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18x04 - Living Off The Land

Posted: 09/29/23 08:01
by bunniefuu
♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

MUSIC:'Crossroads' by Cream


Are you all right?


You just hang on, old chap. I'll get some help.

He just appeared out of nowhere.

No wallet. No identification.

- He say what had happened? -Not a word.

Can you tell me your name, mate?

♪ I went down to the crossroads

♪ Tried to flag a ride

♪ Down to the crossroads

♪ Tried to flag a ride



Afternoon, David.

He doesn't mean it.


Look. See?

It's nothing, really.

It's all gone.Hm?

That doesn't look too good. Can I help?

No,I'm fine.

That's a very smart bear. Has it got a name?

We don't need no help, OK?

I'm the district nurse. My surgery's just here.

I could clean those cuts up for you.

And I've got lemonade.

The lemonade might have swung it, eh?

Come on.

JOE: Michael Todd. Is that your name?

-Mickey. - I'm Sergeant Miller.

I've done nothing wrong.

Nobody's suggesting you have.

So, why are you hassling me, man?

MILLER:You've been the victim of a serious as*ault.

- We want to know who did it. - Yeah, I'll bet.

Come on, Mickey. Why not tell us what happened?

Bang on the 'ead. Can't remember.

Oh, not the rotten radiator again.

Oh, I don't know.

Just went in the post office to put ten bob in my account.

The flippin' thing wouldn't start.

You probably flooded the carburettor.

Thanks, Mr Owen.

I've gotta pick Mrs Perkins up

off the five o'clock train.

What am I gonna do?


How does that feel?


Why are you doing this? Helping us?

Well, it's my job.

Most people think we're just scum.

I'm not most people.

When's the baby due?

How did you know?

"Exercise and breathing for mums to be."


It's what I also do every Thursday. You try.



It's not as easy as it looks.

Have you had an antenatal check?


Yeah, we were camping up near York

and I went to a hospital there.

They said everything's fine.

Gonna be here long? Come to my classes.

I'm not sure.We've got a nice place in t'woods.

We should be getting back.


Mrs Perkins!

I'm just over here.

Oh, bit of trouble with the taxi.

I didn't want to let you down.

I'm not getting into a hearse.

Oh, it'll be fine. I'll give you a hand.

Are you looking for a taxi, love?

Cos, erm, well,

that don't look like a very nice way to travel.

Thank goodness.

Hang on. You can't--

- Use a hearse as a taxi? - No, lad, you can't.

Punters don't take to it, in my experience.


CAROL:I can take you right to the camp.

This thing goes anywhere. It has to!

No.We'll be OK.

I couldn't help noticing the bruises.

Are you sure you want to go back?

For now I've got to.

You are thinking of leaving, then?

You can trust me, you know?

- Maybe I could help. - All that lemonade.

You never told the nice lady your name.

- He's just shy. - He's Niall.

And I'm Kim.

This is Jingly.

CAROL: Hello, Jingly.

Well, you look after him and your mum.

You know where to find me.

Sounds like you've got our man.

Mickey Todd. Could well be.

He's got a record.

Three convictions for possession

and sale of cannabis.

His attitude's pretty hostile too.

The dealer in Whitby

was sellinghigh-grade Black Moroccan resin.

Strong stuff.We'd like to know where it's from.

It's possible he could be involved.

I'm Detective Sergeant Dawson, Mr Todd.

I've told him, I've got nothing to say.

And what interests me is why, Mr Todd.

You've got a record for supplying cannabis.

-Here we go! - And you upset someone.

-What happened? - It was a private matter.

JOE: You told me you couldn't remember.

Private, as in you sold Black Moroccan to some local dealers

and upset the usual suppliers?

I've no idea what you're talking about.

Haven't you?

It looks like you'll have some time in here to reflect.

- We'll be back, Mr Todd. - Can't wait!

Now, can I get some kip?

I doubt he's on his own.

He'll have some mates somewhere.

Let's find them.

I was trying to get her into the hearse

and then this woman, right old battle-axe,

she draws up, bold as brass, offers her a taxi!

GINA: You can't expect your customers

to ride in a hearse, David.

I didn't want to let her down.

This women with the taxi, what did she look like?

The cuts were recent, but she had lot of old bruising.

When I dropped them back, she was clearly frightened.

You actually went to this travellers' camp?

-No. She wouldn't let me. - Have an idea where it is?

If you could just go out there, Joe...

I know domestic abuse is a minefield,

but she's pregnant.

If he saw people were concerned about her,

he might think twice.

OK. If you point me in the right direction.

Thanks. I dropped them by the logging road

at the top end of the Ashfordly estate.

So, it must be near there.

Here you go.

Oh. What was it?

- Rotor arm's been removed. -Deliberately?

Not a thing that drops off.

Ma Barker.

It's got to be.

Didn't know she'd gone into taxi business.

Ma Barker?

Yeah. Me and her have had some run-ins over the years.

Mind you, I thought she'd retired to Bridlington

after her eldest went down for GBH.

MUSIC: 'Woodstock' by Matthews' Southern Comfort

♪ I came upon a child of God

♪ He was walking along the road ♪


Nice bike.

Yesterday we found a man who was badly beaten up.

We think he may have been one of your group.

-Mickey Todd. -Is he OK?

He's in the local hospital.

Do any of you know what happened to him?


He argued with a man. It's never a good idea.

Which man was that?

The gamekeeper.

Came in here, says we're trespassing.

-Waves his g*n about. -Then what happened?

He reckons he wants quid to go away.

Mick says no. Gamekeeper gives him a right pasting.

-You saw this? - Tried to stop it but...

Hard to argue with a g*n.

Mickey ran into the woods. Never saw him again.

Are you sure about all this?

We're travellers.

All we want is to be free and live off the land.

But there's always someone wants to rip us off.

Are you really gonna ride

that fine bike up to the big house

and meet Lord Muck's gamekeeper?

I don't think so.

If you're telling me the truth, I will.

How long has Mr Kelly been with you, my Lord?

Six months or so.

Good gamekeepers are hard to come by.Kelly!

-I didn't hear you come in. - Apparently not.

Constable Mason would like to ask you some questions

about a band of travelling hippies.

They're in the woods at the top of the estate.

I think he's mistaken.

I were up there t'other day. I'd have rooted them out.

God, man, you smell like a distillery!

Yesterday were my birthday.

As a rule, I never touch the stuff.

A serious accusation has been made.

Are you sure you've never visited these travellers?

-What sort of accusation? - They say the gamekeeper

tried to exhort £ out of them,

to keep quiet about them camping there.

Is this true, Kelly?

They're liars and thieves, my Lord.

More seriously, after refusing to pay up,

they say a member of their group was badly beaten.

He's in Ashfordly General.

I've made it clear I don't condone the use of v*olence

by my employees in any shape or form.

Accompany me to the station, so we can sort this out.

It's a pack of lies. I've nowt to hide.



Oh, you're a gent.

So, let's start again, shall we?

Were you at the camp in the woods late yesterday morning?

Hangovers, eh?

Every time you do it, you say to yourself, "Never again."

- Do you find that? - Let's stick to the point.

Well, that is the point, sergeant.

It were my birthday yesterday.

To tell you the truth...

I went on a bit of a bender.

Spent most of the day at Aidensfield Arms.

Ask Oscar Blaketon. He'll tell you.

Come on. Get the bonnet open.

What do you think it is?

I'd say kippers.

-Kippers? - It's an old trick.

Someone's put a kipper on your exhaust manifold

and it's been sizzling away nicely.

Who'd want to do that?

Somebody who wants to put you out of business, young sir.

Probably the same somebody that nicked your rotor arm.

Ma Barker.

Aunt Peggy must be right!

Looks that way.

I've just talked to Oscar Blaketon.

He confirms you were at the pub from opening time

till it closed at three

and put you, falling down drunk, into a taxi.

So, you're in the clear.

-Thanks for the brew. - Show Mr Kelly out, Mason.

This way.

A word to the wise, constable.

These hippies, just a bunch of vagabonds.

I'd take what they say with a pinch of salt.

He knew they were there, all right.

He may have an alibi for the beating,

but he's still lying.

I'm inclined to agree with you.

But what interests me is why the hippies are lying.

To put us off the scent?

Takes us back to the dr*gs.

- Ah, Wetherby. - Sarge.

Where have you been for the last couple of days?

- Nowhere, sarge. - Nowhere?

Well, I've been out and about.

Following up traffic offences.

Traffic offences? What traffic offences?

A warrant to search the camp. Shall we?

Right, then.

Your movements for the last couple of days on my desk

first thing in the morning.


SONG: 'The Good, the Bad & the Uglytheme tune

Hey! What's...

Was that you with those kippers?

-I beg your pardon? - I know what you're up to!

You're trying to put me out of business

and now you're in my parking space!

Your space? Got your name written on it, has it?

Well,I always park here!

Says who?

Er, says...


It's a public spot. Tell you what,

when we're not here, you can have your spot back.

How's that sound?

- Yeah, that's fair enough. - That's a deal, then.

I'll just...


Come on, lads. This way.

I'm Detective Sergeant Dawson and I've a warrant

to search these vehicles and this camp.

Help yourself, love, but don't you know...


..too much. Frightens the kids.


Let's get on with it.

I want to know why you lied to PC Mason, Mr Towler.

No!No! Just do what I say!

Kimmy, I'm warning you!


Were you threatening her?

Mind your own business.


Go on. Go and play with your mates.

Look, what else can I tell you?

I thought it were the gamekeeper.

Must have been another bloke.

MILLER: False evidence is an offence.

Can you describe him?

Just some bloke with a g*n.

We will get to the bottom of this.

I hope you do. Justice for Mickey.

- We want that. - WETHERBY: Nothing, sarge.

We've got no dr*gs here, sergeant.

If you'd asked me, I could have told you.

Save you some hassle.

Glad to see you're on the case, Miller!

These people are trespassing. I want them moved on!


You backed off?

No. No. We came to... some sort of arrangement.

That he should have your spot.

-No. - David, this is Ma Barker.

She'll not stop till she's put you out of business.

-What else am I meant to do? - Fight back, David.

He can't manage the Barkers on his own.

I'll go and see her for you.

He doesn't want his auntie fighting his battles for him.

Besides, he's a fully-grown man.

You've got to stand up for yourself.

You know, Dawn's right.

I'm gonna sort this out on my own.


Perhaps what Josh Towler said was true,

that he was extorting money from them.

No, accusing the gamekeeper was just a convenient lie.

Finding out who beat up Mickey,

that's the key to this.


Play them at their own game, David.


- Where to, love? - Vicarage, please.



MUSIC: 'No Particular Place To Go' by Chuck Berry

♪ Riding along in my automobile

♪ My baby beside me at the wheel

♪ I stole a kiss at the turn of a mile

♪ My curiosity running wild

♪ Cruising and playing the radio

♪ With no particular place to go ♪



I've been talking to some of the nurses at the hospital.

Why didn't you tell me about Kim's boyfriend?

-Kim's boyfriend? - Mickey Todd.

You and DS Dawson have been questioning him.

It's an ongoing enquiry.

Don't fob me off, Joe. You used me.

That's why you were so interested

in where the hippie's camp is.

You've got no concern for Kim whatsoever.

A lot of high-grade cannabis resin has turned up.

We think the hippies might somehow be involved.

Kim's been beaten up by her boyfriend.

That's a crime too, surely.

If she's prepared to give evidence.

Are you just assuming she won't?

Come on, Carol. Don't be naive.

These people see themselves as outsiders, rebels.

We're the enemy.

She's not about to shop her boyfriend to the police,

no matter how much he thumps her.

So, that's that?

You're not even prepared to look into it.

You can't rescue every waif and stray

that crosses your path.

Is that what you think I do?

Sometimes you get too close.

Well, maybe you don't get close enough.

You just think like a policeman.

Maybe that's because I am a pol--


Here you go.

Oh, Don.

You look like you've lost a shilling and found sixpence.

Oh, it's a long day, that's all.

JOE:Fancy a refill?

Oi! Can I get some service over here?

Er, all right. Hold your horses!

When you gonna go out with me, then?

Frank, you're drunk.

Right, then, give your mummy a kiss goodnight.


Goodnight, my sweetheart.

Reckon you could do with a bit of fun.

I know just what a girl like you needs.

She's not interested. You got it?

What's it to you?


Hey! Just leave it!

All right. That's it! Not having any fighting in my pub.

Wetherby, you're a copper not a thug!

What's got your goat?





- Don, what was that about? - Nothing.I'm sorry.

Good night.

Come on!

Come on, boys! Where you got...?


DAWSON: When did you last see Frank Kelly alive, my Lord?

Yesterday afternoon but I did hear a taxi

pull up shortly after last night.

I presume that was him.

He was in the Aidensfield Arms till closing.

Could you assemble all your staff

- so we can talk to them? -Yes, of course.

I want a fingertip search of the area.

Kelly had dealings with the hippies. That's your theory, isn't it?

He has an alibi for Mickey's beating

but there's a connection.

Todd's absconded from hospital.

I think that puts him top of our list.

I'll put out a general call.

JOE: Might be worth visiting the camp.

-They could still be there. - Right. Come with me, Mason.

I want a word with you.

Back at the station.

We haven't missed them by much!

Maybe your theory was right.

Kelly was extorting money out of them and...

Mickey decided to put an end to it.

He cut a man's throat for quid?

Well, it happens.

Hang on, sarge.

This log's been moved. Something's been hidden here.


He went mad.

He hit Niall. He's never touched the boy before.

Let me have a look. He just, he just grabbed him.

He threw him. I think he's hurt his wrist.


- It might be broken. - He's gone too far this time.

- I'm taking you to hospital. - No. No.

Can you do summat?

I'll come with you. It'll be all right. I promise.

Come on.

It just went bang! You should have seen his face!

Hope you're not getting him into trouble.

No, no, no. She's a good lass.

I'm leaving you in capable hands, David.

- Bye. - Ta-ra.

MA: Well, well, well.

Peggy Armstrong. Hmm!

I might have known you were behind this.

What's up, Dolly? Have you been having engine problems

on them clapped-out old taxis of yours?

Maybe I should shove this up your exhaust pipe.

Come on, ladies. I don't want any trouble.

Must be a long time

since anyone's accused you of being a lady.

I'm warning you, Peggy.

I'm running a legitimate business.

That's a first!

But the fact is you're still muscling in

on David's territory.

Free-market competition.

GINA: There isn't the business

for two taxi firms of Aidensfield.

Then one of us will go to t'wall.

Oh, right. Is that what you think?

Why don't we have a contest to decide who's best, then?

Depends what you got in mind.

What about the egg run, hey, Gina?

Take it in turns to drive to Mitchell's Farm.

You get two trays of eggs and drive them back.

If a single egg is broken, you lose.

But if all eggs come back intact,

it's the fastest time that wins.

And I don't want any funny business.

You're going first, David. Are you ready?

OK, everyone. Stand back, please.


On your marks. Get set. Go!


Mr Kelly lived here for six months?

Or thereabouts.

I was beginning to have my doubts about the fella

but I never imagined anyone would m*rder him.

-Sarge. - And his background, my Lord?

Well, his references were sound.

But I can tell you, I did not know he was a drunkard.

He kept that well hidden.

I think there's something under these floorboards, sarge.

-Rip 'em up. - Oh, be my guest.


What on earth is it?

Cannabis resin, my Lord.

Probably a variety known as Black Moroccan.

You wait here. I'll be back in a minute.

I just need to make a quick call, OK?

It's not what you think.

It's not what I think that matters.

OscarBlaketon told me what happened

between you and Kelly last night.

I didn't k*ll him!

If CID find themselves short of leads,

you might have some very serious explaining to do.

It was stupid. I know.

What have you got against Kelly anyway?

What's up with you, lad?

Where's that report I asked you for?

-Mind's not been on the job. - Sorry, Sarge.

If you've got some kind of problem,

- I'd best know about it. -There's no problem.

Right, then. Let's see you pull your socks up.


He's broken the boy's wrist.

You're gonna have to arrest him.

I didn't expect you to come in force.

- Things have moved on. -Where are they?

With the doctor. What's going on?

A man was found m*rder*d this morning.

His throat was slashed.

Mickey Todd and his friends are our prime suspects.

JOE:We need Kim to help us find Mickey.

- Yeah, of course. - Is that them?

- Let me talk to them first. - Mason!

What the hell do you think you're playing at?

It's all right.

We're not here to arrest you. We just want to talk.

I thought you liked us.

I didn't think you'd shop us to the police!


MUSIC: 'Getaway' by Georgie Fame

♪ Gotta go

♪ I hope you're ready cos take a look inside ♪

Thank you.

♪ Don't mind the weather girl

♪ Let's take a ride

♪ Getaway

♪ We'll leave the city folk

♪ They'll have to stay

♪ Don't have to pack a thing

♪ Just getaway

♪ Gotta go

♪ Getaway ♪

I've come to apologise.

Yeah, well, bad business all round.

They found a load of dr*gs at Kelly's place.

-dr*gs? - Probably why he was k*lled.

Well, I never much liked the man

but that does surprise me.

Well, I've said my piece.

Fair enough.

-That all you're gonna say? - Yeah.


What is wrong? You're like a bear with a sore head.

- Nothing. -Don't give me that.

You'd do better to talk about it

or you'll end up in another fight.


It's Sandy.

She's having an affair.

-Are you sure? - Yeah.

I've been following her. Following my own wife.


Don, I'm sorry.

I thought the move to Ashfordly would help.

I thought we were all right, you know?

Have you spoke to her?

And say what?

I love her, Gina.

I'm sure she still loves you.

You just need to talk.


It's over.

Everything OK?


Oh, come here, little fella.

Hello, pudding. Aw. OK.

Kim, we need to know where Mickey is,

where the others have gone.

Can you tell us that?

JOE: Come on, Kim.

Mickey beat you. He broke your son's wrist.

Why are you still covering for him?

DAWSON: Oh, this is no good.

CAROL:There's a police car.

Do you think Mr Jingly likes it?


She won't talk to us at all.

Are you surprised?

Look, I accept my approach at the hospital

might have been a but...

This woman could have vital information about a k*ller.

And we need to find him. Will you help us?

I doubt she trusts me any more than you now.

But I'll do what I can.

Alf?Go along with Alf.

Let's go and find a biscuit, shall we?

DAWN: minutes and seconds.

GINA:Thank you, David.

Let me have a look at them.

You see, they don't much look like real...

DAWN: Is Harold ready, then, or...? Hmm.

Harold! Hankie!

minutes? He'll be back in ten.

GINA: The route was OK, then, David?

Oh, yeah, yeah. I've done that a hundred times.

And you didn't take the shortcut?

What shortcut?

The left-hand fork down the cart track.

Are we, er, ready or what?

Yeah, soon as Harold's behind the wheel.


Left-hand fork down the cart track.

DAWN: You ready?

Set. Go!

What happened at the hospital was unfortunate.

But remember what you said.

This time he's hurt Niall. Not going to stand for that.

That was between us.

I only told you cos I trusted you.

Kim, you have to tell us where Mickey is.

CAROL:I know it's hard.

You've got a child to think of.

I told you before. It wasn't Mickey.

- CAROL:Don't be scared. - What's going on, Kim?

There was a row about dr*gs? Mickey went after Kelly.

-k*lled Kelly. - It wasn't Mickey. OK?

He wouldn't k*ll anyone. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

DAWSON: He hurt you and Niall.

I never said that.

Who broke your son's wrist?

It was his father.

It was Josh.

I thought you were with Mickey.

I love Mickey. I'm having his baby.

Let's get this clear.Josh Towler is your boyfriend.

He's my husband. I married him when I was .

When I had Niall.

But you've been having an affair with Mickey.

You don't know what Josh is like.

He's a complete nutter.

When he found out about me and Mickey,

he went after him with a tyre iron.

Beat him up.

Told him never to come back.

And then he gave me a hiding.

Told me I'd never see Mickey again.

Mickey and I planned to run away together.

Where's Josh now?

I don't know. I swear.

I'd tell you if I did.


Can I have a word?

Had a sighting of Josh Towler and his group.

They're in a lay-by near the crossroads at Wades Beck.


He's to be approached with caution.

We'll need backup.


MUSIC: 'Nothing Is Easy' by Jethro Tull

♪ Nothing is easy

♪ Though time gets you worrying

♪ My friend, it's OK

♪ Just take your life easy

♪ And stop all that hurrying Be happy my way

♪ When tension starts mounting

♪ And you've lost count of the pennies you've missed

♪ Just try hard and see why they're not worrying me

♪ They're last on my list ♪

You're nicked!



- There you go. - Thank you.

KIM: See?

I told you Jingly would take care of it for us.

We're gonna sh**t off.

- What about your tea? - Better get back on t'road.

Thanks. For everything.

MUSIC: 'Road Runner'

by Junior Walker and the All Stars

♪ When the dust hit my shoe

♪ I got the urge to move

♪ Says "I'm a road runner, baby"

♪ Got to keep on keeping on

♪ Hey

♪ And I live the life I love

♪And I'm gonna love the life I live

♪ Says "I'm a road runner, baby" ♪

Oh, heck!

Bloomin' Nora!

So, what happened, Josh?

You supplied Kelly but he wouldn't pay up,

so you k*lled him.

You know, I could really do with a smoke.

Don't fancy rolling me one, do you, love?

Put him in a cell.

Come on.

MUSIC: 'Trouble' by Cat Stevens

♪ Trouble

♪ Oh, trouble set me free

♪ I have seen your face

♪ And it's too much Too much for me

♪ Trouble

♪ Oh, trouble, can't you see?

♪ You're eating my heart away

♪ And there's nothing much left to me ♪


Ashfordly Police Station.

♪ I've drunk your wine You have made your world mine

♪ So won't you be fair?

♪ So won't you be fair?

♪ I don't want no more of you

♪ So won't you be kind to me?

♪ Just let me go where

♪ I'll have to go there ♪

Put him in the interview room.

She can wait in here with the boy.

♪ Oh, trouble Trouble, move away ♪


ALF: Er, Sit down here, love.

♪ And it's too much for me today ♪

I'll go and get you a cup of tea.

You've got a choice, Mickey. You can tell us the truth.

Or go to prison for life for the gamekeeper's m*rder.

Him and Josh fell out. That's all I know.

MILLER: Fell out over some dr*gs?

So, tell us how it all worked.

- It's your only way. - Yeah. I know.

All right. I'll tell you.

But leave Kim out of this. She's done nothing.

Here you are, love.




MUSIC: 'White Room' by Cream

♪ In the white room

♪ With black curtains

♪ Near the station ♪


♪ Black roof country

♪ No gold pavements

♪ Tired starlings

♪ Silver horses

♪ Ran down moonbeams

♪ In your dark eyes ♪


♪ Dawn light smiles

♪ On you leaving

♪ My contentment

♪ I'll wait in this place

♪ Where the sun never shines

♪ Wait in this place

♪ Where the shadows

♪ Run from themselves ♪

Alf. Alf!

Well, lad, you won fair and square.

Oh, does that mean

you've gotta leave Aidensfield to me, then?

I've got a better idea.

You could join us.

I'm in need of a good driver.

There'll be a nice, new sleek cab.

Regular wages and additional fringe benefits.

Like two weeks' holiday a year.

In Morecambe.

Put him back in the cells.

And keep the handcuffs on him.

-You all right, Alf? - Aye.

What about you, sarge?

-I'll survive. - Ta.

He's a dangerous man

but I'm not sure he'll confess to Kelly's m*rder.

KIM: After he done it...

he came back and chucked the knife in his toolbox.

Had blood on it.

It's probably still there.

Gina? I'd like to buy you a drink.

Oh. What for?

Well, you're a police widow.

I'm supposed to be looking after your welfare

but you've ended up looking after me.

Don, you're a mate.

You know where I am if you ever need to talk.

-Get that man a pint, Gina. - And I'm buying.

-What are you drinking? - I'm fine, thanks.

We're all grateful for what you've done, Carol.

Really? What'll happen to Kim?

She's got no previous convictions,

so probation.

Better than having a baby in prison.

But Mickey will go down.

For drug dealing? Yeah, I should think so.

Well, I...

I must congratulate Don properly.

She thinks I'm a fool for protecting Kim, doesn't she?

You think we are hard-hearted police officers.

You bullied Kim and you used me.

I'm sorry that you see it that way.

Yeah.So am I, Joe.

PEGGY:David Stockwell?

What's this I hear?

You won the race

but you're going to work for Ma Barker?

Well, if you can't even be bothered to turn up--

Can't be bothered? David!

I had a very important business appointment.

The bookies' annual bash at York races, weren't it, Peg?

Yes, it was and I always go in memory of my dear Herbert.

AndDavid knows that, don't you?

DAVID: She's offered me a holiday.

In Morecambe!


Well, it always rains in August but it's up to you.

All right, what have you got to offer me instead?

Steak and ale pie.


Custard tart for afters.

Oh, who wants to be bossed around by her anyway?

-You ready for home, then? - Oh, yeah.

I'm starving.