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03x08 - Surprise, Surprise

Posted: 09/27/23 08:46
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ It's kenan and kel,
or should I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ 'Cause they're always
getting caught ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like zigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here it go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

Captioning made possible by
and u.s. Department of education

Thank you! Thank you!

Welcome to the
kenan & kelprogram.

I am...the kenan.

[Cheers and applause]

I am...the kel.

[Cheers and applause]


Whoo, boy!

Hey, uh, kenan.
I got a surprise
for you.


Yeah. Hit it!

Cool, huh?
Eh? Eh?

You like it?

What have you done?

Well, I made our heads
look all funny.

Isn't it cool?
Look at us!

Oh, man, cut it out!
Why'd you have to
mess with the picture?

Take us to your

Oh, man, my head
is bigger than
it oughta be!

I thought we could
do the whole show
like this.

Oh, well, you
thought wrong,

Can somebody please
turn us back to

[Sighs] oh...

Man, you're no fun!

Ah...but if it's
fun you seek,

Well, then,
follow me.

Kenan, come on, man.
I was just kidding!

Kenan, can't we just
stay here and have
funny-looking heads?


Aw, here it goes!


"Sorry. You lose.
Try again."

O.k. I will.

"Sorry. You lose.
Try again."

Well...if you insist,
I guess I could.

Oh, doohickey!

I can't believe
my eyes.

It looks like
you're actually working!

No, there's nothing
wrong with your eyes.

It's your mouth
that's the problem!

Look, kenan.
Charla and I made
this banner.

We did it with
felt tip markers.

Ah, you should
both be very

Oh, we are.

It's for
the super saturday


So that's why it says
super saturday sale.

Yep. This saturday,
every item in the store

That begins with
the letter "s"
is half-price.

Hey, party people!

Kel, you ripped
my banner, you--you--

You ripper!

Look what you did!

How much longer
do I have to look?

Not much.

Hey, what's
a "urday sale"?

Kel, this saturday,
all items in the store

Beginning with
the letter "s"
are half-price.

Oh, like sam!

[Sighs] yeah, kel.

If sam were an item,

He'd be half-price.

But who is sam?

I don't know!
You brought him up!

I am not!but you're the one
selling him!

Hey, chris,
this saturday,

My daddy's throwing
a surprise anniversary
party for my mama.

He wanted me
to invite you.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry,
I can't go.

Mother and I
have tickets to go see
wrestle fever...

You know,
the musical about

Oh, that sounds like

A musical about wrestling.

Hey, hey, chris.

This saturday,
is orange soda


Orange starts with
the letter "o"!

Yeah, but soda starts
with the letter ssssss!

He's right, you know.

Oh, what does it matter?
He never pays for
anything anyway!

Good point!
Mmm, mmm, mmm!


Would you look at that?

I won a free soda!

[Woman speaks spanish]


[Man speaks spanish]

Ah! [Gibberish]

Man, why are we
watching this
spanish soap opera?

Do you even know
what's going on?

Yes, I know what's
goin' on!

Hector just dumped
juanita for consuelo

Who he thought was
out in the jungle,

But actually it was
her evil twin sister rina!

What?! You don't
even know how to
speak spanish.

Oh, yeah, I don't!

Hello, boys.

What's going on?

Hector just dumped

Oh, but what about
her evil twin?

Man, you watch this, too?


Well, I'm sure
juanita will be fine.

I'm going to check
on the meat loaf.

Ah. Commercial.

O.k., Boys.
Now everything's set
for the surprise party.

Your mother doesn't
know a thing!

That's not true!
She knows a lot of

Man, she doesn't know
a thing about
the party!


O.k. I need you guys

To pick up the cake
and the bracelet
I ordered.


I'm gonna b-ssh-shhh!

That don't make
no sense!

What are you boys
talking about?


That's not true.

We were talking about
the surprise pa--

The surprising par...t... meat loaf!

Yeah, yeah, we just love
surprises in the meat loaf.

Mmm. Well, good.
The meat loaf
will be ready in
a few minutes.

See? She knows

He said you didn't
know anything.

Oh, he did, did he?

Man, charla better
get here soon.

I gotta pick up
that bracelet
and that cake.

Hey, sausage begins
with an "s."

Is sausage half-off?


Which half?

O.k. That'll be
. .

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You didn't give me
my half-price

That's because
you don't have
any items

That start with
the letter "s".

What about
this pepper?

That's pepper.
Pepper starts with
a "p"--

You know,
as in pepper.

But pepper
is a seasoning,
and seasoning
begins with an "s".

He's right, you know.

And what about this?

That's a can of tuna.
Tuna starts with a "t"

As in "too bad.
No discount."

But this is
a small can of tuna,

And small begins
with an "s", as in
"stinky service"!

Can't argue
with that one.

Oh. Well, you know
what else starts
with the letter "s"?

"So long, see ya,
sayonara, and get out!"

Get out doesn't begin
with the letter "s".

Sorry I'm late.

Just kidding.
I'm not really
all that sorry.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, little charla
made a joke.

Get on the cash register!

I gotta get to
the jewelry store
and the bakery,

And they close
at : .

So? You got-- minutes.

What? Ah!

Oh, come on, ke--


Come on!

Is this turkey

It's turkey.

a sandwich meat.

Sandwich starts with
an "s".

Gotta go.

Hey, hey, hey.
Don't lean on
the glass.

Sorry. I'm here
to pick up a bracelet.

You're roger rockmore's kid.

You know, I know
your father for years.

About the bracelet--

Kenan, the bakery
closes in minutes!

I know!

Hey, don't lean
on the glass!


You know,
your father and I
spent some great times

I know,
but I know you're not
gonna tell me about
all them times, are you?

I remember one time...

Oh, he's telling me.
He's telling me!

We once rented
a boat, you know.

Hey, your father,
I gotta tell ya,

He didn't know
diddly squat about

Oh, yeah.
I love that story
with the boat and sailing...

But tonight
is my parents'
anniversary party,

And I only got
minutes to
pick up the cake!

Oh...they're having a party.

Well, they didn't tell me
anything about a party.

Oh, well, it's really
not a party party.

Sure it is!

Your daddy said
he's inviting
all of his
closest friends.

Oh, is he?
Well, I've never been
so insulted in my
entire life!

So, um,
about the bracelet--

Here's your
stinking bracelet,

And you can tell roger
I hope he has a great
time at his dumb party.

Hey, what'd I say
about leaning on
the glass?

Wait a minute,
I know--

Oh, you said
don't lean on
the glass!

We just gonna leave you
with your broken glass.

You can tell your father
I'm gonna put this
on his bill!

No, no, no,
don't close!
Don't close!



[Squeals] oh!


How can I help you?

I'm here to pick up
the cake for
roger rockmore.


Can you please not
lean on the glass?

How come?

How come?!

How many countertops
do you have to
crash through

Before you learn?!

I dunno. Uh... ?

Get off the glass!


I'll get your cake.

Don't touch that!

But it all looks
so tasty!



That looks delicious!

It's double
raspberry cake

With a mocha
creme center.


I can't wait
to get it home!


I don't suppose
that that loud
crashing noise

Came from anywhere
other than the store?


Didn't think so.

So you gonna put that
on my daddy's bill,

Yes, I am,

Well, come on, kel.


I'll be right there,



Be careful!

When am I not

Oh, I don't know.
When you're awake?

Well, we got the cake
here in one piece.

I bet you didn't think
we could do that.

The bracelet.
Where's the bracelet?

Looks nice on me,
doesn't it?

Oh, yeah.
It's very pretty.

You know what, kel?

Everything is
working out o.k.

Of course!
It always does!

Yeah. I'm just gonna
stick this cake in
the refrigerator.

Oh, kenan, kenan!


The cake almost
fell out the bottom!

Oh! Nice save, kel!

Well, here.
Hold the bottom
while I lift the cake out.

O.k. Be careful

Excusey! careful.


Ah, yeah.
This is great.

Boy, that's a nice

We're cool.

Oh, wait! I--


My daddy!

My daddy!

My daddy's gonna
be so mad at--

Why me?!

I'm just gonna
have to tell him

This whole thing
was your fault.
It's the only way!

Your daddy doesn't
have to know!
Maybe we can fix it!

Let me show you.
Do like that...

Then we just...

Fluff it up...

Oh, gotta think
of something!

Gotta think of--

I got it!

We'll make
a new cake!
Come on!

We don't know how
to cook a cake.

We have to try!
How hard can it be?

Come on!

All right.



O.k. O.k.

This looks easy.

The ingredients
are eggs,

Milk, butter,

Icing, and flour.

Sugar, icing,

O.k. I got
the icing

And I got
the sugar.

Come on.
What else?

O.k...uh, flour.


I said flour,
not flowers!



Well, what do we do now?

Well, it says here

To put all these
ingredients in a bowl

And mix them together
and then cook it.

O.k. Here goes
the flour.

O.k. And then--then--

Get these out the way!

Here go the sugar.

All right.
Need a lot of sugar.

Then the milk.
There we go.


O.k. There we go.

Here we go.
And the icing...


There you go!

Oh, yeah!



O.k. And then
what else?


Gimme the butter.

There we go.

All right.
All right.

Here come the eggs.

Help you
crack 'em?


Like that?


All right.
Come on. Come on!



Now we just mix
all the stuff


Not with your hand,
you nasty!

With this!


Hold on,
I gotta plug it in.

All right.


Can this thing go
any faster?

It's going
just fine.

No, I think
I wanna turn it up.

No, kel, wait,
don't turn it up
to the max!

Oh! Ah-ah-ah!


Oh, that's it--

Oh, kel, stop!

[Motor starts]

[Motor stops]



Well, what does
the book say
to do next?


How do I look?



The cake turned out
pretty good.

Yeah, we did
a pretty good job,
didn't we?


Don't touch the cake!

[Doorbell rings]

Somebody's here.

What are we
gonna do?!

Let them in!

I'll just set
our beautiful
little cake
down right here.


Howdy, neighbor!

Whoo! Would you
look at that?

It's your neighbors,
the grahams!

I can see that.

Welcome you all.

for coming.

Wow! The decorations
look lovely!

They sure do!

Yep. My daddy
put 'em up.

Oh, kenan, the couch!


Ooh! You sat in the--


That old couch!
Ha ha ha!

Excuse us.


I thought you were
gonna clean that up!

I thought you were!

oh, I'll get it.

No, no, no!
all right.

I'll get it.
You just sit. Keep sittin'.

Sit for the whole party.


Hey, party people!

Welcome to
my house.

Make yourselves


Uh, uh, uh,

That's alice!

But she doesn't mind
coming to you.

Come on in here,

Come on in and
visit your friend.

What'll I do with this?

Give it to kel,

Thanks, man!

Look at you!

Aw, yeah!


Yeah, whoo!



I can understand
one bathrobe,
but ?!

Um, kel...

What's the other
bathrobe for?

I mean, in case
of an emergency
if the other
bathrobe break?

Bad gift!

Kel, those bathrobes
are gifts
for my parents!



We just saw your
parents up the street!

They should be here
at any second!

Oh, everybody hide!

Oh, no, no, no!
You go right down here

And hide under
this here pillow.

Father: well,
here we are, home!

Mother: yes, roger,
we're home.

Hey, it's them!

All: shh!

Roger: I'm taking the
key out of my pocket.

Putting the key
in the lock.

I'm turning the key.

Just open the door!

All: surprise!!

Happy anniversary!

[Kel screaming]

Oh, roger, did you
know about all of this?


Oh, honey, I can't wait
to spend another
years with you.

All: aw!

look at the cake!

Oh, come on, everyone.
Let's have some cake!

What do you say
I cut this cake into
individual portions

For everybody?!

It's a double chocolate
raspberry cake

With a mocha creme


No, no, it's not.

Actually, it's
a vanilla cake with
strawberry icing.

Kenan, that's not
the cake I ordered.


Those bakers
make me so angry!

They lied to me!

O.k., Calm down,
son. Calm down.

It's o.k. It's o.k.
You did a good job.
It's a fine cake, o.k.?

It's all right.
It's all right.
It's o.k.

if you say so.

Kenan, kenan, kenan,
where's the bracelet?

Oh, well,
it's right here

Right on kel's--



It--it's in the kitchen,

That's where it is.

Come on, kel.
Me and you gonna go get
the bracelet in the kitchen.

the bracelet, man?!

Where'd you put
the bracelet?!

I had it on my wrist.
It must have fallen off!

It's gotta be here
Start lookin'!

Eew, man, I wish
this place wasn't
so messy.

Where is it?

The bra--


The batter!

Oh, man,
the bracelet must
have fallen off
your wrist

When you were
stirring the batter
with your hand!

Where is it now?

[Choked off squeal]

The cake!
We cooked
the bracelet
into the cake!

Oh, we gotta
get it!


Excuse me, party people.

Oh, I need to check
something right fast.


What the--

Thanks! Enjoy!

Hi. Excuse me.
I just need to
check something.

Can I see that
for a second?


Here you go.


W-what? What?

Did ya find it?

But this cake is good!

Ha ha ha!
Honey, this cake
reminds me of our
honeymoon in cleveland.

Ha ha ha ha h!

Excuse me.

Can I hang this
up for you?
Thank you very much.

You know,
this cake
is so good,

I might just have
to take some home
with me!

Oh, I bet you will!

How clumsy of me!

Wow. I'm sorry.
I'll get you another
piece of cake.

While you're sittin'.



Come here!

What is going on

And where is
the bracelet?

Well, see, about
the bracelet, see...



Roger! Roger!

You put a bracelet
in my cake?

Oh, how romantic!

Look! Look!

Oh! Ha ha! Roger!

You are the best
husband ever!

Thank you!


Uh, kenan, I want to
see you in the kitchen,

Actually, dad,
I don't think
it would--



All right, mom,
you have a good

Take it easy now.
See ya!



Thank you.
Thank you.


Hey, did everybody
enjoy the show?

[Cheers and applause]

Well, your daddy
must have been
pretty mad, huh?

Actually, he wasn't
mad at all.

Really? What about
the mess in the kitchen?

He cleaned it

What about the cake
all over the couch
and mrs. Graham's butt?

Hmm. He thought
it was funny.

Did he get the bill
from the bakery
and the jewelry store

Where I broke
all that stuff?

Paid 'em.
In fact, he was
so happy that he
bought me a new puppy,

Some new video games,
and raised my allowance!


No, ditsy!

The man went coconuts!

I mean, he got so angry
I never seen him
so angry!

He grounded me
till next week's show.

In fact, I'm not
even supposed to be
out here right now.

Father: kenan!!

Um, kel, I gotta go.
But listen,
grab a clown,

A flag pole,
and a submarine,
and meet me in my room.

Come on,
buffalo bottoms!

Kenan! How am I supposed
to carry all that stuff?

Well, I guess
I could put the clown
and the flag pole

Inside the submarine.

But it still
seems rather difficult!


Aw, here it goes!
