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04x08 - Aw, Here It Goes to Hollywood pt. 2

Posted: 09/29/23 15:13
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like two the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ And you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ 'Cause they're always
getting caught ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like zigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here it go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you-ah!

And welcome to
the second half

Of the kenan
and kelshow.

You know, if you
were my mama,

You would have
named me kenan!

[Cheers and applause]

And if you was
kenan's mama,

You'd probably name
me kel-l-l-l-l-l.

[Cheers and applause]

Wow. Last week's episode
sure was exciting.

I mean, we got on
the wrong plane

And ended up
stranded in hollywood
all by ourselves.

Then we became big
hollywood movie stars

But we spent all of our
money on orange soda.

So we ended up on
the streets, all cold,

Hanging with the penguins
in the street--

Waddle, waddle,
can I have some money?

Kel, that's not
what happened.

It didn't?

No. This will
refresh your memory.

Come on. Come on,
little monitor.


[All screaming]

Male: so, here's
the easy question.

Where do the rockmores
want to go on their vacation?

[All talking over each other]


All: no!

Oh, so you got
the high score.
Big whoop.

Big whoop.

That's right, big whoop.
Now get back to work.

Come on, chris.
This is like the
highest score ever.

Nobody's ever gonna
beat that score.

Oh, please.
How hard can it be?

Oh, and remember, chris.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning
and I'll be back in a week.

All right, kenan.
See you tomorrow.

I hope that kenan and
kel don't miss the plane.

I hope kenan doesn't
miss the plane.

Captain: ladies and gentlemen.
Prepare for takeoff.

Excuse me. I believe I
just heard the pilot say

That this plane was
headed for hollywood.

That wouldn't happen
to be hollywood,
amsterburg, would it?

This plane is
going to hollywood,

Oh, man, kel. We're
on the wrong plane!


What do you want?

Chris. Hey, man,
it's kenan.

Kel and I are
in hollywood.

Man, we got on
the wrong plane.

You interrupted
my game for that?

Don't call me again
unless it's important!




Chris, this is shirl.
Have you heard from kenan?

Yeah. He got on
the wrong plane
and he's stuck
in hollywood.

Now please
leave me alone.

I've almost got
the high score!

Well, the next flight to
amsterburg is at .

Well, that's only
a few hours from now.


That's a few
hours plus...

More hours
from now.

What are we supposed
to do for all
those hours?

I don't care.

Well, I want to meet
some celebrities,

And david alan grier
lives in hollywood.

Hey, you guys wanna
come see a taping of
the julie brown show?

Uh, well, we gotta
catch a plane at .

Do you think we'll have time?

Sure. Show sh**t at ,
you'll be out by .

What do you say, kel?
It'd be kinda fun.

Ah, I don't know...

Tonight's guest
is gonna be
david alan grier.

Ah! David alan grier!

Oh, man, that
explained a lot.

I remember all of that.

Good. Now
come on, crunchy!

We've got
an adventure
to conclude.

Heh heh heh.

Hey, kenan. Where'd
you disappear to?

Uh, kenan? Are
we still going to
the orange soda fest?

Kenan? Awww,
here it goes, part .

Kel! Kel!

Come on, kel.

♪ I'm gonna meet
david alan grier ♪

♪ I'm gonna meet
david alan grier ♪

♪ I'm gonna meet
david alan grier ♪

♪ I'm gonna meet
david alan grier ♪

♪ I'm gonna meet
david alan grier ♪

♪ I'm gonna meet
david alan grier ♪

♪ You gonna meet
david alan grier ♪

You gonna meet
david alan--

Hey, hey.hey, what's happening?

Guess who I'm gonna meet?

David alan grier.

How'd you know that?
You must be psychic.

How many fingers
am I holding up?

. Now will you please--

A-ha! Told you.
He's psychic!
He's psychic!

I'm sorry about
him. He's kel.

If you knew him,
that would make sense.

I don't wanna know him.

Well, can I go in and
meet david alan grier?


But I wanna meet
david alan grier.

Read my lips--no.

How am I supposed to
read your lips, huh?

You don't have nothing
written on it.

How can anybody read
your lips when there's
nothing written on it?

Kel! Let go of
the man's lips.

Let go of
the man's lips.

Let go of his lips.oh, ok.

I'm sorry about this.
Actually, I'm not
even with him.

Who are you, stranger?

Can I see your
tickets, please?

Oh, tickets...

It's happening.

ripped up the tickets.

That was accident.
Let me get it.

All right, yeah.
You dropped 'em--

Actually, kel,
I don't think that
was an accident.

That's right.
Now take your annoying
friend and get out.

But--we wanna see
the julie brown show.

Yeah. I wanna meet
david alan grier.

Yeah, can we
watch the show,
mr. Security guard,

Beat it.


He just--

Come on, man.


Aw, man!

Don't worry about it, man.

I think we can
find another way
into that studio.

Ooh, yeah. You know,
we can dress up
as birds,

And then get into
a helicopter.

Let the helicopter
land on the roof.

I was just thinking
maybe we'd find
a back door or something.

Crazy, but it
just might work.


There's our ticket to
the julie brown show
right there.

Heh heh heh.

That's not a ticket.
That's a door.

Man, just help me
get over the fence.

All right,
I'm right on it.
There you go.

Wait, wait, kel.


Catch me!


[Both hollering]

Whoo! That was fun.
Let's do it again.

Never mind.

Come on, let's
just get inside.

Oh. "Guard dog
on duty. Beware."

Why would they be
telling the guard
dog to beware?

I mean,
dogs can't, kel--

Unless it's a super
intelligent guard dog

Created in a government
experiment gone bad!

Kel, the sign isn't
telling the dog to beware,

It's telling us to
beware of the dog.

Now let's get out of here
before the dog shows up.


Ah! Bad dog!

Big, big,
big mean dog.

Man, that dog is
not that mean. Look.




Big dog! Big dog!
Oh, a big dog!

Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh! Oh!

Oh, man we're trapped.

I can't believe I'm
about to say this,

But I'd rather be
at the orange soda fest.

I know your family's
having so much fun.

Oh, man. This vacation
couldn't be any worse.

I wish kel were here.

Ok, I guess it could
be a little worse.

Listen, let's just
open up the window
and get some air, ok?

Ok, let's see--

Nice view.

[Knocking on door]

Now who could that be?


What are you guys doing?

Kel invited us.

He said we could
all stay here.

Kel's not even here!

Visitors, chanting:
orange...soda fest!


Aw, man, what are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?

I got an idea.

Get out of my--
that's my wallet.

I know. It's part
of the plan.

Hey, dog. Here's $..
Leave us alone!

Awwwww, didn't work.

No it didn't!
That was my $.!

Here's .don't give him the --

Give me my wallet, man.


You got ?

Let me see if one of
these windows is open.


Ha! This is open.
Come on, let's go.

Well, so what. I've
seen a lot of open
windows in my life.

What's so good
about this one?

It leads into the studio,

Now get yourself
in the window.

Yo! Sorry.

All right. Whew!

we're in! We're in!

We got in!

Shhh! Stop shouting!

But if I whisper,
how can anybody
hear me?

We don't want nobody
to hear you, man.

You gotta be quiet or
we're gonna get kicked out.

oh, ok. I got it.

[Shouts] let's go!

This is my first time doing
the julie brown show.

Look. It's bill bellamy.


Oh, my god. Oh!
Hey! Hey!


Not you guys!

Man, bill bellamy.
Do you remember when
you came to chicago

And you came into a
store called rigby's

And we made you
take a picture with
everybody in our
school? Remember?

Yeah, I remember.
That's why I said,
"oh, no! Not you guys!"

Do you miss us?
Do you miss us?
Do you miss us?

Get off me--
no, not really.

Uh, do you mind if
I get a little space?

I need to be alone.

Oh, no problem.

Hey, hey. You all
heard bill bellamy.

He said get out.
He said leave.

[All yelling over each other]

I did not want
you guys to get--

Get out! Out! Out!

See you again soon.

Hey, let's do lunch.

There they go again.

All right, now, if
I was david alan grier,
where would I be?

Huh? Where would
I be--wha--?

Kel, please.
Don't make a scene.

Orange soda!

Oh, you're
making a scene.

Yes! Ohhhhh!

Who loves orange soda?

Kel loves orange soda.

And it's true! I do!

I do! I do! I do!

All right, come on,
now, kel, be quiet.

Shhh. Please. Thank you.

Excuse me.

But what do you
think you're doing?

Drinking orange soda.
What do you think
you're doing?

Are you guys
supposed to be here?

Yeah--uh--he's, uh,
david alan grier's...

Personal hairdresser.
Yeah. H-he dresses the hair.

Well, who are you?

I'm his hairdresser.

And that haircut
you got on your head
does nothing for ya.

This isn't a cut.

I'm bald.

So you have
to keep that?

You know what? Uh--
it's time for him to
get to david alan grier

So he can dress the--
on time,

So do you know
where he might be?

Probably i-in
the makeup room.

It's right over
that way.

Thank you so much.
Come on, kel.

Hey, david alan grier.
Oh, good to see ya.

Ah, it's just
britney spears.

Kel! That's
britney spears!

You're britney spears!
Do you know who you are?

Britney spears?

Kenan, it's
britney spears!

Wow, I can't
believe it.

Wow. I can't believe
that I'm meeting you.

I can't believe that
I'm meeting you.

Huge fan. Huge fan.
Wrote you lots of letters.

Probably too busy
to write back,
big superstar and all.

Could I get an autograph
here, on my arm?

Or marry me.
I'd make a great husband.

Ooh. Britney spears--

Is he ok?

Oh, yeah. He always
passes out when he
meets britney spears.

Ok, well, look. How
did you guys get here?

Oh, uh...uh...

I'm the hairdresser.

Oh, you're
the hairdresser.

Oh, I've been
wondering when you
were gonna get here.

You were?

You know what?
I think my hair's
completely fine.

I just need, like,
some hair spray.

S-some hair spray?
All right, look.

Who's the hairdresser
here, all right?

Ok, I don't go telling
you how to do your job.

Now I'm gonna
make you look like

A teenage singing

Well, I kind of
already am.

Huh! Shhh. I have
to concentrate.

Ok, lean back for me.
Mmm, there you go.



Teen scene. Superstar.


[Can rattles]

I don't know what--
came over me! Kel!

What are you doing?

I thought britney
would look nice with
some green highlights.

Did you say
green highlights?

Uh, no, no.

He said, uh, it's better...
To the good life.

Come on, kel.
We gotta go.

Um--uh--i'll write to you.

Man, we gotta
get out of here

Before britney sees what
you did to her hair.


Too late.
Come on.

I can fix it.

Kel! You're not
really a hairdresser.

Oh, yeah.
Come on!

Ok, I think we're ok.

See anybody behind us?

No, nobody that way,
nobody this way,

Nobody--oh, wait--
I got all twist--


Wow. Well, at least
I think we're safe now.

Come on, get up.

They drank all
the orange sodas

And they ruined
britney spears' hair.

I've dealt with
these guys before.
Take it from me.

It's only gonna
get worse.

Don't you worry.
We'll get 'em.

Kel, look. You see
the sign on this door?

"David alan grier".

Kenan, do you know
what this means?

Somebody named
that door
david alan grier.

No, kel. It means that
this is his dressing room.

David alan grier's
probably right on

The other side
of this door.

David alan grier,
I'm coming!

Kel, don't go in there!
You're not supposed to
go in there!

Aw, he's goin' in there.

David alan grier!
I'm here!

Your biggest fan!
I'm here! David?

Kel, don't go in the--
oh, he went in.

Oh, good. David alan grier
is not in here.

Come on, kel. You know
we're not supposed to
be in here. Let's go.

Look, kenan.

David alan grier's

David alan grier's

Don't look in
the man's garbage.
It's garbage.

Wha--david alan
grier's tv.

I wonder if it works
like a regular tv.

And that's why
they call it butter.

Well, anyway, guys,
we've got a great
show for you tonight.

A young lady who's got
the hearts pumping
all over the world,

The gorgeous and the lovely
and the talented

Britney spears
will be performing.

[Cheers and applause]

Also, we're going to
hear what bill bellamy
has to say,

So, listen.

And we're also
gonna hear from

The very, very funny
david alan grier!

[Cheers and applause]

Oh, man. That's why
david alan grier's
not here.

He's on
the julie brown show.

Kel. We're at the
julie brown show.
That's here.

You're watching
the show that they're
sh**ting right now.

Well, if they're here,
then where are we?

We're here too.
See? Us? Here?


Hey, look.
David alan grier's

Man. The julie brown show.

Boy, I can't believe it.
Chris is gonna be so jealous.

He and mother are big
julie brown fans.

You should call him
on david alan grier's

You know what?
I think I will.

He might get mad
but I don't care.

Ha ha ha ha.

[Phone rings]take that!
Take that!

Ha ha ha. Oh! Oh!
You want a piece of
chris potter, do ya?

Get in line, punk!
Ha ha ha ha ha.

No, no, no!
Ha ha ha ha.

Excuse me. Can
someone ring us up?

What's the matter
with you?

Can't you see I'm
trying to play a game?

But I just thought--

Get out of here! Scram!
Get out of my store!

Ooh hoo hoo hoo hoo.
Yes! Yes! No!

Oh, yeah--yeah--yeah!
We got it! We got it!

[Phone ringing]whee--oh--oh--oh, sorry.

Oh! Oh! Stopped him again.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Huh. That's funny.

No one answered
the phone.

Kenan. I can't get
this shirt on.


Kel! Kel! Stop!

That's the man's pants.


You know, they do
fit better this way.

Imagine that.

Excuse me. Is my suit
ready for the show?

Yes, sir, mr. Grier.
It's hanging in
your room.

Good to meet you.

[Indistinct tv noise]

[Turns tv off]

There's no suit in here.


Kel: let me see!
Let me see!

he's coming. Hide!

Hide in
the toilet.

That's a bad idea, man.

Well, you got
a better idea?
Huh, genius?

Just come on.





[All screaming]

Ha ha ha ha.
David--you naked.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Thank you--
oh-h-h-h no!

Oh, man!

Uh, so mr. Grier--
uh, so david alan--

This is not what it
looks like, because, uh...

Wait a minute.
You're not
david alan grier.

Yes, I am.

No, you're not!

Yes, I am!

That is not
david alan grier.

Yes, it is.

Ha ha ha ha.

That is real funny,

This whole time,
I thought
david alan grier

Was that guy who sings
hit me baby one
more time.

britney spears.

Yeah, you know,
britney spears?
We just met her downstairs.

You turned her hair green.

Oh! That was her?

Man, this whole time
I thought you were
britney spears.

You know, I get
that all the time.

Well, then, uh...
Who are you?

He's david alan grier, man!

You know, the star of
in living color,

Blankman, jumanji--


Oh, man, I love
your films, man!
You're funny.

Thanks a lot man,
you know...

Man, what you
doin' up in here

And in my suit,
all wet?!

You know,
I can explain that--

You know who
you're gonna be
explaining it to?

[Yells] security!

Both: no, no,
not security!

You know, I loved
you in jumanji.

It was great.




How you doin'?

How you doin',
shade of the gray.
All right, you know,

I'm david
alan grier's
close friend.

And I thought that--

There they are!

Get 'em!

Come on, kel!

Kel! Quick!
Through this door!

No, no, kenan. We can't.
It says "staff only".

And we're not staff.

Would you just come on!

I'm sorry.

Well, I don't know
if you've all heard
about this,

But there is actually
a big orange soda

That happens every
year around this time,

And we were lucky
enough to find

A photo from this
year's festival.

Let's take a look
at this.

Hmm. Look at this guy.
Looks like he should be

Spending less time
at orange soda fest

And more time
at wig fest.

Ok, kel. I think
we lost 'em.

No, we didn't
they're right there.

Come on, quick.
Behind these curtains.

Don't worry, kel.

I don't think anybody
gonna find us out here.

[In squeaky voices]

Well, it seems we have
a big surprise for everyone,

Including myself.

Please welcome my
very special guests...

Two complete strangers.

[Cheers and applause]

Julie brown!
Oooh! Ooooh!

Oh, julie--
oh, julie--

I'm kenan and
that's kel--

I love--
I love--julie brown.

this is neat.

We've got one of
these at my house.

Guess who we met.

We met david alan grier.

Oh, really?

Well, it looks like
this is your lucky day,

Because we have very
nice security guards

That we'd like to
introduce you to.

They're the guys.

That's the guy
who took a shower
in my suit.

Nice chatting with
you, ms. Brown.

Come on, kel.
We gotta go!

David alan grier,
can I get your

Oh, I'm gonna give
you an autograph...

Right upside
your neck!

Man, I'm glad we
made this plane.

Yeah, that was really
nice of those cops

To drive us
all the way here.

Yep. Too bad we're
not ever allowed in
hollywood again.

Hey, forget hollywood.
Me, I'm just glad

We're going to
the orange soda fest.

Here we come,

Captain: welcome
aboard flight ,

Non-stop to paris, france.

We hope you enjoy
your flight.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Thank you.

Well, that's
the end of our
hollywood adventure.

Did you all have
a good time?

[Cheers and applause]

What's wrong, kel?

Well, I'm sad because
we didn't get to go

To the orange soda fest.

Well, we got to
see hollywood,

And you got to meet
david alan grier,

And we got to be on
the julie brown show.

We even got to
see paris.

I know, but we
didn't get to ride
the orange soda ride,

And we didn't get to swim
in orange soda pool.

Well, my parents
and sister did,

And they're still
stained orange
from it.

They're so lucky.

You know what, kel?

I could get used to
this traveling thing.

Why don't you grab
a camel, a tent,
and the camera crew

And meet me
in mozambique.

Now come on, eileen!

But kenan,
I don't wanna travel!

I'm tired! I wanna
go on vacation!

Awwww, here it goes!
