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04x04 - Doug's Halloween Adventure

Posted: 09/30/23 05:55
by bunniefuu
( Yelps )

( Barks )

( Electric guitar playing )

( Man singing scat )

( Barks )

Cool! Whoa!

( Thwack )

( Barks )

it all started a long time ago

When the powerful baron
von heckelhoffer fell in love

With a beautiful maiden.

To win her love,
he built a gigantic mansion.

It took him long years
but he did it.

on the day they got married

He brought his new bride
to the house.

He swept her into his arms
and ran up the steps

Then pushed the massive door
open for the very first time.

He stepped
across the threshold and...


He forgot to put in a floor

And ever since they plunged
to their horrible, bloody deaths

There's been
a curse on the house

And few have dared to enter it.

Some people said they
didn't believe in haunted houses

At least until they crossed...

( All gasp )

The threshold of death.

( Screaming )

Let's just say
they never stayed long.

For years,
nobody bought the house--

That is, no one living--

Until one day,
a scary, hooded guy

Whose face nobody ever saw

Decided to put
the house to better use...

( Evil laugh )

In funky town!

And right there,
in the middle of the park

He made the scariest ride ever--

A ride through a real
haunted house: bloodstone manor.

( Laughs crazily )

And tonight is
the grand opening

And you and I
are going in.

Cool, huh?

( Gulps )


( Gulps )


( Footsteps )

( Hinge creaks )

( Barks )

* Doug...

That's me.


( Barks )

( Barks )

halloween is
my most favorite holiday:

Free candy, spooky pumpkins
and costumes

But this year was different--
skeeter was making me

Go to the grand opening
of the scariest ride ever made.

I was hoping
maybe I wouldn't be too scared

Because I was going
as somebody really great:

Race canyon.

( Laughs )

ha-ha, I've made it.

The infamous bloodstone manor.

Evil voice:
not so fast, dr. Canyon.

Can I show you
to the threshold of death?

( Laughs maniacally )

What's the matter,
big boy?

You look whipped.

( Screams )

Nice work, doug.

No problem, dr. Canyon.

Oh, and nice outfit.

Why, thanks.

( Singing theme
to "race canyon" )

Aw, is little
dougie dressed up

To go trick
or treating?


I'm going
to bloodstone manor.

You get in free
with a costume.

Bloodstone manor?

( Thunder )

I hear that's
unbelievably terrifying.

Well, it's just
a ride, judy.

Well, how scary can it be?

( Woman screams )

so you think you're
brave, do you?

Find out tonight at funky town

When bloodstone manor
opens its doors

To give you the scare
of your life... Or death.

Wear a costume and get in free

For once you cross the threshold
there's no turning back.

( Maniacal laughter )

( Gulps )

( Maniacal laughter )


( Screams )

So skeet, you ready
to go trick or treating?

Trick or treating?

But doug, I thought

We were going to
ride bloodstone manor.

( Thunder )

You're not going to pass up
free candy, are you, man?

There's going
to be huge lines

If we don't get
to funky town early.

We might not get on.

That'd be terrible.

Well, I guess

We'd better get started
trick or treating.

( Whistles )

( Sighs )

Aren't we a little old
for this, doug?

Old? Naw.

You're never too old
for free candy.

Heads up.

( Yelling )

( Doorbell rings )

Let's see what we have
for these little...

Doug? Skeeter?

Is that you?

Yeah, it's us.

Heya, connie.

We're doing
this for dale.

Oh, yeah, my baby brother.

He loves candy.

But that's okay.

I think he just
went on a diet.

See you.


Man, let's get to funky town.

We've only got
two hours.

Two hours?

How much longer could I stall?

We'd been around
the neighborhood twice.

( Moaning )

Who chopped off my head?

( Moaning )

Who chopped off
my head?

Hey, roger.

I told you we'd scare
the pants off them.

You should have seen
your faces.

( Laughing )

So what are you two--
a hobo and a bathtub?

No, man.

I'm a spaceship
from space monks

The video

And he's race canyon...

( Muffled )

( Laughing )

Oh, brother, you--

Race canyon?

More like
race chicken.

( Laughing )

Hey, rog, let's see
how brave race chicken is.

Duh, yeah, he can
be the first one

To t.p.
Mr. Bone's house.

Come on, race,
let's see you in action.

Happy trick
or treat!

But roger,
we can't do this.

( Clucking like chickens )

I am not chicken,
it's just...

Then do it, why don't you?

( More clucking )

Come on, skeeter,
let's go.


( Clucking like chickens )

We're just in time
for the shuttle.


Who was I kidding?

How was I going to cross
the threshold of death

When I couldn't even t.p.
A house?

Come on, doug,
we got to go, man.

I can't, skeeter,
I'm sorry, but...

Oh, man.

What do I need
that hat for anyhow?

I'm no race canyon.

That's okay.

We can always go
some other time.

Hey, guys,
what you doing?

Trick or treating?

no... No way... Uh-uh.

Yeah, me neither.

My dad's taking me

To a costume party
at miss mimi's.

Cool costumes.

Are you some sort
of spaceship, skeeter?

Yeah, from space monks.

And you, doug,
you look like...

I know,
I know, a hobo.

I was going to
say race canyon

But without the hat.

You really think so?


If you were taller

I'd say you were
the spitting image.

I'll handle this.

Beat it.

Oh, race,
you're my hero.

Say, patti,
could you and your dad

Drop us off at bloodstone manor?

Got to cross the
threshold of death.

All right!

* Get yourself to funky town.

( Thunder )

I can't believe it.

You guys are going
to bloodstone manor

And you're not scared?

of course not.

Well, I am.

I'd never go on it

After what happened
to those two guys.

You can't let
a little...

Two guys?

What two guys?

Yeah, they say
when they were testing it

Two workers rode in

But the only thing that
came out were their shoes.

( Laughs strangely )

Daddy, stop.

Well, you can't believe
everything you...

Who told you this?


See you.

What's this
about shoes?

They're just rumors--

Like that stuff
about the maniac.

What do you mean,

They say
the guy in the hood--

The guy who
bought the house--

Some people think
he's still in there.

( Gasps )

You can't believe
everything you...

( Gasps )

Oh, man.

:... Oh...
Oh, that's just great.

:-- Minutes
till it closes.

We're almost there!

step into the realm
of the supernatural.

Abandon ye
all food or drink.

What's happening?

Can you see?

If it ain't chicken
boy and bathtub.

Thanks for saving
my place.


The park is now closing.


We've still got minutes.

Why don't you go
to the gift shop?

I'm out of here.

I can't believe it.

After we waited
all this time!

Hey, look.

You guys thinking
what I'm thinking?

The guy says
they're closed.

Who? That loser?

We still got

We're within
our rights.

I don't know, roger.

( Clucks like a chicken )

He's right, man.

We still have minutes
before the park closes.

Okay, come on, man.

( Roger keeps clucking )

( Wolf howls )

Here goes.

( Evil laughter )

Welcome, I have a special treat
in store for trespassers.

( Laughs )

As you can see,
there's no way out of this room

Except straight down!

( Laughs wickedly )

Oh, man, now what
are we going to do?

Oh, no!

Kind of a short ride,
isn't it?


Hey, look at this.

It's a trick,
mirrors or something.



Yeah, c-cool.

You've crossed
the threshold of death.

There's no turning back now.

( Door creaks )

I see you found the dining room.

( Clock chimes )

And I see by the grandfather
clock it's time to eat.

Sit down, sit down.

You don't want your food
to get cold, do you?

I'm not so sure I feel hungry.

I thought you might enjoy
a small salad.

( Screaming )

( Screaming )

( Screaming )

Look out!

( Laughing evilly )


Hey, what's
going on?


What is it, skeet?

It's :, man.

They're closing
the park.


Wait a minute,

I'm sure we can find a way
out around here somewhere.

It looks like there's
some stairs leading down.

Uh-uh, I ain't going nowhere.

Oh, come on, roger,
quit kidding.

Wait, funnie,
don't leave.

What is it?

Did you hear

I heard something.

( Moaning )

We're getting out
of here, roger.

We'll find somebody to
get this ride going again.

This is it, skeet.

Made it!

Man, I'm never
doing that again.

Let's find somebody
to start this thing

And get out of here.

Look, a phone!

Hello? Hello?

I wonder how you dial.


You did it.

All right!

That must be roger.

Come on.

( Evil laugh )

So you made it.

Next time you won't be so lucky.



I think
I may be scared now.

help me, somebody.

What are we going
to do, doug?

Where is everybody?

You thinking
what I'm thinking?

Run away?


( Blood-curdling scream )

No, we can't
leave roger behind.

We got to go back.

I was afraid
you'd say that.

( Wolf howls )

There's where
we got stuck.


Well, not here.

Let's go home.

We got to keep looking.


You don't suppose he fell?

It could be miles.

( Wolf howls )



I can't believe
how stupid we are.

Remember the front room--
the bottomless pit?

Oh! You mean...

It's just


Hang on, doug.

You okay?

Yeah, man.


This must be where
they run everything.

I bet this is
where they build

The creepy stuff for upstairs.

Hey, doug,
check it out.

Hey, man, can I
borrow your toothbrush?

Cut it out, skeeter.

We got to find roger.

( Scraping noise )


( Both scream )

Oh, boy, they sure make
these things look real.


( Screams )

What are you doing here?

Uh, well, sir, we were
looking for our friend

And we think
he might be here

In your lovely...

Your friend is not here.

Get out!

Good idea, yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Come on, you heard
the nice maniac.

Roger's not here.

come on, this way.

Skeeter, that's roger.

It just sounds like him.

Come on.

( Chicken clucking )

What was I doing--

Running away like a little
chicken just like before...

Leaving roger
at a time like this.

Doug, what are you doing?

excuse me, sir.

We're not leaving
without roger.

This way.

Over here, you morons.

When I see them coming

I'll shout "trick or treat"
and you cream them, got it?

got it.

Roger's outside?

But... But how?

Those g*ons.

I bet they think I'm a chicken.

Well, we'll just see
who's the chicken.

( Laughing )


I think
I may be scared now.

help me, somebody.

that weasel.

So he
tricked us!

That rat!

We go to
all this trouble

And now
we get egged.

( Laughs )

Not necessarily.


( Wolf howls )

I'm freezing.

Hey, they'll be out soon.

I wonder what's taking
those guys so long?

Ghostly voices:
roger... Willie...

Shut up, boomer.

I didn't say anything, roger.

Then who said...

it was me.

Look what you did to us, roger.

What the... You're... You're...?

We're ghosts, that's what.

And now we're
going to have to

Haunt you forever,
I guess.

( Laughs )

Where are you going?

You're not chicken, are you?

you got that right.

( Clucking like chickens )

Don't haunt me, doug.

I'll do anything.

It was
rotten of you

To t.p. Those houses.

Yeah, man,
really rotten.

We'll clean them up,
right, guys?

yeah, all of them,
don't worry about it.

Yeah, all of them,
we'll clean them up.

Oh, yeah, I mean,
don't worry about that.

We'll clean them up.

Yeah, don't worry.


Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.

Whatever you say.

All right, then.

Oh, and roger,
one more thing.

Next time you may not
be so lucky!

( Laughs wickedly )

( Screaming )

( Ghosts laughing )

( Laughing )

And did you see
their faces?

Yeah, man,
I don't think

I've ever seen
them run so fast.

And we couldn't
have done it

Without you, sir.

I have something
that may belong to you.

A race canyon hat.

My race canyon hat.

But where did you...
How did you...?

Who are you?

Just call me
baron von heckelhoffer.

( Laughs )

baron von heckelhoffer!

What do you say we
head home, skeet?

S-sounds good, man.

Tonight I think
I did race canyon proud.

Not only was I brave enough
to cross the threshold of death

But I even went back
to save roger.

I wonder if race canyon ever
had to run all the way home.