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03x02 - Skunkator vs. Mothman

Posted: 09/27/23 08:40
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ It's kenan and kel,
or should I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top ♪

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ 'Cause they're always
getting caught ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like zigfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here it go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪

Captioning made possible
by nickelodeon

And the u.s. Department
of education

Thank you,
thank you very much.

Um, kel?
These people just

Gave us a nice round
of applause, man.

Aren't you gonna
say thank you?


Anyway, ladies
and gentlemen, kel!

Give it up
for him one time!

[Cheers and applause]

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Um...kel? Are you aware
that you're talking

Like a comic book

Whoo! Well, I love
comic books too.

As a matter of fact,
comic books are

A very big part
of tonight's episode.

And since it's such
an action-packed show,

Why don't we get it
started right away?

That's what I say.
Right away.

Yeah, I'm afraid so,

Come along, now,

Ah, I like to walk
off the stage.


I'm sorry
about the wait, sir.

It's just that
I'm the only one
in here and...

I don't wanna hear
your life story.

Just give me one
of those hot dogs.

Yes, sir.

Here you go.
That'll be $ . .

[Telephone ringing]


Hey, this hot dog
is burned!

Uh-huh. Right.
Yeah. Uh-huh.

Excuse me! I wanted
a hot dog that was
tender and juicy.


Could you hang on
a second please?

Don't be alarmed,

That's just
the brand-new
ice machine.

I can't eat
this hot dog!

Sure, you can!
Aw! Aw! Eat it!
You like that, huh?

Young man?

What are these?

Those are washington
red delicious apples,

You know,
like the sign says.

I see. So these are apples?

Yes, ma'am.

I see. Where are they grown?

Well, they're called
washington red
delicious apples,

So I'm guessing they
come from washington.

I see. Are they delicious?

Again, they're called
washington red
delicious apples,

So I guess they're
pretty gosh-darn tasty.

Can you hurry, please?

Young man,
are these apples red?

Lookie here.

These are washington...

They're apples.
They come from

They're delicious,
and they're red!

I see.

Now, I got people
waiting over there.

You wanna buy
an apple or not?

No, thank you.


Hey, kenan! Guess what?

I can't talk now, kel.

Sure, you can.

I just heard words
come out of your mouth.

Just hang on a second,


Hey, guys,
what's the dealie-o?

You gotta do something
about that ice machine.

It sounds like it's
about to explode.

If it gives you any trouble,
the "off" switch is on top.

Hey, chris,
did you know
"chris potter"

Is "sirch rettop"?


Hey, kenan,
guess what?


The big comic book
convention is
this saturday.


Did you say saturday?

Yeah, yeah. I think so.
Let me check,

Hey, kenan. The big
comic book convention...

Yup, that's what I said.

Oh, man! I have to work
this saturday.

Before I forget...

You might think
about turning down

The hot dog cooker to "warm"

After they've been
in there a few minutes.

By the way. You've been
so overworked lately,
I was thinking

Of hiring another employee
to help around the store.

That way you won't have
to work every saturday.

[Angelic choir sings]

Boy, this is gonna be
the best comic book
convention ever!

Ooh, kenan, check it out!

Patty the power pixie
is gonna be there

With mothman
signing autographs.

Man, I love moth man!

I don't believe it.

No, I really love

Not that, man. This!

Somebody's gonna be selling
skunkator # !

That's all I need
to complete my collection!

not that great.

I bet mothman
could beat him

With one wing tied
behind his back.

Are we forgetting about
skunkator's stink ring?

Not even mothman can
withstand the stink.

But, see, mothman
would just turn
into a cocoon,

And nothing can get
to him.

Mothman can also
fly under water

And kick skunkator's butt!


But it's true.

You're forgetting that skunkator
has a razor-sharp tail.

Bam, bam!

I'm not forgetting

Skunkator's a wuss.

Please! I could beat up

Look, look, look, look!

Everybody knows
that mothman

Is the super-ist...

Hero in the galaxy.

I agree with kel.

I can't believe
I said that.

Mm-hmm. Come on, moth lover.

Man, I can't wait to get
to that convention tomorrow.

It's a good thing chris is
hiring that new employee.

And, you know, tomorrow
I'm gonna make sure that
he hires the best person

From which I'm sure will be
a very, very talented group.

So, ned, is it?

You were supposed
to fill out
the application

Before you came
in here.

Are you telling me
what to do?

T--t--telling? I--i
wouldn't say telling.

Suggesting might be...

'Cause I don't like people
telling me what to do.


Did you ever think that
part of having a job

Was people telling you
what to do?

Nobody tells me
what to do!!!!!

Not bad! I like him.

Are you daffy?!

Don't worry. We're seeing a lot
of people today.

They can only get better.

[Loudly] so why do you think
you'd be a good employee
here at rigby's?

When was the last time
you took a bath, man?

Years ago.
But I don't see what that
has to do with this job.

And I'm great
with customers!

That's why I was voted
supermarket employee
of the month.

Well, that's very

But, uh...

You're naked, man.


Do you like orange soda?

Oh, yeah!

Boy! I haven't seen anyone
I'd wanna hire.

Boy, are you picky!

Who's left, chris?

Well, we have
one more applicant...

A sharlya morrison.



Hi. I'm chris.
This is kenan,

And for some reason,
this is kel.

Hi. How're you doing?

Oh. Very impressive.
You've worked in stores before.

Well, yeah.
At my last job,
I helped the manager
set up a computer system

So we could order supplies
over the internet.

It was my idea
to put the candy
on the shelves

In alphabetical order.

Tell her, chris,
tell her.

It's true.

What are your feelings
toward orange soda?

You'll have to excuse
my friend here. He's insane.

Great, sharlya.
When could you start?

Really? Wow!

How about saturday?

Perfect! Saturday is
a great day to start!

Saturday would
be fine, sharlya.

We'll see you here
at : a.m.

Thanks. See you then.

Let me get this door
for you.

Kenan, you be here
at : a.m. Too.


You have to be here

At : a.m.
To train sharlya.

Yeah, you can't just
leave her here alone
on the first day.

What about the comic book

I was gonna go buy
skunkator # !

[Whining] it's the only one
I need!

I'm sorry. I'd do it,

But I have
to take mother

To the petting aquarium
to pet the fish.

I understand.

[Deep sigh]

Wait up, kenan.




Aw, kenan, man.
Come on, man.

It's not that bad.

Hey, look, look, look.

There'll be
another convention
in a year. Yeah!

And a year is only days,
which is only , hours,
which is...

Kel! You're not
cheering me up.

You know what?

I'm going
to that convention.

Yeah, man,
but what about
training sharlya?

Well, I'll give her
a crash course first thing
in the morning. Yeah!

Then I'll be out
of there in time to
go to the convention.

She seems like
a smart girl.

She'll be o.k. On her own.

Yeah, then I'll be on my way
to complete my collection

Of the greatest
comic book super hero
of all--

♪ Skunkator ♪

♪ Mothman ♪



No, no, no. Look!
I don't wanna argue.

All right? I'll talk
to you tomorrow.

We don't have to argue
about this.

♪ Mothman! ♪

All right. Apples,
batteries, paper towels,

Cereals, scouring pads.
You name it, we got it.

Do you have
picnic tables here?


Well, you just said
you name it, we got it.

Now, I named picnic tables,
and you don't got it.

We've got a lot
to cover, all right?

We don't have time
for your little witty
observations, o.k.?

Now, over here's
where the action is,

The very nerve center
of rigby's.

Oh, the nerve center.
Well, it looked more
like a cash register
to me.

[Shrilly] oh!

Again with the wit.

Look, it's got numbers
on it and money inside.

Oh! A nerve center.
Ha ha ha ha.

[Ice machine rumbling]

O.k., You two, I'm off.

Kenan, you'll show
sharlya the ropes, o.k.?


Hey, I'm sorry you have
to miss

That fantastic
comic book convention.

Oh, that's o.k.


Boy, I feel terrible
about this.

Before I pick up mother,
I'm gonna stop by
that convention

And buy kenan that
skunkator comic book.
That should cheer him up.

That's really nice
of you, mr. Potter.

Oh, please call me chris.

Oh, I call him
sirch rettop.

Kel, you make
my head hurt.

Really? This is what
makes my head hurt.


Is chris gone?

Uh-huh. My head hurts.

You know what, sharlya?

I almost forgot.
Gosh darn it.

I gotta take care
of some...thing.

Yeah. I'll just be
a second.

O.k., But aren't you
gonna show me how
to work...

Hey, I'm gonna show you
it all.

Just hang on a second.
Be back. Peace.


Oh! Oh, check it out, kel!

It's tooth man!

And there's the human puddle.

Kenan, look! Look!

It's a man selling
orange soda!

Come get your orange soda
right here.

Who loves orange soda?

♪ Kel loves orange soda ♪

Is it true?

Mm-hmm. I do,
I do, I do...ooooooo!

Come on, kel. We gotta get
the skunkator # .

Excuse me.
I seem to be lost.

Did you hear that?

Yeah. Sounded
like chris.

Could you tell me
where the snack bar is?

How do you like that!
Chris wasn't spending
the day with his mama.

He just wanted to come down
to the comic book convention.

He deceived me.
Oh, the irony.

Hey, we should go
say hi.

Are you nuts?!
If he spots us,
I'll get fired!

All right. Come on, kel.

We gotta find a way
to get skunkator #

And get back to the store
without chris seeing us.

Yeah. Maybe we should
pick up something
for sharlya.

Yeah. I almost forgot
about sharlya.


I'm sure she's doing fine.

Hey, this hot dog's
a little overdone, isn't it?

I'm sorry,
but the cooker
seems to be set
a little too hot.

Why don't you
turn it down?

I don't know how.

And I don't know
how to open

The stupid
cash register

[Drawer crashes,
money spills]


Hey, I think
your ice machine's broken.

you think?!

Come on, kel.

♪ Da da da da da
da da da! ♪

How do I look?

Ridiculous. Who are you
supposed to be?

Patty the power pixie!

Uh-huh. Well, come on, pixie.

Let's just find my comic
and get outta here.

Skunkator, skunkator!

Oh. Well, hello there,
little boy.

I'm skunkator.

And I'm patty
the power pixie!

can you burn a hole
in patty the power pixie
with your laser vision?

No, I'm sorry,
little boy.
I can't do that.

I don't have
laser vision.

Yes, you, I don't.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

In skunkator
you used your laser vision
to melt the evil eskimo.

Listen here, idiot.
That wasn't skunkator,
all right?

That was his sometimes-
sidekick beaverboy.

It's beaverboy who has
the laser vision.

Mothman has laser vision.

Kel...uh, patty,
would you forget it?

You're not skunkator!
I hate you!

ooh! You little...


Come on, kel.


Look, it's skunkator!

[All exclaiming]

You're my hero.

Well, yes, I am skunkator.
It's nice to see you all.

And I'm...
Patty the power pixie!

Excuse me, sir.
I would like to get
skunkator # , please.

Hey, hey, hey!


Oh, hello there, young man.

Wow! I just bought
one of your comic books
for one of my employees.

He needs it to complete
his collection.

[High voice] really?
I--i mean...

[Deeper voice]
word to your mama.

He's your biggest fan,
no offense, patty.

Actually, you're my favorite
super hero.

Remember the time you tied up
the angry daffodil

With your magic ribbon?

[Falsetto voice]
well, he had it coming.

Oh, excuse me. Would you take
a picture of me with these two?

Excuse me.

Thanks, you two.

I'm gonna get this framed,

And I'm gonna bring it to kenan
along with his new comic.

Wow, man, this is great.
I mean, I got to come down
to the comic book convention,

And chris bought me
that comic.

I mean, this day
is turning out better
than I could have
ever planned.

Kenan, where are you?

Come on, kel. We gotta
get back to the store
before chris does.


Kel, we gotta...

Mothman, mothman!

What is it, patty?

Doh! He thinks I'm patty
the power pixie!

Mothman, there's somebody
I want you to meet.
Come on.

Mothman, this is skunkator.

How are you?

Nice to meet you.

We've been arguing and arguing

About who'll win in a fight
between you and skunkator.

That's silly.

Isn't it? Now,
come on, uh, patty.

We gotta get back
to the store.

Mothman would
destroy skunkator.

Oh, really?!

Well, I beg to differ.

Please. It wouldn't
even be close.

Why don't you guys
fight right here
to see who'll win?

Do you really
think that you can
withstand my stinkray?

My cocoon protects me
against anything.

Plus I can fly,
and I can sh**t
photon rockets out
of my antennae.

Oh, yeah? Well, skunkator
also has rabies torpedoes

And the ability
to turn invisible.

And laser vision.

I don't have
laser vision!

Skunkator is just
a smelly, mangy rodent

Who lives in a hole
in the woods.

Well, you're just
a nasty little insect.

Anybody can k*ll you
with a rolled-up

Maybe you'd like to try.

You're breathing on my fur.

[People cheering]

This is the greatest day
of my entire life!

[Bell dings]

Hey, sharlya, I'm ba...

What happened?

Well, obviously
the register broke,

The ice machine

And the hot dogs
caught on fire.


where have you been?

How could you leave me
alone like this?

Well, i--i'm sorry.


Oh, man! The switch
is up here.

Well, thank goodness
skunkator was here
to save the day.

And patty
the power pixie!

Will you stop it
with the pixie dust?

How're we gonna get rid
of all this ice?

Why don't you melt it
with your laser vision?

Skunkator does not have
laser vision!

Touchy subject.

Oh, what happened
to the hot dogs?

They caught on fire.

You're supposed
to turn them down

After they've been
in there a while.

You never told me that!
You never told me anything!

You were too busy running
around town dressed
like a skunk!

I said I was sorry!

Here comes chris!

Wait a minute, now!

I got to do something...

Get in the back!

Don't leave me here
by myself!

What am I supposed to do?!

What the...?

Uh...hi, chris.

What on earth happened here?

Well, uh, things got
messed up.

I see that. Sharlya,
I want an explanation,
and I want it now!

Where is kenan?

Uh, well, well...

Here I am!

Kenan, how could you be
lollygagging back there

While my store
is falling apart?!

Both: lollygagging.

How could you
let this happen?

I'm sorry, chris, man.

This is all my fault.
I feel terrible.

Kenan, I am very
disappointed in you.

Well, actually,

This isn't all
kenan's fault.

All: it isn't?

Well, see, I asked him

To go to the bank
to get some change
for the register,

And this all happened
while he was gone.

Yeah. I went to the bank,

But the line was so long
that I just...came back?


I see. Well, clean
this all up, o.k.?

Kenan, I got you
that comic book you wanted.

I thought it might
cheer you up.

Oh, chris,
I'm so surprised!

Hey, what about
the picture?

Oh, yeah, I almost
forgot the picture.

I had this picture--
how did you know
about the picture?

What picture?

♪ Da da da da da da ♪

Kenan, what is
with those shoes?

Oh! Um...

These are
my bedroom boots.

Yeah, my bedroom boots.

I must have left them on
this morning, that's all.

They look very comfy.
I'll have to buy some
for mother.

Oh, speaking
of mother...

I better be going!


Wow, sharlya,
you covered for me. Why?

Well, I figured that
since we're coworkers,
you know,

We need to look out
for each other.
I agree.

And I also figure
that you can

Work my saturdays
for the next month.

I agree.

Let me see
that skunkator # .

Hey, man, give me that,

This is skunkator # , man.
Mint condition.

You! There you are!