Hands of Hell (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Hands of Hell (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Ladies and gentlemen

of the East Texas area,

make sure to double-check the

locks on your doors tonight.

Two of Texas' most

notorious murderers

have escaped from

the local sanatorium.

These assailants are

extremely dangerous.

Do not, for any

reason, approach them,

but rather call the

local authorities.

The storm knocked

the power completely out.


It does every time, dear.


Well, why don't you sit down

and we'll play some cards?

All right.

It's been a long time since

I let you beat me at rummy.

Well, damn. Show

me what you got.

All right.

Did you hear something?

Yeah, I think it's

the screen door.

I'll check it out.

What happened?

I just tripped over the chair.


baby, you all right?

Yes. I'm just clumsy.

Well, I know

you're clumsy, baby.

That's one of the reasons

I love you. Now, come on.

Let's go. Ready?

There you go.

I know.

You sure you're all right now?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Good, 'cause we don't need

any more adventures tonight.

All right. It's your turn.

Did you hear something?

Probably the rain

beating on the window.


Don't try and cheat just

'cause I'm winning this time.

You wish. It's your turn.

What was that?

I'll go check it out.

Boy, you're awfully

jumpy tonight.

Be careful.



Jeffrey, is is

everything all right?


I'm gonna make you a

little bit more comfortable.

Is that better?

Please, someone help!

Please, help!

Someone help! Help!


Someone help!

Help me, please.

You can scream as

loud as you want.

No one's gonna hear you.

Now, should I put this back in,

or are you gonna be a good boy?

I'll be good. I promise.

The f*ck?

What the f*ck is this shit?

What am I supposed

to do with this?

Does your wife own anything

that doesn't say,

"I'm in a cult"?

I'm sorry, all right?

Look, look, look, wait,

wait, wait, wait, wait.

My daughter, I don't know,

she left some of her belongings

when her and her boyfriend

were staying with us.

It's in the bottom box

on the shelf over there,

and there's some jewelry too.

Take it. Take anything.

Just please don't

hurt us, please!

Oh, God.

Nice work, old man.

Please don't hurt us, please.


Who said anything

about hurting you?

That doesn't hurt, does it?

How about that?

Whoops. I guess I lied.

Quit that f*cking

crying right now!

Please don't do this.

I promise you, you'd

rather me than her.


He's talking about me.

You really think all those

tears are gonna help you?

It certainly didn't

help your old man.


Where is he? What have

you done with him?

How long have you

two been married?

I asked you a f*cking question.

39 years.

That's beautiful.

I was married once.

I love cows.

They're such peaceful creatures,

and yet somehow everyone

still wants to eat 'em.

Somebody help me! Help!

You're the two

that escaped from that

institution earlier today.

Smart little cookie.

It only took you an

hour to figure it out.

What do

you want from me?

To see what your

brain looks like.

I f*cking love you.

Oh, yeah?


Show me.

What in "The Hills Have Eyes"?

I think it's kind of quaint.

Is that another

word for sketchy?

Just do me a favor

and if you have to pee,

hold it until we get there.


You're not gonna like it.

I don't have the time for

guessing games, detective.

You have something

for me or not?

Patrol found a prison

guard dead by the fence.

Son of a bitch.

I checked the logs

of both compounds.

Turns out he was

on guard to rove

both Zeke and Bianca's

blocks that night.

So that's how they

made it that far

without being detected.

God damn it!


This is totally not what

was advertised on the website.

Did you not read the reviews?

Marcus, how many times have

I told you, read the reviews?

Okay, sorry for, like,

trying to live spontaneously

and adventurously.

Your adventures

keep getting us

into shenanigans like these.

For once, can we

adventure, I don't know,

maybe somewhere like

Martha's Vineyard?

Why do you have to do that?

What? Be right all the time?

Well, that too, but, no.

Use that damn word when you

know how much I hate it.

Well, maybe, just maybe,

if you stop getting us into

shenanigans like these,

I wouldn't have to use that

word so much, now would I?

You know what? I can't

even with you right now.

I'm starting to

get a migraine.

Just go find the owners

and get us our room please.

They're not answering.

Well, knock again.

God. f*cking Einstein.


Hi. I'm Marcus Donahue.

I made reservations for me and

my boyfriend for the weekend.


Yes. This is

Huxley Bay Marina, isn't it?

- Sorry about that.

He's new here.

Oh, no worries.

So, as I was just

saying to your friend,

we're here for the retreat.


Yeah, me

and my boyfriend.

I see.

So, do I get a key, or?

Just a second.

This is completely normal.

Just a regular couple running

a regular motel on the lake.

What the

f*ck are you doing?

We're gonna get them a

key to one of these rooms.

Let's just get rid of them.

Now, how much

fun would that be?

Oh my God. What

is taking so long?

Oh, they're just

getting us our room key.

Great. Oh, and I signed

all of our waivers online.

Are there any other forms

that we need to fill out?

You're all set.


Oh, and which room will we

be occupying this weekend?

Have a nice day.

Got it.

Ugh, rude.

Must you be so

aggressive toward everyone?

Did you see the way

she was looking at me?

It was like she wanted

to devour my soul.

Oh my God. You're too much.


Okay, well, on

the bright side,

we're walking distance

from that town over there.

That's the bright side?


Yeah, like if this

place has bedbugs,

we can just go down to

that motel down there

and have our skin

turn into lampshades.

Oh my God. Okay, I'm

gonna go get our keys.

- Well, well, well.

Looky what we have here.


There's more.

How many?

Two girls.



Hi. It's Stacy Bloomfield.

I have a reservation

for two rooms.

One for each of you?

Oh, no, our boyfriends

are on the way.

I see.

I used to have the same

one when I was a teenager.

Yeah, so if I could just

get the keys, that'd be great.

That was weird.

What was?

The owners.

I could have sworn she said

they were in their 60s.

You're just

being paranoid now.

Yeah, you're right.

I'll just shake it off. Come

on, let's go get a drink.

There's no service

here. Did you know this?


How could you?

You know I have to get

in touch with my clients.

Your clients will be just fine

without you for 48 hours, Brett.

And what if the Jacobsons

decide their house goes through

and they want to close on it?

Then I guess they'll

have to wait 'til Monday.

Why don't you put your phone

down and pour us some wine?


Here. You look like

you could use this.

Thanks, man.

No problem.

You wanna talk about it?

You know, I've just been

sitting here for hours,

just racking my brain,

trying to figure out why.

Why in the hell would someone

let these monsters free?

The lab confirmed Bianca's DNA

on Corrections Officer Granger.

I guess I just walked

right into that one.

So what are we dealing with

here? Another Gacy and Bundy?

Those men don't even hold

a candle to Bianca Cromwell.

Bianca Cromwell and Zeke Jensen

are not the average

serial K*llers.

They're the worst type, the

type that have no motive.

They k*ll for pleasure.

There was no childhood trauma.

Please, please, don't k*ll me!

I won't tell anybody!

I won't tell anybody! I swear!

They were never pushed

to their breaking points.

They just decided, one day,

this was gonna be their life.

Let me ask you a question.

Has that line ever

worked on anyone?


What nice manners.

What's your name?


Your parents know

where you are, Logan?

I'll take that as a no.

Tell us, Logan.

Think they'll miss you?

It's okay.

Dance with me.

I love you.

I want one.

Anything for you, baby.

Do you think he's a virgin?


A ladies' man. Isn't that right?


Now he have to k*ll you.

The only real question is, how?

How what?

Well, how are we gonna

k*ll you, of course.

Since he loves to scream,

we have that in common.

Let's put a hole right in

the middle of his throat.

Jesus Christ.


He's not gonna help us now.

When are the

guys supposed to get here?

Blake gets off work at three,

and then I think he was gonna

pick up Dylan on the way.

Why do you look so nervous?

He is your boyfriend.

Do I look nervous?

I don't know.

I guess I am, a little bit.

We haven't spoken in a week.

Erica, why did

you agree to this

if you weren't gonna

be comfortable?

I don't know, Stace.

Dylan and I have been

through so much together.

It's hard to throw it all away.

I mean, I get it,

but I swear to God,

if he ever pulls

some shit like this again,

I will literally k*ll him.

I think I'm gonna go get a

shower before they get here.

Okay, but don't take too long.

I plan on getting you all drunk

and skinny-dipping in the lake.

- Okay, sounds good.

I'll be back in 20.


Did I scare you?

Uh, yeah. Just a little bit.

My mistake.

Have yourself a good

night, beautiful.

f*cking creep.

Damn, Stacey.

It's just me.

Jesus f*cking Christ, Blake.

You scared the shit out of me.

I know. It was epic.

You're such a child.

Oh, come on. Lighten up.

We're supposed to be

relaxing out here, remember?

Where's Dylan?

Oh, he's in his room.

We ran into those weirdos

that run this place outside.

Did you meet them both?


The chick that runs this

joint, she's kind of hot.

Ow, but not as hot as you, baby.

Speaking of hot.


Oh, come on.

We'll just put a sock

on the door, yeah?

For old time's sake, hm?

You've gotta be f*cking

kidding me with this shit.

God damn it, Dylan!


You scared me.


It's okay. It's not you.

It's this place. It gives

me the f*cking creeps.

I hear that.

The owners are something else.


Did you see the Glasgow

smile on the dude?

Is that what that's called?

What do you think happened?

All I know is you gotta

be into some deep shit

to get one of those.

Or he needs a new barber.

Oh, dad jokes?

Hey, you.


Sorry we're late.

We had to do a transmission

change at the shop today,

plus Douchebag McGee

had to stop about 20

times on the way up here.

It's okay. I'm

glad you're here now.

I think this is going to

be really good for us.

Me too.

You know what would

make it even better?

What's that?

Stop. Stop, stop, stop.

I can't.

I understand.


Whenever you're ready.

Thank you.

Is this your idea of relaxing?

Uh, yeah.

Okay, you know what?

I can't do it. I'm gonna check

to see if they have wifi.

Brett, we are a

hundred miles away

from the nearest major town,

and that town only had

a Dollar General in it.

I highly doubt AT&T is

running wifi out here.

We shall see, shall we?


Is anybody in there?


Listen, we're in room three.

We're just trying to figure out

if y'all have any

wifi available or not.

Can I help you?

We're just trying

to figure out

if you have any wifi available.

You know what?

We actually had it installed

a couple weeks ago,

but I left the

information in the back.

You can follow me.

Okay, Brett.

We have got to stop watching

those AMC horror nights.



I'm surprised

they're not selling

Billy's Big Mouth Bass

decor around here.

Oh, shit!


You definitely startled me.


Your wife, I'm just down

here looking for wifi,

And um..

And your wife is actually

supposed to be helping me

find that information to

get wifi for the internet.

You know, you talk an awful lot.

It's f*cking annoying.

Um, okay.

Sorry. You know what?

We don't even need wifi.

I'll just go back to my room

and we can wait 'til Monday.

You're not going anywhere.

You look like

you've seen a ghost.

I won't tell

anybody. I promise.

Oh, every damn time.

Hold him down, baby.





To be honest, a good

fight really turns me on.

Oh, I know, I know, I know.

This isn't really your thing.

Maybe we should switch spots.

Not a f*cking chance.

I'm sorry, sir.

It turns out we actually

don't have any wifi here.

You look so

f*cking sexy in red.

It's all woods.

Right? That's the

only town for miles.

There's no way they could

have made it that far on foot.

Wait, what is this?

I don't know. I

didn't even see that.

Give me the coordinates.

42.1123 north.


85.7134 east.

What is it?

It's a retreat

camp in the woods.

Is it still open?

According to this

website, it is.

- GPS says two hours away.

Down for a road trip?


A toast to a k*ller

weekend with great friends.

Let's do it.

Awesome. Now let's go.

Did you

pack the cooler?

Already did.

Perfect. Y'all ready?





You're so dramatic.

We've been walking

for like five minutes.

Listen, if it were up to me,

this would've been in our room.

Next time, we'll fill

the bathtub for you, bud.

- Yo, D!

- Throw me a beer!


Hey, what about me?

You want one?

Here you go.

You want this?

Come and get it.

Give me the beer.


What's wrong?

I forgot my birth

control today.

Want me to walk you back?

Do you mind?

Not at all. Come on.

Don't hurry back!




Brett, is that you?

Oh my God!

- Holy shit!

What the hell, man?

I'm sorry. You scared me.

You scared

the shit out of us.

What are you doing?

I'm looking for my boyfriend,

Brett. Have you seen him?

No. Sorry.

- That's all right.

Thanks anyways.



looking for someone?

Actually, I am, my boyfriend,

Brett. Have you seen him?

He did come by.



I have to pee.

So just go.

- No.

- Don't be disgusting.

You say it

like we haven't exchanged

worse fluids than that.

Oh my God. Gross.

Where are you going?

To go pee.

You wanna help me out or what?

What's in it for me?


a little surprise.


Well, hurry up,

and tell Dylan and Erica to

quit boning and come back.

Hey, Stace, turn that back.

Sorry. I thought you

were my girlfriend.

Where is

the beauty queen?

She ran off to the bathroom.

I see.

Can I join you?

Such pretty eyes.

Thank you.

Can I hit it?

Excuse me?

The joint.


I guess your girlfriend

doesn't mind sharing.

It can be our little secret.

Is that right?

Uh-huh, yeah.

Maybe we should

take this inside then.

Can you show me a good time?

Yo, what the f*ck?

Was that too rough for you?

I don't f*cking think so.


Do you wanna talk about it?

We don't have to.

I know.

I just wanna know why.

I wish I had even

the slightest clue.

I really do, but the

God's honest truth is

I really don't know.

Two years. Dylan, we've

been together for two years.

Did you have feelings for her?

No. It was one

moment of weakness.

Listen, I know

that's not an excuse,

but the last thing I ever

wanted to do was hurt you.

You have to know that.

And until you say

that we're done.

I'm going to spend all of

my time showing you that.


Um, we should head back

before Stacey starts in on us

about how long we've been gone.

Five more minutes?

Fine. Five more minutes.

Maybe we should take

this into the bedroom.

Where the hell am I?

Well, if this doesn't have

horror movie written all over it.

Oh, holy shit. I have

service down here.

- Can I help you find something?

- Holy shit!


Do you work here?

Um, no.

Okay. I'm looking for

my boyfriend, uh, partner.

His name is Brett. Have

you seen him by any chance?

Ain't nobody come this way.

I've seen a couple of

cars go on up to the camp.

Yeah, that's where

I just came from.

You know what?

I'm just gonna head back to

camp and wait for him there.

Thank you!

Hold on.

How can I feel you

if my hands are tied?

That's the whole point.

I get to feel you.


Just what exactly are

you gonna do to me?


I'm just usually

the one in control.

Just relax, baby.

We're gonna have a lot of fun.

- Take off the blindfold.

I wanna see you.

You don't wanna

spoil it, do you?

That's more like it.


Are you ready?


Want some more?

Only if I get a turn next.

Oh, that's so f*cking hot.

Yeah. Kiss me.

I have another surprise.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

I don't think you're ready.

Oh, I'm ready, baby.

Turn around.


You heard me.

I'm not into

that sort of thing.

Fine. Get up.


Seriously. Get the f*ck out.

All right, fine.

Just nothing crazy, okay?

Relax, baby.

We're gonna have a lot of fun.

Shouldn't I

be doing this to you?

That's the fun part.

That feels good, doesn't it?

Blake, I don't think

Erica and..



Blake, come on.

This isn't funny.

You know I hate jump scares.


Looking for someone?

Oh my God. You almost

gave me a heart attack.

Yeah, I lost my boyfriend,

and I thought he

was messing with me.

Have you seen him by chance?


Yeah. Oh, I didn't

catch your name.


Bianca. Yeah.

Do you know where he is?

- He's in our house.

He's in the bathroom.



You're welcome to come

in and look for him.


Oh, I mean, yeah,

that'd be great.

Follow me.

You can wait right here

and I'll go get him.


Blake? Are you okay?

This isn't funny, okay? I'm

getting really freaked out.


What the f*ck is going on?

It was a long day.

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

It sounded like

someone screaming.

Maybe those weirdo

owners are doing the nasty.

God, talk about a weirdo.

Come on. It's definitely been

longer than five minutes.

She's still out.

So much for heading to Mexico.

What's that supposed to mean?

I mean the

plan was to find

some clothes, cash, and a car,

and heading for the

border undetected.

No one

knows we're up here.

Yeah, but the

longer we stay here,

the more time they

have to figure it out.


I was just thinking about

the first time we met.

What about it?

You remember?

Of course I do.

I was only 22 years old.

Yeah, and married

to my best friend.

How long was it

before we started?

Started what? The

flirting or the f*cking?

We started flirting the

moment Jackson introduced us.

Yeah, and we started f*cking

about two months later.

Then the real fun began.

I wouldn't call being

turned under the table

for sleeping with the

president's wife fun,

or getting this as a

permanent reminder.

That's funny,

because every time I see 'em,

I get turned on thinking

about how you got 'em.

That's 'cause

you don't have 'em.

You could have

left at any time.

You were weak.

You couldn't say no to

me and you still can't.

What are you gonna do?

k*ll you.

Go ahead.

I dare you.

If I hadn't convinced you

to help me hunt them down,

slit their throats, gut them,

and watch them choke on their

own blood, you'd be dead.

Maybe I should give you a

matching smile down here.

You wouldn't.

Were you not there when I

tied my own husband to a chair,

forced him to watch

you f*ck me for hours,

and were you not there when you

helped me dismember his body

and bury it in the

walls of our home?

So what makes you think

I wouldn't run this

blade across your throat?

Good boy.

I'm not done having fun here,

which means we're not

done having fun here.

When we are, we'll leave.

You love me, don't you?

Don't you?


You want me to be

happy, don't you?


This is what makes me happy.

I love you.

I know.

Get her!


Brett, are you in here?



Anyone, help!

They're trying to k*ll me!


The owners!

They k*lled my boyfriend.

Get down.






Great. Thanks, sheriff.

Sheriff Earl Norm said

he's gonna go up there

and check it out.

He said the marina is like 20

minutes from where he lives.

He doesn't have any deputies?

He assured me he

could take care of it himself.




I don't appreciate all that

yelling at one in the morning.

- We're really sorry.

We um..

We just can't seem

to find our friends.

How's that my problem?

Listen, we don't

want any trouble.

We'll just go back to our

room and wait for them there.

Your friends took

off through the woods

about 30 minutes ago.



How the f*ck should I know?

Did you see which way?


Come on, then.

What the

f*ck was that about?

I don't know. That was

really f*cking weird.


Remember when they sent us away?


Let's give them a

reason to send us back.

Shh, shh.

I think they're gone.

Are you sure?

Hey. Stay down.

We need to make a run for it.

I can't go.

- We can't stay in here.

We need to get to my car.

What if they're outside?

We can hide in the woods

and take cover behind

the trees, okay?



Come on.

Are you sure?

Yes. Come on.


I think

we should go back.

This place gives me the creeps.

There's service down here.

What? Call Stacey.

Straight to voicemail.

Try Blake.

f*ck. The same.

f*ck. Where are they?

Y'all lost?

No. We're actually

looking for our friends.

Has anyone come down here?

A fella came through

a couple hours ago.

You think it was Blake?

Did he tell you his name?


but, by the way he was

dressed, he looked real purdy.

That doesn't sound like Blake.

Excuse me, sir. Which

way did the man go?

We need to get the

f*ck out of this place.

We can't go without

Stacey and Blake.

I don't think

they're down here.

Maybe we should

call the police.

And say what, our grown

friends are possibly missing?

They'll laugh in our faces.

No, we need to go back to camp.

Tomorrow morning, we

can look for them.





Lucy, Jeffrey!

Sheriff Norm. I'm here

for a wellness check.

Help, help! Please help!

Help, help, help!

Who's there?

Please don't sh**t!

What were y'all thinking?

You almost got yourself k*lled.

Please, you have to help us.

The people running this

camp, they're after us!

What are you on about?

Sir, please.

Bianca and Zeke, the

people who run this camp,

they k*lled our boyfriends

and now they're after us.


Are you one of them queers?

Yes, I'm a gay man

who was on a retreat

with my same-sex partner,

who is now dead!

Are you copping an

attitude with me, son?

Sheriff, are you

listening to us?

Two people have been m*rder*d!

Please, we need your help!

This is my town and I'll

conduct this as I see fit.

Now, you two stay right here

while I go talk

to Lucy and Jeff.

You mean Bianca and Zeke?

Did I stutter?

Sir, the

people who run this camp

are named Bianca and Zeke.

Son, I've been been

here for 20 years now.

I know who owns this camp,

and their names are

Lucy and Jeffrey.

Now, you interrupt me again,

I'm gonna slap you in cuffs.

Am I clear?

Yes, sir.

Lucy, Jeffrey, you in here?

Lucy? Jeffrey?

Lucy, you in there?

You two are coming with me.



My turn.

Do you hear that?

Yeah, it sounds like-

- Oh my God, Stacey!

Oh, what's wrong?

They're dead!

What do you mean? Who's dead?

Blake and the sheriff and-

- Calm down. Just

tell us what happened.

I just f*cking told you!

We have to go! We have

to get out of here!

We're in the

middle of nowhere!

We can't go anywhere

without a car!

We have to go back to camp!

No, no, no, no,

no! They'll k*ll us!

Who will k*ll us?

They're crazy.

They're crazy!

She's right.

We prefer the term psychotic.

We'll give you a head start.

Three, two, one.

Sir? Hello?

Who are

you talking to?

There was a man

here just a minute ago!

Hello! We need help!

Oh my God. We're

gonna die out here.

We're not going to die! Just

give me a second to think!

We don't have a

second to think.

We need to hide now!


- What?

- The car doors!

Just open as many as

you can and then hide!

Hide-and-seek is

my favorite game.

Who do you think is gonna win?


About 20 miles out.

Let's just hope

we're not too late.

Don't leave.

Listen to me. We

gotta get outta here.

We can't just sit here.

I'm gonna cause a distraction.

Run back to the

camp and get my car.

I'm not leaving you.

We don't have time for that,

Erica. They'll k*ll us both.

I can't!

You can,

Now, when you hear me yell, you

run as fast as you can back.

Do you hear me?

Okay, you ready?

Dylan, wait.


I forgive you.

I love you.

Hey, you f*cking psychos!

You want me?

Come and get me!

Sir, sir, sir, can

you help us, sir?

Sir, sir, sir, sir!


Come on! Come on!


Shit! f*ck!

Come on!

Come on!

Oh, Erica.

I'm gonna have

some fun with you.

Come on!

f*ck! Shit!

Come on!


Come on!

Nothing turns me on

more than a good fight.

I knew you were tough.

From the moment that I met you,

I could see it in your eyes.

Kinda reminds me of myself.

I, I...

I am nothing like you.

Sure you are, Erica.

Everyone's like me.

Most people are just too willing

to bend to society's norms and

conformities to live freely.

We're all animals, baby.

Some of us are just

more in touch with our

animal instincts than others.


Dylan, stop. She's dead.

Are you okay?

Don't sh**t!


you two all right?

We need to get to a hospital.

I got you.

Is there anyone else?

They're dead.
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