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02x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 10/01/23 10:43
by bunniefuu
First you k*ll my plants,
then you lose my dr*gs.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

I'm going to have to call
the police.

If you call the police,
Jim gets k*lled.

They have a witness. What witness?

The witness saw Kamale
enter Kayla's flat...

then you enter shortly
afterwards with two others.

Look, if you get frightened,
you call that number, yeah?

Someone nicked my food.
You know where it is?

I know who took it.

I reckon they're keeping
it in there.

Yeah, that means grabbing one
of them and making them talk.

I'm going to make them talk, trust
me. Yeah, I trust you, fam.

If this goes to plan, yeah, we're
going to split this shipment 50/50.

Run Summerhouse like we used to.

We made a good team.

What the f*ck happened
to the guarantee?

You said there weren't going
to be no comebacks on Mike,

then I turn around and he gets shot
right in front of my f*cking face.

Do you know what, I'm going after
Rafe, you're coming with me.

Bruv, I ain't going nowhere. What?!
I told you about Mike already.

Come on, man, that guy's probably
spent most of his life in prison.

What does that tell you about him?

What, that he's going to make paper
on the roads, or something?

What? You set this whole shit up?

Plotted it all out so Mike
gets k*lled?

When I went to see Rafe,

my main concern was to make
sure that you were safe.

Ah... Yeah? That there was no
comebacks on you. Mike's gone!

That was the price.
You know I could've dealt with Rafe.

So why'd you come to me?

I ain't going to lie to you, bruv,
I need you on my team.

We're not talking about a couple
of bags, here, fam.

We're talking about ten Ks.

We need to find a way into
that warehouse.

This is the one, bruv.

I ain't going to school.

Well, you can't just stay
in the house all day.

Ra'Nell, we talked about this.
This is about your education...

Shit! I told you I ain't going
nowhere! Vincent's out there!

Don't talk to me like that. EVER!

You don't know about the roads.
You ain't got a clue.

I said I ain't going out there.
I will sort this out.

You're just a woman, how are you
going to do that?

If my dad was here
he would sort it out.

Kayla's not our only problem, cuz.

This Vicky,
the DC in charge of the case...

she claims she's got another
witness. What?

Yeah, well, she's claiming she has.
Don't mean she does.

You need to make Kayla understand,
she needs to keep her mouth shut.

Yeah. Yeah, for real.

Morning, Kayla. Do you want a cuppa?

It's too open out here.

Well, you said not to come
in your office.

Yeah, I don't want you
anywhere near my office.

Look, I need you to go
see Kayla for me.

Tell her I know she's been a good
girl and that she ain't said nothing,

and that's what she should
keep doing, say nothing.

I'm not passing any message
from you to her.

That's completely illegal. I could
go to prison, do you understand?

If she keeps her mouth shut,
all this goes away, for everyone,

and we can go back to doing
what we were going to do.

Showing all those people
that said that we can't have
nothing, that they were wrong.

Ask yourself this, "Is it that bad?"

What - telling a girl to keep quiet?
What's so hard about that?


it's going to be OK, yeah?

Don't be late home. All right?

Hey! Why you no come see me? Huh?

That's £1.20.

I'm sorry, I was scared!

Yeah? Scared?

Look at my eye.

Look at my eye! You see fear?

No fear. Ever.

A man hit you, you s*ab him.

That man never hit you again.
Your father not teach you that?


Father's job teach
son to become man.

You keep safe. Very safe.
What is it?

That's not important.

And don't come near the shop.
You wait till I call you, OK?


You know it's Michael, bruv.
It has to be.

He's the one that called
you that night

and told you Kamale was in that
house down LF.

He saw us drive up,
he saw us go in, it's got to be him.

He's the witness.
Yeah, I heard you, fam.

We've got to deal with him.

The longer we have him running
around out here,

the more chance of him getting
in the box and giving evidence.

We can't let that happen.

Just tell Collins to keep
an eye on him, yeah?

A friend of mine recommended this
place, said he had a good time here.

There you are.

How'd you like to earn
some real money?


Where's the money?
I ain't got nothing.



f*cking little...

f*cking liar!

Come here, you f*ck!
Come here, you f*ck, come here!

f*cking... Get off!
f*cking get off him!

Or I'll smash your f*cking head!
Get off! I'll f*cking k*ll you!

I'll f*cking k*ll you!
Get off, you f*ck!

You are one of a number of known
associates of Kamale Lewis

who was interviewed shortly
after his disappearance

on 10th of March last year.

Do you remember being interviewed
on 22nd of March?

You were asked, "When was the last
time you saw Kamale?"

You answered, "I haven't seen
him in about six months."

You see that?

You see your signature?
Is that your signature?

I don't f*cking know, do I?

Now you can sit there
and keep on lying,

if that's what you want to do,
or you can start telling the truth

about what happened that night
and I will pass on to the CPS

that you've co-operated,
and they'll take that into account.


Kayla Thomas, I am charging you...
You're charging me?!

I am charging you with perverting
the course of justice.

I ain't done nothing. You know
I ain't done nothing,
you f*cking bitch!

In view of Miss Thomas'
previous convictions,

we will be opposing bail.
Is it, yeah?

I'd like an opportunity to speak
to my client in private. Of course.

This is totally wrong...

I ain't done nothing...

I'm the victim.

When Dushane and Sully came
in that night, yeah,

I thought I was going
to get k*lled and all.

They're going to take Elijah
away from me.

I can't lose my boy.

What if I give them names
of the ones that done it?

And they'd protect me,
yeah? Me and Elijah?

If you co-operate, the police would,
of course, have to protect you.

Dushane and Sully, yeah?

They're pure evil.

Yo? What?

What?! Oi, oi! Listen.

Oi, wait there, I'm coming.



What the f*ck do you...? Ahh!



I'm not going to tell you again.
Look after your f*cking boy!

You all right, Jase?

You see her?

They've charged Kayla. With what?

Perverting the course of justice.

Vicky Trovell said she'd
speak to the CPS if she co-operates.

I hope you told Kayla what I said.
It's too late to tell her anything.

Don't you get it?

She's a mother.
She has a little boy.

She'll do anything. She cannot
be separated from him.

They're going to come after you.

Well, they've already
tried that once.

What about the witness?

Look, they think they've got
a witness but they don't,

cos even if that person existed,

they'll not be around to go to
court. You get me?

This is freaking me out, I can't do
this. Listen, listen...

I'm only giving you the picture,
so you can give it to Kayla, yeah?

You know, I thought we were going
somewhere, together. We still are.

Are you living in some kind
of parallel universe?

No, I'm living right next to you.
You and me...

This can't work. It can work.

Tomorrow all this
will be over, yeah?

You and me, we can kick back and do
what we was doing. Tell me...



Yo, you and me need to talk.

Yeah, I think there's a way in
still. All right.

Meet me there in half an hour then.

That's fine.

Let me see your teeth.

Not want to see the food,
let me see your teeth!

That's enough, man.

Look, my mum... yeah...

all she ever cared about
was f*cking junk.

Don't exactly set you up for
life, a mum like that, does it?

You've got to overcome all that.

Trust me, Jase, you've got to make
something of your life,

even amongst all this shit.

Know what I'm saying?

Look, eat your food, I'll be back.

What you saying?

So, what's the deal
down at the warehouse?

There's a back way in, you know.
Can we get to it, yeah?

Mmm. When do you want to do it?

Tomorrow night.

What about now?

Bruv, I got to go deal with Kayla.
She's talking about co-operating.


Should've buried that bitch
that night with Kamale, you know.

Well, don't worry about that.
I'll deal with Kayla.

Then we go and visit these
Albanian brothers, yeah?

Yo, bruv, listen, yeah?

Apparently, Kayla's got a child.

Yeah. A little boy.

He should come and visit us,
you get me?

All right, fam, say no more.

We go and see your mummy,
yeah, Elijah?

We're going to go see your mummy.

Call the f*cking police, his mum
ain't going to see him again,

you understand what I'm saying to
you? Do you understand? Yeah.

Hey, Elijah. Don't forget your dog.


This cannot go on.
This cannot go on!

Is that what you want?

I want to talk to Dushane.


Don't even try that with me,
little girl, you heard what I said.

I said I want to talk to Dushane.

Dushane ain't here, innit.

Well, just tell him that Lisa Smith
wants to see him tonight, right?


All right.

Say, what do you want?

Check this old woman
looking for beef!

That's a pound.

Yeah, cheers.

Hi! This is for you.

Oh, no, I can't...

Please... it's free.

Thank you. That's kind.

You need to eat. You look thin.

I don't even know how to
bring this up...

Has Gem ever talked to you
about a Chinaman?

A Chinaman? Yeah, Vincent.
He owns the mini-market?


Look, I think you should talk to
Gem. What's he done?

I'm sorry, I hope you don't think
I'm interfering...

but I think he's in
some bad trouble with Vincent.

This boy's always in trouble.
What's wrong with him?

Look, if it was me,
I'd want to know.

I'm sorry, I have to take this.
Sorry, sorry.

You all right?

Come in.

You want a drink?

No, thank you.

It's a nice place.

Yeah, it's all right.

You can sit down, you know.

How can I help you?

I need to...

ask you for something.

All right. But I don't want to owe
you anything.

I want you to do it for me,
and then it's over

and nobody ever talks about it
again, it's forgotten. Done!

I think you do need a drink,
you know!

No, thank you.

Look, I... I can't agree to anything
if I don't know what it is, can I?

You know Vincent?

The Chinaman? Yeah, I know him.

He beat up Ra'Nell.

He beat him up bad and... he's after Ra'Nell
and his friend, Gem.

So, you want me
to sort out the Chinaman, then?

Not "sort"

I want you to talk to him.

All right, you want me
to talk to the Chinaman?

I can do that.

I'll have a word with him
and trust me, after I speak to him,

he won't go near Ra'Nell again,
all right?

I better leave... All right.


There's still more left.
Why don't you help me finish it?

I have to go.

All right, it's time for bed now,
Erin. No.

Don't you ever do what you're told?

Why is Erin still up?

Go to bed!

Who's that?

Don't matter.

He can stay in Erin's room. Cool.




Yo. It's done, man.




Hey, Gemel?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!


Hey, hey, Gemel! Gemel!

Hey. Come on.

Wake up. Hey, come on.

That's it. That's it.

That's it.


Who gave you this?

Gemel? The Chinaman?

This problem,
it's going to be sorted out.


It's going to get sorted.

That's all you need to know.

And we're going to get back
to normal.

Hey! Hey, Michael!

Come, man!

What you saying, cuz?

You all right, yeah?

Just got the flu, innit?

You know you need some rum, fam.
Trust me, innit.

You ever tried rum before?


How old are you?


Ah, that's way too young, fam.

It would be irresponsible if I gave
you rum, fam.

You'd be waved, you'd be all over
the place, staggering,

chatting bare sorts of stupids.

Nah, not me.

Trust me, cuz, that's what happens
when you drink too much, fam.

Trust me, innit?
You get waved, bruv.

You wake up the next morning,
and think,

what did I say last night?"

Start regretting it, and that,
but it's too late, bruv,

it's done, innit.
What you said, you said.

Anyway, I need my best soldier
ready for today, you get me?

So what you saying,
you got this flu thing, or what?

No, man, I'm cool.

Yeah, that's good, cos Ben needs
some food. Remember where Ben lives?

The big house with all the books,

Mmm, that's the one.

Yeah, you're going to roll with
Collins today, anyway, yeah?

Later on, you grab the food,
you take it over to Ben,

and collect the right money. Simple.

All right, cool. How much?



Cool? Say no more. Bless.

There's something
you need to tell Kayla.

I've said everything I've got
to say about that.

I'm an officer of the court.
I'm not in this with you.

I'm not your co-conspirator.

That's Elijah, Kayla's kid.
We've got him.

Oh, my God.

Don't worry about it. He's all
right, he's fine. He's safe.

What have you done?

As long as Kayla keeps her mouth
shut, Elijah goes home.

All you got to do is help her make
the right decision, yeah?

Call me when you talk to her.

Oi, Ra'Nell! Ra'Nell!

My dad says we're going today,

Going where?

Ramsgate, bruv, I told you.


Yeah, man.


You can come on your holiday.
It's got a beach.

Is it?

Well, I don't know
if it's got a proper beach,

but it's definitely by the sea.

You can come visit me.

Yeah, all right.

Got to go, man.

All right, bruv,
just came to say goodbye, innit.

Holler me, yeah?

Safe, bruv.

Yo, bruv!

What do you want?

You're Vincent, yeah? I heard
you like to beat up kids, fam.

They lose my dr*gs. Old enough to
deal, old enough to deal with it.

You don't know what you're
talking about.

What do you mean, I don't f*cking
know what I'm talking about?

Shut up! You put your hand on
Ra'Nell Smith again...

Hey, hey! You Vincent?

Why does everyone want to know
my name?

You leave my son alone!
You understand me?!

You leave my son,
or I'll cut your f*cking head off!

f*cking madman!

I'll cut your f*cking hands off!

Help! Help!

Help me! Help me!

Someone help me!

I thought about everything.

I'm going to co-operate.

There's something you should know.

Cool, fam. Put it away.

Let's go and pick up Sully.

My client knows nothing about the
offences which you put to her.

She'll be making no further comment.

It's going to be OK.

Shut up!

Don't even talk to me,
you f*cking bitch.

Say, what do you want?


Hey, when are we going to Ben's

Chill, man.

We got to go to Dushane's first.


Four bills there, fam.

Cool, there's the keys.

Bless, fam.

Straight? Straight.


Cool. Cool?

Hear what I'm saying.

This is my boy, Shaheed.
Stand up, bruv, yeah.

Yeah, man, good to see you.

You ready?

Born ready.


Well, how did it go?

All right, I'm coming there now.

What does Ben want?


Ben. The guy we're meant to be
delivering the food to.

I don't know.

What shall I bring him?

Bruv, I don't know, man.

Why don't you call Dushane and ask?

Bruv, he texted me,
he told us to wait here at his yard.

What, he's coming back here?

Chill, man, what's with all
the f*cking questions?

Doors closing.

Kayla refused to co-operate.

She is a good girl.

Just tell me Elijah's safe, please.
Promise me that.

He's safe. He'll be home later.

The Feds say anything
about forensics?

No, they didn't find anything.

All right, no Kayla,
no forensics, no nothing.

You still got your witness.

No, don't worry about that.
You did good, though.

You're going to need to find
a new solicitor.

Why? I ain't changing.

I've got "Now move on".
She's the best there is, innit?

And like I said,
everything's gone away now.

You kidnap a child.
You coerce me into...

It's all gone away?

Are you going to let this f*ck up
your whole end plan, yeah?

You told me I need to move on
and step up.

Now I'm telling you,
you need to do the same thing.

And I'm the way you can do that.

Rhianna, everyone sometimes in
their life has to do something wrong

to get the right result.

It ain't nice, but you got to do
what you got to do, innit?


You and me? We're not the same.

Babe, come on...

Don't touch me!

The Kamale thing has gone away.


Thank f*ck for that.

Well, that's good news, no?

Yeah. Yeah, man.

Oi! Yo!

Don't f*cking move. Don't move!
Don't f*cking move!

Move and I'll f*cking blow
your head off!

Hey, hey, listen!
You know what we come for, innit?

Where is it? Where is it?

Where is it? Where is it?!

Where the f*ck is it?

Yo! How many you saying?

We're good!

Pussies! Let's go!

Get in, get in!

We all good?

Mmm... all good, fam, all good.

Nice. Yeah, spike me, nice.

Oh, my God, come here!

Didn't even have to bury
anyone this time.

Told ya!

Unbeatable, fam.

So, what you saying?

Ain't going to run Summerhouse
together again, yeah?

Look, that stunt you pulled
with Mike...

..just can't forgive that.

So that's it then?

Later. See you, babe.

You all right?

Come on, let's go.


You packed your things? Yeah. Good.

Train is in 20 minutes.

And that ends that, OK?

Check that, fam.

Helping you feed your peoples.

You better make sure
this keeps the peace.

You know Sully's setting up
in Hoxton, innit?

Yeah, so what? It's his business.

Fam, it'll be your business
too soon, you know.

Sully don't like
no competition, fam.

You got your food. Move on!

What about Michael?
Want me to do it?

I know you like the youth, man.

Don't worry about that,
I'll deal with it.

It's got to be done.

This game is shit, man.

What you go and chuck it
on the floor for? What?

It's Dushane's.

Shut up!

Relax, man.


