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03x14 - Picture Imperfect

Posted: 09/27/23 08:52
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into somethin' fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're always
gettin' caught ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like sigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here it go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

Captioning made possible by
nickelodeon and the u.s.
Department of education

Ah! Thank you. Wow.

Welcome to the kenan
and kel show.

I go by kenan.

[Cheering and applause]

And I go by
the name of kel.

[Cheering and applause]

That's right.

That's right.
Thank you very much.

Now tonight's
show, boy,

Let me tell you,
it's a---

Bright light!
What are you

Hey, I was getting
a picture.

Hey, hey, take a picture
of me, come on.

Kel, I don't
want to take
your picture.

Please, I always
wanted my picture
taken on tv. Come on.

Please, please.
Come on, come on.

Hey, hey.
How about this one?

Kel, don't do that.

Come on, man.
What about this one?

Kel, why you want
your picture taken
on tv, man?

You're on tv
all the time.

Why don't you
just watch the show?

Come on, man.
Just take the picture!

Come on, man.
Hey, how about
this one?

How about
this one?

Hey, the camera
loves me!

Kel, if I
promise to take
your picture,

Will you stop
doing that?

Yeah, let me
give you--

Get one of me
and the audience!

Not--not now!

There'll be plenty
of time for

in tonight's show.

Now come on,

Hey, uh, kenan.

You pronounced
my name wrong!

Kenan, can I have
my camera back?


Aw, here it goes!

Chris: kenan, can you
give me some help
back here, please?

Um, in a second,

I'm helping some
customers right now.

Thank you for
shopping at rigby's.

Come again. Next!

Hey, kenan!

Hey, fella.
What's happening?

Hey. Mm-hmm.

Wait, wait--
what are you doing?

Refilling my bottle
of orange soda.

Why don't you
just drink out
of that bottle?

You know, I
didn't think
of that.

Kenan, where'd
all the customers go?

they all just left.

I mean, allof
them just now left.

Aah! Look at the mess
you're making!

Oh, ok.


You want
to clean it up?

Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah!

Mm-hmm. Ah!

[Slurping loudly]

[Bell jingles]

It's the guy
from mtv.

bill bellamy!

I know.

bill bellamy!

Yeah, I'm
bill bellamy.

Nice to
meet you.

Kel, leave him alone!


He's been coming
here every day

At the same time
for the past week.

Yeah. And he always
buys the same
stuff, too.

Large tomatoes
and a can of
tomato juice.

I think he's in town
filming a movie.

Ah! Or, maybe
he's in town

Looking for his
evil twin brother.

Or, how do we know
he's not the evil twin?

Because...he's not.

Ha, ha, bill bellamy.
Remember me?

I-i'm kenan,
from yesterday and
the day before that.

Of course. How's
it going, kenan?

He remembers me.

Oh, what do
we have today?


And if you don't
want to eat a tomato,

You can drink one!
Ha ha ha.

That's pretty funny.
It was also funny

Yesterday when
you said it.

You know,
I watch tv.

Thank you.

Hey, you don't fool me.

I'm on to your
evil ways--twin.

Ok. Ah, I'll see
you guys tomorrow.


[Bell jingles]

Hey! Music videos!

Nice to meet you.

Ha ha ha.

Hey, fellas.

Mark.what's up?

Oh, I'm just putting

The finishing touches
on the yearbook.

Oh, yeah. You're on
the yearbook staff.

With all
the other winners.

Yeah, and it
looks g-r-e-a-t.

Your picture looks
really funny, kenan.


Funny? What's he
talking about, funny?

You know, man,
you're funny.

Like it makes
you laugh.

Hey, man,
I'm saying, like,

What you mean by funny.
Like, "ha ha" funny

Or, like,
"isn't it funny

How great kenan's
picture is," funny?

You know, funny.

Well, would it be
possible for me

To see this
funny photo?

Oh, you'll get
to see it...

When the yearbook
comes out, silly.

No, no, no, no.
I kinda get to
see it now.

No-o-o-o. No one
gets to see

The yearbook photos
except for

Me and mrs. Kreepak.

It's the ru-u-u-ule!

You guys are gonna get
me in so much trouble.

Relax. This will
just take a second.

Ooh, it's dark in here.

I'm gonna turn
a light on.

No-o-o-o-o! You
can't turn on the
lights in a darkroom.

You'll ruin all
the pictures.

Where's my picture?

Maybe it's over here.

No-o-o-o. That's
all the students

Whose last name
starts with
"a" through "l".

Everything else
is in the cabinets.

Oh, well, let's check
out the cabinets.

Careful! Will you
stop touching

"A" through "l"?

Oh! Kimball! Y-yeah,
I'm in here somewhere.

Let me find my picture.

Maybe it's over here.
Let me see.


Oh, here I am!

Ha ha, good-looking fella.

Ah, here they
are, the "r"s,

Ok, "rufus,
rogan, rommel...

Ah, man, they're
all mixed up.

Mark: would
you hurry up.

Man, kel, can you
help me with--ah!

What happened?
Why did you squeak?

Ah, no--no--
no reason, man.

Hey, let's go
to the cabinet--

Hey, is that
a watch in there?

What have you done?

I can explain!

No, I can't!

Hey, there was no watch--

What happened to the--

[Gasping for breath]

You destroyed
"a" through "l"!

This isn't good!

This isn't good at all!

What are we gonna do?


Calm down, mark.
I mean, you know,

There's no reason
to overreact.

Yes, there is!

You guys ruined all
the yearbook photos.

Not all of them.

I only ruined the pictures
of the students

Whose names started
with "a" through "l".


I'm just gonna have to
tell on us.

We're gonna have to take
our punishment like men.

Now, hold on a second
there with the tellin'.

Um, you don't have to
tell anyone anything.

[Loudly sniffles]

I don't?

No, man. Um, when
are the photos due?



I meant--friday, yeah.

Pshhh, that's whole
days away, man.**t...

Hey, kenan. How far
can we run in days?

We're not going anywhere.

We're going to replace
those pictures that
were destroyed.

Oh, yeah,
right. How are
we gonna do that?

Hey, hey, fella!
Hey, buddy! Come on.

We'll just, uh...

We'll take new pictures
of everyone.

That's like

What? Students?

That's like--
that's like--
a million people.

Mark, we have no choice.

My life is just
a big, fat lie.

Excuse me, what are
your last names?


Why do you need to
know our last names?

Hey, shelton, step to
the side. Thank you.

Hey, what the--

Thank you.

Oh, no--no--

That's it!


Let go of the camera,
kel. Let go of--

Man, how we gonna take

Everybody's picture
by friday?

I have no idea.

Well, I certainly
appreciate the
generous response,

Even though I wasn't
talking to you.

Can you finish ringing
me up, please?

I'm kind of in a hurry.

Everybody's in
a hurry these days.

Gotta go somewhere,
gotta do something.

Gotta replace

Just because
a tiny little accident

Happened to destroy
all of them.

I mean, what are
you gonna do?

Me? I'm gonna leave.

I don't have
time for this.

Hey, kenan. Did we get
neal brennan's picture?

No. Who else
is on the list?

Uh, beth calloway.

I think she the one
that beat up mark.

Adele carson?nope.

Duane connely?no.

Kenan, have you seen
my price tag thing?


Here it is.

Are you ok?

You seem a little more
flamdoozled than usual.

♪ Flamdoozled ♪♪ flamdoozled ♪

Ok, I made
that word up.


I think ms. Kreepak's
on to us.

I caught her nosing
around the darkroom

Asking questions
about the pictures.

Oh, no, so what
did you tell her?

I said,
"what pictures?" And ran.

Way to cover!

Uh, don't worry, mark.
I'll think of something.

Kel, of the
pictures we need,

How many do we
have so far?

Counting daka,
jeannie and amy?



[Gasping for air]

He's doing
it again!

All right,
ok, hold it,

Hold yourself,
hold it there,

I'm here, I'm here,
there you go.

Now, instead
of us trying

To track down all
these people,

I think we need
to think of a way

To get all those people
to come to us.

Bake sale!no.

I got it!
A giant magnet!

Uh-huh. We put
belts on everybody

And turn
the magnet on.


No! Hmmm...

How can we get all
those people in one place?

I got an idea!

Have your picture taken
with bill bellamy--

For free!

"Have your picture taken

"With bill bellamy

For free."

Hey. I could really
get my picture taken

With bill bellamy--
for free?

That's what I just said.

You all be at rigby's
at : today.

And bill bellamy's
really going to
be there.


Actually, it's
bill bellamy's
evil twin.

Give me that!

It's not his evil twin.

Be at rigby's at .

How did you get
bill bellamy

To come to rigby's
and take pictures?

He doesn't know yet.

Not true!
Kel, why don't--

Kel, you just keep
passing out flyers--


I'm right on it.

[Bell rings]

Get out of here!

But I'll see you all
at rigby's at , ok?

: .

Rigby's, : . Come on.

I'm finished.

Oh, good.

Hand these flyers out
in the bathroom.


I mean I'm finished.
My life is over.

This is never
gonna work.

Hey, hey,
don't worry, mark.

I have everything
under control.

Yeah, yeah, kenan's
plans always work out.

You know, like,
that one time when--


Well, then, there was
that other time when we--


Well, wait a minute,
wait a minute,

That other time when--

Nah, that didn't
work out, either.


It's minutes after !

Where is he?

He'll be here.

He's just a little
late, that's all.

You said he comes in
at exactly every day.

He's evil!

Will you stop it
with the evil.

Kenan, look at
all these people!

What a great idea
to help business.

Thanks, boss.
You know me.

Always concerned
about the business.

How did you ever get
bill bellamy to agree
to do this?

He didn't.

What kel meant to
say was that, um,

He didn't mind at all
when I asked him,

'Cause, you know, i--i--
I asked him. I did.

Well. You know, he's
a little late, isn't he?

I mean, if he
agreed to do this,

The least he could do
is show up on time.

Yeah, I agree,
but you know those
hollywood types.

Ah, well,
this isn't hollywood!

Evil twin!

[Cheering and screaming]

Well. It is about time.


Don't "huh" me!

Chris, man,
I'll handle this
from here.

Careful! He's
an evil twin!

I'm sorry about that,
man. They're insane.

So, uh, uh,
so, uh,

William, uh, bellamy,
um, um, mr. Bill?

How are you today?

What is going on
here. Look at--

What? Oh, this?
Oh, man, this is

Nothing but the usual
afternoon crowd,

You know, busy, busy...

Oh, oh, well, um,

The thing with
the signage is--

Can I talk to you
in the back room
for a second?

I think I should go--

Please! Come on,
come on, big guy.

Come on, man, please.

Excuse me. Make room,
now, make room.

You gotta help
me, please.

You're scarin' me, man.


What's wrong with you, man?
What do you want from me?

H-hey, now, normally
I would come up with
some kind of crazy story

To explain why I'm
in the situation--

I'm not saying I'm
in situations like
this normally--

Hey, bill bellamy,
"mr. Hollywood."

You think you've kept
everyone waiting long enough?

Move it!

What did I do?

Nothing, man.

I'm trying to explain--

I was explaining
before the rude

Oh, boy.

All right, if you're
the real bill bellamy,

Then you won't feel this.


Evil twin! Evil twin!

That does it.
I'm outta here.

Wa-wa-wait, please!

Now, come on.
I promised all those
people out there

That they could take
a picture with you.

you shouldn't have.

I know, but,
come on, top dog,

Just do-o-o-o it.

Get out of here.

Look, I'm really,
really sorry, ok?

Normally, I'd love to
do this sort of thing,

But you should have
asked me first.

I mean, I got
plans tonight.

All right, fine.

Well, I guess I'll
just have to tell

All your adoring fans
that you're too busy

To take a couple of
photos with them.

I'm sure they'll

Wait a second, man.

hey, you all!

Guess what?
Bill bellamy won't do it.


Wait, I didn't--

You're makin'
it seem like--

Who are you?

Oh, uh, hold on.

I'm sorry, you're standing
a little too close.

If you could just
move back right--
right about here.

There you go.

Isn't this
sort of far away?

No, no, no,
that ain't far away.

Look, man.
Far? Nah...


Thanks a lot. Later.

Last name?carson.

God, I'm so excited!

All right,
smile and say,

"Orange soda."

Orange soda.

I love you--

Don't wanna hear that.
Thanks a lot.

And, uh, last name?


I'm sorry, but
your last name

Doesn't begin
with the letters
"a" through "l".

You're gonna have
to go to the back
of the line.

We don't need ya.

But, I mean, I've been
waiting for so long--

Just go-o-o-o-o.

That's not fair!

Excuse me. How long
is this gonna take?

Hey! Quit whining.

Don't worry, man.
It'll only take

A couple more--hours.

Last name?

We did it.huh?

She was
the last one, man.

We took
everybody's picture!


♪ I can't believe it ♪

♪ You guys are the best ♪

♪ Enough with
the hugging ♪

♪ Little bit tighter ♪♪

Excuse me.
Can I go now?

Oh, oh, yeah,
mr. Bellamy.
Thanks a lot, man.

You know, next time,
I'll ask you first, 'cause--

Thank you, mr. Bellamy.

Hey, you know,
for an evil twin,
you're all right.

Uh, thanks.

Could you--
could you let go
of me, please?

Hey, hey, billy, buddy.
Thanks so much for

Coming out and spending
time with the fans--

Stuff i-i-i-it!


What was that
all about?

Ahhhhhh, ha ha ha.

He told you to
stuff i-i-i-i-it!

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha...

Stuff i-i-i-it!

All right, well,
let's get these
pictures developed

Come on, now.

Stuff it!


Where were you
aiming the camera?

What are you
talking about?

Well, look.

Bill bellamy,

Bill bellamy,

Bill bellamy.

Bill bellamy.

Bill bellamy, bill bellamy,
bill bellamy.

Bill bellamy.

Oh, look, there's more
of bill bellamy!

Look at that, a-ha, yeah,
with the bill bellamy.

We're in so much trouble.

What are we gonna do?

Ahhh, I don't know.
It's too dark in here.

I can't think.

I'm gonna turn
the light on.


Turn the lights off!

[Talking and crashing]

Mark: you just destroyed
the "m" through "z"s!
