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03x13 - Happy B-Day Marc

Posted: 09/27/23 08:43
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're all
the same call ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like siegfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you. Wow!

Wow. Thank you.

Welcome to
the show, ladies
and gentlemen.

For those of
y'all that don't

My name is
pronounced kenan.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.
Thank you.

And for those of you
that do know,

My name
is pronounced kel!

[Cheers and applause]

Thanks a lot.

All right, we got
a slammin' show
for y'all tonight.

I mean, we've got

We've got intrigue!

We got dancin'!


[Music plays]

[Music stops]

[Cheers and applause]

Hey, why'd you
stop the music?

Because, funky,
this is no time
for dancin'.

But...i gotta dance!

[Music plays]

[Music stops]

Well, then, save it
for tonight's show.

Now, come on, stubby!

I'm not stubby!

Why do you always
have to call me
funny names? Kenan!

Awwww, here it goes!

Hi there, chris.

Oh, hello, charla.

I'm gonna dust
the high shelves.



Did we lose 'em?

Lose who?

Marc graham,
my next door neighbor,

The guy we're runnin'

We're runnin'
from marc graham?

Why are you runnin'
from marc?

Because we don't
want him to invite us
to his lame birthday party.

Oh! Well, he'll never
think to look for you work.

Where you come
every day.

Thank you, charla.

I do so enjoy it
when you're witty!

Oh, no! Hey, kenan,
he's comin'!

Here comes marc graham!
He's comin' quick!

Why ya standing
in the doorway
all visible?

Get in here!
Tell him we're
not here!

But I don't
wanna lie to marc.
I don't even know
what to say.

Say anything!
Make up something.
Come on, kel.

Kenan, I don't--


Hey, my ladder!




Hi, marc.

I just dropped by
to invite you to my...
Birthday party!

This saturday.

It's a costume party.

Oh. Ha ha.

Thank you, marc.
really nice.

Chris: help!

Where's kenan?

Oh, uh, kenan?

Well, he--he, uh--

He's not here.

I just saw him
come in here
a minute ago.

Oh! Oh, oh, oh!

Ok, see he was
here, but what
happened was--



Mr. Potter,
are you ok?!

[Groans] ooh...oh...


That all depends.

Who am i?


Kenan, let me
borrow a pencil.

No! Don't touch
anything, man.
You'll mess it up.

How am I gonna
mess it up?


Well, as usual,
you were right
and I was wrong.

Oh, man,
it's marc graham again.

Hey, marc!

No "hey marc"!

If he sees us,
he'll try to invite us
to his birthday party.

Ooh, the nerve
of that jerk!

He's coming.
Quick, hide!

Hey, guys!



He didn't invite us.

Yeah. That was
close, huh?

I can't believe
he didn't even try
to invite us!

I mean, how could
you not invite us?

Yeah. He saw us
and said hi and
just kept walking.

Who does he think
he is

Not inviting us
to his party?

Wait a minute.
I thought you said
you didn't wanna go.

That's right.
I don't.

Matter of fact,
I'm glad he didn't
invite me to his party!

Nobody probably
gonna be at his
dumb old party anyway.

I can't wait
for marc's party.

Me, too.
gonna be there!

Boy, I'm glad
I'm not going to
that dumb old party.

Though I must admit
I am a little curious
about not being invited.

Maybe he didn't
invite you, because...

[Vacuum drowns out


What are you saying?

Did you say

Yeah. I can't hear
what you're saying
about marc not
inviting me.

Aw, man, all I was
sayin' was that...

[Vacuum runs]

Same problem!

Kel, i--

I can't hear
what you're sayin'.


What I got to
say to you--

Oh, never mind.

Kenan, unwind me!

Unwind me!

Why were you
in the first place?

Well, I was pretending
that I was an astronaut,

And I was sucking up
rock samples from
the surface of the moon.



Ha ha ha!

But it is not fair!

I was robbed!

don't be such
a sore loser!

Yeah, daddy.
I beat you
fair and square.

It's not my fault
you can't play



Hey, kenan, look
what marc graham
gave me.

Ah ha ha ha!

Thank you very much.
I knew it.

It's the invitation
to his party.

I knew I was invited.

"Mark graham
cordially invites you,

Kyra, to his
birthday pa--" huh?

That's my

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

That--that's funny.

He invited your
little sister,
and he didn't
invite you. Pfft!

Yeah. That's...
Pretty funny, huh?

Kenan, marc didn't
invite you?

Oh, well, I'm sure
it's just a mistake.

Why don't you walk over there
and ask him about it?

I'm not going over
there begging marc

To go to his stupid
old costume party!

I'm glad
I'm not going.

Well, ok, if that's
how you feel!

Come on, kyra,
let's go work on
a costume for you.

Hi, kel.


Ha. And besides...

Kel and I are gonna
do something even
more fun tonight.

Isn't that right, kel?


I can't.

Whaddaya mean,
you can't?

I got invited
to marc's party, too.

[Gasps] hoooo!


You got invited,
and you didn't say

Well, I did say

I told him
I would go.

Why, that little

Of all the--

Boy, if--ooh!

[Runs vacuum]

Marc not inviting me
to his party...

Well, I'm glad
I get to go!

It's gonna be
so much fun!

I'm sorry.

Wh-wh-what are you
lookin' at?

Ah, nothin'.
Not your ears.

There he is.

You know what?

I betcha he meant
to invite me

But forgot to!

that makes sense.

He probably
just forgot!

Yeah, yeah,
and I bet your

Is still in
his backpack!

I'll bet you're
right, man!

Why don't you
distract him,

And I'm gonna
look in his

[Wheezy cough] pah!

♪ Kel! ♪

♪ K-e-l ♪
spells kel!

♪ Marc ♪

♪ M-a-- ♪

♪ Arc! ♪

What's going...

What's going on?

Uh, i--i want to
talk to you about
the world today.

You know,
there's a lotta
things going on
in the world today,

And I was upset
about it, and
I figured I'd come--

Aw, kenan,
I can't do it!

Ha! Well, I know what
this looks like,

But I can explain. knee

Um, due to

And I accidentally
fell into your

[Bell rings]

Ooh! Oh, gotta
get to class.
Don't wanna be late!

Hey.well, if that was
marc's backpa--

What are you doin'
in my backpack?

Now, remember,
don't say anything
to kenan about
my party, ok?

See...he's having
ear surgery
that day,

And I don't want
him to feel bad
about missing it.

Kenan's having
ear surgery?

Yeah! He's making
'em smaller!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, you guys,
check it out!
Guess what I
just heard!

Kenan's making
his ears smaller?

Yeah. Didn't you

No, he didn't tell me.
Kenan! Oh, kenan, why?

Charla told me
all about it
the other day.

See, I came in
the store looking
for kenan...

Chris was falling

He was here,
but what happened



Mr. Potter,
are you ok?

That all depends.

Who am i?

So where's kenan?

I wanted to
invite him
to my party.


I--i don't think
that kenan can
make it.

You see, um...

I, uh, I shouldn't
tell you this,

But, um...kenan is--

That day.


He--he--he's having,

Uh, he's having
surgery on his,


Yeah. That's right.

Yeah, he's having
ear surgery, see?

He's making his ears

Really? I never noticed
his ears were too big.

Oh, yeah.
They're huge.


Imagine that.

O-oh, kenan,
poor kenan!

Don't say anything
to him about his ears, ok?

It'll just hurt
his feelings.

Oh, the secret's
safe with me.

And that's why
I had my hands
in your backpack.

I see.
Makes perfect sense.

What a delightful

Look, everyone.

'Ear's kenan!

I had no idea
that kenan was
so sensitive
about his ears.

I never noticed
anything strange.

At least
he's correcting
the problem.

Mom, dad,

I don't think
we got enough spinach!

good thinking, son.

Sure would be embarrassing
to run out of spinach
for your party.

We don't want
a repeat of what
happened last year!

Ha ha ha ha!
Oh ho ho ho!

Ok, your total
for party supplies is...

$ .

Wow! Ha ha ha.

That's some chunk
a change!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whatcha got there,

Nothin'. Just...
Bags of stuff.


Looks like
a lotta stuff
for people.

Oh, yeah!
We go through
a lotta stuff.

A lotta stuff!

What are y'all
lookin' at?

Nothing! Ahem.

I don't know
what you're talking
about, young man.

See ya, kenan.

Man, they're buyin'
stuff behind my back,

And then they're lookin'
at me all weird.

I'm telling you,
something's up with
those grahams, man.

Something's up--

Uh, no, uh...

Nothing's wrong
with your ears.

My ears?

Hey, kenan.

Kel, something weird's
goin' on, man.

People have been
starin' at my head
all funny,
like this--

I haven't noticed
anything strange.

Now, see!
Now you're doin' it!
What are you
lookin' at?!

Nothing! Nothing!
I wasn't looking at
anything at all!

Nothing! Aw, man!

You've broken me,

Are ya happy?

I know why everybody's
lookin' at you strange,

And I know why marc
won't invite you
to his party.

Well, then, tell me!
Tell me why!

I can't!
It's a secret!

Tell me!

I can't.

You can't tell me,

Ok. I understand.

Uh, kenan?


What are you doin'
with that orange
soda bottle?

Aah! Aaaaahhh!

What did orange soda
ever do to you?!

Are ya sure
you can't tell me?


I promised!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!


Ok, ok, ok!

I'll talk!
I'll talk!

Oh! I'll talk!

Just leave the orange soda
alone, you m-monster!

All right.
Now tell me why marc
won't invite me to
his party.


[Sobbing] ok!

Marc...won't invite you
to his party...


Don't say anything to him

About his ears.

It'll just hurt
his feelings...

[Echo] feelings...


Marc...won't invite you
to his party because...

He doesn't like you?!

Yeah! That's it!

He doesn't like you.

[Voice breaks]
he doesn't
like me, huh?


And he don't
want me to go
to his party, huh?

All right.

Well, I've got news
for mr. Marc graham.

I'm gonna make sure
he has a birthday party
he never forgets!




Oh, what a lovely
gift, kenan!

Thank you so much!

Psshhh! Oh! I'm all
covered in motor oil!

Oh, my party's ruined.

Heh heh! That's what you get
for not inviting kenan
rockmore to your party!

Son, who are you
talking to?

Oh, no one, daddy.

And what is
all this junk doing
on the table?

A little
something kyra did.
I'll clean it up,

Ok. Well, we're
going to the ball game.

Now you just
have fun here,
all alone doing nothing
on a saturday night.

Roger, don't
rub it in!

Th-that's all right, mama.

I think I'm gonna
enjoy tonight just fine.
Bye, now.


Bye, son.

[Loud music plays]oh, listen!

Father: party!

Hey, kenan.
You like my costume?

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Costume's great.

Love the costume
with the hockey stick
and the black eye.

Listen, I need you
to do me a favor.

Take this gift over
to mark graham's house
for me, please?

He didn't invite you
to his party, and you
still got him a gift?

Oh, he deserves it!

[Loud music

Howdy, ma'am.

Hey, hey, hey, kenan.
How you feelin'?


Your ears don't
look any different.


Hey, kel,

Wanna take me
over to the

Nah, I'm not
goin' to the party.

You're not?

I'm gonna stay here
with my good friend

If you were plannin'
on stayin' here,

Why you got on
that goofy cowboy

Kenan, this is not
a costume!

This is some outfit
I threw together.
Thought ya might
like it.

Kel, you don't
have to pretend
that you don't
wanna go

To marc's party.
If you wanna go,
just go.

Really? Hoo!
Let's go! Come on!

[Loud music]

Wait, I just--

I--i was bein'

Oh, the present, man!

She forgot the present.


Well, i...

Guess I'm just gonna
have to take it over
there myself.

Why, hello there,
mr. Ninja!


Why don't you take
your birthday gift

And put it over on that
pile of birthday gifts
over there, ok?

all right.
I think I will.

Thanks for
bringing me to
the party, kel.

I didn't!
Oh, I can't feel
my arm.

You guys
having fun?


Hey, nice costume,

Why, thanks.
I'm a hot dog.


I'm a western guy.


Oh, by the way, kyra.

How are kenan's ears?


Well, hello there.

What's your name?


Nice to meet you,

Nice to meet you,

Don't you work at
that grocery store

Ragby's or drugby's?


Oh, rigby's. Right.

You work with
that one guy, um,


What do you think
of him?

I heard he's kinda
smart and funny and
boyishly handsome.

Well, actually,
I think kenan's a jerk!

I mean, I can't
stand the guy.

W-what?! I--i mean...

Oh, give it up, kenan!
I know it's you.

I thought you didn't
wanna come to marc's
dumb old party.

Mind your business.


I just wanna thank
each and every one of you

For coming to
my party tonight.

I'm just sorry
we ran out of spinach.

But now why don't we all...

Open the presents?

No, silly ninja!
We can't open
the presents yet!

First we have to have a...

[Snaps fingers]
dance contest!

[Music plays]

Go, bernard.
Go, bernard.

go, bernard! Go, bernard!

Go, bernard,
go, bernard!

go, bernard, go, bernard,
go, bernard, go, bernard.

This is a great party.
Everybody's getting jiggy!

Oh, yeah! Get jiggy!

Uh, shouldn't you
use a cup?

Whoo! Ninja!

Kel, it's me.

I--i'm sorry.
I don't know
any ninjas.




Kenan! Oh!

Kenan, is that you?

Yeah, that's right.
It's me.

How do you like that?

Ah ha!

I'm so glad
you came!


If you're glad
that I came,
then why didn't
you invite me?

Because charla told me
all about getting
your ears reduced!


Ha ha ha...

Hey, kids, what do you
all say we all gather 'round

And watch marc open
his birthday presents, huh?

Sounds great.

Kel, you said
that marc didn't
invite me

Because he didn't
like me.

I only said that
because I didn't want
to hurt your feelings.

Well, that makes
perfect sense.

Oh, honey,
open this one.
It's from kenan.

Oh, the gift, man!
He's opening the gift!

Hold on!

Why don't you open
this one next, man?

It's from diane.

[Sputters and coughs]