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02x10 - Hurricane Maurice/Reggie's Choice

Posted: 09/29/23 12:38
by bunniefuu
[rock intro playing]

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in play position ♪

♪ Rocket power... ♪



[music continues]

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in fun condition ♪

♪ Prepare to countdown ♪

♪ Rocket power! ♪



[all laughing]





This big wind is so awesome.

Yeah, baby, bring on the hurricane.


Can we please take a break now?

What's up, Sammy?

The weather's getting pretty sketchy, you guys.

Shouldn't we be heading in?

Twister: Squid, the TV weather guy said that this is

going to be, like, the biggest storm

to hit Ocean Shores in years. Hello?

We've got to take advantage of that.

Think of the giant -foot waves.


And think of the awesome wind.

We could ride faster than an alien battle cruiser.


I love hurricanes!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Will you can it, you guys?

Okay, Sammy.



It's getting late.

I'm not so sure

about this, guys.

Look at that sky. Look at those waves.

Didn't Raymundo tell us to be home soon?

This just gets better and better.


See? The wind's blowing straight up the beach.

And the boardwalk is completely deserted.

Paula: Maybe there's a good reason it's deserted.

Maybe we should bag this and try it later.

When? the next hurricane?

Come on already.

See ya.


I just got to sh**t this.

Good or bad, it's going to be rad.


One ride.

Aw, what could it hurt?

What could it hurt?

My arms, my chin...

my life...

my teeth, my tush.



Hey, it's raining.

Good thing I got my underwater housing.

Rocket boy

we're running out of boardwalk.

How do I stop this crazy thing?!

You're asking us?


Everybody okay?

I'm okay.

Nothing broken...


That was... that was...

totally awesome!

I got sand in my shorts.


Let's head back... now.

We can't ride. We'll have to walk.

Come on.

On higher ground.


We broke our promise to Dad for this?

I know, I know.

[all muttering]

I wish...I was home

safe in my warm, little bed.

[thunder crashing]

[teeth chattering]

Close enough.

[teeth chattering]


[speaking Spanish]

Maurice, why do you do this to us?

[all talking]

All: We don't know.

[all sneezing]

I hope so.

Now go get some rest.

It's going to be a long night.


[wind howling and thunder crashing]

It was like completely insane.

We tore down the Strand

at like so fast.

It was just like tow windsurfing

without the water.

I seem to remember water.

Lots of water.

Come on, I don't believe it.

Sam, is this true?

It's all true.

Our very lives were in jeopardy.

It was kind of cool.

I don't believe you.Oh, come on.

I can prove it. I shot the whole thing on video.

Really? Cool.

Let's check it out.

Yeah, I want to see it, Twist.

Please! I don't want to relive it.

Chill, you guys.

It's right here in my Twist cam.

Oh, no!

That huge wave!

Uh-huh. Sure you did.

[all groaning]

My camera!

Oh, man, I saved up forever for that underwater housing.

Don't worry. The housing will keep it dry.

Who cares if it's dry if it gets washed away forever?

I have to go get it.

Forget it, Twister.

We're not allowed out of here

until the hurricane is past.

Yeah, buddy, as soon as it clears up

me and you will go get it, okay?

Oh, man.

[thunder crashing]



Otto, get up, man.

The storm's over.

Leave me alone, Twist. I'm sleeping, man.

Hey, you promised me as soon as the hurricane was past

you'd help me find the Twist cam.

Okay, okay. Keep it down.

What are you guys doing?

The storm's over.

We're going to get the Twister cam.

We can't leave the gym until they say it's safe.

Otto, no!

Sam, wake up.

Otto and Twister went out into the storm.

Don't worry, I'll save you guys.

Sammy, wake up!



There's so much junk everywhere.

How are we going to find the Twist cam?

Let's just retrace our steps.

Okay, I was right about here.

And I was right behind you.

And then a big wave came and knocked...

Aren't you taking

this reenactment thing a little too far?


[shouting]: I said, aren't you taking

this reenactment thing a little too far?!

Dude, the hurricane is back!

They must be down by the breakwater.

That's where Twist thought he left his camera.

Haven't you ever heard of the eye of the storm?

What are they teaching you in school?

Headquarters, this is Rock.

The Strand is in sight.

I am proceeding in the amphibious urban as*ault vehicle

to Sector Alpha for victim extraction. Over.

Wow! What does this button do?

[siren blaring]

Don't touch that, grunt!

This is my amphibious urban as*ault vehicle.

[both gasp]

The Twist cam.

Twister, no!

I got it!

Whoa! Whoa!


Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!



[siren blaring]

The Pier!

The pier is coming towards us!




Come on, Otto.

Come here, buddy.

Come on, Twister.


Oh, Maurice!

[kissing sounds]


Yeah, Dad?

You are grounded


That's cool.

What about me?

We'll figure out something, Maurice.

Don't you worry.


What does this button do?

[ice cream truck music playing]

Rock: You're pushing my buttons, Dullard.

[all laughing]


Ooh! Ahh!




And that's game point, baby.

Wiggity, wiggity, wiggity, wiggity.

Why'd you dive out of the way, Twist?

It was either lose the point, or lose my head.

Then you can play with the squid this time.

You and me, Reg. Rockets rule!

Sorry, guys., I'm out.

I'm meeting Trish and Sherry.

Hey, there, that was one heck of a game you played.

Thanks, dude

I was talking to her.

I'm Big Tony Santos, coach of the California Girls

-and-Under All-State Beach Volleyball Team.

I'm sure you've heard of us.

Of course. It's only

the best girls' volleyball team on the West Coast.

My friends Trish and Sherry play on it.

Well, I can tell by your game that you've got

what we call in the volleyball world, "the stuff."

Want to join?

You mean play on Trish and Sherry's team?

By the way, what's your name?

Reggie Rocket.

What do you say, Reggie? Um, Rocket?

Count me in. Thanks.

Here's a schedule

and a parental consent form.

Are you ready to make a commitment to excellence?

Reggie: You bet.

I am so proud of you, Rocket girl.

That's Reggie the Rocket to you.


Mucho impressivo, little Wahini cuz.

And the best part is

I get to play with Trish and Sherry.

The three of us are going to rule.

I remember when I made the all-state team.

You played beach volleyball?

Volleyball? Eww.


Back in those days I was known as Tito

king of the one-legged triple skip hop waukani Junior.

Once I was competing for the grand champion

of all the Hawaiian Islands

when the great volcano belched its fiery breath.

I stepped on a piece of lava so hot

I lost the championship to my cousin Puki.

You stepped on lava playing hopscotch?

It could've happened.

I got to go wash some dishes. Aloha.


What's wrong, Dad?

Did you see this schedule?

You've got practice every day.


Well, what about street hockey?

Hey, that's right.

We got our big game next week.


Wow, both volleyball and hockey?

That's going to be tough.


You can't miss hockey, Reg.

You were on our team first.


Chill, Otto. I'm not missing anything.


All: Twister?



We need you, Reg.

Don't worry. Playing on both teams

is going to be tough, but I can handle it.

We'll see.


Hey, guys.

Hey, Reg.

Hey, what's up, girl?

Welcome to the big-time, girlfriend.

How cool is this, you guys?

All of us on the best beach volleyball team

in the state, together.

With you on the team, we'll be unbeatable.

[whistle blowing]

Okay, team, listen up.

Before we start, let me introduce

the newest member of our team, Reggie Rocket.

Team: Cool!

We have one rule on this team--

that's to try your hardest.

Miss a practice, you're not trying hard enough. You're out.

So let's get to work.


Okay, girls, that's it for today.

We'll meet back here tomorrow at : a.m. sharp.

Nice shot, Reg.

We're going to dominate.

Let's go chill with some guava shakes at the Shack.

I can't. I got to go meet up with my brother and the guys.

We've got hockey practice.



Hey, Reg, thanks for coming.


Sorry I'm late.

Hey, Reg, did you shrink?

Think you're missing something.

Aw, man.

I'm so sorry, you guys.

I'll be right back.


What's the matter?

I thought I grew.

Aw, man, this is out of control.




So what do you think, Otto?

I don't know, Sammy.

We're looking a little rusty.

I think we might have to add some extra practices

before our first game.

More practices? Are you kidding, Rocket Boy?

I'm already pulling double duty as it is.

Come on, Reg. You want to win?

Yeah. Lars

and his team look really good this year.

No, I know. I'm sorry, you guys.

I guess I'm just tired after the first day.

Wow, she's really wiped out.

She's a Rocket.

She'll be fine.

Come on, let's go! Pick up the pace!

Some practice, huh?

I'm wiped.

At least we're done for today.

Line up for Jumping-jacks.

One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!

One, two, three, four!

One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!

One, two, three, four!

One, two, three, four! One, two...


Okay, you guys, get into spike formation.

I'll serve.

What is she talking about?

I don't know, dude.

Are you all right, Sammy?

I think so.

Is it safe to put my hands down yet?

You almost womped the Squid big time.

We've got a game in two days

and you're playing like crud.

What do you mean?

I think all that volleyball is messing with your game.

Oh, yeah? I don't hear Twist or Sam complaining.

Right, guys?

Your game is kind of off, Reg.

You're really stinking up the place.


Gee, thanks for the support.

What's the matter, little Reggie-ca?

You look sadder than a big-wave surfer on a golf course.

Got a problem?

My problem is that I've got volleyballandhockey

and I'm always wiped

and the guys are giving me a hard time, and...

Whoa, slow down.

You're going to hurt your tongue talking that fast.

I'm doing everything too fast.

I don't know if I can hack doing hockeyandvolleyball.

Then do what you can.

Remember what the ancient Hawaiian said.

"The pelican can fly as high as the stars

if she believes she can."

Pelicans don't have two practices a day.

Hey, Trish, what's up?

What?! But I've got...

I know what the coach said.

Okay. See ya.

Bad news, Rocket Girl?

The coach added another practice

to make sure we're ready for the tournament.


It's on Saturday

same time as the hockey game.

What?! Sorry, kiddo.

I guess you got to make a choice.

Aw, man, this stinks on ice.

You're going to blow us off

for that volleyball team.

Hey, I didn't say that.

Then what are you going to do?

Uh, I don't know.

I just don't know.


Why don't you take it easy

on your sister, Rocket Boy?

This is not what she needs right now.

But, Dad, she was on our team first.

Remember? Rockets rule?

So she played volleyball second.

Maybe she likes it, too.


[whistle blowing]

Why are we doing this again?

I got to see something. Shh!

[whistle blows]

Wow. Reggie's really good.

She's just about the best one on the team.

And this is the all-state team.

That means she's the best of the best.

Yeah. Come on, you guys.

We got to do something.


[whistle blows]

[whistle blowing]

Nice shot.

Nicer save.

You're all over the place today, Reg.

With you on the team, we'll win tomorrow's game for sure.

Oh, man. Our hockey game is tomorrow.

You know what that means?


But I can't let the guys down.

I'm really sorry, you guys.

Yeah, so are we.

[animal howling in distance]


Reg, I've been looking all over for you.

Otto, what's the deal?

I got the big game rescheduled.

But why?

'Cause it's important to you, right?

You can do both.

I know you can.

Little brother, you're the best.

Remind me of this the next time you do something stupid.

No problemo. Now come on.

We got to get to volleyball practicenow.

All right, you're the best.

I know.

Go, Reggie! All right!


[whistle blowing]

[crowd gasps]

[crowd gasps]


Come on, Reggie!

All right!

[rock music playing]

Trish: Whatever.