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04x11 - Futurama

Posted: 09/29/23 15:38
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like two the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ And you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ 'Cause they're always
getting caught ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like sigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here it go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

Oh, thank you.

Thank you
so much. Wow.

Welcome to the show,

I am y kenan!

[Cheers and applause]

And I am y kel!

[Cheers and applause]

Whoo! That is wonderful.

Boy, tonight's show
is gonna be more
exciting than ever.

I mean, here we are,
stepping into
a new millennium.

Ooooh. I just
got new shoes.

New millennium,
same old kel.

Hey, you think they'll
still be showing
reruns of our show
, years from now?

I hope so,
'cause I love reruns.

You know, I especially
like how people be wearing
them old hairstyles

And all the old clothes
they wear. It's so funny.

But kel, if our show is
on , years from now

That means people will
be making fun of us.


That's not nice,
future people.

Why would you do something
like that to us?

Hey, I got an idea.

Why don't we do
tonight's episode
in the year ?

That way, when
people see it
, years from now

It'll still seem
new and up to date.

Hey, good idea, and
maybe in the year

We won't get in
any trouble.

Maybe, but I
wouldn't bet on it.

Come on, spacey.
We're going to
the future.

B-but kenan!

Is the future cold?

Do I need to
bring a jacket?

If the show is
in the future,
then is right now
here in the past?


Awwwwwwww, here it goes.


Lights on.

Kenan! Wake up! Wake up!

Kenan! Get out
your module! Kenan!

Kenan, wake up!



It's :.

Oh, man, we're
late for school.

Oh, and we
have that test in
alien biology class.

Oh, I can't decide
what to wear.

You know what?
I like this one
the best.


All right. Man, I gotta do
well on that test today.

My daddy said he'd
give me laser ball
tickets if I do.

Laser ball tickets?!

Ooh, I wanna come!

I wanna see my
favorite athlete--

Michael jordan xxii.

Well, you can come,
but we gotta take
the test first.

Now let's go
to school. Help me.

Lemme help you zip up.thank you.

All right.let's go to school.

[Sarcastically] kenan, kel,
nice of you to join us.

Sorry we're late,
mrs. Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh.

Well, now that you're here
we can begin the exam.

Activate the testing cones.

Begin test.

[Whirring and buzzing]

Very well, students.
Your knowledge of alien biology

Has been sucked out
of your brains.

Class dismissed.

Whew! I thought that test
was never gonna end.

Next on the ancient
history channel,

When cars couldn't fly.

Tv off!

Million channels and there's
still nothing good on.

Hey, roger.

Like my new hairdo?


What was wrong with
the green sparkly hair
you had yesterday?

I'm just trying
to keep up with
the latest styles.

Unlike you. I can't
believe you're still
wearing these clothes.

What's wrong
with my clothes?

It's the year .
Get with the times.

Whoooo! Hey, mama, daddy.

Hey, how did
the test go?

Oh, my brain hurts.

Oh, it was easy.
You better be ready

To cough up those
laser ball tickets,

I'll wait to see
your grades.

Hey, you know what?
We should go tomorrow.

I hear the tentapods
are in town. They
got great defense.

They should. They've
got arms each.

Hey, kenan, before
you go don't forget
to take out the trash.


I wanna take out
the trash!

I wanna use...
The trashinator!

That trashinator
is so old.

Hey, roger, why don't
we get a newer model?

That one works
just fine.

Bon voyage, trash!

[Laser buzzing]

You're nothing
but trash, buddy!

I'm king of the trash.

I rule over everything
that is trashy.


Kel, that was our lamp!


Hey, kenan, I've got
the new flock of monkeys

Mini-mini compact disc.

New disc! Let's put it on.




[Strange, arrhythmic
music plays]

It's electric hammer time!

Oh! Get all of them! Oh!

Yes! I can feel it!

Hello? Hello?
This millennium?

Oh, I'm sorry.
Stereo off.

I can ring you up
right here on the
virtual cash register.


All right. We got
creamed spinach here...

[Beep beep beep]

Uh, a pound of bananas...

[Beep beep beep]

Let's see...detergent...

[Beep beep beep]

Ah! Chicken cordon bleu.
Very nice.

Oh! Who loves
orange soda capsules?

Kel loves
orange soda capsules.

Is it true? Mmmmmmmm?

Even in the year ,

I do, I do, I do--hoooooo.

Oh, yeah.

Im sorry, ma'am. I'm
going to have to get

A price check on this
blueberry pie. Chris!

[In robotic voice]
what is it, kenan?

How much is
this blueberry pie?


Special today...
$ Million.


[Beep beep beep beep]

Your total is $ million
and cents.

Thank you for
shopping at rigby's,

Where the produce is
fresher than a quasar
in the crab nebula.

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha.

Kel: boy, kenan, look!
Look who it is!

It's our teacher,
ms. Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh.

Oh, yeah, hey,
ms. Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh.

Wanna tell us how we
did on our tests today?

As a matter of fact, I do.

All right. Lay it on me.

You got an "a" plus.

"A" plus?

Way to go, kenan!

Kel, an "a" plus is
the worst grade you can get.

You must be thinking of
, years ago

When an "a" plus
was a good grade.

Oh, yeah. Well,
how did I do?

"A" quadruple plus.

I was impressed with
how much you know about
alien biology, kel.

Well, mama always said
I think like an alien.

Well, your parents will be
very pleased when they receive

Your report card module
in the mail this afternoon.

And yours won't be.


Stupid "a" plus.

Now my daddy's not
going to give me those
laser ball tickets.

W-well, maybe he'll
get you monster space
rally tickets...

Or tickets to see cats.

No, man. He's not gonna get
me tickets to see anything.

Unless we get to
the mail first.

What's that gonna do?

I'll change the grade
on my computer,

And then tomorrow
you and I are gonna be
at the laser ball game,

Watching the chicago phasers
kick some tentapods butt.

Hey, good plan, but
there's just one thing.


Tentapods don't
have butts.

That's why you
failed alien biology.

All right. The mail
should be here
any minute now.

Kel, will you stop playing
with the trashinator?

Trash be gone!

That wasn't trash, man.

That was my mama's
favorite vase.

Oh, well.

Would you stop
messing around?!

Female voice:
you have mail.

Hey, the mail's here.

Now all I gotta do is
find my report card module

And go upstairs
and make the changes--

Ooh, the mail's here.
Thanks, kenan.

Hey, this looks
like your grades.

I'll just load it into
the computer and have a look.

Kel! He's gonna look
at my report card.

Don't worry. I'll
trashinate the disc.

No, kel, don't do that!

Hey, what--oh!


Oh, he's gone!

Kel, you trashinated
my daddy!

Roger's voice:
what are you
talking about?


Your daddy's a ghost!

Stop haunting us!
Oh, our every
waking hour!

Roger: ghost? What's
the matter with you?

Why are both of you
staring at me
like that?

Daddy? Daddy?

Ow! My eye!

What did you
do that for?!


Daddy, I'm afraid
I got some bad news.

Kenan failed his test.

That's not the bad news.
I mean, that is bad news,

But not compared to...

You being invisible.

I'm invisible?!


You know, look
at it this way.

Now when you go out,
no one has to look at
your big, bald head.

Kel! Shh!

And since you're
invisible, you probably
can't feel this.

Roger: ow!

I'm gonna get you!


I'm gonna get
you out of here!

You're never gonna--

Daddy, calm down!

I'll calm down
when I'm visible!

There's gotta be some
kind of emergency number
on the trashinator.

Ah, here it is.


Trashinator and son,
how can I help you.

Yeah, hi. My brilliant
friend over there just
trashinated my daddy.

All right, don't panic.

The trashinator only
vaporizes trash.

It just turns
humans invisible.

Great. So how do we
make him uninvisible?

Aw, that's easy. All
you've got to do is
use the reverse valve.

It's the little green
thing on the side
of the machine.

Kel: ooh, ooh,
I see it.

Roger: ow!


This it?

Kel, you broke
the reverse valve!

Roger: how am I gonna
get visible now?

Well, d-don't
worry, daddy.

I'm sure the technician
can send us a nice,
new reverse valve.

I certainly


Only not for
that model.

That thing
looks like
it's from the
th century.

I mean, what
an old-fashioned
piece of junk!

Ha ha ha ha.
Good luck.


Ok. W-we can fix this.

Roger: you better,

Or you're going to wish
youwere invisible!

Don't panic, now.
Don't panic.

Yeah, but your daddy's

And we don't know
how to turn him back.


Boy, these
lamb chops are good.

Mrs. Rockmore,
what's the recipe?

You just add water
to a lamb chop capsule.

You know.
The same way
we make all food.

Oh, yeah.

[Yelling] roger, you're
dinner's getting cold!

Roger: I'm right
next to you, cheryl.

Sorry, roger,
it's just so hard to
see you ever since
you've disappeared.

And, look. You
haven't even
touched your dinner.

I'm not hungry.

I guess my appetite's
disappeared, too.

So that's why
you're looking so thin.

Yeah. Maybe it's
because you pointed
that trashinator at me

And turned me into
an invisible freak!

I don't think so.

Oh--did you see that?!

That dinner roll just
jumped off the table

And hit me right
in the head!

Magic roll!

Kel, that was my daddy.

We turned your daddy
into a dinner roll?

No, man, my daddy's
still invisible.

He's sitting
right there.

Oh, I didn't see him.

Roger, you have
to eat something.

Kenan, pass him
the soup,

And be careful.
It's very hot.

Oh, don't worry.
I got it.

Roger: not you!
This is not a good idea!

Not a good--


Hot soup! Hot soup!

Come here! Come here!

What'd you do it for?!

I'm not gonna stand
this any longer!

Why?! Why?! Why?!

Every time!

Roger, it's all
your fault anyway.

What?! My fault?!

Yes. You wouldn't
be in this mess

If you hadn't been
too cheap to buy us
a new trashinator.

Hey, that's true.
Daddy, you should

Roger: kenan!


I mean, you have no
problem spending money

On old, worthless junk.
Like that stick.

Roger: it's called a bat
and it's an antique.

Wow, I've never seen
anything like this before.

They use it in
an old game
called baseball.

How does it work?

Roger: kel, put that down.
Don't swing that in here.

Be careful,
be careful now--


Roger: owwwwwwww!

[Whack]roger: owwwwwwww!

Kel! Stop it!

Wow, this is fun
for an antique.

Antique, huh?

Yeah, antique.
It's a noun, it means,
like, really old stuff.

I know what it means.

I just got an idea.
Maybe we can find

An old trashinator
reverse valve at
an antique store!

Yeah, come on, kel.

Oh--oh, I almost walked
off with your bat.

Here you go.

[Thump]roger: owwwwwwww!


Wow! Look at
these antiques.

Man, I knew this
stuff would be old,

But I didn't think it
would date all the way
back to the s.

Wow. What's this thing?

Oh, that's obvious.
This is


Oh, it's a machine
that helped kids
count from one to .

Yeah, of course.
Ha ha ha.

Look at this. This
must be some kind of
old back massager.

Turn around.
All right,
let's try it..

Ooh. Hey, that
feels nice. Yeah.

What's this thing?

[Beep beep beep...]

Must be some kind
of a musical instrument.

[Beep beep beep beep...]

Actually, that's
an old telephone.

Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.

A telephone?
Where's the video screen?

They didn't have one.

Yeah, right. Next thing
you're going to tell me

Is that tv over there
doesn't have d.

[Barking robotically]


Fluffy, come here.

Fluffy, come here.
Stop that.

So, gentlemen, was there
anything in particular
you were looking for?

Yeah, we were
wondering if you had

A reverse valve for
an old model trashinator.

A reverse valve...
I think I might
have one.

Kel, did you hear that?
He's got the valve!

One reverse valve.

It's the only one I got.
It's gonna cost you
$ million.

$ Million for a little
piece of--all right.

Wow. An electric

[Microwave beeps]

You know, we don't
get many calls for
reverse valves.

What did you do?
Try to get rid of
a report card,

And end up turning
your dad invisible
or something?

Ha ha ha ha ha.
That's pretty funny.

I guess I'll just take my
reverse valve and go--

Where did it go?


Oh, how I hope
that that uh-oh

Has nothing to do with
where the valve went.

Kel, where's the valve?

Valve? What valve?

You know, the reverse
valve that we came
specifically here for?

Oh, that valve. Um, I
was trying to give it

A ride on the little
electric merry-go-round,

And then it got
all bubbly.

Ohhhh, my reverse valve!

My microwave!my bad.

Get out of my store
and never come back!
Both of you!

All right, but--out!

When you said this
was the only reverse valve,

Was that a joke?

Out! Out!


That hit the spot.

Kenan! Hey!

Oh, are you still
annoyed at me because
I turned your dad invisible

And melted the part that
would have turned him back?

Kenan. Answer me.

Kenan, are you annoyed
with me, yes or no?


Is something
wrong, kenan?

No, no. I just had
a little reverse
valve problem.

Oh, I know
what you mean.

I have one of
those reverse valves
in my robot body,

And I know what
a pain they can be.

I mean a real pain in the--

You have a reverse valve?

Yes. If I didn't
need it to function

I'd give it to you.

Hmm. Yeah, too bad you need
it to function properly.

Oh, kenan, can you
handle the store
for a few hours?

I need to take
mother to the spa.

She's getting
the full treatment--

Massage, facial,
oil change.

Sure, chris. That should
be no problem at all.


Kel. I'm gonna borrow
chris's reverse valve
for the trashinator.

Chris is not going to let
you borrow his reverse valve.

He already told you he can't
function without it.

Kel, when I say
"borrow" I really mean
"take without asking."

So all you gotta do
is distract chris

While I sneak up behind
him and get the valve.

Got it!

So long, guys.

So long, chris.kel!

Oh, yeah.

Um, I have to tie my shoe.

Kel, people's shoes
tie themselves

They have for
the past years.

That's a great story.
Tell it to me again.

Kel, people's shoes
tie themselves


If your reverse
valve was itching,

Where would
you scratch?

Don't be silly, kenan.
Robots don't itch.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I need to go
and pick up mother.

How did you do that?


Chris, I need
your reverse valve!

No! Without it,
I can't change direction.


I got the valve!
Come on, kel!

Oh, wait'll
I get you!

Oh! Oh, mother,
forgive me.

[Voice winding down]

Tv: in laser ball, the chicago
phasers were defeated today

Putting the venus tentapods
on the victory trail.

Which is sure to be
a trail of slime.

Who left the tv on.
Tv off.

Roger: hey,
I was watching that.


Roger, you scared me.
I'm sorry.

Man, you are one scary
invisible husband.

Hey, mama.
Daddy, come quick.


I'm right here, kenan.
On the couch.

Oh. Well, look.
I got the reverse valve.

Roger: oh, great!

He stole it
from chris.

I--i borrowed it
from a friend
named chris who's...

Get the trashinator, man.

Now, hang in there, daddy.

All I gotta do is
reattach the reverse valve

On the back of
the trashinator, like so.

Now switch the trashinator
into reverse,

Man, we ready to go!

Let me zap him!

Never mind.

Now, kenan. Are you
sure that valve is gonna
work on our old machine?

Of course it will.

How do you know
all reverse valves
are the same?

Of course they are.
Now everybody just
stand back and watch.

Well, at least
we can see him.
