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03x25 - Allah İyiliği Destekler

Posted: 10/01/23 14:26
by bunniefuu
This one's for Kaya Alp...

and this one's for my brother, Turgut.

-Save some for me, brother.
-Come on, brother.

Take this one, brother. Have your share.

Eyüp! Eyüp, he's running away!

What the hell are you doing,
you great bear?

Brother, look how wonderful Dündar Bey is.

Whatever I taught him...

he's truly doing it.

He's my best pupil.


Petrus, we need to get out
of here right now.

You go first and ready the horses. Hurry.

You cur, who soils the name of John.

This is the end for you.


You're going to tell me
everything you know.

Everything you've done in these lands.
Who you're in league with.

The traitors among us
who serve you. Everything.

k*ll him.

There's another passage, Turgut.

The horses are ready, Master Simon.
We can go now.

Hasan the Merchant.

That sly dog!

Permission to follow them, Bey.

Bring Simon to me alive, Turgut.

Yes, sir.

Doğan! With me!

-Do we have any martyrs, Dündar?
-None, Bey.

Thank God.

What now, Bey?

We will make this into a land of Islam.

Anything left behind by those vermin
is to be thrown away.

We'll recite the first call to prayer

and make this place
into a respectable caravanserei.

Begin the preparations.

Send word to the people
that they shouldn't be afraid.

There will be no more injustice.

Remove the bodies.

We will return this place
to the way it was before.

Yes, Bey.

Thank you, Bey.

Get to it.

-May I come in, Mother Hayme?
-Come in, Abdur Rahman.

Candar Bey and his family are here,
Mother Hayme.

They ask permission to see you.

Let them enter.

Peace be with you.

And with you, Candar Bey.
Welcome. Please be seated.

We are still grieving,

and you may think this is
inappropriate at this time, Hayme Hatun.

But it is like a glowing ember inside me,

and it will continue to burn
if I don't speak.

Then speak, Candar Bey.

My son, Aliyar...

believes that both Ertuğrul Bey
and Toktamış Bey

were k*lled by the same poison.

That vile Simon dances with the devil,

and the witch, Maria, his sister,
prepares the poisons.

It's obvious that on each occasion,
the poison came from the same source.

We cannot let those who have taken
the lives of our loved ones go unpunished.

Let us go and destroy their world.
Let us put an end to this wickedness.

Let us avenge Ertuğrul Bey.

Do not worry, Candar Bey...

Ertuğrul Bey will avenge himself.

God, I thank you
for granting me victory.

Give me the strength
to make my conquest a lasting one.



Bey, are you all right?

Bey, this yogurt will be good for you.

It'll give you strength, Bey,
and flush away the poison.

Eat, Bey.

What is it, Bamsi?

Why are you laughing to yourself?

I was thinking about Candar Bey
and Ural Bey.

I would have liked to
have seen their faces, Bey.

Praise be, Bey.

-Thank you, Bamsi.
-Of course, Bey.

Thankfully, God has given
our son back to us.

With God's help, the poison
has been driven from his blood.

My son is alive, Candar Bey!

Thank God.

My God, how mighty you are.
Thank God.

We are thankful it has passed...
Hayme Hatun.

Where is Ertuğrul Bey?
Is it possible for us to see him?

Ertuğrul Bey has gone to destroy
the Crusader's servant, Simon.

The Crusaders?

Simon is a Crusader?


It's time that wicked templar's
regime came to an end.

Why did you keep this from us,
Hayme Hatun?

Forgive us, Candar Bey.

The land is rife with discord.

When Ertuğrul Bey
came back from death's door,

he asked us to keep it a secret.

I'm sure you understand why.

Of course, Halime Hatun.

Thank God.

So, Ertuğrul Bey doesn't trust us.

Ertuğrul Bey was right to do what he did.

May God make him and his Alps
victorious in this righteous fight.


Are we to do nothing, my sons?

Our blood should also be shed
for this sacred cause.

-Yes, Father?

Gather the Alps at once.

We ride to support Ertuğrul Bey.

May I enter, Mother Hayme?

Come in, Abdur Rahman.

Mother Hayme, we have good news.

Ertuğrul Bey has seized the inn.
Victory is ours.

-Thank God.
-My God, thank you.

Abdur Rahman, did he k*ll Simon?

I've told you all I know, Ural Bey.

On such a blessed day, we should
be by Ertuğrul Bey's side. Let's go.

Ertuğrul Bey... kept this from us, too.

It's obvious that
he no longer has trust in us.

I warned you.

I told you Ertuğrul's growing strength
would come at our expense.

The branch that stretches is part of us.
Why can you not see this, brother?

For years, you collaborated
with a Crusader.

Simon amassed his gold with your help,

and now you lament because
a Muslim has gained power?

When Ertuğrul makes his final move

and takes our home from us,
I'll remind you of your words.

Why the hell are you behaving
this way in front of everyone?

Enough of this posturing!

-We're going to the inn.
-I'm not coming, Father.

Go and glorify your Bey if you want.


My miserable heart...

Can't you find a way to smile?

The lover is longed for, but never comes.

Do you not know that peace
is forbidden to us?

Dry your tears, lovesick one.

What love, sister?

I cry for Halime Hatun.

If you say so.

I have good news for you.

You can stop muttering to yourself.

You can whisper those words
to the one they're meant for.

What are you talking about, sister?
I have nothing to say to anyone.

Look at you. You really are smitten.

But don't be sad.
Happiness is still within your reach.


Ertuğrul Bey is alive.

He survived being poisoned.


Is this really true, sister?

How? Where is he?

Calm down, you silly girl.
He went to raid the inn.

He conquered it.

Thank God...

My God, thank you!

You should congratulate Halime Hatun.

But you might want to keep better control
of yourself when you're around her.


Bey, one of our Alps
has brought news.

Ertuğrul is alive. He raided the inn.

I know, Batuhan. I know.

But I needed to know this
before Ertuğrul raided the inn.

Just tell me where Simon is.

Simon fled to save his skin, Bey.

Turgut Alp and Doğan Alp
have gone after him.

I have to get to that double-dealing
crook before Ertuğrul does.

Or else everything's over.

Should we send our own
Alps after him, Bey?

No. He will come to me himself.

He has no other harbor
in which to shelter.

If we send our men after him,
he might get scared and run.

-I'm going back to the plains.
-Let me come with you, Bey.

He's in trouble.
He won't speak if I don't go alone.

Things have changed, Batuhan.

Follow Haçaturyan
and find out what he's after.

Mother, when will my father come back?

Soon, my son. Show him
what a lion you are when he comes back.

Will I wield my sword, too, Mother?

Of course you will.
A soldier must have a sword, mustn't he?

Wherever a goat climbs, his kid follows.

If God so pleases, my Gunduz
will go to w*r just like his father.

I hope so, Mother.
Let's put this sword in.

-My lion, your grandmother adores you.

Let me see. Go on now, go on.

God is great!

Mother, we need to convene the council
and tell the Beys what happened.

And it'd be good to have a feast
of thanksgiving and victory this evening.

The food will doubtless be great.

-May I come in, Mother Hayme?
-Come, my girl. Come in.

Welcome. Please, sit.


We thank God for sparing your son's life.

Thank God, my girl. Thank God.

Last night felt as long as a lifetime,
but all turned out well.

They say that every cloud
has a silver lining, Mother Hayme.

Now that the enemy is known,
I hope both tribes find peace.

We will know for sure who the enemy is
when Ertuğrul Bey beheads them.

As you know, wolves in sheep's
clothing walk amongst us.

The sorrow we shared has turned
into joy, Halime Hatun.

I am ready to do whatever I can.

I know you're ready for anything
at any time, Aslıhan Hatun.

Thank you.

Now we wait for my Bey to return.

And this evening, we will hold
a feast of thanksgiving and victory.

You are, of course,
invited as our honored guest.

Be patient, Gunkut.
Artuk Bey and Ishak will be here soon.

We wait anxiously
for the ultimate union, Bey.

May God make us martyrs
to even greater victories.

-Amen, Bey.


We convinced the people and artisans
who had fled to return to the bazaar.

They will come and listen to you.

They're curious to hear
what you have to say.

They were desperate to get out of here
for fear of what might happen to them.

But we said to them,
"You don't know our Bey. Hear him out."

Just as our swords have
brought relief to the oppressed,

our trade will bring hope to the people.

Put the people at their ease.

Find a competent merchant
who knows the market

and tell him I want to speak to him.

All right, Bey.

My Alps.

My brave soldiers.

You have shed blood, sweat and tears.

We deserved our victory.

But from now on, we work even harder.

We will keep away from
anything that might damage trade,

and stay true to what is right.

Now that the market is ours,
its people are our subjects.

It's our duty to protect their lives,
their property and their honor.

We will gain more enemies,
experience further trouble...

but our patience and determination
will never run out.

May God grant us blessed victories.


Amen, Bey.

Petrus, go to the Tekfur of Karacahisar,
and tell him what has happened.

-But Master Simon, you are better--

He will be working with you,
Hasan the Merchant.

Tell him you were persecuted
and that your wares were plundered.

Tell him you seek shelter in the castle.

One of us needs to be there.

What about you, master? Where will you go?

I'm going to find Ural.
He owes me a favor.

-Now's the time to call it in.
-May God help us.


We found the treasure
Simon was hiding, Bey.

As Master Haçaturyan said,
if you can find it,

gold has a heavenly scent.

Bey, it's as if they plucked
the stars from the sky

and laid them here to twinkle at me.

Wow, wow!

I've never seen such a fortune!

Every one of these gold coins

would have been spent furthering
the victories of the Crusaders.

They would have
fostered conflict between us,

buying-off the weak ones among us...

and ambushing and murdering our soldiers.

This is our first loot in these lands.

It is our solemn duty to use it
in the interests of justice.

First, distribute a portion
to the families of our martyrs.

Some of it should be kept
to meet the needs of the tribe.

What about the rest, brother?

We will use the rest to unite the tribes
who fled the cruelty of the Mongols,

those who were left without homes
and without hope.

United, we will be like a fist
in the face of the enemy.

Hang our banners around the inn.

Bey, I am ready to write letters,
as you requested.

-Sit down.
-Thank you.

I'm ready, Bey.

I am Ertuğrul, son of Suleyman Shah.

From now on, this market belongs to me.

Let it be known that anyone...

who attempts to take my property,
my life, or my honor is my enemy.

The persecution you have suffered is over.

We have put an end to rank favoritism.
Justice will prevail.

Anyone who is worthy will get
what they deserve from my market.

Those who work honestly, fairly
and righteously will know my mercy,

and usurers,
those who are cruel and dishonest...

will face my wrath.


Ertuğrul, son of Suleyman Shah says...

all my friends can trust in my sword,

while my enemies can trust it
to bring them death. Let this be known.

All done, Bey.

The tracks end here.

Well, he can't have flown away.

He obviously erased his tracks.

Then he must have gone
in another direction.

Search the place, brothers.

Here... He went this way!

The tracks continue up there, brother.

They lead to the Cavdar Tribe.

He wants to hide behind Ural.

Ural... This time, you're done for.

You will pay the price
of the blood of my Alps. Let's go.

Come on, brothers.

-This way, brother.
-Let's go.

Honored Beys of my tribe,

you will be eager to know
the reason we have assembled today.

If it is about the funeral
of Ertuğrul Bey,

that is entirely up to you, Mother Hayme.

We can perform it whenever you wish.

But we shouldn't wait long.
The dead seek soil.

In order for the soul of Ertuğrul Bey
to rest in peace, we must bury him soon.

Beys, I see that you are in a hurry

to bury my son in the earth.

And you're right to be.

However, there is a proper way
to do everything.

Don't be angry with us, Mother Hayme.
The tribe must move on.

We have to elect a new Bey soon.

It's obvious who should
be Bey of our tribe.

Ertuğrul Bey is alive.

He survived the poisoning.

-Thank God.
-God, thank you.

-Is this true?
-Halime Sultan, what are you saying?

Mother Hayme, are we hearing right?

You heard right.

And as soon as he got up,
he went straight to the inn

to put an end to the wickedness
of that traitor, Simon,

and avenge our martyrs.

Thank God.
Long live Ertuğrul Bey.

Thank God our Bey is alive.
Night has turned into day.

-Thank God.
-Long live Ertuğrul Bey.

I have more good news for you.

With God's help,
the raid on the inn is over...

and Ertuğrul Bey
has planted our flag there!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!
Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

Long live Ertuğrul Bey!
Long live Ertuğrul Bey!

We live and die
for our Bey, Mother Hayme.

God bless you all!

God bless you.

We will have a feast of victory tonight.

We must start the preparations
right away. Please.

Altyazı çevirmeni: Duygu Yücel