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Jimmy O. Yang: Guess How Much? (2023)

Posted: 09/28/23 16:14
by bunniefuu
Give it up for Jimmy Ohh yeah.

Look at you, beautiful people.

Oh my God.

No good, you guys.

It's good to be back.

It's good to be back seeing

all your beautiful faces.

Give it up for yourselves,

man, for being here tonight.

Thank you.

I love you guys.

Appreciate you guys and Asian people,

where we had Asian people.

Look at you guys.

This is great.

I'm so proud of my Asian people.

There's so much excellence

out there going on

a lot of people representing.

It's never been a better time

to be Asian.

I say this every year, I know.

But truly, this is our time.

I mean, come on, we got BTS now,

come on, that's us.

That's all people.

They're doing it.

I'm so proud of them.

Biggest band in the world,

probably ever since the Backstreet Boys,

and they don't have

to speak English.

I love my PTS, man.

Even white people know PTS.


That's progress.

That's progress.

Out of 15 year old white kid

come up to me

trying to explain to me

the different members

of BTS.

He was like, ohh,

this is Joan Cook.

He's kind of like the lead singer

and that's Jim and he's really cool.

And he also raps, I'm like, dude,

they look the same to me.

I didn't want to say I couldn't say

it as an Asian person,

but they all just look like


With pink hair.

I can turn the whole show

to a BTS concert right now.


Yeah, this is this is Jimmy.

This is Jimmy right here.

You don't know.

You have the, you know.

You don't know smoke like.

But no, I'm not.

I'm not.

I'm not gonna.

I'm not.

I'm not good at that.

I love my people, man.

I love BTS.

You guys probably heard in the news

they gotta go to mandatory

Korean army, right?

The most popular people in the world,

they gotta go sign up for Korean military.

That's some gangster shit.

Imagine how scared you'll be

when you encounter PTS

on the b*ttlefield.

You're in battle.

You already kind of shook.

You had a field of grass

and a little puff of pink hair

just pops up.

Be like, yo, what the f*ck

was that?

Is that a Unicorn?

And then six more pink hair pop up.

Feel like we're surrounded.

And the last thing

you see is just this.

That's some gangster shit.

I'm proud of my people, man.

I'm proud of my people.

You know, A lot of great

representation out there.

I see some of you guys

still wearing a mask.

I still wear my mask.

No shame in that, right?

It's all good.

It's all good.

I wear my mask not because

I think I'm gonna get sick,

but because I just want to talk

to anybody anymore.

But I'm still surprised

when people come up to me,

they're like, Oh my God Jimmy,


like how did you know?

How did you know?

How many other Asian guys

did you go up to?

Before it happened to me, me.

You don't know.

You don't know.

Underneath this mask.

I could be Aquafina.

You don't know.

And look, I'm not saying that all Asian

people look alike, OK?

I'm just saying that me

and Aquafina look alike.

And we both look like

we should be in BTS.

Love all the representation

out there, man.

But it's not just celebrities.

I'm very proud of that.

Everyday people out there representing.

That's the important part.

You know what I mean?


No no.

I'm very happy for this

one particular person.

I'm really happy for that old Chinese lady

in Chinatown

who's been wearing a mask since


Her life just suddenly made sense.

Before the mask mandate,

everybody looked at us like, ohh,

why is she wearing a mask

that's so random?

She's not random.

She's a f*cking trailblazer, OK?

She started wearing a mask.

Now everybody has to wear a mask.

She's like the Kendall Jenner

of Chinatown.

She must have been so happy

when this mask mandate happened.

Just laughing at everyone.

It's like, look at you idiots.

I told you to put on a mask.

No, the CDC follows me.

She's prepared.

She didn't just have a mask.

She had gloves on

from when she's driving.

She had the full face shield

that comes down looking like Daft Punk.

That's my girl right there, man.

Asian people were ready

for this shit.

Social distancing.

We've been doing that for centuries.

Well, I got that.

Hugging and touching and all that.

You know, when we see each other,

just a nice bound, that is.

That is socially distanced,

and if you're really Asian,

you ever see two really Asian

people, It turns into a bowling contest

to see who's more respectful.

To see what can bow lower

and a more way from each other

until you just fold it in half

and you go home.

That social distancing people.

That's right.

That's right.

But the pandemic has taught us anything.

It's everybody should be

a little more Asian.

A lot of people in this country,

Americans, you know,

like we're not ready for this.

All the rules.

We're rebels, man.

We don't like falling rules.

People are like freaking out.

They're like mess, man.

They no.

I'm like, dude,

it's just a mask.

Just put on a mask.

They're like, it's not just a mask,

it's the government.

Yeah, it's the government

fear mongering.

I'm like, what is that?

They're like, yeah,

it's fear mongering.

They want you to be scared

of everything.

So you're obedient and you're scared

and you follow the rules.

I'm like, ohh,

that's called fear mongering.

Then my mom must have invented

fear mongering.


I didn't know that's

what it's called.

Ever since I was five years old,

my mom had me believe

that anything I do would make

me sick.

You go outside without a jacket,

you get the flu.

You go to bed with the fan

on pneumonia.

God forbid you fall asleep

with wet hair.

You don't wake up.

That's it.

You're dead.

That's it.

You're dead.

That's fear mongering man.

I'm not scared of anything anymore.

I don't think I have

any fear anymore.

I used to watch that show.

Fear Factor.

You guys remember that show?


Joe Rogan hosted Fear Factor

to make it face your fears.

Like jump off a helicopter, eat crazy shit

like pig intestines and century egg.

I ate that shit for breakfast.

This is nothing to me.

Fear is not a factor.

I do remember when I was like

10 years old little boy,

I was very scared because there

was one kid, pretty sad story in my class,

had childhood leukaemia

and they lost all

his hair to chemo

and everything looking real frail.

And I was really scared.

I was like, Oh my God,

is he going to be OK?

And my mom,

she's a great mother.

She saw how scared I was,

so she came up to console me.

She was like Jimmy.


You see?

This is what happens when you play

too much video games.

That's fearmongering, OK?

I never played a game

of FIFA after that.

My mom was like

the original fake news.

It's good to see everyone here, man.

I think collectively as people,

we all been through a lot

in the last few years, man.

And we made it out.

We made it out.

We're better for it, you know,

I feel like I'm mentally aged

like 20 years.

Like the first day I walked outside,

for some reason I just walked out

like an old Chinese


I just came out

of my house like this.

I was wearing flip flops and a puffer vest

by Alpha made no sense.

My feet were cold chest sweat.

My posture look like shit,

but I'm still judging everyone.

I'm just saying.

I'm an old man now.

I don't even like going

outside anymore.

All my friends,

they back to normal, right?

They're like, ohh, Jimmy,

you wanna go to Coachella?

I'm like, Nah, no seats.


Gonna look fine to me.

Six hours standing

in the desert?

f*ck that.

You see all these kids,

like with the Instagram post,

you know, it's always like people

just like jumping around, dancing,

and then all these buff dudes

got like girls on his


I'm like, dude,

you not going to the concert?

You're doing CrossFit.

How's that for?

The only concert I've been

to this year?

I took my girlfriend to

a Don McLean concert.


You guys know who that is?


Couple people, thank you.

Thank you.

Tom McLean for you guys

that don't know saying the song.

Bye bye Miss American Pie.

Yeah, he's all that shit, dude.

He's 77 years old,

and so was his audience.

It was my favourite concert

I ever been to.

On a ticket it says show started at 8,

start at 7:59.

He never had an opener,

you know.

He just came on stage with a guitar

and started singing.

It was awesome.

Nobody stood up to, like,

obstruct my view

because frankly,

everyone had a bad hip.

It's great.

Still got home in time

to watch the 10:00 o'clock Evening News.

That's my kind of evening,

you know what I mean?

I don't like going outside anymore.

Too many crazy people,

too many weirdos.

One time I went to this dive bar

in a military town, San Diego.

Big military town.

I love my military, OK?

But I think sometimes, Yeah, yeah,

but I think sometimes.

Military people get

a little too passionate.

You know, thank you, thank you.

Exactly my point right there.

Thank you.

I love Milton,

but they're just too passionate.

Like I was at a dive bar,

this one military brother came up to me

who just like hey man.

I wanna buy your drink.

I'm like, no, no thank you.

I can.

I can buy my own drink.

Thank you.

There's like, no.

I wanna buy you a drink.

So at this point I thought either

he wanted to take a selfie

or he wanted to f*ck me.

So I'm like, no Sir,

I think I can buy my own drink

and they start telling me

his whole

life story.

He's like, you don't understand.

I wanna buy you shrink.

Because our station in Okinawa 4 years.

And you guys have been nothing

but nice to me.

I'm like you guys.

You guys.

Okinawa is in Japan.

I'm Chinese, Sir.

It is like it doesn't matter, man.

It doesn't even matter.

I'm like, Sir, I think

it does matter, right?

I'm pretty sure the only reason

you were stationed in Japan

was to keep an eye out on

Chinese people like me.

It does matter.

He was like, it doesn't matter, man,

I still love pad Thai, OK?

Maybe that got run into BTS

on his next tour, Who knows.

My point of saying all of this

is Asian people,

we don't all look alike.

We don't all sound alike.

You know we don't,

we don't do anything alike.

We just people, you know, right.

Like everybody's different.

Thank you, white lady.

Thank you.

Thank you.

One white lady.

Appreciate it.

Thank you.


Magnet school down the street,

a lot of Asian students.

So tonight I want to offer you guys

an advanced lesson.

On how to tell Asian people apart.


yeah, that's right.

I'm so good at telling Asian people apart,

I don't even need to look at you.

I can't tell you what

kind of Asian somebody

is by the sound they make

when they disappointed.

Because disappointment

is our strongest emotion.

Whenever you get disappointed,

our ancestor just comes out

and you can't hide that,



Like, for example,

I'm Chinese.

I know Chinese people

very well, OK?

When Chinese people get disappointed,

which is disgusting,

we don't know what to look

at you.

When you disappoint a Chinese person,

they just like ohh you.

Like they just walked into a Smokey room

and they gotta clear it, just like.

See, that's Chinese people.

Japanese people and Japanese

people get disappointed.

They just want to know why.

They ask you a question.

When a Japanese person gets disappointed,

they're just like, hey.


And that's it.

You didn't go to this point

of Korean person.

I wouldn't recommend that.

His Korean brother might f*ck

you up, OK?

Or if you were intensely

right to fight,

but they're my favourite type of people


they're very emotionally honest.

A Korean person will let you know

when they're disappointed.

They're real guttural with it,

you know?

I mean, when you disappoint

a Korean person,

they're like, who?

See that?

But they're still very Asian,

so they're still real polite.

They'll thank you with that.

They're like Ohh Shiba.

I don't even speak Korean.

But I watched squid games.


Love that show.

See, that's great.

Representation #1 TV show

in the world, man.

And you spoke their native tongue.

That's representation right there, man.


That's right.

That's right.

But I'm most proud of the fact

that I finally have an

easy Halloween costume.

Some of you guys don't understand

the struggle for an Asian guy

when it comes to Halloween.

Our outfits are limited.

I was Bruce Lee for six years.

But this last year,

I had

the best Halloween costume.

All I did I went to Amazon,

got like a matching like tracksuit

for three numbers on my

chest, and I found myself

an Indian friend.

It was such a great squid

game costume.

Somebody came up to me.

It's like, Oh my God, you look

just like the girl in squid games.

Ohh Shiva.


I'm proud of all the representation

out there, man.

That's alright.

Have you guys seen

the show Silicon Valley?

Thank you.

Thank you.

That was my first big break, man.

I was so grateful

to be part of that show.

But that was a few years ago,

and I always felt like I was

only Asian person representing,


I felt so much weight

on my shoulder.

Like every year

we got very lucky.

We'll get nominated for an Emmy,

so we get to go to a great ceremony.

But every year we knew

we're going to lose.

Because all the good shows

have front row seats.

You know, Veep Game

of Thrones are all here.

We're way the f*ck

in the back by the exit sign.

But it's OK.

Win or lose, I was there

to represent.

I made sure I made my round,

say hi to everyone.

So they know there's Asian

presence, you know?

That's right.

So one year, one year

after we lost, everybody left.

I walked down the front row to say hi

to some of my favourite actors

and I saw someone.

I'm like, Oh my God, that's,

that's Amelia Clark.

That's Khaleesi.

That's Jon Snow over there,

you know?

And then there's Rachel Brosnahan.

Do you guys know who she is?

Yeah, I love her.

She plays the marvellous Miss Maisel.

Great show, right?

It's an awesome show.

And I did a movie with her

a few years ago.

So I decided to say hi.

I was like, Oh my God, Rachel,

it's so great to see you.

Congratulations on everything.

And she was like, ohh OK.

I'm like, OK, she probably

just forgot who I was.

I'm like, look, we did a movie

like six years ago

called Patriots Day.

You were awesome in that movie.

I just wanna congratulate you

on everything you've done so far.

And she was like, ohh yeah, sure.

And I'm like, ohh really?

Is the marvellous Miss Maisel

a bitch?

But I wasn't gonna act

out of pocket.

I was there to represent.

So I was very nice.

I was just like, ohh, it's OK.

You just don't remember.

Anyways, I just want to congratulate you

for all the nominations

on marvellous Miss Maisel.

You're awesome.

And she was like, ohh,

I'm not Rachel Brosnahan.

I'm Evan Rachel Wood

from Westworld.

And I was like, holy shit.

I'm the r*cist person here.

I think all white people

look alike.

Everybody in the front row

was judging me.

Johnstone was staring me down.

I'm like, you're bastard.

You can't even stand.

And I didn't know what to do, right?

I was profusely sweating,

my face was flushed red,

and so I was just like, Oh my God,

I am so sorry.

But either way,

it's so nice to meet you.

My name is Aquafina.

And then I just.

That's right.

That's why it's good to have

other representation out there.

Asian people, we don't all look alike

until we need to.

I got a girlfriend now.

Thank you.

I love her very much, man.

She's an amazing person.

She's very successful.

My girlfriend's a venture capitalist.

Yeah, f*cking jackpot, right?

You know.

It's great.

It's great for you guys.

I don't know what a venture

capital means.

It means that I'm the poorest

person she knows.

And what that really means

is I'm her sugar baby.

So it's great.

That's right.

That's right.

Gender equality.

Equality talking about.

It's time for men

to get taken care of.

That's right.

See that brother High fiving is go.

Appreciate you, man.

Fellow sugar baby.

Come on.

That's right.

That's right.

I love her, man.

I'm trying to.

I'm trying to be

a better boyfriend.

I'm new to this.

Like, boyfriend stuff, right.

I used to take everything

so personally.

Like, every time we'll get into a fight,

I'm like, hey, why are you why

are you mad at


I'm the perfect boyfriend.

Wrong answer.

Fellas, fellas,

if your girl's mad at you,

you can't take that shit personally


it's not even about you.

She doesn't even know

what she's mad about.

You just happen to be there,

you know what I mean?

You're a victim

of circumstance, man.

So it's not your job

to engage in an argument,

it's your job to diffuse the situation.

You gotta jiu jitsu that shit.

Until you get to the bottom

of the real problem.

Like the other way she was mad

at me about some.

She was like, babe, I feel like we don't

even like go on date nights anymore.

I'm like OK.

I hear you.

But what's really going on?

And she was like, well, sometimes

I feel like you're like

hanging out your buddies


than you, like, hang out with me

and I'm like, OK.

I hear you.

But what's really going on?

Unless she takes a deep breath.

And she was like.

Remember last week of my birthday?

Heather brought a cousin

and she didn't know my name.

I was like, see,

that's your problem right there.

You gonna do with me?

Heather Cousins,

a bitch, you know.

f*ck her, man.

Let's focus on energy on her.

Trying to be a better communicator,

man, my girl always wants me

to talk about my feelings.

She's like, Babe, I wish you'd talk

about your feelings more.

I'm like, I feel fine.

What more do you want me to say?

I don't know.

I'm not that emotionally involved.

I don't know what else.

I'm fine.

But don't keep asking me that,

cause the fifth time you asked me

that I might not be


The fifth time?

He asked me.

That's just some dark shit

that's gonna come out.

It's like babe,

how are you feeling?

I don't know.

I'm angry all the time

because my dad yelled at me

after ping pong practise.

See, guys and girls

were just different, Man.

Girls are so emotionally evolved.

You know, we even

hang out different.

One night I came home early.

My girl was having

a girls night at the house.

I've never seen anything like that.

The TV was off.

7 girls sitting in a circle.

Making direct eye contact

with each other.

Every candle in the house was lit.

And I walked by.

I'm like, what is this witchcraft?

And I just backed

into my own room.

Fellas, we hang out.

Different guys, when we hang out,

we sit in a straight line.

TV on Full blast Zero eye

contact with each other.

My girl came home early.

She was so confused.

She's like, babe, you guys

didn't talk for like 6 hours.

I'm like, yeah, isn't

that f*cking awesome?

That's us.

That's guys.

When the relationship is important

to speak the same language,

my girl asked me.

She was like, babe,

what's your love language?

I'm like what?

I was raised by Asian parents.

I've never heard one word

of affirmation of my life.

Nobody ever told me.

They're like, don't f*ck it up.

Their love language

is verbal abuse.

Trying to figure out

my love languages.

Physical touch, right?

Nobody touched me until I was 22.

I'm not familiar with that.

What are some other love languages?

Active Sir


I like, I like every woman

just screaming out at their partner,

active service.

Gift giving.

I think gift giving

is a good one.


I love giving gifts to my girl.

She loves giving gifts to me.

We love that, right?

Like for example,

I love buying my girl's shoes.

She loves shoes and we wear

the same shoe size.

The perfect gift for the whole family,

you know, I mean.

These are her shoes tonight.

You know it's me.


That's right.

And in return, I let her wear

all of my Jordans.

Yeah guys, you guys know

that's love cause Jordans too.

Guys, that's our most

prized possession.

If we let you slip into our Jordans,

that's like you letting us slip

in to you, you know?

Same thing.

But sometimes, Sometimes

I get a little nervous

because her feet are a little dirty,


And she's a white girl,

so her feet extra dirty,

like, you know, I mean, like,

I don't


Wipe you?

I don't know what the f*ck

you guys do your feet all day.

You guys just barefoot all the time,

frolicking around like Jenny

from Forrest Gump,

you know?

Why people?

You guys got some strong ass feet, man.

Just 120 degrees

outside hot cement, just like.

Y'all got some hunter

gatherer feet.

See, every culture,

we got different feet etiquette, alright?

Why people want to get in touch

with Mother Earth.

That's great.

Black people, on the other hand,

I live with a black roommate

for six years.

Never saw his toes once.

He came out the shower

with socks on, man.

You got a sock draw

on there, brother?

Asian people, you guys know the rule

When you come into the house,

you take your shoes

off, right?

You're like, well, know that, Yeah.


But but our feet actually

never touched the floor.

Because when you take a

shoes off at the house,

we've got two pair of house shoes ready

for you.

And then when you walk outside,

we got two pair of Crocs ready for you.

And then when you come

back in the bedroom,

we got two other pair

of slippers that we

stole from a hotel in Vegas.

We're ready.

Our feet never touched the floor.

We got baby sore feet.

I think Asian people

almost natural love.

Language is acts

of service, right?

That's what our parents

did to us.

They might never say I love you,

but they did a lot of nice things for us.

Every every night.

I don't care how busy my parents were,

they'll come home

and make a 5 course meal.

That's love right there, right?


Give it up for.

Yeah, give it up.

That's right.

In our culture, food is love.

I love cooking for my girl.

We love cooking together.

Food is love.

That's why I hate watching

all these reality cooking shows

when they make food so freaking


Like all these guys

will aggressive tattoos

and they just sweating it

in the kitchen.

They're like, yes, chef,

yes, chef, 2 minutes, 2 minutes.

It's still wrong.

It's still wrong and he's

just making f*cking scallops.

There's two items on the menu

and they can't handle that shit.

You go to any Chinese restaurant,

there's about 485 items

on the menu.

And there's one dude

back there in the kitchen.

He's not a chef.

He's somebody's uncle

from Hong Kong.

And he knows how to make everything

in under 30 seconds.

That guy's the real hero,

you know what I mean?

He got a yellow wife beater

that he brought from the old country.

Just chilling near the walk,

Cigarette in his mouth, just like.

That guy's a gangster, man.

And he just presses casually

and Cantonese, just like.

Do you?

Any of you guys speak Cantonese here?

Couple of you guys.

I was born in Hong Kong.

That's my first language.

I love that language, right?

I think it's the most

fun language to speak

because it's the most fun language

to cuss


In Cantonese you can,

just like Loki, casually cuss

like you go to Chinatown.

You see like a nice old

man walk by.

He would just be like ohh deal.

Right, That sounds really nice, right?

But what he actually said was like,

ohh, f*ck your mother,

hope your whole family dies.

That's Kathy's, man.

You gotta love it.

You gotta love it, man.

In a relationship, I think it's important

to know how you convey love,

but it's just

as important to know

how you receive love.

You gotta be vulnerable

and let your partner

do nice things for you.

See, I'm not very good at that.

I I'm terrible at, like directly asking

for things that I want.

So instead I just drop little hints.

That's called being passive aggressive.

Don't do that.

Don't do that.

Like, for example, I love watching

these YouTube videos

of Japanese housewives making

Bento boxes.

It's very nice, very cute.

It's like a little ASMR, you know?

It's just really nice.

Japanese woman wakes up

at 6:00 AM every day

to make her working husband

a Bento box.

But I can't ask my

venture capitalist golfer

to maybe a Bento box.

I'm not an idiot.

I'm a sugar baby.

I know my role.

So instead of asking it directly,

I just dropped little hints.

Like we'll be sitting

on the couch together.

I just pull on my phone

and pretend I accidentally

stumbled onto this video.

I'm like ohh what is this Ben tool boxes?

Oh my God it's so cute.

What is that?

Like a rice ball shape?

Like a panda?

Look, look look look.


So she makes this every day for him.

Wow, she must love him so much.

I thought I was being slick.

Until she came out

to one of my shows.

As you heard this joke.

And she was really upset, man.

And rightfully so.

I was just up here

talking shit, right?

We went home.

We got into a big 5.

She was like, babe,

that's bullshit, OK?

But want me do something?

Just ask me directly.

And you really want somebody

to make you Bento boxes?

Why don't you just go find

a Japanese woman?

I'm like, babe, I'm, I'm,

I'm sorry you feel that way.


But I think you're missing

the point.

You don't have to be Japanese

to make Bento boxes.

That's right.

That's right.

So now I'm making

our mental boxes everyday.

How I show my love.

You gotta love the people around you,

gotta be nice to the people around you,

your partner,

your family, your friends.

You gotta keep the day

ones around, man.

You know everybody,

when I was coming up in the game,

they gave me this advice.

They're like, hey Jimmy,

you wanna be successful,

hang out with successful people


birds of a feather flock together.

That's right, man.

That's right.

You guys heard this before, right?

It's f*cking bullshit, OK?

Successful people

are so boring.

I hung out successful people,

they got successful job,

they got successful family.

They don't have time to hang out

with mediocre ass.

So my real advice to everyone

is to find yourself more loser friends.

That's right.

That's right.

That's right.

I see some of you guys clapping

the ones that are not you.

Probably the loser friend,

which is fine.

I love you.

I love you.

I love all my friends, man.

All my day.

Once I used to live in a one bedroom

apartment with three comedians.

Yeah, ain't nothing

wrong with that.

I was proud of that.

It was all good.

They still my close friends,

One of my best friends.

His name is Guam.

Guam Felix.

Yeah, he's a comedian.

He's named after the island

he was born on.

Guam, like, you know, you kind of hood

when you named after the island

you were born


Like if I came out tonight

and they introduced me

as Hong Kong Jimmy.

I'll probably be selling dr*gs

outside, you know, I mean.

But was one of my greatest friends,


He's just a good dude.

Just happy go around guy, you know,

he trashed in my living room

for months and I asked

him like, hey Guam,

you got any plans?

You gonna go get

a job or something?

He was like, Nah, thi

I'm gonna get on that government

disability, homie.

And I'm like, OK,

are you disabled?

He was like, yeah,

I think so dog.

I threw out my back

when I was 19, homie.

I'm like, OK,

you're 42 right now.

I don't think that's gonna

work out for you.

See, Guam is great.

He lives by the Creed where anything

good that happens to him,

he makes sure that thank

God, right?

That's great.

And anything bad that happens to him,

he makes sure to blame the government.

It's a great way to live

that when you take 0

personal responsibility.

Like he'll say, shit like ohh damn,

they gave me a speeding ticket

and took away my licence


You see, that's how

the government fucks you.

I'm like, no, I'm pretty sure

that's how you f*ck yourself.

And then on the positive side

he'll say things like

I just wanna thank God cause

he let

me stay with you dog.

I'm like, no, you thank me,


I let you stay with me.

My love Guan man.

He is a happy go lucky guy,

doesn't have a lot

of ambition in life.

His dream in life

is to win the lottery.

His catch phrase is when I win

the lottery, die.

But he doesn't have good goals

for when he does win the lottery,

because he will say

shit like when I win

the lottery.

We're going to the buffet, though.

I'm like, why we do

that right now, bro?

But Guan was a man of his word.

Not only would he buy lottery tickets,

he stood in line

in every single game show in

LA to try to win his lottery

and he finally got on this game show

called Let's Make a


Have you guys seen that?

Yes, the show that comes

on hosted by Wayne Brady

before The Price Is Right.

But in order to get on that show,

you have to wear a costume.

And Guam is like a big

Pacific Islander brother,

so it's costume options were limited.

He could either be Moana.

Or the Rock, you know.

So he decided to make

his own costume.

He cut up a blue bed sheet,

draped it over his body,

and then he got a Chinese rice Patty


And he just wore it.

I'm like, God, what the f*ck?

What are you dressed up as,

Ho Chi Minh or some shit?

And he was like, no dog.

I'm master rating for

Mortal Kombat, homie.

This is a true story,

he went on national TV,

dressed up as masqueraded.

And this is actually

an inspirational story.

He actually won.


He won the Big Deal

of the Day.

It was a $5000 living room set.

Which was perfect

for my living room.

But he dreamed big.

He want to win

as big prize.

So he traded it in for the

Super deal of the week

and I'm like this f*cking idiot.

He traded it in for one

out of three chance

to win $50,000 cash,

one of the biggest prizes

on the show ever.

And he won.

That was his watering.

His dream came true.

I was watching TV.

It's the most magical moment.

Money start falling down

on his rice Paddy hat

and he was so happy.

He started doing jumping jacks and shit

and start swimming in the pool of money.

And I was watching.

I'm like, I knew this m*therf*cker

is not disabled.

Look it up.

He's very capable.

They start crying on national TV.

He was so happy.

And Wayne Brady was like,

go on, congratulations.

What are you gonna do

with that $50,000?

And he was like,

we got through the buffet dog.


That's a good friend, man.

That's why you keep

your friends around.

He went from the biggest loser

I knew to the biggest winner I know.

Took care of all his boys,

took us to a lot of buffets.

He even took us to the

fanciest restaurant he knew,

Buca de Beppo.

It was awesome.

He was Pauling, but that money

didn't last long.

That 50 grand last about three months.

And not only that,

he didn't pay any taxes on it.

So now you also IRS another 20

on top of that shit.

And I'm like, going this is horrible.

You worse off than you ever were.

And all he said to me was like, see,

that's how the government fucks you, dog.


Keep your close friends around

and save you money people.

That's only like watching

real people game shows.

I hate watching Celebrity Family Feud

because they always make

the celebrity choose a

charity and donate money.

I'm like, some of us

want to keep our money, man.

And look, I know I sound

like a bad person, OK?

But I love helping people.

I love the concept

of donating money.

I just can't do it.

I want to.

But my mom wouldn't let me.

Every time I've been

just think about those,

any money she comes out of nowhere.

She's like who?

Who are you donating to?

I'm like Mom.

I don't know, like Save

the Children Foundation.

She's like, you don't even know

those children.

Children can be horrible.

OK, fine mom, I'll donate

to help the hospitals like feet


to help out

all the nurses and doctors

and she said OK Jimmy, OK.

The doctors make more money than you.

They should donate to you OK?

They make a West Side feet

of right now.

She just k*lled trips me,

you know?

You donate to anyone.

You donate to me.

I give a birth to you, OK?

Can you imagine?

I'm on Family Feud?

Steve's like Jimmy.

What charity are you playing for?

All proceeds go to my mom.

My mom's so tight with my money

she wouldn't even let me

buy her something nice.

For last birthday,

I bought a nice iPad.

Brand new iPad.

I thought I was a good Asian son, right?

And my mom was like, ohh no,

it's too expensive.

I'm like mom, it's OK.

We're gonna afford it.

Just just enjoy the iPad.

She was like, no, Jimmy,

I please return it.

Return it and just give me the cash.

We're practical.

About the bottom line.

See, we live in a very

frivolous society, man.

Everybody loves to brag

about how much shit they have,

how much money they make.

We all brag.

We are guilty of this.

We all just do it

in subtle different ways.

Like white people for example.

White people never brag

about how much money they got.

They always just brag

about how expensive their life is.

Like Ohh, Joey

just started private school.

It's so expensive.

And our remodel

is totally going over budget.

Ohh and you wouldn't believe

how much money

we spent going to Fiji.

I'm like, OK, Katie,

I see your life, OK?

It's a luxury.

It's good for you, OK?

Black people, on the other hand,

a lot more straightforward.

Black people just tell you exactly

how much money they spent on something.

It's great.

You guys seen it like my black friends

or even like rappers, right?

They love to brag.

They're like this call 80,000.

My momma's house 500,000.

This chain $1,000,000 Man.

I'm like, OK, you clearly don't have

your priorities straight.

Appreciate the honesty.

People love to brag

about how much money they spend.

Asian people, on the other hand,

we do the exact opposite.

We love to brag

about how little money

we spent on some shit.

Because the art is in the savings,

you never pay full price.

Like my mom, her catch phrase

is guess how much.

That's how much?

Yeah, that's what people.

You guys haven't played.

Guess how much my mom will come home

with something new, like a watch.

She'll be like Jimmy.


Guess how much?

Guess how much I'm like Mom.

I don't know.

It's a very nice watch,

like $5000.

And she was like, no.

It's $200.00.

Jimmy my horse, My horse,

this horse.

Guess how much?

Guess how much?

Like mom, I don't know,

you live in a very nice house,

Like $1,000,000.

She was like no.

It's half off.

Someone died in it.

And if you know the rules of the game,

you always gets high,

so you make the other person

feel good about their purchases.

Never guess too low.

You ever guessed too low.

That's the ultimate insult

to an Asian person, OK?

One time my mom came home

with some new shoes.

I guess too low.

I've never seen her

so disappointed in me.

She was like Jimmy.

Jimmy, yeah.

Guess how much?

Guess how much I'm like mom.

I don't know, Very nice shoes

like $200.00.

She was like ohh.

Do you even know about shoes?

These are $500.00 Jimmy Choos.

OK, better Jimmy than you.

That's how we prank people.

You gotta love it, man.

I used to be embarrassed

about all these things.

I thought my mom was cheap.

She spoke with an accent.

She made me Chinese food.

But when I got older,

I realised it's all those things

that made me different

is what

makes me interesting.

Now the tightest turn, man,

everybody wanna be more Asian,

I'm telling you.

Yeah, that's right.

Everybody wanna be BTS.

Everybody wanna eat shallow bowl?

And every parent I know

is trying to send their kid

to Chinese immersion school.

Just in case we'll take over this shit,

you know, I mean.

Gotta be proud, man.

You gotta be proud

of how you grew up.

Gotta be proud

of your parents, right?

I'm a good Asian kid.

I'm great to my parents.

I'll never, ever disrespect them.

In front of him,

you know, I mean like.

I want to give you guys

a quick update on my dad.


Richard Ohh Yang.

Yeah, the superstar

in the family.


Talk about it.

My last special He became

an actor, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Not because he loves the art.

It's because it's so easy.

You can do it.


But now he's doing great.

He's very successful.

OK, he got his whole life

turned around.

You got out of retirement.

He's a full time actor now and now

he wants to be an influencer.

He just started his own IG account,

which is just a nightmare.

Because old people,

I feel like they mean well.

OK like my dad he means well

but it just doesn't know how it works.

Like his first post on Instagram

is a very nice post.

A beautiful picture of the sky,

palm trees, birds flying by.

I'm like ohh this is nice.

And then Scroll down to the caption

and he wrote All Lives matter.

I'm like that.

What the f*ck man like?

You don't even know

what that means.

Why would you write that?

It was like, I know my life will matter,

your life will matter,

the person life will

matter, OK?

Or life will matter.

I'm like, that is not what it means.

I made him put his account

on private, right?

Just like a good Tiger parent would.

Because we know the

rules that young people

will see through the scams

of Instagram,


Like for example I follow sports centre,

I understand the 1st 100 comments

are all bots,

they're all fake right?

Because there's always some IG booty model

saying some stupid shit like ohh,

I want something

long and hard.

This is obviously a scam,

so one time I clicked on it.

Just to see what's going on,

you know, I mean, research.

I just want to see.

I just want to get

to the bottom of it.

So I clicked on it.

I was like, ohh this

is obviously a scam.

It's this girl,

she's following 7000 people

but she only has one follower

and I clicked

on one follows my dad.

He's like, my life will matter.

Her life matters too, OK?

My dad, just from

a different generation.

He is like a weird beauty standard.

Like for us we just say things

on very surface level.

Just like, ohh, this person's attractive,

this person's not right.

My dad would get

into the weeds.

My dad will give you

all the weird details.

He'll be like, ohh,

she's beautiful.

Very long arms.

I'm like, what are you recruiting

for a linebacker?

What are you talking about?

I can never get a pulse on who he thinks

is attractive or not, right?

One time I'm like dad Ohh,

she's really good looking

and my dad was like, no.

Her mouth too close

to her nose.

She can't breathe.

She can't breathe.

I see some of you guys

looking your partners like it.

Is my nose too close?

And that's exactly what

an Asian parent does to you.

You know, make yourself conscious

about shit you didn't know about.

I was very nervous

to introduce my girlfriend to my dad

because she's absolutely beautiful,

but who knows if her wingspan

is long enough for his life?

I was so nervous man,

the first time I brought my girlfriend

to my dad's house

and to

his credit, I want to give him credit.

He actually didn't say anything crazy

because for some reason

when an old Chinese person

sees white people.

They just start acting, right?

Like his posture,

Changes stood upright

and for some reason

he just came up with a British


Like me and my girlfriend

walked in the house.

He didn't say anything crazy,

he just looked at us.

He was like, ohh.

Prosperous young couple.

And my girlfriend was so confused.

It's like, why does your dad sound

like Helen Mirren?

And I start saying all these nice things

about my girl.

I'm like, ohh dad, you know?

Yeah, she's she's very successful,

but she's also very nice.

And her family,

they're just great people.

And like, that was like good.

All lives matter.

I love my dad, man.

I love my dad.

He's a great dad.

He's a funny guy, you know.

And we did a lot of father

and son bonding growing up.

Like, for example,

I'm a big basketball fan.

I love watching the NBA.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Actually, I grew up

a Los Angeles Clippers fan.


Because my dad was cheap.

Because the Lakers and the Clippers

playing the same stadium,

but the Clippers tickets

were half price.

So my dad's, like,

never pay full price.

That wasn't even the most

embarrassing part.

The most embarrassing part

was when we exited the stadium

when we exited Staples Centre.

There'll be hot dogs St vendors

out there, right?

Latino brothers selling bacon

wrapped hot dogs for $5.

I love those things and my dad

would go up and haggle with them.

He'll go and be like, OK,

I give you $5 for two hot dogs.

I'm like that.

It's not buy one,

get one free at Costco,

just give him 10 bucks.

It was like.

Never pay full price.

OK, I'll give you $8

for two hot dogs final offer

and the guy didn't cares like no,



And then my dad is a strategy.

He just announces

in front of everyone.

Make sure everyone hears him.

He's like OK.

We walk away.

And like that.

I don't care it.

If you walk away,

don't walk away.

He's like Jimmy.

It's better to be hungry

than to pay full price.

And then my mom comes up behind us

with four hot dogs.

And she was like, guess how much?

Thank you guys.

You guys are amazing.

I love you guys.

I'm on my.

You haven't done.

Show me respect.

Give your bitchass soda,

you bitch.

I'm wearing Designer Forever 21.

Playing with you.

I'm on my.