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04x05 - Doug En Vogue/Doug's Mail Order Mania

Posted: 09/30/23 05:56
by bunniefuu
( Yelps )

( Barks )

( Electric guitar playing )

( Man singing scat )

( Barks )

Cool! Whoa!

( Thwack )

( Barks )

dear journal--

Some people are really
into clothes and fashion.

Great pants.

Too baggy.

But I just wear
the same old stuff.

Hey, guys.

What you

Teen fad

you'd like.

I wish I was a trendsetter
like dylan farnham

Star of the hottest
new show on tv.

Hey! Teenheart street
is coming on.

( All gasp )

( Squealing )

( "Teenheart" theme music )

Everybody watches
teenheart street.

Oh, you're not watching
that trashy show?

Shut up, trudi.

I'm never speaking
to you again.

Oh, like
I really care.

( Crying )

Don't you

You're filling
your head
with junk?

It's just a tool

For enforcing juvenile

Don't you realize
that dylan farnham

Has absolutely
no taste?

are you okay?

Do you want
to talk?

I rest my case.

( Footsteps )

( Hinge creaks )

( Barks )

* Doug...

That's me.


( Barks )

( Yelps )

( Barks )

Dylan farnham...

Wearing the same clothes as me!

I must be a trendsetter.

( Rock music )

Fashion flash.

A new look has hit the streets.

Everyone's wearing it.

( Camera shutters clicking )

( Applause )

From the chicest fashion shows

To the hottest downtown club.

This sassy new look

Is sweeping the nation.

And who's the savvy trendsetter
behind the new look?

Let's go meet him.

Until a few days ago,
doug funnie

Was just an average student
at the bluffington school

But now fame
has changed that forever.

Hey, doug.

Mmm... Looking good.

doug funnie, king of style.

I decided I wouldn't
say anything.

I'd just wait and see.

Hey, doug.

Looking good.

Thanks, beebe.

This is weird.

So you saw this
week's episode

Of teenheart street?

I love that show.

It speaks for the concerns
of my generation.

You've got
the dylan
farnham look.

What do you mean,
the dylan farnham look?

The dylan farnham look:

Puce vest, white t-shirt
and floppy beige shorts.

But this
is the way I
always dress.

Of course.

A real

I don't believe this!

oh, doug, I think it's
a great look for you.

It's not a look--

It's the way I've
always dressed.

If you say so, doug.

Watch the base line.

Two points.


( Sighs )

I couldn't stop thinking
about it all day.

Hey, doug.

What's shaking?


Everyone thinks

I'm wearing
these clothes

To copy this
dylan farnham guy.

You mean
you aren't?


No, I've always worn
these clothes.

You've seen me.

Oh, I guess I never noticed.

I didn't pay any attention.

But skeeter, i...


Never mind.


I am not copying
dylan farnham.

I can prove it.

What is
this about?

It better be important.

I want to go shop.

I heard there are
going to be snacks.


You're probably wondering

Why I've asked
you all here today.

Certain accusations
have been made.

All right,
I did it.

Big deal.

Did what, roger?

You don't know?


Never mind.

Get to the point, doug.

I want to prove to you guys

That I am not copying
dylan farnham.

I have always dressed like this
and here's the proof.

( Fanfare )


You dragged
us over here

Just to show off

Your dylan farnham

Hey, doug

I think

This dylan
farnham thing

Get out
of hand.

You don't have to
dress like him

Every day.

( Whimpering )

It was crazy.

Everyone thought I was just
trying to be dylan farnham.


Oh, sh**t.


Are you okay?

Do you want
to talk about it?

( Crying: )
patti, help!

What is it,

Doug's acting
weird again.

Oh, yeah,
just ignore him.

He thinks he's
dylan farnham.

( Both laughing )

Look, connie, sometimes
when we're hurt

It can be hard to talk about it

But I'll always
be there for you.

I'm there for you.

Do you want to talk about it?

( Ghoulish laughter )

If I didn't want to be called
a dylan farnham copycat

I'd have to start wearing
something different.


There were so many styles,
I didn't know where to begin.

May I help you?

I'm looking for
something original.

( Laughing )

Oh, pardon me.

Something original?

I know just the thing.


The hippie look.

Like, groovy, man.

My dad wore this stuff
when he was in college.

Ah, you want something
more "now."

Hey! Ouch!

The rap look.

Word up, boy-ee.

I don't want to look
like a rap star.

Yes, of course, sir.

May I suggest...

( Disco music )

Disco mania, shake your booty.

I don't want to
shake my booty.

What is going
on here, man?

He wants

Show him the hippie look.

What about

The kids love

A nice boy
like this.

He needs
a leather

I showed

the preppie

( All talking at once )

I think I can
solve your

If you'll
just answer
a few questions.

Do you like the mountains
or the beach?


Do you jaywalk?

I guess so.

Are you easy to love?


What would you do
with $ million?

But I haven't answered

Your last
question yet.

Yes, I know just
the thing for you--

The dylan
farnham look.


I know what I like

And I don't want what I like.

I want...

Oh, forget it.

I'll take it.

I'll take it.

Take that, dylan farnham.

You and your stupid look.

Mom sent me to tell
you dinner's ready.

Why are you dressed
like that?

I just wanted to wear something
nobody ever wore before.

Well, I hate to disappoint you

But they call it
the "schizo" look.


I give up.

Doug, pardon
my insouciance

But why do you care

If you're
copying someone?

I didn't copy...

Do you think

You're the only
person in the world

Who ever wore
a green vest?

Why don't you
just stop

Worrying about it?

We're all
copying someone.

If we didn't imitate others,
we'd be running around

at each other.


Oh, I've just
had an idea

For a performance piece.

Oh, this'll be... Wow!

This'll be extraordinary.

Why do I care
if I'm copying someone or not?

Yeah, why do I care?

I had had enough.

It was time for me
to start acting like me.

I have an announcement.

As you can see, I'm wearing the
so-called dylan farnham look.

I like to
dress this way.

If that means
I'm trendy

That's the way it is.

What are you
talking about?

Didn't you see teenheart
last night?

You're wearing
last week's look.

I am?

I'm not trendy?

( Whooping )

I'm not trendy.

I'm out of date.

I'm unhip, I'm not cool.

I'm square.

I'm beat, I'm lame.

I'm old.

The key to clothes
is to wear what you like

And not worry about
what people think--

And I don't care what's
on teenheart street.

hey, teenheart
street is coming on.

Porkchop, it's coming on.

( Disco music )

dear journal--

I was working on my sculpture
for the art festival

When the mail came.

Thanks, george.

All right.

for me, mom?

Well, you can open
this if you want.

It's just
junk mail.

"Dear occupant--
you are a semifinalist

"In the ponzi
publishing sweepstakes

Making you eligible to win..."

Whoo! That's a lot of zeros.

This isn't junk.

Oh, I could be a zillionaire.

( Footsteps )

( Hinge creaks )

( Barks )

* Doug...

That's me.


( Yelps )

( Barking )

I just got to finish
this puzzle

Send it in...

I hope you know
what your chances are.


But look-- we've already

all the words.

This puzzle
was really tough.

How many people do you think
can figure this stuff out?

Years, bernard.

What's that?

It's been years

Since we started
this contest

And nobody's ever won.

Maybe we should just
call it quits.


I'll never call it quits.

There must be somebody
who can...

( Gasps )

What is it, bernard?

Glory be, jasper.

Somebody's done it.

Doug funnie's
won the contest.

Let in the sunshine.

Our search
is over.

( Laughing wildly )

I mailed in the puzzle

And spent the rest of the week
on my sculpture.

The mail's here!

mr. Willikers.

"Congratulations, doug funnie!

"You have made it

"To the super semifinals.

Just send the enclosed puzzle
and a nominal $ fee."


Where am I going to get $?

Hey, mom.


That sounds like
a lot of money.

I'd really think twice
about it, honey.

Those contests

Are questionable.

How do you like

My latest design?

Neat, mom.

Maybe I'll just see

If I can do the puzzle
anyway-- just for fun.

The second puzzle turned out to
be even harder than the first.


"Ponzi publishing is proud
to pay plentiful prizes."

All right!

I did it, porkchop.

I did it.

Too bad I don't have the money.

Oh, well...
No big deal.

It was fun while it lasted...

I guess.

( Ship horn blowing )

Ahoy, there.

This is your ship,
doug funnie.

After ½ years,
she's finally come in.

You did remember
to send in your bucks?

Uh, no... I...

It could have
been yours, doug.

It could have been yours...


I don't have enough.


Can you lend me $.?


just ., Skeet.

For this fee, you'll
be made a full partner

Eligible to receive

Half of a zillion

What do you say?

I don't know, doug.

You have a better chance
of being kidnapped by aliens

Than you have
of winning one
of those contests.

A zillion dollars, skeet.

Skeet, a zillion.

All those zeros...



Oh, man.

We're still $.

Sorry, doug.

All right!

Come on.


I never wear these anyway.

Aren't you supposed
to enter that

In the art festival

I don't have time for that.

I got money to win.

Oh, oh, oh...

Only ¢ to go.

Metal detector:
beep, beep, beep,
beep, beep, beep...

Aha! Give it up.

( Ants screaming )

Skeeter and I waited for the
mailman every day after that.

Hey, doug-- skeeter.

We're going over
to the honkerburger.

Uh, we're kind
of short on cash.

Yeah, man,
we're broke.


What is broke?

We'll explain
it to you
on the way.

see you, guys.

This is it, skeet.

Come on, open it!

"Congratulations, doug funnie.

You've reached the grand
super bonus finals."

Another round?

All right.

We're finalists.

Yeah, but this time
they want $.

We spent all week
trying to raise the money.

Get your

Only $ a glass.

( Skeeter
gulping )





Come on, hurry up, skeet.

( Gulping )

On the day of the deadline

We'd whittled down
the possibilities.

We've got until
the post office
closes at :.

I can cash my savings bond
or ask judy.

The savings bond.

But my grandma
gave me that.

It's for my
college education.

Then you're

It's the only way.

Oh, you've got guts, man.

( Giggling )


Lend you $?

You are a riot.

( Giggling uncontrollably )


You can have half
of the winnings.

But I need the
money before :.

You're not getting a dime.


Forget this
stupid contest.

Wouldn't you rather
be an artist?

It's so much
more... Artistic.

An artist, right.

A starving artist.

( Dramatic piano music )

( Hissing )


No, no, my friend.

It's my turn to burn
a masterpiece--

One I value more than life.

Cursed be the day I ever started
on this miserable path.

( Sizzling )

( Cancan music )

Fifty-- to win.


Our winner.

( Applause )

you're right.

It is your savings bond.

Thanks, dad.

But think hard.

You've had this bond

Since you
were born.

thanks, dad.

That's ½ years

Accruing interest
toward your future.

My future
as a zillionaire.

You'll be
throwing away

Those ½ years
on a gamble.

But it's not a gamble.

I'm a grand super
bonus finalist.

With how many others?

I don't know exactly.

A couple?

I'm glad you see
my point, son.

I know you'll do
the right thing.

Yeah, dad, I will.

Oh, no, I can't believe it.

Hello in there.

Please, somebody.

It's an emergency.

Sorry, son,
we're closed.

But I got to have this
postmarked today.

Oh, one of these.

Sure, kid.

Oh, thank you.

Yo, hiram, got
another ponzi puzzle.

Are all those...

You bet.

But I'm a grand
super bonus finalist.

Yeah, kid--

You and a
zillion others.

Man, I guess
everybody was right

Huh, porkchop?

Guess I never really

Had a chance.

You got a letter,

Thanks, mom.

Won't you open it?

I'm sick of mail.

Would you just
open it, dweezoid.

I won third prize
at the art festival.

For "dog crossing the delaware."

But how?-- I didn't even enter.

I entered for you.

You can bow down
and praise me later.

Wow... Thanks, judy.

I guess I learned a lesson.

Get-rich-quick schemes
are tempting

But you can't count on them.

Better to stick with
what you're good at.

Tv announcer:

You're the
winner of the
canine sweepstakes

And here's
your grand prize--

A zillion bones!

( Camera shutters clicking )