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03x03 - Oliver Muirhead/Immature ft Smooth and Kel Mitchell

Posted: 09/27/23 17:52
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat music plays]

♪ It's about that time

♪ You better pack your bags ♪

Amanda! What are you doing?

Everybody's looking for you.

I'm dancing.

Yes, I can see that. But how come?

I just gotta dance.

Oh, oh, I see, amanda.

But you just gotta stop, o.k.?

Because the show's about to start.

But I can't stop. I gotta dance.

But, amanda.

Hey, what's going here?

Amanda can't stop dancing.

Well, how come?

Because she's just gotta dance.

Oh, yeah?

Amanda, I'll tell you what.

On the count of , we're all gonna stop dancing,

'Cause we all gotta go do the show.

All right, I'll try, but I don't think it'll work.

O.k. ...


Ah, man.

What are we gonna do now?

See, I told ya. I just gotta dance.

Show starts in minutes.

What's she doing? This ain't no disco.

Amanda can't stop dancing.

Can't stop dancing? Absurd.

Amanda, stop dancing.

I can't.

Why not?

I just gotta dance.

Don't you know how it is when you just gotta dance?

No, I don't.

We've just got to get her out there.

Show starts in less then minutes.

Hey, I got an idea.

What is it?

[Music stops]

What do we do now?

I know. Come here.

Hit it, katrina.

[Conga music plays]

Amanda, we've just gotta dance out there and start the show.

Come on. Now dance.

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ We're entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪♪

All: ...

Oh, ho!




Ha, ha!

All right, all right.

Now, this one is for the record.



Oh. Ah.

Man, that was impressive. I didn't think anybody

Could get that many fries up their nose.

Actually, it feels kind of good.

Hello, there.

Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger.

Can I take your order?

No, thank you. I would just like to--

I smell french fries. Do you smell french fries?

Well, you do have several of them lodged in your nose.

Oh! Oh, I'm--i'm sorry.

Excuse me.


Can I see your manager, please?

Oh, sure. His name is mr. Bailey.

Isn't he cute?

You've misunderstood me.

I would like to see your manager in person.

No problem.


Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger.

Can I take your order?

Perhaps I did not make myself clear. to...see...

Your manager!

Where is he?


He's at the worldwide mustard festival.

But I thought you said I could see him in person.

If he's in france, how can I see him in person?

Go to france. Duh.

Excuse me, but do you know who I am?

Papa? Oh, no, he's at home.

I happen to be

The citywide health inspector.

You don't look that wide.

I'm not wide!

I'm rather slim, actually.

I am the city health inspector.

Oh, I get it. You're here to inspect my health.


I have no desire to look inside your mouth.


Oh, I get it. Sure.

What? Stop? What? Stop that!

I am not a medical doctor!

I am here to inspect good burger

To make sure that this restaurant

Is free of dirt and germs.

Now, let me look behind your counter.

All right. Don't get your tubes tied.

Now, to begin with, I'm writing you up

For these tainted french fries

That came out of your nose.


Good heavens! Look at the dirt in this burger bin.

Minus points.


Hey, smiley. Can I get some service here, please?

Hang on, doc.

Yeah. Howdy-do, there.

I'm purty sure that I ordered a soda without no ice in it.

And look here. There's ice all in my drinking cup.

Oh, I'll fix it.

Now, see here. You can't insert your hand

Into that customer's drinking cup!

Sure I can. I have small hands, see?

All I see is that wacky nut balloon

And his nasty paw in my drinking cup.

Oh, boy. Beaver!

Now that is a serious health violation.

Minus points.

I think I'm gonna sneeze.



Never sneeze upon me again!

How come?

Because... It simply isn't done!

I am not a tissue!

I was not set upon this earth

To absorb your nasal secretions!

Now, dispose of that snot-drenched hamburger immediately!



You've just thrown that burger into the shake machine!

Uh, no.

Did too! Now stand aside!

I'm gonna get that burger before it makes someone sick!

Ugh! There it is.

Eew! You got shake on my burger.

Good heavens! There are even more objects in here.

Oh! Oh, look, it's a piglet.

Oh. Piglet! Hey, marty, look.

The doc found oinkey.


Look at all this rubbish in here.


Let me give you a hand.



Oh, well.

Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger.

Can I take your order?

Yeah. Can I get a strawberry shake

With a good burger, please?



Here you go.


It's a new thing. Combo. Ha!

And now lori beth denburg with more vital information

For your everyday life.

You should always brush your teeth times a day.

You should never fill your pants with infected fish.

If you're alone in the hallway with the school bully,

It's not a good idea to say,

"Hey, is it stupid in here, or is it just you?"

Next time you're feeling sick,

Take a piece of ham and rub it all over your body.

You won't feel any better,

But, hey, you'll smell like ham!

This has been lori beth denburg with vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

And now, channel b presents, live from his own kitchen,

Cooking with...randy.

Hi. I'm randy.

And I'm randy.

Today I continue the search for a new co-host.

Let's check out a new girl, andy.

Hi, randy.

Hi, andy.

Tell us a little about yourself.

Well, randy, no one loves chocolate

More than I do.

Excuse me.

Did you just say

No one loves chocolate as much as you?

I sure did, randy.

Have you seen my show?

Nope. I'm too busy eating chocolate.

Well, maybe we ought to compare

A typical day in your life

With a typical day in the life of me, randy!

We'll just see who likes chocolate the most.

Bring it.

Cocky, ain't she?

All right, andy.

Let's begin with breakfast.

I like to start off my morning

With a generous bowl of chocolate chunks

Floating around in a glorious sea of chocolate milk.



Not bad, randy.

Not bad?

Well, actually I have the same thing

For breakfast myself.

Only...i use a chocolate bowl,

Because I take my chocolate very seriously.

Mmm. Now that's a good bowl.

O.k. Let's move on to lunch.


For lunch I like to tickle my tummy

With a tuna fish sandwich.

All right.

Now, most people like to mix their tuna fish

With mayonnaise or mustard.

I prefer chocolate.

Mmm. Choco-tunarific!



What do you mean, "ah."

You see, randy, I like to add a few things

To my chocolate tuna fish,

Like chocolate sprinkles and chocolate chips.

Well, I wasn't finished.

I also add a few things to my tuna fish,

Like chocolate balls and chocolate doughnuts.

Well, I add chocolate lumps, chocolate flakes,

And chocolate icing.

Well, chocolate puffies,

Chocolate mousse, chocolate pudding.

And--and-- and chocolate nuts.

Chocolate raisins.

Chocolate syrup.

Chocolate eggs.

Chocolate bunnies.

Chocolate goo!

Chocolate minimores.


What the...

And dinner, I eat pure chocolate

On a chocolate plate with a chocolate knife and a chocolate fork.

And then for desert, I eat / pounds of pure chocolate!

Oh, you think you're bad, don't you?


No, I think I love chocolate.

Well, for my dinner,

I take a giant bucket of chocolate

And pour it all over my head, like this.

You're weird.


You're chocolate-crazy!

Guilty. Put me behind chocolate bars.

Have you lost your mind?

I have no idea!



Well, so much for andy.

That's right.

I'm feeling a little tense.

So before I go, I think I'll have myself

A little chocolate massage.

How are you doing, mr. Randy?

Please. Let me get on up here, girl.

All right. Do that thing.

Whoo hoo hoo!

Oh, nice! Wow!


Well, I'm outta time.

So until next time...

See ya!

Oh, rub, woman! Rub!

♪ This is all that ♪♪

And now,all that presents a semi-educational moment:

Everyday french with pierre escargot.


[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

Happy morning, class.

Sorry I'm late,

But my puppy was sick all last evening.

I guess you could say I had a roughnight.

All right, let's take our seats.

Now, we all know that the civil w*r,

Also known as the korean conflict,

Was fought between the north, called the union,

And the greeks, called the mushroom fairies.

[Whispers] beverly, beverly!


Raymond, you've disrupted me.

I'm sorry, miss fingerly.

Well, sorry, my butt. What have you got there?

I was just passing a note to beverly.

Well, passing a note-- that's bad.

The classroom is no place for communication.

Now I'll punish you good

By forcing you to read your note aloud before the entire class.

Do I have to?

Get up here, boy. Read the note.


Here goes.

"Dear beverly, what is your favorite kind of soup?

"Mine is chicken noodle.

"I like chicken noodle soup,

"Because, of course, it contains both chicken and noodles.

"I think that's how they came up with the name: chicken noodle.

"Do you agree? I hope so.

"I had my last bowl of chicken noodle soup last saturday.

"It was a dark and rainy night.

"I was hungry, so I thought, hey,

"Why not have some chicken noodle soup?

And that's how it all began..."

"Then as I stared at the sweet, golden, chickeny soup,

"I thought how lucky the noodles were to be living in the soup.

I wondered what it would be like if I were one of those noodles."

[Sighs] miss fingerly, must I go on with this?

Now, raymond, you passed a note in class,

So you must now read the whole thing!

But i--

Read, boy, read!


All right.

"I thought to myself, if I love chicken noodle soup so much,

"There must be others who love chicken noodle soup, too.

"So that's when I decided to start the chicken noodle soup national fan club

"For chicken noodle soup.

"And this leads us to the eternal question.

"Which came first? The chicken, the noodle,

"Or the soup--

"Hard questions that deserve our attentions,

"For if we do not know everything about chicken noodle soup,

How can we enjoy chicken noodle soup to its ultimate potential?"

Yes, greg, you have a question?

[Baby coos]

Uh...yeah. May I be excused?


Because. We all in our mid-s,

And I thought that we oughta be excused.

He's right!come on!


No one departs until raymond finishes reading

His excruciating note!


Raymond: o.k.

"You may ask, are all chicken noodle soups created equal?

"Clearly not.

"For one group of chicken noodle soup has more noodles.

"One has more soup.

"One has more chicken.

"Therefore, they cannot be equal.

[Old man's voice] "and that is why I feel

"Chicken noodle soup should be the next president

"Of these united states.

Think of it. President chicken noodle soup."

Y-yes? Yes, greg?

I think jennifer has a question.


Jennifer, speak up!

Oh, you're bad to the bone!

And now, more vital information.

If you have an extra watermelon,

It's o.k. To put it in the refrigerator.

It's not o.k. To put it in your grandfather.

You'd be foolish to go up to a vicious dog,

Rub peanut butter all over your arm, and then shout,

"Chew, boy! Chew my arm to the bone!"

If you haven't taken a shower in weeks,

Odds are, you smell like poo.

This has been lori beth denberg

With vital information.

Hey, clavis! Wake up.

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!