01x40 - A Lying Legend

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x40 - A Lying Legend

Post by bunniefuu »


Why has my slumber been disrupted?

Kagemaru: to fulfill your duty to the shadows.

Ready my vessel.

Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Banner: you all know yugi muto

And seto kaiba as dueling legends,

Far and away, the very best of their generation.

And best-looking, too.

They're total dreamboats.

I like mai valentine.

But you do realize, class,

That there were other great duelists well before all of them.

How is that, prof?

I mean, duel monsters hasn't been around all that long.

Guess you were asleep during that class, jaden.

They used to play back in ancient egypt.


That's right,

And one of the best way back in those days

Was a powerful pharaoh named abidos the third.

Abidos was undefeated.

Undefeated? That's so sweet.

He must've been somethin' else.

Of course, it's a good thing he's not around today,

Cuz then that undefeated record would go adios.

Sure it would, slacker,

And then you'd probably take down yugi and kaiba, too.

Ya think? Well, thanks.

I had no idea that you believed in me so much, chazz.

It's sarcasm. Got that?

Sure, but if you want to change your name, chazz,

You can do a lot better than "sarcasm."

You know what I mean.

Hey, come on, guys.

You're gonna get us in trouble.

Wanna see trouble?

Fine. How about this?

Stop. He's gonna hear us.

Banner: he sure will.

You can continue in detention.

Aw, man, fifth time this week.

Thanks for coming.


I just needed someone to talk to.

I thought having my brother back

Would make everything ok again,

But it seems like there's even more questions than ever now,

And then with these shadow riders,

I just don't know what to do, zane.

Yeah, nor i...


But know that right now, you're safe, alexis.


[Both gasp]



Not good.

Syrus: I spend more time in detention than I do in class.

My mom's not going to be happy.

Just blame sarcasm.

Ok! The joke's old!

At least things can't get worse.

Alexis: ahh! Huh?

Jaden: what was that?

Syrus: alexis!

Chazz: zane!


Save yourselves.

Jaden: no way. You need...help.

Give us the spirit key.

My key? Shadow riders?



Ohh. Ohh. Ohh.

Ohh. Ohh.

Abidos: duelists...

I have come for you.


Uh? Huh.

Welcome back, jaden.

Huh? What the--


Those mummies found me and brought me here.

That spirit key that I have must've led them to me.

Yes. That must be how they found all of us.

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Ohh. Ohh. Ohh.

Hello there.

[Meow] aah!

What's wrong with him?

I dunno.

Looks like he's seen a ghost.

What's this?

Jaden! Jaden! Jaden!

Hey, what's the big idea?

That's not how one should address an egyptian pharaoh.

Egyptian pharaoh?

He looks just like the picture

Banner showed us in class today.


You'd make a fine palace girl, my beautiful dove.

The name's alexis, you masked weirdo.

Now, what's goin' on?

He's a shadow rider.

After those sacred beasts like the rest.

And it seems like the punk's got us outnumbered.

That's right.

So just leave your keys and walk away.

You don't want to duel me.

I do. Over here.

Please pick me. Come on.


And lemme show ya' how we duel in the st century.

You can't talk to me like that.

You can't talk to him like that.

Jaden, you realize, this will be a shadow game.

He's right. Your soul's on the line.

And this guy's undefeated.

Not for long.

I mean, once I'm done with him, I'll be the legend.

So get your game on.

My game is always on.

Now prepare yourself, key-keeper, for--

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get it.

Not our first shadow game exactly.


Hey, that duel disk looks just like mine.

All right. Time to throw down.

Duel. Duel.

Let's see.

First, I think I'll summon

Pharaonic protector in defense mode.

No defense points?

And I'll lay down a facedown. Your turn.

Then here I go.

Not before I activate the first sarcophagus.

Huh? Never heard of that card.

Well, after this match, you'll never forget it,

Though you may want to,

But I'm afraid you'll have to wait

Until I bring out another two sarcphagi

Before you see why, key-keeper.


Two more?

Uh, ok. Whatever.

Can I go now?

Cuz I got a couple a' duel monster tricks of my own

That I wanna show you, abidos.

Put your monsters where your mouth is.

Ok. You asked for it.

Heeeeeeeere's, elemental hero avian

In attack mode.

And check out the spell card heated heart.

Now a monster on my field

Gains extra attack points.

Not too shabby, huh? But there's more.

If he att*cks a monster in defense mode,

The extra damage goes right to you.

See for yourself. Quill cascade.


Uh! Uh! Huh?


Duelin's not what it used to be, huh, old-timer?

No. It's much tamer now,

But let me give you a taste of the old school.

I play second sarcophagus,

And once the third is played,

This duel and your soul will be mine.


What's it do?

Ohh, I don't wanna know.

Next, I'll play my pot of greed.

This lets me draw two more cards from my deck,

And I think I'll play one right now.

Go, tribute to the doomed.

Now, by discarding one card from my hand,

Your avian is destroyed...

And next, I'll play

Pharaoh's servant in attack mode.

Now stick him.


Aah! Aah!


My undefeated record will be staying intact,

But you will not.

Don't worry, key-keeper.

After I play this facedown, it's your turn again,

If you have the strength left to play it, that is.

Hmm. Hmm?

Come on.

Give us present-day peeps some credit.

My go, and I play this card.

It's emergency call,

And it springs an elemental hero

From my deck to my hand,

And the hero I'm springin'

Is gonna be sparkman...

And there's more.

Next, I'm playing the spell card

Known as righteous justice.

What's that do?

For every elemental hero that jaden has out on his field,

Well, then one of abidos' trap or spell cards is destroyed.

Yeah, like that first sarcophagus you got over there.

Well, looks like we're not going to be seein' what it does after all.

Righteous justice,

Destroy the first sarcophagus.

I don't think so. Go, magic jammer.

It turns your righteous justice into a righteous waste.

Uh! Rrgh!

Hmm, wicked counter.

That's what I'm talkin' about.

You should be talking about getting

Some new cards for that weak deck.

Ooh, he shouldn't have said that.

Yeah. Bad call.

Weak? See if you think this is weak.

Sparkman, attack.

Rrgh! Uhh!

You can't attack me.

I can't?

Hate to break it to ya', but, yeah, I can.

That's how you play the game.

Read the rule book.

But I am abidos, the greatest duelist ever.

The greatest?

Um, I'm not so sure about that.

To tell you the truth,

You haven't even been duelin' that great.

I mean for someone who's undefeated,

I was hopin' for-- I don't know--

Some super-sweet monsters or wicked rare cards,

But so far, I've been kinda underwhelmed.

Yeah. His cards are hardly better than a starter deck.

For a legend, this guy is a bit of a letdown.

Looks like jaden's gonna win this one easy.

There goes my shot at a new room.

Jaden: your move, abidos.

Hello? Hellooo?

I attack with sinister serpent.


And I win another match.


I cannot be beaten.


You are the greatest, o pharaoh.

All hail abidos.

Men: hail! Hail! Hail!

Hail! Hail!

You know I'm gettin' really sick and tired

Of having to lose to this spoiled brat everytime.

But if we don't, he'll prolly feed us to the lions.

Wait. Could it be all my servants let me win?

Let you win?

Wow, what a giant loser this guy is.

You know what?

I wouldn't mind having some servants like that.

But his whole life has been a lie.

You never really dueled?

I guess not.

Then let's start your first lesson right now.

What? You heard me right.

Now get your game on again,

But if this is gonna be your first real duel,

Let's do this right and ditch that mask.

That's it.

Ohh. Huh?

Jaden, just promise me you'll give it your best.

That's all I ever give.

Now let's duel.

I'm throwin' down a facedown.

All right, abidos. Your move.

Very well.

I activate third sarcophagus.

Leave it to jaden to pep-talk a shadow rider.

No joke. Bad idea.

And I sacrifice all to finally summon

Spirit of the pharaoh in attack mode.

Spirit of the who what?




Well, guess he looks cool, but I gotta admit,

I expected a whole lot more than , attack points.

I'm not done.

A pharaoh is nothing without his servants.

You see, whenever he's summoned,

I get to call up his friends

Up to level- zombies from my graveyard.


And now my draw.

Not so fast. Go, invincible hero.

A trap card?for this one turn,

You can't destroy my sparkman.

Then I suppose it's a very good thing I have this card.


I activate the powers of thousand energy.

Now, all level- monsters on the field

Gain , attack points.

No way. Aw, man.

"Aw, man" is right

Because that is more attack points than sparkman,

Meaning the extra damage goes right to...

Syrus: jaden!

Aah! Rrgh!

Your move!


Sparkman may survive the battle,

But jaden still takes damage--

Points for each of those zombies.

For each of them?

But that'll be like , life points.

There's more.

I still have spirit pharaoh himself.





Now I think I'll sacrifice one of my monsters

To activate a little card I like to call soul guide.

It gives me life points

Equal to the attack points on the card I lost,

But it's about to get a whole lot better.

Soul guide also lets me put a copy of the card

I just sacrificed right back in my hand,

And even though thousand energy

Will most certainly destroy my monsters,

From how your life points will turn out,

It will be worth it.

My record shall stand.


What's so funny?

You know you're about to lose your soul.

Not yet. Is that so?

That's right,

And you're about to see why.

Ha! Hmm.

I summon elemental hero clayman

In attack mode...

And then I'll play this here card.

It's called oversoul, and, boy, is it sweet.

I get to summon an elemental hero back from the graveyard,

And I think I know just the one--

Elemental hero avian.

So what? You've got weak monsters.

They can't beat my pharaoh.

He'll take them apart one at a time.

Sorry, but he won't be gettin' the chance.

See, abidos, your -card combo was pretty sweet...

Hmm? Hmm...

But I got a -card one.

Heated heart, emergency call...

Then there's righteous justice

And last, but not least, oversoul,

And together, they're activatin' this--

The one and only spell card known as hero flash.

Never heard of it.

Well, you're never gonna forget it.

First, I get to summon elemental hero burtinatrix

From my deck in attack mode,

But that's not all, abidos.

Now all the heroes I have out

Get to attack your life points directly.

Now elemental heroes,

Let's put a blemish on that perfect record a' his.

Hero flash.


That's game

And a pretty good one, too.

You've got moves.

Yeah, but not like jaden's.

Big, fat, hairy deal.

Ojama hurricane's just as good.

Abidos doesn't look so hot.

Jaden: hey, what's the matter?

I used to think I was the best duelist of all time,

But now I know I need a lot of practice,

If I want to be a true dueling legend.

Hey, anytime.


Well, I was thinking right now.

Right now? You want a rematch?


Jaden, you could come back with me.



You're too good for this place. Listen.

Come back to my kingdom,

And, I promise you power and fame.

Uh, nice offer.

Aah! Jaden, wait.

You can't leave.

Sweet! So I will get his room.


Sounds nice, but I think I prefer it right here,

But, hey, drop me a line if you're ever in my 'hood, ok?

Same with you, that is, if you ever find

A time vortex warping loop hole or--

You know what? I'll just call you.

Abidos: farewell.

Jaden: ya know, abidos wasn't such bad guy.

I mean, hey, look what he gave me.

I am startin' to get quite a collection,

But where's the shadow rider with a skateboard?

I don't see why jaden gets all the free stuff.

Prolly cuz I beat a dueling legend.

Oh, now he's a legend, cuz you beat him?

Well, chazz,

That is what all the history books

Say that he is, right?

Well, we know the truth.

He was a sham, a fake.

Jaden: jaden the legend slayer. I like the sound of that.

Good, jaden,

Because soon, you will get the chance to truly earn it.

Soon, you will face your true test.

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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