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03x18 - The Limo

Posted: 09/27/23 08:51
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're all
the same call ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like zigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

Captioning made possible by
and u.s. Department of education

Welcome to the
kenan & kelprogram.

Me kenan.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.

Me kel!

[Cheers and applause]

Ha ha! Whoo!

Now, we have
a wonderful show
for y'all tonight.

What you got there?

It's a photo album.

Your mama
gave it to me.

My mama
gave it to you?

Mm-hmm. It has
all kinds of photos
of you when you was
a little baby boy.

I thought I'd share it
with the audience.

No, you ain't gotta
share it with
the audience, man.

Oh, yes, I do.
Look at this.
He was so cute!

Look at that!

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
How about this one
right here?


Now, kel,
that's enough now.

Wait, wait, wait.
How about this one?


Yeah, yeah.

Oh, man.
Oh, don't worry.
There's just about
a hundred more.

Kel, that's enough.
Stop it!

Oh, wait, wait.
Here's my favorite
right here.

This is funny!
Gimme this!


This isn't me.

It isn't?

No, man.

This is an old
asian woman.


Are you sure?

Speaking of datin',
we got a show to do.
Come along...salsa.

Datin'? Kenan,
we weren't talking
about datin'.

Kenan, man that is
the worst segue
into an episode
I've ever heard.

Kenan? Awww, here it goes!

Man...well, check this out!

Hey, kel! Look at this!


Man, is this table
maplewood or
treated oak?

Not the table,
the stereo!


Quadraphonic tweeters,

Dual base boosters.

[Turn on music]

Oh...get funky.

Get funky!oh!


Funk is good!

I feel good!

I feel good!

[Turns music off]

Can I help you?

Oh, yeah!
We was wondering
if this table was

Or treated oak.

I think it's plastic.

How much is this
fine piece of
musical machinery?

The wasabe base master?

You're in luck.
It's on sale.

On sale?
Well, great!
How much is it?

It's only $ , .

, --Are you nuts?

No, sir, I'm not nuts.
If you have any more

Just give me a holler.

Aw, get outta here.

Come on, kel, let's go.

No, wait a minute!



How can I
help you?

Do you work here?

Well, no, but
I thought I might
be able to do

To make your life
a little better.

You know, like...
Marry you or

My name's kenan.


You know, that's my
father's name.

Just kiddin'!

You're kinda funny.

[Shouting] whoo!
Hey, kenan!

These headphones
are live!

be quiet!

Be quiet!

Man, I can't hear you.
I got headphones on.

This is a nice
stereo, isn't it?

Oh, yeah,
it's great.
And get this--

It's on sale
for , bucks.

$ , ? Is that it?

That is really cheap!


Can I help you?

Yes, I'd like
one of these, please,

And just put it
on my credit card.

Yes, ma'am.

I'm guessing
you haven't earned
any more money

Since the last time
I saw you.

Excuse me,
excuse me,

As a matter of fact,

I'lltake one of
these cheap stereos, too.

You know what?
I'll take of 'em.
That's right.

. Ha.

Uh, sir?

This is
a library card.

Oh, check that out.

O-oh, you know
what happened?

I--i left my
credit cards...

I-in my limousine.

You have
a limousine, too?

Oh, yeah!
It's parked
right out front,

You know,
'cause I'm really

Hey, kel,
come on, man,

Let's go get
my credit cards outta
my limousine, man.

You know, I'm rich.

Where are all these
nut shells comin' from?


Hey, kenan,

Let me borrow
$ , .

I don't have
$ , .

I thought you said
you were rich.

I only said that
to impress that
melissa girl.

What you need
$ , for anyway?

Well, I wanna finance
an independent
motion picture,

You know,
starring a little boy
who rescues a chinese

From a russian circus.


Oh, you wouldn't

Hey, slobby!

Stop dropping
your nut shells
on my floor!

Can't you see
I'm trying to sweep?

Oh, now you tell me!




What you doin' here?

Well, daddy's thinking
about buying the building
next door,

And I just came...
Hereto buy a soda.

Well, isn't it
a small world?

Are you kidding?

Man, the earth
is huuuge!

You know,
it's the fifth
largest planet
in the solar system.


What happened
to you yesterday?

You went to go get
your credit cards,
and you never came back.

Oh, well, see--
what happened was,

I got called away
on an emergency
business deal. Yeah.

You know...
It was dealing with
things. A lotta money.

Work here?

Oh! No! No!

Do I work here?
Girl, no!

I don't work
in this here

Then why are you
wearing an apron
and holding a broom?

Oh, that. Uh...

Well, you see, um,

I, uh...
Own the store!

Yeah. And I was
teaching him how
to sweep my store.

What? Sweeping?
I'm not sweeping!
I don't work here.

You don't
work here?

That's right.
That's right.
He doesn't
work here.

I fired him.
Ha. Pfft.
You fired me.

Yes, I fired you.
Now get on out


Boy, I tell ya.
Good help is hard
to find these days.

Tell me about it.
Daddy complains
about it all
the time.

Tch. Yep. Say...

Would you like to
go out with me
some time?

Maybe like
tomorrow night?

Kenan, when you're
done sweeping,
could you wipe down
the garbage can?


Melissa, I'll be with you
in a second.

What was that
all about?

You gotta help me out.

What, after you
just tackled me

I'm sorry!
I'm really sorry!
You just gotta help me!

With what?

Well, i--i kinda
told that girl out there

That know...
Own rigby's.


Just play along,

Come on,
I'll do anything!


I want you to
scrape the mold off
the deli meats.

Oh, I want you to
polish my pewter
cow collection.

All right, freak.

Whatever. You got it.


And I'll go along
with your little

But I just want you
to know that I don't
like lying.

Neither do i, man.
I hate lying.

Lying is bad,
and that's no lie.

As I was sayin',

Would you like to
go out on a date
with me tomorrow?

Looky here, kenan.

You can't fire me.

You know why?
'Cause I quit!

That's right!




Whoo! How about
that guy, huh?


What's going on, uh...

What happened here?!

Hey, chris,
i--i need you to
clean up this mess.



My pleasure,

Y-yeah, and, uh,
do a good job, too,

'Cause I'm tired
of you slackin' off.

Don't push it, boss.

So tomorrow
you wanna do this
brunch thing?

That's a breakfast
and a lunch thing.



Here's my address,

You're gonna
pick me up in
your limo, right?

Ha ha ha ha hah!

Uh--o-oh, my limo!

Well, of course.
I'll pick you up
in my limo.


See ya tomorrow.

All right.

O-oh, all right!

All right, kenan.

I'm gonna give you
one more chance to
hire me back!

Kel, you never
worked here, man.
I just pretended
to fire you.


So I guess a raise
is out of the question,
then, huh?

You missed a spot.

You right.
I'll get that.

Hey, um, you're all
outta fish sticks.


Ah, yeah!


So, uh...what you guys
wanna do today?


Well, you know, kenan
got this big, fancy date,

And I thought the three
of us could spend some
quality time together! Yeah!

[Stage voice]
and now...

Ladies and gentlemen...

[Normal voice]
and kel.

[Stage voice]
your...kenan rockmore!

Whaddaya think, huh?
Good job, huh?

You rented
a tuxedo for a date?

Yep. We going to
the most expensive
restaurant in town.
I gotta look my best.

[Doorbell rings]

Kenan rockmore?

That's me.

Your limousine is ready.

Kenan, you rented
a limousine, too?


That musta cost you
a fortune.

That must be
some special girl!

Man, it's not
a special girl.
She just think
kenan's rich.

K-kel! Cchh!

Now, kenan, why does
she think you're rich?

I told her I was?

That's my boy!

Oh, kenan, you shouldn't
have to pretend to be
something that you are not.

Don't you want this girl
to like you for who
you really are?


That's my boy!

Well, see you later,
Come on, driver.

Oh, oh, oh!

Wait, wait!

Can I ride
in the limo?

I want to ride
in the limo!

No, kel.
You can't come
with me on my date.

But I wanna ride
in the limo!

[Shrilly note]
♪ please ♪

Let him ride.

Please take him!

All right, all right!

You can ride
in the limo with me
until we get to
her house,

And then after that,
you're on your own.

All right.
Bye, parents.

Dad: have
a good have fun.

I'm gonna ride
in a limo!

Hey, what these
buttons do?

I don't know.
I never been in
a limo before.

Ah, man,
this is cool!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Hey, kenan!

It's me!

Guess what?

I'm in a limo! Yeah!


Ha ha ha ha! Yeah!

Would it be possible
for you guys
not to do that?

Look! There's a window
on the roof!

Ha ha. Cool!


Whoo! Ye-ea-eah!

Ha ha ha!

Top of the roof!

Top of the roof!


Hey, kenan,
you should try this, man.
It's cool!

I don't wanna!

Come on, man, just do it!

All right. Fine.



Pretty cool.

I--i like it.

I'm on top of
the sunroof.

What does this
button do?

Kel? Open it up!

I gotcha!
I gotcha!

Kel, it's not working!

Man! That didn't
happen to me.

Ok, kel,
I'm gonna go in here
and get my date, man,

And when I come out,
I do not expect
to see you here.

Got it!
All right.
Here goes nothing.

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

Can I sit
in front of the car?

You know,
I'd rather you not.

Oh, come on.
Lemme sit in
front of the car.
Gimme the keys.

I--i'll get it.

No, that's ok.
I'll get them.

All right. Ok.

Look, this door
was open the whole time.

Don't open that--

Hey, man.
You all right?
I'm sorry.

Are you just gonna
ignore me?

I said I was sorry.
Don't ignore me.
Come on, man.

No! Come on, man,
wake up!

Wake up, man!
Come on! [Sobs]
no, wake up!

[Sobbing] ohhhh!

Right on time.

H-how you doing?

My name is kenan.
You must be
melissa's sister!

Ha ha ha ha!

I'm melissa's

This is my wife,

And this is...


[Making baby talk]

Oh, hello there
little beeth--
[arf arf!]

Have a seat.


M-my bad.

Um...may I get you
a beverage?

Oh, no,
that's all right.

I don't think
I'm gonna be here
long enough to have
a beverage. Ha.

A-am i?

Melissa tells us
you're in real

Y-yes. Real estate.
It's so much nicer
than fake estate.

Ha ha ha!

You know, um, guthrie
is in real estate, too.


Perhaps we can
compare financial

Right. Ah, you know,
I would love to,

But not right now.

Later. Away from now.

Is melissa
gonna be coming down
a-any time soon?

Come on!
Mr. Limo driver,
don't do this to me!

Wake up! Wake up!
[Sobbing] ohhh!


[Sobbing] oh, man!

Please! Wake up!
Wake up!

You playin', right?
You playin'.

Oh, this limo driver
humor, right?

You playin', right?
Yeah, real funny! Ha ha!

Wake up!

ah...ha ha ahh...

How did you amass
so much wealth
at such a young age?

Oh, you know,
stocks, bonds...

You know, buy, sell.

I got some stuff,
that's all.

Does melissa usually
take very long, or...


Plucket residence.


It's for you.


Phone. It's for you.


Uh, kenan?

Kel here.

Uh...ha ha ha.

How you doin',

Hey...all right.

That's good.
That's good.

Here's the story.
Try--try not to
get mad, all right? know the driver?

what about him?

He's unconscious!

Hey! [Laughs]

How about that?

Good. Good.
All right.

he's out cold!

All right.
I'll be out there
in a second,
all right?

Hold on.
All right. Bye.


I'm sorry.
That was my driver.

I have to go
outside and take
care of a couple
of things [laughs]

For just a second.
Really good stuff
is happening.

What happened?

Man, I don't know.
You know, one minute
he was getting
his keys,

The next thing
you know--what happened?

I hit him
in the head
with the door!

Why?! Ok, don't panic.
Don't panic.

Oh, I'm not panicking.

I was talkin' to me!

Ok, here's what
you gotta do.

You gotta dress up
like the limo driver.

Where am I gonna
find some limo
driver clothes?

Right here, dippy!

What if they
don't fit?
Make 'em fit!

What am I supposed
to do with him?

I don't know.
Put him in the trunk
or something.

Ah! H-hello again.

Is everything all right?

Oh, yeah. Fine.


Oh, here she is!

Hi, kenan.

Hey, melissa.
You look great.

Are we ready to go?

Yeah, well,
actually, um...

You probably could
look a little better,
don't you think?


Well, I'm just saying
if you wanna take
some time

To go back upstairs
and fix yourself up
a little bit, feel free!
We're in no hurry.

Are you saying
that I don't look good?

No, no!
I didn't say that!
Did I say that?

I think you did!

I was joking!

You know,
I'm a practical joker.
I'm funny!

tell your parents
that I'm funny.

She knows I'm funny,
and she looks great.

Of course I do.

Well, we'd better
get going.

I hope it isn't
a small limo.
Come on.

Whazzup, kenan?



Do I know you
from somewhere?

No, melissa,
that wasn't me
at the stereo store.

Hey, hey! Let's get
in the limo, shall we?

What are we
gonna do?

I don't know!

My limo is great,
isn't it?

I suppose.

So...are we
gonna go?

Oh, uh...isn't it
fun just sitting here?

[Honking car horn]

Hey! They got a horn
up here!

Thank you, driver.

[Stops honking]

We really should go.
I'm hungry.

Ok. First I need
to talk to my

[Music plays]

[Turns off music]

Hey, kenan!
How your date
goin', man?

Whatcha doin'?


It's going awful, man.
You gotta drive the car!

But I don't know
how to drive!

Don't worry about that.
Just learn.

I'm scared!

Well, you shoulda
thought of thatoh! Oh! Oh!

Before you knocked
out the driver!oh! Oh!

And that's how you
defend yourself
against an attacker.

What are you still
doing here?

What are youdoin' here?

This is our house,
and we are walking
our dog!

Bad driver.
Rude driver!


No, no, no! No!

Look, kel,

The restaurant
is right up
the street, man.

All you gotta do
is go straight
for about miles.

You can do it.

I can do it?
Yeah. Yeah.

I can do it?

Hey, hey...
You can do it.

[Starts engine]

I sure hope
this restaurant is good.

Oh, it is.
It is. I mean,
it's really good.

And expensive, too.

But, you know,
that's all right
for a rich guy

Like me--[brakes screech]

Get movin'!

[Car horns honk]


You know,
it was a real
pleasure meeting
your parents.

I'm sorry! Ah--wait!

[Cars swerve]

I don't know
how to drive!!

I think I'm gonna
be sick!

No, no,
don't be sick.



Don't suppose
we're at the
restaurant, huh?

I was doing good
for a second!


What happened?

We got into
an accident.

What happened?

We got into
an accident.

Oh, boy...bad.

Oh--getting worse!

What happened

Oh, can't you see?
We got into
an accident!

Ok, everybody,
move along.
Nothing to see here.

We will not!

Well, everybody
except you.


Oh, boy.


What happened

All right,
I'm tired of
that question!

We got into
an accident, fool!

I can explain. See--

[Thump thump]
driver: hey!

Let me out of
this trunk!

What's that?

Well, that's a little
harder to explain.
