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03x09 - Everyone's Got Family

Posted: 10/01/23 10:55
by bunniefuu
Sheanay, everything all right?

Anytime Friday.

My guy.

What's goin' on?

Take a guess.

Anything happens to me,
Sugar's coming after you.

You know that. He'll k*ll you.

Sugar ain't goin' after no one.

He's dead.

Don't f*ckin' worry.

I ain't gonna make you suffer.

-Dushane, you're not--
-Shut the f*ck up!

This one's for Donovan.

Yo, you all right?

Yeah, man.

I know that had to be done,

but, Dushane, that's a f*ckin' big risk,

takin' out our only supplier like that.

f*ck that, man. We got Lizzie, innit?

She'll come through.

But you believe her?

I believe she don't wanna f*ckin' die.

She'll come through, man.

There's one ting
she gotta do for us first, though.

I'm old enough to go on my own.

I like taking you.

Okay, fine, but don't hug me
when we get there

and don't kiss me either.

Definitely don't kiss me.

Hi, Erin.

Hi, Florence.


-Dad, you can go.


-You got everything?

-You ain't forgotten anything?

-What do you want?
-Whoa, whoa.

What kind of hello is that, bruv? Hmm?

What you sayin', life got you
feelin' beat down or somethin'?

Seen you for a minute.

I been hearin', though.

I heard you had a stroke, fam.

You all right, though?

Bruv, I got a busy day, innit?
If you got somethin' to say, say it.

Someone I know will pay a lot of money
for someone you know.

Who d'you know?


And you bust him out, yeah?

Come on, man.
What kind of question's that?

Who do I know?



No, bruv, no.

Think about it first, man, yeah?

With Sully out the way,
you move up in the squad

instead of sitting on
the f*ckin' bench, bruv.

You wanna give man Dushane
as well as Sully,

man will up the P, no problem.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Can't you see that?

Yeah, I can see it, but I don't want that.

No, you do want that.

You're lying to yourself, man.

I can see it, everyone can see it.

Bruv, Sully and Dushane got theirs.
Where's yours?

When you gettin' yours, hm?

Answer me that, I'll leave.

Go on.

When you gettin' your Ps and respect?

I know what you're about.

You wanna be a provider, yeah?

You wanna provide for your little girl.

What's her name again?



Listen, I'm the same, bro, yeah?

f*ck all this materialistic shit, right?

I'm just doin' what I can do
so I can do right by my little boy.

Ain't nothin' in the world more important
to a man than his kids, right?



Bruv, them man don't know that feeling,
yeah? Being a dad.

That love you feel
when you hold your child, bro.

When your child holds you, bro.

Even Sully.
Another man's raising his yout, you know.

He ain't never been there
for his daughter, has he?

That's what I'm sayin', bro.
They're not like you and me.

Them man are scumbags, bruv.


How you gonna give Erin
the proper childhood she deserves

if you're always bottom of the pile, bro?

Think about it, yeah?

Call me.

Don't take too long, you know,

otherwise Erin might not have anyone
providin' for her at all.


All right.

Pass that phone, fam.

You, ring Jamie.

Tell him a shipment came in,
you wanna arrange a meet.


Is that a problem?


It's not a problem.

Where will I tell him to meet?

There's a car park on the A46.

Car park won't work.

We've never done a handover there before.
He'll be suspicious.

It'd be safer to do it
in one of our flats.

He's used to goin' to them.


The noise.

All of the other units
in the building are all ours.

They're all still empty.

Just don't make a mess.

Blud, I thought I wasn't gonna
see you again, fam.

You know he's madder
than what he was

before he went into jail.

So, what does he want?

Everything, bro.

Even the Ps we made while he was inside.

Blud, I thought he would've dipped out
or somethin'.

G thinks he can run the place
like he did before, innit?

How's he supposed to do that with the feds
lookin' for him?

His picture's everywhere, bro.

Nah, bro, I don't know, man.

He thinks he's invincible.

Thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

f*ckin' Modie, fam.

G, you know we was this close.

This f*ckin' close
to finishin' off all of this bullshit.

Findin' Dushane,
finishin' off Summerhouse.

Now we got f*ckin' Modie
to deal with, man.

Yeah, hello?

Something's come in for you.


See you at the flat.
Same one as last time.

All right, when?



I'll be there.


And don't worry,

we're gonna make a lot of money together.

Everyone gets what they want.

He didn't say anything
when you got home yesterday?


I will have to speak to that boy.

Fighting with Stefan?

I just... I don't understand it.

Where's Ats now?

Um, Wednesday is maths club after school.

He's not there.


he's missing a lot of school.

Has he mentioned any new friends
that you've never seen before?


It's not that uncommon.

You know, when a child begins
to feel unsettled at home,

they can become vulnerable to older boys.

Kids that age are easily influenced.

Attica knows better than that.

A mother knows her child.

Right. Come here.

All right, come on, let's go.

D'you reckon that's all right?


-No? Well--

It's f*ckin' cold.

How long are we supposed
to hang round the Fields for?

Till we see something
we can give Dris, something interesting.

-Watch it.

- What'd you say?

-What's up with you?
-Nothing's up with me.

What you f*ckin' doing here?
You shouldn't be round here.

-Look at the state of you.
-I literally said nothing--

-You walked into her, bruv.
-Back, bro. Who you bro-ing?

-What's it gotta do with you?
-Look, calm down--

-f*ck off!
- Oi!

Listen, take your filthy junkie shit
and stay off this estate.

Do you understand me?
There's kids in here.

-Get off him. Leave him alone.
-Sling your f*ckin' hook, you!

Just relax, Sarah!

It's all right.

Look, we're goin', all right?
We're leaving, all right?

Just so you understand.

Don't let me catch you round here again

and don't let my f*ckin' kids
catch you round here again.

D'you understand me?

I understand, mate.

I'm going, we're going.

Now f*ck off.

You all right?


I'm sick of this shit.

I know.

Come on.

What's the matter with you?

-Just leave me alone.

'Leave me alone.'

Seriously? What are you, 12?

Shut up, Jaq!

What the f*ck is the matter with you?

Where are my energy bars?

Now where the f*ck are my energy bars?

Ay, don't tell me you ate them.
There's literally nothing to eat.

You f*cking did eat them.

Fat bitch.




Ay, come on, sis, man.

If it's about the bars,
I don't even care. It's not that deep.


Someone done something?

Tell me what's wrong.

If it's a fella, I'll fix him good.

You know I'll f*ck him up.

So is it a guy? What?

So what's he done?

Come on, what's he done?


He's not done anything. He's dead.

-He's dead, Jaq.

Who's dead?
What the f*ck are you talkin' about?

What happened? Who is this guy?

Promise you won't tell.

Who am I gonna tell?

His name's Leyton.


You mean Leyton-from-the-Fields Leyton?

Oh, my God.

No, look, you don't know him.
Not like I did. He was sweet.

He was funny and he treated me good.
He would never hit me.

He just disappeared.

And his phone is just--

How serious was this? You and Leyton?

Ay, you didn't tell him stuff, did you?

Like stuff on Summerhouse?

Bruv, you know he was the one
who had a pop at Sully at the cremation.

You need to tell me what you told him.

Tell me! Did you tell him that Sully
was gonna be at the cremation?

No, no, I don't know. No.

I-- I just told him stupid shit,
shit that doesn't even matter.

How are you supposed to know what matters?

f*ck, man! Listen, you need to tell me
whatever you told him.

Tell me!

I think I might have said something to him

about that time Dushane asked his brother
for money, but I didn't--

f*ck, man!

What else? Come on, what else?

Did you tell him about
Sully going to the cremation?

I had no idea what they were gonna do!
I didn't know!

You're f*cked, you know that?

You are f*cked!

It wasn't my fault!

-So whose f*ckin' fault was it then?
-What? I didn't say anything!

-You never! f*ckin' thief!
-No, get off me!


Stop it! No! No!

Bitch! Stupid bitch!

Nah, man! f*ckin' stupid bitch.

-Dumb bitch! Dumb bitch!
- Stop it!

Jackie, please!

-Pack a bag!
-Jackie, please!

-Pack a f*ckin' bag!
-Jackie, please!

-Nah, bruv!

Go to a train station, bus station.

I don't give a f*ck
where you go to right now.

You need to get as far away from here
as possible.

If they find you,
you know what they'll do?

They will k*ll you, you know that?

They will sh**t you dead.

-Jackie, please!
-Don't f*ckin' call me that!

-I mean it, bruv.

When I get home, you need to be gone.

-Don't go, Jackie.
-Nah, nah.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry!

The f*ck happened to him?

We sat out near the Fields
like what you told us

and some random guy just started on him.

Did you see anything?


Did you see anything interesting
in the Fields?

-No, nothing.
-Come on, let us have a hit, Dris.

Take the edge off, you know what I mean?

Let you have a hit for what?
You two are useless.

Oh, come on. Look at his face, man.

We was only there 'cause you told us to be
and look what happened to him.

-Look, please, Dris.
-Don't touch me, bro.

You need to give us a hit at least, man.

-You ain't brought me nothing.

Well, where's Dushane then?

We'll tell him what happened,
he'll give us a score.

You ain't speakin' to Dushane.


What you sayin'?

- Give 'em one, innit?
-What, a tick?

Just give it to 'em.

Thank you.

f*ck's sake.


You lookin' like you
just seen a ghost, fam.

What you sayin'?


Wah gwaan.

What's goin' on?

Wah gwaan.

Is this how you man
greet a man nowadays, yeah?

What's good?

-We're good, man.

-What you sayin'?

That's a good question.

Kinda disappointed still.

Before I went in jail, we had Summerhouse
on the f*ckin' ropes.

All of a sudden, I go away... Boom.

Summerhouse are runnin'
the f*ckin' mandem.

It's very simple.

We have to wipe these man out.

And we will.

'Cause I'm back
and I'm runnin' the mandem properly now.

Make sense?

Bro, what do you mean,
you're runnin' the mandem?

Like, for real, do you not understand that
every single second you're standing here,

there's a chance
someone is going to see you?

And there's a chance that person
could go and tell the feds you--

How many f*ckin' times
do I have to tell you?

I don't care!


I'm hearin' that we got a new supplier
and I wanna meet him.

He won't wanna meet.


I didn't hear you ask him just then.

He's jumpy. He won't wanna meet.

Well, he's gonna be jumpin'
off the side of a f*ckin' cliff

if you don't organise it.

Set it up, Jamie.

Look, gotta go.

Fleeting visit.

Wanted man and such.

Say no more, yout.

What are you gonna do now, bruv?


I don't even know, man.

Okay. Great.

You got a plan.

Good to know.

You know we're killin' him tonight, innit?

You do understand that?


I understand.

And you need to be there.

I know.

And when he sees you,

I want you to make him believe
everything is normal.

Dushane, Jamie is a kid.

He's out of his depth.

If you try anything,

you're gonna go the same way as him,
do you get me?

I won't.

Trust me.


There ain't no trust in this game.

You know that.

I need to chat to you, fam.

Go on.

What's up?


It's Lauryn.

Fam, my f*ckin' sister's a snake.

What you talkin' about?

She was seeing that Leyton guy.

That anything she heard, she told him.

Like what?

Like you asking Chris for money.

What else?

She told him about Sully
goin' to the cremation.

f*ckin' hell, man.

I'm sorry, Dushane.

I made phone calls around her
that I shouldn't have.

When did she tell you this?

I kicked the f*ck out of her, man.
I dealt with it.

I need to see her now.

Did you hear what I said?

-She's gone.
-Gone where?

I don't know.

You need to f*ckin' find her then, innit?

And when you do, you let me know.

Did you hear what I said?

Can't do that, fam.


You know Lauryn. She's a dickhead.

She done the wrong thing.
She knows that, I know that.

But that's my sister, fam.

I don't give a f*ck!

If I tell Sully what you just told me,
and you're f*ckin' protecting her,

you know you're gone, innit?

I can't give her up, fam.

That's my blood.

Ay, listen to me, and listen f*ckin' good.

See, after tonight, Lauryn's gonna pay
for what she did, you know?

If you got any f*ckin' sense,

you will go and find her
before I f*ckin' do,

I swear down.

When I tell Sully what you just told me,

I ain't gonna be responsible for
what he does. Do you understand me?

Now f*ck off!

Go on, f*ck off!

f*ckin' bitch!

f*ck off!

- I need to see you.

-Look, Shelley--
-It's important.

I can't right now, yeah?
I got mad stuff to do.

Look, I don't care. You need to come.


-Where are you going?

I asked you where you're going.

And I said I'm goin' out.

You don't have to speak to me like that.
You know I worry about you.

Mum, I can look after myself
better than you do.

Uh-uh! You will show some respect.

I'm your mother,
and you'll do as I tell you.

No, I won't! You can't make me!

I said you're not going out.

Get out of my f*ckin' way!

You all right?

Can you even do it?

I'll try and do the Moonwalk, yeah?

You're gonna fall down
and I'm gonna laugh.

What, just 'cause I can do it
and you can't?

-Watch this, watch this, watch this.
-Show me your best dance move, then.

-Bruv, I'll slap the black out of you.
-No, you won't.

-You sure about that, man?
-Yes, I am.


Aight, come on, let's go.

Why are you askin' me this, fam?
You know I'm broke.

It's calm. I'll pay for you still
'cause you're my guy.

Safe, bruv.

Come, let's go in.

Get off my hand, man!

Get off my hand!


-Thank you.
- Thank you.

Come here, man.

I swear I can't see you, fam.



I want you to look me in the eye
and tell me what you're gonna do.

Lauryn was here.

-For f*ck's sake.
-She was all beat up.

Her eye was swollen.
Her lip was busted. Her mouth was cut.

She was frightened out of her mind.

You need to do something.
You need to fix this.

Look, man, you're askin'
for the impossible here.

You know what she did, innit?

Yeah? My friend nearly got k*lled.

She didn't know that was
what Leyton was gonna do.

She had no idea. She made a mistake.

Yeah, a big mistake.

She trusted a man.

That was her mistake.

Like I said,
it's a big f*ckin' mistake, innit?

I trust you, still.

I trust you to do the right thing.

Look, if she knew that was
what Leyton was gonna do,

she would've never have told him.

Can you just help her, please?

Dushane, she's sorry,
she-- she knows she done wrong.

Is she in there?

No, she was too terrified.
She wouldn't stay.

Why are you looking at me?
Do you wanna look?

Come in and look.

-Come in and look!

I have to tell Sully.

Tell Sully?
That's signin' a death warrant.

Yeah, that's not my call.

You can't just get out of it like this,
pretendin' it's not your responsibility.

If you see her, you need to tell me.

And what happens then?

She broke the rules, Shelley.

My friend almost got k*lled.

Do you reckon you could grow
your beard as long as that?

Why would I get my beard like that
and look like I'm homeless?

Hi, Stef.

- Hi.


when is Jamie gonna come home?

Fam, how many times you gonna ask me that?

I don't know.
He comes home when he comes home, innit?

Come sit with us, Stef.

Come on.

Come on, man. There's room.

Come on. We've got popcorn.

Come watch. Covers. There you go.

Wait. So, what, you give him the blanket,
you don't give it to me?

-Get your foot off me as well.
- Go on. Put your feet up there.

Kick off your shoes. That's it!


-Hey, your feet stink, man.
-No, they don't.

-What's wrong with you?
-They don't stink. Ah!

-What movie is this?
- I have no idea.

- Some new ting that came out, man.
-Looks like Aaron.

- How? How's that look like me?

-Same beard.

You reckon you could
grow yours like that?

-It's coming, it's coming.

I was in Jamaica with nothing.

You was in jail with nothing.

Don't act like you know what I did
or what I didn't have in jail.

You put no money on my f*ckin' books,
did you?

f*ckin' hell, man. I'm just sayin', innit,
we come a long way,

and we're nearly there.

Hey, I'll tell you what
I did have in jail.

My own f*ckin' room.

Stop moaning, man.

It was warmer than this.

I went to see Taylor the other night.

She's got this new guy, Paul.
She's gettin' married.

Bought a house.

Nice house. Mortgage, everything.

Did you see Tash?


She's good, man.

They're good, they're happy.

You know when you can just tell.

So, what you sayin'?

You want a piece
of Taylor's life now, yeah?


What you laughin' at?

I'm laughin' 'cause, like, you wanna
be like this guy Paul or somethin'.

You prick.

Listen to me, bruv.

You ain't that.

We ain't that.

We ain't never gonna be that.

You said it yourself, this is you and me.

This is us.

Ain't gonna be no cosy nine-to-five,

no f*ckin' nice little house
with a picket fence

and all of that comfortable shit, bruv,
it ain't happenin'.

-I'm tellin' you.
-What, you can't see me in a office, no?

f*ck no.

Unless you're f*ckin' stickin' it up.

What you talkin' about?

No, serious though, man.

If you had that life, bruv, you'd hate it.

You know that.

Yeah, I probably would.

We've taken out Haze,

taken out Sugar.

Couple of hours,
we're gonna take out Jamie.

Then we're back on top.

For now.

We'll win this w*r,

I have no doubt about that.

Just sayin', there'll be another one,

and some other guy to w*r with.

Then we'll be back in this sh*thole again,
or somethin' like it.

And again and again and again.

That's how the streets go,

till it's our turn to lose the w*r,
I guess.



I ain't gonna like
when you talk like that, bruv.

No one ain't gonna have the balls
to come near us after this, bro.

And if they do,
we're gonna f*ckin' wipe them out.

We've been climbin' this f*ckin' mountain,

and we're nearly at the top.

This f*ckin' close.

Then we're gonna be running
everything again.

A whole empire.


Ah! If you knew how many times

you f*ckin' told me
about this empire of yours.


Oh, shit.

I know I've gassed, I know
I've gassed a couple of times now.

A couple times?

You need me to come tonight?
Back you lot up?


You're good, man, you can go still.

Fam, you don't know how many man
Jamie might have with him.

We got it covered.

You don't want him to come?

Don't want him to have a fit.

-f*cked up.

You know better than me.

That's true.

But, listen,

we need to make sure that woman
don't get hurt tonight, you know.

But I'm more worried about...

her thinkin' she can play us.

Bruv, she can try.
She ain't gonna get f*ckin' far.

-You wanted to see me, fam.
-You good?

Yeah, yeah good.


-Just wait out the back for me, yeah?

Aight, cool.

I'm just sayin', bro.

At least we got a plug that won't
run around killin' man's family

and that now, innit?

I'm just sayin', don't underestimate her.


Did you tell anyone what you told me?


I have to tell Sully.
You know that, innit?

Yeah, I know.

And you know what he's gonna do
when I tell him.

She's already gone.

No, she ain't left.

-She's at Shelley's.
-f*ckin' stupid--

Yo, yo, hold it down.

Go and see her tonight.

Tell her to get out and don't come back.

I'm gonna tell Sully in the mornin'.

If she's still here, it's on you.

I'll tell her.

Give her that.

She's gonna need
as much as she can get.

-If Sully hears about this--
-He won't.

Bruv, hurry up, man. Let's bounce.

Lizzie's not on this waiting thing, fam.

-What you sayin'? Everything pattern?
-Yeah, yeah.

Cool, then let's move.



-Get in.
- What?

Are you deaf, bruv? Get in. Just you.

G, what do you want, fam? What's goin' on?

Get in the car.

Bruv, I'm being real, fam.
This is bad timing.

-I got shit I need to do.
- Hm.

I hear you. But trust me.

I got somethin' you don't wanna miss,

get in the f*cking car.

I reckon we should leave
in about half an hour, fam.

What we sayin'?
How you wanna do this?

We'll go in there,

me and you,

with her.

She lets him in and we'll deal with him,
then Ricky and Gerry--

- Yo, Ricks!

So I want you and Gerry to wait downstairs
at that spot we spoke about.


Any one of them guys show up,
Kit or any one of them c**ts,

light 'em up!

Say nothin'.

You hear somethin'?

-Oh, f*ck!

- f*ck!
-Who's that?

- Ricky! Get up, man!

Ay! Ay!


Sully! You're f*ckin' dead!

Ay, f*ck you!


-Yo, Sully, get up, man!

Yo, fam!

Yo, ay. Come on, man!

Come on!


-Get up, man! f*ck!

Bruv, come on!

Come on!




-There's feds, man.

Ay, Modie!


What the f*ck?

Bro, look.

What the f*ck is this?

- Oh, shit.
- Yo, Jamie, get the f*ck up here!

Bro, let's get out of here, man!
There's feds!

Where the f*ck are you?
What the f*ck--

Shut up! Who the f*ck is she?

Bro, don't sh**t, man!

Why not? She's a f*ckin' witness, bruv.

Jamie. Jamie, tell them.

Ay, yo, bro. Chill, man.

She's the supplier.