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04x07 - Aw, Here It Goes to Hollywood pt. 1

Posted: 09/29/23 15:12
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're all
the same call ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like zigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

[Loud cheers and applause]

Oh, why thank you
so muchy.

Thank you to the maximums

Of thank you-ness.

Whoo! Wow.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

Welcome to

The kenan and kel show.

For all of y'all
keeping score at home,

My name is kenan.
You can clap for me
if you want.

[Loud applause and cheers]

Oh! Thank you!

I love it when
you do that!


And my name is kel!

[Loud applause and cheers]

And my name is kel!

[Loud applause and cheers]

Kel? Kel!

There's two of you?

Yeah, tonight's show
is a two-part episode.

Yeah, so we thought,
why wouldn't there
be two of us?

Kel? Just because it's
a two-part episode

Doesn't mean that there's
supposed to be two of us.


But it does mean that
we're supposed to get into
twice as much trouble. Heh heh!


Now one of you get lost
and one of you come with me.

I was just
wondering how y'all
did the splitting thing,

'Cause that's real

You should take it
on the road.

Just come on, man.
We've got a show to do.

Kenan, wait!

Which one of us
should go with you?


aw, here it goes!

[Music playing]

Hey, rockmores!

Why are you all listening
to that awful music?

We're trying
to win a contest.

Is it a contest to see
who can listen to the most
awful music the longest?

No, man, this
radio station's
having a contest.

When you hear
the lucky cow moo,

You gotta be
the first person
to call in.

Oh, then you win
the contest?

No. Then you have to
answer a question.

If you get
the question right,

Then you win a trip
to anywhere you want
to go

In the whole
wide world.

Hey, we should go to
amsterburg, europe to
the orange soda fest.

What's the orange
soda fest?

So glad you asked.

It's for all the orange soda
lovers to get together

And enjoy the joy
of orange soda! Good.

Anywhere in
the whole wide world

And you wanna go to
amsterburg, europe?

I do. I do, I do,
I do-ooh!

Kel, the trip is for
the winner's family.

And you're not family.

[Cow bell rings
and cow moos]

There it is!

It's ringing!

[Shouting excitedly]

Radio dj: ok, we've just
heard the lucky cowbell.

Let's see who's on the line.



Am I on?!

Yes, you're on.

I'm on! I'm on!

Who am I speaking to?

Tell him who
he's speaking to.

Oh, oh. Uh--this is
roger rockmore speaking
to you personally.

Great, roger.
If you can answer
the next question,

The rockmores will win
a free trip to anywhere
in the world.

Are you ready?

I don't know.
Am I ready?

you are ready!

You're ready, man.
Come on.

I'm ready.

Ok, roger.
The question is

Who invented
string cheese?

String cheese.string cheese.

who did invent it?

I'll get the book,
I'll get the book.

The inventor of
string cheese was
francis p. Nottingham.

That's right.

[Excited shouting]

So here's
the easy question.

Where do the rockmores
want to go on their vacation?

[All shouting
different places]

Paris, paris.


No, no!

And it's official.
The rockmores are going
to amsterburg, europe!


I love coming here.

Aha! Take that!

Captain kenan laughs
at your puny star fighters.

Hey, hey, hey! Hey.

Kenan! I am not paying you
to play video games!

Well, technically,
right now you are.

[Sound from machine]

Ha! I did it!
I got the high score!

I did it.

Oh, so you got
the high score.
Big whoop.

Big whoop.

That's right,
big whoop.
Now get back to work.

Come on, chris,
this is, like,
the highest score ever.

Nobody's ever gonna
beat that score.

Oh, please.
How hard can it be?

All right.

What--game over?

Not so easy,
is it?

Eh, I'll show you.

[Bell on door rings]

Whoa, chris,
that's some high score.

You're not gonna
beat that.

Go away.

All right.
Hey, kenan!

Wanna check out
all the stuff you can do
at the orange soda fest?

No, thank you.

Man, they got a tour
of the orange soda factory.

Man, they even got
orange chicken for dinner.

Oh, yeah.
Hey, check this out.

They even have
an orange soda pool.

Hey. Does it say
anything about

Changing the trip to
somewhere my family
would like to go?

Let me--
let me see. Nope.

[Buzzer sounds]oh!

I'll get you.

Nope, nope.

Whoa! Check this out.

They have orange soda
flavored grape soda!

Oh, good.
Can't wait.
So excited.

If it wasn't for me,
we wouldn't be
going anywhere.

Oh, yeah.
That's true.

I guess you got
a point, for once.

Hey, chris, you mind
if I go pack for
my awful trip now?

Sure, whatever.

All right.

Orange soda

Oh, and remember, chris.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning
and I'll be back in a week.

All right, kenan.
See you tomorrow.

[Buzzer sounds]ooh!

I'll beat that
stupid high score.

Come on.

We're gonna miss
our flight, kel.

We should have been
here an hour ago,

I said I was sorry,
roger, kenan.

I was just so excited,
I couldn't figure out
what cereal to eat.

How much time
do we have?

[Woman speaking over p.a.]
Flight to amsterburg
is departing in five minutes.

I say we got about

Kel, the lady just
said that we got
five minutes.

Then why'd you
ask me?

Man, we're never
gonna make it.

Man, I'm not gonna make
the orange soda fest.

This is all your fault.

My fault?!

Yeah, if you didn't
yell at me about
being an hour late,

We wouldn't be
in this mess.

But you were
an hour late!

Dad, just let it go.

He was an hour late!

Roger, just walk
through the metal

The boy was
an hour late.

[Beep beep beep]

Give me your watch.

Oh, I'm being robbed!
I'm being robbed!


I am security.

Oh. I'm so glad
you're here.

This crazy lady
tried to steal
my watch.

Kel, she only wanted
your watch because

That's what set
the metal detector off.
She'll give it back to you.

Oh. There you go.

Now, step back
through, please.

[Beep beep beep]oh, have mercy!

I know what it is.
It's metal.
It's--it's--my keys.

There you go.

[Beep beep beep]come on!

Do you have anything else
that's metal in your pockets?

Well, I have this.

It's a big piece
of metal.

What are you doing
carrying around a big
ol' piece of metal?

doesn't everybody?

No.i can get you one.

This guy named jethro
down at the junk shop--

[Woman over p.a.]
Final boarding call
for flight to amsterburg.

Final boarding call.

Th--that's our flight!

We've gotta get
on the plane.

Y'all just go.
I'll stay here with kel.

All right. Hurry up.i'll be there
in a second.

Young man,
can you please remove

Everything you have
that's metal.

All right.
Well, see, uh--ok.

There you go.
And then I have--

Stapler's metal.
It's for my mama.

She's a brain surgeon.
The cerebellum--
all right.

Then you have down here,
this is when I fix--
you know,

The stuff in the plane.

And here, I also
have this--

Excuse me,
is this the right
gate for amsterburg?

Yes, it is.ok.

You didn't have
to get all naked.

The alarm didn't go off
when I did it.

Just come on!

All right.

Hey, where are you going?
Wait! Wait!

It's this one!


Ok, seats a and b.

All right.
There they go
right there.

Oh, there's somebody
in our seats.

Do you see my family?
I thought we were
supposed to be sitting
next to my family.

Maybe you're reading
the tickets wrong.
Let me see.

Mm-hmm. Ok.

There's nothing
written on these tickets!

First of all,
you're reading the back.

And I'm not reading
the seat numbers
wrong, man.

Please take your seats.
The plane's about to take off.


I said take your seats now!

Oh, well,
there's two.
Let's just take those.

I'm scared of her.

There's a window.



Wow. I'm on a plane.
I'm on a p--

I still don't see them.

I hope kenan and kel
don't miss the plane.

I hope kenan doesn't
miss the plane.

ladies and gentlemen,
prepare for take-off.

Oh, my god.

Don't worry
about it.

Man, I wish they'd
turn that fasten
seat belt sign off

So I can go find
my parents.

Want me to turn it off?

Wait, wait, wait,
kel. Kel.

Stop that! Kel!
Stop. Sit down!

You wanted me to
turn it off, right?

Sit down.
All right.


Boy, we are high up!

Yeah, that's pretty much
what happens when you fly.

Man! Wow!

Kenan, you wanna
see how high up
we are?

No, thank you.

Man! People look like
little ants.

Wait a minute.
This isan ant.

That's great.

Ants on a plane?
What kind of plane
are they running here?

Huh?! What kind of plane
are you running?!


I'm--i'm sorry.

We are high up!

Kenan, you sure
you don't wanna see
how high up we are?

Yes, I'm sure!
I'm just a little
scared of the heights.

Not a lot,
just a little.

Wait a minute.
That reminds me.


I'm afraid to fly!


Does somebody know
how to fly the plane?!

Does somebody know
how to fly the--

Do you know how to fly?
You got a pilot's license?

Aw, somebody.

Somebody knows how
to fly the plane, man.

There's nothing wrong
with the plane.

Ladies and gentlemen,
there's nothing wrong
with the plane.

Everybody just go back
to what you were doing
and mind your business

Because on behalf
of chicago airlines,

The friendliest airlines
in all of the skies,
we would just like--

Would you two please
sit down and stay in
your seats?

So sorry.
He's scared to fly.

I think he needs
some orange soda.

Well, I can't start serving
until you sit down, so--

I want some
orange soda!

I'll get your orange soda.
Just sit down now.

Ok. All right.
Can we get a little
bag of the peanuts?

'Cause I'm a little
scared of heights.

Yes. Now. Sit, sit.

Pilot: this is your pilot

We're currently flying
at an incredibly high altitude

At an amazingly fast speed.

We should be arriving
in beautiful sunny hollywood
right on schedule.

Enjoy your flight.

Kel! Did you hear
what he just said?

enjoy your flight.

No, no, no,
before that.

[Imitating pilot]
this is your
pilot speaking.

Before "enjoy your flight"
but after "this is your
pilot speaking."

Oh, the stuff
about hollywood.

Yeah! He said that
we're going to hollywood.

Um--excuse me.
I believe I just heard
the pilot say

That this plane was
headed for hollywood.

He did say that.

That wouldn't happen to be
hollywood, amsterburg,
would it?

No, hollywood,

This plane is going
to hollywood,

Oh, man, kel.

We're on
the wrong plane!

We're going
to hollywood!

We're going
to hollywood.

Then the pilot says,
"enjoy your flight
to hollywood."

Tell him about the lady.
Tell him about the lady.

So then I said
to the stewardess,

"Hollywood, amsterburg?"
But she said, "no,
hollywood, california."

No, the lady, the lady.
Tell him about the lady.

And some lady
behind us threw up!

Now, look,
we gotta get on
the next flight
to amsterburg.

Yeah, we're going to
the orange soda fest.

Well, our next flight
to amsterburg is--at .

Oh, that's only
a few hours from now.

No, no, no, no.


But that's
a few hours plus--

More hours
from now.

What are we supposed
to do for all
those hours?

I don't care.

I wanna meet
some celebrities,

And david alan grier
lives in hollywood.

Not now, kel. We've
gotta get in contact
with my parents, man.

They're probably
really worried
about us.

Well, here's a phone.

He'll call you back.

Wait a minute!
The pay phones
are over there.

Away from me.

Ow. Rude.

Boy, los angeles.
Boy, they just get
wild on you.

[Phone ringing]


Oh! This place
is a dump!

I can't believe
those boys missed
the plane.

I can.well, I hope
they're ok.

What is that smell?

I think it's this
horrible room, honey.

Oh, I got the bottom.i got the top, mom.

I got the uh--

Uh--i got the--the--


They're not at
the room yet.

What are
we gonna do?

We should call
david alan grier.

I was trying to
think of something
that might actually
help the situation.

David alan grier
would know what to do.

No.will you stop it with
the david alan grier.

I know. I'll
call chris and tell
him what happened.


Because, man,
when my parents find out
that we missed the plane

They might try
calling chris

To see if he's
heard from us.

That's right, come on!

That's right.
Take that!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Geyser! Ha ha ha ha!

There we go.
All right.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!
No, no!

[Phone ringing]

Come on, come on,
come on.

Come on!

Yes, yes.


What do you want?

Chris! Hey, man.
It's kenan.

Kel and I are in
hollywood, man.

We got on
the wrong plane.

You interrupted
my game for that?

Don't call me again
unless it's important!

[Phone ringing]


Chris. This is shirl.
Have you heard from kenan?

Yeah, yeah.
He--he got on
the wrong plane

And he's stuck
in hollywood.
Now please leave
me alone.

I've almost got
the high score!

[Buzzer sounds]


I was so close!

Kenan and kel
are in hollywood!


What are we
gonna do?

Whoo! Well, kel,
we've still got about
hours to k*ll.

What do you
wanna do?

Ooh, I know
what we could do.

Man, if you say
david alan grier
one more time.

Well, then
I don't know.

You know what,
kel, this isn't
really a bad situation.

It isn't?

Mm-mm. I mean,
neither one of us
has ever been
to hollywood

And we do have
hours to k*ll.

What do you say
we go do a little
sightseeing, huh?


Come on, kel!
We're gonna go
see hollywood!

It is so good!


Check it out, man.
Look at those
freaky animals.

Oh, wow.
I wanna ride
the tiger.

Hi, tiger.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

It tried to bite me!

Well, maybe you should
ride the panda.

I think that'll
be safer.

Hey, panda,
how you doing?

How you doing?

Oh. Oh,
wait a minute.

Come on. Oh!


Help me.

Help me.

Aw, kenan! Ouch!

Kenan! Kenan!

I thought you said
the panda would
be safer.


Julie brown tickets!

Come watch a taping
of the julie brown show.

Come on, let's go
get tickets to
the julie brown show.

Julie brown show

Hey, do you guys
wanna come see a taping
of the julie brown show?

Uh, we gotta catch
a plane at .

Do you think
we'll have time?

Show sh**t at .
You'll be out by .

What do you say, kel?
It'd be kind of fun.

Aw, I don't know.

Tonight's guest
is gonna be
david alan grier.

David alan grier!

David alan!

I guess we're going
to see the julie brown show.

And david alan grier!