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03x08 - Bad Eye

Posted: 10/01/23 10:54
by bunniefuu

Well, then how you only callin' me now,

- How long you gonna be?
- One sec.

All right.

Yeah, yeah. It'll be cool, it'll be cool,
it'll be cool, I'll get on it.



Yeah, I know where that is.
My gran got her cataracts done there.

We'll be there, don't worry.

Bruv! Oi, look, listen.

Oi, don't start stressin' out now, yeah?
And then stressin' me out.

I told you I'll be there, I'll be there.

All right.

-One second, yeah? I need to make a call.

I thought this was supposed
to be about me.

-This is my time, bro.
- Everything okay, sir?

Yes, thanks. Everything's good.

Can I get you anything else?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What do you think you're doin'?

Does that look finished to you?

When I'm finished, I'll let you know.
Thank you.

Listen, this is about you.
It's all about you.

Why do you think we're here?
Look at this place.

Just gimme two minutes, yeah?
Gimme two minutes, bruv.

It's what agents do,
we make calls, innit?


Yes, today, bruv.

Yeah, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know,

but he just called me now, innit,
so what can I do?

You know what to do, innit?

Yeah. Get the stuff
and then pick me up at my office.

What do you mean when, bruv? Now.
They're takin' him into reception now.

Yes. Please. Quick as you can.
Aight, safe, bro. Thank you.


As long as I got my phone, yeah,
I make anywhere my office, yeah?

This is where I like to bring
my top clients, like you,

for our business meetings so we can,
you know, flex a little.

You know what I mean?

You just said someone's
comin' to pick you up.

Come on, fam, don't worry about that.

Look, I've always got time for you.
All right?

Now, come on, tell me.

What's goin' on?

Coffee ain't even here, fam.

'Cause all this shit is there.

I can't believe it.

It's all tea!

Ah, man. Come on.

Hi, Dushane.

-How are you?

Yeah, yeah, I'm-- I'm good. How are you?

I slept very well, thank you.

This is my kitchen.


Excuse me.

Mum thinks it's hers, but it's mine.

Have you got any coffee in your kitchen?

I'm afraid not. I don't drink coffee.

Oh, yeah. Too young, innit?

Did you have a sleepover?


Yeah, a sleepover.

I have sleepovers here sometimes
with my friends.

-Mum doesn't have sleepovers.


Let me help you with that.

You tell me when, okay?

-There you go.


Thank you, Dushane.

That's okay.

See you later.


Wake up.


-What time is it?

Chill, man. Don't worry. Here.

Oh, I gotta get Tish ready for school.

Don't worry about Tish, she's fine.

She downstairs eatin' breakfast,
she's good.

It's hot. Be careful.

She saw you?


What did she say?

Oh, I don't know.

She thought I was Black Panther
or something.

Started screamin', 'Wakanda!'

I'm only joking.

But she did say...
you ain't got no coffee in your kitchen.

What's all that about?
What type of kitchen is that?

What's wrong?

No one's ever brought me tea
in the mornin' before.

Well, you know,
I know how to spoil a woman.

Nah, I got mornin' breath.

All I can smell is that f*ckin' weird tea.

Last night...


It's a bit of a surprise, innit?

It's a good surprise, though.


Well, you seem happier.

Where's my phone?

Oh, man.

Bless, my brother.


Has Jaq called you yet?

She ain't called.

What are you gonna do?

-What are you askin' me for?

-It's your fault we're in this.
-You asked me to come with you.

-Fact, you begged me to come with you.
-No, I never.

Now you're tryin' to blame it on me.

If you hadn't gone to Jaq
in the first place

-none of this would've happened.
-It's you.

You was the one holdin' the bag.

-You need to pay Jaq the money.
-Are you mad?

Why don't you ask Jamie for it?

-He has Ps.
-Fam, if Jamie found out what we're doin'

-he'll k*ll me.
-He won't give a shit, man

-How'd you think he makes money?
-Shut up, man!

You're just talkin' rubbish. Just shut up.

Man, you're so dumb.
You think I don't know what Jamie does?

Everyone knows what he does, fam.


Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Hey! Oi! You two!

Stop that!

I said stop it!

- Stefan!
-Ay, shut up, man!

I ain't gettin' any respect, bruv.
Three games in a row, I'm on the bench.

-The boss won't even look me in the eye.
-That's mad, bruv.

-Finish what you're sayin'--
-Jermaine, bruv.

-You even listenin' to what I'm tellin'--
-Yes, man.

I'm listenin' to what you're sayin'.

You said that Roy won't look you
in the eye, but f*ck him anyway.

-I'm gonna make him look you in the eye.
-You need to tell him about the money.

'Cause with the baby on the way and that,
my girl is stressin' me, bro!

I know, the baby.
Bruv, you told me about the baby already.

I know about that, yeah?

Look, look.
You need to provide, all right?

You need to provide for your family.
I get that more than most people.

We're gonna make that
happen together, yeah?

You just need to stay focused.

-Bruv, where are you?

No, bruv, it's the one at the top,
near the corner.

-f*ck. Listen, don't f*ck this up.

If we miss him, we're f*cked, all right?

Oh, you see it, yeah?

Aight, cool, cool. Cool, cool.

Look, I'm gonna get Roy
to pay you what's right.

Leave it with me, okay?

-You know Linton?

You know he's gettin' 2K more than I am,
you know?

-How is that even a thing?

Look, man. I've had enough
of this shit now, all right?

Stop your f*ckin' negative thinkin', okay?

You're one of the best players
I look after by far,

so you're gonna get the money,
I'm gonna get you the money you deserve.

and you're gonna get the respect
you deserve, all right?

Just stay focused. Be patient, all right?

All right.

-What? You're leavin'?
-Yes, bruv.

Look, I gotta go, all right?

But, look, you're gonna be a great dad,
all right?





We good?

-No, no, no, no, no, no.

Listen, listen. None of that, yeah?

I need you man awake and on point.
Stop that.

It's all there, my brother.
Under the coat.

What the f*ck's goin' on?
Where's the youngers?

- They ain't showed up.
-What, none of them?

Fam, no one wants to be on
the losing side.

What're you talkin' about,
'losing side'?

- It's how they see it.

I'm just tellin' you, bro.

Some of 'em started shottin'
for the ZTs already.

-f*ck all that, man.
-You need to get off the roadside, fam.

Stay indoors.

Are you f*ckin' mad?

Stay indoors?
You tellin' man what to do now, yeah?

All this losing side shit,
that's bullshit, fam.

-Man's winning out here.

Get on your phones,
start hollerin' at people.

Find out if there's any new supplier
in town that's got enough food

to give Jamie and them f*ckin' ZT pricks.

We did that already, though.
None of the youngers have heard nothin'.

Did you hear me say
anything about youngers?

I'm talkin' about everyone.

Next g*ng, soldiers, roadmen,
I don't give a shit.

And if that don't work,
f*ckin' ask your mum,

or your aunt, your f*ckin' uncles.

Or the f*ckin' kebab man,
I don't give a shit.

Someone knows somethin'.

When you find that person,
tell 'em to come and see me.

I got P for them.

And find us a base
if you're that f*ckin' smart.

f*ckin' slackin', man. Lazy.


The f*ck you gonna do
with them, bruv?


-You lot wanna make some money, yeah?
-Yeah, 'course.

-Yeah, we'll do anything, Dris.
-All right, listen.

Go down the Fields, yeah?

Keep your eyes and your ears open.

Anything you see or you hear about
Jamie's supply, you let me know.

Got a hit for you.

We won't let you down, man.

Wait. Can you just give us
something now, though, please?

I'm gonna give you something now
and you're gonna go smoke it,

get hig and you're gonna
forget your job.

Just go down Fields now.


Junkies, fam?


Where the f*ck are they?
Come on.


Easy, brudder. We're good.


That's them, cuz.


Tell me when.

f*ck it. Let's do it.

Go, go, go.

Get your hands up!

Get down! Get down!

Stay down! Face down! Stay down!

Get the f*cking hands up!
Hands up!

Get down! Get down! Don't move!

Lay down! f*ckin' lay down!

Don't f*ckin' move!

Get down! Get down! On the f*ckin' floor!

Splay out! Oi! Get back!

Oi! Get back!

Get back! Get back!

Get back.

-I'll blow your f*ckin' head off!
-Fresh home!

- Come on!

- Don't move!
-Daily offender!

Crazy Eastender!

Get in the car!
Get the f*ck in the car.

Ay, open that up, man!

Let's go! Let's go!

Let's go!




Bruv, take your time
when you're counting that, for real.

Do the ting properly.

Dunno, bruv.

You ain't serious, Si,
you're doin' it like that.

Count the money properly, bruv.

- Man knows how to count money.

My dad taught me, fam.

- Your dad, yeah?

-Ah! You're messin' up my concentration!
- Bruv, me?

-Bruv, the both of you are childish.
-Bruv, me, childish?

- Yeah, you.
-Rah, like that? Like that? See that?

Another bag. You know what that means?

Shut up, fam.

What are you doin'?

Are you seein' this guy?

-That's Ps, fam.

Chill out, man.
After a bag, man gets a dab, innit?

Another bag, another dab.

Another bag, another dab.

Another! Another dab!

Ay, ay, ay, ay.

Man a madman.

Hey! I ain't ever seen
this much Ps before.

Maybe in Scarface, blud.

- Man is carrying so much cash.

-No, no, no, no, no. f*ck, bruv!
- What?

Yo, Modie's escaped.

- What you talkin' about?
-Fam, it's right there!


Oh, shit.

So what?
Does that mean Modie's comin' back?

What d'you mean, back?

- To run the Fields?
-Nah, man.

That definitely ain't happenin'.

Blud, he knows if the feds see him,
they'll sh**t him dead on sight, blud.

Bruv, how did he get out?

Fam, you think this is gonna be
a problem for us?

Yeah, man, I do.

Question is, how big?

For f*ck's sake.

Come on, man.

Are you takin' the piss?

Bruv, call that boy.


Ay, yo, Dris!
Are you tryin' to piss me off?

Well, f*ckin' somewhere with
a f*ckin' bed and heatin' or somethin'!

Bruv, we're gonna have
to f*ckin' stay here now, innit?

Dickhead, man.

If we're gonna stay here,
we need beds.

It's f*ckin' freezin' in here as well.

Got man's shop and that.

Say nothin', man, I'll handle that.



What are you doin' in here?

You know you shouldn't be in here,
little man.

Why's your face like that?
What's wrong with you?

So, you're not gonna tell me
what's wrong, no?

Jamie's a roadman, ain't he?

-Nah, it ain't like that--
-Don't lie to me! I ain't dumb!

Look, anything we need,
he provides for us, doesn't he?



Does he sell dr*gs?

I don't know. Haven't asked him.

What I know...

is that he pays for the food,

he pays the rent

and he pays the electric.

Ats told me he's a roadman,
and I know what roadmen do.

They sell dr*gs, they sh**t people,
they k*ll people.

Nah, man,
Jamie ain't done none of that.

-And how d'you know that?
-'Cause he's my brother.

He's my brother, too.

So, what, you think
Jamie just runs around sh**t' people?

I don't know that, do I?


All your trainers, your school uniform,

my books for uni,

Jamie pays for all that.

That's all I know.

Will he get arrested?


He ain't gettin' arrested, all right?

I wish he'd just come home.

-You all right?

Yeah, co-- come in.

Didn't think you'd come, you know.

Er, Tasha, come on.

Hey, did you tell her that I was her dad?


Paul and I decided it was best
if she knew, so we told her last night.

Come on.

-Come on.

You all right?

Got this for you.

That's nice.

What do you say, Tash?



Probably don't remember who I am, do you?

Do you wanna show your dad your bedroom
before you go to sleep?

He's not my dad.

Hey. Listen, do you remember,
what did we talk about last night?

It's not a problem.

Look, Tash...


my name's Sully.

And, um, it's nice to meet you.

What do you say?

She don't have to say anything.


Yeah, like your mum said, if you...

go to bed,

and, at any moment, you feel like
you want to show me your room,

then I would like that.

All right?

Come on. Bedtime.


Be down in a minute, okay?


Hi, Sully.

I'm Paul.

You all right, man?

-I'll take it.
-Got it?



Yo, T, what did you tell Natasha about me?

We... told her you've been away for work.

Not a complete lie, I suppose.


You have to be patient, you know?

Sometimes they don't wanna talk,

and later they do.

We want you to feel like you can
have a relationship with Tasha.

Come and see her and spend time with her.

Get to know each other.


that's what you want, of course.

-What's your game? What d'you want?
- Sully.

Look, Paul and me were talking,

and thought that maybe

the four of us,

me and Paul and you and Tash,

could go out for a day one weekend.

-That's weird.

-Okay. Fine.
-What, is that not weird to you?

Yes, yes, of course it's weird,
but at least we're trying.

Look, if it helps,
I don't need to come.

It'd just be the three of you.


You must have a lot of trust
in your relationship.

-If it's just something like--
-We all trust each other in this house.

You must have found God or something
'cause from what I remember,

-trust weren't exactly your thing.
-Why do you think that was, Sully?

What are you doin' out of bed?

I've got my necklace on.

That looks pretty, Tash.


-Thank you.
-Yeah, it does.

Would you like to come see my room?


-You wanna take me there?

We made it happen!

We made it happen!

- Ay, yo!
-Who's that on the phone, though?

Is that my sister?

Let me chat to her.

Yeah, look, I gotta go

Yo. Yo!

-What you sayin'? Guess who it is?
-Don't say your name.

-You don't know who's listenin'.
-It's your baby brother!

-Bruv, what the f*ck did I just say?
-Listen, chill, man. I didn't say my name.

Yo, are you seein' the news right now?
My face is everywhere.

-Sayin' that I'm public enemy number one.

-Armed and f*ckin' dangerous!

Bruv, give me the phone
and stop f*ckin' about!

Look, I'm gonna pass the phone
to your man, yeah?

'Cause he's tweakin' right now, innit?

I'mma chat to you soon.
I'm gonna pass him the phone.

Ay, listen, I need you
to do something for me.

-Stop. Stop, stop, stop.

-Let's go.

Yeah. No, everything's okay. Don't worry.

Let's go!

-Yeah, I'll call you later.

I love you, too. Bye.

Bruv, oi, listen.
Don't f*ckin' do that again, yeah?

Bro, I need you to do something for me.

-Listen to me, bro.


Yeah, you listen, yeah?
Bruv, I need to get back to them.

Yeah, and I need to get back
to my business, right?

Business is like a garden, bruv.

If you want it to grow,
you gotta tend to your garden.

-You know what I'm sayin'?
-Where's this gardening shit comin' from?

You're out now, yeah?
So, where's the money, bro?

-One more thing I need you to do.
-No! Just give me my money, man!

Listen to me, bro. Yeah? Listen to me.

When you help me get Sully,
you'll get your money, bro.

Yeah. I know you. I know you well.

And there's no way that you're gonna miss
when we f*ckin' smoke Sully.

-There's no way, bro.
-All right, chill.

You're gonna be there with me,
front and centre, live and direct.

That's what I'm talkin' about, bro.

My guy!

My guy!

My guy!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nah! Nah!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah! Hoo!
- King!

My man's been away and that.

Yo, but man's back, though!

These are my Twistable crayons.

That you can twist.

- Do you like drawing?

I find it fun.

I used to draw.

It's a cool room you got.

'Best friend, love Emily.'

- Is Emily your best friend?

I think I drew that picture
when I was four.

It's a long time ago.

Four years is a long time.

That's a cool picture.

Yeah, it's a holographic unicorn.

Well, actually two unicorns.

Do you believe in unicorns?


-Do you believe in aliens?


Okay, at least that's something.

And this is my favourite.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

What's that about?

A tiger who came to tea.

Makes sense.

'Suddenly, there was
a ring at the door.

Sophie's mummy said...'

'I wonder who that can be.'

'It can't be the milkman
because he came this morning.

It can't be the boy from the grocer
because this isn't the day he comes.

And it can't be Daddy

because he's got keys.

We'd better open the door and see.'

'Sophie opened the door,

and there was a big, furry stripey tiger.

And the tiger said...'


-You scared me.

'The tiger said...'

'Excuse me, but I'm very hungry.

Do you think I could have tea with you?'

'Sophie's mummy said,
"Of course, come in."'


- Who the f*ck is that?
-I got this.

- Wah gwaan.
- What's goin' on?

f*ckin' knockin' the door like that, man.

You heard anything about the supplier
or what?

Nah, nothin'.

It's me.


Hey, you want some of this food?


Yo, wassup?

The f*ck's his problem?

Look, fam, I gotta go.

What do you mean, you gotta go?
Go f*ckin' where?

You sleepin' at home?

I ain't got no choice. I got Erin, innit?

Her mum got knocked back by parole again.

Screamin' at the parole board and shit.

Yeah, f*ck all that.

Just take care of your daughter, man.

Anyway, I'm gonna bounce, man.

Be careful.

What am I lookin' at?

One of my regulars,
her dad left her the place after he died.

She's never been a landlord before.
She wants to rent it out mad quick.

What? You wanna rent it?

She's gonna give me a low price
on the rent.

It's not cheap, but...

it's doable.

What? That is so exciting!
Are you serious?


So this is where I'm gonna get
my mani-pedis from now on, yeah?

Well, no, 'cause you're gonna be
workin' here and all.

Shelley, you know I love you and that,
but come on.

Come on, there's no way you're gettin'
these hands near some other bitch's feet.

Front of house, innit?

-You mean reception?

I mean, you're gonna be
the face of the company.

Okay, all right.

What, so it's like, 'Welcome to Shelley's.
How can I help?'

Yes. So what's the pay?


What? You're tryin' to get paid?


-'Course I'm gonna pay you.

Seriously, though, we're gonna need
to redecorate this shit immediately.

Get a bit of style,
a little bit of colour.

Especially if I'm gonna be reppin' it,
d'you know what I'm sayin'?

-I'm so gushed for you!
-Totally gushed!

It's gonna be sick!


Yo, Sully.

f*ckin' hell.

-What do we know about him?


He's got them two brothers, yeah?
But they're not on the road.

Then he's got his number two,
that big fat fucker.

Go on. What you thinkin'?

What I'm sayin' is, who's the only
other person we've seen him with?

Next shipment should be
coming in soon.

Who's this?


He used to run the mandem
before he went into jail.

He thinks I might have snaked on him.

And did you?

Is he gonna be a problem?


Well, if you got rid of him once,
you can do it again.

Permanently would be preferable.

Don't do it yourself.

Top boy shouldn't be takin' those risks.

What, is that the only reason
you don't want me to do it?

No. Don't want to risk losing
my business partner, now do I?


Nothing's changed.

You need to stop playing games.

-I know you like it with me.
-Look, we're not having this conversation.

We'd be good together.

Yeah, we've got a good thing
goin' on here, Jamie.

Don't f*ck it up.

-Wah gwaan.

What you sayin'?

Heard they've got some
mad little trinkets in here, innit?


You want this?

What the f*ck is that?

I don't f*ckin' know.

Yes, that's a beautiful piece.

A friend of mine picked it up in Morocco.

Wards off the evil eye.


- Is it for yourself?
- Nah, my girlfriend.

She kinda likes this shit still.

Well, you should bring her in.
We've got plenty more in that style.

- Hmm? When are you open?

To bring her in.

Excuse me?

Well, the sign on the door says
you're only open a couple of days a week.

Yeah, that's right.

You get enough business
for those hours, yeah?

Well, things could always be
a little busier.

Yeah, 'cause the rent round here
is f*ckin' high, innit?

-We're blessed with

a very loyal customer base.

Look, um, you're gonna have to excuse me

'cause I was actually just
shutting up for the day.

Why so early?

Why don't you bring your girlfriend in,
and I'd be happy to show her--

You know, you need to get some cameras.

Uh, most businesses,
they have cameras in the shop,

just in case there's any trouble.

Yeah, we're thinking of getting one.

She's thinking of gettin' one.

You know you ain't gettin' no cameras.

You don't want anyone to know
what's goin' on in here, do ya?

Where's that other woman?

The blonde one, where is she?

Nah. f*ck that.

Where is she?


Come here, bruv. All right?


Well, this is weird, man.
It's like visitation hours or something.

Bruv, shut up, man. What's wrong with you?

-All right?
-Come on.

- Hurry up, man. I'm hungry.

I brought you to this place
'cause they make a bangin' pizza,

bangin' pasta.
Look, they got lasagna and all of that.

-You can have anything you want, innit?
-Yeah, I'm hungry still.

-All right, gimme a glass of wine then.
-Yeah, go on.

-Lemme get some wine, too.

Don't mind, don't mind.

What you lot sayin', though?

How's the house and that?
Keepin' it clean?

Yeah, man.

Mm. What about the kitchen?

I thought we came here for pizza, fam.
Why are you talkin' about cleanin'?

Can we order now? I'm hungry.
I know what I'm gonna order.

Let me get the...


-Li fileto.

-Oh, this guy, man.
-A li ga puglia.

Hey, what you talkin' about?
What you-- What you talkin' about?

Oh, my God.

We can't order yet, anyway.
We're waitin' for someone.

-A girl.

A girl? For real?
So what? You got a girlfriend now, yeah?

-You'll see.
- All right.

Yo, Stef, how's school?

Yeah, it's calm still.

I decided I'm gonna study anthropology.

Yeah? Come on.

-Bro, do you even know what that is?
-Yeah, I do.

-What is it then?
-It's deep. That's all you need to know.

-You don't know what it is.
-Very deep.

-You don't even understand what it is.
-Shut up, man.

Don't worry, man,
you can study that at uni.

There's that girl now.

Hey, when'd you invite her?

Well, it's about time I met that girl
that's been turnin' your head.

-Ay, fam--
-Since she's always stayin' over and that.

-Told you he knew.

You got clocked, you wasteman!

-Snitched, innit?
-What, you thought I didn't know?

I've got eyes everywhere, bro.

You should know that.

- You're a little snitch, man.

-You all right, yeah?
-Hi, Jamie. Hi, Stef.

Give her a kiss then, big man.

Hey, relax, man. Whatcha tryin' to do?

Go and give her a kiss.
That's why she's your girlfriend.

You're not gonna give me a kiss
in front of your brothers?

Such a drag, man.

- Ooh!

Relax, man. I'm feelin' violated.

We're sweet, brudder.

Hello again.

What are you doin'? Put that down.
Drop the f*ckin' knife!

Don't do anything stupid, you know?

'Cause my friend will sh**t you
in your face. Understand?

-Yeah. Yeah.
- Anyone else in the house?

- No.
-Are you expecting anyone?

No, my...

My husband's away on business.

Yeah, f*ck all that.

Sit down.

So, we haven't been properly introduced.

Your name's Lizzie.


How do you know Jamie?

We, uh...

Oh, God.

Please don't tell my husband.



We've been...

seeing each other.

We met in a bar...

a few weeks ago.

Christ, I'm so f*ckin' stupid, I'm sorry.

Please don't tell my husband, please.
It'll break his heart, please.

You... Are you f*ckin' serious?

- Bruv!
-f*ckin' real dribble as well.

What the f*ck is goin' on?
What's this?


Are you seein' this shit?

f*ckin' hell.

-You're good, you know.
-What do you want from me?

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
Don't waste your time.

We talked to your friend, Lithe.

And her story is very different to yours.

Apparently, Jamie has been gettin'
a lot more than p*ssy.

Dark, white, weed, spice.

All of that.

Don't worry about your friend, though,
she's all right.

One of our people are with her now.

So as long as you do what the f*ck we say,

she'll be cool.

What do you need?

Your f*ckin' prick boyfriend off the road.

-And you're gonna help us do it.

Do you get me?



What happens to me?


I can help you with a lot more than Jamie.

You're a businessman, right?

I can supply you with
all the dr*gs you need.

-Regular shipments, highest grade--
-Oh, mate, whatever.

-Why the f*ck would you do that?
-When you take Jamie out of the picture,

you're leavin' me without
a business partner.

Everything I've been
supplying to Jamie.

White, dark, anything you want.

All of my stock can go exclusively to you.

We have our own supplier.

- Yes.

Are they reliable?


I'm bendy, man.

Bruv, what d'you expect
when you had a whole pizza

and a whole lasagna to yourself?

You're gonna be fat, you know.

This guy's gonna be wide, watch.

Do you want dessert, Stef?

That's not funny, man.

Oh, man.

Was that you?

How you let that off? That was you, innit?

- Oh, Stef!
-That's it, man. It's called natural gas.

-What do you mean, natural gas, bruv?
-Natural gas.

Make sure you go to the toilet
before you go to bed, you know.

- It does smell like you though.
- It's not me.

We're in a big restaurant,
you think I'm gonna let it off?

Hey, Abby. If my brother's ever unfaithful
to you, yeah, just know--

Relax yourself, he did it.

...just know,
I will personally f*ck him up.

Thanks, Jamie. But if your brother's
ever unfaithful to me,

I'm perfectly capable
of f*ckin' him up myself.

Whoa. Hey, relax, man.
Why does everyone wanna f*ck me up now?

-We're jokin'!

I'm a faithful guy.
Like, no one needs to f*ck me up.

What's this about?

How faithful are you, though?

You all right?

What's wrong, man? Talk to me.

When will you be home?

Couple more days.

Will you get arrested?

What do you mean, get arrested, man?

Who's gonna arrest me?

The feds.

Listen, bro.
Don't worry about all of that, man.

Ain't nobody gettin' arrested round here.

Couple more days, I'm gonna be home,

everything's gonna be back to normal.

I promise.

Yo, allow it, you man. It's calm.

It's calm.

What are you doin' here, Jermaine, man?
What's good?


You seem bigger now.

I see you're havin' dinner
with your family.

-That's nice.
-What's all this small talk?

-Let me finish.
-Cut to the chase.

I'm sure you've seen or heard, yeah?

He wants to see you.

Well, as you just said,
I'm here with my family.

So tell him, he can tell me
wherever, whenever--

Listen, enough with the talkin', bro,

He wants to see you now.
The car's outside.

Don't disrespect the respect
I'm showin' you right now, bro.


This could've been madness.

Say nothin', man.

-Yo, Jamie, what's going on?
- Chill out, man, it's calm.

You lot just go home.
I'mma call you in the mornin'.

-Where you goin'?
- Yeah?

Just gonna handle some business.

Trust me, it's fine.

I'll call you in the mornin'.


Long time, bro.

People are tellin' me that
you're runnin' the mandem now.

Well, it ain't up to me
what people have been sayin'.



Well, let me rephrase that then.

What are you sayin'?



all I did, yeah,
was step up while you was away.

He stepped up.

He stepped up.

What about Leyton?


Summerhouse got Leyton, fam.

Is that so?


-Bro, just listen.


You went away, and then I stepped up.

Now the mandem have levelled up.

And you know what that means.

It means we're makin' a lot more Ps,

a lot more Ps
that you're gonna need, my bro.

Think about it. A man on the run.

People gonna be chargin' you, like, what,

two, three, four, ten times
what they're chargin' everyone else.

Bro, I can give you anything you need
for you to escape.

I got you.


Did I ever say anything about an escape?

I ain't goin' nowhere.

But... I am gonna need
some of the Ps you've been makin'.

In fact, f*ck that.

I'm gonna need all of the Ps
you've been makin'.

And my guy Jermaine over here,

he's gonna need some of the Ps
you're makin' too.

Bro, you're not safe here.

What you're doin' ain't makin' no sense.

The feds are going to be on you like mad--

I don't give a f*ck who's comin' for me!

The feds, Trident, Navy SEALs,
the f*ckin' army.

I don't care! These are my ends! Mine!


And I'm stayin' exactly where I am.

I'm back, Jamie.

And I'm back for good.


Hey, Sheanay, listen.

Sorry I ain't called before now, you know,
I just ain't had time.

Things are mad.

How are you?

Yeah, I'm all right.

I ain't stopped thinkin' about Donovan.

You get me?

He had good dreams, man.

Sheanay, listen.

There's something I want to do for him.