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04x03 - Tommy Davidson/Robyn

Posted: 09/29/23 10:45
by bunniefuu
[Alarm sounds]

Attention! Attention!

All that will begin in minutes.


I'm on a loudspeaker.

We'll call it a draw.

All right.

Come on, josh!

Let's go do the show, brother!


Wake up, man.

Wake up!

Let's go, man. Nap time's over!

Josh! Come on! Wake up!

Check his pulse.

He's got a pulse.

I know what to do.


You go ahead with that trumpet, girl.


No, no, wait a minute!

I know what to do.

Oh, those smell good.

O.k. Let me just do this right here.

How can he sleep through that?

I know what to do.

My mom says whenever someone is sound asleep,

You can always wake him up by...

Whacking him repeatedly with a frying pan.

[Clang clang]


That kid's a freak!

I know what'll wake him up.

What? Tell us!

A hand grenade!


All right, stand back.

Hey, boy, where you get that?



Oh, man! He's still asleep!

That is just downright peculiar.

I guess we'd better go do the show without him.

All right.

♪ Better do the show ♪

Guys, wait.

We're so stupid!

We forgot to...

Plug him in!


Go ahead, plug him in.



[Electrical sizzling]

Let's go do the show.

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It's all that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

Channel b presents

Live from his own kitchen,


Hi there! I am chef randy,

And my first dish that I'd like to prepare for you today

Is called a burrito surprise.

First you take a tortilla,

And then you start putting... Burrito stuff inside,

Like salsa. There you go.

Then you put your lettuce and tomatoes,

And then you put your mushrooms and cheese

And then you throw the beans in it. Look at those beans!

And then you add the surprise ingredient.

Can you guess what my surprise ingredient is?

Audience: chocolate!

That's correct. It's...


Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Wait. I think I'm gonna roll it up first.

Here we go. We're going to roll it up. Roll it up.

Now we're gonna take a little dunk,

Get the chocolate on there.

And then we're gonna bite!


Mmm! That makes me just wanna sing!

♪ Chocolata, la chocolata ♪

♪ Choco-choco-choco-late ♪

Now the next dish that I have prepared for you

Is called chocolate on top of chocolate smothered in chocolate.





What you doin' here, man?

I'm on live television.

I know where you are.

If you here, then I'm here, too, ain't i?

Yeah, I guess...

Man, you done run up your chocolate bill too high.

Have you seen this month's chocolate bill? Look at it!

Um, I don't know what you're talking about.

Everyone, I'll be with you in just a choco-second!

You don't know what I'm talking about.

This is what I'm talking about.

You bought , chocolate bars, pounds of chocolate chunkies,

Gallons of chocolate syrup,

A chocolate dippity-doo-dah, some chocolate chimmy changa choo choo tangos.

I don't even know what those are.

Look at it!

Well, chocolate doesn't come cheap, grandy.

Chocolate... Doesn't come...

Ha ha ha. That's not the point! The point is

That you're purchasing and you're eatin' way too much chocolate.

Grandy, no!

Look, as long as I'm payin' the bills in this house,

You gonna have to cut back...

On the chocolate.

[High-pitched squeal]

Get up.

There you go. Here you go.

For the rehab. There you go.

Come back up. Come on, champ. Come on, champ.

There you go. Adrian!



If i...can't... Have chocolate,

Then I will never be...o.k.

Oh, don't be dramatic, son! Come on, now.

There's plenty of stuff in life better than chocolate for you.


What about my cooking show?

I have a chocolate responsibility to my viewers.

Oh, get out the way!

I'm gonna show them something nice and delicious

That ain't got nothing to do with chocolate.

Watch yourself, son. Watch yourself.

But--but--whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Get on back now!

But grandy, my ratings!

Ratings? I got something better for 'em.

Here you go.

I'm gonna show 'em how to make a nice summer salad.


See, what we got here is delicious lettuce, nice and crunchy.

Watch this.

What I'm gonna do, is I'm gonna take some carrots

Throw a little cucumbers in

I can't forget my hiccamuh!


That's right, hiccamuh.

You know, so you won't catch the hiccamups!


Ha ha ha ha!

My grandy made a joke. Ha ha ha.

Please don't change the channel.

Now look at this. See? Not only does it look good,

But it's healthy for you, too.

Mmm-hmm. Healthy for you, too. Right on. Right on.

Look at this. I got myself some sprouts.


Mm-hmm. Nice and delicious.

Not only are they good-looking, but they're yummy for you.

And I got myself some cherry tomatoes.

Hoo hoo! Very pretty.

I like these little tender morsels,

Because they look like cherries, but they're not. They're tomatoes.

You see what I'm saying?

What a cute little thing there!

Now then...

[Mumbling] right on.

Then I add me some mushrooms in here.

There you go. Son, you all right?

I'm cool!

I got to add some onions in there.

Mm-hmm. Do all the things that's right.

Put some mushrooms on here.

Do all the things that a person--

Randy, what are you doing?!


What is that stuff all around your mouth?

I have no idea!

I got an idea that I think I know what it is.

You got an idea you think you know what it is?

That is chocolate!

You know what? I'm gonna have to find your stash.

That's right. Move out the way, son.

Bwwak! Hallelujah!

That's the bird, boy.

Hoo! No, grandy, don't open that one.

I know it's in here somewhere!


Lord have mercy!

Lord have mercy!

Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!


Oh, lord have mercy!

Uh, grandy...

Look like you got a little bit of chocolate on you there.

You know what, son?

That's all right.

That's all right?

I think I done been chocolate converted!

Watch yourself, son. Watch out!

Whoo hoo hoo hoo!

Whee hee hee!

Tune in next week.

We'll have a very special guest surprise!

Oh, that's cold!

Come on, granddaddy.

See ya! See ya!

And now, lori beth denberg with more vital information

For your everyday life.

If there's a cow in your pants,

Don't run around screaming,

"Behold, my pants are filled with moo!"

If it looks bad, smells bad, and tastes bad,

Then it might be...

This old burrito!

It's nice to stop and smell the flowers.

It's weird to stop and smell...

This old burrito!

This has been lori beth denberg with vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

Huah hah hah!

Hey, kids!

It's time to...


Hey, my name is leroy.

And my name is fuzz. Hoo hoo ha ha!

Yeah, anyway, today we're here to talk about

Something that irritates me-- homework.

But leroy, homework isn't irritating.

Homework is fun! Hooray for homework!

Ha ha ha ha!

Hooray my butt!


Leroy, you just said the "b" word!

Yeah, and here's another "b" word-- be quiet!

So like I was saying,

I don't like homework.

Why do I gotta do homework?

I don't tell the teacher what to do when she gets home!

Why do I gotta do homework?!

Because homework is a bunch of fun!

Ha ha ha!

Wrong, sponge breath!



Come on, leroy.

Homework is fun because you learn things like the "rs",

Like reading, writing, and arithmetic!

Man, when I get home, all I wanna learn about is the "cs"--

Cookies, cartoons, and cathy, the fine girl next door.

That's bad, leroy,

And if you don't do your homework,

I'm gonna tell your mommy!

You know what, fuzz? You're right. I'm wrong.

From now on, I'm always gonna do my homework,

My little blue brother.

Oh, boy! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

In fact, my homework

Is right here in this box.

Why don't you hop in there and get it for me?

O-o.k. I don't see it in there.

Do you see it? It's down there.

It's deep! Go down.

Go--it's down there.

Who turned off the lights?

Hey! What are you doin'?


Can't see a thing.

Like I said...

Homework bites.

My name's leroy.

Have a nice day.

And now, all that presents a semi-educational moment:

Everyday french with pierre escargot.

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

♪ This is all that ♪♪


Hi! I'm michelle!


Welcome to we got pants!

What it is!

May I help you?

Uh, yeah, I would like to buy some pants.

Well, why don't we look at these pants right here?

Ha ha. Is this all you have?


No, no, no, seriously.

Where's all your other merchandise?

Um...this is it.

This is it?


We've always just had these pants for sale.

Wait, wait, wait. Let antoine get this straight.

Are you trying to tell me

That this one pair of pants

Is the only item that you have for sale in this whole store?

Yeah! Would you like to buy 'em?

How much?


No. They're not even my size.

Darn. Well, sorry.

Let me ask you something.

Do you plan on getting any more pants to sell?

No. Not that I know of.

That's whacked.

Thank you. Come back again!

Excuse me?

Hold--hold up.

Now why would antoine bother coming back again

When the only item you have for sale in the store

Is a pair of pants that don't even fit me?

Why would I come back again? Tell me that.

To buy the pants?

Don't push antoine.

Oh, wait, wait, wait. Hold up there, slim jim!

You ain't got to roll up on me like that, bubba!

I was on my way out the door.

You don't know who you messing with, man.

I'm boogie night champion.

I be getting my boogie on... Like that, brother.

I'm out.

Bye, antoine!


[Shouting] they don't even look open!

They're open! They're open!

How do you know?

Hi, I'm bobby. Welcome to we got pants. Can I help you?

Yes, you can help me! My name is barney kibbitz,

And I need pants!

Well, uh, have you tried looking right here, sir?

What exactly am I lookin' at?

The pants, barney! These pants!

What? What? What is this, a joke?

I'll, uh, I'll be right back.

Why don't you look around

While I'm trying the pants on?

Look around at what?

What am I lookin' at? You took the pants!

What's to look at?!

Can I help you with anything else, sir?

Help me with what? She's got the pants!

What are you, meshugena?!

No, sir, I'm not vishtugena.

I just work here.

Good for you.

Eh...the pants, they're too tight.

They're a little too tight in the tuchus.

Tight? Well, it wouldn't hurt to get on a stair master

Every once in a while.

I tried the stair master.

Hush! Excuse me! $, For the stair master machine!

Do you use it once?

I use it. Once?!

Excuse me, folks. Can I help you with anything else?

You can help me. Point barney kibbitz in the direction of some pants!

I showed you our pants already.

That--oh, that's it!

You meshugena!

Come on! Let's get out of this gehfunct house of trousers!

Let's go get some deli.

A knish, maybe.

How's everything going?


One pair of blue--

Where are the pants?!

They're in the dressing room.

Somebody go get them, quickly!

Sorry!i can't leave for minutes!

You guys have to be on the ball!

The pants aren't on display, the pants don't get sold!

Hey, uh, sumpter, can I go to lunch now?

No! No lunch!

I need all of you here. What if we get a rush?!

Here they are, miss sumpter.

Hang them up quickly!


Uh, uh, sumpter?

Uh, what kind of rush?

I mean, we only sell one pair of pants.

I mean, it's not like, you know,

There's a line outside or anything. Ha.

You know, there never is.


How dare you!

How dare I what?

I've been selling these pants for years!

I think I know the pants business. And you're fired!

Oh! O-oh!

Come on, I need this job!

You can't do this to me! Oh, man! I didn't mean it!

Out! We don't need employees like you if we got pants!


Well, fine!


You know what?

I wanna buy the pants.

You heard me!


Wanna buy... The pants!

Here you go.

Keep the change.

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

Now whatcha gonna do?!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Hey, clavis! Wake up.

The show's over.

Oh, yeah! Kick it!