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03x10 - 112

Posted: 09/27/23 17:57
by bunniefuu
Mmm. This some good corn.

This is some great corn.

This may be the best corn I've ever eaten.

I love this corn.

I can't believe we didn't think about eating it sooner.

I gotta have more corn.

Hey guys, what's--


What have you animals done? What are you doing?


We're just eating the big ear of corn.

Yeah, you want some?


I can't believe this!

The big ear of corn was our friend!

I loved the big ear of corn.

We love him too. Pass the butter.

What do--

How could you all have done this?

Well, first we boiled a big pot of water--

Yeah, then we cooked the corn.

I brought the butter.

Amanda, rip me off another kernel, would you, bud?

No! No!

Get off the corn!no! No!

Leave us alone! It's my corn. It's my corn!

Wake up! Hey! Wake up!

You! You all just back up!

Easy! What's wrong?

You all just-- wha--wha--?

I, uh--whoo! I thought you all...

Ate the big ear of corn.

[All shouting in protest]

What do you think we are? Animals?

We wouldn't hurt the big ear of corn.

Never!no way.

We all love the big ear of corn.

I know, um... I'm sorry, I guess...

I guess it was all just a bad dream.

That's o.k. Now come on.

Yeah, let's go.come on, l.b.

Well, what are we doing?

Oh, we're having a quick dinner before we start the show.

Oh, well, what are we having for dinner?



Yes, it's me, kevin. I'm being cooked.

I'll be ready in minutes.

Oh, great. I'm starved.

[All cheering]

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ We're entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪♪

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon

And u.s department of education

[Bell rings]

Wow, earboy. That test sure was hard.

Yeah, it was. Hey, what did you get for number ?


♪ ...earboy

♪ His ears are really big

Ow! We've been egged!

Oh, I have egg goo all over me.

Sorry, pizzaface. Sorry, earboy.

Yeah, we just nailed you freaks with raw eggs.

Now you're all eggy.

Yeah, grab 'em, moose.

Cool. Now let's do mean stuff to them.

Oh, good heavens. You bullies leave those boys be!

Sorry, miss fingerly.

There will be no fighting in the halls of dullmont.

But his ears are huge!

We just gotta beat him up.

There's nothing wrong with beating people up

Just because they're different from you.

But beat them outside.

Yes, ma'am.

We'll beat you up after school.

In the streets.

That's more like it.

Now everybody move along. Bye-bye, freaks.

Did you hear that, earboy. They're gonna rip my pepperonis right off.

They're gonna beat my ears, too.

What are we gonna do?


Hey, hey, don't cry, pizzaface.

Hey! I got an idea!

Tell me...

I know a guy who's just as freakish as us,

And nobody ever picks on him. Come on.




Look out, pizzaface!


Sorry about that.


Well if it ain't my good friend earboy

And his i-talian friend, pizzaface.

Ahhh! Ahh, I'm hit! I'm hit!

Well why don't you just sit down

Right over here, pizzaface.

What were you sh**ting arrows at anyway, mr. Perot?

I was sh**t' at these here fried chicken legs.

See there? I got that one good.

But why were you sh**ting arrows at fried chicken legs?

'Cause I got $ billion. I can do whatever I want.


You couldn't be any weirder.

Thank you. Now what can I do for you, son?

Well mr. Perot, it's like this.

You see, me and pizzaface keep getting picked on by these bullies at school.

And, well, you see-- mr. Perot! What are you doing?

I'm dressing up like a woman. Wahoo!

I just love putting on pretty frilly dresses. Wahoo!

Look at me here, boy. Don't you just want to take me to the prom?

No! Now would you just calm down, please? I need some advice.

O.k., O.k. Now what's your problem this time, son?

I already told you. Me and pizzaface

Keep getting picked on by these bullies. Isn't that right, pizzaface?

Ahhhh! I'm injured.

And, uh, why do you think them bullies pick on you two?

Because his face is basically a nasty pizza

And my ears are the size of truck wheels.

Well I've got huge ears, too,

And no bullies never bother me. Know why?

'Cause you got $ billion?

Nope. No bullies never bother me

'Cause I know kung pao wienie.

Kung pao wienie?

Kung pao wienie. It's the ancient art of wienie combat.

Iffen I teach you kung pao wienie, you can whip anybody.

You want I should teach ya?


O.k., Then. Watch this.

Wah wah wah! Wah-wah-wah-wah!

Wah-wah! Wah wah wah...

Hey, you wanna come over my house after school, pizzaface?

Ow! Owoo! Ow...

Oh, still not feeling well?

Hey hey! It's the weirdos.

Hey, you guys better not mess with us.

I know kung pao wienie.

Ha ha ha.ha ha ha.

Let's get him.

[Screaming in mock chinese]


Ow! Ow!

Now let's finish him off.


It's ross perot!

That's the lunatic my dad voted for.

Aiyeee! Defend yourself, iffen you can.




Wow, mr. Perot. That sure was incredible.

Fun, too. The only thing I like better

Than givin' bullies a wienie whipping

Is sh**ting arrows at fried chicken legs.

Well apparently you're just full of problems, huh?


Can I buy you some dinner?

Actually, I'd rather have some...



♪ ...earboy

♪ His ears are really big ♪

And now, lori beth denberg,

With more vital information for your everyday life.

After you blow out your birthday candles,

If someone asks you what you wished for, it's rude to say,

" I wish you were a giant piece of ham, so I could poke you with my fork."

It's a bad idea to cover your head with honey, stick it in a beehive,

And shout, "here, bees, feast on my sweet head."

If you like wearing a t-shirt that says "I'm extremely stupid,"

Well, then you're extremely stupid.

This has been lori beth denberg with vital information.

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

Hello. I'm okrah winfrey.

Today's topic--superheroes.

[Theme music plays]

[Cheering and applause]

Unfortunately, we all live in a world

Full of problems and people who do bad things.

But luckily we are all protected by a wonderful group of freaks called...


Please welcome our first super-guest...

U-go girl.

[Cheering and applause]

What's up? What's up?

Thank you, okrah. I'm u-go girl.

Now u-go girl, tell me about your super powers.

Well, you see, I have x-ray vision, I can fly, mm-hmm--

Now it says here that you can stretch yourself

Like you were made of rubber.

Excuse me? Wait a second--

Will you show the audience your stretching ability?


[Cheering and applause]

Owwwwww! Ahhhhhhh!

Girl! Your arms stretch like a regular rubber band.

Oh, my arms! What are you doing to my arms?

Well, is there something wrong, u-go girl?

Yes something's wrong! I ain't stretchy!

Stretching is not one of my super powers!

Oh, my. I guess my information was incorrect.

I feel the hurt.

So do i! Can somebody pleasecall me an ambulance?



Our next super guest is a teen-aged superhero

Who has powers that make women sweat.

Oh, it's still true.

Please welcome... Superdude.

[Cheering and applause]

That's right. I'm superdude!

The teen-aged superhero with powers that make me popular.

I can eat spicy foods without drinking a beverage,

I can flip pancakes higher than pancakes need to go,

And I can also fly to the moon and back in less than an hour,

Although I prefer not to, because that re-entry... Boy, whoo, it's hot.

[In wimpy voice] I also enjoy slumber parties and show tunes

And dotting my is with little hearts.

[Cheering and applause]

Now, now, superdude, I noticed you destroyed half my set.

You must be very strong.

Why, yes. I'm way strong. Check this, okrah.

[Feedback sounds]


[Cheering and applause]

Oh now, that was so wonderful, but now, now superdude,

I understand that you're very powerful,

But you do have one weakness...

No! No...i have no weakness...

Aw, now don't be shy, superdude.

You're lactose intolerant. Mm-hmm.

What's lactose intolerant?

Lactose intolerant means that superdude is harmed by dairy products.

Like chairs?

No. Chairs are furniture. Dairy products are things like

Cheese, butter, whipped cream, and especially milk.

That's right!

Oh, no! It's milkman!

Superdude's arch enemy!

That's correct, sweaty woman.

[Mocking voice] are you thirsty, superpoop?

No, no, please, I'm not thirsty.

See, I had a drink before I came...

Have some milk, super dud!

Ah! One of these--ah!


Superdude can't handle milk.

Look at him spazz out.

Now with superdude out of the way,

I can pursue my lifelong dreams

Of bothering people all over the world! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

Somebody help superdude!

I've got a squeegee.

It's too late. No one can stop me now! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

All right now. You done made okrah really mad, g-g-g-girl.

Ooooh. I'm scared, okrah.

Oh, you think it's funny. You don't come over here messin' up my show,

[Cheering and applause]

Huh, you want some more? Huh, you want some more?

Or have you had enough of okrah?

You can't handle me, girl. Come on, I'll knock you out.

Thank you for squeegee-ing me, little girl.

No problem. You're the best, superdude,

Even if you are lactose intolerant.


I'll take it from here, okrah.

Superdude. I was just kidding about bothering people.

Have I mentioned you look lovely in this cape?

Yes, you have... Turkey!

Oh, that tickles.

Time to send you on your milky way.

[Cheering and applause]

Whoooo! Whooo, beans and cornbread!

Whooo. Well, today's show was certainly dangerous and exciting.

I'm so glad we got rid of that evil, nasty milkyman.

That's right, okrah. I guess you could say that milkman has been...



[Cheering and applause]

♪ This is all that ♪♪

Now, class, the word nibblecan be used as

The superlative, the subjunctive, or the laxative.

For example, I nibble, you nibble,

Stephanie nibbles, we nibble, they nibble.

Now you try.

All: I nibble, you nibble, stephanie nibbles, we nibble...

Would you hold still?

Oh! Harvey! Why the outburst?

Oh, I'm sorry, miss fingerly,

But it seems my hand is haunted.

Oh, pish posh. Now class, where were we?

All: I nibble, you nibble, stephanie nibbles, we--

Ow! Ow!

Harvey! Why must you keep flapping your yapper, yap-flapper?


Hey! Quit messing my hair!

Harvey! Stop that or I'll twist you

Like a bad pretzel with no mustard.

Yes, miss fingerly. Whoo!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Now, class, in the sentence,

"Stephanie kicked her sloppy joe into the bathtub,"

You'll notice that stephanie and joe--

Ow! Would ya--

Oh! That does it. Now you steamed my beans!

I'm sorry, miss fingerly, but there's something wrong with my hand.

I'm telling you, it's... It''s haunted!

[Scary music plays]

Haunted hand? Nonsense. A boy's hand cannot be haunted.

Now who wants to come to the board of chalk

And underline the verb word in the sentence?!

All right, harvey. Come up here.

No, I didn't mean to raise my hand.

All right, that does it, mr. Trouble bubble.

Now come to the board of chalk before I pop a wheelie.

Yes, ma'am.

Oof...would you... Come on...ow!

Stop with the hair.



Oh! Young man, you just slapped my rear!

No, but--but, i--

Hush! Hush! The classroom is no place for heinie-slapping.

I didn't slap your rear. It was my haunted hand that did.

Quiet! Now just go to the board of chalk

And underline the verb word.


Oh, he's doing such a lovely--ahhh!

Harvey baxter!

Why, you wrote, "miss fingerly eats puppy food."

I haven't eaten puppy food in weeks.

I didn't write that. It was my haunted hand.


Ahhh! Ooooh, that hurts. Ouch!

All right, mr. Peculiar. If you insist your hand is haunted,

I'll just have to hack it off.

Rita. Bring me your hedge clippers.

Yes, miss fingerly.

Thank you. Now...

Oh, ow, that was painful, but...

Nevertheless, thank you for removing it.

Now I'll just dispose of this supposedly haunted hand.

Oh! Oh, my! Oh...

Now, let's get back to today's lesson,

Before things get really out of...hand.

[Knock knock]

Oh! Now what?

Miss fingerly's class.

What--ooh ooh-- what? Oooh!

I've been slam-whacked. And I like it.

Hey, clavis! Wake up.

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!