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03x07 - I.Q. Can Do Better

Posted: 09/27/23 08:44
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're all
the same call ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like zigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

Captioning made possible by
and u.s. Department of education

Thank you!

Wow! Welcome to the

My name is kenan.

[Cheers and applause]


And I think my name
is kel!

[Cheers and applause]

My, my, my, kel.

Is that
a brand-new cologne
you're wearing?

Well, why, yes,
it is, kenan.

Thank you.

I can't believe
he's wearing that
nasty cologne!

Smells like
hot garbage!

Wow, what a great

Except for that guy
wearing the sombrero.

He seems
kind of creepy.

Oh, look.
There's my cousin!

Wow, nice sombrero.

Boy, I can't wait
to start tonight's

Hmm. I wonder where
giraffes come from?

They come from
mama giraffes!

Oh, thanks.


You can hear what
I'm thinking?

Yes, I can.
Now come along,

Save the thinking
for tonight's show.

Kenan, that's not fair.

How come you can hear
my thoughts but I can't
hear yours?

I wonder if I should say,
aw, here it goes now?

I guess I should.

Aw, here it goes!

Good morning, son.

Good morning,

And the milk...

And the milk!



Could you pass me
the sugar, please?

Oh, yeah.


There you go,

Thank you, son.

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, dear!good morning!



What's kel doing
on our table?

Looks like he's
sleepin', daddy.

Well, do you think
we oughta wake him up?

I suppose.

Hey, kel.





I'm awake.
I'm awake.

Good morning,

Kel, what are you doing
sleeping on our table?

I was up studying
all night.

I guess I must have
fallen asleep
or something.

I guess so!

Hey, mr. Rockmore,

It look like you got
bowls of cereal

And coffee
all over your shirt.

[Groans] eeh!

Hey, kel,

You weren't trying
to study for that
i.q. Test today,
were you?


Kel, you can't
study for an i.q.
Test, man.

I mean, it just
measures your

Either you have it
or you don't.



Whatcha doin' now?

Exercisin' my brain.

For the test.

Kel, calm down.

It's just
an intelligence test.

You're both very bright

I'm sure you'll have
nothing to worry about.

Yeah. Now, come on,


You really think
I'm smart?


Well, then let's go
take that test!

Kel! What are you doing?

the dictionary.

Whoo! They got
a word in here
for everything!

Kel, you can't study
for an i.q. Test!


Kenan's studying,

No, I'm not.
I'm drawing a funny
picture of principal dimly.

Kenan, that is
so childish.

But it sure is funny.

Let me see!

Ha ha! Whoo!
That is funny!

It look just like
principal dimly...

Except with
comically exaggerated


Look what kenan drew!

All right, kel,
stop, man.

Look, look.
He called her
principal dimwit.

Dimwit! Ha ha ha!

All right,
mark got his little
laugh on.

Now give me my
picture back, man,
before the principal
comes into the classroom.

Good morning, students.

Good morning,
principal dimly.

I baked you a pastry.

Give it to me later.

Kel, what are you doing?

Um, you know what?

I--i'm gonna
sit down.

Kel, what is that
you have in your hand?

Uh, nothing.
Here you go, kenan.
Here's your picture.

I don't know what
you're talking about, kel.

I never seen that
picture before
in my lifetime.
Just take your seat.

Kel, sit down.

All right.

Now, you all know

That today is the day
you take your i.q. Tests.



Relax, kel.

This test isn't
that important.

Now, this test
you are about to take

Is very, very important.


In fact, it's the
most important test

You will ever take
your entire life!


So from this point on,

There should be
no more talking.

Then ask it.
Well, what if we
want to ask you
a question?

How are we supposed
to ask you a question
if we're not supposed
to be talking?

Get my attention,
and I will come to you.

How are we supposed
to get your--


[Sighs] all right...

You may begin...

The test...



What do you have
for question one...

Through ?

Kel, are you crazy,

You heard
principal dimly,

We're not supposed
to be talkin'.


Don't shush me!

Kenan, I said
no talking.

No, principal dimly,
I wasn't talking.
I was just telling kel--


Hey, stop shushing me!

Please! You are
distracting the
other students!




That's great, mark.
Just sit down and
be quiet.

Let's see you
get out of this one!
Ha ha!

Honey, quick,
come look!

What is it?!

I'm about to beat
kenan in chess!




You sure showed him!


It was an accident!

The only accident
you made

Was playin' me.

Hey, rockmores!

Hey, kel.
Whatcha got there?

Oh. It's your mail.

Mrs. Rockmore!

You got a letter.
It's from your
cousin willie.

I really hope you guys
patch things up.

Um...thank you.

No problem.

And this is for you.
An overdue phone bill.

Roger, why didn't you
pay that phone bill?

Well, I was going to,

Kel, why are you
going through
our mail?!

I was seeing if
there was anything
for me.

But you don't
live here.

Why would you receive
mail at our house?

Uh, kel,
this is for you.

Thank you. Ah ha!

Man, what--how--

Looks like you got
the same letter.

Oh! Well, those must be
our i.q. Test results.


Oh, let's see!

I--i--i don't know,

You open up mine
for me.

Oh, now, kel, it's
just a silly little
intelligence test.

Yeah. I mean, even if
you did really bad
on the test,

We won't think
any less of ya.





Kel, you got
out of !

Way to go!


It says here
that a is a genius!

Man, I wish I got a !

Kel, you got
a , man!

That's way above

You like a super genius!

Like a super genius?
Like a super genius!

Whoo! Ha ha ha!

Wow! Hey, open
up yours.

Oh, psshh!

I can't wait
to see what I got, boy,

If you got a .

You got like
a thousand!

Mom: well?

How'd you do? ?

Mm-mm. !



That's great!

No, no!

I got a .

You got a ?

Yes, a !

Yes!a ?

You know,
more than .
Less than .

'S less than
a lotta numbers.

Isn't it?

There is no way
that I'm a , o.k.?

This has gotta be
some kinda mistake
or somethin'!

W-w-wait a minute, kenan.

Maybe isn't such
a bad score.

Let's look at
the chart.
Come on. Let's see...

And above is genius.

That's me!

Uh, o.k., Um...
... ...o.k.

Near genius...hmm.

Above average. Hmm.

Below average...

Aw, that's enough,

Way below average.


Oh, oh, oh.
, , !

Here it is!
Right here!
Right here.

Mmm. Never mind.

Thank you for
shopping at rigby's

Where the customer
is always right.


I think you gave me
the wrong change.

Well, you're wrong!
Now, beat it,
con artist!

Hey, hey!

Did you know
that at birth

A baby kangaroo
can outrun even
the fastest human being?

Did you know that
I don't care?

But it's true!

Charla, did you know

That there
are only bones
in the human foot?

Actually, kenan,
there are bones.

I knew that.

Kenan, you have
been sweeping
the same spot

For minutes!

So what you trying
to say, chris?

That I am not smart enough
to operate a broom?!

Ooh! Can I answer
that one?

I can sweep smart.
I can sweep smart.

Look, I'm sweeping real smart.
I'm sweeping real smart.

Hey! Hey!
Cut that out!

That's not
smart sweeping!

What is wrong
with you?!

Well, last week
we took the i.q. Test
at school--

Oh, the i.q. Test!

Oh, charla scored
a !

Anyway, kenan,
what were you saying?


Hey! You guys
like my new shirt?

Your shirt's on
inside out.


I'm a genius!

I--i can read!

Kel, not to be rude,

But whose shirt is that?

Ha ha!

It's mine!

I got a
on my i.q. Test!

It's official, y'all!

I'm a straight-up


Could be!

That kel
is a genius?

I don't believe

Kenan, what
did you get?

I got a , o.k.?!

Points below kel.

Way, way dumber
than a straight-up genius.

A ?

I heard a dog
took the test
and got a .

Don't feel bad,

I'm sure it was
a very smart dog,

Because the dumb dog
scored a !

Ha ha ha!ha ha!

Oh, ha ha, eh,
the dumb dog
scored a .

Oh, that does it!

Man, there's gotta be
some kind of explanation
for this!

There's no way
that I'm a !

Hey, kenan,

My fingers are stuck
in these bottles!

[Moans] oh...oh!

And how did he get
a ?!

Oh, that doesn't matter
come on, kel.

There's gotta be
something wrong with
those test results,

And I'm gonna find out
what it is.

Let's go, boy.
We gonna get to
the bottom of this.

Principal dimly!

I'm glad
we caught you!

What are you two
doing here?

Well, uh, miss principal,
uh, dim-dim-dimly,
miss lady,

I--i think that there
is a problem

With the i.q.
Test results.

That's impossible.

it says here that
I only got a ,

And that's gotta be
a mistake.

The i.q. Tests
are always correct.

There is no mistake.

I got a !

Let me see
those scores.

Here's mine.

Something does seem
to be wrong here.

I knew it! Ha.


I'd better
double-check these.

Kel, you gave her
the picture that
I drew of her!

How you know
it was me?

We gotta get it back!

I got an idea.

Push her!

Kel, I'm not about
to push the principal, man!

And how's that gonna
help us out of
the situation?

Oh, oh, oh, oh!i'm gonna take a look--

What's going on?!

I'm sorry.
Let me help you.

Let me help you up.

You know what

You tripped over kel
while he was down
there tyin' his shoe.

You all right?!

Yes, thank you, kenan.

All right.
I'm sorry.

Here you go.

Here's my real one.

Man...put that away!

Well, it looks like
you're right.

These tests were
scored incorrectly.

Ha! I knew it!

So...what did we get?


Your correct score is .


I'm a genius!

You did not get a .

I didn't?


you got a !



Man, my brain
is so powerful!

I bet I could
break this desk
with it!


You sure about
that ?

Good night, boys.

You should both be
very proud of your scores.

Thank you!whoo!

We're both
a genius!


Speaking of genius,

What's the big idea
giving her the picture
that I drew of her?

It was an accident.

Well, give it back
before you cause
another accident.

All right. Hold on.

Oh! Hey, man!

Get out my pockets!


[Snaps fingers]


I know where
I left it.

I left it in
principal dimly's

Well, let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Did you say
you left the picture
in her office?

Yeah, I'm sure
she'll give it back
to you. I wrote
your name on it.


Oh, man!

It's locked!

What are we gonna do?

[Snaps fingers]

I got an idea.


Wow. That was a really
bad idea, kel.

Of all the places
to leave that
specific picture...

I mean, leaving
an insulting picture
of principal dimly

In principal
dimly's office--

What are the odds?

I could climb through
this window right here!

N-n-no, kenan!

I've got to get
that picture!

No, but kenan--


Help me get
that ladder.

There you go.
All right.
Be careful.


Here we go.
I gotcha!
I gotcha!

I gotcha,

O.k., Almost got it.




What are you doin'?


That's not helpin'.

We can get in
a lot of trouble
doing this.

Almost got it.
Almost got it.

Oh, man,
not the ladder!



Did you hear that?

you said shh!

I'm not talkin' about
hearing me!

Somebody's comin'!

Kel: oh, we in trouble!
We in trouble!



Man, are you trying
to get us caught?

No. That would be

And you got a .

Forget it, man.
Let's just get
the picture and
get outta here!

All right.

Kenan, you gonna
make me fall!

I'm sorry!

All right.
Where'd you leave
the picture?

I dunno.

Maybe it's
in her purse.

Kel, don't look
through the principal's

Ha ha ha!
Dimly glasses!

all blurry!

Can't see a thing!



Doesn't it seem

That the principal
left her glasses

And come to think
of it,

It seems stranger
that she left her
purse here.

[Keys in door]

[Shrilly] ahh!

Kel, it's the principal!


[Telephone rings]



Oh, hello, snookums.

Yeah, I had to work
late, and my feet
are killin' me.

I would have been
home by now,

But I had
to come back
and get my purse,

And now I can't
seem to find it

I don't know what
I did with it.


Here it is.

I must be tired.

All right.
I'll see you soon.

That was close.

[Sniff sniff sniff]

Aw, man!

That woman's feet
burned away my
sense of smell!

I can't smell anything!

Would you cut it out?
We gotta find
that picture!

Turn the lights off!

All right.

Take off those

Oh, here we go.

[Alarm sounds]

I don't think
that was the
light switch!

No kidding!

Oh, man, let's just
get outta here!

The door's locked!



Kenan, kel?

What are you
doing in here?!


This isn't
my house!

Hey, kenan, look!

The picture
was in my pocket
this whole time!

Way to go, genius.

my fellow genius.


Ha ha ha ha!

May I see that, please?

Oh, wait.
You might need
your glasses.


Thank you!
Thank you!

Did everybody
have fun tonight?!

[Screaming and applause]


Kel, why do you
still have on that
"I'm a genius" shirt?

I don't know.
Because I'm...

♪ A genius ♪

Well, you look silly!

Take it off!

Ha ha ha.
I'm still a genius.

Oh, yeah.
I don't suppose
you have a shirt
under there

That says,
"I'm also a nut"?


It says
I'm not a nut.

You know what, kel?

You're not going
to believe this,

But I just got
an idea.

I believe it!

Kel, grab
a spice rack...

Oh, no!

A spice girl...


And a spicy

And meet me
at the ice rink!

Come on, froggy!

Kenan, is that a spicy
beef burrito

Or a spicy
chicken burrito?

Kenan, which spice girl?

Posh? Scary?

Jeremy? Tutti?


Aw, here it goes!
