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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 10/01/23 10:34
by bunniefuu

Yo, bruv.

How much you got, then?

Yeah, sweet.



They can't even get to the top!


(Oh, come on.)




'Yo, where are you?'

Oh, yeah, man. Come. Come! f*ck!


The f*ck you doin' here, cuz?

Hold up, man. Shut your mouth!

Say somethin'.



f*ck, man!

What happened?!

They took everything, bruv. What?!

Kamale and them took everything.

The f*ck you talking about?

They had a g*n to may face, bruv.

All gone. Everything?

Every f*cking thing.

So f*cking what? Yo.

Wha gwan?

He was with all of them. I couldn't
do nothing by myself, bruv.

This is some joke thing, right?


You going to get out of bed today?

What are you doing?!
It's too bright!

You should try and eat something.

You need a new colour in here, Mum.

It's making you depressed.

I'm going to paint it for you.


Ra'Nell, it's Gem!

Kamale come in and took the food.

That's not my problem.

I got to tell Bobby that you let
Kamale come and take his food away.

Hold on, Lee, we done
warned you about Kamale

and them London Fields, man.

Dushane, you're not listening.
You owe Bobby three grand.

How can we owe three grand

when you're the one supposedly
runnin' Summerhouse, bruv?

Who the f*ck are you talking to?

Hey, listen. Come on, man.
We're going to get your money.


A week.

You'll keep Bobby Raikes waiting
a week for his paper? Good luck.

So why don't you cover us, then?

I'm not pickin' up
your f*cking debts, you prick.

Go on, f*ck off. I'm eating.
f*ck off.

I'm sick of that fat f*ck,
you know.

I'm telling you now,

we ain't getting nowhere
with this guy on top of us.

We need to go
and talk to Raikes direct.

Bro, we can't talk to Raikes direct,

if we ain't got that paper for him.

I know you can help, man,
with this fact.



A lot of the boys
don't do cards no more.

Some of them even had to get jobs.

It's that Chip and PIN, man -
it's made it hard for all of us.

Even the Postman.

Used to be you could
get a postman easy,

but now they're all scared -
they check up on them now.

What you saying?
I might need this real quick, bruv.

I'll talk to my postman.

Why don't you do that, then?


That didn't sound too positive.

He'll come through.

f*cking hope so, mate.


You want that bit?
Want me to weigh that for you?

Nice piece of yam that is, darling.

Here, let me weigh it for you.


Want anything else? ?7.30.

Here, take it, darling.

Take it.

Pay me next time, yeah?

(Stop it.)

(Stop looking at me.)

(I don't want no-one looking at me.)

Stop it!

Don't look at me!


You OK? Can I help you?

Oh, my gosh!

'Do you have a history
of mental illness, Lisa?'

OK, we think the best thing
would be for you to come in.

Is there anyone at home?

Do you have you any children?


Because obviously, if you did,
we'd need to see about their care.

I ain't got no children.


It's Precious again, man.

You're a liar!

Why would I lie?

Hey, Dushane, wha gwan
for my man, Ra'Nell?

Who is he?

Shanked up his dad last year.

What, that's Wayne Smith's kid?

Yeah, cuz.

You know who I am, innit.

Everybody knows you, Dushane.

Come here.

I want to ask you something.

Ain't it about time
you started rolling with us?

I can't do that.
My mum wouldn't like it.

Look, hold that.

What's wrong with you?

You don't want the money?

All right, all right.

You know what? It's cool. Cool.

Listen. Anyone bullying you

or disrespecting you,
you let me know, yeah?

I'll sort that out for you.

Smart yout'.

Bruv, what's wrong with you?

If someone offers you money,
take it.

Especially when it's
someone like Dushane.

That's you, not me, innit.


Mum. Mum...


I don't smell no jerk chicken,

She's not even here, bruv.


You all right?

You want to go down the chippie
and get something to eat?

Nah, man. I'll wait for my mum.

You go, innit.

Nah, it's cool, I'll wait with you.


Gem, wake up.

Gem, you should go home.

See you in the morning.

See you in the morning.


Hello, Mum, it's me. Where are you?

When are you coming home?

Yo, bruva.

It's a good address. Swiss Cottage.
?5,000 on there.

Pin, code ten, everything.

But you have something for me, yeah?

I will have. What?

Give me three days, I'll get it.

Are you trying to boy me off?
I already paid my postman.

What the f*ck's your problem,
blood? You ain't takin' no risks.

It's man that's puttin' in
the work out here.

I want my money, Dushane.

It's free money, man. Chill out.

f*cking ponce.

All right, Kerry?

Hiya. I'm fine, how are you?

Anything new for today?

No, it's all exactly the same
as yesterday.



Lisa, it's Leon.

When did you come in here, Lise?

Lisa, how long you been in here?

Someone lookin' after Ra'Nell?

What you doin', man?

We're going to need brushes, innit.

You know what,
I can't even afford this.

Shit, they're taking the piss.

Ra'Nell? Hello, Ra'Nell.

Oh, you all right, Heather?

All right? What ya doing?

Painting my mum's room.

What colour?

Loyal wheat.

That's nice.

Are you pregnant or just fat?

Hey, shut up, man.

Seven months, only two to go.

Have you done the scan?

Listen to you talking
about scans and stuff.

Why do you need all them lights?

I'm doing up a flat and there's not
much natural light in there.

Be well bright with all of them.

Yeah. I'm guessing it will be.

You boys got five minutes?


Come on, you can help me
with this stuff to the car.

Here, take that.

Nah, you're all right.

Thank you.

Man, what ya doin'?

Oh, he's all right. You deserve it.

Thank you, boys.

Say hello to your mum for me.

Yeah, I will.

She's a milf.

Shut up, man.

What, so you're telling me


Flat this big, you get a very good
crop. Very good crop.

Don't worry. You don't have
to do nothing.

I take care of everything.


You're a friend of my dad's.

I was, I ain't seen Wayne
in a long time.

How do I know you're not lying?

You don't, you're just going
to have to trust me.

I'm here about your mum.

What about my mum?

She's OK, but she's in hospital.

What do you mean she's in hospital?

Don't worry, she's not sick.

She'll be all right.

I brought you some jerk chicken.

You better save me some, y'know!

I'm guessing you don't want
to stay with your dad?

No. I don't even know
where the f*ck he is.

Thing is, if you ain't got
no-one to stay with,

no family or nothin',
they're going to put you into care.

That's why your mum never told
the doctors about you.

I'm not going into care,
I can look after myself.

But she might not be back
for a while.

I said I ain't going into care!

OK. This is what we're going to do.

You're going to stay here.

But under my terms, yeah?

Right, you go to school every day.

You keep yourself and this place
clean for your mum.

No hanging out on the estate and you
go to your bed at night - early.

That's the deal.

Now, can you cook?

I can bring you some stuff
you can heat up.

When do I get to visit her?

That's going to be tricky,
cos if the doctors see you,

they put two and two together and...

I'll see what I can do.

If I write a note,
would you give it to her?

Yeah, course.

Now eat up.




What the f*ck's he doing here?

Who's that, Lee?

Soldier outta Summerhouse.

Is he the one
that lost our bit of grub?

Yeah, that's the c**t.

You've got f*cking cheek.
What ya doin'?

Came to give Bobby his paper.

I want to give it to him personally.

Give me the f*cking paper, mate.
Go on, go on, gimme.

f*ck you, you c**t.

Sit down.

What's your name, kid?



It don't want to be shy.

It's all there, man.

You got two minutes.

Let me ask you a question, yeah?

Feds know people are buying
and selling in Hackney.

Now, as long as we don't make no
noise, they don't really care.

It's part of the fabric
of life, innit?

Fabric of life? Look, this is all
very interesting but...

Let me run Summerhouse.

That position's filled,
you know that.

I ain't dubbing Lee or nothin',
but you think Kamale

and them London Fields boys can come in to
Summerhouse if Lee is doing his job right?

But that don't change what happened,
man, and it shouldn't have happened.

So what do you want from me?

Eight ounces of brown, to start.


I can move that easy.

So you want to do business
with me, yeah?

That's right.


I want a life.

But you're breathing, ain't you?

I want a good life. I was born
and bred in Summerhouse.

I'm 26 years old.

I got nothing else to be,
'cept this.

I was born in Summerhouse.

We going to do business or what?

'Light, very important.'

Always keep this distance from here.

What about the water?

Water is here. Pump is always on.

You like gardening?

I love gardening but it's not like
growing tomatoes.

Same, same but different.

You don't go to prison
for growing tomatoes!

Most important thing not to go
to prison is smell.


Smell from plant very strong.

Extractor take away the smell.

How long does it take
to grow a crop?

13 weeks. When you grow,
you must always have shiny leaf.

Dark green. Pale, no good.
Yellow, no good.

Means you not feed it right.

Every day, you check the pH water.

Temperature. Make sure pump is
always working. Shiny, shiny leaf.

You want, I buy your crop off you.

What you going to give me for it?

I give you good price.

What price?

Good price.

No, Vincent, I need the exact price.

What's goin' on?

What's happenin'? All right?

What's this?

There's a name in there.

It's got to be this one,
the right one.

Y'all right, girl? What ya saying?

Ra'Nell put some
clothes together for you.

He asked me to give you this.

He's a good kid, ya know.

He's got some fire in his belly.

He's all right.

Listen, Lis.

And that's all right for now.

But I've seen too many people
stay doped up on these things,

and that ain't no way
to get better, trust me.

So, when you're feeling up to it,

I want you to come to
the gym and train.

It'll do you good,
and don't worry about Ra'Nell.

I'll look after him.

It'll be all right.

If your mum doesn't come home
tonight, you going to tell someone?

I don't need to,
I already know where she is.


Come on, tell me.

They put her in a mental hospital.


When is she coming home?

I don't know.


She'll be all right though, yeah?

Yeah, hopefully.
Can't even visit her.

If they found out about me,
they'd put me in care.

So don't be telling no one, bro.

I won't.


'Keep your head still, bro.'

I'm talking.

How am I supposed to talk
if I can't move my head?

I can talk without moving my head,
watch me.

Did you see my head move?

That's cos you're talking shit,

My head moves when I talk cos
I talk important shit.

To f*ck up my hair.

You're done.

Nah, nah, I'm not done, Fam, look.

Are you Rossie?

Who's asking?

Come on, man.

What's wrong with you? Hurry up.

f*cking open it!

Keep still, man.

f*ckin' hold him down.


It's the wrong finger.

Bruv, they ain't gonna know
the f*cking difference.

Of course they'll know the f*ckin'
difference, bruv, look.

They look the same to me.

I'm telling you, you need
to get the right finger.

You saying I need to cut
the other finger off now?

Attention to detail, innit?

Come on.

You're sick.

Come on.

My sister's kid, 17 years old,
got a glass eye,

all because this got
poked in his face.

Now a situation has become vacant.

My mate here, Lee, he's moving up.


So that means that you two and me
are going to do business together,

but we're going to do business
exactly how I say.

Because what this is,
is a special relationship.

I'm trusting you with my food.

You can trust us.

I know that I can trust you.

Because I know who your family are.

Give 'em the parcel.

Bring me the paper in a week.

What about Kamale?

What about him?
You're running Summerhouse now.

Whatever you feel to do, fine by me.

What you saying, cuz?

Nah chill man, jam.

I came to tell you we're running
Summerhouse now.

All them stunts you pulled before,
coming in and taking man's food,

can't happen again, understand?

What about Lee Greene?

Don't worry about Lee Greene,
he's moved on.

What ya doing, man?!

Stay the f*ck out of Summerhouse,
ya listening?

You know me, I don't
come nowhere to talk, blud.

Anyway, I saw his face.
He weren't even listenin' to you.

You know what you started now, innit?

He already started it.


Listen, we've got this place in
Finchley, all set up, ready to go.

Going country, that's full on,
that's 24/7.

You sure you can handle
that sort of pressure?

They know what they have to do.

How much do you want?

Box of each.

That's a lot of money.

You better know what you're doing.


Come here, let me
talk to you quick.

See, Dris, Chantelle.

They're all making mad paper,
you know.

Even little Michael, ten years old.

Making his money.

What are you lot saying?
Want to make paper?

Yeah, I do.

What about you, Ra'Nell?

Look, bruv, I know your mum's
in the Hackney nuthouse.

I didn't say nothing, I swear.

Don't worry, bruv, this is
Summerhouse, word gets around.

Look, I know how it
is with family and that.

I know your dad ain't around,
but we are.

It's you that has to step
up for her like a man, ya know.

Take care of her and all that.

Listen, we're your family now.

Think of all these lot
as your cousins, you get me?

We'll look out for you, Fam,
don't worry.

I'm going to pick you lot up, innit.


When you see me,
that's when it is.

f*cking hell man, when?

Just be ready.

Bruv, we're going to be rich.

You know how gay you look?

Shut the f*ck up.
You know how f*cking skinny you look?


You think I'm joking?

I got a knife. I don't have
to do none of this gay shit.

What ya saying, Shane?

Hey, what ya saying, man?

I need to ask you a favour.

What is it?

I'd appreciate it if you

His mum's a good friend of mine.

So what, bruv?

Still got nothing to do with you.
Like this is our thing.

If we want to talk to someone,
we're going to talk to them.

I'm looking after him
while his mum's in hospital.

I promised I'd keep him
out of trouble.

Didn't you just hear what he said?

Think about it, yeah?

Plenty other kids out there, man.

What are you thinking about?

Who the f*ck does he think he is?

You know what?

Leave Ra'Nell out this time, yeah?

What, cos of him?

It's more trouble than it's worth.

f*ck him.


Yo, get up, jump on this bar.

We're done.

Got shit to do.

Come on, man.


You good?

Get in the car, man.

I need to get my dog.

You wanna make money or you wanna
take your dog for a walk?

What you talkin' about?

You ain't comin'.

But Dushane said I should.

Dushane nothing. You got a problem?
Talk to Leon, yeah?


Stop making so much
f*cking noise, man.


Only joking, man.
f*cking hell, don't you talk?

Oi, tell him I'm only joking.

Gem, you ever been country before?

I went once
to Hampshire with my nan.

He though we're going to country
with nan, or something.

He did not just say that.

Nah, nah, nah. That's not the kind of
country he's talking about.

Listen, Gem. There's a
whole 'nother country.

It's not that place you
been before. Trust me.

He's talking about his f*ckin' nan.

You OK?



Burst his brain, blud.

This is shit, man.
You can't even f*cking play.

Thing's hard, bro.
You get sore thumbs!


You lot listen, yeah.

This is Robert, my best fiend.

Hey, wake up, man. What's wrong
with you? Gazin' on the game, man.

In't that right, Robert?


Yeah? Go sit over there or
summat, man.

f*ck, man.

Make sure you bring
my lighter back, as well.

Nice to meet you, fam.
f*ck, say summat.

This place is dirty.

We got that, fam.

Oi, listen. Man's gonna blitz
this place quick, get me.

In an out, yeah,
before the feds even know man's here.

What you sayin', fam?
Yo, come here, let me talk to you.

Come, Rob, get up, man.

Or go in the other room, man.
What's wrong with you?

Now, it's a simple ting, bruv.
All you got to remember

is make sure you bring back
the right money every time.

You understand? All right,
otherwise it's gonna get political.

I don't care if it's even
like ?5 - it don't matter.

You get me? It's the principal.

All right, that ?5 there
represents respect, yeah?

Anyone fucks up, it reflects
one everyone, you understand?

All right,
go and do your ting, man. Go on.

Come and get this crack in.
f*ck all this game shit, man.

But I just don't get it.

Look, all you have to do, yeah,
is practise with your tongue, innit.

Get it all agile, look see.
Drop to the back like this.

Under your tongue like this.

Can you see?

Does it look like
I'm holding anything?

See, because I've got
five on this side,

got seven on this side here.

Cos it's all the way back there.

See that? Right, look.

Go on, try it.

At the back, under your tongue.

Way back.

That's it, yeah. Go on.
Way down at the back.

Shit, what the...?

Bruv, don't swallow it, bro!

Couple of score bags, star.

Oi, what's this street called?

Just in case I get lost.

Andrew's Road, blud.


Here you go,
I've done your laundry for you.

What did you say to Dushane
and dem? You had no right.

What was the deal? You can stay here
as long as you behave yourself.

You're a hypocrite. You were
on the road with my dad, right?

You were in jail with him,
for f*ck's sake.

I see you talkin' to Dushane
or Sully or any of them,

I'm calling social services and I'm
telling them you're here on your own.

What? You'd hurt my mum like that?

Don't you think it hurts her more
you hanging with them?


God, no.


What do you need, bruv?

Oh, just two on one,
can I have some?

Those OK?


Enjoy yourself.

Bruv, k*ll him. k*ll him, otherwise
come off the game, seriously.



Yeah, fam, what... what
was you looking?

All right, just wait
at the same place, yeah?


Three on two.


Yo, fam, come on, man.

Three on two for me now, yeah?
Same place, yeah?



Whatdya want?

'Six on two.'

Aight, cool. Where you at?

'I'm outside.'

The f*ck, what you doin'
outside bruv? Yo!

What the f*ck they doin'
coming to the house?

I don't know.

They're outside, bro.

Go and sort them out.

Tell them to f*cking
never come back again.

Bruv don't f*ckin' come back
to the house, you hear me, yeah?

You never f*cking listen, how
many times I gotta tell you this?

Oi, you idiot!

Don't f*ckin' come round our house
again for I smack you up, bruv.

Now where's my money?

Open the f*ckin' gate.


Hurry up. Open the gate.
Open the gate.

Hurry up. Hurry up.


Oi, p*ssy!


What, what? Yo, come through!

Get the food, man.
Oi, get the f*ckin' food.

I need to whip you
like a f*ckin' bitch.

Get the food.

f*ck, where's the f*ckin' money,

Where's the money, B?

Where's the f*cking money?

Pick up the money, blud.

f*ckin' pay with money, brother.



I ain't gotta do that.

Bobby Raikes is gonna do that.

Both of you.

I'll see you later.


Let's go.

Pussies. p*ssy!


What you doin' here?

You know we're f*cked now, innit?

You've been robbed twice.
Making it a habit?

Gonna get your money back,
all right?

You've got three days.

We can't tell no-one.

Especially not your mum.

I could go prison for this.

Go smarten yourself up.

Got a surprise for you.

We've got a snake, bruv.

Gem ain't no snake.


We mark Sean, that they mark Chris,
sends man a message.