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16x04 - Please, Please Me

Posted: 09/27/23 15:53
by bunniefuu
♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

MUSIC: 'I Put A Spell On You' by Manfred Mann

♪ I put a spell on you

♪ Because you're mine

♪ I don't like the things you do

♪ Oh, baby... ♪

Going anywhere nice, lads?

Just some club in Whitby, Rob?

You should know, it was your idea.

Excuse me, have you seen Rosie anywhere?

Er, she's probably still over in the garage.

Ah, thanks.

New boyfriend?She could do with a bit of a love interest.

-Couldn't we all? - I'm just gonna, erm...

♪ I put a spell on you

♪ Oh, Lord

♪ Because you're mine

♪ You hear me? ♪

-What a little beauty. - What, her?

The car, you dope. Mr B will love it.

Is Rosie still here?

Yeah, you just caught her. We're about to lock up.

Rosemary? Gentleman caller for you.

Oh, hi. I was just about to get off home.

- I've booked The George. - What?

Ha-ha, I thought that'd surprise you.

Look, erm, this is getting silly.

A romantic meal for two.

Peter, please, I don't mean to be horrible,

but I'm not gonna go out with you again.

So just stop ringing me up

and coming round and everything.

Don't send flowers. It's just a waste.

I love you.

I'm not gonna have this conversation with you.


-So, how are you anyway? - Me? I'm fine.

I mean, really.

Why, do I look ill or something?

Phil, you know perfectly well what I'm talking about.

After what happened with you and Debbie and everything.

Oh, that.

- I'm allowed to ask, aren't I? -Yes.

I've left it long enough. Not mentioned it until now.

Haven't we?

Do you know something, Phil?

You're really hard to get through to these days.

Peggy, someone's taken your car.

-Which way? - Towards the moors.

There's a pick-up truck following it.

Oh, no. Deefer.

-What? - Deefer's in the boot.


MUSIC: 'Little Pretty Thing' by The Troggs

♪ Little pretty thing You look so good

♪ I wanna love you like a lover should

♪ Sugar lips taste so sweet

♪ One kiss could knock me off my feet ♪

Put your foot down.

Look, David, I'm sorry.

But I didn't know somebody was going to pinch it.

What did you put her in the boot for?

Because she's in season and we don't want puppies.

Come on, David.

Rob and Phil will catch up with them, you'll see.

ROB: Can you make out the registration?

-Er... - It's too muddy.

Something three...







Oh, great!

Bang goes our night out.

Sitting around fretting is not going to bring her back.

There'll be no air. She could suffocate.

In that heap? No chance.

That car is so full of holes it's like a colander.

PEGGY:Do you mind?

Why didn't you just leave her at home?

With that horrible thing from next door sniffing around?

You could have shut her in the house.

No, because she can get out, can't she?

-I didn't want to risk it. - Yeah, but...

Listen, David,

if you want Dachshund-cross puppies, I don't.

-Well? - Lost them.

- You lost them? - ROB: I'm afraid so.

Had a puncture. Had to change the wheel.

Oh, no.


OSCAR: They got more than they bargained for.


What do you reckon? Ring Mr B straightaway?

No, we'll take that Rover first.

To make him really happy, maybe take another.

- Money for jam, hey? - Quids in.

♪ Sweets for my sweet Sugar for my honey

♪ Your first sweet kiss Thrilled me so

♪ Sweets for my sweet... ♪

-Ooh, Bernie, they're lovely. - They're from Rosie's bloke.

- He sent some yesterday. - Aw.

Actually, I don't think she's that keen.

-GINA: Why not? - Don't ask me.

-Hiya. - Morning.

Oh, not again.

Can someone put them in the bin, please?

What? You can't throw flowers like that in the bin.

-Rosie. - See what I mean?

- Over to you. - Ooh. Thanks, Bernie.


Good morning, Aidensfield Garage.

PETER: 'Did you get them?'

No, no, no, no. This just isn't good enough.

I want this investigated at the highest level.

There's a dog inside.

I'm sorry, Peggy, but you can't see the sergeant.

He's not here.

He's at an important meeting up at Division.

But this is a life-and-death situation!

We know that and we're doing everything that we can.

Every police station in the division is looking, Peggy.

Circulated the car number and a description of Deefer.

Well, what good's that when she's in the boot?

Whoever took the car, David, would have let her out by now.

- She'll be on her way home. - Unless they didn't find her.

And they sold the car to the scrap metal people

and they've put it in the crusher.

Well done, Geoff. Bit of optimism always helps.

Nope. No old Austin Goodwoods.

Thank goodness. It would have been an awful end.

Cubed dog, hey? Right, where next?

Erm... The used-car place over at Elsinby.

Come on, then.

- Phil. - Yeah?

You know this chap

who's sending Rosie flowers and everything?

You don't think he could turn nasty, do you?

No. Don't be silly. He's just in love, that's all.

People do silly things when they're in love.

As one day you might discover.

I'm just gonna ride round to have a look. Help David.

-I won't be long. - I'll manage.

-Are you sure? - Get on with you.


ROSIE: Deefer? Deefer?

Hello, Rosie.

PETER: One kiss and I'll forgive you.

-Get off me! - I love you so much.

- You're hurting me! -Why put the phone down?

For the last time, Peter, just leave me alone!


I don't fancy you! I don't even like you!

'Ey up.

Hey, what do you think you're doing?

Your neighbour said you might want your windows doing.

Well, I don't. Just hop it.

- Hey, what about her car? - Yeah, it's perfect.

Best do t'Rover first. We'll come for this one later.

- Sorry, love. - Sorry, love.


PEGGY: Slow down, David. 'Ey up, lads.

Have you seen aught of a red and blue Austin Goodwood

on your travels, have you?

- No, sorry, love. -Sorry, love.


- Nice lads. - Yeah, yeah.

They were round our place the other day.

Looking at all the sheds and that.

I think they wanted to wash the windows.

That's what they said, anyway.

Hey, they really liked your car.

They were asking how old it was an' all that.



Are you sure about this?

Sergeant! Sergeant, there's been a breakthrough.

Two young lads in a pick-up.

Saw them ten minutes ago at a house

the other side of Ashfordly.

I asked them about my car, but, of course, naturally,

they denied all knowledge.

What is she talking about?

Window cleaners came round just before the car was taken.

If you step on it, you'll catch 'em.

Mrs Armstrong, have you any idea

how many lads there are hawking ladders around

calling themselves window cleaners?

But Peggy might have a point, sarge.

Her description of the pick-up van

is exactly like the one that Rob and I chased.

- Off you go, then. - Now?In broad daylight?

Yeah. Quick, while he's gone. Well, go on.




- Oh, Carol. - Hello, Rosie.

Have you got a minute?

It's just I really need to talk to somebody.

Yeah, sure. Come in.


GINA: I've done from here to here.

Checked the verges in case she got run over.

Good. Let's see, Oscar's doing this bit here.

The darts team is going to checkthis whole area here.

The postman and the butcher,

they're gonna keep their eyes open on their rounds.

-Carol's doing the same. - Rosie's doing that bit.

Half the village is out there.

So, providing the thieves let Deefer out of the boot,

we ought to find her before too long.

At least that's what I've told David.

Right, better get out there myself.

Rob, gas, er, Phil ever talked to you about Debbie?

- No, not since she left. - Oh, right.

I just wondered.

I tried to bring it up but he shut up like a clam.

I suppose it's still pretty painful.

Yeah, but it's not good to bottle things up.

After such an awful thing, not to want to discuss it.


Well, we would have done once, of course, but...

We seem to have drifted apart lately.

Well, him getting married did that.

- Well, and you and Jack. -Yeah, well.

Look, Gina, if anyone can draw him out, it'd be you.

Obviously. But I just don't think he wants to talk.

Maybe you could have a little word with him.

Rob... Oh, sorry, Gina.

Rob, there's something I think you ought to hear.

ROB: Did he touch you?

-No, well... - It's all right, love.

Rob's heard it all before.

He tried to kiss me and when I wouldn't,

well, that's when he lost his temper a bit.

He's just got this idea in his head about me, that's all.

I mean, I'm sure he's harmless really.

I do need to have a word.

I just... I just don't want to get anybody in trouble.

Rosie. The man frightened you half to death.

I saw the state you were in when you got here.

-I don't wanna make a fuss. - And you're not.

Come on, Rosie. Someone's got to make him see sense.

If Rob speaks to him, he might listen.

Do you have an address?

- No. - No?

Well, I only went out with him once.

I just know he lives somewhere in Whitby.

Well, I couldn't understand a word he said.


I think what he was saying was he nearly caught them.

Saw the back end of them turning into the road,

Rover in front,followed by the Morris pick-up.

The same pick-up he'd seen a couple of days ago?

-Yes. - So they've struck again.

But without the registration number...

We're stuck. Quite.

-Tea is on the table, Dad. - Great, I'm starving.

I forgot to tell you, Matt and Luke rang.

They won't be back while Wednesday.

They're staying on for t'cattle sale.

All right. All on our own again, hey?

So, did you... Did you talk to him?

No, not yet.

Rosie hasn't got his address. He's not in the phone book.

She's not keen, anyway.

She didn't even want to talk about it.

Which is understandable, I suppose.

ROB: It's not always good to keep things to yourself.

-Oh, here we go. - What?

You been talking to her ladyship, have you?

No. Well, yeah.

Yes. I know what you're on about.

I got married, it all went wrong

and you two think it's time we all had a good old wallow.

I'm sorry, it's not what I want.

- We want for you to feel OK. - And I do.

Fine.If you did want to get anything of your chest...

I don't.

- She's an old mate. -I said I don't.

Fine. Point taken.





Any sign?

- I'm not talking to you. - David.

Well, this is all your fault, Aunt Peg.

- Sending you to Daventry. - Coventry.

That's what I said!

MUSIC: 'Volunteers' by Jefferson Airplane

♪ Look what's happening Out in the streets

♪ Got a revolution Got to revolution... ♪


What is this, a ruddy dogs' home?


Get out of it! Go on!

Yeah, hop it! Hop it!


What were that?



MUSIC: 'Roadrunner' by The Animals

♪ Yeah, baby


♪ Come on, baby

♪ Oh, oh

♪ I'm... ♪

Peter Seton.

I'm sure, I'm almost certain...

How long has this pestering been going on?

Well, about a week.

They went out once. Now he won't leave her alone.

Why wasn't I told sooner?

Er, well, we didn't know anything about it, sarge.

-Rosie kept it to herself. - He seemed nice enough.

Peter Seton. Here we are, sarge.

And he's got form.

Grievous bodily harm, hey?

Yes, he did time. Two months.

Not such a nice chap after all.

And, er, here's an address.

Laxton Terrace, Whitby. Well done, Mr Ventress.


Mr Seton.

Come on, Geoff. What is it? Spit it out.

Well, the thing is, you see, I just wondered...


...if you'd like a bodyguard.

I mean, say no if you wouldn't.

-A bodyguard? - Yeah, because of this chap.

To keep him away, to keep you safe.

That's very kind, but...

I mean, Sergeant Miller would definitely let me.

- Especially now we know... - Know what?


Geoff, if there's something you're not telling me...

No, there isn't.

Look... Alf found an old file, that's all. had his address on, which is a good thing

because that means Rob can give him a warning.

What was it about?

-What? - The file!

- I can't remember. - Geoff.

He harmed an ex-girlfriend.

Not badly or anything, I'm sure. But...

- Well... he went to prison. - Prison?


Mr Seton, I believe you know Rosie Cartwright.

She's my girlfriend, yeah. What about her?

Tell me what you were doing at . last night.


I get it. This is her father, isn't it?

-Just answer the question. - OK.

Although I'm sure you already know.

. last night, let me see.

Ah, yes.

I was probably just about to climb in

through Rosie's bedroom window.

Am I right? And the rest is all history.

Dear old Dad came barging in, major embarrassment.

I scarper, and if you're here,

I expect he's made some form of complaint.

Silly old fool. Hasn't a leg to stand on.

I was there at her invitation.

-Not what she's saying. - No?

She says you appeared at the bedroom window uninvited.

- Tried to force your way in. -Yeah.

She would, wouldn't she?

To stay out of trouble.

Her father rules with a rod of iron.

She's terrified of him.

Why did you follow her onto the moors yesterday?

Follow her on... We arranged to meet, for heaven sake.

You know she finished with you a week ago.

And you've been pestering her ever since.

Oh, dear.

What you're telling me is lies.

Now, I am warning you,

if you try and contact her once more, in any way,

if you follow or spy on her, you'll be taken to court.

Do you understand?

Ever read Romeo and Juliet at school, Constable?

Star-crossed lovers kept apart by family.

That's us.

Rosie and me.

-Where have you been? - GEOFF: Don't matter.

Been to Aidensfield.

To see Rosie. I've put my foot in it.

You didn't tell her about the file, did you?

- You didn't. - Well, she made me.


I wish to report a stolen car.

- Right. Er, Mrs...? - Miss Perkins.

Last night it was there. This morning it wasn't.

And furthermore, I think I know who took it.

Two lads in an old pick-up truck.

That's right.

In fact, I took the precautionof jotting down

the registration number of their van.

I didn't at all like the way they snooped about the place

when they came round.

Ah. Yes.

Here we are.

Mrs... Miss Perkins.

You're a genius.

-GINA: You all right, love? - Sort of.

- Do you want a half? - Yes, please.

Still a bit edgy after last night?

And especially with what Geoff Younger just told me.

Apparently, Peter's been in prison.

GINA: Prison? What for?

Beating up a girlfriend.

-No. - Oh, Rosie.

Yeah. I mean, I'm all right here in the village.

It's just home I'm dreading. Being in that bedroom.

I can imagine.

You know, just thinking he might suddenly appear again.

My brothers are away. It's just me and my dad.

- You could always stay here. - Here?

Yeah. Why not? That's a really good idea.

-Oh, no, I couldn't. - Yes, you could.

I can lend you a nightie for tonight

and you pick up your stuff tomorrow.

Stay a few days. I'll look after you.

Brothers and fathers are all very well, Rosie,

but you can't beat girlfriends.

And if you're scared on your own,

I can always put the camp bed up in my room, hey?

So, you got a registration number?

Thanks to Miss Perkins, yes.

And Alf's phoned the vehicle taxation office.

They promised to give us

a name and address first thing.

-There you go. - Thank you, Bernie.

- You're more than welcome. - Thanks a lot.

Well, that sounds promising. I hope they let Deefer out.

Yeah. Well, say they haven't, how long before...?

Well, you know.

What, without water? Three or four days. Hello.

Excuse me. Does this place do B&B?


You want to ask for Gina. She's the landlady.

Oh, Gina, thank you.

Been thinking about what you said about Gina.

- I will have a chat with her. - Oh, yeah?

Well, it's like you said. She is an old mate and...

Ah, I don't want to seem unfriendly.

Well, that's great.

And I did have another thought.

Maybe she wants to talk about her and Jack.

I mean, you never know.

Well, what a great little place.

-Real Yorkshire. - Yeah, isn't it just?

OK, if you'd like to sign here, please.

Just the one night, did you say?

Erm, well, maybe two. I'm up on business.

And it just depends on how long it takes.

Right. Well, do you want to take things up now?

Only if you show me the way.

Now, now. Come on.

Look at that. Flashed him my best smile and nothing.

Probably just clocked your engagement ring.

Ah, Rosie.

Have you, er... Have you seen Peter?

I did.Told him to keep away from you or be taken to court.

-Court? - Oh, don't worry.

I'm sure it won't come to that.


♪ I'm a roadrunner, baby

♪ Can't keep up with me

♪ Oh

♪ I'm a road-running man

♪ You can't keep up with me... ♪


Oh, come on, lovey.

We're both upset about this, not just you.

There's no need for us to fall out about it.

Oh.How much longer are you going to keep this up, David?


Time, ladies and gents.

- Coming? - Well, no.

-Night, everyone. - Night.

- Gina? - Yeah?

Think we could have a little chat?

Yeah, course you can. Come through.

Yeah, er... I just wanted to say

I appreciate you trying to be helpful the other day.

-That's all. - Oh. That's it, is it?


You don't want to talk about Debbie?

You just want to thank me for trying.

Please don't be like Rob and try and give me

some big lecture about bottling things up.

You see, the way I deal with things is to bottle them up.

It's the way I am. You should know that.


Look, and Debbie did hurt me, yes.

And I've been feeling pretty terrible ever since, yes.

But it doesn't help me to talk about it.

Look, are you sure, Phil?

I mean, it must have been so awful.

You really did love her, didn't you? And the kids.

You put your heart and soul into making a family.

Story of my life though, isn't it, hey?

- Trying to make families. - Oh, Phil.

Look, I was down and now I'm on the way back up.

All right?

-It's fine. - I'm really glad.


What about you?

You and Jack?

I mean, we've not discussed that, have we?

There's no need, is there?

I gave him up, not the other way round, remember.

You can't talk about Jack

as much as I can't talk about Debbie.

- Hmm. - We're as bad as each other.


I suppose so.


Night, everyone. And, er... thank you.

It's a pleasure.

I'll be up in a bit. Just gonna lock up.

Good night, Mr Barrington.

If I get scared in the dark, can I find you?

-Er, no, you can't. - Oh.

You better not. I'm in there, too.

-Ooh, is that an invitation? - No, it's not.

It's nice to see her with a smile on her face again.

- Well, safety in numbers. - Yeah, right, well, I'm off.

Good night. And keep the noise down!

I know what you girls are like.

I don't want to be woken up by girls giggling.

Good night, Oscar.


Where is she? Hm?

Her bike's out there, so where is she?Rosie!

Get out or I'll call the police!

She's up there, isn't she?

With someone. That's why she didn't go home.

- Oscar! - Gina?

-Oscar! - What's going on?

Who is it? Tell me who it is!



ROB: Keep the noise down, Mr Seton!

Nothing's gonna happen until Sergeant Miller arrives.

Who's the other man? That's all I want to know.

- Get away from the door. - Someone from Aidensfield?

Someone from the garage? Why won't you tell me?

Because Rosie Cartwright's private life

is none of my business or yours.


Knew it!

♪ Oh-oh

♪ Why don't you move a bit slowly?

♪ Let this man by Let me by... ♪

Here we are, Phil.

Name and address of that pick-up.

Ta. Richard Johnson?

Yes, and I bet his brother Martin's involved.

Well-known tea leaves, Geoff, live over in Elsinby.

Walker, bring Seton through to the interview room.


-Sergeant Miller... - Not now, Mrs Armstrong.

But I'm desperate, sergeant. David's sent me to Coventry.

-You've got to find me car. - Let go of my jacket.

ALF: Sarge, another dog's gone missing.

A sheepdog this time.

Bellamy, will you deal with Mrs Armstrong?

Younger, you can deal with the missing dogs.

- You're our canine expert. - Me? No, I hate dogs.

What's this about missing dogs?

Four.In two days.

What sex?

Male. Er, they were all male.

-All in the same area? - Yes.

Well, that's it.

Come on, lad. Use your loaf.

What does it mean when boy dogs go missing?

- Erm... -They're going courting.

'Ey, I always knew I should have been a detective.


Will you tell us precisely what you were doing

last night outside the Aidensfield Arms?

I wanted to know who she was with, that's all.

When closing time came round, she didn't come out.

So you went in.

She's my girlfriend.

I've every right to know what she gets up to.

Was she with someone from the garage?

Miss Cartwright is no more your girlfriend than I am.

She wants nothing more to do with you.

A fact that she has made abundantly clear.

At first, you were a nuisance. Now you have become a threat.

I have no choice but to take you to court

under the Justice Of The Peace Act

to appear before the magistrates first thing on Monday morning,

when you'll be bound over to be of good behaviour.

In the meantime,

I must reluctantly release you on bail,

on the condition that you go nowhere

near Miss Cartwright, her home,

or the village of Aidensfield.

Is that understood?


I'll take that as a yes, then, shall I?


Frightening a young lady is the act of a coward.

But then you've got a bit of history

when it comes to women, haven't you?

Don't think we don't know about you, Mr Seton.

We do.

PHIL: Alf, it's definitely the same pick-up van

we chased across the moors. Hang on.

I'll call you back.

MUSIC: 'Crying, Waiting, Hoping' by Buddy Holly

♪ Crying, crying

♪ Waiting, waiting

♪ Hoping, hoping

♪ You'll come back

♪ I just can't seem

♪ To get you off my mind... ♪

David, you're not ready to come back yet.

Take another day off.

Yeah, go on, David. Go and look for Deefer.

No point looking for a dead dog, is there?

Come on, hey, hey. Come on, let's go.




♪ Cold as a codfish

♪ Hot as a coal

♪ Hot dog buddy Well, bless my soul ♪

Go on. Get out of it. Go on!


♪ Hot dog buddy buddy A hot dog all the time ♪

Hey, you haven't found her, have you?

- What did you do that for? - I saw you.

Kissing and cuddling.


Stay away from her or I'll...

I'll k*ll you next time!



Delta Alpha Two Six to Control, over.

ALF: 'Come in, Delta Alpha Two Six.'

Alf, tell Miller I followed them

to the old brick warehouse off the Elsinbury Road.

They're just going in n... Hang on.

Flipping Nora, Alf.

It's that bloke who's staying at the pub.

What will the magistrates do now, then?

Bind him over to be of good behaviour.

Doesn't seem enough somehow.

I know, but the law's pretty weak

on this sort of thing.

-Well, it oughtn't be. - I agree.


Where have you been, girl? What happened to you?

Hey, you daft dog, what are you up to?


Vintage cars, I said. Pre-w*r vintage.

Not s.

There's no market for this stuff.

-I can't give you a penny. - What?

I've had a wasted journey. Goodbye.

No, come on, Mr B. Be reasonable.

You've got to give us something.

Get out of my way.

You can't do this to us, Mr B!

All right, you lot, pack it in.

I'm arresting all three of you on a charge of theft.

-I beg your pardon? - Caught red-handed, sir.

In possession of stolen property,

namely three motor vehicles.

I had nothing to do with it.

You liar! You dirty, stinking liar!

MILLER:That'll do!


Get out of my way!

Deefer! Oh, Deefer.

Deefer, I am sorry. Oh!



Come here. Are you all right?

What happened?

- David! Deefer's here! Look! - Oh! Deefer!


I thought I'd lost you for ever.

There, now I remember. Now I remember everything.

-Remember what? - It was Deefer.

She saved me from that man that was trying to k*ll me.

What man, David?

It was that man that bought you flowers, Rosie.

MUSIC: 'Poison Ivy' by Manfred Mann


♪ She'll get you in Dutch

♪ You can look But you'd better not touch

♪ Poison ivy

♪ Poison ivy

♪ Well, late at night when you're sleeping

♪ Poison ivy comes a-creeping All around... ♪

Why did you do it, hey?

-You scared her to death! - Get off, Geoff, come on.

ROB: All right, all right.

So, what about Peter Seton, then?

Well, he's been charged with actual body harm.

Oh, good.

Yeah, knowing his previous, with a bit of luck,

he'll get a longer stretch inside this time.

-Phil, you got a minute? - Yeah.

I've been doing a lot of thinking since Jack left.

And I've realised that people

like that Mr Barrington, he might flirt with me,

but I'm just not interested any more.


You know, I always thought

I had to find someone different.

The exotic stranger

who'll turn me into something new.

Each time I did, I always found in the end,

I didn't really care.

-Hmm. It's funny, isn't it? - Oh, well.

Chasing moonbeams, when all the time

I didn't want a man from a different world.

I realise that now. I didn't then, of course.

No, I want someone from this world.

My world.And that's what I've realised.

What are you saying, Gina?

You're special, Phil.

Jack made me see that.

I've been wanting to tell you, but I couldn't

because I didn't know how you felt after your marriage.

Just stop it, Gina.

- What? - Just stop it!I'm sorry.

Just think about it.

Nothing ever works out for us, does it?

We've tried it all.

Romances, engagements.

We even had a wedding day.

Not that we ever made it.

Phil, we lost our baby.

I know.

And we'll always be Daniel's mum and dad,

and I know that, too.

As for anything else,Gina,

I just want to float on the surface.

I just want to do my job, go out to the pub,

have a couple of pints with the boys

and then go home and relax.

-Yeah, but... - I can't take any more pain.



All right.

Well, I just thought...


Well, if you ever thought you could,

maybe we could give it another go.

That was all.

Hey, I thought we were going for fish and chips?

Yeah, we are. We are.

- Am I interrupting something? - No.


- You all right, mate? - Yeah. Yeah, I think so.

ROB:See you.

MILLER:Well, gentlemen.

Quite a satisfactory day, from my point of view.

Not from yours, of course.

And thanks to you, my clear-up rate...


Another dog's gone missing, sarge.

In Aidensfield. A Dachshund.



-Aunt Peggy. - Mm?

Do you reckon that Deefer really will have puppies?

I sincerely hope not.

We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.

Deefer? Come on, girl. Here you are.


SONG: 'Je T'aime Moi Non Plus'

♪ Je t'aime Je t'aime

♪ Oh, oui, je t'aime... ♪

