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04x09 - Missy Elliott

Posted: 09/29/23 10:50
by bunniefuu
Hey, josh, whatcha doin'?

Trying to get in shape.

Well, do it later. The show's about to start.




[Beep beep]

Josh, come on!

I can't. It won't stop!

I'm afraid.

Don't cry. We'll just unplug it.


Just unplug it.


Oops! I better go get some help.


Help! I need some help!


Wh-what's wrong?

I need some help!

I'm right here!

Yeah. Uh-huh.


Kel! I need some help!

Wh-wh-what? What?

Danny bothering you?

Yeah, 'cause we'll handle it.

No, it's josh. He's stuck on the treadmill,

And we can't make it stop.

What's wrong? We heard you yell.

Was danny bothering you?

No, it's josh.

He's stuck on the treadmill!

Oh. Well, why don't you just turn the thing off?

I can't. It won't stop!

And the plug won't come out either!

All right, all right. Let's not panic.

I know how we can get him off that treadmill.

How? Tell us?

This bag happens to be filled with fried chicken,

Mostly legs and breasts.

Everybody grab a piece.

Now when I say, "now!" We all throw our chicken at josh.

That should knock him off the thing.

Now!guys, wait--

Oh, we failed!

Yeah. Whatever.


Please do something!

I'm getting all sweaty.

I know what to do.

What? Tell us!

I have this vicious dog outside,

And I bet that'd get josh off that thing.

Kenan's got a dog!

[Ruff ruff ruff]

Wait! Wait for it.

Go get him!


Ow! [Fighting sounds]

The pain!




Oh, look, it didn't work.

What's going on?

Why is josh running on a tready mill?

Hey, guys, I got an idea.

I'm with ya, kel.


I'm being manhandled.



All right!

We did it!

Thank you, guys. Let's go do the show.

All right. Let's go.

Hey. Help.

Jane...stop this crazy thing.

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It's all that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you ♪

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

It's time for the...

Aw, gee, penny, I'm afraid.


The old west makes me uncomfortable.

Come on, mark.

No one's going to bother us.

Oh, penny, you're the home on my range.

Did you hear that?

Oh, penny, you're the home on my range!

Yeah, that piece o' pansy makes me sick!


Let's go take his woman.

Hey, there, little philly,

What do you say me and you

Do a little hoop-dee-hoop?

Hey, hey, hey, you all leave penny be.

And what are you gonna do about it...


Yeah, daffodil.

I reckon we can discuss what's going on here.

You boys leave mark alone!


I mean, he's downright defenseless!

It's like picking on a little girl.

Please! Look at him! He's barely a man!

Penny, my self-esteem!

Come on, let's hurt him!

Wait a minute. You're not gonna hit him with a chicken pot pie,

Spank him, and then and then shove him through

Those hard wooden doors, are you?

Now, there's a fine idea!

Oh, penny!

Ha ha ha ha!

Turn around there.

Oh, fellas! Fellas!

Now, that was downright rude.

Hush up. Let's dance.

[Music plays]

Somebody help me!

Who do you think is gonna help you?

Come on, dance, woman! Dance!

It's a monster!

It's a fancy cowboy!

It's kenan!

No, it's superdude!

That's right, sweaty woman!

I'm superdude,

The teenage superhero with powers

That can make a horse tinkle.


[Water running]

Does anybody have a towel?

I can shuffle cards real fast,

I can sing in the rain,

And I can make extremely loud noises.

[Harp plays]

I also enjoy making things rhyme

And bathing bunny rabbits

And blowing dandelions.

This superdude is downright peculiar.

You ain't kidding. Let's go get him.

♪ La de la da

You ready, superdude? Come on!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Your punches can't harm me,

But since you hoped that they would,

Now I'm gonna thump ya!

Ah! Ah!

To all the people on the left,

Clap for superdude!

Thank you, old fogey!

Now you all can get back

To your western style fun and frivolity.

[Sound of cow mooing]

Holy tumbleweed!


It's cow-boy!

It certainly is.

That's right. I'm cow-boy,

And I'm here to deal with somebody I hates.

Who might that be, cow-boy?

That would be you, superdude!

Aah! Aah!

Hey, there's no need to gasp and back away.

I'm superdude!

This cow-boy can't harm me.

Get a load of these!

These udders are filled with milk.

Oh! Did I say you couldn't harm me?

Actually...i got no beef with you, cow-boy.

Get it? Beef?

Oh, please stay away!

Why is superdude so afraid?

Because superdude is lactose-intolerant.

Lactose into what?


That means superdude is harmed by dairy products.

Like purple?

No. Purple is a color.

Dairy products are things like cheese, sour cream,

Yogurt, butter, and anything involved with...


Now, have some milk, superdude.


Yes! Superdude is no mmmm....more.

Quick! Give me a sponge!

Here's a sponge.

Are you o.k., Superdude?

Oh! Oh!

I am now.

Thanks to you.

Thanks for the sponge bath, little girl.

Now step aside.

As for you, cow-boy,

It's the end of the line.

I'm gonna make it so that you can never harm nobody again.

What are you gonna do?

Have you forgotten about these udders?

Here you go, superdude.

Oh, thank you, sweaty woman.



Oh lord, he tangled up my milk squirters!

Yes, and I enjoyed it.


His milk's all backed up.

He's fixin' to blow!

Everybody, take cover!

I'll get you, superdude!


Man, now I'm wet with milk and sweat!

Let's hear it for superdude!

Yay! Yay!

Wow, superdude,

You were downright wonderful.

Aw, shucks, it was nothing.

Don't udder another word about it.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

And now, lori beth denberg

With more vital information for your everyday life.

If your dad wears the pants in the family,

That's good.

If your dad wears no pants,

Then your daddy naked!

Cheaters never prosper...

Unless they buy my new book cheating the denberg way,

Available wherever fine books are sold.

If your teacher gives you an f,

It's wrong to say, "what'd you expect, moron?

I didn't study."

This has been lori beth denberg with vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

Hi, everyone.

It's time for ask ashley.

That's me.

I'm ashley, and I'm here to answer your letters.

Our first letter comes from cooper wilson

Of los angeles, california.

Cooper writes, "dear ashley..."

That's me.

"Dear ashley, help! I'm completely naked.

"I mean, I'm naked from head to toe.

"When I go outside I get very cold,

"And at school the other kids point and laugh

"At my nakedness.

Ashley, how can I stop being naked?"

Wow! This is a real tough one, cooper.

But I do have a little advice for you.

Wear some stinkin' clothes!

Try some pants and a t-shirt, you naked nitwit!

I mean, what kind of nude weirdo goes to school

Without any stinkin' clothes?


Our next letter comes from...

Steve holland of flint, michigan.

Steve writes, "dear ashley..."

That's me.

"Dear ashley, my name is steve.

"Every time I write a letter,

"The bologna gets all mushy and ruins my pen.

"It's also hard to fit the bologna

"Into an envelope.

What can I do to make letter writing easier?"

Steve, it might be a little easier to write a letter

If you use some stinkin' paper!

Try paper, you lunchmeat writing doofus!

But if you don't have any paper,

Don't go to los angeles and look for some

In cooper wilson's pockets!

'Cause he ain't got no pockets!

He's stinkin' naked!


Our next letter comes from

Lisa lillian of queens, new york.

Lisa writes, "dear ashley..."

That's me.

"Dear ashley, my name is lisa.

"I just bought a new sweater. It is green.

Sincerely, lisa."

Who stinkin' cares?

This is called ask ashley,

Not bore ashley to stinkin' death!

Gee, I'm lisa lillian,

And I just bought a new sweater.

It is green.

I'm a moron. Blah-de-blah de-blah-de-blah!

Hey, why don't you take your nasty green sweater

Over to bologna boy steve holland's house,

And then the of you can fly to los angeles

And use the stinkin' sweater and the stinkin' bologna

To cover up cooper wilson's naked stinkin' body!

Well, that's all the advice I have for you today.

Bye-bye, everybody.

♪ This is all that ♪♪

And now, all that presents

A semi-educational moment.

Everyday french with pierre escargot.

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

And that is how you drill holes in ham.

Oh! Oh!

Thank you, shelly.

That was ham-azing!

Our next show and teller is...benjamin.


Thank you, miss fingerly.

Uh, thank you, class.

My show and tell presentation is out there in the hall.

Well, go fetch it.

For show and tell, I brought in

A real live hideous monster.



Oh, my god!





Let's be quiet during benjamin's presentation.

But, miss fingerly...

S-h-h-h-h-h spells...


So does anyone have any questions about my monster?

Where'd you get the monster?

Well, I was sleeping one night

And I heard some growling noises under my bed,

So I looked under, and there he was.

[Growl]question? Yes?



Do you think he's dangerous?

Yes, absolutely.

It is a monster and all.

Uh, francis?

Francis, I'm having trouble understanding your question.

Francis, please!

The classroom is no place to be strangled.

Do you have another question?


Yes, jupiter. Anyone else?

What's the monster's name?

That's an excellent question.

I really can't decide what to name him.

Since it's a horrible, hideous monster,

I was thinking about naming it miss fingerly.

Oh, benjy, you cut-up!

But seriously, a name like frank or billy

Just doesn't seem right for a monster.

Make it stop!

Oh, my arm!

Then I started thinking,

What's a more monster-like name?

The k*ller? The mangler?

He just ate becky!


Class, stop calling out!

Please show benjy boy the respect and courtesy

I never showed you.

Proceed, ben-ben.

Thank you again, miss fingerly. As I was saying--

Miss fingerly, can I please be excused!

Where do you need to go?

I'm thinking a-- hospital!

Not without a note from a parent and/or guardian!

Take your seat.

Aw, man.

Oh, more goo!

As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,

I still haven't thought of a name for my monster.

Any other questions?


Then I guess that concludes my show and tell presentation.

[Monster growling]

That was wonderful, benjamin.

Class, what do you say we give benji...

A hand?


Wake up! The show's over.

Oh, yeah! Kick it!

Captioning performed by the national captioning institute, inc.