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04x10 - Usher

Posted: 09/29/23 10:51
by bunniefuu
Oh. Hey, hey. Hey, guys, look!

I think I got something.


No, no. It got away.

That's all right, danny.

You'll catch something soon.

Minutes. Minutes till...

Hey. What are you children doing with the reely rods?

Kevin, what does it look like we're doing?

We're fishing.

Fishing? No fish out there that-away.

Duh! We're not fishing for fish.

Yeah. We're fishing for pork.

Pork? You're not gonna catch any pork.

No, kevin, I think you're wrong!

Guys, look what I got!

I got something.

I'm reeling it in!

Josh caught a ham!

What's that, honey-glazed?

Hey. Hey, guys. Hey, guys, look!

Danny got something, too.

I caught a pound of bacon!

Hey, I'm catching something.

Reel it in.

Hey--hey, hey, hey!



You know, that pork is biting. Look at this!

I got baby back ribs.

That's a prize possession.

I gotta get me some of that pork action.

Give it.


Kevin, I think you got something!

Oh, I hope it'll be a big-en!

Oh, kevin! Wow!

Kevin, I think you got the whole pig!

Keep the tip up! Pull, kev, pull!

Oh, man, that must be a pig!

Come on, kevin, bring that baby in!

Kevin: oh!

Oh, kevin!


What are we gonna do?

He's in danger!

We'd better go save him, guys.

Come on!

Help me!

Come on, guys. Come on!

You got him, guys!


Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

O.k., You can stop him now. You can stop him.

That's a big pig. That is a big pig!

He's safe. Phew!

Now that the pig is safe, let's go start the show.

I'm o.k., I'm o.k.

[Microphone static]i'm o.k.

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It's all that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

Captionin andthe u.s. Department of e[with conservative accents] schnookums, let's go. We're going to be tardy.

We can't miss the republican ball this year.

We gotta shake our groove thing, shake our groove thing!

But darling, the baby-sitter is not here yet.

Well, yes, I know.

Mandy said that she couldn't make it tonight.

Sadly, she called and canceled.

Then we can't go out.

Yes, we can. I called someone else to come and baby-sit,

So we can get our boogie woogie on.

Boogie woogie, get down. Come on!

We gotta keep the flame in the relationship. Let's go.

O.k. Um...

Well, uh-- who did you call?

My father.

Oh, no. Your father's coming over?

Yes. What's wrong with my daddy?

♪ Celebrate fine times, come on! ♪

Hey, boy!

Why'd you have to call coach kreeton over to baby-sit?

I don't wanna come over and baby-sit!

All I wanted to do was stay in my government-funded apartment

And watch bewitchy-witch on my television!

You know, bewitchy-witch go like-- dttlp-dttlp!

I can't do it. Been trying to do it!

Dttlp-dttlp! I can't do it!

I'm not a witch. Coach kreeton hates people!

Um--well uh--uh-- thanks for coming over anyway, coach kreeton.

It's ever so nice to see you, father.

Come on, boogie with me.

Come on, let's go. Get down, get down!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey, boy!

Hey, boy!

Get off me, you misfired chromosome!

I don't like you!

Never did like you!

All right?

I know you hate me as much as I hate the sight of myself.

Now get away from here.

Well, we're going to go out to dinner now.

Y'all just get to going.

Go ahead, then.

Can't stand y'all! Can't stand y'all!

Ow! Oh.

Where's my little grandson?

Where's the little communist?

Bring him down here so I can scream right in his little face,

And he'll cry and run away! Heh heh heh!

He's upstairs in his bedroom.

You two have a jolly time. Bye-bye!

Ta ta.

Oh, I hate my family.

All I wanted to do was just stay here

And watch bewitched on my television machine,

But now, I gotta baby-sit.

Can't stand that.



What's wrong with you?!

Why you sneaking up on your grandpa coach kreeton,

Like you're some kind of crazy, constipated ninja?!

Hey, grandpa coach kreeton, catch!

What you talking about, boy?

Look out!

Get off me!

What's wrong with you?!

Why are you throwing footballs at me?

Do I look like d*ck butkus? Huh?

What's going on with you?

It was fun.

Boy, I haven't had fun since !

Now, go to bed, you little piece of evil.

Grandpa coach kreeton,

Will you read me a bedtime story?

Oh. Well, I guess I can.

Especially if it'll lead you into a state of...


All right.

Come on, sit on coach kreeton's lap-knee.

Come on, grandpa coach kreeton loves ya.


You just snap crackled my pop!

What's wrong with you, boy?

I ain't no trampoline!

Who do you think you are, dominique dawes or somebody?

Oh! Oh, lord.

Read me a story.

All right, hold on.

This is one I wrote myself.

It's called my sad miserable life,

By coach kreeton.

You see that?


All right.

"Once upon a time, there lived a sad, miserable man

Named coach kreeton."

That's me!


All right.

"Well, from the moment coach kreeton was born,

"Bad things began to happen to him.

"And then, even more bad things began to happen to him!

"Then he got older, got older,

And more bad things began to happen to him!"

He had to miss bewitched to baby-sit

His little stupid demon grandson!

That'd be you, buster! That'd be you!

Now, go to bed. End of happiness!

Before I go to bed,

You've gotta feed my hamster.

Boy, why must you upset me in ways I can't understand?

I'm not going to bed until you feed my hamster.

What? Ow!

Ah! You done broke my foot-toe.

You done broke my foot-toe!

You know I gotta dance tomorrow night!

Oh, man!

Oh, you crazy sawed-off hippie!

You gonna feed my hamster or not?

All right. Where's the little diseased rodent?

Follow me.

Better not be upstairs. You done broke my foot.

All right, let me see.

Hey there, hamster, there, hamster!

How're you doing?

Oh, you're smiling.

You must lead a better life than coach kreeton!

Let me talk to you.

How are you doing, little baby?

Hey, hamster, how...

And now, lori beth denberg with more vital information

For your everyday life.

It's not polite to stare.

It's really not polite to blow your nose in a rabbit.

Everyone likes the smell of grandma's cookies.

No one likes the smell of grandma's pajamas.

It's not nice to walk up to someone,

Shove waffles up their nose,

And then say, "who's got a nose full of waffles?

You do."

This has been lori beth denberg

With vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

O.k., Lester oaks, construction worker,

Why don't you take a seat,

And the dentist will be right with you.

Could you please tell him to rush-hurry?

My tooth is aching like a beaver without a dam!

What's all these...

Hey, I'm your dentist, dr. Binds.

You must be-- mrs. Johnson?

No, no, no, I am no mrs.

See, the name is lester oaks, construction worker.

O.k., Well, it's nice to meet you, mrs. Oaks.

Why do you keep calling me "mrs."?

Does it look like I'm wearing woman panties to you?

Hear ya!


What is all the dirt-mud about?

Oh, I was just outside burying--something.

Well, what were you burying out there?

Just--never mind. Open wide!

Oh, oh! Hold on there, nervous d*ck.

You are not about to touch my mouth hole with your mud fingers.


Jenny, what's going on with the...

Oh, hold the pickles.

Now, I do not recall authorizing this imprisonmentation!



Like, a lot of people are nervous when they go to the dentist.

That's why you're strapped...

Strapped down.

Thanks a lot, jenny.

Oh, dr. Binds, you're so welcome.

O.k. Now, open your face.



Man, your breath smells worse than a skunk's jocky strap!

Hey, thanks!


Uh-huh, uh-huh.



What? Uh-oh? What do you mean, uh-oh?

That tooth right there, that's gonna have to be pulled.

But first, you'll have to rinse. Jenny?

All right, that's enough, jenny.

Yes, dr. Binds.

O.k., Lester, now spit.

Oh! All right, o.k. Spit here.

Do it.

Now, that is not sanitationary!

Hey, who's the dentist here?

Now, just open up,

And I'll rip that rotten little sucker right out of there. Jenny?

Yank, yank, yank.

That's quite the yankin' tool, there, doctor.

Is this gonna hurt?

Absolutely. Hey, jenny, would you blindfold me, please?

Jenny: oooohhhh!

O.k. I've always wanted to try to rip a tooth out, blindfolded.

Oh, dr. Binds, you're so brave.

Wait. Now just hold on a second there.

I am not a guinea piglet for you to be experimentated upon.

Just relax, man, I'm a dentist.

Get off me!

[High, shrieking sound]


Whoa, there it is.

Did it.

You pulled the wrong tooth, milli vanilli!

Oh, right! I knew that.

Come on. I was just kidding.

Oh, dr. Binds, you're so funny.

Tell me what is funny about taking out

A construction worker's tooth?

Come on, man. If it means that much to you,

I'll just put it back.

I'll use these construction tools.

Oh no, you will not!

Now, I am taking my mouth teeth

To somebody who ain't you, crunch bunny!

I'll never understand why people are so scared to go to the dentist.

Oh, dr. Binds, the things you say make me so happy.

Hey, jenny, could you send in the next patient, please?

Now, go to class, jessica.

You don't wanna be late for your first day of bully school.

But mom, dad,

I don't wanna go to bully school.

I'm not cut out to be a bully.

It's so not me.

That's why you're going to bully school.

Hey, don't you shove her!

What are you gonna do about it?

That pumps it! Your face is pie!

I got your pie!

Stop it, you two.

Sorry, honey, we can't help it.

We're bullies.

Yeah, just like your grandparents,

And your great grandparents, before them.

You see, jessica. Come here.

Being a mean and nasty bully

Is a tradition in our family

That's been passed down

From generation to generation.

It's time for you to learn

How to tease and bother and harm people

For no good reason.

So make us proud,

Or else!

I don't think I'll be very good at being a bully.

I'm too nice and friendly.

You'll do fine!

You better.

O.k., Now go.

Hey, look at the little sissy gi-rrl.

Yeah, let's knock her down.

Yeah! Good bully talk, boys.

I like that. All right.

Now take your seats while I call roll.

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

All right, let me see.


Yo! I'll punch you good, teach.

Yeah, I like that! I like that!


Give me your sneakers!


O.k. Let me see.





Jessica, when your name is called in bully school,

You don't say "here" like some kinda wimpy woo-woo.

Yeah, you wimpy woo-woo,

I bet that hurt your feelings good.

Yeah, and for no real reason either.

Well, what am I supposed to say?

What are you supposed to say?

You say in a very nasty tone,

"Who wants to know, gunk head?

You wanna make something of it?"

Or "what's it to you, jerk face?" Heh heh heh!

You get it?

I guess.

O.k., Let's try it again.



Kiss my nose, noodle man!

Class: boo!

All right, all right, all right!

Settle down, bullies!

Or else what? I'll kick your butt!

Ah! That's the spirit, idiot!


Yeah, yeah! Extra credit! Yeah!

That's my boy, that's my boy.

All right, now uh...

Now we're gonna study the lunch money demand.

Let me see. Uh...


And uh--jessica.

Come on up here or else I'll show you what's what.

Yeah, yeah.



All right, now uh--jessica.

Force butch to give you his lunch money.

Oh. But I already have lunch money.


Get his, too!


Pardon me, but could I please have your lunch money?

I'll pay you back promptly.

Class: boo!

Yo, teach, what the heck was that?

No, no, no, jessica.

That was wrong.

Beat her up!

Kick her!


Hey, hey, settle down, bullies!

You'll get your chance all right.

Jessica, when you want to be a bully,

You have to sound mean and tough. You know?

Now, come on, you can do it.

Come on, I feel ya.


Hurry up, jessica,

Or I'll thump you good.

[Sentimental music]now, listen, jessica, and you listen good.

Being a mean, nasty bully

Is a tradition in our family.

It's time you learned how to tease and bother and harm people

For no good reason.

So make us proud,

Or else!


What are you gonna do about it, jessica?

Give me your lunch money, puke face,

Or I'll make you uglier than your mother did!

You heard me! Now, give it.

Here, here.



[Class cheers]

Yeah, jessica! Yeah, jessica!

That was great! Wonderful!

Oh, my goodness.

Who asked you, b*llet head?

Oh, yeah. Hit me, again oh! Oh!

That was great. You make me so happy.

All right, take your seat. That was wonderful.


All right, all right.

Today, class, we're gonna do something very special.

What, moron?

We're gonna street fight.


Vis! Wake up!

The show's over!

Oh, yeah! Kick it!