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01x06 - The Winter King

Posted: 10/01/23 07:56
by bunniefuu



[ Screams ]

[ Knock on door ]
Gary Prince: Fionna?

Fionna, why aren't
you texting me back?

You're supposed to
help me shop today.

[ Door creaks ]

Oh, my God!

[ Dramatic music plays ]

She's been robbed!

Nah. Aah!

This is just the way she lives.

Who are you?!

Who are you?


[ Wind howling ]

[ Scarab growls ]

[ Panting ] Whoa!


[ All gasp ] Come here!

[ Laughs ] Worry not, friends.

You're safe now.


The rascal is frozen inside
my inescapable magic ice.

Ha ha!


You. Blue blazes!

You're a Simon.

In this world, I'm known
as the Winter King.

[ Shimmering ]

[ Creak! ]

Yoink. Whoa! Whoa!

Aah! Cake: Okay, let's go!

[ Cake screeches ]

[ Grumbles ]

Cake didn't mean any harm.

A cat named cake?
Ha ha! Outrageous!

And what is your
name, fair lady?

I'm Fionna.


Uh, the reason we need this
crown is to transform Simon.

Our world depends on
him becoming cursed

and magical again.

Is this true, fellow Petrikov?

Yeah. I need to
get my powers back.

I understand your plight.

While you can't take my crown,
I believe I can find a solution.

This is going to sound nuts,

but I think I've been
dreaming about you.

Ha ha! I wouldn't
be at all surprised.

I'm radical.

[ Giggles ]

Simon: This is
your throne room?

Do you like it?

It's encased entirely in a
beautiful dome of clear ice.

[ Shuddering ]
Yeah, I can tell.

[ Shudders ] Ice Scouts!

Some hot chocolate?

Yes, your grace.
Yes, your grace.

Ooh! Ooh!

Lemme ask you something.

Is it about the chocolate?

How are you so... functional

if you're just
another cursed Simon?

How have you done all this?

Oh, dear sweet Simon.

Allow me to share that wisdom.

If I may.

[ Slurps ]


♪ I was once just like you ♪

♪ Didn't know what to do ♪

♪ Had all those bad
feelings and schemes ♪

♪ My poor heart in a chill ♪

♪ Till through sheer
force of will ♪

♪ I was able to
fashion my dreams ♪

♪ And build this
winter wonder world ♪

♪ Full of pine-scented
trees and a fine menagerie ♪

♪ We can skate on the ice ♪

♪ In a frozen winter paradise ♪

♪ Under icicles that gleam ♪

♪ And a snowball fight
for you and for me ♪

[ Laughs ]

But how did you do it?

It's so hard to resist
the crown's power

and do something
really wonderful.

Hard? [ Laughs ]

Come, now. Making
something wonderful is as

easy as manifesting
your own reality.

♪ And I conquered the crown ♪

♪ Nigh a hundred
years ago, by now ♪

♪ Despite the impossibility ♪

♪ And perhaps, yes, perhaps ♪

♪ I can show you how ♪

♪ But for now ♪

♪ Let us go ♪

♪ To and fro ♪

♪ On a sleigh ride in the snow ♪

♪ Making fond
rosy-cheeked memories ♪

♪ See the soft
snowflakes swirl ♪

♪ In my winter wonder world ♪

♪ In my winter

wonder world ♪


Kiss each other!

Don't think it hasn't
occurred to me.

Once I've made you a
duplicate magic crown,

Fionna-world will be
restored to its former state.

Uh... Wait.

If you tinker with
the original curse,

will I still be able to
fight in the new version?

I got stomped in the last world.


[ Triumphant music plays ]

Wait. I can have this?

Ice Scouts, attack!


[ Clanging ]

Ha ha! Ice Scouts, un-attack!



Cake the cat, since
I'm giving out gifts,

is there anything you desire?

You can charge this phone.

[ Laughs ]

[ Whoosh, beep ]

Whoa! It's at %!

We even have bars now.

Yes! Ha ha! I make
everything better!

Man, I suck.

[Cellphone chimes] It's Gary.

"Hey, where did you go?
Seriously, where are you?

Are you dead? Ha ha.

Fionna, you're supposed
to help me shop today.

Aah! A random man took a
shower in your apartment.

Are you okay?"

I'm starting to freak now.

Okay, just chill out.

Fionna does random,
flighty stuff all the time.

She's probably okay.
[ Cellphone chimes ]

"I'm ok!"

[ Sighs ]

Okay, but that doesn't
let you off the hook.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

"And the random dude is
probably Marshall Lee."

See? I was right.

I'm so glad she's okay.

But I can't believe she's
flaking out on me again!

[ Grunts ]

Where you goin'?

I need to run a ton of
errands and work on my baking.

Did you make those
little biscuit guys

Fionna was carrying around?

Yo, those were
hella good. Thanks.

Is there food where
you're heading?

Uh, yeah, probably. Cool.

I'm starving. Um...

Have you heard of
this place called Joy?

Bring me back something.


Simon: Uh, are you sure
it's not too much trouble?

You just relax, Simon.

It will take just one week

to make a duplicate
crown in my laboratory.

A week?! Psst! Don't be rude.

In the meantime, please
feel free to partake

in the pleasures of
the Winter Kingdom.

Fionna, let's check
that place out.

Cake: It looks gnarly as hell.

No, no.

That place is forbidden.

I mean, it can be
dangerous out there.

Would you help me
in the laboratory?

Ice Scouts: Fionna! Fionna!

Come and join us in
our training session!

I'll be right down. Stay
here so you don't get lost.

Lost? Pssh!

We wouldn't be going on
any of these adventures

if I hadn't gotten "lost."

[ Bass playing ]

Cat. Aah!

Get out of my head!

Wait. Can you hurt
me from in there?

You two are
abominations, a disease.

I'll break free of this prison,

and once free, I will
rain down upon...

Marshall Lee: This doesn't
seem like your part of town.

Are you kidding? This is
where the good stuff is!

[ Beeping ]



Hey. I'm here to
pick up my order.

This place has the
absolute best cocoa powder.

It's so rich, you can't try
even a grain of it unadulterated

without going mad!

Try it.

Whew! This must be why your
biscuits boys are so special.

I call them, uh, pastrymenschen.

I've been working on the
prototypes for a long time.

I have a -step business plan,

and getting the
recipe right is key.

Hey, all I want is more
of these pastry people.

What's it gonna take
to make that happen?

Well, I need my own bakery,
where I can make what I want,

so that means cash, mostly.

There's a couple of investors
in town I really want to meet.

They're called the Lemoncarbs.

They're these rich twins
behind a food empire.

One meeting with them
could change my life.

Oh, yeah, I think I heard my
mom talking about them before

or something.

I-I'm sorry. I'm
probably boring you.

No, no. I-I think it's cool.

I mean, you're
just so passionate.

It's just...
impressive... to me.

Thank you.

Thank you again for the suit.
Nonsense. You looked ugly.

Oh, my!

[ Whistles ]


Commence duplication. [ Zaps ]

I have so many questions.

Is there a Betty in this world?

Betty? Betty...

[ Clicks tongue ]

[ Laughs ] The dead one!

Yeah, I haven't thought
about her in a long time.

But how could you say that?

She was the great
love of our life.

Hmm. Well, that's not
how I remember it.

Well, once you get
this new crown,

you can always use it
to make an Ice Betty.

Ha ha! I'm just kidding.

Uh, that would be unethical.

[ Alarm blaring ]

Invasion! Invasion!


Is someone cooking
maple syrup in here?

'Cause I smell somethin' saucy!

[ Laughs maniacally ]

Princess Bubblegum?

No. It's the Candy Queen.

Sworn enemy of
the Winter Kingdom

and a terrible nuisance
to me, personally.

Baby, baby, why you
gotta be like that?

Begone, vile candy
witch! [ Straining ]


Oh, right. The crown.

[ Straining ] Gives up.

Bubblegum, stop!

What? I'm seeing double.

And I love it!

[ Candy Queen laughing ]

Winter King: Assistance!

She's got Simon!

It's cool. This
happens all the time.

If you come along, Fionna,

and aid us with your
magical sword...

We can rescue them both!

Action stuff.

[ Laughs ] Whoo-hoo!




[ Slurps ] So, where to next?

[ Keys jingle, lock engages ]

Let's go!


Wait. You're stealing
kitchen time?

That's kind of punk.

Ha! Maybe I am kinda punk.

You coming?

I'll be there in a sec.

[ Beeping ]

Hey, it's me.

[ Panting ]

[ Laughs maniacally ]

[ All grumbling ]

[ Crash ]


♪ We're back ho-ome! ♪

[ Both groan ]

[ Straining ]


Aah! [ Screams ]

[ Grunts ] Let us out!

No requests. I
only do originals.

No need to worry.

This maniac has kidnapped
me lots of times.

She thinks we belong together.

But why?


♪ You can't make ice cream
without mixing cream and ice ♪

♪ You can't make gingersnaps
without mixing sugar and spice ♪

♪ You can't make cinnamon rolls
without kneading the dough ♪

♪ And I can't let you go ♪

♪ 'Cause I need you so ♪

♪ And so I'm gonna put you
into a blender with me ♪

♪ Set the oven to degrees ♪

♪ And together forever
we will always be ♪

♪ Baked with love ♪

♪ Baked with love ♪ ♪ Baked
with love ♪ ♪ Baked with love ♪

♪ Like the cold and the warm ♪

♪ When they join,
makes a storm ♪

♪ Just like cake needs to rise ♪

♪ If you look in my eyes ♪

♪ You'll see the
recipe is true ♪

♪ The key ingredient is you ♪

And you.

That's actually a nice metaphor.

Not a metaphor.


So, this happens a lot?

Not this part. This
is an escalation.

[ Groans ]

Gary Prince: And... yes!


Holy crap! This is sublime.


I think you're ready to show
your goods to some investors,

like those Lemoncarbs.

What?! Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

These still need work.

I would just die of
embarrassment if I had

to show this version
to the Lemoncarbs.

Yeah. Um, I'll be...
I'll be right back.

Hurry up! Get back!

[ Indistinct shouting
] Everything okay?

Uh... surprise!

"Buttery... Buns?"

This is the address she gave us.

Open the door!

[ Gasps ]

[ All grumbling ]

For the king!

[ All shouting ]

Fionna: Nice!

Ice Scout: Fionna! Incoming!

This is the feeling
I've been chasing!

Hyah! This is
what was missing!

[ Laughs ] Hyah!


[ Humming ]

Ice scouts!

This would be a good time to
show up at the last second!

She deserves our help.

I know there's a brilliant
person in there...

trying to get out.

Oh, we don't need to fix her.
We just need to be rescued.

Winter King: Ice scouts! Help!

[ Click, whirring ]

[ Crack ]

Hi, Lemoncarbs.

My name is Gary Prince,
and I'd like you to meet...

the pastrymenschen.

Hmm! Hmm!

Mm! Mm!

[ Chomping ]

Eh. It tastes nice, but...

I hate their
little faces! Meh!

No, see, that's part of it.

All of the baked
goods are characters,

and the bakery is
like their kingdom.

[ Groans ]

For instance, if you
buy the "choco-berry,"

you get a discount
on Mr. Cupcake

because they're married.

It's food with a story.

Here, we have Cinnamon Bun.

He's got the biggest
heart of all.


But you better watch
your pocket change

when the scampish
Marshmallow Kids are around.

I've created an array of friends

that will change
and grow over time.

You won't believe your eyes.

So, what do you think?

[ Chairs screech ]

We hate it!

[ Tires squeal ]

[ Groans ] Ohhhh!

Hyah! Hyah!

Winter King:
Help! Simon: Help!

Simon: Fionna! Cake!

She's going to make
us into batter!

Hi! Bunny girl!


[ Growls ] [ Squeals ]

Aaaah! [ Splat ]


Candy Queen!

Unh-unh. Not your business.

[ Groans ] Fionna, stop!

There's something
wrong with her brain,

but it can be fixed!

[ Grunts ] No, it
can't! Knock her out!

Yes, my King! Hyah!



[ Both straining ]

[ Whirring stops ]

[ All groaning ]

Thank you, brave hero!


Your crown.


indeed, you are both
beauty and the beast.

Ice Prince, am I dreaming?

Embrace me, fair Fionna!


Huh? What's... happening?

M-My magic... i-it's gone!

Fionna, help me!

[ Crunches ]



Just metal and glass.

[ Candy Queen groans ]


Princess Bubblegum!

I'm free!

The curse has been lifted!

Now it all makes sense.

Winter King cast a spell

to project the madness
of the crown on to you.

Yeah. He zapped it right
into my brain-basket.

What a wad.


And he kept doing that.

Yeah. For a hundred years!

Yeah. I'm trying
not to dwell on it.

I apologize for the terrible
behavior of my fellow Simon.

But I do feel kinda vindicated.

There is much work to be done.

Where are my beloved
candy citizens?

[ All groaning ] Uh...
we'll... we'll go look.

It's like a fairy tale.

Your kiss removed the curse.

I thank you, brave knight.

I'm not a brave knight.

What did I do wrong?

What you did wrong is exist.

Simon, get us out of here!

[ Screeches, growls ]

At least they seemed
to like the flavors.

Look, I'm... I'm sorry
I sprang that on you.

I thought I... I
thought I was helping.

But I-I shoulda asked.

It's probably good
they came now.

I would have fiddled with
that pastry recipe forever

So, where does a
chocolate-dipped strawberry

go to meet a cupcake, anyway?

Ah, come on. Don't
make fun of me.

I really wanna know.

Well... it's... it's
kind of a funny story.

[ Chuckles ] It all
began in the middle of a

slumber party/candy-zombie


[ Squeaks ]

This one's not
gonna work either.

[ Cries ]


What's wrong, Fi?

[ Sighs ] Back there, I
thought I was living my dream.

But I was just hurting a bunch
of innocent candy people.

Have I been hurting people
in all these universes?

That place was messed up

because that Simon
was messed up.

The next world will have a
magic crown that will work,

and I'll be cursed
the right way.



