

Alexis: hold still!

Cut me some slack.

I'm the victim here!

Hassleberry: yeah, a victim of poor combat training!

Scratchin' and hair-pullin' are illegal maneuvers!

That's why I deserve to be jaden's best friend!

This w*r's still on!

Break it up, you two!

Yes. Why can't all three of you be friends?

Both: I'm not sharing my rank!

Atticus: I know just how you feel, boys.

And I'm here to help.

Alexis: atticus?

When did you--

I've been sleepin' up there all day, sis.

And I couldn't help but notice this little power struggle.

So I dropped in.

To keep the band together!

I mean, you can't let your fans down!

I'm sorry, did I miss something?

Everything's a music reference with him, remember?

You both wanna be front man.

But the problem is... You're singing back-up.

Like her!

She dreams of stardom,

But takes a back seat to her big bro.

My face! My pure unblemished face!

And there's plenty more where that came from!

Watch that temper, lex.

v*olence isn't the answer.

Like you two are ones to talk!

Look if you really wanna settle this "best friend" issue,

Then just shut up and duel already!

I'm sick of hearing about it!

She's right! Suit up, soldier!

Prepare for an as*ault!

You're on, sarge!

I'll take your tough talk and wrap it up in a box!

Then I'll mail it right back to you!

Ha ha ha!

At least my analogies make sense.

[Telephone rings]

Sorry to call so late.

But well-- have you seen syrus?

Hold on! He's not with you guys?

No. And this isn't the first time

He's run off in the dead of night.

You're kidding!

You know, I've noticed that ever since jaden disappeared

He hasn't been himself.

That business with hassleberry...

I wonder...

Bastion! You don't think he's out looking for jaden, do you!?

Perhaps. The poor guy.

He hasn't eaten in days and now he's out there alone.

We've got to find him!

Let's go.

Syrus: jaden!



Show no fear.

Boy, do I love bats.

Especially hairy ones with big, red eyes.

And snakes! Gotta love those venomous snakes.

Jaden! Anytime you wanna show up would be great!

I don't get it.

Why won't these fish just hold still?

[Stomach growling]

Man, am I starving. I gotta get my food on!

I'd trade my best cards for one sloppy joe!

I'd even settle for liver and onions.

Alexis: syrus should've been here by now.

I'm worried, guys.

Hassleberry: hey, half-pint!

We said hundred on the dot!

Oh, I see. Little man musta come to his senses!

Syrus: guess again, hassleberry!

Well, I'll be a dung beetle.

I was sure that you surrendered, soldier!

But since this battle's still on,

Let's review the conditions.

If I reign victorious,

Then I get awarded with the title

Of second-in-command to sergeant jaden yuki.

And if I win, you'll accept that jaden's my best friend!

And then you'll become my second-in-command!

Come again?!

No one authorized that condition, private!

Atticus: condition authorized!

Hold on! Who made you ref?

He prefers to be called "celebrity judge."

And besides...

You're not chickening out, are you?

Fat chance!

A hassleberry never retreats!

In that case, let the battle commence!

Now lemme show ya how the game is played!

And this guy's up first!

Ambulanceroid in defense mode!

Then I'll toss this face down...

And give you a shot.

But I've got news for ya, pal!

You'll never break us up!

Jaden and I are a team!

And we've been kickin' butt together since freshman year!

Nicely done!

You've got pizzazz... And that'll take you far!

So you get... Three stars for "execution"

And five stars for "originality!"

Now I've heard it all. Giving out stars!?

Ignore him.

It's his dream to judge a talent search reality show!

So he's practicing.

Fine! So maybe you have a longer history with jaden!

Well, big deal!

I'm here to fortify our future plans,

Not to wallow in the past!

So let's move on!

Report for duty, archeonys!

Now this monster has a special place in my heart!

'Cause I played it against jaden on the day we met.

But you wouldn't know,

Since I was jaden's only wingman that day.

But like I said, that's in the past.

So movin' ahead I'll play this card!

It's a handy spell known as ultra evolution!

And it lets me sacrifice my winged beast to summon

A dinosaur to the field!

Front and center! Black tyranno!

I dedicate this move to jaden

In honor of the day our bond began.

Way to show us your tender side!

That's' exactly what this competition's about, dog!

Time to activate my dino's ability!

If all your monsters are in defense mode,

Black tyranno can bypass their defense and attack you directly!

This'll teach ya to try and outrank me!

Black tyranno!

Relieve the enemy of some of his life points!


Depleted of more than half your points!

And I'm still fightin' at full capacity!

Ha ha ha!

Well, soldier? Ready to surrender!?

As if!

You used that exact strategy when you fought jaden!

And I ought to know.

I was there!

You were? Musta blocked it out.

Maybe this'll refresh your memory!

I play submarineroid!

And thanks to its subterranean sneak attack...

It sneaks past your monsters

And torpedoes you directly!

Sam hill!


And just to make sure my life points are safe,

My submarineroid switches to defense mode!

Then I'll throw down two facedowns and end my turn!

Your direct attack barely left a mark, soldier!

This duel is mine.

Oh, yeah?!

A duel isn't over until the last card's played!

Is that right?

That's gotta be the most pathetic advice I've ever heard!

For your information, jaden taught me that!

Well, upon further thought, it does make a lot of sense.

You're a fraud! And I'm gonna prove it!

At ease, private truesdale.

It's time to advance my troops now.

[Thinking] this is gonna be a risky maneuver.

It's roll call! Giant rex, you're up!

Destroy submarineroid!

Whenever one of my machine monsters is att*cked,

My supercharger trap automatically activates!

Now I can draw two cards!

[Thinking] he still has two landmines,

But that's a risk I hafta take.

Black tyranno! Direct attack!

Anyone tryin' to stand between me and jaden

Gets squashed like a skunk on a freeway!

Five stars for word choice!

That earned you a spot in the semi-finals!

What you lack in grace,

You make up for with that grittiness we've come to love!

If anyone asks, you and I are not related.

Sorry, sarge! You triggered my trap!

Cyber summon blaster!

It stops your attack and takes of your life points

Every time I special summon a machine!

Whatever you're plannin' ta do with that card, forget it!

'Cause it's history!

Thanks to this here spell card!

It's dino stomp and it destroys one trap!

I knew you'd save your best trap for last so I was prepared!

Actually, the joke's on you!

It was wonder garage!

You lost me, pipsqueak.

When this card is sent to the graveyard,

I can special summon a level -or-below

Machine-type monster to my hand!

So I play drilloid!

Which means my blaster activates!

And fires on you directly!

Big deal! Points is nothin'!

And now my tyranno can snuff out your drilloid!

I'll end with a facedown. Done.

Think you're tough? Watch this!

I'll kick things off with polymerization!

And I'll use it to fuse my ambulanceroid with my rescueroid

In order to create ambulance rescueroid!

, Attack points!?

That's right!

And since a fusion is a special summon,

My blaster fires again!

Now ambulance rescueroid, attack!

I'm not done! I summon decoyroid in defense mode!

Ok. I think I've punished you enough.

So now, I'll end my turn with this.

Oh, and as long my decoyroid's in play,

It's the only monster you're allowed to attack!

With ambulance rescueroid in attack mode,

I may not be able to use my tyranno's special ability,

But I can send your little decoyroid on a one way trip!

To the card graveyard, that is!

Not gonna happen!

Ambulance rescueroid

Has a talent you should know about.

Anytime you destroy one of my monsters,

It can rescue the monster

From my graveyard!

So go ahead and try it, pal!

No way! So as soon as I attack your decoyroid,

It's gonna come right back to the field?

Now, wait a sec...

Since that's the only monster I can attack...

I'm trapped!

Or maybe not! Watch this!

I sacrifice my tyranno to activate a field spell!

Big evolution!

Now for three turns,

I can summon any dinosaur monster

Without having to make a sacrifice!

So now I play ultimate tyranno in attack mode!


Ultimate tyranno! Devour his decoyroid!

Not to worry! I'll save you, pal!

And when decoyroid comes back,

My blaster activates!


You can only use that trick once per turn!

But my tyranno-- he's got a better trick!

This bad boy can attack every single one

Of your monsters in one move!

This duel's over, little man!

And the title of jaden's second-in-command

Clearly rests with yours truly!

You're forgetting what I told you.

A duel isn't over until the last card's played.

And last I checked, I still have some cards left!

So I activate my de-fusion spell card,

Which brings back ambulanceroid and rescueroid!

Guess what.

That counts as two special summons

So my blaster fires twice!

All right! The battle rages on!

End of the line!

I don't think so.

'Cause my rescueroid's special ability activates!

Whenever one of my monsters is destroyed in battle,

That monster gets rescued from the graveyard

And returns to my hand!

Then ambulanceroid's power kicks in!

When a card moves from my grave to my hand,

I can summon it!

But that means--

Yup! My cyber summon blaster activates again!

Bastion: so every time decoyroid shows up,

His dino has to battle it,

Which then activates syrus's other two cards!

It's a non-stop loop.

I'm done for!

There's no way you can win, hassleberry!

So keep bringin' it!

I don't know how, but syrus won!

He knew exactly how hassleberry would duel.

And so he set up the ultimate trap.

Well, it looks like the votes are in, folks.

Our show's almost through.

What? Who is voting?

Almost done! One more blast...

And you're gonna be my subordinate,


Aw, man...

Don't charge!

As if I had a choice.

Bastion: syrus?

You don't look so good, sy!

Uh, I'll be fine.

I just haven't been getting much sleep these days.

Hey, you were right.

He must've been out searching for jaden every night.

And he hasn't been eating much either.

Wait, what? A search and rescue!?

But he may not even be on the island!

Of course he's still on the island!

Where else would he go?

I mean, dueling is jaden's life.

Why would he leave duel academy?

What, so he's just wandering around!?

Who knows. But sy's right.

He's probably lost.

I don't know about you guys,

But if jaden is lost,

I'm gonna do something about it!

A true best friend.

I just won the duel.

Jaden: nice one, sy!

Ha ha!


I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!

Alexis: syrus!

Bastion: he's fine.

Just taking a well-earned nap.

Jurassic impact.

For the price of , life points,

This trap card destroys every single monster on the field.

If only I had played this card,

This duel would've ended a lot differently.

Minus stars for not having faith

That jaden's still out there!

Ya know this delusion of yours is gettin' real annoying.

Besides, I realize now that syrus oughtta be jaden's wingman.

Not me.

Hassleberry! You got the lunches?

And the snacks!?


What about the tent?

Why am I carrying all this!?

'Cause you lost!

That makes you my servant and servants carry stuff.

I don't believe this.

Hey! You're eatin' all our rations, son!

Of course! I have to be strong.

I need energy if I'm gonna lead this expedition.

I shoulda taken him out when I had the chance.

Pipe down, subordinate!


Time to move out! Forward march!

Come on! Don't lag behind!


Aw, man, what am I doing all the way back here?!

I'm never gonna find my way back to the red dorm!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you've got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take them on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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