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04x20 - The Lox

Posted: 09/29/23 10:59
by bunniefuu
Hey, look at this dumb, big ear of corn, man.

Yeah, stupid vegetable!

Hey, who are you guys?

And what are you doing to the big ear of corn?

Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you're going? Huh?

Get out of our ways!

No. We're staying right here.

In your ways. Ha ha ha!

Help us, anyone, please!help!

What's going on?

What's wrong?

These jerks broke into the green room!

And they're bothering the big ear of corn!

And they won't leave!

Oh, yeah?

We'll see about that.

Yeah, come on!

All right, you guys.

This is our room.

Yeah. This place is only for cast members of all that.

Uh--all what?

All that. It's the tv show we do.

I've never seen it.

I have. It stinks.

All right, you guys. That's it.

You guys better leave right now, o.k.?

No. [Whimpers]

And if you don't quit your yappin',

We're gonna crush your little comedian faces.

All's cool.

Have fun.

Come on, guys!

We gotta do something.

Wait a minute. I know how we can get rid of these guys.


Hey, danny!

Hey, guys. What's up? Someone need a back rub?

No, no. Come here.

You see those guys over there?

Uh--yes, I do.

Well, they're good friends of ours.

Yeah, and we want you to play a little joke on 'em.

Cool. So, what do I do?

You're just gonna go over to 'em,

You're gonna poke 'em, call 'em sissies,

And make faces at 'em.

Hey, sissies! How are ya?!

[Making teasing sounds]

Love your hair, baldy.

Is he taunting us?

I'm taunting you!

Let's work that guy, man.

Baldy! Aahh!

[Punching sounds]

See? I told you we'd get rid of those guys.

Way to go!


Danny: oh! Oh! Ow! Come on, guys!


Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It's all that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it out



Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

[With strong lisp] good day, children.

I regret to inform you that miss fingerly will be absent today,

And that i, principal william...

[Takes deep breath]



Will be teaching you all about the health.

What happened to miss fingerly?

Well, it appears that miss fingerly

Was accidentally kicked and stomped on

By a crazed and confused chipmunk.

I will now instruct you on the glorious bones...

Of the human body. Here we go.

♪ The finger bone's connected to the... ♪

♪ Shin bone

♪ The shin bone's connected to the... ♪

♪ Brain bone

♪ The brain bones connected to the... ♪

[Dramatic music]

I'm detective dan.

Everybody up against the wall and nobody move!

Um--detective dan, how are we supposed

To get up against the wall without moving?

I'm detective dan.

That explains nothing.

Detective dan, first let me start off

By saying-- wh...

You remind me of miss tandy's spot!

Chew my feet!

No, but thank you for that tempting offer.

Now, I would like to know the meaning

Of this odoriferous interruption.

I just got a call that somebody's robbing this bank.

It seems I've caught you all red-handed!

Excuse me for correcting your fine mistake,

But uh--this here, this ain't no bank.

And we're not robbers.

That's what all you mountain people say.

Boys, disco dance with this principal!

[Disco music plays]

All right, boys, he's had enough.

That was quite unusual and unacceptable.

Though I must admit, enjoyable.

Now let's get back to this bank robbery.

Is it hot in here?

Where was i?

You were about to arrest us for robbing a bank.

Even though this is a classroom

And we're all just a bunch of kids.

Right! Let's dust this place for fingerprints!


Stop it, chump!

That's detective chump.

Is it hot in here?

Yeah, that's much better.

Hey you, skinny guy!

Are you robbin' this bank?

Pardon me, detective dan, but uh...

That is a skeleton.

Don't tell me how to detective

And I won't tell you how to squeeze melons.

I have never squeezed a melon in my life.

You! Talk! Surrender!

I know you did it!

Still not talkin', eh?

We'd better take your fingerprints.

Here. Bon appetit.

Aha! Wait a minute.

Where was I when this robbery was taking place?



Beat me and then push me so I go flying out the window!

[Sound of car screeching]

I'm--detective dan.

Groove some more?


And now, lori beth denberg with more vital information

For your everyday life.

[Audience cheering]

The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain.

The dandruff on my uncle falls mainly on his spaghetti.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Where there's a dog, there's poop.

It's never a good idea to say to your teacher

"Hey, why don't you teach me about something you really know,

Like being ugly?!"

This has been lori beth denberg

With vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

[School bell rings]

Good morning, class.

I would've arrived much earlier,

But my car had a flat tire.

I guess you could say I had a...

Wheel bad problem.

Oh. Ha ha! Wheel ba...

Anyhoo, today we have a very special guest

Who will lecture on a very special topic.



Students, I present from the cheese police,

Officer jack colby!

Officer colby, cheese police.

♪ Bad cheese

♪ Bad cheese

♪ Whatcha gonna do?

♪ Whatcha gonna do

♪ When there's cheese on you?

Students, pay attention like you've never paid attention before!

They're all yours, officer colby.



Now, kids...

I'm here to talk about a problem that could destroy our country.

I'm here to talk about...


You kids are at an age where you're probably starting to get

A little curious about cheese.

Maybe you've probably seen your parents using cheese at a party.

Ha ha ha!

Or, sadly, maybe you kids have even experimented with the cheese.

I knew it! I knew it!


Keep your flower print dress on, fingerly.

I'm just trying to make a point.

All right?

O.k., Kids. Check this out here, all right?

All right. This is your brain.

This is your brain on cheese!

Any questions?

Yeah. You, right there.

Is there any cheese in macaroni and cheese?

I'm no scientist--

But yes.


Are you a scientist?



Well, my friend went to switzerland,

And he said they were openly selling cheese on every corner.

You know, just because it's o.k. For europeans to use cheese,

Doesn't mean it's o.k. For normal people!

All right?

Well, I can see by these questions

That you kids ain't been properly educated.

Officer colby, I believe the correct grammar

Is you kids aren't been properly educated.

Thanks, toots.

Roll the film!

Narrator in film: cheese, the big c,

El chunko stinko.

It's everywhere.

Cheddar, swiss,

Mozzarella, string, lindberger.

One bite and your life may never be the same again.

This is sweet little sally x before cheese.

This is sally after cheese.

Who is responsible for this?

Be on the lookout for a man that looks something like this.

I'm going to jail for the rest of my life.

And for what?

For cheese!

Don't let this happen to you!

Yeah, you.

How can you tell if somebody actually has cheese in their possession?

Well, in most cases, we employ the use of cheese-smelling mice.

Whoo! Hey, hold it down brutus.

Hold it down, brutus.

All right, let me get you.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Huh, brutus? What'd you say, brutus?

[Squeaky voice talking]

I think he's on to something.

Huh? What?

Come on, brutus.

We talked about this, brutus!

We talked about this!


Whose purse is this?

Well, that's my purse.

See the "mf"? That stands for miss fingerly,

Which be me!

All right. Hold it, brutus.

Stay right there.

All right. Let me see what's in that purse, fingerly!

Ah! Ah! Ah!



What is this, fingerly? Huh?

A little in-between class pick-me-up?!

All right. I admit it. I'm...

I'm a cheeser.

I eat cheese.

I'm digesting some right now.


And to think I kissed you.



Oh, pah-too!


Oh! Oh! Oh!

Take her to cheese headquarters.


[On radio] officer colby, officer colby.

There's been a muenster sighting

On the corner of brie and mozzarella.


Man, if it isn't one cheese it's another, brother.

It's another, brother!

On my way!

♪ Bad cheese

♪ Bad cheese

♪ Whatcha gonna do?

♪ Whatcha gonna do

♪ When there's cheese on you?

♪ This is all that ♪

And now, all that presents a semi-educational moment,

Everyday french with pierre escargot.

Oh, no!

[Speaking french]

Ho ho ho ho!

Ho ho ho ho!

Daka enterprises is proud to introduce to you

Former fitness expert, toby brawn!

O.k., Yeah! All right!


Hi, everybody! I am toby brawn!

And I am a high school dropout and ex-con!

And today, I have something really, really, really, really, really,

Really exciting!


O.k., I'm back!

Forget the fat juicer!

Forget the inflatable baloney!

Forget the spray-on pants.

Because today, I'm gonna sell you something

That will change your pathetic life forever

Whether you want it to or not!

What am I talking about?

Why am I screaming?

I wish someone would stop the voices in head!

Ladies and gentlemen! Drum roll!

[Drum roll]

I present to you

The brute!


That's right, ladies and gentleman.

The brute will change your life.

O.k. With the brute,

You don't need a telephone!

With the brute, you don't need a sandwich!

With the brute, you don't need a computer!

With the brute, you don't need a ceramic monkey!


And with the brute,

You don't need a doctor.

With the brute, you don't need to take my word for it.

Because we've paid people to tell you how great the brute really is!

I used to be bruteless.

Now, I have the brute.


Thanks to the brute,

I no longer have to pay for haircuts.


Hi, my name is lester oakes, construction worker,

And I never had a date before I got the brute.


Hug me, the brute.


This is me before the brute.

This is me after the brute.

Thank you, the brute.


O.k., There you have it!

Now, to order the brute,


I like flowers.

Me, too!

Now, I gotta fly to new york city,

But I don't need a plane! You know why?

'Cause I have the brute!


Announcer: to order, call --the---


All that proudly presents life with peter & flem.

Peter saves his allowance in a piggy bank.

Flem buys bras.

The show's over.

All yeah. Kick it!