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03x10 - You Don't Know Me

Posted: 10/01/23 10:56
by bunniefuu

You ain't gotta worry about
what the mandem did to Sully.

We're gonna f*ck 'em up still.

Do I look like I care?

Do I look like I lead the kind of life
that you lead?

-What d'you mean?
-I don't want any of you in my house.

- You need to chill.
- I need to chill?

-In my own house you're tellin' me that?

And don't kiss your teeth at me either.

Jaq, wait in the car.


I know.

Didn't have nowhere else to go.

I couldn't exactly turn you away,
could I, Sully?

But I do not want you in my house,
do you understand?

You need to be gone by the time
Tash gets home from school.

You think I want her to come home
and see me like this?

Don't come back.

I don't want you bringin' danger
to my family. They're my only priority.

Do you understand?

What'd she say? She all right?

You can imagine, right?

Hey, listen.

You know it weren't by chance that
them man found us yesterday.

No, of course not.



She gets hold of her phone somehow.

Or she had another phone.

We didn't search her.

She texts Jamie.

Texts him and say what?

The address.

I didn't know the address.

Did you?

Jaq weren't there when it went down.

It weren't Jaq.


She's loyal.

Just trust me on that one.


Nah. No f*ckin' way.

Bruv, it better not be him.
That's all I'm sayin'.

You know it don't f*ckin' matter anyway.

Man's lost his supplier.

Got no soldiers.

Haven't even got f*ckin' youngers
to move the food that we've already got.

Bro, I just can't see a way out
right now, fam.

There's always a way.

Yeah, well, I can't see it.

That's all I'm sayin'.

f*ckin' underestimated
that yout, man.

What, so now he's some
criminal mastermind?

-That's not what I'm sayin'.
-That's what it sounds like you're sayin'.

Do you wanna know what I think?

He's a f*ckin' kid.

That lives in our borough.

He wakes up every mornin'.

He has a shit and a shower.

And he ain't special.

And we can get to him.

Because there is always a way.

Seriously, you need
to get your shit together.

Figure this shit out.

- Yeah...

He's got an issue with his eye.

Yeah, he's managed to get some
boilin' water on his eyeball,

and, erm, it seems to have
become infected.

It's causin' a lot of pain and irritation,

so I was just wonderin' if
you had anything.

So, darlin'...

...appointments or even
walk-ins are available or somethin'...

Me and you need to have a conversation.

I want you to introduce me to the people
that you work with.

Do I really have to explain this to you?

All right, cool. Could you...

In this business,

how people avoid gettin' caught
and goin' to prison for 40 years...

is by being clever.

They know me and they trust me.

They don't know you
and they won't meet you.

Well, you and I are gonna change that,
aren't we?

Yo, I got you a doctor.

A top doctor still. Dr Cicero.

He can fix your eye
and he's 20 minutes away.

Aight, by the time
that I come back,

you're gonna tell me
everything that I wanna know.


You sure this Dr Cicero
can fix my eye?

Yeah, bruv,
he can fix your eye.

He's proper tings, bruv.

Aight. Text me the address.

We don't have to wear
our uniforms tomorrow.

Yeah? Why?

It's Non-School Uniform Day.
It's for charity.

- Yo, yo.

-What you sayin', Erin, you all right?
- Yeah.

Jump in, bruv.

Wait there.

Only be a minute, yeah?

Man cool, yeah?

Think I figured it out, you know.

How to get to Jamie.




Man's gonna roll on him tomorrow night.


Yeah, man.

You, me and Sully.

No prisoners.

Take out this f*ckin' yout
once and for all.


So, you see, when I call, yeah?

Make sure you answer.


Blud, listen.

This whole thing with the...

leak in the camp...

someone has been giving information
to Jamie and all that shit.

Don't even worry about that.

We're gonna find that person.

And they're gonna get theirs.

They always do.

Yo, bro.

Erin's wonderin' where her daddy is.

Make sure you come when I call you.

Dad, what was that?

Dad, what's wrong?

Wah gwaan.

Hey, don't be shy.

Trying to have a conversation.


I see you lookin' back!

-The attitude!
- Come in, young man.


This will make you feel a lot better.



Right, let's have a look.

Let the dog see the rabbit.


Where's he gone?

There it is, there it is.

Now, then. Steady.

All right.

- Ay, ease up, ease up, ease up!
-Steady, steady, steady.

Oh, I've lost it again now. All right.

Now, right, I think-- I think we're...

f*ck! What did I just say, bro?

It's... There we are.

Hold that on, okay?

Right, there you are.

What? Is that gonna fix my eye?

Your eye...
I'm gonna give you something for that.

The important thing is to keep it clean.

Clean it with this before you go to bed,
when you wake up in the morning

and then take these drops
four times a day, five drops each time.

All right?

-What, and this is gonna fix it, yeah?
-Fine. Fix it fine, yeah.

I have seen eye injuries
a lot worse than that, okay?

And what? You fixed them, yeah?
You restored their vision and that?


Mostly. More or less.

More or less, Christ. f*ckin' life!

Why are you taking so f*ckin' long?

Jesus f*ckin'--

Oh, my God.

-The f*ck?

The f*ck?

- Yo! Yo!
- Police!

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

- I need you listening!
-I'm doin' it! I'm doin' it!

-Hands on the wheel! The wheel!
-Don't sh**t!

Remain calm!

-Hands down!

g*nsh*t! In!

sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!

Stand back!



Make me a cup of tea?

Go f*ck yourself.


It's 'go f*ck yourself' now, yeah?

I haven't even done
anything to you, stupid.

You can't even put on a kettle
and make me a f*ckin'--

f*ck it, I'll make the f*ckin' tea, innit?

All right, my brother.
Thank you.

One sugar, yeah?

Use the almond milk.
I'm lactose intolerant still.

Say nothin', bruv.


Yeah, yeah, I can talk now.

You all right?


Yeah, I know.

We have to do something
before Modie gets back.

Jamie, when he gets my supplier,
I'm no use to him.

They're gonna f*ckin' k*ll us!
Both of us!

What'd she say?

Why was you at that house last night?

I told you.

They kidnapped me.

You set me up.

Jamie, they had a f*ckin' g*n to my head!

They were gonna k*ll me
if I didn't do exactly what they said.


I was gonna try and find a way
to warn you, I swear.

I think you're chatting shit
and you're a f*ckin' liar.

-We don't have f*ckin' time for this!
- Hang on, babe.

Jamie, you got that tea, brother?

Just a second, man.

All right, safe.

Where's Dillian?

Yeah, put him on the phone.
Let me talk to my little striker.

What's happening, Champ?

What d'you mean who's this?
Don't be cheeky.

You being a good boy for Mummy?


You better.

All right, put Mummy on the phone.

Yeah, babe. You all right?

What the f*ck you doin'?

What are you doin'?

-What are you doin', bruv?

What are you doin'? Bro?

-What are you doin'?

You're finished, yeah?

-Come here! Come here!

Get up!

- No!


Jamie, wait!

Modie's dead.

Wait, bruv!

Modie's dead, bruv.

...he escaped four days ago

when he was taken to hospital
for treatment for an eye injury.

More on this story as we receive it.

Listen! In there now!

Oi, listen.

Jaq, you know that Stef yout?


Is he still living in the house?


Him and his other brother.


You wanna go after the brothers
or something?

Who's the other brother?

Aaron. He goes uni.

Everyone says that he's a nice kid.
Don't bother with no one.

And moretime, you already know that
Jamie's got CCTV at his entrance.

By the time we get to his floor,

ZTs be waitin' for us
when we get back down.

Why're you so interested
in the brothers?

As you can see,
none of them's on the road.

And I ain't harming no kids.

Did anyone say anything
about harming kids?

You said there's always a way, remember?

But not this way.

I mean it.

Wah gwaan.

Long time.

I don't see your bredren.

It's 'cause he didn't come.

Thought you and Sully
were joined at the hip.

Not all the time, no.

Well, what can I do for you?

I need some information.

You know what I sell, Dushane.

Need a car? I can rent you a car.

You need a piece? I can get you a piece.

I don't do information.

Well, you're gonna have to this time.

This is ballistic glass.

Seventy-nine mil thick.

It's actually made of two types of glass,

one more elastic than the other,

-so when it's hit... don't shatter.

It flexes and absorbs the impact.

My car, my yard,
I got everything belled up.

Cameras all over them.

What I'm saying is you need to leave, now,

and we can forget this conversation
ever happened.

You finished, Ruben?

I ain't trying to thr*aten you, bro.

I wouldn't do that.

-Name your price.
-Price for what?

I don't know what you're buying.

You hooked up CCTV for Jamie, didn't you?

I need to see what Jamie sees.

Name your price.

There ain't no price. You need to leave.



Me and you, we go way back, bro.

We got history.

We got respect.

Jamie and them man,
they don't give a shit about you, cuz.


name your price, Ruben.

Yo, listen. Modie's dead.

Yeah, we know.

What about that p*ssy Jermaine?

We ain't gonna hear
from Jermaine no more.

-What happened to your face, man?
-Don't worry about that.

We have one more person to take care of,
and that's Dushane.

And that needs to happen today.

Tell A-Road,
tell all of these other crews.

I want everyone,
everywhere lookin' for him.

Do you understand?

If they see him, sh**t him on sight,
no matter where the f*ck he is.

Finish him off!

Come on, man! Let's f*ckin' do this!

We're back, fam!

Ay, ay. Pull over here.

Ay, yo. Youse two, come here.

Ay, get over here, man!

Come, man. Come!

Are you f*ckin' deaf?
I said, come here, bruv!

What you lot saying? You want somethin'?


Listen, I know you lot chill round here
a lot, innit?

So you know who Dushane Hill is, right?


So whatever you want--

white, dark, whatever--

I've got you.

Just tell me where I can find Dushane.

Hey, Farah, give them your number.

Bruv, pass your phone.

Listen, it's simple.

You see Dushane, you see Sully,
you shout me.

Like I said, I got you.

Yeah, all right.

Ay, yo,
give them something, innit?

Thank you.

Yo, who's this?


- It's f*ckin' cold, man.
- Trust me.

You lost me a lot of Ps, bruv.

Now you gotta pay me back.

So you got my Ps?


Your mum got it?

We ain't got nothin'.

So you're gonna have to do somethin'
for me then, innit?

You understand?

Go on. Take that.

Pick up the f*ckin' bag.

Don't f*ck this up.

Show him wah gwaan, innit?

Say no more.

Aight, first thing first,

don't look in the f*ckin' bag.

You know where you're goin'? Nah?

What you sayin', G?

Where's Jermaine?
He ain't answering his phone.

Bruv, why do you care
where Jermaine is, fam? Wah gwaan?

Me and Jermaine had a deal, bruv.

Oh, don't say it was you!

Fam, you know you f*cked up, innit?

As soon as Dushane and Sully
find out about this,

bro, you're f*ckin' done out here, like--

Look, calm down.

You know why I called you.
Do you want it or not?

What the f*ck?

Ay, yo. Let's bounce, bruv.

You're not even chopping it right!

Ay, shut up!

Tell your brother.
Why's he bein' like that?

-If you put all the st*lks together--
- I know what I'm doin', all right?

- Tell your brother to listen!
- He don't wanna listen.

You're not even helpin'. Shut up.

Don't talk to each other like that.

- You go over there, man.
- I'm trying to help!

-Tell your brother I'm trying to help!
- Ay, listen.

- Are you even helpin'? Shut up.
- Don't tell him to shut up!

He's just tryin' to help. Hey, Ats!

My guy!

Yo, wah gwaan! You good?

We're making chili.
There's tons if you want some.

- It's not real chili, man.
- It is!

-It just doesn't have any meat.
-I ain't gonna lie.

I'm not gonna like this ting.
Abby tryin' to do some vegan rubbish.

- Fam, it's all dead.
-We must all love each other or die.


-It's a poem!
-What's she talkin' about?

'We must all love one another or die.'

Which I think is beautiful,
and it also applies to animals.

- Ugh.
-Ooh! So sweet!

-You okay, fam?

Wah gwaan
for your trainers, though?

Leave him alone, Aaron.

Can't lie, they're a bit mad.
I'mma have to give you one of mine still.

Not gonna lie, those things
are kinda talkin' still!

- I know.
- Ignore them, Ats.

Gotta use the toilet.

- Calm.

That is gonna burn!

It's not gonna burn,
you don't know how to cook, so...

- I'm better than you! It stinks!

- This is def all done.
- That's not done.

That's, like, lumps of coriander.

Safe to go in there?


I know what you boys are like.

I told you, told Jamie,
told everyone.

You're not, you're not.

Yo, Stef, pass the basil.

Make sure they're clean, though.

Hurry up!
This guy's taking bare long!

-I'm just doin' my ting now, just wait.
-Hurry up, man! I'm bare hungry!

-You want a big portion or a small one?
- Big! Hurry up!

All right, shut up! Ats, sit down, man.

You hungry?

You're not gonna be hungry
after you taste this. Trust me.

That smells so good.

It was cooked by
the master chef of the house.

Allow it.
You're not even in my league.


Well, maybe next time
you can cook for me.

- Oi!
- What?

I gotta make sure
I'm with the right brother.

- Why's your one bigger?
- Just eat your food.

-Why're you always complaining?
- Ats?

-You okay?
-Sorry, I have to go.

Yo! Fam!

Shall I call him, yeah?

I'll do it.

Make it real, though, you know.

He has to believe it.

- Where you goin'?
-Back in a minute.

Yeah, police.

Yo, Dris.

Yeah, it's happening now.

I need to report something urgent.

I just seen two black guys
goin' into a flat on my block.

It's Billiton House.

Number One caff.

Look, bruv, they're putting g*ns in a bag
or something,

like a bright green bag,
I don't even know.

You lot need to get down here quick, yeah?

Flat 77, tenth floor.

Be quick.


What'd he say?

He said he's comin' here.

We'll see, innit?

Oh, is this a joke ting?


G, are you sure?

All right. Say nothin'.

Yo, Farah, get on the phone to Si
and them right now!

Tell 'em to meet us
at Number One Cafe ASAP!

Dushane and Sully are there.

Hurry up, man! Let's go!

Yo, bruv, listen. We found 'em, yeah?

Number One caff, meet us there now, yeah?

What are you watchin'?

You won't like it.

You have to respect people's space.

I remember when you used to be
my little girl, you know?

I'm not your little girl no more.

Hurry up! Hurry up, man!

Let's go! Let's go! Let's move!

Let's go! Yo, yo, yo, let's go!

Armed police! Armed police!

Go, go, go, go, go!

- Ay, nobody f*ckin' move!

Where's Dushane?

Armed police!

Armed police!

Don't move now!

Get off me!


Aaron! Aaron!

Aaron! Aaron!

Where's Dushane? Where's Dushane?

-Where's Dushane?
- Where'd he f*ckin' go?!

Ay, yo! Check the f*ckin' kitchen!

- Where's Dushane at?

- Aaron, help me!
- Calm down!

-Calm down!
-Aaron, help me! Aaron!



Get off me!

Aaron! Help!



No, that-- that's not mine.

I don't know how that got there.
That's not mine.

I swear to God, I haven't
seen that before! That's not mine!

I don't know how that got in my bag!
That's not mine!

Ay, he's not here, bruv!

Let's go!

Go! Let's go! Let's move!

What the f*ck?

Where the f*ck are they?

- Where was the man?
- f*ck!

-f*ck's sake!
- f*ck, man!

Someone's playing serious games
with me right now!

It's these Summerhouse Gs,
I'm telling you, blud!

-Joke ting, man! There's no--
-It don't make no bloody sense, bruv!

-Bruv, there's no way I missed donny, fam!

Bruv, man. I mean, f*ck this shit, man!


Yo, who's this?

You know who it is, bruv.

-Blud, who's on the phone, fam?

I think you should check on your brothers.

Jamie, what's goin' on, man?

Jamie, talk to us, man!


I want you to tell me what the bag
was doing in your room.

I told you, I don't know nothing
about this bag, man.

I had nothing to do with this.

- You seen this book before, Aaron?
-Yeah, it's mine.

-It's your book, is it?
-Yes, for uni.

Well, can you explain why we found this
book in the bag with the g*ns in there?

-I don't know.
-What was it doin' in there?

I just said I don't know!

Look, Dris, we can do it here, but...

Erin's gonna find you.

No. Not here, bruv.

Aight, let's go, then.

Let's go.


Ain't there another way out of this?

Can I put some shoes on?

Look, come on, bruv.

Stop it. Come on.

-Can I at least say bye to her?
-No, come on. Come--

Shh, shh, shh.

Don't do that to me.

Let's go!

Come on!

-Come on, man.

You know what you done.

I didn't even know
you wore glasses, bro.

My eyes are f*cked.

Everything's f*cked, bruv.



You want me to go?

It's between us.


Why, man?

Well, if you're gonna do it,

do it, fam.

Two minutes.

What you sayin', bro? You good?


See what happened?

All this, yeah?

All this is your fault.


Listen, bro,
everything's gonna be all right.

-Trust me.
-Be all right?

-I'm goin' to jail, bruv.
-You ain't goin' to jail.

-After everything that I worked for.

I worked hard.

Yeah? I was trying to make my own way.

Like any other normal person would.

I was trying to keep my head down.

But instead they're aiming
g*ns at us, bro.

Aiming g*ns.

At us.

Now they're tellin' me...

tellin' me something about 15 years.

Fifteen years, bro.

-You're not doin' 15 years.

-Fifteen years--
-Bruv, you're not doing 15 years.

Just listen to me, man.

I'm gonna tell them everything.

It was my bag.

You nor Stef nor Abby
had nothin' to do with this.

Do you understand?
It's going to be okay, bro.

I'm telling you.

But, Aaron, you're gonna
have to step up and be a man.

Oh, be a man, yeah?

Come on. Why are you bein' like that for?

Trust me, bro. It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be all right.

It's not gonna be all right, bruv!

What, you think
we're gonna be cool after this?

You think Stef...

You think Stef
is gonna be cool after this?


What about me?
What, you think I can go to uni

and be a dad to Stef?

What's wrong with you, bruv?

This is your fault, bruv.

This is all your fault.

You promised them, man.

You promised them.

You promised Mum and Dad
you were gonna take care of us.

Yeah, where the f*ck are we now?
You promised them.

You promised them!

Yeah? Where are we now? You promised them!

You promised them, man!

For f*ck's sake! Don't touch me, man!

Just chill. Just chill.

f*ck's sake.

Let's go, son.

You ain't gotta worry about nothin'.

Just please, listen to me.
Listen to me, bro.

Just look after Stef, do you understand?

I love you, bro.

Never forget, yeah?

Had to be done, fam.

So what? Police?

You said there's always a way, innit?

That's what you said to me, bruv.

There's always a way...

but not that way.

f*ck me, man.

What you mean, 'not that way'?

What are we runnin',
a f*ckin' church here or somethin'?

You know what I'm talkin' about.

There's just things you don't do.

Things we don't do.

The way we grew up.

Now, what Dris done,

that's f*ckin' wrong!

And everyone knows it.

What you've done...

It's f*ckin' wrong, man.

And you know it.

The f*ck are you talkin' about?


We f*ckin' won!

What does it matter?

Furthermore, hold on.

Who the f*ck are you to tell me about
what's right and wrong?

I don't have to f*ckin'
justify myself to you!

I did what I had to do
to get us back on top!

And that's what a f*ckin' leader does!

You wouldn't understand that, would you?

Just because we didn't lose...

doesn't mean we won.


-That's not stirring it.
-What do you mean?

Mm-hmm. You have to shake
your whole body when you stir.


-Are you-- Who're you?
- Where the f*ck is he?


- Where the f*ck--
-Mum! Mum!

Get the f*ck out my way,
you dumb bitch!

- Attica, move!


-Attica, get down!

Dumb bitch!


f*ck's sake!

Move out the f*ckin' way!

God! No!

Get the f*ck off the g*n!

The f*ck is wrong with this--


Oh, God.

It's okay.

It's okay.

-You're okay. It's okay.

It's okay. He's gone. It's okay.

He's gone.

It's okay.

You all right?


How's she doin'?

She's okay.


She doesn't wanna see you, Dushane.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

She'll come around.

Just give her some time.

I get it.


I know what you done...

for Lauryn.

Jaq told me you gave her the money.

Thank you.

Tish has another swimming competition
in a couple of weeks.

And she'd love to see you there.


I dunno, maybe if you're up for it,
you can come down?


Yeah, maybe I will.

I'll see, innit.

So you're telling me
you're still out consigning people?

How many times do I need to tell you
don't go out and f*ckin' consign people?

Are you f*ckin' for real?

You're telling me
you're out with him as well.

I send you two out together.

You know better than him
and he knows f*ckin' better than you.

Wah gwaan for your shit!
Acting like f*ckin' dickheads!

Why am I paying for you to come out
your house lookin' all nice for?

I put the money in your pocket!
I dressed you!

My jacket! My hair! My trainers! My jeans!

Everything you're wearing is me!

Ay, cuz! What are you doing
in the ends, man?

I know you're not just cuttin' food.
What are you talkin' about?


Right, it's all there.
Give me a bell once it's ready, yeah?

-All right. In a bit.

-Bye now. Take care.
-You too.

Come on.

Cheers to that.

Here's to more money.

Ay, yo!

My guy! My guy!

My guy!

What you sayin' here?


Audi, three-litre. Quattro.


I like that.

-How much, bruv?
- Thirty Gs.

Yeah? I'll give you 25. Cash.

- Cash?

- Let's do it.

How's school?

What subjects did you do today?

I dunno.

So you're tellin' me,

the people in this room
who have lived there their whole lives

will not be put on priority for this
joint-ownership scheme that you're doin'?

What the hell is that about?

We will do our best to re-house
as many families as we can.

For you lot, yeah!

This is a multi-million pound development!

Over my dead body!

The council hasn't got the resources
to re-house everyone within the borough.

And we can't afford it!

Suarez, Clive, Acheampong, Huynh,

Roberts, August, Tovell.

Bruv, what the f*ck are you doin' here?

You know what?
You had the right idea, you know?

Bringin' all the gangs together and that.

See, all that sh**t', stabbin'
and acid shit...

only stops us puttin' money in our pocket.

You get me?

You had the right dream.

I'm glad you like it.


I can take your dream
to the next level, you know?


Not just the borough,
but the whole f*ckin' city.

-Good luck with that.
-Bruv, sit down, man.

f*ck you, innit?

You wanna do 20 years, yeah?
I think you're gonna wanna see this.

Sit down, man.

What's there to see?

Be quiet and watch.

Bruv, how the f*ck
did you get a phone in here?

Watch it.

Watch close.

A judge sees that...

drop the case real quick.

You answer the next question right,

I'll send it to your lawyer tonight.

What's the question?

After you get out,
you come and work for me.

Are you bein' for real?

Yes or no?

You're good, Jamie.

You're smart.

You're organised.

I like the way you dream.

I dreamt like that when I was your age.

Let me know if you wanna do
them 20 years, yeah?

-I don't see Dushane.
-No, ma'am.

He's been keeping
an extremely low profile.

Dushane's very cagey, guv.
No one even knows where he's living.

Then we need to be smarter then, don't we?

This guy shouldn't be on our streets.

He should be inside

for the rest of his life.