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18x09 - The Hospital Job

Posted: 09/29/23 08:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

MUSIC: 'I'm Free' by The Rolling Stones



Excuse me.

Having trouble?

Oh, a gem cannot be polished without friction,

nor a man perfected without trials.

- I beg your pardon? - Yeah, having trouble.

Have you done those crime sheets, Geoff?

Steady on! You only asked for them this morning!

Well, chop-chop!

I want them signed off before Miller gets back.

Why didn't they put Joe in charge?

I'm sure he wouldn't be this bad!

I've seen it all before.


Power corrupts. Ashfordly police station.

Oh. Er, yes, Your Lordship.

Let me hand you over to PC Wetherby.


It's Lord Ashfordly, for you.

Acting Sergeant Wetherby speaking.

- Is Sergeant Miller in? - No, he's away on a course.

Oh. How about PC Mason?

No, he's dealing with a breakdown.

So, who's in charge?

Acting Sergeant Wetherby.

I'm afraid.

Ah! I think we need a new radiator.

There's a garage just down the road.

Where are you headed for?

The Taoist monastery in Middlesbrough.

We are on our way from Liverpool.

There's a Taoist monastery in Middlesbrough?

Just outside Middlesbrough, actually.

It's new. We are taking them a gift.

A golden statue of Guan Yu.

It looks like you'll be here for some time.

Welcome to Aidensfield.

I'll ask Bernie Scripps at the garage

-to come up and take a look. - Thank you.

WETHERBY:I'll have a word with our staff.

Give it our fullest attention. OK. Bye.


Lord Ashfordly just stocked his river with trout

for a competition at the weekend.

Since his gamekeeper's off sick,

he's asked us to keep an eye on it.

I'm sure you'd like to tackle some serious police business.

Oh, what's that?

We've had a request from Lancashire CID.

They've got a specialist antiques thief

operating on their patch.

Had a tip-off the stolen goods are ending up here.

-In Ashfordly? - A major league fence.

He's hardly going to admit it, is he?

Well, it sounds more interesting than crime sheets.

OK. Let's get onto it.

Oh, hello, Mrs Tinniswood. How's your Terry doing?

Well, his chest's still bad.

But you know what men are like.

He won't have anyone near him.

Honestly, they're all the same.

Hey, you two!

Tea's on the table at six and don't be late!

Right, Mum.

PC Mason!

Mrs Jowett.

Aren't you going to do something about this?

- Like what? - Move them on!

I've got the North Riding Environmental Committee

due here any day!

We can't have the place looking like a scrap yard.

They can't stay there!

Technically they can, because it's common land.

Practically, they're going to have to

because they've broken down.

- How long will it take? - I don't know.

Let's ask them.

Did you have any luck at the garage?

Mr Scribbs ordered the parts, but it will take a few days.

A few days?

I don't see any alternative, Mrs Jowett.

-Where are they going? - Seeking food.


We've always relied on the kindness of strangers.


Afternoon. I'm just closing.

Mr Brigstocke?

That's right. What can I do for you?

Do you have any Victorian snuff boxes for sale?

Oh, yes. They're over there.

We need to present a united front to the council.

It's hard to see what they can do,

unless they're creating a disturbance.

But they are! They're banging on doors, begging for food.

We had one at the back door and he rang the bell.

-Oh! - Did you give him anything?

Of course we did. I gave him some pork pies.

I was gonna have one of those.

There's plenty more in the fridge.

I think they're colourful. It makes a change round here.

It's not their fault they broke down.

-Exactly. - OSCAR: They're right.

So I suggest we just live and let live.

But they're living on our village green!



MUSIC: 'Three Little Fishies' by Kay Kyser

-What is it? - There's somebody there!

-Where? - Down by the river.

-Well, I can't see anyone. - Lying down on the ground!

PEGGY:Hey! By heck!

I haven't seen anybody do that in years!

Who are you?

I am Ho Kwan. I am with the monks

And where did you learn to do that?

In the Lake District. They call it guddling.

Ah! Here in Yorkshire we call it tickling.

But it's more talked about than done.

You do realise that that belongs to Lord Ashfordly?

We have saying,

vegetables of one's own raising are not relished.

Those from other gardens are the best.


I agree entirely!

Besides, I think it belongs to the god of the river.

He gave it to me.

- Think he'd give us one? - You could try.

- Come on, David, have a go. - W-Why me?

Well, because you know how cold water

sets my rheumatism off.

Oh, oh, oh! First, you must empty your mind.

-Have you done that? - Oh, yes.

All right. Now, think like a fish.


That was quick.

-Where are they? - Over here.

It's definitely them, sergeant.

Well done.

Those candlesticks look familiar, too.

I'd better have a word with the owner.

He's in there.

Mr Brigstocke?

I'm Detective Sergeant Dawson, CID.

Can you tell me how you came by

those snuff boxes over there?

Same as everything else.

I inherited them from my uncle Norman.

He died last week.

We've reason to believe these are stolen goods.

We'll need an inventory of the shop.

I'm working on one. How do you know they're stolen?

They're on a list of items we've had circulated.

We'll have to take the snuff boxes

back to the station

and then return tomorrow for a full search.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you for the keys.

There you are.


He feels you like another fish.

Now lift!

- Good! - I did it!

I did it!

Give a man a fish and you feed him for the day,

teach him how to fish

and the gamekeeper's in trouble.


You have something we value very much.


- You mean the fish? - No, no. I mean simplicity.

-We call it P'u. - P'u?

Yes. It is a sort of passive receptiveness.

And I sense you are full of it.

- What, that's good, is it? - Oh, very good!

And very special!

Now, I must go feed my people.

MUSIC: 'Time Has Told Me' by Nick Drake

♪ Time has told me

♪ You're a rare, rare find


♪ A troubled cure

♪ For a troubled mind



♪ Time has told me

♪ Not to ask for more ♪

Mrs Tinniswood.

Can you come and have a look at my Terry, now?

-Something's not right. - How do you mean?

He's really bad, not like before.

It-It-It's terrible coughing. He-He's starting wheezing.

Wait here. We'll take my car.


Wake up, Terry!

Nurse is here!



What's wrong?

I'm sorry, Mrs Tinniswood.

What am I gonna do now?

Morning, Nurse Cassidy.

Morning, Peggy, David.

I've brought you some nice, fresh eggs for your breakfast.

With true friends, even water drunk together

is sweet enough.

Aye, but fried eggs are better!

Oh, also true!Come in, come in. Please, please!


Bit early for your clinic, aren't you?

-I've come to see you. - Just off out.

What's the problem?

-We've had a sudden death. - Who?

Terry Tinniswood. Beckett's Close.

He'd been coughing blood.

Naturally, there'll be a post-mortem.

Morning, Alf. I need the form for a sudden death.

Oh! One Form .

-Who's it for, then? - Terry Tinniswood.

Non-stick Terry? Haven't heard of him for a bit.

- Is he known to us? - Used to be very well known.


But he seems to have retired since he came out of prison.

It's his wife you want to look out for.

Right, Mr Brigstocke.


We'll be spending the day

going through your entire stock.

-Right. - WETHERBY: Sarge.


Those candlesticks you were interested in have gone.

Care to explain, Mr Brigstocke?

Don't look at me. You locked the place up yourself!

Presumably there's more than one set of keys.

You had the only set of keys.

You've moved the stuff or I've been burgled.

Mrs Tinniswood? I'm PC Mason.

I'm sorry to hear about your husband.

You'll be the only copper who is, then.

I'm sorry?

You lot had it in for him for years.

Banged him up for summat he hadn't done!

There are some formalities that we have to go through.

The coroner will be ordering a post-mortem.

I have to ask you some questions.

Here we go again. Down the nick?

That won't be necessary.

You'd best come in, then.

-Copper's here. - What for?

Just normal stuff, love.

They have to ask questions about your dad.

I'm sorry about what happened.


Go and get some crisps.

Thanks, Mum. Eddie, are you coming?


Meant the world to them, their dad did.

Now, what do you want?

Just some background information.

Had your husband been in poor health?

He'd been short of breath for a couple of years.

Then he took to his bed

with a nasty cough, a week ago.

Never been right since he come out of prison.

Did he work?

Do you think anybody's gonna take him on

after what you coppers did to his reputation?

Had he seen a doctor, at all, about this cough, perhaps?

No. Terry didn't hold with them.

So no knowledge of anything

that might have led to his death?

Do I look like a doctor?

The only thing that k*lled my Terry

were what you lot did to him.

I keep telling you,

I know nowt about any stolen goods.

I only inherited the place last week.

From your uncle, Norman Brigstocke?

That's right. years he'd been running the place.

He had no kids, so it came to me.

- Close to your uncle? -Not especially.

We'd see each other at family occasions,

birthdays, Christmas, that sort of thing.

What were you doing before you inherited the business?

Travelling. In double glazing.

If there's anything stolen,

it's down to Uncle Norman.

-Conveniently. - You can see all the records.

- Stock lists, everything. - Believe me, we will.

But the fact remains,

someone removed those candlesticks last night.

You locked up! You had the keys!

There's not more than one set of keys?

It's true! Uncle Norman was a one-man band.

Maybe now we can see why.

We'd better discuss this down at the station.


A small matter of interfering with evidence.

He'd been coughing up blood, so you know what that means.

Ew! No! What?

- Tuberculosis. - TB?

Oh, give over! There's been no TB here for years.

Exactly! It must've come from those people on the green.

Honestly, we spend years getting rid of diseases,

then we let foreigners bring them all back in.

- No need for that talk. -It's true, Oscar.

One of those monks is ill. Coughing incessantly.

They should be in quarantine.

Tina, love, can I have a word?

Yeah, sure.

You said you might be in the market for a bit of fish.

Yeah, Oscar likes fish for his tea.

Well, I brought one for you.

Five bob.

I'm sorry to hear about your burglary.

What exactly was taken?

A gold statue of Guan Yu, the god of honour and piety.

It was the gift we were taking to Middlesbrough.

Show me where it was taken from.


We were all out, except for Li Cheng here.

He was sleeping,

but he thinks, maybe he dreamed,

two young people were here.

Young people? But he's not sure?

He's not well, so he sleeps a lot.


That cough doesn't sound good.

Had medical attention?

We are treating him with Chinese medicine.


Do we know if Brigstocke's got

a criminal record yet, Alf?

I'm still waiting for CRO to get back to me.

What do you think of his story?

I think it stands up.

It's easy enough to find out when he acquired the business.

I don't believe a word of it.

We ask about stolen goods, then some stock goes missing?

It's too much of a coincidence.

We haven't got enough to charge him.

No, I know.We're gonna have to let him go, for now.

Keep a close eye on him. Maybe he'll slip up.

Alf, get on to his former employers.

Find out where he was travelling in double glazing.

Will do.

Carol, is it true we're all gonna be quarantined?

- Hmm. Whatever for? - TB.

Cos Terry Tinniswood was coughing blood

and it must've come from the monks.

That's ridiculous!

There's many reasons why Terry

might have been coughing blood,

not that it's anyone else's business.

The monks have only just got here,

so they can't have infected anyone.

- One is very ill. - Says who?

Been lots of rumours flying round

and people are getting worried.

Carol, have you got a minute?

Could you have a look at one of the monks?

- He's in a bad way. -Yeah, OK.

You see? I was right, all along!

Well, all I'm saying is, that Ho Kwan is a nice bloke.

And he's very highly skilled.

Yeah, he says that I'm full of P'u.

Oh, David, that doesn't sound very nice.

Oh, no. No, that's a good thing.

Yeah, it means that I am "following the path."

Where to?

Well, I'm not quite sure yet, but...


This man needs to be in hospital.

He is among friends. We will care for him.

I think he should be properly examined by a doctor.

Men grow old. Pearls go yellow.

- There is no cure for it. - I'm going to have to insist.


I thought you might. Hm.

Before we let you go,

I want to be sure we're clear.

Apart from the front door and the fire escape,

there's no means of access into the building?

None. I've told you.

You understand your premises is now a crime scene

and, as such, you won't be able to open today?

Leave us to get on with it.

We'll seal the building thoroughly

at the end of the day.

Any developments, we'll be in touch.

Right, then.

But I'd like you to remember who's the victim here.

I've been burgled and if I can't open tomorrow,

I'm likely to be seeking compensation.

I'm losing business!

See Mr Brigstocke out, would you, Constable Younger?

Yes, sergeant. This was please, sir.

Right, we'll meet Scenes of Crime down there.

But Brigstocke doesn't have another key,

he's got another way into that place.


So it's true, then? One of them's sick?

He's going to hospital for observation.

What's he got?

We won't know until they've carried out tests.

But it could be same as my Terry?

I know there have been a lot of rumours going around,

but the monks only arrived yesterday,

they couldn't have given any infection to Terry.

Yeah, but what about my kids? I can't lose them, as well.

But the man in ambulance

had no contact with Terry, no contact with anyone.

He'd have to have gone onto the bus for infection.

-But they did. - What?

They were on the bus.

They were just being inquisitive.

But they saw that old man coughing.

Now, what if he's given them summat that he's got?

They could be infected, too.

We don't know what, if anything, is wrong with him.

He may well not even be infectious.

But there's no connection between him and Terry's death.

And I can't see that your children are at any risk.

Does that put your mind at rest?

I-I-I'm sorry, Nurse,

but I just couldn't bear it

if anything happened to them, as well.

I know.

Half the stuff in here could be on the watch list.

Sounds like your tip-off was right.

I've checked the fire door. It's jammed shut.

- I've found another way in. - Where?

There's a ventilation shaft at the rear.

Should just come in through the back of the showroom.

You could access it from the lower roof.

It looks pretty solid.

I don't think it's screwed in properly.

It should just slide out.

Let's get some fingerprints before we move it.

I really can assure you, there's no epidemic

about to spread.

There's are just two isolated incidents.

Thank you, Nurse.


Honestly, it's like

some kind of mass hysteria or something.

As if we didn't have enough going on.

Everyone's talking TB.

I'd like to know how these rumours got started.

-The Tinniswood kids. - What?

They went onto the bus last night.

Their mum's terrified they've caught something.

They must be the youngsters the monk saw

steal the statuette.

I suppose they must be.

Listen, can you forget I just said that? Please?

I've got to sort it out.

I won't drop you in it. Don't worry.

-Are you OK? - How do you mean?

You seem a bit... distracted.

It's nothing.

I've had a letter from an adoption agency.

They've managed to trace my mother.

Well, that's hardly nothing.

That's fantastic!

It's what you've been waiting for, isn't it?

It turns out she's dead. Ten years ago.

Oh, Carol, I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?

- How do you feel? - I don't know, I...

I think it's still just sinking in.

I'm a bit confused.

Might help to discuss it.

Not at the moment.

OK. Look, I'm here for you if you need to talk.

- We're friends, aren't we? - Sure.

Thanks. Erm... I really need to get on, now.


What do you want?

My colleague PC Younger, Mrs--

Forget the formalities. I'm busy.

Can we have a word with your children?

-What about? - We're investigating a crime.

Oh, that's great, that is!

Their poor father's not been dead five minutes

and you're trying to pin stuff on them.

If we could just have a word.

Julie, Eddie, down here! Coppers want to speak to you.


- Now mind your manners. - I'm sure they'll be fine.

I meant you!

Now, what is it?

You were seen hanging around the bus on the green.

- Did you go into it? - Er, yeah.

You've been telling people what you saw on the bus.

- About the sick man. - Oh, it was horrible.

-Did you take anything? - Of course they didn't!

They were just being nosey. Is that a crime?

Well, that depends. There are witnesses.

H-He means the ornament.

Well, we found it.

Where did you find it?

- In the road. - In the hedge.

Yeah, that's right.

Well, I think we'd better take the ornament

and continue this down at the police station.


It's dusty as hell.

The asbestos is breaking up.

These are hand prints.

Those scuff marks go all the way in.

There's definitely been someone through here.

This must be his way in.

Well, it'll be tricky to make a case.

Then let's figure out a way to catch him. Red-handed.

MRS TINNISWOOD: If they tell you

that found it in the road...

What's going on in there?

Rosie Tinniswood's going on. I did warn him!

So, you can just let us go, now.

In fact, you can pay for a taxi home.

I didn't like the smell of that one's car.


PC Mason, can I have a word?


Any luck with Criminal Records, Alf?

Mr Brigstocke hasn't got one.

I'm still trying to talk to the former employers.

Everything all right in there?

We've brought two kids in.

I'm sure they stole a gold statuette from the bus.

-The mother's a handful. - Sounds like it.

- Are you getting anywhere? - Not really.

Sticking to their story they found it on the road.

-Anything else to go on? - A possible witness.

- He's in hospital. - I should try that route.

And wind it up. We need some help here.

I don't want any undesirables in my police station.

I'll get onto it right now, sarge.

-Make them a cup of tea. - Thank you.

Let me know as soon as you hear anything more, Alf.

I'll be in Sergeant Miller's office.

PEGGY: Mr Kwan, our David mentioned

something about precious jewels.

What are they, then?

Ah, the three jewels of the Tao

are kindness, simplicity and modesty.

Oh, so they're not real jewels, then, are they?

Oh, they are more valuable than any gemstone could be.

They reckon I've got them.

I'd say you have, David.

You use these to follow the path of life,

or, as we call it, the Tao.

They will always be your guide.

So do you think I should try this, then?

The journey of , miles start with a single step.

- JOE: Hi. - Hi.

- Any news of our monk? - Not good.

He's had a chest x-ray,

which is showing terminal lung cancer.

He hasn't got very long to live.

Any chance of him attending an identity parade?

-Not in the slightest. - Taking a statement?

He can't speak a word of English.

I'll take that as a no, then.

I better call the station.

Tell them to let the Tinniswoods go.

Where are you off to?

-I'd better tell his friends. - I'll come with you.

I need to talk to them, too.


ALF: Ashfordly police station.

Do us a favour.

If you want a lift, I'm busy.

Next time you want to pin summat on someone,

pick on a different family.

Now, you two, out!


Mr Brigstocke's former employers.

Oh, yes. What did they say?

His patch covered Lancashire, Cumberland and Westmorland.

There's where the antiques came from.

It's unlikely to be a coincidence.

Exactly.Can you ask Mr Brigstocke to see us?

Tell him we want to bring him up to date. Nothing serious.


- You have a new recruit. - He takes to it naturally.

Those who know how to follow the path

are very rich, indeed.

I'm afraid your friend is very ill.

He has lung cancer.

You knew. Then why didn't you say?

You wanted to test him your own way.

You wouldn't have been satisfied with what I said.

He may not have very long to live.

We know that, as well.

He wants to die among his friends.

Can we have him back, please?

I'll speak to the doctor and arrange for an ambulance.

-Thank you very much. - We found your statue.

Oh, you have? Oh, that is good news!

- Can we have that back, too? - In due course.

It's been logged as evidence, so procedures to go through.

Our bus will be fixed tomorrow and then we must leave.

- I'll see what I can do. - Thank you.

- JOE: Nice fish. - You want some?

We have plenty more to share.

Thank you for coming in, Mr Brigstocke.

I'm sorry our enquiries are taking so long.

I'm happy to cooperate, but I've got a business to run.

We understand that, but we do need another day.

What for?

I can see my uncle came by some items,

which may have been stolen,

but now I've been burgled

and you don't seem to be doing much about that.

Our investigations are continuing.

Items that we need to look at.

-What now? - Well, we're not sure.

There are some experts coming over tomorrow from Lancashire.

Lancashire? Why Lancashire?

This is quite a wide-ranging enquiry.

So what do they want?

They're gonna look over your stock,

in case there are other items of interest to them.

- How long will that take? - Just a day.

They'll be here in the morning

and that should clear everything up.

I'm fine. Really. It's just a bit like...

I was given something and had it taken away again.

Oh, you must be so disappointed.

In a way, yeah.

But maybe it's helped me make my mind up.

How do you mean?

I always knew I had a mother. I mean, obviously.

And now I don't any more.

But I've still got a brother in Australia.

What about him?

I'm not gonna lose out twice. I'm gonna find him.

Night, Alf.

The areas where Brigstocke was working

correspond closely where the burglaries were carries out.

- Think he was the burglar? - Too early to say.

He may have been the link back to Ashfordly.

But he has to know what's going on

and what the Lancashire detectives might look for.

So you think he'll try and move more stuff?

Exactly. Anything else he has a guilty conscience about

is likely to go missing.

Joe and Don, lock yourselves in

and wait for him to turn up,

either through the front door or the ventilation shaft.

Then we'll have him bang to rights.

What about me, sergeant?

You'll be with me in civvies. Watch Brigstocke's house.

We'll have a chain of evidence.

Oh, right!


Could be worse places to spend the night, I suppose.

I just hope you don't snore.

Well, you could be about to find out.






Eddie and Julie Tinniswood?

No, it's not what it looks like!

I think it's exactly what it looks like!

Joe. There's someone at the door.

MUSIC: 'All Day And All Of The Night' by The Kinks

-Hit it! -No, Joe!

Open those doors, the place will go up like a torch!

-Where's the fire exit? -Over there.

JOE:You two, this way!

Come on. Drink up! I called time ages ago.

I thought we might have a lock-in.

Well, you thought wrong.

Did you have a nice fish for your tea?

-What if I did? - Then remember your friends.

Gina! Have you been serving up poached fish?

Oh, no, it wasn't poached, it was grilled.

-I thought it was yummy! - There you are, then.

And there's plenty more where that came from.

Oh, come on! It's worth a pint, at least!

What's all the fuss about?

Have you been buying fish from Peggy Armstrong here?

Oh, aye. Am I under arrest?

Handling stolen goods is a criminal offence.

Oh, don't talk daft, Oscar. It was just a fish.

Besides, it was a gift from the god of the river.

-Ho Kwan said so. - Did he, now?

And do you know what else?

He's taught my how to tickle them.





No, you don't! Out!


You're under arrest! Geoff, call the Fire Brigade!

It's no good! It's jammed solid!

Here, put this around your face.

Wait! Why don't we use the tunnel?

Of course! Come on!

You go.

Your turn.

- Get a move on! - Not sure I'll fit, Joe.

You'd better. I'll be behind you.

Get in there.



- JOE: Was it Brigstocke? - Who else would it be?

GEOFF: We've got him. He's handcuffed in the car.

You need to get to the hospital.

-I'm fine! - Hospital, now!

Have you never heard of smoke inhalation?

We need to get you seen to.

- And who are these kids? - Meet the Tinniswoods.

Where are they?

A doctor's with them now, Mrs Tinniswood. They're fine.

-So I can take them home? - For tonight, yes.

But they will have to face criminal charges.

It's not their fault, it's their father's.

I don't see how.

They took their own decision to commit burglary.

Terry showed them the way in.

Your husband used to burgle Brigstocke's Antiques?

Terry was in and out of there for years.

He called it his "hospital job."

If he didn't have another, he could go there.

Well, Terry knew that Brigstocke was a fence,

so the old man wasn't gonna report a theft, was he?

Chances are the stuff was nicked already,

so no harm done.

Your husband gave up crime

after he was released from prison.

My Terry was a professional.

He had a family to support.

-DAVID: Hello. - Ah!

- Mr Blaketon from the pub. - Ho Kwan.

Oscar Blaketon. Look, about these fish.

Oh, and your pork pies, too. Thank you very much.

You are most kind and we appreciate your generosity.

Ah, was my pleasure.

David tells me you were a Chindit.

Oh, yes! I was with General Wingate.

I was his translator.

-I was in Burma, too. - Oh.

-At Changi. - Ah, difficult times.

- Like a cup of tea? - It would be an honour.

Ah, thank you. Please. Please.

- Morning. - Morning.

The post-mortem on Terry Tinniswood

has just been sent over.

What was the result?

He died of broncho-pneumonia.

That wouldn't have k*lled him, not on its own.

It was complicated by something called asbestosis.

Well, that would explain it.

I wonder where he picked that up from.

What is it, exactly?

If come into contact with old or broken asbestos,

you inhale these tiny fibres.

They can sit in your lungs for years and then...

Suddenly start a reaction like cancer.

- I've never heard of this. - It's been known for years.

Nobody's doing anything about it.

If you look back through Terry's life,

somewhere he will have been working with asbestos.

If he'd taken other people

to the place where he inhaled the dust,

- they might have it, too? - No might about it.

They will have it and it's a death sentence.

Don and I were in a ventilation shaft

with the Tinniswood kids.

It was full of asbestos dust.

We had masks over our faces.

We'd better get you checked out,

but it was just a one-off incident.

It's not like you've been regularly exposed.

It's true. But the Tinniswood kids have.

DAWSON:Is there anything you'd like to say?


Suit yourself.

-Do you think we've got him? - On all counts.

He must have been in it up to his neck.

So you can have your station back, now.

Lord Ashfordly wants to speak to whoever is in charge.

That'll be him. See you later.

Acting Sergeant Wetherby speaking.

LORD ASHFORDLY: 'You half-wit!

You were supposed to keep an eye on my trout!'

What now?

I'm here as the coroner's officer, Mrs Tinniswood.

Well, you'd best come in, then.

What are you staring at?

He's here cos my Terry died!

We've had the results from your husband's post-mortem.

The coroner's releasing his body,

so you can make funeral arrangements.

-What did he die of? - Pneumonia.

But he also had a fatal lung condition.

I told him he should see a doctor.

-What was it? - Asbestosis.

Never heard of it.

It's caused by inhaling dust from damaged asbestos.

It can lie dormant in the lungs for years, decades

before it develops.

But why would Terry be anywhere near asbestos?

There was a lot in the ventilation shaft

at Brigstocke's Antiques.

You said your husband was a frequent visitor?

So this stuff can k*ll you?


As I say, it can take decades.

I breathed it in myself last night,

but that was on just one occasion.

Terry took the kids in there.

- How many times? - Lots of times.

Lots and lots! You mean they're gonna get it, as well?

- CAROL:It's likely, yes. - But you can't know for sure?

I'm sorry. If they've had regular exposure--

No! No, no! No! That can't be right!

No.Not my kids.

Please, tell me that that is not right!

I'm sorry. I can't, Mrs Tinniswood.


My kids are gonna die, same as Terry,

because of something he did?

I'm very sorry.


Mum, can we go and play...?


Lord Ashfordly's currently demanding my guts for garters.

-I'm on my way to see him. - Why?

Well, while we were tackling a serious crime

someone decimated his ruddy fish, that's what.


I said we'd look after his river

before some angling competition.

You didn't tell me.

Well, we had more important stuff to do.

I thought I was on my way to a commendation.

He's gonna put in a complaint.

That's all Sergeant Miller's gonna see.

I think you'd better follow me.

Are you sure you want to go?

Folk round here have got used to you, now.

It is the time of our going.

But maybe one day we will return.

David, what about you? You want to travel with us?

No. No, I'll stay here.

I, er...I belong here.

It is the beautiful bird that gets caged.


WETHERBY: This is all the fuss?

- I imagine so. - Right.

PC Wetherby, can I have word?

Not just now, Mrs Jowett.

Right, who's responsible for this fish?

Someone's been catching these fish.

And someone's been eating them. Now, who?

- I have! - No, I am responsible.

- No, I am. - OSCAR: Me, too!

And me, Don.

Er... Gina?

I may have purchased one, inadvertently.

JOE: Er,Don.

Oh, I get it. They're all ruddy Spartacus.

The thing is... I might have had some, too.

Ho Kwan and his colleagues are ready to make a move,

as soon as they've had this item returned to them.

Ah, thank you very much!

I suggest you make a move before I change my mind.

ALL: Bye.

MUSIC: 'With A Little Help From My Friends' by Joe Cocker



You know what you said about if I wanted to talk?

-Yeah? - I think I'd like that.

PEGGY: Hey, such a nice chap. I hope he comes back soon.

He who digs deepest, deepest digs.

Hm. Well, that's you, isn't it, David?

And I want you to dig deep in your pocket

and buy me a pint.

♪ I get high with a little help from my friends

♪ Don't you know I'm gonna make it with my friends ♪