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04x09 - The Graduates

Posted: 09/29/23 15:11
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot
to make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're all
the same call ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like sigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪

[Loud cheers and applause]

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Thank you!welcome
to the kenan and kel

You know, if that's kel,
well, then I must be...


[Loud cheers and applause]

A-ooh! A-ooh! Ooh!

And if that's kenan,
then I must be...

I must be...

I must...

I must be kel!

[Loud cheers and applause]

All right!




Why you got that
hat on your head?

Oh, because, see,
I can't wear it on my face,
'cause it'll fall off.

I mean, why are you
wearing that hat
in the first place?


Well, I figured
since we were graduating
in tonight's show,

I better practice.

Oh. How you
practice graduating?

Oh! Like this.

I'm graduating!


Kel, you broke
the lamp.

I'm the worst
graduate ever.

Oh, don't be sad.
Don't worry, man.

[Audience groans]

It's ok. We might
not graduate tonight
anyway. Heh heh.

Now, come on, feezy!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ho!

Oh, wait a minute, kenan!

Uh, w-w-we not
gonna graduate?

W-w-what do you mean?
Should I practice some more?

Kenan! Aaahhh!
Here it goes!

Yeah. H-h-hey!

[Banging on door]

Put that down before
you break something!
Thank you.


Hi, kel.

Oh! Uh-huh.

Uh, yeah,
can I come in?

Yeah, but first
you have to give me
the password.

Here's a hint. The
password's a kiss.

Oh! Ah, no time
for the kissy-face.
Come on in, brother.

What's up, man?

You're on your way out,
young lady.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are. This meeting
is for seniors only.

Top secret. That means
no little sisters.

But kenan!


All right, now,
as we all know, tomorrow's
the last day of school.

And every year the seniors
got to pull off a big prank.

Now, all we need
to do is decide what
the prank is gonna be.

I have an idea.

Yes, mark?

My idea is maybe we
shouldn't do anything.

Oh, come on, mark.
It's tradition.

Now, we got to do

Yeah, and it's
principal horn's first year,

So we got to do something
really spectacular

So we can leave
our mark on the school.

Good idea!

We'll leave mark
on top of the school!


Kel! Kel,
put him down, man!


Put him down!

Hey, what if we take,
like, frogs

And then just release
them into the cafeteria,

Ha ha ha! Man,
that would be a hoot!

Yeah, that was a hoot
when the seniors did it
last year!

Oh, yeah.

On behalf
of the football team,

I say we pulverize the
lincoln high cougars!

Whoo! Beat
the cougars! Yay!

Oh, yeah, right, sure,

Now, beating the cougars
would be great,

But, um...
That's really not
so much of a prank.

I got it!

We can rearrange all
the freshmen faces using
plastic surgery.

A-a-and then let
the frogs loose?

H-hey, I got it.

What if we sneak into
principal horn's office

And then fill it
with something?

Ooh, yeah! Like
really nice furniture!

Something like, uh...




Can you imagine
principal horn's face

When she opens up
her door and a huge wave
of pudding pours out?

Man, that's gonna rock!

All right, all in favor
say, "pudding!"


What's all this
about pudding?

Oh, uh, uh, w-we
having a meeting
of the...

Pudding lover's club!

Uh-huh. And kenan's
the president.

Well, how come kenan's
the president?

Nobody like pudding
more than me!

Oh, you kids
are lucky.

My high school
never had a pudding
lover's club.

When I was a kid,
we had to walk

Just to get
some pudding,
and, uh--

ok, now all we need to do
is figure out how to get
the pudding into the office.

Oh, that's easy!

Just build a pudding pump!
All you have to do is...

Oh, no.

No, I'm not helping us
get in trouble.

Well, that's ok, mark.

I mean, you don't have
to help us with the prank
at all, but, uh...

Just out of curiosity...

If you didbuild
a pudding pump,

What would it look like?

Oh! Here's some paper.


All right, see...
It--it's really
simple engineering.

The hose would
connect right here,

And you'd put
an air pressure pump

Next to the pudding vat
over here.

Hey, sharla!

Hey, sharla,
what you writing?

My graduation speech.
I'm valedictorian.

Ah, that mean
you don't eat meat.

Man, that's a vegetarian.

Kel, valedictorian
means I got the best
grades in class.

Just because
you don't eat meat?

That's not fair.

Kenan, how's
that prank coming?

Shh! We're not
calling it a prank anymore.

We came up
with a code name.

A code name?

Yeah, yeah.
We're calling it

"Operation fill up principal
horn's office with pudding."


Ha ha! Yeah!

Yep. That's
why we came by.

We need to borrow
some pudding
from rigby's.

Oh, hi, kenan.
Hi, kel.

Uh, hey,
chris, old buddy.

How's it going?

Oh, terrible,
Things have been--

That's great.
You know what?

Um...i couldn't
help but notice
that, uh...

here puddings
aren't selling
very well.

Well, I guess people
just aren't eating
as much pudding
as they used to.


Where have all
the pudding eaters gone?

Anyway, uh, chris,
do you mind if I take

A couple of these extra
boxes off your hands?

I guess, uh...

All right, cool then.

Just get a couple
of these right here.

Wait, wait, wait.
That's a lot
of pudding.

Why do you need
all that pudding?

Oh, you're right.
I should take some more.

W-wait! No!


the pudding!

Man, principal horn
is going to be so mad
when she sees

This big old hose
in her office!



For the last time,

The hose
is not the prank.

We gonna use it to
fill up her office
with pudding.

Whoa! That's
a good one, too!

Yeah, I know.
Now go on outside
and turn
the pudding pump on.

All right.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh, man. This is great.

Man, this is great!
I'm a genius. This is...


Oh! Oh!
No! No! No! No! No!

No! No! No!

No! No! No!

Shut it off! Shut it off!

Oh, it's splashing.
Oh! Oh.

It's much worse.

I'm not happy, kenan.

Me neither.

I can't believe
you would do such a thing
to our esteemed principal.

Why is he here?

He volunteered
to clean up.

Heis not
a troublemaker.



As I was saying, I am
very disappointed in you.

You were such
a good student, and
then you go and just a--

T-that's enough, mark.


Would you like
a rose?

Just go.


Hey, mark.

[Monotone] kel.


Hey, kenan,
so how much trouble
are you in, huh?

Kel, I would like to talk
to kenan in private, please.

Ah, don't
worry about it.
I'm not even here.

I'm like
a fly on the wall.

Principal horn,
it's like this--

Yes, I was
holding the hose.
That much is true,

But this whole pudding thing
wasn't really my idea.

Kenan, don't
be so modest.

It was all
kenan's idea.

Kenan, I know that this
is the last day of school,

But you're going to have
to spend it in detention.

Detention? Ha ha ha!

You're gonna have to
do better than that.

Detention is plenty.

All right. Well, then you can
clean all of the bathrooms
in the whole school.

Ha ha ha! Kenan
laughs at your little
puny bathrooms.

"Puny bathrooms,
I laugh at!
Ha ha ha!"

And you are not allowed
to participate in graduation.

Ooh, that's
a good one.what?!

I'm not gonna graduate?!
You can't do that.

Man, what am I supposed
to tell my parents?

No, you'll still graduate,
but I'm afraid you'll have
to tell your parents

That you're not invited
to the ceremony.


Uh! You may go now.


O-o-oh, wait.

You still got
a little pudding
on your forehead.

Let me get that.


Stop that!

Yo, man, I hope
your parents don't get mad

When they find out you're
not allowed at graduation.

They won't get mad,
'cause I'm not gonna
tell them.

What? You want me
to tell them?

No. I'll just
convince them that
they don't want to go
to graduation anyway.

It shouldn't
be too hard. You know,
my family doesn't

Really make a big deal
out of stuff like this.

Oh, word.

[All] happy graduation!

I thought you said
they don't make
a big deal out of stuff.

There's my favorite
graduate now!

Oh, and there's


Sit down, son.

Ok. Hey, you know,
i-i-i got some good news.


They made graduation
optional this year,

So you don't have
to get all dressed up

And waste your whole morning
in that boring old ceremony.

Boring? A child's
graduation could be
the happiest day
of a parent's life.

He's right.

We wouldn't miss it
for the world.


Ah, all right, well,
in that sense...

Before you get
too excited I think
there's something
I should tell you--

Not now, kenan. I got
a big surprise for you.

Come on out everybody!

Ha ha! Surprise!

Ha ha ha!


Uncle louie?! And other
assorted relatives.

What y'all doing here?

We flew in today
just to watch
you graduate.

Oh, I can't wait
to see you up there
getting your diploma.

Ha! It's gonna
be quite a day.


You can say that again.

Oh, my boy!


So, uh...y'all came out
here for my graduation, huh?

Well...y-you shouldn't

We wanted to! And we're
taking you out tonight
for a graduation dinner.

And we're all
coming to the ceremony

W-w-well, d-don't feel
that you have to.

You know, if you have
to conveniently leave--

You know,
say, right after dinner
or maybe even right now.

Kenan, don't be silly.

a very special day
for the whole family.

Yep. That's why
we flew in all
the way from hawaii.

Man, kenan,
that's expensive...

And very time-consuming.

Uncle louie even took
an extra vacation day
from work!

That's right.

And they'll
probably fire me,
but I don't care.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha! That is funny.

Kenan, you know
how sick your grandma's
been lately.

I was supposed
to stay in bed,

But I told
the doctor the best
medicine for me

Is to see my
grandson graduate.

I know that's
right, mama.


Get some water.
Got some water?
Get some water.

Boy, aren't they
gonna be surprised

When they find out
you're not graduating.


Who told you?



don't tell anybody.

Oh, no. See,
I'm having too much fun
watching you squirm.

Louie: kel!

Can you
take a picture
of the whole family?

Oh, sure.

I want to remember this
the rest of my life.

Come on. Come on, grandma.


All right, ok.
Come on, calvin,
get in there
a little bit.

Get on to the left.
All right.
There you go.

Hey, hey, kenan!
Come on now.
Where's that smile?

Come on, kenan!
Look happy!

Daddy, I like--

Listen, family,

I'd like to propose
a toast to kenan.

Let me just say,

I'd never thought I'd
see my baby graduating
from high school.

Ha ha!
Still won't.


He meant that you won't
be able to see tomorrow

Because of all the tears
in your eyes.

You know how you get.

I know
what he means.

To kenan!

[All] to kenan!

Picture time!


I have presents
for the graduates.



Ha ha ha.

Oh, wow!

An orange soda tie.

Hey, look at me!

I-i got a...


A pewter cow from my
personal collection.

Farewell, sasha.

All right, all right.


Ha ha.

Hey, kenan, isn't that
your principal?

Ha ha.

Kenan: no, it isn't.

Yes, it is, kenan.

You probably can't
see her, 'cause you're
under the table.

Kenan, what are you
doing under there?

I dropped my fork.


Kenan, are you
feeling ok?

Yeah, mom.
I'm sure he's fine.

You know, he's probably
just a little nervous

'Cause he's giving
the graduation speech tomorrow.



You didn't
tell me kenan was
giving a speech.

I didn't know he was
giving a speech, grandma.

Well...i only
just found out.

this is beautiful!

Let's preserve
this precious moment
on film.

Kel. Kel.

Oh, well, i-i want
to be in the picture.

I want to be
in the remembrance,
all right?

So, uh, how about
we get principal horn
to take the picture?

Uh, kel, she gonna--

Wait! Don't!

Hey, principal horn.

Hey, kel!

Can you take a picture
of the family for me?

Sure, sweetie,
no problem.

Ah, thank you. Oh.

Excuse me. Ok!

Oh, yeah.

Oh, very nice.

Oh, wait a minute.

I can't see the
person next to kel.

Uh, put your menu down.

Yes! We got to see
the guest of honor.


Is this yourfamily?


Is it my family?

Is it my family?

Yes! We're kenan's family.

Boy, why are you
acting so strange?

He's been like
this all week.

he came in the store

And took several hundred
boxes of puddings.

What's up with that?

Oh, I think
I can explain that.
You see, kenan--

Kenan's the president
of the pudding lover's club.

oh, wonderful.


there is no--

You know, we're
so proud of kenan.

We can't wait to see him
get his diploma tomorrow.

And let's not forget
his big speech.

Well, kenan--

Aah! Well,
wait a minute!

Aah! Aah!

There's a table
in here, man.

Aah! [Crash]

Come on! We got to go!

But we haven't
eaten dinner yet.
I'm hungry!

Oh, man! Eat
a big breakfast
in the morning,

Come on!

We made reservations here,
boy! What you doing?

all right everybody.
We're leaving in minutes!

Hey, kenan, you ready
to go to that graduation

You're not supposed
to be going to?


Why are you
wearing black?

I asked you what
color the gowns were.
You said orange.



Man, I thought you
was asking me what was
my favorite flavor of soda.

Why would i--

Don't you think i--

Oh, never mind!

I don't know why we got
to wear these gowns anyway.

I'm freezing.



You're supposed
to wear clothes
under the gown.


Man, I'm staying.

I can't go
to that graduation.

Principal horn
is going to bust me
in front of everybody.

W-w-well, maybe
you'll get lucky,

And the graduation
will get canceled.

Oh, yeah, right,
like that can--

Ah! That's it!

I'll get graduation

Hold on!

Uh, school--

Uh, yes, may I speak to
principal horn, please?



Uh, y-y-yes,
principal horn? Hi.

Uh, t-t-this is pete,
the groundskeeper, yes.

Our groundskeeper's
name is vince.

Well, w-w-whatever
my name is, uh...

You can't have
your graduation today

Because the entire field
is covered with...

Cockroaches, yeah.

Giant cockroaches.

Giant cockroaches?

Well, it's ridiculous
but true.

You have cockroaches

Uh...they--they're big
and they're numerous,

And did I mention
that they eat people?

All right. Come on,
is this some kind of a--

Kenan, is this you?

Uh--uh--uh, I don't--
I don't--i-i wish i--



Oh! Don't tell meabout
the giant cockroaches.

I'm just supposed to go
to graduation and get
eaten alive, huh?

Graduation morning!

And here's
the graduate himself!

Hey, I didn't know
you had a video camera.

I didn't.

When I heard kenan
was giving a speech,

I rushed right out
and bought it.

Spent every penny I had!

Kenan, why don't you
give us a little preview
of your speech?

Yeah, speech!

Yeah, kenan.
Come on!

No, no, no! That's ok!

I-i-i want y'all
to be surprised.

And boy will
you be surprised.

Hey, kenan, how come
your gown is orange
and kel's is black?

Yeah, how come?


The speech giver
always wears orange.

Ha! You know, 'cause
speech is latin for orange.

All right everybody.
Let's go. We don't
want to be late.

This is a big day.
Come on!

Oh! Look at that.
The door is locked

I guess we can't go nowhere.
We're stuck. Oh, that's sad.
It's a sad day.


Ah, no it's not.


We'll take
uncle louie's
video camera.

Hey, you guys seen
principal horn yet?

Yeah. She's right upstairs
looking at you.

Hey, watch it.


Oh. Ha ha ha.
Nice gown.

Just keep walking,
mr. Mouth.

Hey, kenan, look.
You're parents
are waving at you.

Yes! Go, baby.

I wish my parents
were here.

They're away on business.

What do your parents
do anyway?

I never really know.

Oh. Well, my dad's
a rocket scientist and
my mom's a brain surgeon.

Oh. Wow!

Uh...uh...uh, hey.

You lost your cap.

N-no, I didn't.

Yes, you did!


Dominique adams.

Paul allen.

Chris anderson...

Sorry I'm late.
What's going on?

They're handing out
the diplomas.

So far, it's a
beautiful ceremony.

I just don't understand
why kenan's name isn't
in the program.

It's not
in the program?


Principal horn:
maria "running bear" kim.

Kel, I think
you're up next.

Kel einstein
hypothalamus kimball.



That's me!


I graduated!

Oh, yeah!

Oh, I love ya, love ya,
love ya, love ya, love ya!

Oh! Whoo!

Oh! Oh, thank you!

Thank you! Oh! Oh.

Holy hickafire!
Boy ain't wearing pants.

Grandma, let me see,
let me see.

Let me--let me!



Thanks, man.

Now I have to get
a diploma.

You don't suppose a big,
giant bulldozer's

Gonna come crashing
through the stands

And disrupt graduation
before I have to go up
there, do you?

I doubt it.

All right. Well...
Next name she calls,
I'm gonna...

Principal horn:
mary sue labitinsky.

Can you believe that?

She pronounced kenan's
name wrong.

And now, senior class

Sharla morrison, has
a few words to share with us.

Hey, when's kenan
giving his speech?

My battery's
running low.

Oh, here, uncle lou.
I got you an extra battery.

I don't want you
to miss a minute of this.

Thank you,
principal horn,

Fellow students,

Family, and friends.

As I look out on
the senior class this morning,

I just want to say--

Here's kenan!

Thank you very much,
sharla, for that lovely

When they asked me
to give this s-speech,

Because they did ask me,

I was reminded
of the lovely words

By the poet, uh...
William, uh...long--

Jones, iii. Ahem!

He said, uh...

"When you dream...

"Make sure you don't
fall asleep on the bus

Or you miss your stop."
Happy graduation!

Not so fast, kenan!

What? You wanted
a longer speech?

No. I want you
to tell everyone here

Exactly what you're doing.

All right.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Hey, kenan!

I got that bulldozer
you wanted! Yeah!

Uh! Uh!



Happy graduation!


[Loud cheers and applause]

Ooh! Thank you.


All right!
Did y'all enjoy our
graduation episode?

[Loud cheers and applause]



Man, kenan, I can't believe
you got away with it.

Got away with what?

You know, sneaking
into graduation when
you wasn't supposed
to be there

And principal horn
didn't even find you out.



Weren't you paying
attention? She found
out everything.

What? Well, it was kind
of hard to hear from the--
you know, the bulldozer.

Oh. I forgive you.

My parents grounded me
for the whole summer.


My uncle louie
hasn't stopped crying,

And we're not allowed
anywhere near that
school for the rest
of our lives.

Hey, well,
at least we graduated.

Yeah. We have had
some good times
these last few years.







Wow! Ooh!

Yes, these last
few years have been


Yep, we have had
some good times.

You know what, kel?

What, man?

Now that we graduated,
why don't you grab
a textbook,

A cabbage map,
and a beekeeper's suit
and meet me in college?

Come on, billy!


W-w-w-what college?

A-a-and do I have to take
a beekeeping class?


Aaahhh! Here it goes!
