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04x18 - K-Ci & JoJo

Posted: 09/29/23 10:57
by bunniefuu

Minutes till the show commences.

Kevin, why are you wearing a skirt?

It's a free country.

Well, there's nothing wrong with you.

Don't judge me. Where's danny?

Who cares?

Yeah, we won't be needing danny on the show anymore.

That's right. We got something better than danny.

Kevin: what is that? Tell me.

Tell him.

We made a danny robot.

To replace danny.

Yeah. This robot looks just like danny,

But it's actually useful.

Yeah. He can even do coach kreeton better than kel.


[Coach kreeton voice] oh, my happiness is a memory.

Oh, the life I live is sad.


Make him do superdude.



[Superdude voice] I'm superdude,

The teenage superhero

With powers that can make hamsters dance!


Oh, can he do miss fingerly?

Better than you. Watch.


[Miss fingerly voice] sorry I'm late, class,

But I was robbed on the way to school.

I guess you could say it's "muggy" outside.

Ha ha ha! Oh!

He's much better than danny.

And he can do

The one most important thing of all.

Lori beth: yeah, the one thing

That all all that cast members must be able to do.

What's that? Tell me.

He can damage you before the show is about to start.

He can damage me

Before the show's about to start? Show me.

You heard the man.



Show me again.

Ha ha ha!

Right on, danny robot.

Show me again.

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It's all that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that and yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew is all of that ♪

♪ So sit still 'cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

Announcer: and now channel -b presents

What-everrr! With gina and jessica.

Like, hello!

Like, hi!

Like, my name is gina!

And, like, my name is jessica!

And, like, welcome to what-everrr with gina...

And jessica.

Ha ha! Ok!


Ok! Ok!

Ok, now, on today's what-everrr,

We're going to show you something, like, too cool and, like, way fun!

Too cool! Way fun! Ha ha!

Ha ha! So sit your booty on the floor in a chair...

On the ground or in the air...

But just don't go nowhere! Ha ha!

From the song, you know.

I know!

Anyways, like, today is, like, our very first...


Oh, wow.

Ok, like, but before we start our hanson, like, look-a-like contest,

Like, tell them what they'll win, jessica.

The winner wins a one-year supply of...

Ha ha ha! Are you--

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ok, like, hey, let's bring out

Our first, like, hanson, like, look-a-like!

Hey! Hey there, hippie.

Now, hippie, I don't appreciate you shoving me like that.

You got a beef report-- beef report.




Ok, like, why don't you, like, tell the audience, like, your name?

Name is lester oates, construction worker,

And I don't understand why you had

Your hippie-dippie stage manager

Drag me all the way across the street, girl,

Because I was constructioning on a minimall.

Aah! Aah!

I love minimalls!

I know! Minimalls are, like, so cute!

I know! They're like regular malls,

Only minier!

I know!

I know. They're so cool!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

You two are stranger than a screw in a nut pack!

Ok, um, like, why don't you show, like, the audience,

Like, your impression of, like, hanson?


No, no, no. Lester oates will not sing like a hanson.

Oh, come on, sing!


All right.

♪ Oom, bop, bop bop, boom, bop ♪

♪ Fiddle dee bop bop, oom bop, bop bop, boom ♪

♪ Yay, yay

How was that?

I, like, think i, like, speak for everybody,

Like, when I say, like, um...


On with the hippie again.

Sorry, lester.

Ok, can you, like, bring out

Our next hanson, like, look-a-like?

I know!

Hanson rules! Hi!


Hi! Ha ha ha!

Doo ba doo.

Ok, like, let's hear your impression of, like, hanson!

♪ Doo ba doop, doop doop, doo ba doop ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doo, doo ba doop ♪

♪ Doop doop doo, doo oop doo ♪

♪ Doo ba doop, doop doop, doo ba doo ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doop, doo ba doo, doop doop, doo ♪

♪ Doo oop doo, doo ♪

Eww! That was, like, bad!

Eww! That stunk!


Doo ba doop.

Ok, ok, you can have the scrunchie

If it, like, means so much to you.

Doo ba doo! Doo!

Ok, I think, like, we've learned something,

Like, really, like, really, like, really special, like, today.


We've learned that, like, nobody's like

The coolest band in the universe--

Hanson! Hanson!

I know! Hanson is, like, unduplicable!

Right! Ha ha! Ok, like, next week on what-everrr,

We're going to show you something that's, like, so cool

It's going to be too cool than anything too cool--



What-everrr! What-everrr!

Hanson, come back!

Doo ba doop?

♪ Doo ba doop, ah, ah, doop doo ba doop ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doop, doo ba doop ♪

♪ Ah, doop doop doo, doo oop, doo ♪

♪ Doo ba doop, ah, doop doop, doo... ♪

Announcer: and now lori beth denberg

With more vital information for your everyday life.

If your bra is too tight, it could be uncomfortable.

If you're a boy and your bra is too tight,

I'm uncomfortable.

The cow says moo. The duck says quack.

The crazy person says,

"Ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay!"

If you have eyes, no lips,

And a lizard growing out of your bellybutton,

Then you is one weird mama!

Announcer: this has been lori beth denberg

With vital information.

♪ This is all that, this is all that ♪

[Door opens]

Hello, faculty.

Now, as principal

Of delmonte junior high school--

Principal william baines pimpell--

I would now like to call this meeting

Of the surprise birthday party to order.

I feel that when coach kreeton comes into the room,

We should all jump up and yell, "abooboo!"

"Abooboo"? Well, that's wack.

I think we should yell, "surprise!"

Oh, goody! I agree with miss fingerly.

I'm wearing fresh underpants.

Good for you, mr. Treble.

What are your feelings, janitor gaseous?

If I had a shovel, I'd bury you people.


Well, fortunately for us,

Janitor gaseous does not have a shovel.

Coach kreeton: get back! All you children are demons!

I hear coach kreeton a-coming this way.

Everybody hide!

♪ Here I come, just a-walkin' down the hall ♪

♪ Singin' doo wah diddy, diddy, da diddy da ♪

All: surprise!

Surprise! Surprise!

Aah! Aah!

[Tires screeching and horns honking]





What kind of faculty demons

Scares a man out a -story window, huh?!

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, wee, wee, wee!

Oh! Oh, nothing makes a man more happier

Than a -foot drop into heavy traffic!

Oh, my happiness is a memory.

Well, how about some birthday cake, coach kreeton?

How about some birthday--

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Let me tell you something, pimpell!

Just because you principal of this school

Don't mean I won't slap you, you red-headed sissy!

Oh, coach kreeton, you done gone and made my pimple unhappy.

You know what that does.

You know what that does.

I love the smell of a rest room.

Looky, coach kreeton,

I made this birthday cake myself.

Ha ha ha!

Now make a wish and blow out your candle.

Well, i--i guess it would be fine.

Wait, wait. Let me blow the candle out for you.


Now, uh, who wants a piece?

Oh, no, no.

I'd like a piece.

I'll eat it in the rest room.

Squat and rot!

Ha ha! Coach kreeton, look.

I even put your name on the birthday cake.

Ha ha ha!

I don't see my name on that birthday cake.

Looky closer!

I'm lookying closer. I don't see my name on it.

It's right there!

I don't see it no--


Aah! Aah!

All right, what kind of man--woman--

Knocks a coach's face into some cake-- dessert?!

My bad.

Yeah, you're bad, and you're ugly, too!


Now, now, now, coach kreeton,

There's no need to make fun

Of candy spork's hideous appearance.

Thank you, william. Oh!

Does anyone want to give me a hug?

No! Now, coach kreeton, miss fingerly has written

A nice musical number

To help us celebrate this momentous occasion.

Thank you.




Well, come on!

Y'all knew I was going to do it sooner or later!

I mean, you saw it coming a mile away-- a mile away!

Yeah, that certainly was predictable.

Now, coach kreeton,

Janitor gaseous has written a poem for your birthday.

Janitor gaseous.

Roses are red. Violet are not.

You can all just squat and rot!


Oh! Oh, you've made me so happy!

That was great. See, I hate you

Less than I hate everybody else. Man, oh, thank you.

Thank you, janitor gaseous.

Perhaps we will all squat and rot later.

I say we give coach kreeton his birthday present.

Oh, goody! Birthday present!


Oh, all right. Very good.

Stay here, coach kreeton.

I will return with your gift.


Ha ha! Ha ha!


Oh, my goodness! No, you didn't!

Oh, yeah!

Oh, it's a cannon!

A cannon! A cannon! Oh, I'm so happy!

It's a less miserable day for coach kreeton!

Oh, yeah! Wait. Wait.

Hey, guys, I just got an idea.

You know what I'm going to do?

I'm going to stick my head into this cannon

And see what happens, all right? All right, here we go. Hey!

♪ Oh, it's a cannon, a lovely cannon ♪

♪ Oh, it looks so nice up in there ♪


Oh, my head's a memory!

Oh, the life I live is sad.

That ♪

All that proudly presents life with...

Peter likes to grow nice plants and flowers.

Flem grows things under his arm.

Announcer: hey, kids, it's time to have a nice day

With leroy and fuzz.

Hi. My name's leroy.

And my name is fuzz. Ha ha ha!

No one cares.

Now, anyway, today we're going to talk

About something that irritates me.

I'm talking about baby-sitters.

Baby-sitters? Yay! I love baby-sitters!

They're wonderful-rific!

Well, I don't. Now, first of all,

Us kids don't need baby-sitters.

We can take care of ourselves, right?

[Audience cheering]

Yeah, but, leroy, baby-sitters do

Important things for kids,

Like make dinner and answer the telephone.

Fuzz, kids can answer the telephone.




It's for you.

Ooh, well, who is it?


I guess they hung up.


Back to baby-sitters.

Now, frankly, even the name "baby-sitter"

Is insulting to us kids.

I mean, I'm not a baby, and if I was,

I sure wouldn't want no big old woman sitting on me.

Yes, but, leroy, I love my baby-sitter. Her name is stephanie,

And sometimes when she comes over,

She even brings her dog.

Fuzz, you like dogs, do you?

Oh, sure! Everybody loves doggies!

Ha ha ha!

Good. I got one I'd like you to meet.

Here, vicious!

What? What? Whoa! Whoa!

[Dog snarling]

Now, another reason I don't like baby-sitters...

[Audience whistling and hooting]

Stop the sketch! Who are you?

I'm your new baby-sitter.

Like I was saying, baby-sitters can be cool!

Now, what's your name, cupcake?


Well, then, come on, roxie.

You've got some baby-sitting to do.

My name is leroy. Have a nice day.

Announcer: and now more vital information.

It's nice to watch a pretty sunset.

It's not nice to watch your neighbors take a shower.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get away from chachi the chicken-chopping chihuahua!

If you drink one gallon of iced tea,

One gallon of nonfat milk,

One gallon of root beer, and one gallon of orange juice,

Then I ain't sleeping in your bed!

Announcer: this has been lori beth denberg

With vital information.


The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!