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03x06 - Press g*ng

Posted: 10/01/23 10:52
by bunniefuu
Yo, where's the rest?

Are you f*ckin' deaf or something?
Where's the rest?

Aight, where are you, bruv?
I got your food, fam.

Aight, listen, call me back
when you get this, though, man.

Ain't nothin', bro. Love, love.

Shit, man. Look at you.
You're proper jealous and that.

Shut up! Dickhead.

You guys, man.

Yo, yo, yo.

Oh, shit! ZTs!

Go, go, go!

What the-- What the f*ck you doing, man?

Get the f*ck off me, man!


Get the f*ck off me!

-ZTs, bruv!

Which one of 'em was it?

Bruv, I don't even know.
I don't even know the youngers like that.

But they were connected to us
and that's enough.

My thing's more about who done it, innit?

But f*ckin' acid, though, bruv.
Like, when did that start happening?

But that shit ain't new, though,
you know.

That's been happening.

Them things, they're easy to get hold of,
easy to use.

That kid's gonna be scarred up
for life, though.


And I say that's Jamie making his move.


That's a warning shot, bruv.

Trust me.

If he was gonna start a full-scale w*r,
he would've come for me or you.

Yeah, but, Dushane, warning shot or not,
like, you know how this goes.

We have to reply to that.

Yeah, but we have to make
the right reply, though, bruv.

It's all there.
Less the ten that you took.

Twenty kilos.

Did you or did you not
promise Sugar serious money?

'Cause Sugar ain't interested
in small-time shit.

Bruv, Sugar needs to realise
that we're just getting started.

Sugar understands that.

That's why he's being generous

and giving you till the end of the month
to come back with the money.

Talking 'bout till the end of the month.
We need longer than that.

You told Sugar you could sell
all over London.

So take your food and go sell.

f*ck it, man.

Bruv, you know what that means now, innit?

That whole Jamie problem?
Like, we have to deal with it.

Bent. Keep your knees bent. All right?

- Okay.
-Come on, then.

Bent, man! Move!

What you doing?

Hold on. Wait a minute.

-You know what bent means, right?
-Yes, I know.

-Well, it ain't rigid like that, is it?

Come on. That's it.

And again.

And again. That's it!

Nice! Now, that's what I'm talkin' about.

Send his nose to the back of his head.
Come on.

- Comin' in tomorrow, then?
-More than likely.

-You know what I'm like.

-You love it here, innit?

Hey, hurry up.
Your tea's gettin' cold.

Time and tide, ladies. Time and tide.

- See ya in a bit, Jaq.
-In a bit.

So how was training?

Good, yeah.

Maybe I should start goin'.

Maybe you should.

Are you sayin' I'm fat?

That's what you get
when you go fishin', innit?


What you got on today?

This young director's comin' in
for the ad.

What ad? The razor one?

Yeah. What about you? What you got on?

I'm gonna have to do
a bit of recruiting still.

Some of the youngers got hit last night.

What? The f*ckin' acid attack?


-That poor kid.
-Yeah, he's f*cked still.

Acid's f*ckin' low, man.

But will he be all right, the kid?

f*ck knows.

Hey, look--

Nah, man. I beg you. Not this shit again.
Don't say it, man.

I know people who--

-who want what you're selling, right?

And, no, they're not the kind of people
who throw acid in your face.

I already told you.
I don't want you involved in this.

I'll just introduce you.

You introducing me,
that gets you involved.

I'm just trying to help.

You help, all right?

When I'm out there working all day,
who do you think I'm thinkin' of?

Hey, listen, I gotta go.

I'll see you tonight, yeah?

I might have to work.

Dris is a f*ckin' liability right now.
I'm basically doing two jobs.

See? You got me talkin' about work
when all I wanna do is talk about

what we're gonna do when we're together.

Hey, you be careful. Yeah?

-And stay out of trouble.

-What? Do you care?

Yeah. No.

-Yeah? No? No?
-I didn't say that, did I? No?

-No, I don't care. f*ck off.
-Come here, dickhead.

In a bit.

Yo, let me chat to this yout, fam.

Wah gwaan.

Wah gwaan.


Listen, man just got
a whole load of food, fam.

Twenty boxes.
Need to sell it by the end of the month.

Bruv, we ain't gonna move 20 boxes
on the road by the end of the month.

Why not?

Not with Jamie on the scene.

Pssh. Bruv, shot it to other gangs
or something.

I don't give a f*ck, bro.

Bro, they're not gonna cop that shit.

Bro, I need results, fam.

All these gangs, yeah,
they're taking this ZT shit serious, fam.


They ain't gonna cop nothing
that's not coming from Jamie.

Wah gwaan.

- What kind of attitude is that, man?

How's Romy?

He's all right.

Knife didn't hit no vital organ
or nothing,

so he should be out of hospital
in three or four days.

Yeah, well, tell him make it three.

We need everyone out there
on the road right now.

Yeah, I know.

Less than half my youngers turned up
to work after this acid ting.

And you know they're makin' up excuses
so they ain't got a pattern on the corner.

-So what am I supposed to do with them?
-Get more youngers. Get 'em shottin'.

-And find 'em where, bruv?
-I don't know. I don't care.

- Oh.
-That's your f*ckin' problem.

-Ay, man! Yo!
-What the f*ck is this petty shit?

What are you doing? Huh?

Listen, both of you two
need to drop the f*ckin' attitude

and start delivering results.
I don't f*ckin' care, man.


Go to the block, get Kieron.

Tell them youngers to come out
their f*ckin' house, man.

- Put that in their hand.
-All right, cool.

-In a bit.
- Yeah.

She's starting to become
a f*ckin' pain, bruv.

Starting to like her already.

Hey, you man, I'm gone.

Where you goin'?

It's Jason's cremation today, innit?

Do you want me to come?


I'm good. Ain't no big deal.

What you saying? You eaten?


Come and grab some food.

How's the little one doin'?

She's good, man.
Top of her class in art, innit?

That's good.

You need to be there for her, you know.


To be there for their daughters, man.

What do you know about that, man?
You ain't got no kids.

I've been there for her.

All these years. Did it all myself.

Yeah, well, things are changing now,
you know.

They're about to get heavy.

You know, if I can't take the heat
out of this Jamie situation,

they're only gonna get heavier, innit?

Bruv, why you telling me this?

This ain't nothing
we ain't been through before.

I need someone I can rely on, Dris.


Bro, you've been slipping, fam.

Since I got back, you've been slipping.

Bro, the fits, the medication.

-All the other f*ckin' dr*gs--
-Bruv, listen!

Keep your voice down, fam.

You snatched up Jamie's girlfriend
off the street

like a f*ckin' amateur the other day.

You know how much that cost us?

You're making too much mistakes, fam.
I ain't got room for it.

You're gonna have to step back.

What the f*ck does that mean? Step back?

-You keep on running the corners.
-That's Jaq's job.

Nah, it ain't Jaq's job.
It's your job now.

-Jaq's stepping up till you're back.

Look, fam, it's not for long.

Jaq's gonna find some more shottas,
you make sure they keep shottin'.

You get me?


Get yourself clean, bruv.

You'll be back before you know it.

All I'm saying is, the man sitting
across me from the table last night,

he ain't nothing like the old Dushane
what I've heard of.

I mean, he's done out here.

And the thing is, I think he knows it.

Trust me, he don't want no smoke.

And hitting them Summerhouse
young Gs last night as well.

Now he knows this ain't no game.

Yo, you think Dushane's gonna
care about some YGs on the roads?

You had him next to you, bruv.

You coulda k*lled him there and then.

But you f*cked it.

I say we k*ll Dushane, you know.

Lay that fucker out once and for all.

k*ll him right now.

And k*ll Sully and all.

Bruv, that's the wrong move.

We ain't got to go after
Dushane and Sully.

We go after the youngers.

See, last night,
I put the ball in Dushane's court.

If I don't like how he responds,
then him and Sully can go.

Just like what we done to Cam
and the Turks.

But not until you hear from me.

Acid att*cks?

I'm just goin' down your path.

My path?

Yeah, keepin' it low-key like you want.

With acid att*cks?

Listen, Lizzie, I got two choices.

I go after Dushane and Sully direct.

And that ain't gonna be easy,

'cause they gonna be in Summerhouse
and they gonna have their guard up.

I'm gonna need a lot of man
and a lot of g*ns.

That's gonna make a lot of noise.

Feds'll be swarming the place,
and it ain't good for none of us.

Second choice I got,
I scare his shotters off the roads.

Dushane can't sell shit.

He won't be able to pay his supplier,
he's f*cked.

And that's without a shot being fired.

So you've got everything under control?


I do.

And I promise you,
nothing bad's gonna happen to you.

None of that shit that happened with Dris.
I personally guarantee it.

That was my f*ck-up.


I told you.

That was a one-time thing.

-What do you mean?
-I mean, it happened.

But it's not happening again.

How old were you when she died?

Your mum?

She died young, didn't she?

How'd you know that?

-How old were you?
-I said, how do you know that?

What age were you?


Who told you that she died?

I'm Irish.

If there's one thing we know about,
it's families.

Your dad wasn't around either, was he?

My dad was around.

He was around right to the end.

So, what?

He left you when your mum died?

Went off with another woman?

You don't know nothing about my dad.


I'm married.

I'm older.

I don't know what it is
you're looking for,

but you're not gonna find it with me.


I just want you to be clear about that.

Now, let's just focus
on the issue at hand.

Dushane. Summerhouse.

Like I said, I got it under control.

I hope so.

-Tell me.

Well, I'll pattern some youngers
up here, innit?

Aight, cool.
So I'm gonna circulate, innit?

Say no more.

I know you need Ps
to retwist your dreads, yeah.

So man's gonna nice you right now, yeah?

-How old are you?


-You going to college?

You know you wanna hold it. Hold it, fam.

Nah, it's too dangerous.

What do you mean it's dangerous, bro?

You can come out of
that friendzone, my guy,

-if you make some Ps...

-She will let you chop.
-No. No, man.

-I guarantee you get the crutches.
-That was a bit far.

Hey, princess, come.
At least chat to me, bruv.

How you done just f*ck up
the pattern like that?

I was trying to help him out, innit?
I'm trying to teach him something.

Nah, bro, you was teaching him
how to be a fuckboy and a wasteman.

I already had tings lined up.

Do you know what, fam?
Do your ting from down here.

-I'm floating. In a bit.
-Hey, Jaq, man, I'm joking.

Bro, go and make your money,

get your reload
and find me some youngers.

Come on, then. Spill.

What the f*ck, girl?
We need some give-and-take here, you know.

Look, if you want me to babysit Tish again
then you have to give me somethin'.

What? I thought you loved
spending time with Tish.

I do. That girl's my little diva, man.

But, look, I am entitled to some gossip,
you know.

There ain't no gossip, Lauryn.

His mum was in a hospital bed
literally three feet away.

I mean, we talked, but...

Actually, I talked.
He wasn't saying too much, to be honest.

Do you actually like him?

I mean, he's a good-looking man.

And he's a man, you know, not a boy.

He's kind.


Kind? What the f*ck is kind?

-Kind is good. Trust me.

So, what? You gonna let him
take you out then?

We're having a private conversation here!

This girl, man.

What about the other ones?

- Dushane's friend?

I think me and him would look
quite good together, you know.

-f*ck off.
-What? He's fit!

Hey, you've got his number, haven't you?
Call him on his phone.

Tell him there's two beautiful ladies here
waiting for him.

Sully ain't gonna wanna have nothing
with you.

You're like a f*ckin' drag queen.

The f*ck do you know about stylin', bitch?

Enough to know that I don't need it.
Man's got natural beauty, innit?

Is that what your new girlfriend's
been telling you?

Needs her f*ckin' eyes tested.

-f*ck you, man.
-Wait. What?

Are you seeing someone, Jaq?

Ain't nothin' special.

You're over there every f*ckin' night!

Shut up, man.

That's exciting. What's her name?

Shelley asked you a question, fam.
Don't be so f*ckin' rude.

What's she called, then,
this d*ke with a golden p*ssy?

Shut the f*ck up, man!

-Come on, what's her name?


What? Maude?


What kind of crusty old f*ckin' name
is Maude?

What? How old is she? Eighty?

Shut the f*ck up, man!

-No wonder she's f*ckin' blind.
-Allow it.

She got cobwebs
in her old lady bush and all?

- Allow it, man!
- Nah!

Man. Oh, my days.

Hey, who you texting?

Everyone. Her name's f*ckin' Maude.

-Nah, man!
-Get off my hair, man!

Get off my hair!

-You're a wasteman. Get out of--
-Yeah, you're a wasteman!

Go check Maude!

Where'd you meet her?

Where do you find these people like Maude?

Hey, my boy!

You gonna bake today?

I thought we could do it together,
like we used to.

Come on.

Okay, what do you have to do first?

-Wash my hands?
-Go for it.

What cake are we making?

Hmm. Guess.

-Pound cake?

- And another cup?
-Yeah, pour that in.

-Oh, so it says here.

-How did you afford all this stuff?
-Keep going.

Ah, I saved up a little.

Good boy. Put that in.

-Good boy.

Oh, yes, I'm a very good boy.



This is so satisfying.


That's nice.

-Come on, let's get it in the oven.

And it don't burn you?


Close that for me.


Wash your hands.

- Ooh.
- Is this my piece?


Is it good?

Blud, we should hold off,
you know. This is all mad.

Bruv, what you're telling me
doesn't make any sense.

What are you talking about?

Jamie said to leave Dushane and Sully
and just--

Listen. Listen, bruv. Listen to me, bruv!

We've had this conversation,

I don't give a f*ck what Jamie said.
Jermaine agrees with me.

If you know where Sully's gonna be,
you take your f*ckin' chance.

You know how it is. sh**t on sight.

Call me when it's done.

Told you, bruv.

Now you gotta step up for your boy.



You ready?


Hey, man, you got this.

Hi. How can I help you?

I need a picture printed out,
but it's on my phone.

Sure. What size?

I don't know, but this is the picture.

I just want it as clear as possible.

Sure. All right.

What are you doing?

I need to go and check
the picture quality.

-What? Just there?
-Yeah, it won't be long.

All right.



What is it?

We have to leave.

Leave what?

Here. The flat.

Why do we have to leave?

I'm sorry.

But why? Why do we have to leave?

We're being evicted
because I can't pay the rent.

Don't wanna move.

I know, I don't either.

What's gonna happen to us?

It's going to be all right.

You don't have to worry.

I love you.

Come on, listen to me. It's cool.

It's only gonna be
till the end of the month, yeah?

Wat bout de business?

Mi need fi deya pay off fi de cars dem,
yu nuh.

Bruv, listen,
forget about the business, fam.

What's wrong with you?

Just go to Auntie Bernadette's
and stay up there.

No, she a 90-year-old. She a go mad mi.


Look at me. I'm being f*ckin' serious.

Shit might get heavy. Keep your head down.

Go to Auntie Bernadette's
and stay up there until I tell you, yeah?

And make sure you don't get seen,
you know.

You listenin'?

Awright, mi a go go.


Who got you that card over there?
'Thinking of you'?

You all right, Mum?


My two boys together.

I shoulda come in to hospital years ago.

-How you feeling?
-Fine, fine.

I keep telling them that
ever since I came in.

I already told you, Mum.

You should not be living in that flat
all on your own.

So where else am I supposed to live?

I'm fine where I am, thank you.

Listen, um, I'm gonna go
and get some water, yeah?

-Back in a minute.

You know what?
I'm gonna make a move.

Listen, you call me
when you're home, all right?

- Okay.
- Love you.

- You take care, all right?
- I will.

What you doing here?

Come to see Mum, innit?

'Come to see Mum.' What?
Are you playing the best son now, yeah?

-You're a fool, you know that?
-You're a f*ckin' fool, bruv.


did you tell anyone
I come to see you about that money?

-Hey, mind yourself, you know.

I'll mind myself. Did you tell anyone?

I don't know what you're talking about.
Furthermore, who am I gonna tell? Huh?

-So you didn't tell no one?

What's happening, then? Talk to me.

I don't...
I just want to get out of here.


So, they're gonna keep you in
one more night.

I know, I know.

But you'll be home tomorrow.

Well, they've said that before.

What's going on between you two?

You're too nosy, you know.

Listen to me, Dushane Hill.

This is a good girl.

You'd better treat her right,
or you'll have me to deal with, all right?

I know. Okay.

Now, off you go, both of you.

I need my beauty sleep.

All right. Rest up.

I'll see you later.

So, I'm sorry about my mum.

She feels like
she needs to know everything

that's going on in my life, man.

Can't blame her.

She told me she never met
a single girlfriend of yours.

It hasn't been that many, to be fair.

-Oh, yeah?
-What do you mean, 'Oh, yeah?'

There hasn't. I'm being serious.


What about Tish's dad?

-Where is he?
-One guess.

How long?

Twenty-seven years.

That's a lot of years, man.

He was my first boyfriend.

Shoulda got out a lot sooner than I did,
but I just didn't know any better.

Do you take Tish to see him in there?

He ain't interested. Never was.

Yeah, I hear that.

Erm, my dad lives local, innit?

But he's on his own ting, so...

You know what?

Tish ain't missing out on nothin'.

And if he's not interested,
then that's his loss, innit?

She's a beautiful girl, man.

Gets it from her mum.

Ats. Your mum's gonna go nuts.

Don't do it!

You got your yard, man,
where your bed is and all your things.

I don't have that. Not no more.

Don't tell me what I can do
and what I can't do.

You don't really mean that, do you?

I do mean it.

I do.

You don't know what it's like, man.
You got no idea.

If you wanna help me, can you f*ck off?

I wanna sell for you, bruv.

I'd be good at it, innit?

Listen, little man.

This ain't for you. Trust me.

It is.

You ain't tough enough for the road.

I am tough.

-Go home, man.
-Nah, I wanna sell.

Go home.

No, I wanna sell.

Ats, f*cking go home
before I tell your mum.

- Ay, what? He wants to shot?
- Nah, he don't.

Yeah, I do!

Ats, right?

Come here, little man.

Hey, Kieron, come here, man.

Wah gwaan.

Ain't that your bredren?

Sort of. Not anymore.

So, what? You two lovebirds
had a falling out or something, yeah?

He ain't my friend anymore.

What's his name?


What's his last name?



All right, but I need to know that you
know what you gotta do to earn your Ps.

I know.

That means you're gonna have to go out
and you're gonna have to shot hard food.

And you always gotta bring back
the right amount of money.

Or one of the mandem's gonna give you
a bag to put in your yard

and you're gonna have to hold onto it,
and you ain't allowed to look inside.

You're gonna have to keep it safe until
mandem come to get it. You feel me?


Aight, cool. Listen, what's your number?

- I don't have a phone.

Shit. Well, no wonder you wanna
f*ckin' start shottin', bruv.

Aight. I'll be back.

Wah gwaan, Stef?

I can say something if you'd like.

You didn't know him.

You all right?

I think so.

Do you want me do it?

Do you want me to put the photo on top?


I could...

I'm f*ckin' embarrassed.


No, don't be.

He was just a young kid, you know?

I can do it.


f*ckin' hell.


Do your thing.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

f*ck! Shit!

f*ck! Shit! f*ck!



What you saying?

Hey, Dris.

-You gonna make some Ps?


-Why not?
-Time to go home.

Home and do what, bruv?
Come make some money, man.


Wah gwaan.

Hey, have you seen Sully?
He shoulda been back ages ago, man.

Nah, I ain't even seen him.

What the f*ck is that?
There's four youngers down there.

How the f*ck are we gonna sell
anything tonight?

-I got a new kid that wants to shot.
-Yeah, so what are you telling me for?

It's who he is, innit?
It's Jamie's little brother's bredren.

Go out and pattern it.

All right. In a bit.

Yeah, back that, little man.

-Get you strong.
-Peng, fam.


Yeah, dash them
chips over, bro. Right, yo.

-Yeah, love. What, no ketchup?
- No, man.

Tssh. Wow, you look like
you're enjoying that, bruv.


Look at him go.

You'll be eating that shit
every day from now on, man.

-What you saying? You're good, yeah?
- Yeah, I'm calm still.

f*ckin' hell.

-Tell him come over. He looks hungry.
-He says he doesn't wanna come.

Yeah, well, tell him anyway.



Want some chips, bro?

Come on, bro. It's really good chips.

Yeah. Come on, Stef, bruv.

Ay, don't make me come over there.

Dumb yout.

Listen, don't be nervous.
Aight, little man?

Part of the family now, yeah?

That means that you see anybody
try pick on me or anything like that,

you gotta step up.

-Can you do that?

-Can I rely on you, yeah?

I can't hear you, bruv.


All right.

Here you are.

Oh, you're jokin'.

Contact's already taken care of,
so don't even worry about it.

-Thank you.
-Now, listen.

The next time when I see you on road,
I wanna see you walking with swag.

Ain't nobody gonna try trouble you,
'cause you're part of Summerhouse.

All right? So own it. Act like it.



You guys are spoiling me out here.

-How easy was that?
- Coaching the youts everywhere.

Stef, that don't look right,
you know.

Yo, you concentratin' here or what?

Sorry, man.

Bruv, what's wrong?


Ay, yo.



f*ck you say, man?
Tell him come meet me now, innit?

-What's wrong?
-Hey, what's going on, man?

Just help Stef finish off
his homework.

- Just tell me what's going on.
- Aaron, just help him, man!

Always makin' me have to ask
f*ckin' twice!

What's Jamie gonna say
about this shit?

Shit, that man--

Bruv, what the f*ck?

What the f*ck was you thinking, fam?

Sully was right there, innit?

Bruv, I told you no.

I f*ckin' told you,
and I gave you a direct f*ckin' order!

A direct order?

What the f*ck are you?
A f*ckin' army general?

You lost your f*ckin' mind or something?

What? Am I some pussyhole?

Am I a p*ssy?

What? So it's a f*cking waste
to take a shot at Sully?

Bruv, you took your shot
and you f*ckin' missed.

That's the whole point.
You f*ckin' missed!

So now Dushane and Sully
gonna be coming for payback.

So tell me now, how the f*ck
are we gonna get a clean shot?

-Bruv, Modie told me--
-I don't give a f*ck what Modie said!

Modie's in jail
and he ain't comin' out anytime soon.

-Fam, move out my way, cuz.
-Modie don't give no orders--

-You f*ckin' dumb or something?
-It's f*ckin' me!

If you want to continue
making your Ps like everyone else

I suggest you shut the f*ck up
and do what I say.

Do you understand that?

So, yeah.

You man let the youngers and the rest of
the mandem to know to watch their backs.

'Cause Sully and Dushane
are now gonna be lurkin'.

-Yo. Where the f*ck have you been, man?
-Oh, my God!

-That man just had a f*ckin' pop at me.

That Leyton yout!

Fields. Must have fired about 20 times!

Nah, man. I thought that Jamie yout
was smarter than that.

How'd they know
you was at the crematorium?

I don't f*ckin' know. I don't know!

But they were there!

Like they were f*ckin' waiting, Dushane.

You know, this f*ckin' little Jamie prick,
nah, he's tried the ting.

You know what?
He's gonna have to f*ckin' pay the price.

What you talking about?
Wait, where you goin'?

What? You hear what I f*ckin' said?

They f*ckin' just tried to k*ll me!

And I was f*ckin' burying my friend.

Sully, listen to me, yeah?

Nah, listen.

We can't start a full-blown w*r now, bruv.
It's gonna be chaos.

You understand?

I ain't shottin' no f*ckin' food then--


Aight, we! We ain't shottin' no food.

We ain't paying Sugar.
We gotta pay the man.

Why ain't you as angry as I am?


That's what I wanna know.

If a man f*ckin' bust sh*ts at you,
and I know about it, it's f*ckin' mad!

-Bruv, you--
-I'm ridin' out immediately!

Why don't you f*ckin' care?

-I do care.
-He started this w*r, innit?

And I'm gonna have to finish it.


f*ck's sake, man.

- Fix your shirt, man.
- What d'you mean fix it up?

-What the f*ck happened to you?
-I need you to come somewhere with me.

Wait, what?

-All right, cool, I'll come.
-What happened?

- Long story.
- One.

What happened with him?

Who is he?

Yo, Jamaal.

What you saying, my bro?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right, listen, I need you
to come and see me tonight, yeah?

Pull in just here.

Up to the right.

Yeah, what d'you want?

Here for a rental.

Erin, can you take that in there
for me, please?

-Won't be long, yeah?


Either of you two carrying?


You stocked?

What you lookin' for?

Wah gwaan.



Back at Dris's.


-Put your seat belt on.

People are saying that this Jamie yout
is the one that laid out the Turks.

Yeah, he did.

Minor, man.
The Turks let their guard down, innit?

He took advantage.

Listen, this Jamie yout,
he ain't fought a w*r before.

Yeah? I have.

I ain't f*ckin' lost one yet,
and I ain't gonna lose this one.

-The mandem got straps, cuz.
-Yeah, so?

-What you got?

If you don't have the firepower,
you're gonna get outgunned.



Princess, go back to bed.

Hey, these men were just asking
if we had firepower.

Wah gwaan, Sully.

-What you saying?
- Good.

Here's something for you.

- All right, then.
- You get what I was saying now?

- Mm-hmm.
- Cool.

Yo, why we waiting?

- Man, hold that down.
- Pass me that.


Go to Auntie Berna--

Who the f*ck are you?

Mmm, who de f*ck mi be?

Ay, where's Donovan, man?

Yu feel like seh yu coulda hide a man
from Sugar inna him own place?

Weh yu ago run otherwise?

Which part yu coulda run, pussyhole?

Where's Donovan?

Ay, yo, D! You cool--

Shit. Ay, no, lower it!

Ay, take the g*n away from his head, man!
What's wrong with you?

-Shut yu mouth, close yu eye now.
-f*ck you!

- Please don't k*ll mi.
- Ay, D.

- Please don't k*ll yu?
-Please, no--

-It's cool, it's cool, it's cool, bro.




f*ckin' hell!



