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02x09 - The Box

Posted: 05/01/14 04:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bates Motel...

To doing what's right.

I don't want to do this anymore.

You don't want to do what?

I don't want to do this.

You and me, this.

How dare you give me orders, come into my house when I'm not here, act like somehow I'm beholden to you?

That's because you are.

I don't like you. I don't trust you.

And I want you out of my house now.

You're making a horrible mistake.

Zane Morgan.

What about him?

You can get to him, and you can take him out.

You're asking me to k*ll Zane?

I'm not asking you.

That girl could have ruined your entire life the other night.

You told her something happens to me when I black out.


Who am I, mother?

Who am I, and what do I do?

You have to trust that I am protecting you, I know you better than anyone, because I am not going to answer your question, and I don't want you to ever ask me again.

Norma, what are you doing?



[Foreboding music]


Why are you doing this to me, huh?


Stop talking.

[Thunder rumbles]


[Chains rattle]

Get in.

[Metal clangs]

No, you must've got the wrong person.

[Gasping, shuddering]

I go to high school!

[Crackling electricity]

[Door creaks]

Norman? It's time to wake up.


[Breathing heavily] Norman?

Norman, are you down here?

[Ominous music]


Have you seen Norman today?

No, not yet.

Is something wrong?

No, everything's fine.

I'm sure.

Is something wrong?

No, everything's fine.

Well, if you see Norman, tell him I'm looking for him.



You know, I work here almost every day.

I'm not stupid. I know when something's wrong.

Nothing is wrong.

Oh, really, nothing's wrong?

What do you want me to do? Make something up?

Where's Norman?

That's what I'm asking you.

Why are you so concerned?

Emma... [sighs] I'm sorry, I need to go.

[Ominous music]


[Crows caw]

Hello! Can anyone hear me?



[Groans, screams]

Is anyone out there?

[Slamming against metal]

[Breathing heavily]


Help me!


Hello, this is Norma Bates.

I'm looking for my son, Norman.

Is he doing tech at the theater today?

No, he's not here. We haven't seen him.

Okay, there must be some confusion.

Uh, well, then, if he comes in, would you please ask him to call me?

Thank you.


[Line rings]

Hello there, it's Norman, and I will call you back.


I know you're mad at me, and I know I've left 15 messages, but cut this shit out.

I-I don't know what you're trying to prove, but you've succeeded.

You're really scaring me, so stop it.

If you don't call me back right away, I'm gonna report you as a missing person, and you're not going to like it.

[Background chatter]

[Patsy Cline's I Fall to Pieces playing]

♪ I fall to pieces ♪
♪ each time I see ♪

Thanks, darling.

Yep. Anything else?

No. Good for now.

All right.

♪ I fall to pieces ♪


This must be serious.


Can't just have a cup of coffee with my dad's ex-partner and get caught up?

You know, your dad was always worried about how serious you were, how hard you were on yourself.

I have a lighter side.


I can't wait to see it.

Ah, it's probably not gonna happen today, is it?

♪ pretend we've never met ♪

You, uh, you still doing polygraph tests?

[Scoffs] You kidding?

I'm going down to Portland two, three days a week.

It's too much sometimes.

You know, my reputation is k*lling me.

It's only because I'm old and still at it.

No, it's 'cause of the way you conduct a test.

There's nobody better. You always...

Could always ferret out the truth.


I can't force anyone to reveal the truth.

I can just tell you if they're lying.

♪ I fall ♪

You, um, you do a polygraph on this kid for me, off the record?

♪ each time someone speaks ♪

And he'll agree?

Yeah, I'll get him to.

What do you want to know?

If he committed a m*rder.

Why this way?

♪ time only adds ♪

I, uh, I put somebody else away for the crime. A real scumbag.

Deserves the time.

And I-I can't...

Well, you know, the law is imperfect.

No, it's not about that, Declan.

If I went by the letter of the law, this town would be boarded up.

Then what's this about?

The truth.

I have to know what happened.

I need to know.

♪ I go out ♪
♪ with someone new ♪
♪ you walk by ♪

Well, let's see what we can do.

♪ I fall to pieces ♪

[background chatter]

There are a lot of great rivers in the area.

Look, I'd probably go to river bend.

It's just, like, right off the highway there.


There's this beautiful section of the river where you can have a pic...

[Cell phone jingles]

Ex... excuse me.

I'm sorry, I'm just expecting a call from my son.

That's fine. Go ahead.


We have Norman.

Are you there, Norma?

I'm here.

He's safe, for now.

What do you mean, he's safe? Why is Norman with you?

Well, he's not technically with me.

But he is somewhere.

And if you want him to be there, you need to do what I ask you.


You need to convince Dylan to do what I want him to do.

I'm tired of being dicked around here.

If he accomplishes what I want by this time tomorrow, great.

You get Norman back.

If you tell your friend Sheriff Romero or anyone else, I'll know.

And Norman will be dead.

Please don't hurt him. Please don't hurt him.

Make it happen.


Oh, God.


[Birds crying]

[Bell tolling]


Dylan, I think your mom's outside.

Seems upset.

Open the door!

If I don't get in there in the next minute, you're not gonna like what happens!

Dylan, you have to do something.

Nick Ford has Norman.

He says he's gonna k*ll him if you don't do what he asks you to do in the next 24 hours, and that was, like, a half-hour ago.


Just keep your voice down.

He kidnapped him, he kidnapped him, and he won't tell me where he is.

You have to do whatever it is he wants you to do.

What is it? What does he want you to do?

It's not that easy, Norma.

I don't care.

This is all your fault.

You got into business with these creepy people.

This isn't my fault.

Yes, it is.

You're the one who got involved with Nick Ford, okay?

I had nothing to do with Nick Ford.

I... what do you have to do? I'll help you.

You can't help me.

Why? What is it?

He wants me to k*ll my boss.

[Ominous music]

Well, then you have to do it.

This has to end, and you have to do it.

Just go k*ll somebody?

[Choked up] There's no other choice.

What, do you want Norman to die?


[Dogs barking]

[Horse whinnies]


We need to talk.


What's going on?

What are you all cranked up about?

Where's Zane?

Where is he hiding?


You know why.

It's time to get this done.


"Do what you need to do."

Isn't that what you told me?

Isn't that what you want, is for me to go up there and k*ll him?

Make up your mind.

[Door opens]

Hi, Sheriff.

Hey, Emma.

Is, uh, is Norma around?

I think she's up at the house.

Oh, okay.

You seen, uh, Norman?

Is something going on?

What do you mean?

Well, Norma came in looking for him earlier.

Is something wrong?

No, no, no, nothing's wrong, no.

You know, I'm a person.

With feelings and a brain. I'm getting really sick of this.

Why is everyone just completely ignoring me?

Maybe you should take a break, get some fresh air.

[Door slams]

Maybe I should.


Oh, hey, Alex.

What's up?

It's just, I was wondering how Norman's doing.

Uh, he's very sick, actually.

He's got a bad cold, fever, you know.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

But I'd like to talk to him.

To Norman?

Yeah. It's important.

Well, that's impossible right now.

He's very contagious.

I don't mind.

Well, what's so important that you need to speak to him?

Did he mention anything to you about the talk he and I had?


Did he?



All right, look, there's no gentle way to put this.

During Blaire Watson's autopsy, two semen samples were found inside her.

One was Kyle Miller's.

The man they've convicted of k*lling her.

That's right.

The other one belonged to Norman.


What do you mean? It's impossible.

It's impossible.


No, it's not only possible; It's factual.

Norma, we ran his DNA after the Jimmy Brennen incident.

What does this mean?

It means Norman had sex with Blaire Watson very close to when she was m*rder*d, and that's why I need to talk to him.

Norma, I need to know what happened.

I want him to take a polygraph test.

But why?

I think that's obvious.

Well, polygraphs aren't even admissible in court.

Well, regardless, virtually every law enforcement and National Security Agency in the country uses them.

I-I'm not asking.

Okay. He's sleeping right now.

I don't want to wake him. He's very sick.

He's not going anywhere.

It can wait a bit. Please?

Please, let me just talk to him first, please, Alex?

He's not going anywhere, right?

No. No, I promise. I promise.

All right. Okay. I'll be back.

Okay. Bye-bye.

[Lock clicks, footsteps recede]


Hello there, it's Norman, and I will call you back.


[Whimpering] Norman...

I know you can't hear me right now, but if you ever do, just know that I love you.


I love you more than anything on this Earth or in heaven.

Know that.

I'm gonna talk about us.

The average guys, the John Does.

If anybody should ask you what the average John Doe is like, you couldn't tell him because he's a million and one things.

He's Mr. Big and Mr. Small.

He's simple and he's wise.

He's inherently honest, but he's got a streak of larceny in his heart.

He seldom walks up to a public telephone without shoving his finger into the slot to see if somebody left a nickel there.



Is the man the ads are written for.

He's a fella everybody...

[Vehicle approaching]

Sells things to.


[Car doors slam]





[Grunts] Yes!

Is somebody there?


[Foreboding music]

We were sent out here to check on you, Norman.

Who sent you, huh?

Why is this happening to me?

Well, that's not my place to explain.

Brought you some food.


W-what have I done?

Why are you keeping me here?

Pretty hungry, huh?


[Cell phone vibrates]

Finish this up.

Hey, Nick.

Yeah, the kid's fine.

Stupid, but he's fine.

Son of a bitch!
[Suspenseful music]


[Both grunting]



What the hell'd you do that for?


Pick him up.

Pick him up.

What is this?

Put him in the box.

[Doorbell rings]

Hi, Emma. What's up?

Um, okay.

Norma, I came by to tell you I'm giving you my two weeks' notice.

I won't be able to work at the motel anymore.

Why not?

A lot of reasons.

I don't think it's a good idea for me to go into all of them.

That's fine. If I...

I mean, the way I see it, the Bates Motel is a family business, and... and I feel like I've been part of the family in some ways, but in a lot of other ways, I don't.

I feel excluded.

I think there's a lot of things going on around here that no one wants to tell me about, like what happened with Dylan, and what's going on with you and Norman.

Have you heard from Norman?

No, I haven't.



See, that's fine. That's your choice.

But I just think I could help.

And if I can't... I mean, I know technically I'm not a member of your family.

I just think you'd be better off without me around, always asking questions and bugging you and just wanting to be included.

[Sentimental music]


It's such a shame that you'll be leaving us, Emma.

You've been such a big help.

I understand.

You... you do?


We'll miss you.

[Foreboding music]


[Line rings]

You have reached the offices of Ford Research.

Our offices are now closed.

Please leave a message at the tone, and your call will be returned.


Hi, this is Norma Bates calling for Nick Ford.

Could you tell him that we are doing exactly what he has asked us to do?

Oh, he needs to know this.

This is very important. Um...

And could you ask him to please call Norma Bates?

Thank you.

Mr. Ford?

What is it?

We found this in Norman Bates' pocket.

[Whispering] Help me, please.

Help me.

Help me, please. Help me.

Help me, please. Help me. Help me.


[Throbbing music]

[Screams, shudders]

[Music subsides]

Norman, honey.

I'm right here with you. It's all going to be okay.

Are you sure?

Yes, of course I'm sure.

What if I can't find you?

I'm always with you.

Everybody's mother lives inside them.

[Sentimental music]

If you're ever worried about something, just hear my voice saying it's gonna be okay.

And it is.

I love you, mother.

I love you too.

[Ominous music]

[Insects chirping]



I brought you some groceries.

Jodi told you where I was, right?


That's good of you.

Come on in.

Remember the boys, right?


Where do you want me to put these?

Ah, just set 'em down on the floor there.

Then you can give us your g*n.

Why? What's the matter?

Well, I don't know if I can trust you.

I don't know whose side you're on.

For all I know, you came here to k*ll me.

Come on.

He's clean.

Good. Have a seat.

Chuck, get him a beer.

That was very nice of you and Jodi to do that.

Bring me groceries.

She's a very nice lady, ain't she?

Yeah. Sure.

Now, do you think she's got what it takes to run our business?

Yeah, I think she does.

What about me?

You think I'm just some...

Dumb, obnoxious, overbearing clown, right?

With poor judgment.

Am I warm?

No, I don't think that.

If you pick her over me, you will be making a tremendous mistake.

I didn't know I had to choose.

I thought we were all on the same side.

Yeah, we are.

But still, you... You hear me, right?


Well, good.

'Cause Iggy here wanted me to sh**t you.


Now, you can tell Jodi thank you for the groceries.

And tell her we need to get Nick Ford off the map.


Convince her of it.

I'll try.


Drive safe.

You can close up for the night, Emma.


[Clears throat]

It's George.

Oh, shit.


[Door closes]

Hey, Norma.

Uh, I'll just be leaving.

Good night.

These are for you.

That is so sweet.

[Insects chirping]

I had a good time last night.


[Laughs uncomfortably]

Uh, George, you know what?

Not right now. I'm sorry.

Not right now.

Oh. I get it.

Two steps forward, one step back?

No. I-I've just had a hard day.

Fair enough.

Well, thanks for chiming in.

I wouldn't have felt it was fair otherwise.

What the hell, Norma?

I... you know... I don't get you.

What is it, some weird control thing?

I really don't get it.

You want to know why you don't get me? Because you can't get me.

You will never get me.

You think you know what life is, that it's something you just stay on top of with your soft words and your nice summer jacket?

You come from a whole world of people who are not real.

You don't understand anything.

You're just sleepwalking through life.

You have no real troubles.

You sit there in your little playhouses with your cocktails, and you judge the rest of us.

That's total bullshit.

Then why don't you get the hell out of here then?


[Sentimental music]


[Engine turns over]

George! George, I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!





I'm sorry, Norma.

Come on. Come on.

It's okay.

[Dove cooing]

This way.

[Clock ticking]

Thank you for coming over, Dylan.

How are you?

I've been better.

I'm sure you have.

Look, none of us wanted this.

I didn't want to do it.

You didn't want me to have to do it.

But unfortunately Zane Morgan made it necessary.

He's the one responsible for all of this.


You have news for me?

Yeah, I know where you can find Zane.

His body?

He's not dead.

I don't understand.

I don't think I could've made myself more clear.

I couldn't get to him.

All right, he's holed up in a house with three other guys, all armed.

There's no way for me to do it.


Way up cedar canyon, all the way at the end.

There's a dirt road to the left in a house at the end of that road.

You know for sure he's there?

Yeah, I was up there. I saw him.

I pretended I was there to take him groceries.

You have any thoughts about how we can get this done?

You're gonna have to go up there with a bunch of guys.

Have a firefight?

I don't see it any other way.

So what you're telling me is you can't help me anymore.

Not by myself.

All right.


I'm really sorry to hear that.

[g*n cocks]

Let's go.

Go where?


[Foreboding music]

[Grunts, shouts]

[Both grunting]

Where's Norman?

Where is he? Where's Norman?

Where is he?

Where did you take him?

[pounding at door]

[Doorbell rings, pounding continues]

Here to see Norman.

I told you, he's not feeling...

No, no, no, I know what you told me.

I need to see him in the flesh right now.

Okay, as soon as he's up, I'll send him down.

No, you're not hearing me.


I'm tired of being nice about it.

Out of my way.

You can't!

Come on, you don't have permission to be here.

Yeah, well, call somebody. Whoever you want.

Why are you doing this?

Okay, he's not there.

Where is he?

Where is he?

Nick Ford has him.

He took him. He said if I told anyone, he would k*ll him.


He's evil.

He's pure evil. I should've listened to you and stayed away from him.

I-I thought that he could help me stop the road.

I'm an idiot. He took advantage of me.

Why did he do it? Did he tell you why?

To force Dylan to k*ll somebody.


All right. Okay. I'm on it.

What are you gonna do about it?

Please stop asking me that question.

I trust you, okay? I totally trust you.

Well, then let me take care of it.


[Breathing shakily]

Come on.

[Thunder rumbles]

[Throbbing music]


What are you doing walking in the rain?

Come on, get in!

[Faint heartbeat]

You probably shouldn't tell anyone that you came here.

I'm going to go change quickly.


What kind of a grown woman invites a teenage boy into her house and changes her clothes where he can see her?

That's not what she's doing.

Of course it is.

No, no, no. She's trying to help me.

She's trying to seduce you.

That's not true.

[Eerie, sultry music]

[Whispers] Norman.


Then why didn't she close the door?


Because she knows you're watching her.

She does not.

Of course she does.

She wants you to see her body.

She wants you to want her.



[Whispers] Norman.

Norman. [Sighs erotically]


You know what you have to do.

[Moaning softly]

[Ominous music]

I'm always with you.

I'm always with you.


[Thunder rumbles]
