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03x12 - Housesitter

Posted: 09/27/23 08:49
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're all
the same call ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like zigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

Captioning made possible by
and u.s. Department of education

Right on.



Hey, thank you.

Wow, welcome...

To the
kenan & kel

I answer to the name
of kenan!

[Screams and applause]

Thank you.
Thank you.

You're all
too kind!

And I answer
to the name of...

Sticky buuuuns!

Sticky buns! Yeah!


I also answer
to the name of kel.

[Screams and applause]



What's that for?

It's an um-brella.

See, now if it rains,

You can hold the
um-brella over your head,

And the um-brella
will keep you from
getting wet.


I know what
an umbrella is, man.

Why do you have it
open inside?

Oh, see, the weatherman
said that it was gonna
rain today, you know,

And I don't wanna
get wet.

Kel, we're inside,

How you gonna get
wet inside?

It's not gonna
rain on you inside.
Rain inside!


That's weird.

It's rainin'
on the inside.

♪ Told ya! ♪

Why is it only
rainin' on you?

Because I have!

I think I need to
hang on to this for
you for a minute.

Yeah. Because it's
gonna come in handy
in tonight's

Now, come on...


Dippity doo-dah,
dippity day.


Kenan, dippity who?

Kenan, where you
goin' with the rain?

Kenan! Awwww!
Here it goes!

"Rate your dating skills.

"Is a date with you
a night to remember

Or a nightmare?"

Yeah, like anybody ever
reads these dumb old things.

Question number one.


Ah, stupid fly!


Where was i? Ah!
Question number one.

"Is your idea
of the perfect date...

A: a moonlight picnic..."

Yeah, right.

"B: an arm-wrestling

[Buzz]ha ha!



All right. Ok.
Now you've had it.


Kel, shh!




[Pigeon sounds]

Oh, man!

I can't do it!
I lost my ability
to fly!

Aw, kel!

There is a fly.
To you!


I got it.

Wait a minute,
Bad idea!



I missed him.

Hey, guys,
you'll never guess--

What happened here?

I was trying
to swat a fly.

No, no, no,
what happened--

Nah, not what

See, what happened
was, there was
no fly.

What we were doing
was taking everything
off the shelf

So we could clean it...

With orange soda.


Hey, guess what!

Mother and I won
an all-expense paid
trip for

To yakima springs!
We're going there
for the whole week!


The whole week,
you say.

Well, I'm really
gonna miss ya.

Wait, wait, wait.
Not so fast, kenan.

Before I go,
I have a big favor
to ask you.

Oh, favor?
Well, I'm kinda
busy right now,

You know...
Whenever it is
that you need
a favor.

Kenan, I was wondering
if you'd tend to my
house while I'm gone.

Gee, well, normally
I would, but you know,

The lunar eclipse
and the situation
with the potatoes--

I'll pay you $ .

It's a deal!


I got the fly!

And now this one
gets watered on
mondays, wednesdays,

And every other friday.

Got it.
Water the plants.

They're not just
plants, kenan.

They're my friends.

Ha ha ha ha ha!


Come meet my fish,

I like to play
the oboe for him.

[Plays off-key]

Well, isn't that

Hey, chris,
what's this picture of?

That's mother and me
at my graduation from
grocery college.

Well, it's not
really a good
picture of your
mama, man.

You can't even
see her.

What are you
getting at?

Come to think
of it...i never
seen your mama,

Well, she's not here
right now.

All right!

Ooh! I gotta go
to the bathroom.
I'll be right back.


That is not
the bathroom.
That is the closet!


Sorry about
your jacket.

Kel, the bathroom
is upstairs!

Thanks for taking
care of my friends.

Oh, and kenan,
please don't forget.

Don't worry!

You just have fun
on your little vacation

With mother...

And trust me,
I will not forget.

Whoo, boy!

Kel, I think I'm
forgettin' something.

What's wrong, kenan?

I don't know.
I just...feel like
I've forgotten
something, you know?

Maybe you forgot
how to bake cookies.

I don't know how
to bake cookies.

I know.
'Cause you forgot.

What was I

You forgot about
that bucks
I owe ya.

What? What bucks.never mind.

Hi, boys.

What's up?
Y'all bring me

Why would we?


Ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha!

Kel, what are you
laughing at?

The tv's not on!the tv!

I know. It's just
a funny-lookin' tv!

What are you two
doin' here anyway?

Kenan, I thought
you had to work

I gave myself
the day off.

You know, it has
been wonderful not
having chris here
this week.

Kenan, that reminds me.
Chris called you
last night.

He wanted to know
how his plants
were doing.

Tonight.yeah. When's chris
coming back anyway?

Uh, kenan,
I think I know
what you forgot.

I think I know, too!

You forgot
to tell your daddy
that you broke the
window in his car.


No, no, no, no!
I forgot to tell
my daddy

That I left
my limbo stick
in a jar.

Come on, kel.

Limbo stick
in the jar?

Oh, man!
The plants are dead!

Oh, I k*lled the plants.

They were his friends!

Ha ha ha!

And now they're dead,

Chris is gonna be
so mad at me!

W-wait a minute,

Maybe they're
not dead.

Maybe they're
just sleepin'.

Shh, shh, shh!

wake up!!

Wake up!

They're dead.

Oh, man!

what about the fish?

The fish! The fish!

Norman's alive.he's still alive.

Aw, yeah!

Ok, everything's fine.
We can fix this.

All we gotta do
is clean up this mess

And then go buy
some new plants
from the store.

No, no, that's

Chris'll be
back in hours!
It'll never work!

Calm-uh down-uh, man!

I'll clean up
the leaves,
and you feed the fish.

Oh! A-all right.

I'm on it.

Like somebody
o-or something...


Would be on it.

Y-yeah. That's it.



Here's a steak!
There ya go!

Enjoy yourself!

Hey, wash it down
with some chips!



There ya go!

All right.

Oh, yeah, and how
about some orange soda?

Lemme see.


What are you

Giving the fish
some orange soda.


Well, he might
get thirsty.


Man, he lives
in water!

How thirsty
could he be?



That's a steak
in the fish t*nk,
isn't it?


Mm-hmm. And the
little yellow things

Floating around
on top?

Oh, you mean
the potato chips?

Ah, yes,
of course.
Of course.

Um, kel? Why?!

Well, you told me
to feed the fish!

Fish eat fish food,
man, not people food!

That stuff'll k*ll him!

Oh, now we gotta
clean out the t*nk!

I'm gonna find something
to put norman in!

Aw, man, need a bowl!

Big bowl!

Oh, where do they
keep the bowls?

Ah! Here we go.

Here we go!
Hey, hey!

Oh! Bowl with
the holes in it!

Oh, fish, I'm sorry!

[Strangled voice]
how can I make it
up to ya?

Oh, wait a minute.
I know what you like.
I know what you like.

Here we go.

All right.

[Plays jazzy tune]

Aw, you probably
can't even hear that.

Oh, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
How about this?

[Shrill, off-key note]

Oh, oh, wait a minute.
I know what'll
clean up this t*nk!

I know this'll work.

All right!

Oh, man!


Found the bowl!

Found the bo--whoa!

Watch yourself. Come on.

Slippery when wet.

Aw, man, come on!

There we go.

Ah. I got it.
I got it.

I got the--aah!


I'm not done
cleaning yet!

Where's the fish?
Where's the fish?!

Oh, I know.

No, he's not there.

Aw, man!

Fish is in the vacuum!

Oh, the fish
is in the vacuum!

I'll get it!


He was my friend!

He was my friend!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Oh, man!
Where is he?
Where can he be?

Wait a--wait!
He's in the oboe!

The ob--
what's the oboe
doin' in the--

Lemme see.
Aah! I'll get ya out!

Hold on!

Hold on!

Go get it!
Go get it!

I'll save ya!

I'll save ya, baby!

I'll save ya!

Oh, it's all right!

Aah! It's all slimy!

Hee hee hee hee hee!

Oh, he's tickling me!
He's tickling me!

I'll find something
to put him in.

Hurry up! Hurry up!


I got something.
Here, put him in
the trophy!

There we go!
Now...ok, ok!

Ok. We can still
fix this.

All we gotta do
is go to the store
and buy some new plants,

Come back,
fix the bowl,
clean out the fish t*nk,

Drop little norman in,
and go home.

Man, this has been
one busy day.

Man, you drank
the fish!

Don't swallow him!
Don't swallow the fish!

Spit him back in here!
Wait, don't fumble
with the trophy!

Don't fumble with--
aw, man!

Quick! Go spit him
in the bathtub
or something!
Go upstairs!

I'm gonna stay down
here and try to fix
the vacuum cleaner

And the bowl
and the fish t*nk--
aw, go!

Gotta make sure
the water's not too
hot for you!

Perfect! Ok.



Ha ha ha.

The fish
is in the tub.

All we gotta do
is go to the store,

Get some new plants,
replace the vacuum,
get a new bowl,
fix the trophy,

Clean out the fish t*nk,
and put the fish
back before chris
gets home.

Don't forget
the oboe.

Oh...thanks, kel.

Ok, come on, man.
We got some fixin'
to do. Grab the keys.

G-grab the keys.
All right.

Hee hee hee hee!

Whoo! Ha ha ha!

Man, I can't believe
we got locked out of
chris' mama's house.

I mean, why does
this stuff always
happen to us?


Remember when I said,
"kel, grab the key"?

Why didn't ya?!

You was serious
about that?

Man, I thought
you were telling
a joke.

A joke? Kel,
if it was a joke,
it woulda been

I don't know.
I've heard a couple
of your jokes.

[Sarcastic laughter]

Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Don't push.

Oh! Oh!

Wait! Oh!

Oh, the faucet!

That just
reminded me.

I am kinda thirsty!

No, man!

We gotta find
something to plug
the leak with!


Not the curtains,

Not the curtains,

Oh, now you
soaked the curtains.


Now...all we gotta
do is

Replace the plants,
clean out the fish t*nk,
get a new oboe, new bowl,
new trophy,

Fix the faucet,
and the vacuum
and dry the curtains.

No problem.
We can do it.

Yeah. We have
over an hour before
chris comes home.

What?! Oh, no, man!

Oh, wait a minute.

I know where to
dry these curtains.





What's wrong?

What's wrong?

It's raining, kel.
In the living room, man!

It's raining on
the inside!

Do you know
what that means?

Big harvest!

No, man!

It means everything
is getting all wet
and ruined!

A pipe musta broken
or something.

What are we
gonna do?

Try to find something
to catch the water in!

Oh, I got it.
Ain't no thing.

Lemme see.

Help, I'm drownin'!
I'm drownin'!

I'm drownin'!

Ok! Move over!

[Watery voice]
I'm drownin'!

Ok. I gotta think.
Gotta think.

Ok, all we gotta do
now is call a plumber,
replace the plants.

Clean out the fish t*nk,
fix the bowl,
fix the curtains,

The oboe,
the vacuum cleaner,
the kitchen sink,

[Creaking]and then after that...

And the toilet.

Yeah, you might wanna
do something about
that hole in the ceiling.


Say, kel...

When you put
the fish in
the bathtub...

Did you turn
the water off?

No, the tub
wasn't filled up.

Oh, man,
this is bad!

This is so bad!
Man, do you know
what it is?

Well, it's not good.

Don't worry, kenan.
I know something
that'll cheer you up!

Oh, yeah!you do?


Go upstairs
and turn
the water off!

I'm right on it!

The toilet bowl...

Things falling outta
the ceiling and...

Uh--uh--wait a minute!



This isn't
the bathroom!

Oh, I'll turn
the water off myself, man!

Chris' house
is getting ruined...

[Knock on door]

Open up!police!

I'm sorry.
You must have got
the wrong house.

We're not the police!

No, no, we're the police!

Open up is what
we need youto do!

They sound mad.

How you doing?

Do you live here?

Well, no--no,
I wouldn't say
live, exactly.

One of the neighbors
called in.

They said they
witnessed a couple
of kids

Breakin' in through
one of the windows.

Through the window!
Boy, that's weird.

Thanks for stopping by,

How did you two
get in here?

Through the window.
That's only because
the front door was locked.

Ah, kel! Aw, man.

Is it...raining in here?


What's goin' on

Well, kenan accidentally
k*lled all of chris' friends...

Except for norman.
We got him upstairs
in the bathtub.


No, no, no, no!

He didn't say

That's not what

See, what he said
was something
that sounded
like k*lled

But was different.

You gotta pay
This is how
it went down--

Shh, shh!

[Mumbled arguing]

Uh, officer,
officer cop,
uh, policeman,

You know, I would love
to explain this whole
kooky mess to ya.

It's actually
kinda funny.

You know, not so much
"ha ha" funny

As it is more--oh!

Fix table.

You geniuses
cookin' something?

No, why?

You know,
I smell somethin',

Ah. Maybe it's all
that smoke comin'
from the kitchen.

Aah! Fire in the kitchen!

Come on, kel!

Ah! Fire in the kitchen!
Fire in the kitchen, man!

And a huge glove growin'
in the sink, no less.

oh! Ow!

Wait a minute, now!
Wait a minute, now!
Wait a minute! Oh!


That's better.

Kel, do something, man!




Smoke's coming
from the oven!

the curtains!
Are they dry?

Kel, you put
the curtains
in the oven?

Yeah, to dry 'em out.
Good idea, huh? Huh?


I think we've seen
just about enough here.

You two are coming

Right now!

No, wait, wait,
wait, man!

You can't take us

I mean, we still have
to fix the plants,
the fish t*nk,

The bowl,
the vacuum cleaner,
the trophy--

The oboe.

And, yeah, and the faucet
and the curtains and the
ceiling and the toilet

And the table all before
chris comes home.

Hey, I'm home!

What the--


Maybe we can go
downtown now!

Maybe through
the back door!